Higher educational institutions of the Urals. Universities of Yekaterinburg. Ural State Pedagogical University

Higher schools of our city are among the best in terms of the qualifications of the graduated personnel. According to statistics, in terms of the number of graduates currently representing the management elite, the universities of Yekaterinburg are second only to Moscow and St. Petersburg.

Today, higher educational institutions in Yekaterinburg are represented by a number of 48 institutions (among them 16 are out-of-town branches). A fairly wide selection of educational institutions allows each family to choose something to their taste and wallet. The cost of education often becomes an important criterion in making a final decision.

State universities in Yekaterinburg (at the moment there are only 18 institutions) provide an opportunity to enroll in budget education in many popular areas. Perhaps the advantages of free education are obvious to everyone who does not have extra funds for this item of expenditure. Moreover, many believe that the level of education at state universities in Yekaterinburg is superior to the quality of education at non-state institutions. Nevertheless, private universities, institutes and academies in our city have passed the appropriate accreditation, and many of them boast a decent teaching staff and use a strict reporting system.

Our online directory will be a very useful tool for anyone who has decided to thoroughly approach the choice of an educational institution. In this section, we have collected an extensive list of universities in Yekaterinburg, supplying each institution detailed description with the necessary information. Here you can find a little history, find out the status and type of institution, read about areas of study and much more. The pages of the site also contain contacts by which you can apply for more detailed information.

  • Yekaterinburg Institute physical culture(branch) FSBEI HE "UralSUPC" is one of the youngest and one of the few universities that train specialists in physical culture in Sverdlovsk region.

  • Cost of education.

  • One of the leading theatrical universities in Russia, along with universities in Moscow and St. Petersburg.

  • Training of modern specialists for the agro-industrial complex is carried out at 39 departments by highly qualified teaching staff in the amount of 367 people, including 68 professors and doctors of science, 195 associate professors and candidates of science.

  • Ural Stock Market Institute (UIFM) - unique an educational institution that trains specialists with a higher education in economics and in-depth knowledge of the Russian stock market.

  • Price distance learning in the system of bachelor's and master's degrees for 2015-2016 at the universities of Yekaterinburg is lower than in the full-time department.

  • USLTU is the only specialized forestry university in the Asian part of Russia

  • The cost of training in institutes for correspondence department much less than in full-time or part-time departments. But a lot of efforts are needed for independent study of sciences. The correspondence department is well suited for working people who have chosen their direction in life.

  • Ural State medical University- a leading medical institution of higher education in the Ural region.

  • A faculty that is aimed at the practical implementation of innovative directions in creative professions.

  • Ural State Pedagogical University is one of the largest pedagogical universities in the Ural region.

  • The Institute of Fine Arts is part of the Ural State Academy of Architecture and Art.

  • Subdivision of the Ural State Pedagogical University.

  • Institute of Economics and Entrepreneurship (Nizhny Tagil)

  • The Ural State Academy of Architecture and Art is one of the leading universities in the country in the field of urban planning, architecture, fine arts, and design.

The column "Passing score" shows the average passing score for one exam (the minimum total passing score divided by the number of examinations).

What is it and why is it important?

Enrollment in the university is based on the results of the exam (for each exam, you can score a maximum of 100 points). Individual achievements are also taken into account when enrolling, such as the final school essay (gives a maximum of 10 points), an excellent certificate (6 points) and the TRP badge (4 points). In addition, some universities are allowed to take an additional exam in a specialized subject for the chosen specialty. Some specialties also require a professional or creative exam. You can also earn a maximum of 100 points for each additional exam.

Passing score for any specialty in a particular university - this is the minimum total score with which the applicant was enrolled during the last admission campaign.

In fact, we know what points you could have entered last year. But, unfortunately, no one knows what grade you will be able to do this or next year. It will depend on how many applicants and with what points apply for this specialty, as well as on how much will be allocated budget places... Nevertheless, knowing the passing scores allows you to estimate your chances of admission with a high degree of probability, so it is worth focusing on them, this is important.

This section provides information about the institutes of Yekaterinburg. We counted several dozen of them. Yekaterinburg is the fourth largest and most important scientific center our country. All research institutes in Yekaterinburg have up-to-date technical facilities and professional research teams, and they also train highly qualified personnel that are in demand in today's labor market.

About some Yekaterinburg institutes

What institute should an applicant enter today? School graduates and their parents face such a question every year, and 2019 will be no exception.

Ural humanitarian Institute prepares specialists in the field of economics, psychology, jurisprudence, management and international relations.

Ural international institute tourism, which is also called UMIT, is becoming more and more popular among applicants. Many strive to work in the field of tourism, now the tourism topic is very relevant. There are enough people who want and have the opportunity to relax, respectively, there are people who want to help them in this. They want to acquire the necessary knowledge in order to professionally perform their duties in the future.

The Yekaterinburg State Theater Institute offers applicants to get an education in one of eight departments and get such qualifications as: an actor of drama theater and cinema, a theater expert - manager, a literary worker.

Ural financial legal institute a dynamically developing university located in the very center of Yekaterinburg. The quality of education is due to the high level of the teaching staff, which allowed the university to take an honorable place among the best universities Russia. UrFYuI trains specialists in the field of jurisprudence and finance.

Educational institution The Ural Institute of the Stock Market provides training for specialists in the field of the stock market and economics. This is the only university in Russia that trains specialists in the stock market. Among the various demanded specialties of the university, the most important is the securities market and exchange business, which makes the university a unique educational institution in Russia.

The Ural Institute of Economics, Management and Law is currently one of the largest non-state universities in Yekaterinburg. More than 5000 students study here in such specialties as: "World Economy", Jurisprudence, "Applied Informatics", "Finance and Credit". Students receive state diplomas, even while studying at any branch Ural Institute management economics and law.

First higher educational institution Yekaterinburg opened in 1914. It was the Ural Mining Institute. Since then, the city has developed, and institutes and academies have been regularly opened in it. In the 2000s, almost all of them received university status. Today there are over 20 universities in Yekaterinburg, some of them are non-state educational institutions. Branches of other universities operate (the head offices are located in Chelyabinsk, Moscow, St. Petersburg). The universities of Yekaterinburg are considered one of the best in the Urals.

Ural Federal University named after Boris Yeltsin

The university was created in 2009 after the merger Ural University named after Gorky and technical university named after Yeltsin. Although the history of the creation of the first university begins in 1920. Today, over 35 thousand students study at UrFU. There are 64 undergraduate directions, 26 - magistracy. The educational process is provided by 4 thousand teachers.

Ural State Law University

Founded in September 1918. Subsequently, it was renamed several times. Rank law university received in 2014. YurGUU is recognized as one of the most prestigious legal universities in the country. Students study in full-time, evening and correspondence courses. The university includes six institutes: the prosecutor's office; law and entrepreneurship; justice; extramural or accelerated learning; institute implementing additional education; Institute of State and International Law.

Ural State Economic University

It was formed in 1967. It was called the Sverdlovsk Institute of National Economy. In 1993 he received the status economic university cities. Today, the university is training 15 thousand students, classes are taught by about 400 teachers. USUE consists of four institutions: economics; finance and law; management and information technologies; as well as trade, food technology and service. The institutes are divided into 33 departments. There is a faculty of extramural education, additional and distance learning.

Ural State Medical University

It is recognized as the only university in the Sverdlovsk region, which trains doctors and pharmacists. Medical Institute was opened in 1931. In 2013, the university was awarded the status of a university. Consists of several faculties: treatment-and-prophylactic; pediatric; dental; pharmaceutical; medico-prophylactic; psychological and social work and VSO.

Ural State Mining University

This is the oldest university in the Urals. It was founded by order of Nicholas II back in 1914. By 2014, 50 thousand engineers graduated from the university. The university consists of several faculties: mining and technology; mining and mechanical; engineering and economic; civil protection, geology and geophysics; Faculty of World Economy and Business. Also, the university includes a correspondence department and a college of urban economy.

Ural State Forestry University

It was opened in 1930. Over its history, the university has trained over 56 thousand specialists. The only specialized university in the Ural-Siberian region. It is a leading forestry university in Russian Federation... More than 8 thousand students study at USFEU. Training is carried out in 28 specialties. The university includes its own driving school, a technopark, a garden of medicinal cultures and a sanatorium-preventorium.

Ural State Agrarian University

It was formed in 1940 as the Sverdlovsk Agricultural Institute. In 2013 he received the status of a university. Today it is a multidisciplinary educational institution. It has seven thousand students in 32 specialties. The educational process is provided by more than 400 teachers. The university includes five faculties: veterinary medicine and expertise; transport and technological machines and services; agricultural technologies and land management; Faculty of Technology and Engineering Faculty.

Ural State Transport University

The order on the founding of a university that trains railway specialists was signed in 1956. Received university status in 1999. More than thirteen and a half thousand students study at the university and its branches, of which 7 thousand are on the full-time education system. 1100 teachers work. The structure of the university includes six faculties: electromechanical; electrotechnical; building; mechanical; management of the transportation process; economics and Management.

Ural State Pedagogical University

It is among the oldest universities in the Urals. It was opened in 1930. More than twenty thousand students study in full-time and part-time departments. In 2010 he took 5th place in the list of the best humanitarian and pedagogical higher institutions of the country. The Ural State Pedagogical University includes nine faculties. These include: mathematical; historical; geographic and biological; economic. As well as the Faculty of Sociology; jurisprudence; physical culture; life safety; Faculty of Tourism and Hotel Service.

Russian State Vocational Pedagogical University

It opened in September 1979, but was called the Sverdlovsk Engineering and Pedagogical Institute. Since 2001, it became known as RGPPU. It includes four institutes. They provide training in engineering and pedagogical education; psychological and pedagogical education; humanitarian and socio-economic education; development of the territorial system of pedagogical education.

Yekaterinburg State Theater Institute

In addition to YSTI, there is not a single higher theatrical educational institution in the Urals. In total, there are seven profiled universities throughout the country. The institute was founded in 1985. Consists of eight departments. Students are trained in acting; theater studies; theater direction; literary work. YSTI has its own educational theater, equipped with all the necessary equipment.

Ural State Mussorgsky Conservatory

The conservatory was opened in 1934, became the first higher musical educational institution not only in the Urals, but also in Siberia and Far East... Occupies the oldest building in the city, built in the 18th century. UGK prepares highly professional musicians not only for Russia, but also for work abroad. Consists of two faculties: instrumental performance; vocal and choral art, musicology, composition and sound engineering.

Ural State University of Architecture and Art

The institution was founded in 1972. It was called the Sverdlovsk Architectural Institute. The university trains specialists in the field of architecture, urban planning, design and fine arts workers. The structure of the university includes five faculties: architecture; design; pre-university training; additional vocational education; evening training.

Yekaterinburg Academy of Contemporary Art

The state higher educational institution was opened in 2006. Students are trained in the following areas: visual communications; technologies in the management of the sphere of culture; art and sports marketing; dance and modern plastic culture; cultural journalism; digital art and the direction of applied informatics in the field of social culture.

Ural Law Institute of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia

Opened in 1991, earlier branches worked in Sverdlovsk high school Ministry of Internal Affairs Soviet Union... Graduates specialists for work in the internal affairs bodies of the country. The Institute consists of three faculties: training of investigators; training of police specialists and the faculty for distance learning, retraining and advanced training. The faculties include 17 departments.

Ural Institute of the State Fire Service EMERCOM of Russia

The first state firefighting courses were opened in 1929. Improvement gradually took place educational programs... As a result, a fire-technical school was opened in 1993. In 2004 it was transformed into an institute. The structure of the university includes five faculties: training of fire safety engineers; technosphere safety; distance learning; paid education services and the faculty for advanced training and personnel retraining.

Humanitarian University

This is a non-state university opened in Yekaterinburg in 1990. The structure includes the following faculties: TV and radio journalism; modern dance; computer technology; social technologies; Faculty of Business and Management; designing and modeling clothes and Faculty of Law... Since 2012 Humanitarian University receives a government order for budget places.

Yekaterinburg Theological Seminary

Non-state institution higher education, submits to the ROC. First theological school was opened in 1836. But in the twenties during the Soviet era, it was closed. The seminary reopened in 2001. The seminary trains clergy, workers of patriarchate institutions, missionaries, regimental priests. Famous graduates of the seminary were: A. Popov (inventor of radio), writer Mamin-Sibiryak, storyteller Bazhov, the last chief prosecutor Kartashev.

Ural Stock Market Institute

Commercial (private) university of Yekaterinburg. It opened in 1993. Classes are attended by one and a half thousand students. Students receive education in finance and credit, marketing, organization management, economics and enterprise management, accounting, analysis and audit.

Branch of the Leningrad State University named after Pushkin

The parent university has several branches, one of which is located in Yekaterinburg. Prepares specialists in the following programs: psychology, economics, management, speech therapy. There are also directions for state and municipal administration and for psychological and pedagogical education. The university offers over fifty educational programs.

Branch of the Ural State University of Physical Education

The main higher institution located in Chelyabinsk. A branch was opened in Yekaterinburg in 2000. Training is conducted in the following areas: tourism, physical education and physical education for people with disabilities (it is also adaptive physical education). Among the teachers there are doctors of sciences and masters of sports.

Branch of the St. Petersburg State University of Water Communications

The branch of SPbGUVK was opened in Yekaterinburg in 2002. The history of the head university in St. Petersburg dates back to 1809. There are just over 700 students studying at the university. Recruitment is carried out for the following specialties: environmental engineer, mechanical engineer, manager, economist and economist-manager.

Ural Technical Institute of Communications and Informatics

Is a branch Siberian University telecommunications and informatics, located in Novosibirsk. This is a government educational institution. The branch in Yekaterinburg was opened in 1998. Students receive education in radio engineering, infocommunication technology and communication systems, as well as specialization in computer science and computer technology.

Ural Institute of Management (branch)

This is a branch of the Academy of National Economy under the President of the Russian Federation, located in Moscow. The branch in Yekaterinburg was opened in 2010. Training is possible at full-time, part-time and evening departments. Students study economics, management, economic security, jurisprudence, and public and municipal administration.