The battle for school show-offs. Battle for School Ponte Courses 1514


TOP 200 best schools in Russia: 2015 - 11th place, 2016 - 16th place, 2017 - 26th place, 2018 - 16th place.

Class specialization

1514 is a multidisciplinary school. Up to the 5th grade, training is carried out according to the basic program. In grades 5-7, an extended study of literature, mathematics, two foreign languages, English and Latin, natural science. The opportunity to choose a profile - mathematical or humanitarian - is provided to students only at the end of the 7th grade.

After the 9th grade, there is a clear division of training by specialization.

  • Mathematical - in-depth study of programming and mathematics, extended - physics.
  • Natural science. Has two profiles: engineering and technical (with extended study of physics, chemistry, mathematics, computer science) and biology and chemistry.
  • Humanities - in-depth study of two foreign languages, history, MHC and literature.

At the end of each year, students take transfer exams.

Rules for admission to the gymnasium 1514

Admission to grades 5 and 8 of the gymnasium (school) 1514 takes place on a competitive basis. Winners math olympiads, which are held annually on the basis of the school, are provided with admission benefits.

To enter the 5th grade of school 1514, you must pass a written exam in the Russian language (dictation and creative assignment), mathematics and pass an oral interview in a foreign language. Entrance tests are held in May-June. The exact schedule of exams is published on the official website of the gymnasium.

Exams in the 8th profile grades require serious preparation. Students need to pass:

  • in the engineering and technology class - geometry and algebra in writing, solve programming problems;
  • in the math class - oral geometry, algebra in writing and complete programming tasks;
  • in science class - writing mathematics and a comprehensive exam, which includes testing and interviews in physics, chemistry and biology.

Foundation history

Gymnasium 1514 was founded in 1958. Then it was called School 52. Two years later, education in it became specialized, mathematical. The school began to cooperate with the Computing Center of Moscow State University and the USSR Academy of Sciences. On their basis, an in-depth study of mathematics and programming took place. The teachers of these institutions have created 52 copyright programs for the schoolchildren.

Others profile direction it has been musical for years. Children were taught musical notation, singing, playing musical instruments.

In 1985, the first computer class appears at the school. At the same time, a second building was opened, located at 10 Krupskaya Street.

In 1993 the school was given the status of a gymnasium 1514. In addition to the two main training profiles, one more direction is added - natural science. Since 1996, a math camp for schoolchildren has begun to work. It is held annually during the winter holidays. From the same year, a new direction was opened - cultural studies.

In the 2000s, the gymnasium continues the traditions of 52 schools. An important event recent years was the opening on August 20, 2015 of a new building for students in grades 5-11.


Gymnasium 1514 in Moscow is located in the South-Western Administrative District, in the Lomonosovsky District, 1.3 km (15 minutes walk) from the Universitet metro station.

The address: Moscow, street N. Krupskaya, house 12.

metro station "University", then trol. 34, 28, bus 1 to the stop. "Krupskaya Street" (2nd stop)
or metro station "Novye Cheryomushki", then bus 1, 113 to the stop. "Krupskaya Street".

In 2017, a new gymnasium building was opened at the address: Moscow, st. Novatorov, 28, which will be attended by students in grades 5-7.


Satellite site:

Moscow gymnasium with more than half a century of history. It was opened in 1958 (at that time - school №52). Located not far from metro University (Krupskaya str., 12).

The official website of the gymnasium on the portal of the Moscow Department of Education:

Admission to grade 5

In the fifth grade, the recruitment of students "from the street" will be held, as in previous years, based on the results of test exams and Olympiads.

Future 5th graders will have to take Russian (dictation + creative assignment), mathematics (written exam) and English. The exams will take place in May-June.

Apparently, as before, preference will be given to students who can boast of good results at Olympiads, mathematical tournaments and other intellectual events.

Admission to high school

You can apply if there are free places - based on the results of an interview and / or exams. They are also held at the end of the academic year.

Parents - those who remember the 70s

On the website of the gymnasium, on a page with history, I drew attention to an interesting fact.

In the early 70s, public education authorities banned the school newspaper “Graduate…. of the year". With the wording “ For chronic non-fulfillment by the school of the admission plan to vocational schools". The school newspaper was published once a year, on September 1, and told about the admission of the last graduates to universities. The result was blatant agitation in favor of higher education, which sharply contradicted the policy of the party and government of that time ...

Examples of test and examination tasks in gymnasium 1514

How can I help prepare your child for 5th grade

4th grade. Classes in a mini-group (I lead).
The enrollment begins in March when the children are still in 3rd grade. Testing and group formation ends in May. Currently entry closed , the groups are fully staffed.

4th grade. Online simulators, Olympiads, entrance exams (site
During the school year, your child gets access to the online simulators my students train on. He will be able to participate in weekly Olympiads and write weekly test versions of the entrance exams of the past. For each task, after completing it, answers, solutions and explanations are available. Registration and payment for access is required.

Grade 3. Circle in Novye Cheryomushki (conducted by my colleague).
Enrollment starts in April when children are in 2nd grade. Trial classes and group formation ends in May. Currently, the entry is closed, the circles are fully completed.

Grade 3. Paired or individual lessons at your home (taught by my junior teachers).

Grade 2. Paired or individual lessons at your home (taught by my junior teachers).
Classes according to my program, according to my materials, under my supervision, are conducted by students and students of the faculties of mathematics and computer science (Moscow State University, Phystech, Moscow State Technical University, Higher School of Economics, etc.), who are familiar with the Olympiad mathematics and have skills in working with younger students. ... Learn more about classes.

It was difficult to enter school in 1514 in grade 1, some of the mothers said that the child was prepared by a teacher from the same school, beginning. classes. Servitude began with the 1st grade - she helped to prepare homework, in the 3rd grade I was looking for extra. literature, read it myself, retell to the child, although the child was not stupid, even with advanced development, "Alice in Wonderland" was read at the age of 5. Worst of all - the situation in the class - about a third were "thieves", they behaved the way they wanted, they spread rot on the other children and it was impossible to stop it. As I understood later, complaints to the class teacher remained in vain, since the parents of these children helped the school, including financially, but not for the teacher's pocket, but bought a geogr. Cards, provided various services, etc. ... After passing a powerful competition, the child moved to grade 5, then it began .... The load is lethal, every teacher (geography, history, ... 0) believed that if he did not insert at least part of the university course, he would be wrong. The atmosphere of children's relationships has become simply monstrous: fierce competition, persecution of the weaker in all respects: starting with success in lessons and continuing with success in physical education - who runs slower is an "enemy of the people", you can make fun of him. Teachers "point-blank" do not see anything, the main thing is grades in their subject. Even in the classroom, the mockery is not stopped, they pretend that nothing is happening. Apparently because the ringleaders are "thugs" who, although they study for deuces, can do anything. 7-8 excellent students did not enter into anything, they studied for themselves. and the middle peasants united in different groups and hunted one or the other. They could put their head on the door, drive a backpack around the school corridor, talk abominations. At the same time, there were 4 psychologists at the school. It was difficult to get to the Olympics, because "all the ranking places" were distributed.
Mothers from other classes told that they go to consultations with psychologists and psychoneurologists at the Institute of Pediatrics and encounter the same mothers and children from other lyceums. Not only in 1514 is there such an atmosphere. Children are going through all this hard, the loads are huge, they often get sick both from the loads and from the difficult atmosphere. The good thing is also important: teachers. Mostly very skilled. I have not seen such a department of the Russian language and literature anywhere else, the literature programs are excellent, the teachers support these programs very well. The mathematicians are very good, the cultural programs are good. If a child has an iron will, a firm psyche and elephant skin, he will receive a good education. I took mine back about halfway through my training, after a horrific incident. Unfortunately - much later than it should have. Psychological trauma remained, most likely, for life. We went to another very advanced lyceum, basic for Moscow State University, and took a deep breath - normal children, a normal atmosphere, thinking, no less qualified teachers. The workload was also very heavy, it was a lot of hard work to study, we received an excellent basic school education, in fact, what we were striving for. And it turned out that you can have all this and at the same time exist in a normal human atmosphere, without persecution. When life had problems later, we, laughing bitterly, said that if a person had already passed the gymnasium in 1514, then he would survive in life. My child graduated from the Faculty of Economics in High school economics, his diploma was printed in the works of HSE, that is, everything is fine. But when I was invited to some jubilee meeting in 1514 and my child went there, I regretted three times that I had not thought in advance. Then a month there was a depression from which it was very difficult to get out. I thought that once the child took place, he would come and this would be his victory over those who spread rot, but it turned out that the memories of the humiliations he had experienced were so undying, so bitter that no words, that you proved to everyone who was in As a result, he turned out to be wealthy, do not work, but "the spine was broken at a tender age," and one can never get rid of this, these complexes. So think what is more important for your child: feeling like a full-fledged free self-confident person, or education in 1514. Lydia.

We have a very fashionable school 1514 here on the next street. It is in the TOP-10, children of various cool peppers studied there (children of Igor Ashmanov, for example). And of course the audience is bursting there as a result of such advertising. Here is what the deputy of our municipal district Dmitry Martynenko writes:

"For enrollment in the first grade for the next academic year, only one house number 8, building 3 on Krupskaya Street was attached to the gymnasium. There are many people who want to get into this gymnasium from all over Moscow, and they began to buy a residence permit in the said house. They pasted over the posts near the house, they write in social networks and seriously offer a million rubles for registering a child at the place of residence in this house. I was told that many preschoolers have already registered this way, with almost 30 people in one of the apartments. "

It seems to me that the problem should be solved not through catching fictitiously registered (as suggested in the blog of the deputy), but through enlightening the parents duped by advertising. There are some things you still need to understand about school.

(1) There is no proven link between school shows (place in the ratings) and the education of your particular child. For example, the same TOP-10 does not consist of the best schools, but of mathematics. It's understandable why: if you gather more diligent nerds in one place, they get more good gradesthan other schools. So what? This can be achieved simply by selection of children upon admission, not by education. I was at the parent meeting in 1514. I did not hear anything special about their education. But I heard a lot of show-off. Recently I talked with the dad of a child who entered the 1st grade there. He confirmed my suspicions: show-off is greatly exaggerated. How exactly is this expressed:

(2) Primary education in all Moscow schools (state) it is about the same: it is just a requirement of the general education system. Therefore, the only thing a parent can really do to improve the life of their child in the beginning is choose a teacher... But our schools do not provide this "service". However, if you really want to, then at school without show-off you have a much higher chance of doing it. When there is no excitement and competition, the classes are not yet filled, you can safely come and meet the teachers ... In short, there is room for maneuver.

(3) High school is already available choose by specialization... Basically, this choice is made by tests, entrance exams or Olympiads, not registration (and in the case of 1514 there is such an option). But specialization is not only "mathematics or foreign language". My eldest, still in his early beginnings, was very carried away by several circles, which are not in schools. At the same time, at a meeting in 1514, I was immediately told that they did not encourage "external" circles. Do they have their own radio electronics club? Do you have your own large chemical laboratory? And what about the aikido section? Or will my child only be offered an extra 10 hours of math per week, including Saturday, instead? On this question, I came to a paradoxical conclusion: so as not to interfere with extracurricular activities.

(4) There is also such an idea that choosing good school, we choose Wednesday... Well, like, to hell with them with objects, but here there is "the right atmosphere" and "the right people", including classmates and their parents. To this, comrades, I will tell you quite rudely: if you really want to change the environment for your child, take him. As for life in our crazy metropolis, I do not believe in creating a decent micro-elite with people who register 30 people in one apartment, like Tajik guest workers.

Have you thought about educational institution for your child? Pay your attention to school 1514. Reviews about it and a high place in the rating among general education ones testify to the high-quality presentation of knowledge and the interest of the teaching staff in their pupils. From primary school to senior level, children are under the careful supervision of teachers who do not hesitate to attract parents to help, thanks to this, high school graduates can count on admission to the best universities in the country.

What is the educational institution famous for?

Today, among the best humanitarian, the school 1514 stands apart. The reviews of graduates and parents about it are mostly positive, they are satisfied with the quality of the local education. Every year, in the ranking among all educational institutions, the institution takes a place in the top five of the strongest, this is achieved through constant cooperation with the best teachers of the city. The key difference between the school is that in addition to the humanitarian profile, there is a special department where the history of world culture is widely studied.

Teachers are quite strict about their subjects, which is why they require serious preparation from their students, which allows them to achieve high scores on the exam. The best students constantly take part in scientific conferences on the problems of the humanities, where they get the opportunity to communicate with famous scientists, graduate students, students of the country's leading universities - Moscow State University, Russian State University for the Humanities, etc.

The very inconvenient location of gymnasium 1514 (Moscow, Novatorov, 22) is leveled by its merits. In 2002, she opened her own outgoing humanitarian camp, where children from different parts of the capital take part every year. A huge number of unique disciplines to choose from, rich training programs, special courses, hiking and traveling with teachers - all these are serious advantages of the educational institution over others, which is why it is so popular.

How did the gymnasium appear?

School 1514 in Moscow, reviews of which are now circulating throughout the capital, appeared in 1958, and then had number 52. A year later, A. N. Sklyankin, Honored Teacher, became its director Soviet Union, who made a huge effort to ensure that the school received a mathematical profile and became famous throughout the city. Since 1960, five ninth grades have been launched annually, which received students from all over Moscow. Teaching of mathematics, physics, programming was actively carried out, specialists from the Academy of Sciences of the USSR and the computer center at Moscow State University were invited to study.

In 1963, a music profile appeared here, where they began to train specialists who in the future were to go to work in preschool institutions. The teachers provided training in solfeggio, piano, accordion, violin, music literature and other disciplines.

In the 1970s, the school changed its place of residence and moved to 12 Krupskaya Street. In 1979, the higher authorities decided that the educational institution should stop cooperating with the computer center, which seriously affected the image of the school, and about the same time the music profiles disappeared.

In 1985, the school opened its own computer class, and three years later a humanitarian profile was opened. In the 1990s, the educational institution had the status of a multidisciplinary gymnasium, where training in the humanities and mathematics was carried out. In 1993 it received a new name - gymnasium No. 1514, with which it exists to this day. In the late 1990s, the school began to be considered a gymnasium-laboratory, in which mathematics and humanitarian camps are held annually.

In the 2000s, a weighty gift awaited the gymnasium 1514 in Moscow - a new building on Novatorov Street, which the students and teachers immediately liked. Gradually, all additional premises were moved to nearby buildings, which made it possible to form a whole student campus. Around the same time, the gymnasium had its own departments, in which students write their own works for a portfolio, which in the future can help them in

How does an educational institution live today?

All No. 52 live to this day at school 1514. Reviews about it continue to spread throughout Moscow, forcing parents to fight for places for their children. Great attention is paid to design and research activities, students constantly speak at scientific and practical conferences of Russian and international scale.

Every year, it is here that the city conference on philology is held; since 2003, two experimental projects have also been opened here, aimed at integrating cultural studies and new educational models into the learning process. High school students annually go on trips to the European part of Russia; study trips outside the state have also become quite frequent. The gymnasium even has its own theater, where new performances are staged every year by teachers and students.

Almost 70% of graduates enter Moscow State University, which also increases interest in the 1514 school at Novatorov. Reviews of a strong teaching staff interested in the success of their wards only contribute to an increase in students. In 2011, the gymnasium entered the top 5 of the best educational institutions based on the results of various Olympiads and the Unified State Exam. A year later, the success was repeated, but later the school was ousted by stronger competitors. As of 2018, the gymnasium is among the top 15 organizations involved in teaching the younger generation.

The academic potential of the school is also huge; meetings with outstanding Russian and foreign scientists who are willing to give lectures for high school students are constantly held here. The gymnasium actively cooperates with a large number of other educational institutions, some of which are located in Tver, St. Petersburg, Kiev, Sevastopol. Teachers and students actively exchange experiences with each other, which is beneficial to science as a whole.

Who is teaching?

The presence of specialized departments teaching certain disciplines is a distinctive feature of the 1514 school on Novatorov. Reviews of this method of conducting work are very mixed. The teachers themselves believe that this helps future students to adapt to the university education system, while some parents say that this approach is unacceptable for the primary and secondary level. The gymnasium has departments of mathematics, literature, foreign languages, programming, valeology, etc.

The head of the department of mathematics is L.O.Bychkova, who has graduated more than one generation of students, most of whom have successfully entered universities. It was at this department, the oldest in the school, that the principle of unified teaching was first introduced, when all teachers work only according to one methodology. Over time, the benefits of using this approach became obvious - now, in the event of illness or absence of a teacher, he can be replaced, and the quality of teaching will not suffer. Among the teachers of the department there are many representatives of the gymnasium administration - E. V. Berlova, A. F. Fedorov, T. M. Gorelova, etc., who have the opportunity to work with students directly and, if necessary, correct the work of their colleagues.

A special place in the life of the school is occupied by the Department of Literature, where today the leading teachers of the capital work - M. M. Belfer, E. N. Klepanova, GB Ryazanova and others. It is through their efforts that a large number of events are carried out between school institutions aimed at developing the linguistic skills of students. The department employs teachers in the Russian language, literature, MHC, music, fine arts, there is also one teacher of literature - E. A. Magich, who tells the children about the Russian language in the context of the theory of general linguistics.

The most popular is the Department of Theory and History of World Culture, where teachers work not only from school 1514, but also teachers from the capital's universities. Schoolchildren are happy to go to the lessons of foreign language teachers G. I. Samsonova, A. A. Antoshkina, A. D. Leonov, E. S. Tortunova, Yu. A. Efremova, where they can receive bonus materials on their specialization - linguistics.

Is there a preparatory program?

Since the elementary curriculum is quite complex, you can use the optional Step to School program. Enrollment is made from 5.5 years old, enrollment for courses usually begins in April-May, in order to form group lists by September, adapt the program and start training in the fall. If you want your child to go to school 1514, reviews about primary school will help you make the final choice.

To enroll in the group, you will need to contact the office of the institution and provide there a number of documents: SNILS and the child's birth certificate (copies can be used), a photocopy of the parent's passport, a completed application form, as well as a contract filled in two copies.

For quite a long time, there was an opinion that it would not be possible to enter the gymnasium without passing the “step” to school 1514. In the responses to the program, parents quite often noted this information, but over time it disappeared. The administration of the educational institution does not hide the fact that the priority for admission is given to children living in nearby houses that are assigned to it. However, the selection is carried out on a competitive basis, so absolutely everyone has a chance of admission.

Upon admission to training courses children not only receive information on specialized and general education disciplines, they are also supervised by experienced psychologists. The task of the latter is to provide parents with a number of recommendations, with the help of which the child will be able to quickly and painlessly adapt to the new team and the educational process as a whole.

How to enter primary school?

If you nevertheless decide to send your child to school 1514, reviews about elementary school are the first thing you should read. For the most part, parents are satisfied with the individual approach that is used in relation to each baby. Training is carried out in separate buildings located at the following addresses: Academician Chelomey, 6A; Krupskaya, 10; Innovators 22a and 28, so there is enough space for children.

Admission to the first grade is carried out in three stages. The first one begins on December 1 and lasts exactly two weeks, during which time parents must write an application for transfer from kindergarten to school. The document will need to indicate information about which program the child will have to study (“1-4” or “1-3”), as well as give your written consent to diagnose your son by teachers and professional psychologists.

On December 15, the second stage of enrollment in gymnasium 1514 begins, reviews of whose primary school at one time drove parents so crazy that they began to buy housing in houses assigned to it. At the same time, dads and moms are invited to fill out an application for admission in electronic form on the website of the educational institution or on the portal of the Moscow Department of Education (section "Documents"). In addition to this document, you will need to attach copies of the mother's or father's passport, the child's birth certificate, as well as a certificate confirming the baby's registration in the assigned area.

The third stage begins on July 1, when the school administration begins to consider children who do not live in the houses assigned to it. In this case, admission is carried out only if there are free places, if there are any, then priority is given to the preferential categories of children: people from large families; kids who have the right to an extraordinary place in accordance with the capital's legislation; as well as those whose brothers and sisters are already studying in this educational institution.

Despite the fact that parents and children have to spend a lot of energy on admission to gymnasium 1514 (Moscow), reviews of the elementary school force them to fight for vacancies. It is in this school that each child receives a large amount of attention to his person, which allows him to quickly reveal his educational potential, as well as grow up as a healthy and strong personality, capable of making our world a better place.

What do parents like most about this school?

There is a certain set of qualities that make dads and moms make a choice in favor of the Moscow school 1514. In reviews, parents often talk about an individual approach to children and a high quality of education. The technique, in which a teacher can be replaced at any time by another without interruptions in the curriculum, also appeals to the older generation. Parents are satisfied with the strict approach of teachers to the learning process, they consider it fair enough, given how much the modern generation of children does not want to acquire new knowledge.

Another advantage of the educational institution is free education, the only thing is that parents still have to pay for excursions and trips. However, the sums are not too large, so there are no difficulties with this. According to fathers and mothers, the gymnasium is one of the best educational institutions, where they are engaged in in-depth study of the humanitarian profile, which is only beneficial for children.

They also consider the presence of a high competition for a place in school 1514 in Moscow to be justified. Reviews of this selection system are overwhelmingly positive. Parents believe that through its use it is possible to weed out those students who do not need such training, and provide a place for more talented children. Also, as an advantage of the educational institution, they note the presence of a large number of electives and a rich vacation program, when students go on excursions, and do not sit at home at computers.

Are there any reasons for dissatisfaction?

Of course, there are also those who are dissatisfied with the order established in school 1514. Parents' testimonies indicate that excessive workload does not always benefit children. In some cases, the guys do not even have time to complete the current homework and sometimes ask the teachers for a respite. The school administration agrees that there is a large workload, but it is quite difficult to reduce it, since in this case the children will not receive the knowledge necessary for passing the final certification.

Some parents note that there is a certain rivalry between students of different profiles, which is not always smoothed out by teachers. Also, moms and dads are unhappy with the competition they have to face to get a place in the gymnasium. The reason for this is the huge number of people who want to study in this institutionbecause the quality of the education received here is much higher than average.

Quite a lot of negativity was associated with the old buildings of the educational institution. Today the current address of the school is 1514 - Novatorov, 22a. Reviews of the new building are positive, however, there are also shortcomings in the form of not always replaced plumbing, as well as a few rooms that require repair. However, the management of the gymnasium is well aware of all the existing problems and is trying to solve them as far as possible, while trying not to arrange extortions from the parents, but to get by with the allocated budget.

Who is the gymnasium proud of?

Each educational institution has students who have managed to achieve serious success in adulthood. School 1514 is no exception. famous personalities, here a little, but each of them had a huge impact on modern science... One of them, Boris Sergeevich Kashin, is today an academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences and a doctor of physical and mathematical sciences. It belongs to him to form a solution to the problem of functioning in the space of orthonormal systems. His research helped to find the answer to Knaster's problem, over which mathematicians fought for almost half a century. For his scientific activity Boris Sergeevich was awarded a medal "For Merit to the Fatherland" II degree, and also has a number of awards and prizes.

The name of Andrei Linde is known today to all those who at least once came into contact with theoretical physics. He received his very first education in metropolitan gymnasium 1514, graduate profile school it was not difficult to enter the physics department of Moscow State University. In the early 1980s, he created a unique inflationary model of the Universe, which suggests it further development... In the 1990s, Andrei Dmitrievich emigrated to the United States, where he became a member of the National Academy of Sciences, where he lives to this day. In the early 2000s, Linde won a large number of prizes and awards: the Dirac Medal, the Kavli Prize, the Robinson Prize from Newcastle University, etc.

Despite the fact that the school has only two well-known graduates, their number may increase at any time. Almost all high school students after graduating from gymnasium go to budget places in the leading universities of Moscow - Moscow State University, Russian State Humanitarian University, MGIMO, where they get the right to conduct scientific activities and make discoveries.

Where can you go after graduation?

Since the humanitarian profile is the main one for the gymnasium 1514 in Moscow, graduates of a general education institution can continue their studies in this direction by entering a university. First of all, one can consider the Russian state humanitarian University, where students are provided with more than 150 specialties of the corresponding profile, and budget places quite a lot, so the chances to save and get higher education are large enough. The average passing score here is 70, so for admission you will have to try on the exam.

The second most popular is with 140 specialties, the average score required for admission here is 62, so there are very many chances to enter. Next comes Moscow State University, where graduates of mathematical profiles most often enter, the average mark there is 75, but applicants bypass this obstacle without any difficulties.

The State Institute of the Russian Language is a dream come true for many graduates of school 1514. The feedback received from those who entered there motivate many to intensify preparation for exams in the humanitarian cycle. It should be noted that the students of the gymnasium do not use the services of tutors, the only thing they resort to is going to various electives, where you can get absolutely free additional information on the subject of interest, and then apply it in action.

How can I contact school representatives?

A fairly large number of students are transferred to this gymnasium from other educational institutions. If you also want to transfer your child to school 1514 on Novatorov Street, where reviews of quality teaching have already spread throughout the capital, be prepared to pass a number of tests. Parents will be required to provide the child's personal file, report card with his grades, as well as portfolio (if any). The teachers of the institution recommend collecting awards, crafts and certificates of the kid already from kindergarten in order to form a large and beautiful portfolio by the end of school that can have a positive impact on admission to the university.

It is recommended to come to the gymnasium in advance, talk with children, parents and teachers in order to get a general idea of \u200b\u200bthe school and decide whether to send your child there. Also, before enrollment, your child will have to go through an interview and testing with subject teachers and psychologists, so it is worth mentally preparing him for this.

To get to the gymnasium 1514, you will need to get to the Universitet metro station, and then change to trolleybuses on routes No. 28 and No. 34, with their help you can get to the stop “Ul. Krupskaya ". You can use an alternative option - get by buses # 1 and # 113 from the Novye Cheryomushki metro station.