20 College of Automation and Information Technology official

College of Automation and information technologies No. 20 began its history with the opening on September 1, 1987 of the Training and Production Plant (UPK) No. 3. It became one of the few specialized educational centers in Moscow, where schoolchildren could get a profession in the field of computer technology and start studying the new subject "Informatics". In 1990, the Training and Production Complex was transformed into the Educational Scientific and Technical Center (STCU) "YUNIOR", organizes its own production department, which allocates part of the earned funds to the fund for the development of the educational process. The Scientific and Technical Center "ELECTRON-SERVICE" rendered great assistance in the formation of the production department to "JUNIOR". In 1995 STCU "YUNIOR" was transformed into the Center of Education "YUNIOR", and professional school No. 1031. In January 2005, in accordance with the program of reforming the system of the Moscow vocational education together with Vocational school№85 TsO "YUNIOR" was reorganized into the College of Automation and Information Technologies №20. State educational institution of secondary vocational education College of Automation and Information Technologies No. 20 was renamed into the State Budgetary Educational Institution of Secondary Professional Education of the City of Moscow College of Automation and Information Technologies No. 20 on the basis of the order of the Department of Education of the city of Moscow No. 825 dated October 31, 2011 "On renaming state educational institutions of secondary vocational education ". State budgetary educational institution of secondary vocational education of the city of Moscow College of Automation and Information Technologies No. 20 was reorganized in the form of joining the State budgetary educational institution of secondary vocational education of the city of Moscow Humanitarian College of Information and Library Technologies No. 58, located at the address: Moscow, Shchelkovskoe sh ., d. 52, and the State budgetary educational institution of secondary vocational education of the city of Moscow "Moskovsky polytechnic college named after Mossovet ", located at the address: Moscow, st. Raskovoy, 4, on the basis of the order of the Department of Education of the city of Moscow dated May 15, 2013 No. 214 "On the reorganization of state budgetary educational institutions of the Department of Education of the city of Moscow, subordinate to the Department of Education of the city of Moscow." State budgetary educational institution of secondary vocational education of the city of Moscow College of Automation and Information Technologies No. 20 is the legal successor in all obligations of the State Budgetary Educational Institution of Secondary Professional Education of the City of Moscow Humanitarian College of Information and Library Technologies No. 58 and the State Budgetary Educational Institution of Secondary Professional Education of the City of Moscow "Moscow Polytechnic College named after Mossovet "in relation to all their creditors and debtors, including the obligations contested by the parties in accordance with the transfer acts. The State Budgetary Educational Institution of Secondary Professional Education of the City of Moscow, the College of Automation and Information Technologies No. 20, was reorganized in the form of joining the State Budgetary Educational Institution of the City of Moscow, an open (shift) secondary school No. 77, located at the address: Moscow, st. Burakova, 1, bldg. 2, and renamed into the State budgetary professional educational institution of the city of Moscow "College of Automation and Information Technologies No. 20" on the basis of the order of the Department of Education of the city of Moscow dated May 07, 2014 No. 376 "On the reorganization of state educational organizations subordinate to the Department of Education of the city of Moscow. " The State Budgetary Professional Educational Institution of the City of Moscow "College of Automation and Information Technologies No. 20" (hereinafter referred to as the Institution) is the legal successor in all obligations of the State Budgetary Educational Institution of the City of Moscow, open (replaceable) comprehensive school No. 77 in relation to all its creditors and debtors, including and obligations contested by the parties in accordance with the deed of transfer.

State budgetary professional educational institution of the city of Moscow `College of Automation and Information Technologies No. 20`

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Today, the Moscow Secondary Special School of Olympic Reserve No. 3 is one of the few educational institutions where athletes who devote a lot of time to the training process can receive secondary and secondary specialized education without harming their health or refusing to train twice a day. Today UOR No. 3 cultivates the following sports: water polo, swimming, diving, synchronized swimming, modern pentathlon, fencing (epee, foil). The main objectives of ERM No. 3 are educational activities educational programs secondary vocational education and sports training of high-class athletes who can become candidates for the sports teams of the city of Moscow and the Russian Federation.

105484, Moscow, Parkovaya street 16th, 17

At the beginning of the 2014-2015 academic year, the school was staffed in 13 sports: badminton, boxing, handball, judo, wrestling (women's freestyle), wrestling (Greco-Roman), athletics, table tennis, taekwondo, archery, sports gymnastics, trampoline jumping, rhythmic gymnastics. Since 2007, a specialized children's and youth sports school of the Olympic reserve has been operating in the structure of the school, in which the departments of artistic gymnastics and trampoline jumping are cultivated. The main form of the educational and training process is daily two-time training in sports.

schedule Working hours:

Mon, Tue, Wed, Thu, Fri from 08:00 to 20:00


general information

State budgetary professional educational institution of the city of Moscow College of Automation and Information Technologies No. 20


No. 3560 valid Indefinitely from 13.11.2014


No. 4058 valid from 12/30/2015 to 12/30/2021

About college

College of Automation and Information Technology No. 20 offers professional training in one of the most modern branches of science. In college, anyone can get technical education In accordance with the license, the department of secondary vocational education carries out educational activities, training specialists in three large groups of training areas: "Automation and Control", "Service Sector", "Informatics and Computer Engineering". Graduates of basic and secondary schools can enter college.

Students in the educational institution are trained by professional teachers of technical disciplines, among whom there are professors and candidates of technical, economic and pedagogical sciences, and part-time teachers who work in parallel at the leading universities of the city, and holders of the Moscow Grant award in the field of educational technologies ...

Serious attention is paid to the applied orientation of classes, at the same time, theoretical training remains in the same volume, only the methods of teaching the theoretical base necessary for students are being finalized. Modern classrooms equipped with the latest generations of computers provide students with the opportunity for active creative work in the best possible conditions. Of no small importance is the general professional training of future "technicians", in accordance with modern educational standards, humanitarian training is an essential layer, on the basis of which the basics of secondary vocational education are developed.

Training on correspondence form, and even in the "current session" mode, when the student can independently master the necessary material and pass the subject by agreement with the leading teacher. Part-time education involves attending classes once a week - on Saturdays, which is convenient for working students.

Studying in college is not only an amazing process filled with bright events and new knowledge, it is a real path to professional success. Among those who studied at KAIT # 20, there is a huge number of successful programmers, developers of information systems, as well as system administrators of computer networks, who are practicing today. In addition to serious professional training, graduates receive an incentive to actively creative activity and continuing education in universities. The college closely cooperates with the Mogilev State Economic Vocational and Technical College, which means that students of KAIT # 20 can study at a Belarusian college on exchange.

The college actively contributes to the employment of students - both during training and upon graduation from educational institution... College partners offer students to hone or acquire practical skills on a freelance or part-time basis.

Further education in college is a subject for a separate discussion. Here they teach almost everything - from preparing applicants for admission and passing exams in school courses computer science and mathematics to creative photography clubs and basic computer literacy courses. There is a driving school, whose instructors are respected and loved by students. Almost half of the students are engaged in the system of additional sports education. Classes are conducted by professional teachers.