Freya: A goddess with a fickle disposition. Rituals It should be borne in mind that, unlike many other gods, Freya hears all human prayers, her heart is so soft, so overflowing with tenderness that she sympathizes with the suffering of each Freya's runes and Seals


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Limited offer: With December 27, 2016 until January 10, 2017 (10:00 Moscow time)
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Detailed description of Agathion Frey

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Vis when addressing the Gods

In runic magic, when addressing the Gods, it is customary to pronounce visas - scaldic invocations. The obligatory form of the visa is the eight-line. Visas were separate, they consisted of drapes (songs of praise with a chorus) and flock (less honorable, without a chorus, everyday content). Skaldic poetry is famous for its strict form, odious content and complex, richly embellished language, such as kennings (poetic paraphrases, for example, a warrior is a maple of battle, a woman is a pine outfit, a lynx is the ringing of earrings, a crow is a seagull of wounds). In addition to the above, the poetry of skalds is characterized by complex syntactic constructions and ornate size (usually drottkvet). There are already written visas. But you can invent a visu yourself, which is also very much appreciated by the Gods.
Examples of vis dedicated to Gods and heroes: Freye
O Freya, Goddess,
Reigning in Sessrumnir!
Njord's daughter and Oda's wife.
Of the Vanir you, virgin,
Wearable door chain.
Mother Hnoss and Gersimi,
And Freyra's sister!

Your gaze strikes with an arrow
You break hearts
Hrimtursen and Khyumir
We paid for the passion!
The one who died is perishable ..
We have fought more than once.

Lady of the Fallen!
In your chariot
You rush, in the wind, in a hurry.
Thor himself is your protector!
And cats are drivers
And, of course, no
More beautiful than You !! ..

Freya's altar

It is better if the altar is located outdoors. The ideal option is a stone, an old tree stump, or just earth. The altar cover is optional, but if you choose to use it, the best colors are yellow and green. If you have a figurine or an image of a goddess, place it in the center. Altar candles are green, yellow, gold, or brown. Decorate the altar with flowers. Freya's symbols of daisies are best suited. You can also put a primrose on the altar. If possible, keep the flowers alive - right in the pots. You can also place figurines or images of cats on the altar. Freya's stone - amber - will also be a wonderful addition to this place of power.


Colors: red, pink, black, brown, green and silver. Animals: cat, hare, horse.
Birds: raven.
Day of the week: Friday.
Plants: daisies, violets, primrose.
Stones: amber, tiger's eye.
Smells: mint, rose, sandalwood.
Symbols: boat, sword, full moon.
Runes: Fehu, Uruz, Thurisaz, Ansuz, Raidho.
Magic: love, beauty, protection, family, weather, memory, wisdom.

Goddess Invocation

Freya, great goddess, come to us,
Freya, bearing many names, come to us,
Freya, daughter of Njord, come to us,
Freya, wife of Oda, come to us,
Freya, Freyra's sister, come to us,
Freya, mother Hnos, come to us,
Freya, queen of the Valkyries, come to us,
Freya, keeper of magic, come to us,
Freya, greatest of gods, come to us,
Freya, the most beautiful on earth, come to us,
Freya, mistress of nature, come to us,
We cry to you, great goddess,
Come to our Circle, illuminate it with your light.

You can turn to the help of Freya or Disa if you are not sure of your strength, for example, before an upcoming meeting or when dealing with a very tough person. If someone prudently and constantly harms you, and your strength is already running out, this ritual will restore them. It is best to send it on a full moon.
You will need a staff, sword or dagger, mask and hooded cloak. If you don't have a raincoat, tie a shawl or towel over your head. Do not start this ritual if you do not have all the necessary attributes. Think of something! Light a jasmine or lotus incense.
Play instrumental music that you associate with power. Personally, I prefer the Flight of Wagner's Valkyries: it gives me a sense of unity with Freya and her Disir rushing into the night.
Put on your mask and hood. Take a staff in one hand and a sword or dagger in the other. Stand in the center of your ritual area and hit the floor with your staff nine times. Call:

Freya! Leader Dis!
Come to my aid!
My strength is melting
And I need to strengthen it!
Raise your sword and say:
Nobody has the right to humiliate me!
Nobody has the right to take my powers!
I am your / I am a son / daughter, powerful
Freya! Hear my request!

Face East and raise your sword in warning:

I warn everyone in the East.
Your power over me will no longer be.

Face South and raise your sword:

I warn everyone in the South!
I am free / free from your judgment and destructive words.
Your control is weakening, but my strength is growing!

Face West and raise your sword:

I warn everyone in the West.
All the evil that you wished for me will return to you.
Your control is weakening, but my strength is growing!

Finally, face North and raise your sword:

I warn everyone in the North.
I am protected / protected by Freya and the powerful Disir.
Your control is weakening, but my strength is growing!

Hit the floor with the staff nine times. Say:

Freya protects! My enemies are weakening!

Wait in silence as your aura fills with bright white light. Observe how this light floods the entire room, how it goes beyond it. Feel how this light enters your body and mind, making them stronger and more powerful.
If you have a talisman or jewel that you love to wear, ask Freya to bless and fill it with power. Wear it every time, before an unpleasant meeting or conversation. Remember, you are under Freya's protection. Project your powerful aura onto your enemies, and look at their confusion, they will immediately soften or completely leave you.

To ask Freya to develop psychic and magical abilities, rub a green candle with juniper or pine oil, starting from the wick to the base. Wear an amber necklace or pendant in honor of Brisingamen, or hold a piece of amber in your hand. Wear a green dress or dress with green accessories. Sit comfortably so nothing bothers you. Sing it:

Falcon! The moon glides through over the trees.
Freya! I call crying tears of gold!
Lady of magic! I stand before you without fear.
Necklace Keeper Brisingamen!
Tell me the secrets of weaving and knitting. Freya!
Moon Goddess! Queen of the Valkyries!
Give me the key to deep magic.

Close your eyes and take a deep breath. Relax. A luminous door will open in front of you. Imagine yourself entering it. You find yourself in Freya's hall in Asgard. The goddess sits on the throne. There is a stool at her feet. She will beckon you, and upon entering the hall, you will sit next to her. There you will spend as much time as Freya allows, talking to her and listening to her.
When you are released, return through the same door to your physical body. Take a deep breath again. Then chant again and thank Freya for her help.

Ritual in Honor of the Goddess

This is a small and simple ritual in honor of the goddess Freya. "Female" option. Performed to bring more passion into your daily life. Place a red candle on the altar. Light the sandalwood incense. If you have any amber ornaments, place them on the altar as well. You will also need a red cord or rope. Place the circle as you would normally. Call for quarters. Stand in the center of the circle opposite the altar. Say:

Freya, the great goddess,
Queen of the Valkyries
I call you at this hour
Hear me, your priestess,
Listen to me, your daughter.
The most beautiful! I call you
Come to my magic circle
Shine your light on it.
May it be so.

Sit (or kneel) in front of the altar. Take a cord in your hands and tie three knots. As you tie them, hum the following:

Freya, great lady,
Goddess of love and beauty,
I ask you, heed me,
Bring passion into my life.

Leave this string on the altar for three days. After that, put it in some hard-to-reach place (there is an option to just bury it) - while the knots are tied, your life will be full of passion. Thank the goddess:

Beautiful goddess
I know that you are always with me
You always stand behind my shoulder
You always protect me.
Thank you for your help
Thank you for participating in the ritual.
I say goodbye to you, great!
Happy meeting
But parting is also joyful.
Hello and goodbye.

As a sign of respect to the goddess, leave some wine on the altar overnight. Pour it into the ground the next morning.

Source: Book by D.J. "Conway Mysteries and Magic of the Moon"

Freya, known by many names, come to me! Freya, crying with golden tears, come to me! Freya, daughter of Njord, come to me! Freya, Freyra's sister, come to me! Freya, mistress of Vanov, come to me! Freya, cat keeper, hear me! Freya, the enchantor, hear me! Freya flying the Falcon, hear me! Freya sharing death with Odin, hear me! Freya, Mother Nature, hear me! I, (name), Your daughter, I tell you - (request)! Glory to you, Freya, Mistress of the Forces of Life! So be it! Found on the net.

Here is an example of compound runes. They can be applied to a talisman or painted somewhere and sometimes you can look at the runes, turning to them with your request. But always be careful, as you activate powers that might charge you for a "service". Do not put the opposite runes in the talisman! "Seal of Freya". This is from the realm of love magic. Inguz- the god of fertility. Bjarka- the rune of a woman in general and of a mother in particular. The most effective sign .. One of the most common and effective love spells in runic magic is usually set with the aim of marrying the bewitched. Berkan Inguz's yoke is applied to the photo of those whom we attract to each other, with the appropriate visoy. ( see above).
it is obligatory to carry out a small ritual of Freya (see below) when setting this pivorot, + Thanks to the goddess.
From my practice, I note that after this love spell, objects begin to dream of each other, almost immediately, the likelihood of conception increases.
in addition to putting this formula on the photo, you can also put 3 seals on the chakras, then the object simply starts to twist inside out, a very serious craving for the bewitched appears.
A binary love spell and craving appears in both objects. It is done both on a joint photo and on a separate one. I can say from my own experience that Freya's Seal is like a Christian wedding. This is not a simple love spell. The higher powers will not forgive you if you start a divorce. And then it is extremely difficult to remove this seal. So keep in mind and remember, it is very difficult to remove this love spell on your own! Just then, when you meet your real destiny, if you have this love spell, your relationship will not work out. Freya does not like such jokes - she may even punish. Small ritual: If your intentions are serious, do at least a small ritual.
Lay the table, in the upper left corner (as if you are facing the table) - a candle
(the fire);
in the upper right incense stick (air); in the lower right - water;
in the lower left - the ground (just put some salt).
In the center - a photo.
Illuminate the space on four sides with Thor's Hammer,
Heaven and Earth are also Hammer of Thor.
Then, call on the Goddess, ask Her for help (you can hang, (see above) you can
Tell us what sacrifice you are ready to make (let's say: I promise you red wine,
sweet and heady like you
passionate Freya ... well, honey can be offered ... show your imagination what you can
like a beautiful woman))))
But do not forget that Freyja is also the goddess of war, half of those who fell in battle.
warriors departs to her ...
she patronizes the passion of both love and passion in battle ...
Therefore, for example, I always offer her my own blood (then I drip a few
drops into wine),
and whether it wants to or not is Her business.
In short, listen to the Force that will come - it will tell you what it wants.
If you don't agree right away, you may have a dream at night, indicating the desired
They can, for example, ask for some decoration.
Well, buy some bijou, give it back and say: wear it like Brisingamen ...
generally listen.)
We will assume that you have agreed.
Next, apply the formula to the photo.
I would advise you to apply two formulas:
Bundle Seal of Freya (Berkano-Ingvaz)
and a love spell (to think faster)
or Nautiz-Kenaz-Gebo-Ingvaz-Vunyo-Yera (in this version there is more sexuality).

Then it would be nice if you have a photo where you are with the object.
If not: combine your photos in Photoshop. This is certainly worse than
real photo, but what to do ...
It is desirable that the heads and heart chakras are at the same level.
If you suddenly combine - show your imagination, do it with a twinkle ...
this work is the beginning of doing;
If you only have his photo, apply Freya's seal on his head, and the second formula on
heart chakra.
If the photo is shared: Put Freya's seal on your heads with him, and the second
the formula, respectively, on the area of ​​the heart chakra.
Those. the formula should "cover" both of you.
Apply with a red felt-tip pen, but if your intentions are serious, it is better with blood.
Pierce your finger.
You read the visu with a clear indication of what you want from the runes.
Here is a subtle moment, because they do it differently: someone applies the formula
along with visa,
someone first the formula, and then "charges" it with visoy.
See for yourself. I do it differently. But even when, first I write the formula - everything
equally, the intention is already clear.
Your spirit should be like an arrow.
Imagine an object, wrap it in it, type in formulas, imagine how
they connect you.
When the formulas heal, breathe, sound, flare up - then you are great.
Meditate on the elements that you have on the altar (fire, air, earth, water),
recharge the runes and their power too,
call them witnesses.
Yes, more ... before applying the formulas, clearly stipulate how you
will activate them.
You can set different methods: I activate it with fire - then the photo will need to be burned.
It seems: I do not regret anything, I don’t look back, I’m not going to refuse.
Or you don't need to burn it.
Then the photo will need to be put in a bag of black fabric, or just wrapped
in black cloth,
and put away from prying eyes and hands.
Then, if you suddenly want to free the object of the photo, you will need to burn the ashes.
bury with honors, thanks for the help; or thrown into running water (see.
funeral rites of the North).
Your work will be filmed.
BUT! DO NOT SEAL FREYA ... This is a one-way ticket.
You can part with this man ... But start a family with another ...
So you will jump on the branches of the world tree, love and not love.
Well, I won't intimidate. This is your choice.
But still, my opinion: seals are an extreme measure.
Better to get by with other formulas.
Okay, back to our rams ... how do you feel that THIS IS IT ...
Round off the work - burn or remove the photo.
A sacrifice can be made within a day, it is better not to wait longer,
otherwise the Gods can and demand, or they themselves will take one way or another.
If you have the promised at home, let's go right away.
If the victim is bloodless, extinguish the candle.
This is a sign of the end of the ritual. And carry your present to the street.
Leave / pour on the tree and ground with words of gratitude for the help.
Do not forget to take three sips, if you leave food - take a bite (or pancake
Goddess, damn it to yourself).
If they asked for blood, I put a cup on the altar, pour into it what I promised
(take three sips)
I pierce my finger (the middle one on my left hand), drip a few drops.
You can leave it to stand for a few minutes.
Then I extinguish the candle, carry it outside, etc.
If you are in doubt where to carry (with a bowl in your hands, you don't really run and ride),
leave the house and ask: where would God / Gods want to accept a sacrifice from you?
Or they will give a sign: the animal will pass, the crow will croak, etc., or, as they say,
feet will carry themselves ...

Gift Freya

Decoding: light and deep feelings (Wunjo), strong
relationship, the main property of which is love (Gebo).

Note: it is better to do on Monday, the day of Freya, the Goddess of love.

O Freya, Goddess,
Reigning in Sessrumnir!
Njord's daughter and Oda's wife.
Of the Vanir you, virgin,
Wearable door chain.
Mother Hnoss and Gersimi,
And Freyra's sister!

Your gaze strikes with an arrow
You break hearts
Hrimtursen and Khyumir
We paid for the passion!
Skillful in charms, you take away peace,
The one who died is perishable ..
We have fought more than once.

Lady of the Fallen!
In your chariot
You rush, in the wind, in a hurry.
Thor himself is your protector!
And cats are drivers
And, of course, no
More beautiful than you
Madam! .. Runes in the photo are best applied with blood. It acts as a light love spell.

Runic love spell with an appeal to Freya

Freya (whose name means "mistress") is a Scandinavian goddess from the Van tribe, Freyr's sister. First of all, she is known as the patroness of love, beauty and fertility. This is the goddess of sensual pleasures and passions, the giver of luck and abundance. She bestows joy and delight, blesses alliances and quenches love thirst. In addition, as a widow who knows the bitterness of loss, she helps those who have lost their beloved to cope with grief. She is not only available, but also often takes an active role in contact with those who need her - this happened to me, and I read about this from many modern clergymen. In addition, she is one of the few goddesses who are served equally by both women and men.

Altar and offerings for runic love spell:

colors (for cover and candles): gold and green;

  • altar decoration: amber; gold jewelry (symbolizing the famous gold necklace or belt of Freya - Brisingamen); figurines or images of cats (sacred animals of Freya); heart-shaped stones or amulets; rune Fehu; symbols of the elements of the Earth;
  • offerings: sweet pastries, sweet berries, honey, sweet wine, bloody sacrifices are welcome.

To Freya:

Golden Freya, appear at my request
Free the heart from the new misfortune!
Become, armed, in gentle warfare
Help me!

Runic love spell ideally - on the carrier and lining. Options: photo, hand and touch the object, etc.

Mannaz, Gebo, Teivaz, Berkana, Uruz, Kenaz.

A recent fugitive will become inseparable;
Whoever has not received the gift will come with the gifts;
Who does not love now, will soon love -
And unrequited.

Altar, offering, etc. - based on modern runologists.
Author Insolate

If Odin in the skaldic epic is called only the all-father, then Freya is the most beautiful of the goddesses, and not at all because she is married to the ruler of Asgard (or rather, to his earthly incarnation, Odom). Etymologically, “Freyja” is translated from Old Norse as “noble lady”, and this is really so, because the goddess Freyja comes from an ancient family of Vanir. This is a very important moment - Freya lives in Asgard, but she is not an ace, but a van from the air world Vanaheim... Actually, one of her Eddic (mentioned in the Elder Edda) names sounds like this - "Vanadis" (Vanadis), which in translation from Old Norse means "daughter of the Vanir".

Freya is the goddess of war, love, passion, lust, discord, frankness, revenge, wealth, beauty, sincerity. In the German-Scandinavian pantheon, she occupies a special place, but still yields to the "official" wife of Odin - Frigg. But how did Freya end up in Asgard as a Van? The fact is that in the initial war between the Aesir and the Vanir, none of the peoples could gain clear superiority for a long time. Therefore, the wise gods made peace by exchanging prisoners. The mighty Njord and his children, the twins Freya and Freyr, remained in Asgard.

Freya is a majestic and beautiful goddess, the Skalds describe her as short, slender, blue-eyed and fair-haired. According to the Elder Edda, the beauty of Freya is perfect, neither god nor man can compare with her. She rides in a chariot drawn by two wild cats (obviously - lynxes), and her "pet" is called Hildisvini (translated from Old Norse - "fighting boar"). But not everything is so simple with this favorite of Odin. Freya is often called the goddess of war and destruction, but at the same time the Icelandic sagas claim that her heart is so soft and tender that she sincerely grieves for every suffering soul in Asgard and Midgard. In this multifaceted image, peacefulness and outright hatred, frankness and cruelty, sincere love and no less sincere betrayal coexist (the myth tells about betrayal in which Freyja gets herself a lover - Ottar, whom he later turns into the very Hildiswini to hide him from the aces) ...

Freya- the goddess is atypical, but her image is not as unique as it might seem at first glance. She has much in common with the Akkadian goddess Ishtar, the Mesopotamian Astarte, and the Egyptian Isis. All these women-goddesses did not have the simplest disposition, they periodically cheated on their divine husbands, they could both give life (and love) and take it away.

Freya is the leader of the Valkyries, heavenly warrior maidens on winged horses. She lives in Folkwang (literal translation from Old Norse - "the field of people"), half of the valiantly fallen warriors get there. This is often forgotten, but Odin takes only half of yours to Valhalla, the other goes to Freya. And although those who find themselves in Folkwang do not become Einherias, immortal warriors, they live with Freya as if in paradise and every night they please the insatiable goddess. Folkwang is beautiful, but its main hall - Sessrumnir - is the most beautiful place in the Nine Worlds, there is eternal spring and the most unimaginable flowers.

In addition, Freya is the goddess of the harvest. In what sense? Yes, in all! On the one hand, Freya is praised when a good harvest is expected. And at the same time, everyone knows the character of this goddess, who sometimes can collect the most real "bloody harvest". She is able to bestow an epic victory in a battle, but if she doesn't like something, a cruel defeat is inevitable. Freya was also considered the goddess of witchcraft and divination; according to one version, it was she who taught the Scandinavian women the art of seida and spa.

Freya myths

One of the most common stories associated with the goddess Freya is the description of her falcon plumage. There is no myth that tells how Freyja received this unique artifact, but it is known that by putting on this plumage, the goddess can turn into an elegant falcon that flies faster than the wind and can move between worlds like Odin's seven-legged horse Sleipnir.

Another, in many respects much more interesting myth, tells of how the goddess Freya received the Brisingamen necklace (sometimes called the Brising necklace). This myth does not exist in the Edda, apparently, it appeared around the 15th century (we first meet it in the treatise "Sottr Thattr", which was written in 1400). This fact suggests that we are talking about some kind of stylization purposefully created by Christian preachers to tarnish the image of the goddess Freya. Nevertheless, today this legend is considered canonical.

According to the myth, Freya walked Midgard and stumbled upon a cave that led her to the workshop of the Brisings (the Dwarf brothers named Dwalin, Berling, Grer and Alfrigg). At this point, the dwarves had just finished making Brisingamen, a golden necklace of exceptional beauty. Freyja could not resist the magnificence of the necklace, but the Brisings agreed to give it only if the goddess spent the night with each of them. Freya agreed, but soon it became known to Odin (who at that time, according to the legend, was her "official" husband). Of course - thanks to the omnipresent Loki, who followed the goddess! The enraged Odin instructed the god of fire and deceit to steal the necklace, which he did. He turned into a fly and bit Freya until she rolled over onto her back. So Loki managed to remove the necklace from her. Waking up Freya (don't be a fool!) Immediately realized what was the matter and went to the "hubby" for the necklace. One scolded Freya, saying that it was not appropriate for a van to engage in open prostitution, but he returned the necklace, however, on one condition. Freya was supposed to start a war between the king of Norway and one of his jarls. Why does the all-father need this - history is silent.

According to another version, Brisingamen returned Heimdal, who caught Loki of stealing and took the artifact from him. However, in both versions, the goddess Freya does not look particularly good. However, as already mentioned, this is a fairly late myth that has nothing to do with the Eddic epics.

Another interesting legend tells how Freya fell in love with Oda. Odin was the earthly incarnation of Odin, but no one knew about this except Odin himself, so Freya honestly believed that she loved the "citizen of Midgard". And then Od suddenly disappeared, and for some reason everyone thought that the poor man had died. Freya was sincerely attached to him, so the death of her beloved broke her heart and since then Freya has been inconsolable. Often at night she cries, and then golden tears roll from her eyes. This is a very ancient legend, apparently dating back to the first centuries of our era. Here Freya is the goddess of sincerity and purity, she loves selflessly and passionately, and just as selflessly suffers, having lost her lover.

Freya's Runes and Freya's Seal

The general Germanic runic series (which is also called the Elder Runes) is divided into three symbolic parts, they are called attami (or ettirs). The first att (the first eight runes) is dedicated to the goddess Freya. In this sense, the runes of Freya are Fegu, Urus, Ansus, Turisaz, Raido, Kano, Hebe and Vigno. It is important to understand that in the symbolic aspect, the first att personifies the emotional plan, these are the runes of a person, the runes of instinct and feelings that we cannot control. That is, the runes of Freya embody the first stage of development, they indicate that passions are eternally raging in each of us. And in each there are two sides, the question is which of them we prefer.

Freya's seal is a special band-rune, that is, a "knitted" rune created by combining the standard (in our case, two) runes of the Scandinavian 24-rune series. Freya's seal is the Berkan rune intertwined with the Inguz rune. The exact purpose of Freya's Seal is unknown, but in all likelihood, it is about love magic. Many researchers believe that Freya's Seal was used for a love spell (in particular, a violent one). Perhaps the symbol was applied to the woman's belly during the corresponding ritual. But you need to understand that the Icelandic mystical tradition has not preserved such rituals and everything that can now be found on the Internet is just a reconstruction, which at best will not change anything. But even more interesting is that there is no ethnographic material that could prove that the Freya's Seal in its well-known version is really an Old Norse band-rune. It is more logical to assume that this is also a stylization, and (from the point of view of the runic tradition) is not the most literate. Although this does not prevent the Seal from being extremely popular among underage network magicians.