Step into the future results. Olympiad “Step into the future. Center for pre-university training of the Moscow State Technical University AD bauman

August 17, 2011 at 10:24 PM

Admission to the Department of Information Security at MSTU named after NE Bauman through the program “Step into the Future. Moscow"

Good afternoon everyone.
In this article, I want to continue to popularize the "Step into the Future" program, started last night by the user vaboretti, and also to dispel the myth that it is impossible for an ordinary person to enter the IU8 department at MSTU.

To begin with, briefly about the program: “The Russian scientific and social program for youth and schoolchildren“ Step into the Future ”is a whole complex of all kinds of research with the following goals:

  • support for professional training and intellectual development of Russian youth in the unified scientific and educational space of Russia, assistance in the reproduction of personnel for the scientific and technical complex of the country;
  • development of effective mechanisms to ensure interaction between science, higher and secondary education, interregional cooperation in the field of youth creativity and professional mentoring;
  • ensuring one of the principles of state policy in the field of education - the state-public nature of education management.
But we, sinners, are interested in the Olympiad, first of all, as a way to enter the Bauman Moscow State Technical University. And to enter not just anywhere, but in one of the most difficult departments of the university (the competition for the USE students this year amounted to 166.6 people per place).

Here is a summary of this year's recruitment: in total, about 25,000 applications were submitted to 115 departments (if you suddenly confuse the numbers, please forgive. Error + _ 5%). Of these 25,000 applications, more than 2,000 - only for the department IU-8 „ Information Security“. There are 80 budget places at the department.

Good news: out of 80 budget places 41 - winners and prize-winners of "Step". Another 27 are beneficiaries and target groups, and only 12 are for the general recruitment.

The Olympiad is held in two stages: project defense and physics competition. Both tests are evaluated with a maximum of 50 points, i.e. 100 points in total is the maximum. Next, the participant who scored passing points for each test receives a benefit of some type:

There is no need to talk about the physics competition. I think so everyone understands everything: the usual Olympiad ( test in physics).
The main (and most difficult) part of the Olympiad is the defense of the project. Actually, the defense takes place as follows: the members of the jury are sitting at the table, in front of whom it is necessary to fully present their project, i.e. explain its pros / cons, novelty, uniqueness, etc. etc. The jury will give points depending on how serious the project is and how effective its presentation is.

I decided to write in C #, as the most suitable and quickly assimilated language.
To write the program, I used the following literature:

  1. M. Abrahamyan - "Visual C # by example";
  2. YM Krakovsky - "Information security and information protection";
  3. A.Yu. Shcherbakov - "Modern computer security";
  4. N.Smart - “The world of programming. Cryptography".
It took a lot of time to come up with an idea for the implementation of the project, describe all kinds of encryption mechanisms, etc. As a result, the project received 46 points out of 50.

The general plan of the program looks like this:

The main point of the project, as you can see in the diagram above, was the imposition of several encryption methods one on top of the other.
The security of encryption was carried out by imposing an unlimited number of ciphers of each type on top of each other:

At the same time, an extensive library of ciphers was used, adapted specifically for understanding by the program.

I have been working on the search and adaptation of ciphers for a little over a month.
For example, below is a scheme with a possible number of combinations of decryption of the original text, encrypted with a different number of ciphers of the same type (i.e., only text, only graphics, or only sound):

To record the key, it was decided to use a separate text file, in which all numbers of all encryption algorithms were recorded with keys to each algorithm. Accordingly, the decryption took place in reverse order using the key file:

True, on the night before the protection came the long-awaited insight, and another module was added to the program, which allows encrypting not only graphics / text / sound, but, in principle, any file stored on the computer. I will definitely write about this module in the coming days, tk. this requires a separate post. As a result, I presented project protection with four types of encryption.

And as a result, at the moment I am a student of the direction of the IU8 department "Information security of automated systems" of the Bauman Moscow State Technical University.

P.S .: It is really very difficult to enter the department of IU8 according to the general competition, but this does not mean at all that the department only takes thieves. The thieves go to business and management, but not to technical specialties. The Olympiad “Step into the Future” is probably one of the most affordable ways to get into MSTU. The main thing is to force yourself to spend a year writing and defending a project and a physics Olympiad.
P.P.S .: When writing the article, we used graphic files from the site of the Bauman Moscow State Technical University (first 2) and clippings from the presentation accompanying the defense of the project (all other images).

By the decision of the Organizing Committee of the Step into the Future School Olympiad, the results of the qualifying round of the Step into the Future School Olympiad have been summed up:

- academic competition in general subjects "Mathematics", "Physics", "Informatics".

Scientific and educational competition in the set of subjects "Engineering" (general education subjects physics, computer science).

Academic competition

Scientific and educational competition (Olympiad for schoolchildren "Step into the future, Moscow" and "Step into the future, Cosmonautics")

WE CONGRATULATE THE WINNERS AND PRIZE-WINNERS of the qualifying stage of the Olympiad and invite them to take part in the final stages of the Olympiad, which will be held from February 1 to March 31, 2018 according to the following schedule:


for schoolchildren of grades 8-10

Address: Rubtsovskaya nab., 2/18,

Educational and laboratory building of MSTU im. N.E. Bauman

Registration of participants on the day of the Olympiad: 09.00 hours

Beginning of all Olympiads: 10.00 a.m.

Olympiad for schoolchildren "Step into the future" in general subjects

for schoolchildren of grade 11

Address: 2nd Baumanskaya st., 5,

Main learning Campus MSTU them. N.E. Bauman

The beginning of all Olympiads: 09.00 hours



for schoolchildren of grades 8-11



Scientific competition. Conducting a scientific conference at the departments

Academic tour of the complex of subjects "Engineering"

for schoolchildren of grades 8-11



The main objective of the program is the effective involvement of young people in the field of engineering creativity, the creation of special conditions within the walls of the M. N.E.Bauman for the upbringing of professionally-oriented, intellectually developed youth inclined to scientific work.

To carry out training and vocational training Research laboratories (RL) and initiative groups of teachers have been created on the basis of faculties and departments of MSTU for schoolchildren, providing individual scientific guidance to schoolchildren.

Schoolchildren are recruited to the Research Laboratory from grades 8-9. The NIL program is the training of young people (maximum 10 people) in special program, involving in-depth preparation for admission to a university. Education at the Research Laboratory is conducted by University teachers at lectures on the history of technology and technology, during laboratory work and during the passage of educational and technological practice.

The set for training according to individual plans provides for the involvement of schoolchildren in research work, professionally oriented and inclined to scientific and creative activity.

The results of training (in the research laboratory and individually) are abstract (for grades 8-9) or research work, drawn up in accordance with the requirements.

Approbation of work in the form of a public defense is carried out in the direction of the scientific supervisor at the annual interregional night conference-Olympiad "Step into the Future, Moscow".

The scientific directions of the conference correspond to the specialties of the Moscow State Technical University. N.E.Bauman, there is a section "Educational and rehabilitation technologies for disabled people" on the basis of the Head educational, research and methodological center for the rehabilitation of persons with disabilities.

After completing the training program "Step into the Future, Moscow", the applicant has a clear idea of ​​the chosen specialty, the skills of writing and defending scientific research work, which is important for successful admission and further study at the University.

Within the framework of scientific conferences of young researchers "Step into the Future, Moscow", a competition is held to award the title of Laureate with the right to count the results of research work (including the report) as entrance tests at the Moscow State Technical University. N.E.Bauman; at the same time, the average score of the certificate must be more than 4.1.

In accordance with the Decision of the Council of Rectors of Universities, the conference "Step into the Future, Moscow" was assigned the status of an interregional scientific Olympiad and the following regulations were established for its holding: Stage 1 - an intellectual tournament; Stage II - meeting of scientific sections.

The conference "Step into the Future, Moscow" is included in the official plan of events of the International Center for Learning Systems and the International UNESCO / IOC Chair-Network.

Within the framework of the scientific Olympiad "Step into the Future, Moscow", a Software and Computer Salon, a Design and Technology Salon, a concert of art groups from schools in Moscow and the Moscow Region, excursions to leading enterprises - AMO ZIL, JSC "Moskvich", NPO them. S.A. Lavochkina, NPO Energomash, RSC Energia, MMPP Salyut and others.

A collection of examples of documents for preparing your scientific work for the Olympiad can be downloaded from

The Russian scientific and social program for youth and schoolchildren "Step into the Future" informs you that during the All-Russian Forum of Scientific Youth "Step into the Future" (March 19-23, 2018) the final stage of the Olympiad for Schoolchildren "Step into the Future" will take place ...

Schoolchildren of grades 8-11, selected to participate in the Forum, are admitted to the final stage of the Olympiad, i.e. who are the winners and prize-winners of the first (qualifying) stage.

The first (qualifying) stage will take place from September 01, 2017 to January 31, 2018 and includes: solving Olympiad tasks in the "Engineering" profile in general subjects physics or computer science, corresponding to the direction of training, and defense research project at a regional qualifying competition.

To participate in the Olympiad of the first (qualifying) stage, all participants must complete electronic registration on the Center's website by October 13, 2017 inclusive. pre-university training MSTU them. N.E.Bauman:

Regional venues and organizations that are official participants in the Step into the Future program need to register participants in the first (qualifying) stage of the Olympiad in accordance with the Regulations on the Schoolchildren Olympiad “Step into the Future” and Federal Law No. 152-FZ of July 27, 2006 “On Personal data "and ensure the organization of storage of documents of registered participants (photocopy of the passport, certificate from the school, consent to the processing of personal data).

For students in grades 8-10, the academic round of the first (qualifying) stage of the Olympiad will be held in per full-time... On the website of the Lyceum No. 1580 in Moscow (, as well as on the website of the Center for Pre-University Training of the Moscow State Technical University named after N.E. Bauman (, section "News") from October 20 to November 20, 2017, variants of the Olympiad tasks will be posted. The variant of the task must be solved in a notebook and sent by mail to the address: 117639, Moscow, Balaklavsky prospect, building 6A, State Budgetary Educational Institution “Lyceum No. 1580 at MSTU im. N.E. Bauman "no later than November 20, 2017. The winners and prize-winners of the first (qualifying) stage will be recommended for participation in the second (final) stage, which will be held at the Moscow State Technical University. N.E. Bauman from 19 to 23 March 2017 in Moscow.

For students in grade 11, the academic round of the first (qualifying) stage of the Olympiad will be held in full-time at the Moscow State Technical University. N.E. Bauman in Moscow, as well as at regional sites and organizations - official participants of the "Step into the Future" program, on a single day throughout the Russian Federation (division by subject):

The Olympiad starts at 9:00 Moscow time.

Holding the Olympiad for schoolchildren “Step into the Future” at regional venues is regulated by paragraph V of the Regulations on the Olympiad for schoolchildren “Step into the Future”. MSTU them. N.E. Bauman provides the regional platform with e-mail 1 hour before the start of the Olympiad, options for assignments in a subject corresponding to the profile of the Olympiad. The duration of the Olympiad is 4 hours. At the end of the Olympics, representatives of the regional site ensure dispatch within 1 hour to the Moscow State Technical University. N.E. Bauman's works of the participants of the academic tour of the first (qualifying) stage of the Olympiad by courier mail to the Moscow State Technical University named after N.E. Bauman (105005, Moscow, 2nd Baumanskaya st., 5, building 1). The regional site must be provided at the Moscow State Technical University. N.E. Bauman, a set of reporting documents on the first (qualifying) stage of the Olympics. Forms of documents will be provided to the regional sites closer to the day of the Olympics.

The final stage of the Olympiad will be held during the All-Russian Forum of Scientific Youth "Step into the Future" (March 19-23, 2018) at the Moscow State Technical University. N.E. Bauman.

The final stage of the Olympiad is held in two rounds. The first round - defense of a research project at the All-Russian Forum of Scientific Youth "Step into the Future" (March 19-23, 2018). The second is to complete assignments in the "Engineering" profile (general education subjects: physics or computer science) - during the Forum.

Based on the results of defending the project and writing the Olympiad tasks at the final stage, the Olympiad Organizing Committee makes a decision and approves the lists of winners and prize-winners of the Step into the Future Olympiad for schoolchildren. The diploma of the winner and prize-winner of the Olympiad of schoolchildren "Step into the Future" in the profile "Engineering" gives preferences for admission to the Moscow State Technical University. N.E. Bauman on the basis of the Regulations on the Olympiad of Schoolchildren "Step into the Future" and the Admission Rules: to be enrolled in an educational institution without entrance tests for areas of training (specialties) corresponding to the profile of the Olympiad; conformity of implemented educational institution directions of training (specialties) to the profile of the Olympiad are determined by the educational institution independently.


01.10.2017 2109

Attention: Olympiad "Step into the Future"!

The Russian scientific and social program for youth and schoolchildren "Step into the Future" informs that during the All-Russian forum of scientific youth "Step into the Future" (March 19-23, 2018), the final stage of the Olympiad for schoolchildren "Step into the Future" will take place.
Schoolchildren of grades 8-11, selected for participation in the Forum, are admitted to the final stage of the Olympiad, i.e. who are the winners and prize-winners of the first (qualifying) stage.
The first (qualifying) stage will take place from September 01, 2017 to January 31, 2018 and includes: solving Olympiad tasks in the "Engineering" profile in general subjects physics or computer science, corresponding to the direction of training, and defense of a research project at a regional qualifying competition.
To participate in the Olympiad of the first (qualifying) stage, all participants must, by October 13, 2017 inclusive, complete electronic registration on the website of the Center for Pre-University Training of the Moscow State Technical University. N.E.Bauman:
For students in grades 8-10, the academic round of the first (qualifying) stage of the Olympiad will be held in correspondence. On the website of the Lyceum No. 1580 in Moscow (, as well as on the website of the Center for Pre-University Training of the Moscow State Technical University named after N.E. Bauman (, section "News") from October 20 to November 20, 2017, variants of the Olympiad tasks will be posted. The variant of the task must be solved in a notebook and sent by mail to the address: 117639, Moscow, Balaklavsky prospect, building 6A, State Budgetary Educational Institution “Lyceum No. 1580 at MSTU im. N.E. Bauman "no later than November 20, 2017. The winners and prize-winners of the first (qualifying) stage will be recommended for participation in the second (final) stage, which will be held at the Moscow State Technical University. N.E. Bauman from 19 to 23 March 2017 in Moscow.
The final stage of the Olympiad will be held during the All-Russian Forum of Scientific Youth "Step into the Future" (March 19-23, 2018) at the Moscow State Technical University. N.E. Bauman.
The final stage of the Olympiad is held in two rounds. The first round - defense of a research project at the All-Russian Forum of Scientific Youth "Step into the Future" (March 19-23, 2018). The second is to complete assignments in the "Engineering" profile (general education subjects: physics or computer science) - during the Forum.
Based on the results of defending the project and writing the Olympiad tasks at the final stage, the Olympiad Organizing Committee makes a decision and approves the lists of winners and prize-winners of the Step into the Future Olympiad for schoolchildren. The diploma of the winner and prize-winner of the Olympiad of schoolchildren "Step into the Future" in the profile "Engineering" gives preferences for admission to the Moscow State Technical University. N.E. Bauman on the basis of the Regulations on the Olympiad of Schoolchildren "Step into the Future" and the Admission Rules: to be enrolled in an educational institution without entrance tests for areas of training (specialties) corresponding to the profile of the Olympiad; the correspondence of the areas of training (specialties) implemented by the educational institution to the profile of the Olympiad is determined by the educational institution independently.