Novosibirsk universities and institutes with budgetary places. Universities of Novosibirsk. Novosibirsk universities and institutes

Siberian State Geodetic Academy

Siberian State Geodetic Academy (Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher vocational education "Siberian State Geodetic Academy") we considered in much more detail in the corresponding article, headings " state academies Novosibirsk ", on the resource. Without undue hesitation, consider this option as a worthy alternative to those mentioned in Russia. Like other state academies in Novosibirsk, this option trains and graduates professionals in the direction of" geodysical ".

Siberian State Transport University

Siberian state University railways (Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education "Siberian State University of Railways") together with the map is considered in the corresponding article at the current meeting. Like many other state universities in Novosibirsk, this educational institution raises the qualifications of top-class specialists in the field of "communications". We strongly recommend that you take note of this educational institution and other state universities in Novosibirsk, as an alternative to many others on the list.

Novosibirsk State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering (Sibstrin)

You can immediately postpone this educational institution for later analysis as a worthy alternative to many others on the list. Novosibirsk State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering (Sibstrin) (Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education "Novosibirsk State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering (Sibstrin)") is given a little in announcements and articles at our meeting. Probably, like the state universities of Novosibirsk, this higher educational institution conducts training for masters of their craft in the specialty "architecture and construction".

Novosibirsk State Agrarian University

Novosibirsk State Agrarian University (Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education "Novosibirsk State Agrarian University") is very poorly described for you, and a section on a specific resource is issued. You can quite seriously take note of this educational institution as a replacement for many others mentioned here. Unlike other state universities in Novosibirsk, this option provides training for top-class specialists in the specialty "agrarian".

We strongly recommend that you take note of this educational institution as a replacement for those mentioned here. Probably not state institutions In Novosibirsk, this university produces leaders in the field of "economics and management". Novosibirsk Institute Economics and Management (Non-state educational institution of higher professional education "Novosibirsk Institute of Economics and Management") is considered in much more detail, and a section on this site is designed.

Novosibirsk State University of Economics and Management - "N INKh"

Novosibirsk State University of Economics and Management - "N INKh" (Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education "Novosibirsk State University of Economics and Management" N INKH ") is superficially described in announcements and articles on our resource. The same as the state universities of Novosibirsk. this option prepares professionals in the specialty of “economics and management.” We propose to study and adopt this educational institution as a replacement for similar ones in Novosibirsk.

The Novosibirsk State Theater Institute (State Autonomous Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education of the Novosibirsk Region "Novosibirsk State Theater Institute") is superficially considered by us in the corresponding article on the current list of universities. Without undue hesitation, look at this university as a replacement for similar ones on the list. Probably, like the state institutions of Novosibirsk, this option trains and graduates directors in the "theater" profile.

Novosibirsk branch of the Russian Economic University named after G.V. Plekhanov

Novosibirsk branch of the Russian Economic University named after G.V. Plekhanov (Novosibirsk branch of the federal state budgetary educational institution higher professional education "Russian the University of Economics named after G.V. Plekhanov ") is described in much more detail in announcements and articles on this resource. You can quite seriously consider this university as a replacement for many others on this resource. That and many other state universities in Novosibirsk, this higher educational institution produces masters of their craft on the subject of" economic ".

Novosibirsk Technological Institute (branch) of the Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education "Moscow State University of Design and Technology" () is excellently considered among other materials on this site. It is possible to take note of this university and other state institutions of Novosibirsk, as an alternative to those mentioned on our website. Like other state institutions of Novosibirsk, this option accepts and trains top-class specialists in the field of "technology and design".

Siberian Polytechnic College - branch of the National Research Nuclear University "M IF I"

We advise you to consider this institution of higher education and others public colleges Novosibirsk, as an alternative to those mentioned here. Unlike other state colleges in Novosibirsk, this university makes leaders of the "polytechnic" kind. Siberian polytechnic college - a branch of the National Research Nuclear University "M IF I" (Siberian Polytechnic College - a branch of the Federal State Autonomous Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education "National Research Nuclear University" M IF I ") is superficially considered, and the section, headings" State Colleges of Novosibirsk ", on the DB interface.

Novosibirsk State Technical University

Unlike other state universities in Novosibirsk, this university raises the qualifications of leaders on the subject of "technical". You can quite seriously examine this university as a worthy alternative to similar ones, often on our website. Novosibirsk State technical University (Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education "Novosibirsk State Technical University" (NSTU)) together with the map is described for you among other materials on our portal.

Novosibirsk branch of the Modern Humanitarian Academy

Novosibirsk branch of the Modern humanitarian academy (Novosibirsk branch of the non-state accredited private educational institution of higher professional education of the Modern Humanitarian Academy) is very poorly described in announcements and articles, headings "non-state academies of Novosibirsk", on the website. Like other non-state academies in Novosibirsk, this institution of higher education improves the qualifications of good workers in the field of "humanitarian". It is possible to postpone this institution for further analysis as a worthy alternative to many others mentioned here.

Novosibirsk State Medical University of the Federal Agency for Healthcare and Social Development

Just like the state universities of Novosibirsk, this university accepts and prepares professionals in the "medical" profile. Novosibirsk State medical University Federal Agency for Healthcare and Social Development (State budgetary educational institution of higher professional education "Novosibirsk State Medical University" of the Ministry of Health and social development Russian Federation) together with the map is described for you in announcements and articles under the heading "state universities of Novosibirsk" on the portal. You can put this institution of higher education aside for later analysis as a worthy alternative to the many others mentioned here.

You can take note of this option as a worthy alternative to similar ones often mentioned here. Novosibirsk Military Institute of Internal Troops named after General of the Army I.K. Yakovlev of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation (Federal State Treasury Military Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education "Novosibirsk Military Institute of Internal Troops named after General of the Army I.K. Like many other state institutions of Novosibirsk, this higher educational institution conducts training for managers in the specialty "Ministry of Internal Affairs".

Probably, like the state institutions of Novosibirsk, this educational institution raises the qualifications of top-class specialists in the field of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. Novosibirsk branch of Barnaul legal institute The Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation () is excellently noted in one of the notes on this resource. You can accept this option and other state institutions of Novosibirsk, as an alternative to similar ones in the catalog.

The branch of the non-state educational institution of higher professional education "St. Petersburg Institute of Foreign Economic Relations, Economics and Law" in Novosibirsk (Branch of the non-state educational institution of higher professional education "St. Petersburg Institute of Foreign Economic Relations, Economics and Law" in Novosibirsk) is excellently described for you in the materials, headings "non-state institutions of Novosibirsk", on the database interface. Probably, like the non-state institutions of Novosibirsk, this option produces leaders on the subject of "foreign economic relations, economics and law." Do not hesitate to take note of this institution of higher education as a worthy alternative to similar ones often mentioned here.

Novosibirsk is the third largest city in Russia, and it is not only an economically developed region, but also a large science Center... Therefore, the city has 38 higher educational institutions, many of which are universities. Let's talk briefly about which universities in Novosibirsk are the largest, most prestigious and popular outside the native region.


The university is one of the most desirable universities in Siberia from the point of view of the applicant. It will be completed by the future business elite and prominent political figures not only in the region, but throughout the country. Technical and scientific specialists with NSU diplomas are in demand all over the world.

Future academics and scientists also study here, therefore the requirements for admission are serious. It is also important that according to data for 2016 Novosibirsk State University entered the top ten the best universities country and took 9th place in it. No other university in Novosibirsk has ever come close to such success.

The passing score for admission to this university is traditionally high - the minimum is 67 points, but more than 230 points are required to enter prestigious specialties (such as computer science or management). The cost of training at prestigious faculties is about 120-150 thousand rubles a year, and at simpler faculties - 70-80 thousand.


It is also on the list, however, it occupies only 24th position, and in comparison with the 2015 rating, NSTU has lost 4 positions.

Despite this, there are invariably many people who want to study at the Novosibirsk State Technical University at the faculties of mechatronics, automation, aircraft, radio engineering. There are slightly more than 1600 budget places at the university, and tuition on a paid basis will cost 90-120 thousand per year. It will cost two times cheaper distance learning, but the process of obtaining a diploma will take a year longer than full-time... The passing score, depending on the direction, is from 40.

NSTU gives an opportunity to get an international diploma. Just like other large universities in Novosibirsk, this university cooperates with dozens of universities in Europe, especially in Asia and the CIS countries.

NSTU is also one of the founders of the Siberian open university, a member of many international educational associations and a successful leader in the fusion of industry, business, science and education.


The University of Economics and Management is the largest economic university in Western Siberia. 4 faculties train specialists not only in economic areas... The university is successfully developing the information and technical direction of work. The University is proud of the fact that 90% of its graduates are in demand in the labor market, and many are already at the stage of pre-diploma practice focused on permanent employment. The university is also available from the point of view of paid education - the largest number of specialties cost about 40-60 thousand per year, however, in correspondence courses. Full-time education costs twice as much, and in some specialties there is a choice of full-time and part-time forms.


The University of Railways and Communications is a unique university specializing in the training of railway workers and managers. Few universities in Novosibirsk and the whole country in modern conditions practice the distribution of graduates. SGUPS is one of them. Naturally, this is a huge plus for applicants, since entering the SSUPS, you can be confident in your subsequent employment. Moreover, the main customers of the specialists are Russian Railways and the regional administration. The university fruitfully cooperates with similar universities in Japan and Korea, has strong ties with other South Asian countries, including teaching foreign students.

The most demanded specialties are associated with the railway. The passing score for them is 180 and above. There are budget places. And the cost of paid education is about 100 thousand per year. There is also the possibility of distance learning in some specialties, mainly related to management and administration.


Teaches specialists in 50 areas of training. On the basis of the university, scientific centers of ontogenesis, philosophy of education, enlightenment and information technologies... The university keeps up with the times and makes high demands on applicants. In response, he offers modern conditions receiving education and its high quality.


Often called in the old way - Sibstrin. Once it bore this name (from the Novosibirsk Construction Institute) and for a long time was the only university of this profile in Western Siberia and right up to the Far East. It is believed that NSUACE is one of the 50 universities in the country, whose graduates are most in demand in the labor market. The largest construction concerns in the region are 90% staffed by Sibstrin graduates. In addition, specialists are in demand in other regions of Russia, including Moscow.

Education at its faculties will cost about 100 thousand rubles a year, but there are also budgetary places - about 170.


The Medical University (Novosibirsk) has been training doctors of various specialties since 1935. Today it is the largest scientific center, which graduates about 5 thousand specialists a year. The Medical University (Novosibirsk) teaches students at 70 scientific bases, which are located in leading clinics and centers of the city and region.

Novosibirsk is the third city in terms of population and 12th in terms of area, it has the status of an urban district. The city is considered a scientific, commercial, transport, business, industrial and cultural center of federal significance.

Novosibirsk is known all over the world by the Novosibirsk Scientific Center of the Siberian Branch Russian academy Sciences (Novosibirsk Akademgorodok), on the territory of which there are dozens of the strongest research institutes: Higher College of Informatics of NSU, Physics and Mathematics School of NSU, Novosibirsk State University. The State Scientific Center for Biotechnology and Virology "Vector" is located near the city in the science city of Koltsovo.

There are 38 universities in Novosibirsk, namely: 13 universities, 16 institutes, 9 academies. In addition, 14 branches of universities in other Russian cities (including Moscow and St. Petersburg) have been opened in the city. The largest and most popular is the Novosibirsk State Technical University, where about 14,000 students simultaneously receive higher education.

Novosibirsk universities and institutes

The Education Navigator invites you to familiarize yourself with the catalog and find Novosibirsk universities with budget-funded places in 2015. Our database includes all the academies, institutes and universities in the city. Here you can see the rating of universities in Novosibirsk in 2015, read reviews about a particular university, study recommendations. Also, with the help of our catalog you will find information about all the institutes of Novosibirsk: list, addresses, phone numbers, official sites, location on the map, reviews, ratings, etc.

The catalog allows you to quickly find required universityusing the most important categories. You can find information about universities in Novosibirsk with budget places 2015 (list), distribute universities by rating, alphabet, reviews. Also here you will find a description of the new universities that have been opened in the city in recent years.

Before entering a university, it is very important to collect as much information as possible about the institution. The applicant needs to know if the university or institute has a hostel, a canteen, a stadium, practice, the possibility of traveling abroad, what kind of teaching staff is at the university, etc. All these factors make up a successful student life and allow you to get a high-quality, promising, in-demand profession.

System higher education in Novosibirsk is one of the best in the country: the city is famous for its academic town, on the territory of which there are many universities, as well as research institutes. The average number of budget-funded places in educational institutions is about 12.5 thousand, more than half of applicants come from other cities. The State University of Novosibirsk was included in the top twenty of the best universities in the Russian Federation, and the technical institute of the city was also in the top 100.

The name of the university A type educational institution Voted for the university Rating
State 55
State 4
State 3
State 6
State 5
State 10
State 26
State 8
State 10
State 21
State 35
State 13
Non-state 1
State 2
State 2
State 1
State 1
State 1
Non-state 1
Non-state 1
State 2
State 1
State 17
State 8
State 1
State 1
Non-state 1
Non-state 2

Twenty-eight universities and institutes have state status. Most of them do not have military department (The exception is a technical university and a university of telecommunications and informatics).

Humanities and law universities in the region, as well as a medical university offer exclusively paid education, with an average cost of 40 thousand per year. Five universities define the economy as their main profile, among them the State Agrarian University, Siberian Academy banking and finance, "NINH" - State University of Economics and Management. A variety of specialties are represented by technical universities (6 institutions). The State Technical University is the largest in the city, students can also pursue a narrower specialization at the University of Water Transport or Geosystems and Technology. The pedagogical profile is presented by a separate specialized university of the city. Twenty-five budget places are offered to the most talented candidates at the Higher Military Command School.

Most universities have both full-time and correspondence forms learning. Distance education can be obtained in technical and pedagogical universities Novosibirsk, as well as at the University of Telecommunications and the University of Geosystems and Technologies.

Admission after grade 11 requires passing the USE, the highest average passing score for the national research university Novosibirsk - it is 77 points in one discipline. The university represents the following faculties:

  • economics;
  • geology;
  • mathematics and mechanics;
  • natural sciences;
  • information technologies;
  • physics.

The easiest way is to enter the Siberian University of Railway Engineering at the Faculty of Civil and Industrial Construction: the average budget passing score there is 35 points in one discipline. IN recent years the competition for engineering specialties has grown, and humanitarian profiles have ceased to occupy leading positions. This is largely due to the possibility of passing industrial practice directly in the city. Approximately half of the universities (18 institutions) have dormitories, which, together with a large influx of candidates from other cities, causes a shortage of places to stay - it is worth thinking about settling on a campus in advance.