The method of drawing up a diet for metabolic disorders. How to treat metabolic disorders in the body? Do's and don'ts for metabolic disorders

by The Wild Mistress's Notes

Diet description

In any diet for weight loss, it is important not just to get rid of extra pounds, but to normalize the metabolism. The proposed diet is designed in such a way that its use in a short time brings the metabolism back to normal, which, in turn, will have a beneficial effect on the figure - overweight will go away, while health will not suffer.

Diet ration

The diet of this diet focuses on foods such as buckwheat, milk, potatoes, vegetables and fruits. At the same time, the share of meat, fish products and the number of eggs has been reduced.


Lunch: 100 g of cheese. Tomato salad, green bell pepper, onions... A cup of warm milk.

Dinner: 3 boiled potatoes, 200 g of boiled grated beets, seasoned with sour cream. 1 slice of bread.


Breakfast: 1 glass of milk, buckwheat porridge.

Lunch: 250 g of boiled fish, 2 boiled potatoes, a bowl of green salad dressed vegetable oil.

Dinner: 200 g of chopped white cabbage salad, seasoned with onions and vegetable oil. 1-2 hard-boiled eggs. 1 glass of milk.


Breakfast: 1 glass of milk, 60 g of cheese, a small piece of bread.

Lunch: 250 g fried chicken, 100 g salad from any raw vegetables, 1 glass apple juice.

Dinner: 150 g mashed potatoes, 80 g cheese. A small piece of bread. 1 glass of milk.


Breakfast: 1 glass of apple juice, 2 small croutons.

Lunch: 100 g of buckwheat porridge, a small piece of boiled meat. 150-200 g of apples and oranges.

Dinner: 100 g of rice, 150 g of tomato salad, seasoned with onions and vegetable oil. 1 glass of milk.


Breakfast: 1 glass of yogurt, 1 orange.

Lunch: meat cutlet, 100 g of boiled potatoes. Cup of tea.

Dinner: 150 g of strawberries or oranges, 200 g of any fresh fruit (apples, pears, plums, kiwi, etc.), 1 glass of apple juice.


Breakfast: 1 glass of milk, 200 g of buckwheat porridge.

Lunch: 150 g boiled potatoes, 150 g boiled meat, 1 apple, 1 orange.

Dinner: 100 g of rice, 200 g of cabbage salad, cucumbers, green bell pepper, seasoned with vegetable oil and onions.


Breakfast: 1 glass of milk, 150 g of rice porridge.

Lunch: 200 g of boiled or fried fish, 100 g of boiled potatoes, 1 apple and 1 orange, 1 cup of orange juice.

Dinner: 1 small chop. Salad from any raw vegetables, 1 slice of black bread, 1 apple, 1 glass of apple juice.


1) diabetes mellitus of mild and moderate severity: patients with normal or slightly overweight do not receive insulin or receive it in small doses (20-30 units);

2) to establish tolerance to carbohydrates and the selection of doses of insulin or other drugs.

The purpose of the appointment of diet number 9:

contribute to the normalization of carbohydrate metabolism and prevent disorders of fat metabolism, determine the tolerance to carbohydrates, that is, how much carbohydrate food is absorbed.

General characteristics of diet number 9:

a diet with moderately reduced calorie content due to easily digestible carbohydrates and animal fats. Proteins correspond to the physiological norm. Sugar and sweets are excluded. The content of sodium chloride, cholesterol, and extractives is moderately limited. The content of lipotronic substances, vitamins, dietary fiber (cottage cheese, lean fish, seafood, vegetables, fruits, whole grain cereals, wholemeal bread) has been increased. Boiled and baked products are preferred, less often fried and stewed. For sweet foods and drinks - xylitol or sorbitol, which are taken into account in the calorie content of the diet. The temperature of the dishes is normal.

Chemical composition and caloric content of dietary table No. 9:

carbohydrates - 300-350 g (mainly polysaccharides);

proteins - 90-100 g (55% animals),

fats - 75-80 g (30% vegetable),

calories - 2300-2500 kcal,

sodium chloride - 12 g,

free liquid - 1.5 l.

Diet with diet number 9:

5-6 times a day with an even distribution of carbohydrates.

soups. From various vegetables, cabbage soup, borscht, beetroot, meat and vegetable okroshka;

weak low-fat meat, fish and mushroom broths with vegetables, permitted cereals, potatoes, meatballs. Exclude: strong, fatty broths, milk broths with semolina, rice, noodles;

bread and flour products. Rye, protein-bran, protein-wheat, wheat flour from the 2nd grade bread, on average 300 g per day. Uncomfortable flour products by reducing the amount of bread. Exclude: products made from butter and puff pastry;

meat and poultry. Lean beef, veal, edged and meat, pork, lamb, rabbit, chickens, turkeys in boiled, stewed and fried after boiling, chopped and in pieces. Russian sausages, diet sausage. Boiled tongue. The liver is limited. Exclude: fatty varieties, duck, goose, smoked meats, most sausages, canned food;

a fish. Low-fat types, boiled, baked, sometimes fried. Canned fish in its own juice and tomato. Exclude: fatty species and varieties of fish, salted, canned food in oil, caviar;

dairy products. Milk and fermented milk drinks, semi-fat and low-fat cottage cheese and dishes made from it. Sour cream - limited. Unsalted, low-fat cheese. Excludes: salted cheeses, sweet curd cheeses, cream;

eggs. Up to 1-1.5 per day, soft-boiled, protein omelets. Yolks restrict;

cereals. Limited within the limits of carbohydrates. Porridge made from buckwheat, barley, millet, pearl barley, oatmeal; legumes. Exclude or severely limit rice, semolina and pasta;

vegetables. Potatoes, taking into account the norm of carbohydrates. Carbohydrates are also taken into account in carrots, beets, green peas. Vegetables containing less than 5% carbohydrates are preferred (cabbage, squash, pumpkin, lettuce, cucumber, tomato, eggplant). Vegetables are raw, boiled, baked, stewed, less often fried. Exclude: salted and pickled;

snacks. Vinaigrette, fresh vegetable salads, vegetable caviar, squash, soaked herring, meat, jellied fish, seafood salads, low-fat beef jelly, unsalted cheese;

fruits, sweet dishes, sweets. Fresh fruits and berries of sweet and sour varieties in any form. Jelly, sambuca, mousse, compotes, xylitol, sorbitol or saccharin sweets; limited - honey. Excludes: grapes, raisins, bananas, figs, dates, sugar, jam, candy, ice cream;

sauces and spices. Low-fat on weak meat, fish, mushroom broths, vegetable broth, tomato. Pepper, horseradish, mustard - limited. Excludes: fatty, spicy and salty sauces;

beverages. Tea, coffee with milk, juices from vegetables, slightly sweet fruits and berries, rosehip decoction. Exclude: grape and other sweet juices, sugar-based lemonades;

fats. Unsalted butter and ghee. Vegetable oils are used in dishes. Excludes: meat and cooking fats.

Sample menu diet number 9.

First breakfast: low-fat cottage cheese with milk, loose buckwheat porridge, tea.

Second breakfast: a decoction of wheat bran.

Lunch: vegetarian cabbage soup with vegetable oil, boiled meat with milk sauce, stewed carrots, fruit jelly on xylitol.

Afternoon snack: fresh apples.

Dinner: cabbage schnitzel, boiled fish, baked in milk sauce, tea. At night: kefir.

You will need

  • - fractional meals
  • - the right food
  • - hearty lunch
  • - physical activity
  • - metabolic products
  • - healthy and full sleep


When eating food every 2-3 hours, the body will digest it faster, which will significantly speed up the metabolism and burning of subcutaneous fat. If you take long breaks between meals, the opposite effect occurs. The body will be afraid of "staying hungry" and will begin to stock up on fat, which in the future will be quite difficult to get rid of.

Despite the accelerated metabolism, it will be difficult to lose weight if you constantly eat high-calorie foods. For the body to work properly, you need a complete meal, for example, a cup of vegetable soup or a salad with a slice of boiled fish or chicken fillet etc. If it is not possible to eat well, you can have a snack with fruit, yogurt or bread.

The diet for metabolic disorders is based on the principles of fractional nutrition, but nevertheless, once a day it is still necessary to have a hearty meal, which should take place from 12.00 to 14.00. All processes in the body slow down at night, so if heavy food is eaten later, it may simply not be absorbed.

Before a solid meal, it is better to walk a little - this helps to increase the intensity of the digestive organs. But after a meal, it is better not to show any activity, otherwise you may face indigestion or the development of serious intestinal diseases.

Refuse in case of impaired metabolism is necessary from hot spices and sugary carbonated drinks. But the foods that will promote weight loss include vegetables and fruits (especially apples and oranges), legumes, oatmeal, nuts, seeds, skim milk, cheese, feta cheese, fish and chicken meat.

With prolonged lack of sleep, calorie expenditure is significantly reduced, as a result of which the body can use even the "right" foods to accumulate fat reserves. That is why you need to sleep at least 8 hours a day.

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A properly selected and balanced diet allows you to get rid of excess fat, but such diets are made up by competent nutritionists based on the individual characteristics and requirements of the client. Losing weight on your own can lead to metabolic disorders and an even greater gain in fat after the end of the diet. To prevent this, you need to ensure that the diet is high in calories, not subject your body to severe restrictions and smoothly exit the diet.

Why diet can disrupt metabolism?

Metabolism, if we speak, is a complex of processes for converting substances supplied with food into energy for vital activity in the human body. Each product has a certain energy value, as a result of digestion, it becomes a source of energy, which either goes to perform an action, or is deposited in the form of fat. A healthy person has a normal metabolism: food provides a sufficient amount of energy, the body produces all the necessary substances and hormones in normal quantities that regulate energy processes, fat is deposited only when there is an excess of incoming energy.

The amount of fat in the body of a healthy person is determined by the amount of calories they consume. With a calorie deficit for energy production, you have to spend fat reserves, because of which a person loses weight, and excess energy, on the contrary, is deposited in the form of fat. In theory, the process is pure mathematics, but in practice it turns out to be not so simple. The fact is that the human body has an amazing ability to adapt to any changing conditions.

When a person goes on a diet, at first everything goes according to plan: the calorie content of the diet is sharply reduced, the body has nowhere to take energy, it is necessary to break down the fats in the reserve, the person begins to lose weight. But if dietary restrictions are severe enough and long-term, the brain regards them not as health benefits, but as a potential threat to future life. In order to prevent possible death from exhaustion, the body slowly adapts to the changed conditions, starting to spend less energy on the necessary processes: it transfers all organs and systems to a "diet", providing them with less nutrition in order to be able to create reserves. He also tries to avoid being too vigorous, causing feelings of fatigue and sleepiness, so that precious calories are not wasted on sports or mental work. As a result, a person cannot work productively, he tends to sleep, it is difficult for him to force himself to perform actions that require physical effort. He begins to move less and rest more, and the process of weight loss stops. The metabolism has slowed down, and if at this moment you stop the diet and return to the previous calorie content, fat reserves will be deposited much faster, since fewer calories are already spent on vital functions.

How not to disrupt metabolism?

In order not to disrupt metabolism during a diet, one must be very careful about reducing the calorie content of the diet. It is advisable to reduce it gradually: for example, every day, 100 calories, after five days, stop at the figure obtained. Be sure to consume more than 1,500 calories per day. Eat nutritious foods that are healthy, such as nuts, dried fruits and vegetables, grains, and lean meats. Have more satisfying days from time to time when you can eat more calories. So the body will not perceive the diet as a danger and will understand that there is no risk of being left without nutrients.

Many people, in pursuit of a perfect body and beautiful numbers on the scales, use low-calorie diets, such as drinking, kefir or fruit diets. Time passes, and when a person returns to normal food consumption, the weight begins to gain again, and may even double. Another short-term diet to correct the situation will no longer be effective, the weight will begin to go away much heavier than before.

The fact is that the body begins to adapt to the conditions created for it. To function properly, it will begin to need a small amount of food that is consumed to maintain energy, although, in fact, this requires a lot more calories. Therefore, in order to speed up the metabolism and start losing weight, regardless of the amount of calories eaten, you should at the very beginning calculate your rate of consumption of fats, proteins and carbohydrates, as well as calories. This is all individual, since everyone's height, weight and girth are different.

Next, you need to learn how to schedule your daily diet so that with each food intake, the body receives the required amount of nutrients. The norm is to eat food every 2-3 hours in small quantities.

Point three: water is man's best friend. Everyone probably remembers from school course that man is 80% water. And yes, water plays a huge role in the life of our body, it helps to remove harmful toxins, as well as lose weight. Fluid consumption should be 2 liters per day, at least. Juices, coffee, tea do not count. Water and only water.

The fourth point: do not forget about physical activity. Get used to doing a simple exercise every morning in order to wake up and let the body begin to function to its fullest. A ten-minute warm-up in the morning has been proven to provide energy for the entire day.

And the fifth point: sleep is the best panacea for all diseases. It is no secret that due to lack of sleep, you can begin to get better, so that healthy sleep should always be present in a person's life.

Such simple tips will help to speed up the metabolism for weight loss and keep the body in excellent shape!

The word "metabolism" comes to mind only when we are no longer satisfied with our own weight. Immediately begins the search for a diet to restore metabolism and blindly following its advice. But in the struggle for the bright future of your body, it is worth asking what you will have to fight against.

Metabolic rate

Fast metabolism- the dream of every puffy beauty, from the series "there is everything that you like and lose weight." Picking up effective diets that improve metabolism, no one remembers that a fast metabolism has disadvantages.

  • The rapid breakdown of products is fraught with the fact that some of the necessary substances simply will not be assimilated by the body.
  • Not only accumulate fat reserves, but also muscle mass during accelerated metabolism build up is very difficult.
  • Intensive work of all organs also causes more rapid aging.
  • Diseases of the thyroid, pancreas and gastrointestinal tract are possible, if you do not carefully select diet recipes for metabolism.

Slow metabolism gives the body time to assimilate everything that is proposed, and also to make reserves for a "rainy day". That's just, except for fat and water, nothing gets into the bins. Although you can live with a slow metabolism, you will have to control yourself rather tightly so as not to overeat.

But these are all extremes, and in any case they should be avoided. How? Adjust metabolism with diet to normal operation.

Boost your metabolism

First, let's define our allies in the fight against slow metabolism:

  • Chili peppers, curry, and cinnamon will temporarily speed up metabolic processes and dull hunger. You can consume fewer calories and not even feel it.
  • Dairy products will get rid of calcium deficiency, which any therapeutic diet should fight against in case of metabolic disorders. And the low fat content in milk or yogurt will prevent the uncontrolled absorption of other fats.
  • Fiber (apples, broccoli, spinach, grapefruit) will speed up your metabolism by almost 30%.
  • Water, green tea, soy milk and coffee - no metabolism normalizing diet is complete without fluids.
  • Turkey meat, beans and almonds as sources of protein, from carbohydrates - oatmeal.


Eating food at intervals of 3 to 4 hours will regularly spur metabolism and prevent the body from feeling that they are trying to "steal" it. If you don't know which diet speeds up the metabolism, count the number of meals in it: 4-5 approaches to the table and a dense protein-carbohydrate breakfast is an ideal way to speed up metabolic processes. It would be nice to give the body a more difficult job: in the form of products, the processing of which will require a lot of energy ( raw vegetables, cereals, protein foods).

Even the best diet for weight loss that improves metabolism will not work if you do not take a break from time to time. Once a week, you can afford to consume more calories than is usually spent, and the next day you can return to limiting them.

... and tactics

Here is a diet suitable for speeding up metabolism: meals per day are divided into three main meals and one or two snacks. In the morning, sugar-free coffee is allowed, during the day - green tea. In addition, the daily water consumption should be 2-2.5 liters.

You need to adhere to this diet for 2 weeks, while the days can be changed among themselves.

The tougher Japanese metabolic diet requires the body to prepare for the transition to a limited number of calories over a long period of time. In addition, it has a number of contraindications and with increased physical activity can provoke a breakdown.

But the classic version of the prescribed diet for metabolic disorders is more gentle. It includes affordable low-fat foods, but in small quantities:

Fish or boiled beef - 120 gr;

Legumes - 60 gr;

Vegetables - 270 gr;

Fresh fruits - from 150 to 240 gr;

Boiled rice - from 300 to 400 gr;

Milk or kefir - 100 ml;

Sugar - 2 teaspoons;

Egg - 1 pc.

If the metabolism needs to be slowed down

In cases where a slowdown in metabolism is required, the diet and the foods consumed are selected on the basis of the “reverse” principle:

  • offal, fatty fish and meat;
  • products from wheat flour, semolina, sugar;
  • tinctures and teas with thyme, barberry;
  • melons, beets and potatoes;
  • grapes, dried apricots, figs;
  • the notorious glass of good wine will slow down metabolic processes for a long time. You should not abuse it - an excess of alcohol will disrupt metabolism so that no diet to normalize metabolism without a doctor will help.

Three meals a day without snacks is what you need to slow down your metabolism. Emotional shocks should be avoided: the nervous system will require a large expenditure of energy, which will provoke an acceleration of metabolic processes. You will also have to quit smoking - this way you will be able to save about 10% of energy.

Other deviations

If the metabolic rate is primarily reflected in weight, then problems with the metabolism of certain substances can lead to serious illness. So protein disorders can provoke kidney failure or gout, fatty - stroke and nervous exhaustion.

Violation of carbohydrate metabolism is also quite common. The diet in this case should prevent liver disease, obesity and development diabetes mellitus... To restore the body's work, a taboo is imposed on sweets and alcohol. The following foods are consumed:

  • any vegetables, with the exception of potatoes;
  • fresh or pureed fruits with a low glycemic index;
  • any nuts and mushrooms;
  • weak tea, juices, decaffeinated drinks;
  • cottage cheese.

Diets and metabolic improvement are closely related to each other, because any deviations in metabolic processes are primarily provoked by improper nutrition. Correction will take more than one day, but even after successfully completing a course of diets, you need to constantly maintain your metabolism in the norm.

Metabolism (metabolism)- This is the conversion of nutrients from food into calories necessary for the body's vital functions.

Metabolic disease- the inability of cells to process or assimilate certain nutrients. Slow and fast metabolism is called a disorder.

With an accelerated metabolism all life processes are accelerated, a person is getting older faster, and accordingly, life expectancy is reduced.

Slow metabolism causes slagging of the intestines. There is a violation of fat metabolism, there is a problem of excess weight, which entails cardiovascular diseases.

General principles of nutrition for metabolic disorders

1. Foods containing proteins are incompatible with foods rich in starch. If protein foods are combined with vegetables, the metabolism is faster. It can be cabbage, cucumbers, radishes, bell pepper or tomatoes.

2. Meat, fish and dairy products can be consumed for breakfast or lunch. These foods are heavy foods that take at least four hours to digest. To make the process go faster, you can take a little walk after lunch.

3. Filling of products containing protein with mayonnaise or sour cream is not allowed. It is better to use vegetable oil for refueling.

4. Fruits and berries go well with root vegetables, nuts or vegetables.

6. Fruits should not be eaten with proteins and fats. They can be eaten for breakfast and dinner, or used as a snack.

7. Diet to improve metabolism must be strictly observed. You can not skip meals, increase or decrease the specified amount of food. Sugar and salt should be completely excluded from the diet.

Products that improve metabolism

1. Slow carbohydrates - all kinds of cereals. Buckwheat, oatmeal, millet, wheat or corn.

2. Greens and citrus fruits - contain a large amount of vitamins and minerals. They accelerate the process of losing weight and normalize metabolism. Citrus fruits are a natural metabolic stimulant.

3. Water. It is necessary to drink at least one and a half liters of water per day, not counting coffee, tea or compotes.

4. Sweets. Dried fruits and natural honey.

5. Use only rye bread or wholemeal flour. Wherein daily rate should not exceed 150 g.

6. Coffee and tea. Green tea is a source of antioxidants. In addition, green tea drunk in the morning triggers metabolic processes in the body. This drink has a positive effect on glucose and cholesterol levels. Black tea and coffee contain caffeine, which breaks down adipose tissue and releases fatty acids, which helps to improve metabolism. It is better to drink natural coffee.

7. Dairy products. Calcium deficiency can lead to metabolic disorders. A complete rejection of dairy products leads to the production of a hormone - calcitriol, which inhibits the excretion and processing of fats. Eat low-fat dairy products.

8. Almonds. Rich in vitamins and minerals, normalizes metabolic processes, has a beneficial effect on the work of the cardiovascular system.

9. Turkey meat. Provides a source of natural protein High Quality and B vitamins.

10. Apples. Promotes fat burning and accelerates metabolism. It is advisable to eat at least a couple of apples a day.

11. Spinach. Contains a lot of manganese - a trace element necessary for the normalization of metabolism.

12. Broccoli. They are rich in vitamin C and calcium - important components of a complete metabolism.

13. Curry. Stimulates the burning of calories and speeds up the metabolism.

14. Soy milk. Accelerates metabolism due to its high calcium content. When using it, don't overdo it with sweeteners.

15. Cinnamon. Promotes the burning of sugar, which helps to normalize blood sugar levels. Reduces cholesterol levels.

Diet for metabolic disorders

Dishes that should be present in the diet

- fresh, boiled or baked vegetables. Dishes of white cabbage, beets, rutabagas and zucchini. Radish, cucumber, green salad and tomato salads. No more than 200 g per day;

- soups based on vegetable or mushroom broth. A couple of times a week, you can eat soups in a weak fish or meat broth;

- cereals and pasta are allowed, however, the use of bread is excluded;

- lean baked, steamed or boiled meat. Dishes from lean pork, poultry, rabbit and lean lamb (150 g per day);

- sea fish and seafood. Lean fish such as carp, pike perch, navaga or cod are used. Jellied, boiled or steamed, and no more than 150 g per day;

- one or two boiled eggs. Can be consumed as an omelet;

- fermented milk and dairy products with a low percentage of fat (200 ml per day).

They are eaten both in natural form and in the form of puddings, curds, casseroles or cheesecakes;

- freshly squeezed juices and compotes from sour fruits and berries without sugar, coffee and tea;

- unsweetened fruits and berries in their raw form;

- from seasonings you can use tomato sauce, vanillin, cinnamon and fresh herbs. Sauces based on vegetable or mushroom broth;

- citrus fruits. Green apples and pineapple - enzymes and acids speed up metabolism. Lemon and grapefruit stimulate fat burning and improve digestion.

Foods to Avoid When Dieting with Metabolic Disorders

White bread and baking;

- soups in fatty broth, with potatoes or legumes;

- fatty sour cream, mayonnaise, spices and sauces, mustard and horseradish;

- sausages, smoked meats, fatty meat and fish, offal, canned food and pickles;

- butter, fat cottage cheese, cheeses, feta cheese and cream;

- sweet juices and alcohol;

- any animal fat and lard;

- sweets;

- limit the consumption of rice, semolina and pasta;

- grapes, bananas;

- absolutely exclude artificially synthesized and flavored foods.

Products - substitutes for substances prohibited in metabolism

- white bread can be replaced with rye, or wholemeal bread, bran bread is also suitable. The pastry can be replaced with biscuit biscuits;

- use vegetable or fish broths;

- sour cream and mayonnaise can be replaced with natural yogurt;

- from sausages can be used occasionally doctor's sausage;

- instead of butter introduce olive into the diet;

- sweets can be replaced with dried fruits and natural honey.

Sample diet menu to improve metabolism for a week

The basis of the diet is mutually counted products by the body, which cleanse the body of toxins and toxins, burn fat and normalize metabolism.

Before starting a diet to improve metabolism, you must adhere to a strict low-calorie diet. The body will perceive this as normal.

The transition from a low-calorie diet to a diet to improve metabolism is necessary gradually, increasing the number of calories by two hundred per week.

Day 1

Breakfast: we drink unsweetened coffee with croutons.

Lunch: hard-boiled eggs - 2 pcs., Cabbage stewed in a little oil, 200 ml of tomato juice.

Dinner: vegetable salad from celery and carrots. You can use olive oil or kefir as a dressing. 200 g of boiled or steamed lean meat.

Day 2

Breakfast: we drink unsweetened green tea.

Lunch: steamed or boiled meat with vegetable salad.

Dinner: 200 g of lean ham, a glass of 1% kefir.

Day 3

Breakfast: natural unsweetened coffee with cracker.

Lunch: grilled zucchini or caviar, fresh vegetable salad. You can use kefir or olive oil as a dressing.

Dinner: one hundred grams of lean ham, 250 ml of kefir.

Day 4

Breakfast: natural coffee with breadcrumbs.

Lunch: grated raw carrots with an apple, 15 g of cheese, hard-boiled egg.

Dinner: fruit salad, natural yogurt - 100 ml.

Day 5

Breakfast: grated carrots with lemon juice.

Lunch: steamed or boiled fish - 150 g, 250 ml of tomato juice.

Dinner: salad of cucumbers and cabbage, with herbs, seasoned with natural yogurt or vegetable oil.

Day 6

Breakfast: natural unsweetened coffee.

Lunch: boiled poultry without skin - 200 g, carrot and cabbage salad.

Dinner: two sour apples.

Day 7

Breakfast: black, unsweetened tea with lemon.

Lunch: boiled lean meat - 150 g, two hundred grams of fruit.

Dinner: fruit salad dressed with natural yogurt.

There is a basic menu for the day, which you can take as a basis when drawing up your own menu for every day, replacing products with similar ones in calorie content and composition.

The basis of the menu for the day, containing 2000 calories:

- 150 g rye bread or croup;

- 300 g of fresh white cabbage;

- 100 g of cottage cheese 1% fat;

- 30 g low-fat sour cream;

- 150 g of poultry meat;

- 35 g of olive oil;

- 100 g of fish or seafood;

- 200 g of fruit.

Replacing products of equal value in it, you will be able to compose and diversify your menu for many months in advance. Such a diet to improve metabolism can be followed for a long time, it is balanced and contributes to the normalization of metabolism. You can have small snacks between meals.

Important points of nutrition for people with impaired metabolism

1. Adhering to a diet to improve metabolism, you need to eat, five times a day, every three hours. The volume of a single meal should be no more than two hundred grams. The last meal should be three hours before bedtime, this helps to activate metabolic processes in the body. The calorie rate should be: the calories required for the body to work per day, minus 300.

2. At every meal, you should eat foods containing protein and fiber.

3. Absolutely exclude sugar, convenience foods and fast food from the diet. Nutrition should be exceptionally complete.

4. Eliminate foods that stimulate the appetite from the diet.

5. Fruit can be eaten no later than 14.00.

6. In the morning you need to drink two glasses of hot water to start metabolic processes in the body. After about ten minutes, eat a tablespoon of olive oil - the minimum amount of fat required for the body to function. After half an hour, you can have breakfast.

7. Products containing carbohydrates should be consumed before 16.00.

8. Do not drink food with water. After eating, it is advisable not to drink for another forty minutes.

9. After 16.00 eat only foods containing proteins.

10. Have a fasting day once a week. On this day, you can only eat low-fat cottage cheese.

Benefits of a diet to improve metabolism

  • The diet does not imply fasting, and the body receives all the necessary trace elements, minerals and vitamins.
  • The metabolism improves, the feeling of heaviness and bloating disappears.
  • If the stomach is distended, a diet to improve metabolism will allow it to return to its previous shape.
  • The result lasts long enough. In addition, sleep is normalized.

Before you go on a diet, consult a dietitian. It is this specialist who will be able to determine what metabolic problems you have specifically, and will be able to draw up a diet that is ideal for you.