Presentation - Minoan civilization - file Minoan civilization.doc. Minoan Civilization Presentation on the Minoan Civilization

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Culture of Crete (Minoan culture) Mid-2nd millennium BC e. Teacher MBOU SOSH №14 Korshunov Alexey Nikolaevich


Palace of Knossos (palace of King Minos) reconstruction

Could a visit to this palace lead to the legend of the labyrinth?

Portico Reconstructed fragment

Passage inside the palace Reconstructed fragment


Priest Frieze Fragment

Determine the similarities in the canon of depicting people in the art of Ancient Egypt and the art of Crete.

Reconstruction of the fresco of the Game with the Bull

Cup. XVI century BC e.

Bull head

What conclusions can be drawn from the fact that the ancient Cretans very often depicted bulls?



Based on the slides you have seen, can you draw conclusions about the role of the sea in the life of the ancient Cretans? Why weren't there similar images in Ancient Egypt?

Wild boar hunting

What impression did the art of Crete leave on you?

On the subject: methodological developments, presentations and notes

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The test work contains test items and a task with illustrative material on the Cretan-Mycenaean culture ...

"Precursors of ancient culture. Cretan-Mycenaean culture" - educational and methodological material for conducting lessons of the World art culture and art in grades 8-9.

This material "Precursors of ancient culture. Cretan-Mycenaean culture" introduces students in grades 8-9 with the history and images of the most ancient representatives of the early period of ancient culture, telling ...

Topic: The first states on the island of Crete. Minoan civilization.


To form ideas about the characteristic features of the Minoan civilization;

To acquaint students with the most famous historical and artistic monuments of ancient Crete, the history of their discovery by archaeologists;

Describe the history of the demise of the civilization of Crete.

Subject results:

Describe the main features of the structure of Ancient Crete based on various sources (educational text, historical documents, myths, illustrations and maps). Establish the duration of the period of existence of the Cretan civilization. Create a description of the most famous historical and artistic monuments of Ancient Crete. Tell the story of the death of the civilization of Crete. Describe the significance of the Minoan civilization for world culture.

Metasubject results:

Cognitive: perceive, process and present information in verbal, written and figurative forms. Regulatory: the ability to carry out actions according to a given algorithm; the ability to control their activities based on the result of the assignment.

Communicative: willingness to cooperate with peers;

Personal results: Be capable of self-identification with a cultural community; show independence in acquiring new knowledge and practical skills.

Basic terms and concepts: civilization, Minoans, labyrinth, griffin, fresco, Ariadne, Minos.

Study plan:

    Formation of the first states in the history of Europe

    The flourishing of the civilization of Crete during the reign of King Minos

    Royal Palace of Knossos

    The myth of Theseus and the Minotaur

    The death of the Cretan civilization

Lesson resources: textbook, § 28, p. 76-77; exercise book, p. 46. ​​(# 6); atlas; electronic supplement to the textbook.

During the classes:

Updating previous knowledge:

Who can name the previous lesson topic? (Gods and heroes of the ancient Greeks). What was the religion of the ancient Greeks? (belief in many gods). What role, according to the Greeks, did the heroes play in the relationship between gods and humans? How did the heroes of Greek myths resemble the gods and how did they differ?

Your task was to prepare a retelling of any Greek god or hero, or to complete the task in the exercise book p. 56 No. 1.

The teacher collects exercise books with the task, and hears the oral answers.

Discovery of new knowledge:

    Stage of motivation to the topic

To learn a new topic, you need to decipher the confusion on the chalkboard. Having deciphered it, you name the topic of the lesson.

“Transfers of Darstvasugo to TeKri. Neumskaya visatsilizatsiya "

Let's write down the topic of the lesson: The first states in Crete. Minoan civilization.

Pay attention to the topic of the lesson. What do you know about this topic? What words are familiar and unknown to you (presumably: about Crete, states).

Unknown: Minoan civilization, the first states on the island. Crete.

Children write down basic terms and concepts: civilization, Minoans, labyrinth, griffin, fresco, Ariadne, Minos. / write in a column, leaving room for their definition.

Think and tell me, what are we going to study? The teacher leads to the study plan:

    Learning new material:

The first states in Greece (in the history of Europe) arose on the island of Crete at the very beginning of the 2nd millennium BC. e. We know about the Cretan society of that time thanks to the discoveries of archaeologists. During excavations in Crete, archaeologists found clay tablets with inscriptions. Consequently, its inhabitants had a written language. But then there were not Greeks living in Crete, and scientists do not know in what language these tablets are written. Therefore, until now, no one has been able to read them. The people who created the states in Crete, scientists call Minoans by the name of King Minos, about whom many Greek myths speak.

Now we will plunge into the atmosphere of the life of Ancient Crete, after working with the text of the document (excerpt from the work of Diodorus) / work with the document, work with questions to the document No. 2,3.

At first, there were four states on Crete, the center of each of which was a large palace. The famous palace was Knossos.

Electronic application: Video clip of the Palace of Knossos. / Watching video clip

The Palace of Knossos is a complex structure, resembling a Labyrinth in its structure

Civilization is a high level in the development of mankind, when own connections between people begin to prevail over natural connections. (For example: primitive man, Egyptian pharaoh)

Minoan civilization. Its features

One of the famous civilizations on the island. Crete was a Minoan civilization named for King Minos.

During the reign of King Minos, the cities of Knossos, Festus, Kydonia were founded, the Cretan cities were united into a single state. Minos created a strong fleet. The Minoan civilization developed into a strong maritime power.

The Minoan civilization is a unique state. The Greeks had myths about this king. (the story of the Myth Theseus defeats the Minotaur (a monster with the head of a bull that lived on Crete - see textbook 76) / display of a sculptural image of Theseus in an electronic application.

The Minoan civilization on Crete had its own characteristics (distinctive properties). Your task in the textbook on page 77. Find the features of the Minoan civilization // // itself. work with the textbook - 10 minutes.

Minoan civilization features:

    Crete was defended by the fleet

    A large area of ​​Knossos on about. Crete occupied the royal palace

    The royal palace was decorated: griffins (fantastic animals with lion bodies and eagle heads) or frescoes were depicted on the walls, there was a water supply and sewerage system

    Many Greek states were subject to Minos.

However, the flourishing of the Minoan civilization under King Minos was replaced by a catastrophe. In the middle of the 15th century. BC there was a volcanic eruption, and the conquest of Crete by the Achaeans (one of the Greek tribes).


1) Performing an assignment in a notebook-simulator p. 46 № 6 (solution of the issue) .2) Frontal poll: tell me what you remember on the topic. What have you learned in the lesson?

Lesson summary:

Reflection: Self-assessment according to the algorithm proposed by the teacher with assessment criteria. (evaluate your work in the lesson)

d / s: cheat 28, optional: draw the plan of the Labyrinth the way you imagine it. Where would you place the Minotaur, which road Theseus will take ", or any drawing for the paragraph:" Theseus defeats the Minotaur ", Palace of Knossos

Slide 2

Heinrich Schliemann

Heinrich Schliemann believed Homeric's account of the Trojan War. In 1873, in Asia Minor, he discovered the ruins of Troy exactly at the place where Homer had placed Troy, and in 1876 he repeated the same in Mycenae, a city ruled by King Agamemnon, who led a united Greek army against Troy. Homer's prestige was restored.
Schliemann's discoveries inspired the wealthy English antiquities and journalist Arthur Evans, who decided that since Troy really existed, then Knossos could exist. In 1900, Evans began excavations on the island. The result was the discovery of a colossal palace and an abundance of murals, ceramics, jewelry and texts. However, the civilization discovered was clearly not Greek, and Evans named it Minoan, after the legendary King Minos.

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The rise of the Minoan civilization

The first inhabitants of Crete, who left material evidence of themselves, were farmers who used stone tools, who appeared here long before 3000 BC.
The first palaces in Crete, together with a new culture, suddenly arose approx. 1950 BC, in the absence of any traces of the gradual development of urban culture in Crete. Therefore, archaeologists have reason to believe that we can talk about the "Minoans" only after 1950 BC. early Minoan culture, one can doubt whether it was Minoan at all.

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The Minoan aliens were seafarers from the eastern shores of the Mediterranean. They brought much of the innovation to Crete and established ramified cultural and trade relations with the entire Mediterranean. By the end of the III millennium BC. the eastern Mediterranean has become the center of world history. Along its shores, the impulses emanating from Egypt, Syria with Palestine, Mesopotamia and Asia Minor have already merged, and a whole group of peoples, extremely diverse in ethnic origin and language, formed new combinations. Such a composite culture was characteristic of the newcomers already involved in the system of trade relations. For example, Ugarit, a busy port in northern Syria, was active in trade with Crete, thanks to which there was an influx of new ideas and practical skills not only from the shores of Syria and Palestine, but also from Egypt and Mesopotamia.

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Everyday life

Long hair was worn by both men and women, but women decorated it in an especially varied manner, styling it with curls and curls. The men's clothing consisted almost only of a wide leather waist belt and a leather codpiece. The women wore long, colorful, ruffled skirts.

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The urban community consisted of the upper class (which included the royal family, nobility and priests), the middle class and slaves. As can be assumed, in terms of their status in society, women were equal to men in every way, they participated in all types of activities, including the most dangerous types of athletic activities.

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The Minoans worshiped many gods, some of which can be traced back to ancient times. Our information about these gods is scarce, but noticing similarities with the more famous gods in other regions of the Middle East, one can draw conclusions regarding the Cretan gods themselves and the nature of worship. Thus, in the mountain sanctuaries, they worshiped the widely revered god Ya-sa-sa-la-mu (pronounced "ya-sha-sha-la-muu"), whose name means "He Who Gives Prosperity." At least six Minoan cult objects are dedicated to him - stone tables for libation, etc.

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The most widely known Minoan deity is the goddess, usually depicted in a ruffled skirt, with her arms raised apart, and snakes are often entwined around her body and arms. Her figurines have become a symbol of the Minoan civilization. This goddess, like Yashashalam, may also be of Semitic origin, as she appears on cylinder seals from Mesopotamia, earlier than those from Crete.

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A common feature of the Minoan religion was the worship of nature - sacred trees, springs, and stone pillars.
Unlike many ancient inhabitants of the Middle East, the Minoans did not erect magnificent temples for their gods. They performed joint cult actions on palace grounds, in cave sanctuaries, in house churches, in chapels built over the sources of streams, but primarily in sanctuaries on the summits.

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The most notable examples of Minoan architecture are found among the remains of palace cities such as Knossos and Mallia in the north, and Phaestus and Agia Triada in the south of Crete. The Minoans, in fact, were not involved in urban planning. The head of the community chose the best place for his palace, and his relatives and retinue rebuilt houses around the palace. For this reason, the cities had a radial layout, with streets emanating from the palace in the center and connected by more or less concentric alleys.
Palace cities were usually located inland and connected to port cities by paved roads. A notable exception to this rule is Mallia: the coastal plain here is so narrow that Mallia was also a port.

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The Mycenaeans and the Decline of the Minoan Civilization

At some point after 1900 BC. from the region of the Balkans, or perhaps from more distant regions in the east, the Greek-speaking peoples invaded mainland Greece. Spreading from Macedonia to the Peloponnese, they founded many cities such as Pylos, Tiryns, Thebes and Mycenae. These Greeks, whom Homer calls Achaeans, are now called Mycenaeans.

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Around 1400 BC The Mycenaeans took possession of Knossos, and from that moment on Crete was the birthplace of the united Minoan-Mycenaean culture. Linear B is primarily associated with this date and the next two or three centuries: the Mycenaean Greeks adapted the Cretan script to their own language.

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The Mycenaean culture continued to flourish. The Trojan War took place approx. 1200 BC and Homer mentions that King Idomeneo from Crete arrived with a detachment of Mycenaeans to help the Greeks. The downfall of the Mycenaeans happened around 1200 BC, when they were defeated by the invading Dorians, the last Greek-speaking people to come to Greece from the north, after which Greece itself and Crete entered the period of the so-called. "Dark Ages" that lasted over 300 years.

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Periodization 1. Civilization of Minoan Crete (end of III - II millennium BC) 2. Achaean Greece. Mycenaean civilization (end of III - II millennium BC) 3. Homeric period (dark ages) (XII - IX centuries BC) 4. Archaic Greece (VIII - VI centuries BC. ) the flourishing of policies, colonization. 5. Classical Greece (V - IV centuries BC) Struggle for influence in the Mediterranean. 6. Hellenistic period (IV - II centuries BC)

Civilization of Minoan Crete The name "Minoan" after the mythical king of Crete Minos. At the turn of the IIIII millennium BC. in Crete, bizarre buildings appear, which modern archaeologists usually call "palaces". A theocratic monarchy is taking shape. Writing and fine arts are peculiar. Civilization flourished in the centuries. BC, the city of Knossos becomes the capital. Archaeological finds indicate a strong social differentiation of the population. Dies in 1450 BC

Mycenaean civilization The creators of the Mycenaean culture were the Achaean Greeks, who invaded the Balkan Peninsula at the turn of the III-II millennia BC. e. from the north Achaeans borrowed many important elements of their culture from Crete: some cults and religious rituals, fresco painting, water supply and sewerage systems, styles of men and women clothing, some types of weapons, linear syllabic writing. Achaean warlike states, Tiryns, Mycenae, Thebes, could unite for joint military ventures. An example is the famous Trojan War, which Homer tells about in the poem "Iliad".

Homeric period. The main part of the barbarian tribes who took part in the invasion did not hold out on the territory they had captured and fled back to the north. Only small tribal groups of Dorians and related Western Greek peoples, Ionians, Boeotians and Thessalians, settled in the coastal regions of the Peloponnese: Argolis, Achaia, Elis, Laconia and Messenia. Separate islets of the Achaean culture continued to exist interspersed with newly founded settlements of aliens.

Lack of a single political center of civilization. The coincidence of the political and military organization of society. The variety of forms and structures of public authorities. Political disenfranchisement of immigrants. The supreme body is the People's Assembly, which usually had the right to make final decisions on issues. A kind of legislation.

It is based on a polis form of ownership (both state and private). Only one who was a full member of the civil community could become the owner of the land. It was based on cattle breeding, agriculture, viticulture, gardening and handicrafts. The basic principle is the idea of ​​"autarky" (self-sufficiency). A means of subsistence that does not depend on external, natural factors is the economic basis of freedom.

The existence of a person outside the framework of the policy is impossible. Firm belief that the policy is the highest good. The well-being of the individual depends on the well-being of the policy. The superiority of agricultural labor over other types of activity. Condemnation of the idea of ​​hoarding. The competitive spirit of agonistics, penetrating into science and culture, politics and sports, has become a stimulus for creative activity. Polis value system Spiritual sphere

Sparta. Economy and social structure. The Spartan community was of an agrarian, landowning character; Trade and monetary relations were poorly developed. The land was considered the property of the community, the state as a whole. The lands were cultivated by the labor of the powerless, dependent population - the helots. In Sparta, there were also periecs (living around, i.e. not on the territory of the city of Sparta itself.). They were engaged not only in agriculture, but in crafts and trade.

Athens. Economy and social structure. The main sources of strength and wealth of this polis were trade and shipbuilding. A major port, Piraeus, quickly developed into an economic and commercial center. The population of Athens fell into classes: aristocracy (Eupatrides), large traders of free producers (demos), i.e. peasants and artisans). unequal - metecs (strangers living in the territory of Athens). Slaves completely deprived of civil rights and personal freedom.

Sparta. Political structure. Sparta was a typical oligarchic republic. The community was headed by two kings. The Council of Elders (Gerusia) was an organ of the Spartan nobility, the Collegium of Ephor-priests. The popular assembly (apella) actually did not matter much.

Athens. Political structure. The role of the Athenian people's assembly (ecclesia) grew. The main government offices were elective. Elected council of five hundred (bule). The stronghold of the clan nobility is the Areopagus. A jury (helium) was created, the composition of which was replenished by drawing lots from among all full-fledged citizens.

Causes of the crisis Changes in the economy, undermining the basic principle of polis life Loss of land ownership by the poor Development of usury - lease of land Implementation of classical slavery and a commodity economy Property and class stratification within the polis collective Exacerbation of social struggle Constant wars between policies Establishment of tyranny

The polis, formed in the specific natural conditions of Hellas, with the peculiarity of its socio-economic and political development, was a phenomenon practically unknown in the world of ancient civilizations of the East. He had a significant impact on the Hellenistic civilizations and Rome.