World College Passing Grade. Fine chemical technology. Social guarantees for students

Additional Information

Tuition fees: from 48 000 rub / year

Budget seats: 2 460

Passing score: from 51,7

The Moscow Institute of Technology is the only organization in Russia created with the support of UNESCO. MTI was formed due to the merger of MGUPI and MITHT with MIREA.

For admission, you need to have a passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation and a certificate of graduation from school, as well as a certificate of the results of the Unified State Exam. Passing points in MIREA in total must be only 150.

MIREA open day. Several days a year, MIT opens its doors to applicants and their parents. In the process of such events, each applicant will be able to ask a question of interest to the teachers and heads of departments and learn more about the passing points and the cost of studying at MIREA in 2017-2018.This event gives students the opportunity to make a final decision whether to enter the chosen university or not ...

Training at the Moscow Technological Institute in 2017 was held in four main specialties - "technology" and " modern technologies"," economics "and" management ".

MIREA faculties:

✔ Automation of technological processes and production

✔ Security of information technology in law enforcement

✔ Business Informatics

✔ Biotechnology

✔ State and municipal administration

✔ Design

✔ Documentation and archival science

✔ Innovation

✔ Computer Science and Computer Engineering

Information Security

✔ Mechanical engineering

Upon admission, the results of the exam in the following subjects are used: mathematics, physics, Russian.

The overall passing score, as well as the minimum scores set by the University for admission in 2019, are shown in the table below:

Name of direction (specialty) Form of study Passing score (last year) Minimum points for admission
Informatics and computer engineering full-time 127
full-time 125 Mathematics - 27 points; Russian language - 36 points; Physics - 36 points;
Electronic design and technology part-time 125 Mathematics - 27 points; Russian language - 36 points; Physics - 36 points;
Electronics and nanoelectronics full-time 144 Mathematics - 27 points; Russian language - 36 points; Physics - 36 points;

Bachelor's degree. Internal entrance exams

In 2019, admission is carried out mainly by results, however, the following categories of applicants can be enrolled in the internal exams of the University:

  • disabled children, disabled people;
  • foreign citizens;
  • persons who have passed the state final certification for general education programs of secondary general education not in the form of the USE (including foreign educational institutions) within 1 year before the date of completion of the acceptance of documents and entrance examinations inclusive;
  • persons who received a certificate of secondary general education in 2019 in organizations located in the territories of the Republic of Crimea and the city of Sevatopol;

2019 entrance test programs for applicants for undergraduate and specialist programs:

Entrance tests are carried out in writing.

Schedule of internal admissions tests in 2019

1 stream (all forms of training)

the date Time
Maths consultation 10.07.2019 16:00
exam 11.07.2019 09:00
Physics consultation 12.07.2019 16:00
exam 15.07.2019 09:00
Russian language consultation 18.07.2019 16:00
exam 19.07.2019 09:00

Reserve day

2 stream (under contracts)

Only for applicants for places with tuition fees

the date Time
Maths consultation 16.08.2019 16:00
exam 17.08.2019 09:00
Physics consultation 19.08.2019 16:00
exam 20.08.2019 09:00
Russian language consultation 23.08.2019 16:00
exam 26.08.2019 09:00

Reserve day

Examples of past entrance examinations:

  • in Russian (version 2015);
  • in mathematics (version 2015);
  • in physics (version 2015);

Bachelor's degree. Based on the results of the Olympiads

Master's degree. General information about entrance exams.

In 2019, admission to master's programs is based on the results of the entrance tests. The results of the entrance test are evaluated on a 100-point scale. 30 or more points are positive marks.

Entrance tests are conducted in several streams. Distribution by streams occurs as applications are submitted to the admissions office.

Schedule of internal entrance examinations for master's programs in 2019

1 stream (budget)

2 stream (only for contracts)

Programs of entrance examinations for applicants to master's programs:

Examples of admissions tests last year:

  • in higher mathematics (version 2016);

The university is named after the famous Russian scientist M.V. Lomonosov. Traces its history back to Soviet times, when the Moscow Institute of Fine Chemical Technology was named the Order of the Red Banner of Labor. In 1992 it was renamed the Academy of Fine Chemical Technology. It has been bearing its current name since 2011. We present to your attention reviews about this university, as well as a small informational note.

They search for MITHT with the word academy on the Internet more often than with the word institute. With the university today they are not looking at all.

Located in the south-west of Moscow, at Vernadsky prospect, 86.

Well-known scientists, academicians, corresponding members of the Russian Academy of Sciences, candidates and doctors of sciences have always taught and continue to teach at MITHT.

The institute includes 9 faculties and more than 40 departments of technical, natural science and humanitarian profiles.

Admission is carried out on the basis of the results of the exam in passing points. On the basis of the faculty pre-university training act training courses for high school students.

Faculties additional education and distance learning allow you to get a second higher education, improve your qualifications, take separate courses. Postgraduate studies at MITHT provide training in more than 20 specialties, doctoral studies - more than 10.

MITHT conducts diverse international activities. Student exchanges are held regularly, both in the field of study and in the field of internship. Postgraduate students and teachers of the institute participate in various scientific conferences and seminars abroad. Among the partners of MITHT are Leoden University in the Netherlands, Institute of Industrial Chemistry in Poland, Vietnamese polytechnical Institute, University of London, etc.

A considerable percentage of the students of the institute are doing practical training in countries with which MITHT has established partnerships.

For sports fans there are sections on Aikido, mini-football, a modern gym, a shooting club and much more.

Possible forms of education are full-time, part-time, distance learning.

Nonresident students get a place in the hostel. Accommodation is paid, but the cost is purely symbolic. During the summer, prices rise, but they still do not compare with prices in Moscow hotels. It is located right next to the main educational building institute.

The institute grants a deferment from military service to full-time students liable for military service. The validity period applies to the entire period of study.

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