College of the Academy of Justice. All-Russian State University of Justice. Student life in the RPA of the Ministry of Justice of Russia

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Mon, Tue, Wed, Thu, Fri from 10:00 to 18:00

Latest reviews of VSUYU

Alisa Perova 06:07 24.05.2013

My brother is currently a student at the Russian Law Academy of the Ministry of Justice Russian Federation, is a first-year student. My brother entered this academy after the eleventh grade of high school. I entered according to the results of the exam. On the exam at school, he passed the Russian language, mathematics, history and social studies. To enter the academy, he needed points in all exams, not counting mathematics. But you also need to pass mathematics on the exam at school. It is one of the main ...

VSUYu Gallery

general information

Federal state budget educational institution higher education "All-Russian state University Justice (RPA Ministry of Justice of Russia) "

VSUYU branches


No. 01573 valid Indefinitely from 24.07.2015


No. 01519 valid from 09.11.2015

Previous names VSUY

  • Russian Law Academy of the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation

Monitoring results of the Ministry of Education and Science for VSUY

Indicator2019 2018 2017 2016 2015 2014
Performance indicator (out of 5 points)4 5 5 6 5 3
Average USE score in all specialties and forms of study71.05 69.56 67.97 70.22 67.77 70.34
Average USE score enrolled in the budget86.46 84.49 81.78 83.91 80.41 87.32
Average USE score of those enrolled on a commercial basis62.88 62.87 62.19 63.23 58.74 64.97
Average for all specialties minimum score USE enrolled in the full-time department43.2 44.13 43.77 43.80 42.10 43.1
Number of students2044 1964 1886 1841 1809 1980
Full-time department1114 1071 1009 898 896 864
Part-time department81 33 78 175 237 341
Extramural849 860 799 768 676 775
All data Report Report Report Report Report Report

University Reviews

The best law schools in Russia according to the international information group "Interfax" and radio station "Echo of Moscow"

Results overview admissions campaign 2013 to specialized law schools in Moscow. Check figures for admission, the passing score of the exam, the cost of training. Review of the specialization of universities.


Russian Law Academy of the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation - state universitywhere students can get a high-quality vocational secondary and higher educationwhich will enable them to become qualified lawyers.

Education in the RPA of the Ministry of Justice of Russia

At the academy, students can get an average professional education and legal qualifications in Law and Social Security Organization. Training is possible only at full-time and its term is 2 years 10 months. It is possible to study both on a paid and free form.

Students receive higher education in the following areas:

  • jurisprudence, with the qualification of an academic bachelor in state law, criminal law and civil law profile or specialization in enforcement proceedings. Training lasts 4 years in full-time, part-time or part-time form;
  • jurisprudence, with a master's qualification. Training lasts 2 years in full-time and 2 years 3 months in correspondence;
  • jurisprudence, according to the program for the training of scientific and pedagogical personnel in graduate school. Training lasts 3 years in full-time and 4 years in correspondence;
  • legal support of national security with the qualification of a lawyer. Training lasts 5 years in correspondence or full-time form;
  • law enforcement, with a qualification of a lawyer. Training lasts 5 years in full-time or part-time form;
  • state and municipal administration with the qualification of an academic bachelor. Training lasts 4 years in correspondence course.

Training of students in all areas is possible both at the expense of legal entities and at the expense of the budget - that is, completely free of charge.

Before entering the university, applicants must pass the final exams of the GIA or USE and the entrance exams to the academy. To do this, they can first attend preparatory courses, which are taught in Russian and foreign languages, Russian history and social studies. You can choose as one item or several. Everyone can choose their own courses, depending on their duration - 2-month, 4-month, 6-month or 8-month. Visit possible preparatory courses with intensive training, the duration of which is 2 weeks.

In addition, students in grades 9-11 can take subject training courses in groups of 3-5 people. The peculiarity of training in such courses is that the amount of time that is spent in this case on training students is determined by them, and they always consolidate the knowledge gained by performing practical tasks.

International cooperation in the RPA of the Ministry of Justice of Russia

The administration of the university strives to provide the students of the academy with an education that will meet European standards. For these purposes, international cooperation is widely developed in the RPA.

The Academy concludes mutually beneficial agreements with foreign universitiesespecially with those located in Western Europe. In accordance with the agreement concluded between the academy and the Italian University of Rome III, an academic exchange of students, graduate students and teachers is possible between them. The same agreement was concluded between the university and the Swiss University, located in the city of Geneva.

The Academy signed a mutually beneficial agreement with the National legal institute The Ministry of Justice and Internal Affairs of Mongolia, with which it develops new educational programs and conducts scientific research.

Leading legal figures of Europe are constantly invited to the Academy, who read their lectures to students. In addition, the academy constantly hosts international seminars and conferences with the participation of foreign lawyers and teachers and students of the academy. Thanks to this international cooperation, students not only master foreign law, but also better acquire a foreign language, which will allow them to work both in Russia and abroad.

Student life in the RPA of the Ministry of Justice of Russia

The administration of the university strives to ensure that their students are constantly developing comprehensively. Therefore, in the academy, each of them can find a hobby that they like.

Sports enthusiasts can join the national team of the university in basketball, football or table tennis. The guys from the national team constantly participate in interuniversity championships and often occupy leading positions there.

Those students who love to write and have the skills of working on the Internet can try themselves as publishers of the student Internet publication

Students who love to sing and dance can join the Adrenaline show group, Legenda dance ensemble, Terek national dance ensemble. In addition, students who believe that they have a sense of humor can try their hand at joining the ranks of the KVN team. The Ministry of Justice warns. All of these teams and other students then perform on stage at the university during celebrations and concerts that allow them to showcase their talents to friends.

The college in question is currently functioning as a social and legal faculty, and also represents the middle level of the educational structure of the Russian Legal Academy of the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation. In 2014, the Academy became known as the Russian State University of Justice. At the moment, the post of dean of the college at the Academy is occupied by associate professor, candidate of philosophical sciences Mikhail Grigorievich Maryushkin.

The college that exists at the university prepares future specialists on the basis of nine classes of school education, that is, with a general basic education. Graduates go beyond the walls of the college as specialists in the environment of law and regulation of social security. Upon completing their studies, they receive a diploma, executed according to the state model, with the acquisition of the qualification "Lawyer". College education lasts two years and ten months. Training can take place on a budgetary and paid (contractual) basis. The annual tuition fee is 115,000 rubles. A dormitory for students and applicants is not provided. Also, for the entire period of study at the faculty, a deferral from army service is in force.

The college has excellent language practices, and students who successfully pass them, along with professional training and pass an international exam, are issued a language certificate and / or a diploma in primary vocational education in Germany (Germany). This is a supernumerary program for second and third year students wishing to pursue a profession abroad. Foreign language practices also exist for freshmen.

Studying at the aforementioned college contributes to the successful adaptation of the student to the student environment, provides a painless transition from the atmosphere school education into the atmosphere of the highest. Inside, there are many cultural and health programs. There are musical, dance, sports, intellectual teams / groups and, of course, the team of the Cheerful and Resourceful Club. It has an extensive library, a modern electronic reading room.

Graduates who have left the walls of the college have the opportunity to pursue professional practice as a lawyer, taking jobs where a higher legal education is not required. A student's career growth begins from the student's bench. Upon completion of the training, the newly-minted specialist does not experience problems with employment. A graduate of the socio-legal faculty can hold positions such as an employee of the passport office, notary offices, personnel department, social protection authorities, Pension funds, as well as an assistant lawyer.

Form of study: Full-time

Type of training: Paid, Free

Training is carried out on the basis of 9 classes

Supervising university: Russian Law Academy


030504 Law and Social Security Organization

Exam subjects:

Russian language

This is a stage of the continuing education system at the University of Justice, which will allow students to easily integrate into the higher education system, having experience in studying legal disciplines.

Education at the College of Law, which is a structural subdivision of the University of Law, opens up broad prospects for persons wishing to receive a secondary vocational education in the field of jurisprudence. Classes with college students are conducted by highly qualified specialists of the University, who teach in the higher education system. The teaching staff includes a large number of candidates and doctors of sciences in legal, medical, technical and other fields. In the process of teaching students, the latest methods of teaching legal disciplines are used: teachers conduct "business games", acquaint students with real materials of different categories of cases (criminal, civil, etc.), arrange viewing of educational films, and also help to master legal techniques, which is important component of the legal profession. The emphasis of college education is on the preparation of a practicing lawyer.

The training also touches upon issues of management of legal structures (both private and public), interaction between organizations. In the process of studying at a law college, teachers focus on the study of the features of documentary circulation.

In addition to the practical aspect of teaching, teachers also draw students' attention to the theoretical problems of jurisprudence. Students under the guidance of teachers have the opportunity to study a problem of interest to them in a legal environment, conduct research and speak at a conference.

A graduate of the VSUYU Law College (RPA of the Ministry of Justice of Russia), which is located in Moscow, after graduation, receives a wide range of skills necessary for introducing into the profession, such as:

  • practical skills of work in various departments of government bodies;
  • ability to maintain documentation and develop your own projects;
  • the ability to make responsible decisions in the implementation of their professional activities;
  • ability to use management programs and legal reference systems.

After graduation, a graduate of a law college can go to work in the legal profession: state bodies are willingly hiring graduates of the VSUYu law college (RPA of the Ministry of Justice of Russia). A college graduate can work in ministries, services, agencies, and can also become an assistant attorney or notary public.

Having a rich baggage of legal knowledge, the graduate can continue to receive education both in the legal specialty (bachelor's degree: jurisprudence, specialty: law enforcement and legal support of national security), and in another specialty. It will be much easier for a graduate of a law college to master any other profession, since in the 21st century the legal aspect appears everywhere: in medicine, in technical professions, in the field of informatization and many other areas. Today, any professional who additionally has a legal education will be more in demand than a professional in one area of \u200b\u200bnarrow focus.

Another important advantage of obtaining a secondary professional legal education is the ability to personally defend their rights, both in administrative and judicial procedures.

VSUYU college students (RPA of the Russian Ministry of Justice) study in the center of Moscow near the Tsvetnoy Bulvar metro station.

The extracurricular life of college students and students of higher education level is closely related: they participate in the same creative events, sports competitions, scientific conferences.

By contacting senior students of the University of Law, college students have the opportunity to learn more about the practical application of law. This is due to the fact that senior students are already working in the fields of the legal profession: in courts, the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation, lawyers' formations and other structures, or they are training in various government bodies.

Feedback for those who apply. Don't do it.
There is no hostel. Yes, they are far from the hostel, there are not even coolers with water, although it seems they should be. The first-aid post often does not work (for those who need it). An important point: medical certificates are not quoted, if you miss a pair, you must work them out, regardless of whether you were sick or someone died. Get ready for scoliosis (lecture halls at Molodezhnaya): writing is impossible, sitting too.
The first course, of course, you will study in the center (Tsvetnoy Boulevard), and then forward to Molodezhnaya. Every year you will be thrown around the metro stations (second Molodezhnaya, third Molodezhnaya, 4 Fili / Izmailovo, 5 Molodezhnaya). By the way, a gym on the Rimskaya metro, after pairs on Molodezhnaya across the floor of Moscow to physical ru, no delay, please. In addition, the university, in principle, has no provision on any compensation. But the rector's wife bought the watch for 3.5 million. As in all the reviews, I want to say to the dean's office, only attendance is important, for poor attendance (teachers are also fined for being late). At the moment, the Institute is being transferred under the Investigative Committee (Investigative Committee).
Of the pros:
- you will not be expelled
-fixed payment

Student of this university:
22 June 2017

I would like to leave a review about my university.
The biggest plus (for me, but for someone, maybe a minus): they don't take bribes here! Teachers are taught by life experience and sometimes do not even accept flowers, candies or something like that as a gift.
There is no need to pay for tests and retakes at VSUYU. Most of the teachers are law enforcement veterans with high ranks. There are fewer cool civilians here, but they are all practicing lawyers and, at least, candidates of legal sciences. They ask strictly, but they also give a lot. I won't say it's easy to learn here. But I have no doubts that I will not leave here with an empty head.
The first three years we studied in the center of Moscow (metro Tsvetnoy Boulevard), but because something changed, and we were scattered at two ends of the blue line (and in the center are now college and first year students).
There are no problems with the hostel, as there is no hostel. But the dean's office assists especially those in need of resettlement in the hostels of other universities.
The university positions itself as civil and departmental at the same time. "Ordinary" lawyers are taught at a bachelor's degree, personnel for law enforcement agencies are trained on a specialty. Training on a specialty covers most of the disadvantages of the university: they give you a shot from real weapons, teach you how to wear a bulletproof vest, use special equipment, and so on. In addition, there is military department, where they prepare for the military investigation department (one of the few chances to get a job there).

Jan 26, 2018

If you want a crust of a law university with a respectable name, a small fixed tuition fee, and all without the purpose of working in a profession, then this is VSUYU. (+)
By the 3rd year, you realize that you have ended up in a psychiatric dispensary. (-)
There are practically no teachers with seniority and experience, except with rare exceptions, and then, I think, not for long. (-)
Department of Civil Law - strong (+)
But the dean's office leaves much to be desired. Unfortunately, they are more interested in attendance than education itself, openly declaring that if something does not suit you, no one keeps you here (-)
Student life is quite active, there are many ways to develop creatively and scientifically (the dean's office gives concessions for this)

Teachers respect the automaton system, and besides, you don't need to try too much for this. (I don’t know how anyone, but when the automaton - there is no knowledge. And in general, everything depends on you. No one here cares about your education and your problems)
So think for yourself, decide for yourself ... but in VSUYU it is better to enroll in a correspondence course and work in a profession - and education and diploma will then be competitive


Good day. Graduated from VSUYu in 2014 (at that time the Russian Law Academy).
The ratio is average. There are pros and quite a few downsides.
I'll start with the pros. Lots of strong teachers, which really give knowledge (including many practicing lawyers), in fact, this is exactly what should determine the quality of the university.
But there are a lot of disadvantages.
When we studied and now (it seems to me historically) a disgusting and incompetent administration. Greater emphasis on attendance. It's just that in their opinion, a student may not know a damn thing, but he should just sit his pants in pairs. Full of examples. Nothing is being done to get rid of stupid students (I'm not afraid of this word, but if a person at the exam states that entity - a person with a legal education, there is nothing to say). And nevertheless, I remember a few cases of deductions and most of them precisely for problems with visiting.
A lot is focused on unnecessary cultural and sports events (when I studied on the site they only wrote about it), very few conferences, scientific events. The attitude towards the student on the part of administrative departments (dean's office, educational department, curators) is simply boorish.
No soda ...
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actions for employment, despite the fact that the departmental university. the impression is that the past rector and the current one simply do not care what will happen to the students after graduation.
As for the teachers, I will repeat once again, the overwhelming majority are very strong and qualified, and that it is indeed a fact (everyone notes), NEVER did anyone and never take bribes from the teachers in VSUYU!
Now it has become worse, the new leadership is even worse and incompetent and I heard that a lot of teachers have left. So, unfortunately, VSUYU has hardly a good future. I advise you to consider an alternative in the form of a RPMU.
I will say to myself, I graduated from the university without Cs and on my own I got a job on a very good work... I give an objective assessment to the university.
Unfortunately now it has become much worse (I will not name the source of information)


I graduate from VSUYU (Moscow) this year. She studied in the direction of training Legal support of national security, graduated from the university with honors.

From applicants I often hear the question: "Is it difficult to study?" I want to say this: it is difficult to study full-time at any university. This is 4 pairs 5-6 times a week. Educational plans provide many hours for independent work: preparation for seminars, control, tests. You can skip classes, but you need to do it carefully. In senior years, many teachers go to meet working students. But the dean's office is not. And even if the teacher does not note attendance on a pair, the dean may unexpectedly come with a check. For omissions, comments are made every month. 3 comments in a row - deduction. Nevertheless, in my group, many guys combined study and work (both in their specialty and not). : D They slept little and mostly in pairs at the back!

State employees receive regular and increased scholarships. The increased scholarship is actually distributed by the dean's office, and sometimes the results seem biased, and there is no evidence that the one who received the scholarship has more achievements than the one who did not receive it. H ...
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the current chairman of the student council does not particularly defend the interests of students in such matters.

It was not easy to study, but it was interesting. We had fire training, and we went to the shooting range, fired from 5 types of weapons. Classes in forensic science were held at a special training ground, we not only watched educational films, but also tried many forensic techniques on our own. Department of Civil Law for recent times lost many good teachers - professors. Nowadays it is mainly taught by young practicing lawyers. Maybe it will seem to someone a plus, but I don’t. But the departments of criminal law and criminal procedure are really strong. The head of the department of criminal procedure and forensic science often organizes meetings with representatives of the Investigative Committee, the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the Prosecutor's Office. It is there, by the way, that they send for practice from the university. Regardless of specialization. But if you don't want to go there, they are allowed to get a job on their own.

In general, 5 years of training were fruitful. At the exit I feel confident, and I think that there will be no problems with employment. Already, in the summer, teachers are offering different vacancies to graduates: the Ministry of Justice, the FSSP, some private offices. No one of my classmates has agreed yet - everyone wants to relax !!! : D

November 16, 2015

My review will not be entirely positive, it will be "average". In my branch it is very strict, not only in terms of study, but also with regard to discipline. In our UNIVERSITY the majority of very good and qualified specialists, but sometimes it seems that some have only the knowledge "I am not a teacher, I am only a specialist in my field" and therefore the concept of a teacher is far from him. Therefore, I wanted the teachers themselves to treat us with respect and not "you are all so-and-so" or "you should know literally everything by heart." I repeat, not all of them. Also regarding the leadership .. This is a separate topic. For 2 years of my studies, I will say that I regretted that I entered. They discourage all desire to study. I will not describe why. I think the main university in Moscow is better. Many people say so. That's all.

Hello, I am a 2nd year student of the Ministry of Justice.
Dorm question:
A problematic topic for university entrants and students. The university does not have a dormitory, and the management does nothing to solve this problem! Some universities conclude a lease agreement, and the RPA does not even try to do so.
Question about teachers:
Of course, only a few teachers are still familiar to me, because at the moment I am a 2nd year student. The teacher is different in terms of teaching and competence, depending on who gets caught.
Someone at seminars really gives fundamental knowledge, while someone likes to talk off topic, about life.
In general, teaching can be assessed at 4-
Question about learning difficulties:
Studying is not difficult, I would say something in between two extremes (ease and difficulty).
Before entering, think about the question of a dormitory (this affects nonresidents), because renting an apartment in Moscow is very expensive.
At the university, a really strong criminal law specialization is another plus of the university. If we talk about civil law, then, of course, it will be inferior to both the Moscow State University and the Financial University.

Student of this university:
October 26, 2019

Hello everyone! Again students of VSUY are with you (change the letter and the essence of training in this institution will be).
If you want to spend your 4-6 years nowhere, then the RPA of the Ministry of Justice is waiting for you.
You are invited to Tsvetnoy Boulevard in an ideal building, and then shoved into Molodezhnaya.
Separately about each building (applicants must be ready for everything).
Or start with a tutorial? :)
There is Dean Keks X **** (V.V. X *******). Girls, if you want strange and extraordinary comments addressed to you in the dean's office.
If you want a little climacteric hysterics - we'll find it. (To you in the dean's office to the deputy. Keks).
About the case:
A) Youth (uncomfortable audiences, rotten food, always equal jackets from the wardrobe, one turnstile, an eternal line to enter and exhale from a unique)
B) Izmailovo (hung with a rag with a beautiful building, there is nowhere)
C) Fili (birdies, but overall great)
D) Tsvetnoy Boulevard (eternally sucking birds, generally not bad *)
* It's about the body.
Are you worried about the deduction? Even if you leave YOURSELF, the dean's office will hang a terrible order that you were expelled for academic failure and failure to attend classes.

In general, we are doing well
Drink and steal (the first, of course, more)

And also your problems are your problems. If you are sick, n ...
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no one really cares that you are not able to come to class.
Attendance is our everything, and your complications ... you had to think about where you are going.
Beautiful first-year girls, the teacher of psychology loves young students (no need to roll your eyes, but you will pass the exam).

Lacking the thrill of life ... She lost her taste ...
VSUYU will correct the situation!

Law colleges provide their graduates with good, on the other hand, somewhat limited opportunities. Lawyers with secondary vocational education can work as assistants to notaries and lawyers, in the passport office, in the committees of social protection of the population, in pension funds. College students do not study legal proceedings and criminal law among the subjects studied. In colleges, more attention is paid to aspects of working with the population with minimal social protection - orphans, retirees, the disabled.

Lawyers with secondary vocational education are readily accepted by state organizations and services. Young people start their careers from the position of a junior specialist, whose salary is approximately 25,000 rubles. In the process of professional growth, a lawyer can raise his category, which means an increase in salary. Lawyers working in the pension fund are involved in control over the appointment, payment and recalculation of pensions. Lawyers working in the field of social protection seek out citizens who need social assistance and determine the degree of protection needed. The average salary of a lawyer who works in a pension fund and has more than three years of work experience is 35,000 rubles. Another good place for a secondary school graduate can be the position of an assistant lawyer or assistant notary in a private company. According to statistics, the average wage such specialists are not less than 30,000 rubles.

However, despite good prospects employment, most college graduates consider studying in such institutions as the first stage in the process of obtaining higher education in the legal profession. After graduating from college, students can, bypassing the exam, continue their studies at the university. Moreover, being engaged in professional activities, you can simultaneously get a higher education, studying at the evening department. Let's look at the best educational institutions in Moscow that offer secondary specialized education and, with it, a ticket to a promising legal life.

1. Moscow State law university named after O.E. Kutafina

This legal university is the leading one in Russia. Graduates of ninth grades can apply here for a program designed for secondary education. The university has 25 free and 100 paid places. On a paid basis, the cost of training will cost you 120,000 rubles a year. In 2013, the competition for budget places was 2.8 people. In addition to special and general education disciplines, students study in depth english language with a bias in the field of professional activity. Students undergo practical training in regional departments of social protection of the population of the Russian Federation, in the Department of Social Protection in Moscow, in various offices of the Pension Fund. Graduates can then continue their studies and receive a bachelor's degree in law. Training is only paid. Duration of training is 3 years.

2. College of Law. RAP.

This college, founded at the university, offers continuing education programs to its applicants. Graduates of the ninth grade can enroll free of charge, and for graduates of the 11th grade - tuition is only on a paid basis. The cost of training is 110,000 per year. After completing their studies in secondary education programs, students can enroll in Russian Academy justice. For admission, they will need to pass an exam in the basics of state and law. Training lasts 3 years, the graduate is awarded a bachelor's degree. The college also has an international department, where tuition is paid. Students of this department undergo language and pre-university training in London at King's College. Graduates of this department can continue their studies in

University of London in absentia, while studying at the RAP. Upon graduation, graduates are issued two legal diplomas at once - Russian and international.

3. Moscow State College of Technology, Economics and Law. L. B. Krasin

Although this technical school is state-owned, legal education is paid here. Compared with other Moscow colleges, the cost of education here is 40,000 rubles a year. Students of this technical school study social security law, administrative, civil, constitutional, labor law, have the opportunity to practice in social security agencies. The technical school cooperates with many organizations. The partners of the technical school are the Property Department in Moscow, the Presnenskoye municipality, etc. Therefore, the technical school guarantees its graduates 100% employment. Students practice internships in the same organizations. As follows from statistics, 70% of graduates of this technical school in the future receive higher education at universities in Moscow.

4. Russian Law Academy of the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation. College.

Future lawyers studying at this college, in parallel with their studies, participate in international educational programs... In addition, students have the opportunity to study foreign languages (English and German) and practice abroad. College students have the opportunity to get an initial vocational education in Germany. In addition, here you can study one of such professions as a consultant in the design of medium and small enterprises (the internship takes place in Berlin), a technical assistant to a notary (the internship takes place in Hamburg), an assistant to the real estate appraiser (the internship takes place in Berlin). Most of the graduates enter RPA and receive a bachelor's degree. 20 budget places have been allocated for them.

5. College of Law

it educational institution formerly called Police College # 2. Currently, the college offers a specialty in the field of law enforcement and security. Training is conducted in the specialties "Lawyer", "Law enforcement", "Law and organization of social security". Students undergo training at the prosecutor's office, the Moscow City Court, and the bailiff service. The competition for admission is held according to the average score of the certificate. For admission to the specialty "Law enforcement" you must additionally pass an exam in physical education. This exam consists of three standards: cross-country, pull-up, shuttle. As of 2013, one budget place 6 people applied for this college. Those applicants who did not pass the competition can enter the paid department. The tuition fee for the paid department is 95,000 rubles.