How to prepare a milk gravy with flour. How to prepare dairy sauce for the kitlet. Milk sauce - recipe with photos

Milk in cooking is a product that is used in all its spheres. It is indispensable in a number of dough recipes, hot dishes, soups and filling. What to talk about desserts, ranging from puddings and ending with creams and sweet moussami. Therefore, the dairy sauce is so widely represented in modern kitchen: there are thick sauces for meat and kitlet, for rice and potatoes, for sweet baking, meringue and pancakes.

The dairy gravy fits perfectly into the daily diet and is suitable for solemn cases. Competently with the desired amount of ingredients, it is possible to prepare a dietary option suitable for the treatment of the figure or withstand therapeutic diet, for example, with ulcers or gastritis.

In the end, this gentle dairy taste, as in kindergarten, will allow a little plunge into memories. Milk refueling from the first sample will love even the most capricious and arrogant child, and their taste will perfectly complement the composition of meat, fish or sweet dishes.

Two main types

The versatility of the dairy sauce is the ability to create variations as for hot dishes - for example, a variant of the dairy sauce for chicken, pork chops and a kitlet or spaghetti - and for a variety of desserts. Naturally, the set of ingredients in two recipes varies, but the base remains the same: prepare the sauce of the dairy technological map offers using milk and flour, usually wheat. Below are classic recipes for traditional dairy sauce for hot dishes and desserts.

Pour for main dishes

The recipe for classic dairy journey includes a minimum set of ingredients that will be available in any store. In general, this sauce can well be called budget, since no hard-to-reach or expensive products are used. The dairy sauce on the recipe traditional is made with the obligatory addition of bow.

It will take:

  • Milk - 700 ml
  • Creamy butter - 60 g
  • Onion - 1 small bulb
  • Garlic - 3 teeth
  • Parsley, Fresh - 1 Middle Bunch
  • Black pepper, ground - to taste
  • Salt to taste

Number of portions - 4

Cooking time - 35 minutes

The variant of the cheese sauce, which is created from milk and cheese is prepared in the same way, but only in a water bath. It turns out excellent milk sauce for pasta, used for cooking paste with various pasta. The dairy sauce recipe for fish includes a set of herbs and spices, as well as lemon juice: fish and seafood sauce must be acidic.

Sweet refilling for desserts

Sugar-based gravings with sugar are suitable for various desserts: for casserole from cottage cheese, to pancakes, pie and pancakes, to berry jelly and pudding, to cottage cheese. There are no fundamental differences in the set of components, only a few ingredients differ. Noteworthy and the fact that traditionally it is prepared with eggs, and the cooking technology itself is somewhat different.

It will take:

  • Milk - 700 ml
  • Wheat flour - 2 tablespoons
  • Creamy butter - 50 g
  • Egg - 2 pieces
  • Sugar Sand - 2 tablespoons
  • Vanillin - 1/3 teaspoon

Number of portions - 4

Cooking time - 25 minutes

Classic sauces - podliva on milk - like everyone else. The simple composition of both recipes, benefits and pleasant taste ensure the popularity of refueling over the past decades. For someone, this is an exquisite seasoning, and for someone - the taste of childhood, as in the kindergarten. In any case, it is safe to say that the ready-made dairy sauce with bow or sweet - with sugar and vanilla - will not spoil any dishes or dessert, whether meat in dairy sauce or cottage cheese pie. The diet will be more comfortable and pleasant with him. Knowing how to cook milk sauce, the hostess will be able to be always confident that guests and households will remain full and satisfied.

Bon Appetit!

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Milk sauce for children's dishes: recipe

Products for sauce:

  • Flour - 1 tsp. (1 tbsp. L. For thick sauce)
  • Milk - 0.5 tbsp.
  • Creamy oil - 1 tsp.
  • Salt - chipotch

Children's dishes do not have to be fresh and tasteless, they can be completely diversified by seasonings and sauces. But prepare them better for themselves in order to be confident in the naturalness of the products. The sauce can be sweet and salty, dairy and tomato, dense and not very, but they all help to give a dish a special taste. In this article, we will talk about a dairy sauce which is well suited for fish, chicken and vegetables.

Milk sauce - recipe with photo:

1. A spoonful of flour is slightly dried on a dry pan or in the oven. I immediately dry a little more flour about the reserve.

2. Creamy oil to smoke for a fork and melt a little to a soft state.

3. Protectly mix flour with butter.

4. Put the milk to the fire and give it boiling. Add oil mixture to it and mix well.

5. Sweep sauce, pepper and let it boil once again. Remove from fire. Milk sauce is ready!

Milk sauce - various options for cooking

The most famous sauces were created in the XVII, XVIII and XIX centuries. Often, the creation of a filling was attributed to representatives of the upper sections of society. It is said that the invention of the white dairy sauce "Bezamel" the world is obliged by Louis de Beshamel, a sibling of the first collector "Thousand and One Night", diplomat and ethnographer of the end of the XVII century. Charles Marie Francois de Nouteler. And yet, traditionally, the podliva was called the components that determined their content. And the beautiful French name "Beshamel" sounds simply - milk sauce. He is the easiest in preparation, any beginning mistress will cope with him, attaching a little attention and patience.

The traditional ingredients of this product are very simple - it is cold milk, white flour passable in creamy oil and various spices. For example, it will be nice to put ground indian walnut. Note - the milk must be very cold (otherwise the sauce is "slippery"), and the oil is fresh and high quality.

How to make milk sauce? The recipe is very simple: 5 tbsp. l. butter, 4 tbsp. Flour, 1 liter of milk. Melt the oil on a slow fire, add flour and pass (just fry) within 1-2 minutes. Thinking, necessarily with continuous stirring, pour milk, add salt to taste. This is the main, basic recipe of this sauce. I must say, it turns out a lot, so it is better to proportionally reduce the mass of the ingredients, of course, if you do not need to feed the whole company guest. Pre-milk sauce cook is not necessary - it loses taste. You can diversify the taste you can add when preparing the crushed Indian walnut, raw yolks (in the ready-made slightly cold sauce), grated cheese, black pepper, vinegar drip. Here completely freedom of creativity - it all depends only on your taste.

For different dishes, milk sauce prepare different consistency. You can use thick, it can be used for stuffing, it can be added to cabbage and carrot cakes. Middle-pitted sauce - for baking or simply as an ordinary gravy to dishes. In the National Hungarian cuisine there is a completely irresistible fish pie with a dairy filling. In the main sauce you should add raw yolks, black pepper and salt, put there peelled fish, roasted with mushrooms onion and whipped squirrels. All this is put on the rolled dough, roll the roll and bake.

This magnificent additive can also be pouring a lasagna or puffed cannelloni. To do this, prepare the main milk sauce. Furnish the cannelloni, put them tightly into a frying pan and fill with a fiddle, sprinkle with a fine parsley. You can close the foil and put it in the oven. Sit, relax. In 10-15 minutes, remove, remove the foil and sprinkle with grated cheese. Cake to the formation of a pleasant crust. Baking a lasagna, do not forget to pierce in several places - so it will turn out to be juicy. This dish combines the ground and tomato sauce. Just first pour white, then red, then white again. Your dish will have a very beautiful view.

In the dairy sauce for meat, you can add black peppers, garlic and other sharp seasonings. It turns out quite original.

Sweet dairy sauce clarifies the memories of a kindergarten. Remember, for afternoon there was a casserole there, political with something elusive delicious. It was a milk sweet sauce. For its preparation, add sugar, vanillin, 1-2 yolks to the basic gravy. Optionally, you can add a little sweet condensed milk.

Milk sweating can be the main ingredient of the cake cream. Weld up very thick milk sauce, cool, add 1-2 crawled with yolk sugar, whipped protein. Remove the creamy oil from the refrigerator, give it to "melting" at room temperature of hours 3-4 and gradually add a finished product into the oil, completely interferes with it. Put the taste of sugar, add vanilla, if desired, a couple of drops of Roma, lemon zest or orange. Try, fantasize and create! Bon Appetit!

Classic dairy sauce | Step-by-step recipe

In order to prepare a classic milk sauce, it is necessary to prepare such dishes like a pan. It is on it that will occur the whole process of making a dairy sauce. And let's start with the fact that a piece of butter is melt in a pan.

The next important ingredient for our "liquid" seasoning is wheat flour. The product needs to be easy to dry in a frying pan in butter. Make sure the flour does not change the color to the dark. It is only necessary to wait when the flour is not a frying pan gets the smell of a kalenny walnut, and then cool it a little. By the way, the process of roasting flour in a frying pan is necessary in order for flour into further flour to mix with milk, and Som sauce did not smell alert. Yes, and the taste of the dairy sauce will be much more pleasant.

Now it came to pour milk into the roasted flour, just not in a hurry to pour at once the amount declared in the ingredients immediately. First add some milk by stirring the resulting liquid dough so as to "get rid" from lumps.

So that the milk sauce does not turn out to be fresh, we sweep into the salt frying pan to taste. Stir again. We pour the remaining milk, bring to the state of boiling, boil six minutes.

The resulting classic dairy sauce is ideal for the addition of fish dishes, vegetable, meat cake. Your dinner with him turn into a magnificent meal. In addition, thick milk sauce can be used to stuffing some dishes.

Recipe for milk podliva

A dish cooked in this method will embellish any side dish. Dairy journey is notable for the fact that it can be adjusted under every taste and for different types of side dish by making it a liquid or the opposite thick.

The benefits of dairy gravy

The dairy gravity is best prepared to immediately eat, because when repeated heating, it loses useful qualities. This gravy refers to dietary dishes and in one hundred grams of the product is only 170 calories.

This dish is recommended for people with poor digestion, as well as milk helps neutralize toxins from the body, however, if it is made of natural products. It is important to know that the longer the shelf life of purchased milk, the greater the chemistry and less useful substances for the human body, and sometimes such milk can even become even dangerous and cause allergies.

The proposed pour is remarkable in that milk can be changed to sour cream or cream, and it will only improve its taste. Such a simple recipe will allow you to decorate any lean bar and become a corona dish on the table. For this dish, it is possible to use absolutely any meat.

Cooking time: one hour

Difficulty cooking: just


  • Full cabinet milk;
  • One hundred grams of flour;
  • Two bulbs;
  • Three fillets;
  • Spice;
  • Butter creamy - a small piece.

The process of cooking podliva

We prepare all products for the preparation of dairy podium.

Wash fillet and clean from the streak, chopped finely.

Take a small spoonful of vegetable oil and fry the meat before purchasing a brush.

Clean the husks from the bow, and then chop finely.

Put onions to the pile meat and continue to fry. Must roll out all the water from meat.

Put a piece of oil into a frying pan and fry further.

We skip flour through the sieve in the pan to the fillet. Fry to golden color.

Pour milk and quickly stir. Pour milk with small pieces. To interfere until all the lumps are dispersed. Add boiled water.

Season with spices or before that in boiled water to dilute a bouillon cube. After laying products to stew more than half an hour, do not give the fifty thick. In order to improve the taste if desired, you can add a spoonful of mustard or tomato sauce.

Serve a gravy with any side dish: crop, pasta or mashed potatoes. Decorate with vegetables or greens. Served as a main dish with vegetable salad. Bon Appetit!

simple recipes for meatballs, for macaroni

In the culinary world there are a large number of recipes for cooking all kinds of sauces - white, red, sweet, sharp, sour and fresh. Milk sauce is the most popular liquid seasoning, which gives its shade to any dish and completely transform his taste.

For example, French cooks believe that with a sauce you can eat almost everything.

One of the most popular sauces is milk, which is prepared on the basis of milk. As a thickener, the cooks add a frozen flour or starch.

Milk Sauce Recipe, which we offer you is the most popular, because it is preparing from the most affordable products, in addition it is very simple in preparation. Milk sauces can be both salty and sweet, with the addition of fragrant seasoning and spices to taste.

Milk sauce will perfectly soften or squeeze different dishes - sweet pancakes, meat and vegetable boiler, fish dishes, vegetables and fragrant casserole. It can be pre-baked in the oven or serve to the table as a liquid podium.

See also:

Chicken nuggets like in McDonalds, recipe with photos

Tartar Sauce - Recipe At Home: Step-by-Step Recipe With Photo

Mushroom sauce, 7 recipes with photos, from champignons

The main sauce can be prepared with liquid, normal or thick consistency. The basis of any milk sauce is the oily-flour mixture and milk. Before adding flour into the sauce, it is necessary to pre-fry in a pan to a light golden color in the preheated oil vegetable or roasted on a dry frying pan. If starch is used as a thickener, it does not need to be subject to any heat treatment, it can be simply mixed with the liquid. In some recipes in dairy sauces, you do not need to boil, but just slightly bring it to a boil.

Sugar, cocoa, cinnamon, vanilla are added to it to prepare a sweet sauce. To the salty sauce add a pinch of red or black pepper, a leaf of a laurel, salt, dill or other greens to taste. What kind of seasonings or spices you do not decide to add to such a sauce, it will still have a soft taste and gentle consistency. That is why this sauce can be attributed to dietary dishes.

Let's learn how to make milk sauce.

Milk sauce for mells

Themeters cooked in dairy sauce are distinguished by their tenderness and ease. A fragrant milk sauce is perfect for any dishes.

Required products:

  • 200 milligrams of milk,
  • 1 spoon butter creamy,
  • 2 spoons of flour,
  • Salt and pepper to taste


For the preparation of dairy tasty sauce for meatballs, it is better to use a frying pan with a non-stick coating. In a frying pan, heat one spoon of cream oil. Add flour into melted oil and immediately squeeze all the contents very quickly so that as a result you have a homogeneous mixture without lumps.

Slowly thin inlet pour all the milk, while do not forget to stir the sauce with a spoon all the time. To taste, add pepper and salt into the sauce. Sauce Stir before the formation of a homogeneous consistency and can immediately turn off it, because due to flour, the finished sauce can become very thick. In a saucepan with melligers, pour the milk sauce and continue to extinguish them until full readiness. Fit ready milk sauce for the kitlet.

Milk sauce for macaroni

Very often it happens that unexpected guests come to the house and they have nothing to feed them. An excellent output from the situation will be pasta in dairy sauce. Gentle dairy sauce for macaroni will make your dish with a real masterpiece and will definitely like guests.

Required products:

  • 200 grams of milk,
  • 1 spoon flour,
  • Kurkuma to taste
  • Fresh dill,
  • Hvel-Sunnels, pepper black and salt to taste,


Squake all the flour through a sieve, pour it into a frying pan with a thick bottom and warm up for three minutes, all the time stirring it with a spoon. Add Khmeli-Sunnels in the pan in the pan, salt and pepper, mix everything again. A slightly heated milk slowly pour into the flour with a thin flowing tricky continuously stirring all the contents so that the sauce does not form lumps.

Clear fresh dill and also add it to the sauce, put the sauce on a quiet fire, warm up for two minutes. You can prepare thick milk sauce or more liquid. To make your sauce more thickly use a little more flour than it was indicated in the recipe, as well as a little longer warm the sauce on fire.

Milk sauce for casserole

Such a sweet dairy sauce will become an excellent addition not only to the casserole, but also to cheesery and pancakes. Some ingredients in this sauce can be replaced in your own taste.

Required ingredients:

  • 20 grams of butter cream
  • 1 cup of milk,
  • 1 spoon flour,
  • A pinch of salt,
  • 1 spoon sugar,
  • Vanillin on the tip of the knife.

Preparation of dairy sauce:

First of all, you need to boil the milk and melt the butter in it. In a separate container or pan, melt the remaining butter creamy and for two minutes to fry the flour spoon in it.

In the oil creamy with flour gently enter hot milk and stirring all the time. Add vanillin there, pinch salt and sugar. Purchase all the contents well.

All content in the container are brought to a boil and continue to cook the milk sauce on a quiet fire before it thickening. This process will take you only ten minutes. The readiness of the sauce can be determined by the fact that the butter is completely melted and will not float to the surface.

Cooked dairy sauce Sweet Cool and you can serve to pancakes, cottage cheesecake or cheesecakes. Dietary dairy sauce is ready, pleasant appetite!

Chicken in dairy sauce

Chicken itself is a very gentle meat product, if you cook it in sauce, it will acquire greater tenderness and juiciness. In particular, if you decide to prepare a chicken in a dairy sauce. For greater piquancy, you can add a little garlic to sauce

Required ingredients:

  • 300 grams of chicken fillet,
  • 1 bulb,
  • 400 milligrams of milk,
  • 3 spoons of flour,
  • Vegetable oil for frying,
  • 2 cloves of garlic,


Prepare all the necessary ingredients for cooking. The chicken is better used without bones, chicken fillet is perfect for cooking. Wash chicken meat in water, dry with paper towels and cut it with pieces or stripes. Clean the bulb from the husk and also rinse in water, also dry a little from the extra liquid.

Put the frying pan on the middle fire, add vegetable oil into it and fry the onions into it chopped by semirings before the formation of golden color. Do not push onions strongly on the frying pan, so as not to spoil the delicate taste of the finished dish. Add the chicken chicken to Luka and continue to fry on a small fire for five minutes. Speak and salt all the contents to taste.

Now it's time to add flour to the chicken, mix again and continue to fry for a few minutes. In the meantime, another 1.5 spans of flour and pre-crushed garlic should be added to the milk, mix all the contents and slowly pour into the chicken in the pan. Cover the cover from above and continue cooking until the meat is completely readily. At the end of the preparation, a ready-made dish sprinkle with chopped greens.

Sourish-milk sauce with cheese

Sourish-milk sauce with raw eggs and cheese is a very saturated and tasty seasoning to any dishes. Such a sauce will suit any dish by making it taste more gentle and saturated.

Required ingredients:

  • 80 grams of milk,
  • 100 grams sour cream,
  • 2 raw eggs,
  • 40 grams of cheese,
  • 2 spoons of flour,
  • 20 grams of butter cream


In the bowl of the blender, mix raw eggs and sour cream and carefully sweep them. Now it's time to add grated cheese. Melt the butter oil in a preheated frying pan and gently mix with the other ingredients.

Add flour and milk to the pan, continue to heat on medium heat for three minutes, but do not bring to a boil. Cooked sauce spill to taste and can be filed to the table. At will, you can add ground pepper and crushed greens to sauce.

Mushrooms in dairy sauce

Mushrooms with dairy sauce can be prepared at any time of the year. And with the onset of the autumn season, it is better to use forest mushrooms, with the onset of the winter period you can use purchased champignons or oysteries. Even an inexperienced hostess can cope with this dish

Required ingredients:

  • 0.7 liters of milk,
  • 1 kilogram of mushrooms,
  • 3 spoons of flour,
  • 3 bulbs,
  • Vegetable oil,


Rinse all mushrooms in water, dry a little from extra liquid. Each mushrooms cut into slices and put them to roast on a heated frying pan with sunflower oil, add pepper and salt to taste. Mushrooms in a frying pan cover with a lid and leave them to fry on slow fire. Fry mushrooms until all the liquid evaporates from them.

Now you can enjoy onion and flour. Take a dry frying pan without adding oil and fry flour on it for a few minutes. All the time stir the flour with a spoon so that it is not burned. Fry flour put into a separate bowl or a small pile, wait until it cools.

Fry in a preheated pan pre-crushed onions and mix it with cooled mushrooms. Prepared flour mixed with a glass of milk and immediately add all the fluid to mushrooms with onions. All contents mix and add the remaining milk there. Continue to grieve on slow fire for another ten minutes until the moment until the mass is thick. The finished dish will be perfectly combined with boiled potatoes.

Milk-garlic sauce

Such sauce comes to meat, fish, salads and pasta. In the culinary world there is a wide variety of all sorts of sauces - Adzhika, mayonnaise, pesto, horseradish, ketchup, tartar, salsa, etc. But we offer you to prepare the most interesting version of the fragrant milk sauce with the sprinkle taste of garlic.

Required products:

  • 120 grams of milk,
  • 4 cloves of garlic,
  • Pepper, salt,
  • 120 grams of cheese,


Patch hard cheese with a shallow grater. To prepare a milky garlic sauce in an iron or glass container. Add grated cheese, all milk and heat all the contents using a water bath until the cheese in milk is not completely dissolved.

Remove all the contents from the water bath, add the pre-crushed garlic to the prepared mixture, as well as pepper and salt to taste. Mix all the contents thoroughly. Milk sauce is completely ready, you can serve it to meat or fish dishes.

Vegetables in dairy sauce

Vegetables prepared in dairy sauce are obtained more delicious and useful. To prepare this dish, you can use any vegetables to your liking.

Required products:

  • 2 potatoes,
  • 1 carrot,
  • 100 grams of cauliflower,
  • 45 grams of canned green peas,
  • 85 grams of corn canned,
  • For cooking sauce:
  • ½ cup of vegetable broth,
  • ½ cup of milk,
  • 1 spoon butter creamy,
  • ½ teaspoon sugar,
  • A pinch of salt,
  • 1 spoon flour,


Boil the cauliflower until readiness, cool down and disassemble it on inflorescences. Clean carrots and potatoes cut into cubes, separately sweep them in salted water.

To prepare a milk sauce of flour, it is necessary to fry in a preheated oil and slowly add milk to it, also pour vegetable broth and continue to cook for seven minutes.

All cooked vegetables must be combined with canned corn and peas, all the contents are filled with a cooked dairy sauce, add salt and sugar, mix and bring to a boil. Vegetables in sauce put on the dish, paint the oil from above melted and sprinkle with pre-grated cheese.

Fish under milk sauce

The fish cooked in the dairy sauce is a dietary dish that needs to be there people who want to lose weight or adhere to diet food. Fish in the dairy sauce will not only be delicious, but also very useful.

Required products:

  • 10 grams of vegetable oil,
  • 150 grams of sea fish
  • 70 grams of milk,
  • 1 spoon flour,
  • 40 grams of cheese,


Large marine fish, wrap and wrap carefully. Optional for cooking can be used by fish fillet. Spring salt prepared fish and a small amount of pepper.

For the preparation of a dairy sauce, cut a flour on a hot frying pan all the time stirring to get a light yellow color. Thin weaving in the flour hot milk and all the time stirrate the spoon thoroughly so that the sauce does not formed the flour lumps. Boil the dairy sauce on slow heat before its thickening.

Grease the frying pan with vegetable oil, add a slightly cooked dairy sauce and lay out the prepared fish into it. Fill fish with all the remaining sauce, span with vegetable oil and sprinkle with cheese. Bake in a preheated oven before the appearance of a ruddy crust. Cooked fish can be powered by a melted butter creamy and sprinkle with chopped greens.

Chicken in a milky garlic sauce

Gentle milk sauce and soft chicken perfectly harmonize among themselves. And if add chopped garlic in the sauce, then the finished dish will turn out more piquant.

Required products:

  • 300 grams of chicken meat without bones,
  • 400 milligrams of milk,
  • 1 bulb,
  • 3 spoons of flour,
  • 4 cloves of garlic,
  • Greens,


Chicken meat rinse and cut it with small stripes. Leek Clean and cut down thin half rings. To prepare a dairy sauce, it is necessary to mix 1.5 spoons of flour, milk and pre-crushed garlic. Sauce pepper and spray to taste.

Discovered onions fry until the formation of golden color and add chicken meat to it. All contents fry for five minutes on a small fire. Not forgetting all the time to stir. Again, stick a little and spend the dish.

Then sprinkle on top of the remaining flour, mix all the components and continue to fry for another five minutes. Chicken Fill with prepared dairy sauce and mix. Continue cooking under a closed lid for five minutes. At the very end, the finished dish can be sprinkled with chopped greens.

Milk sauce to fish - Meat

Basic milk sauce

Milk main sauce can be prepared thick, normal, semi-liquid consistency.

Methods for the preparation of all major dairy sauces are the same: milk flows into the fried flour when stirring is poured, salt is added.

Milk sauce is boiled 4-5 minutes, then fastened.

Ingredients of thick main dairy sauce: 1.5 cup of milk, 4 tablespoons of butter and flour.

This dairy sauce is added to the mince for the kitlet, zez.

The composition of the main dairy sauce of normal consistency: 1.5 glasses of milk, half a cup of water, 3 tablespoons of butter, flour.

An egg yolk, cheese can be added to the recipe of this dairy sauce. The refueling of such composition is used to fill casserole.

The recipe for the semi-liquid base milk sauce: 1.5 glasses of milk, half a cup of water, 2 tablespoons of butter, flour.

The semi-liquid base milk sauce is on the preparation of derivatives of dairy sauces. You can add sugar in the sauce formulation.

Tomato-puree, horseradish, onions, greens and other ingredients are introduced as food additives.

The main milk sauce is used to refuel fish, meat, vegetables, salads, garnings.

Sour milk sauce

Sauce Recipe: 1.5 cup of thick main dairy sauce, 2 yolks, bulbs, a quarter of a glass of mayonnaise, a third of a glass of wine vinegar, a tablespoon of sugar, half a teaspoon of the ground carnations, cinnamon.

Preparation of sour milk sauce.

Sour milk sauce is cooked on a degreasing meat, fish broth.

Boil in a glass of fisherbu on a bulb, carnation, cinnamon.

Add the main milk sauce. The composition boil, strain.

Bring the milk sauce to a boil, remove from the fire. Add a mixture with a loss of salt, pepper, sugar, egg yolks, mayonnaise, vinegar.

Milk sour sauce Beat, serve to baked dishes.

Instead of vinegar, acidic taste milk sauce can give lemon juice, citric acid, sour jam.

Solid milk sauce

Sauce Recipe: 2 Solid Milk Glasses, 2 Table Spoons Flour, 30g Butter, Half Teas Spoon Lemon Juice, Sugar Teaspoon.

Preparation of sauce made of milk.

Flug fry on oil, milk breed. Milk sauce cook 10-15 minutes, evaporating moisture.

Add to milk spices, salt. Sauce stirring, remove from the stove.

Milk sauce is suitable for fish, meat cutlets.

In the recipe for milk sauce, a glass of milk can be replaced with liquid cream. The taste of such a sauce will be harmonized with baked fish.

Milk sauce with bow

Sauce Recipe: 800ml Milk, 2 tablespoons of flour and butter, 2 stems onion, 2/3 cup of white dry wine, 5 peas of fragrant pepper.

Onions seal, fry on oil. 1-2 minutes to fry with the bow of flour.

Milk boil, add wine, pepper peas, salt. Milk composition boil 12-15 minutes, then strain.

Pour milk flour with bow. 5 minutes boil sauce.

Serve milk with bow sauce to cutlets.

Milk-sour cream sauce for baking

Sauce Recipe: 2/3 cup of milk and sour cream, 1.5 tablespoons of butter, 2 egg yolks, a tablespoon of lemon juice, a teaspoon of sugar.

Milk-sour cream sauces are used to baked fish, meat dishes.

For the preparation of a milk-sour cream sauce, a flour to milk fried on oil. Add salt, bring to boil sauce.

Add lemon juice, pour sour cream, knead egg yolks. Milk-sour cream sauce to remove from the fire, without bringing to a boil.

Fryed fish pour with milk-sour cream sauce, fall asleep with grated cheese, pushed breadcrumbs, put for 10-15 minutes on baking in the oven.

Milk Sauce with Mushrooms

Paul-liter thick dairy sauce, 150g mushrooms, 50g cream oil.

Preparation of dairy sauce.

Boil mushrooms, chopped finely.

Pour mushrooms in milk sauce, cook 3-5 minutes.

Add to the sauce half a cup of mushroom beam, salt, pepper. Sauce boil 3-5 minutes.

Fill milk sauce with creamy oil mushrooms, remove from fire.

Milk with mushrooms Sauce is suitable for baked potatoes.

Milk sauce with nuts

Sauce Recipe: Floor-litut of milk, 5 egg yolks, 40g cream oil, 2/3 cup of concentrated broth, 100 g of walnut cores.

For the preparation of the dairy sauce, the nuts crush, drown.

Dried in the milk of yolks 15-20 mines to warm in a water bath. Milk sauce should thicken.

Add Broth, Nuts, Salt, Spices, Oil.

Sauce stir, heat almost to boil, remove from the fire.

Milk sauce with nuts. Serve to boiled fish, meat.

Milk-onion sauce

Sauce Recipe: 1.5 Glass of Milk, Full Clamp, Luke Head, 2 tablespoons of butter, flour.

For the preparation of the dairy sauce onions chopping. Flour with bow frying on oil.

Pour the jet milk, cream. Milk sauce salting, cook 5-7 minutes.

Milk-onion sauce is served hot to fish, meat.

Milk Sauce with Tomatoes

Sauce Recipe: 1.5 glasses of the main milk sauce, 2 tomatoes, bulbs, tablespoon of butter.

Preparation of dairy sauce.

Tomatoes clean, finely peel.

Onions chopping, fry on oil. Add tomatoes, vegetables 5-7 minutes to put out.

Pour tomatoes with dairy sauce, cook 3-5 minutes. Milk with tomatoes Sauce salting, remove from the fire.

Milk sauce with tomatoes can be submitted to a hand side of Macaron.

Milk sauce with tomato paste

Sauce Recipe: Glass of Milk, 2 tablespoons of flour and butter, tablespoon of tomato paste; sugar.

Preparation of dairy sauce.

Fry fry flour in tomato paste. The composition of sink 2-3 minutes.

Pour flour with tomato paste with hot milk, fill with salt, sugar, pepper. Sauce stirring, bring to a boil, remove from fire, cool.

Milk with tomato paste sauce refuel dishes from boiled fish, meat.

Milk sauce may include absolutely different ingredients. But in any case, such a fill is obtained very tasty and fragrant. It can be added to completely different dishes. For example, it is good to water the cutlets, meatballs, fried sausages and other meat products, as well as handbrokes.

Today we will tell you about how you can easily and quickly make dairy sauce at home. To do this, you will not need many different and oscillating products.

Milk sauce: Classic Cooking Recipe

Such a sauce can be used during the preparation of various dishes. For example, they are well stuffing potato crockets, sweet donuts, as well as apply for baking fish and meat. In addition, such a product is often used as a gravy to pancakes, porridge and other garniram.

But before you cook the milk sauce, you should definitely decide for what he will need it. After all, depending on the purposes, it can be thick or liquid, sweet or not very.

So, should the classic milk sauce be prepared? The recipe for the fill provides for use:

Preparation of the basis

These ingredients are designed to get thick milk sauce. If you need a medium-sized pour, then the first two ingredients should be taken in the amount of 2 large spoons. If you need to get a liquid sauce, then they are desirable to take only 1 large spoon.

After all ingredients are purchased, it should be proceeding for the preparation of the basis. To do this, you need to dry white flour on a hot frying pan. At the same time, it is not necessary to bring it until the color change. It is only required to fry it slightly before the appearance of a bare walnut smell. Next, the product needs to be cooled.

This process is necessary for us so that the preparation of the dairy sauce has become a pleasant, not a problematic business. After all, the calcined flour is well mixed with any liquid, not contributing to the appearance of lumps. It should also be noted that its roaster eliminates the leafy odor and makes the sauce more pleasant to taste.

Finishing stage

After the flour is subjected to heat treatment, it should be added to it a fine salt, and also pour into the smaller part of the milk. Further, all the ingredients are required to mix thoroughly, breaking all the lumps formed. In conclusion in the resulting mass, it is necessary to pour the residue of milk and cook it on a weak heat for about 6 minutes. At the very end, the creamy oil should be added to the sauce, mix everything thoroughly and boil once again.

Correctly submit to the table

Now you know how to prepare dairy sauce by classic recipe. After the fill is made, it can be safely used for its intended purpose. It should be noted that such a sauce is obtained very tasty and fragrant.

Making a milk sauce for a kitlet

If you have prepared for dinner cutlets, but they turned out to be too dry, we recommend separately to make a gravity to them. Ideal if it is dairy.

So, for the preparation of delicious and fragrant sauce, we need:

  • white flour (preferably sifted) - 2 full large spoons;
  • creamy fresh oil - about 4 large spoons;
  • rustic fat milk - 2 full glasses;
  • salt small, pepper fragrant ground - add to taste;
  • nut nut - 1/4 part of the dessert spoon;
  • yolk egg - from 1 eggs;
  • solid cheese - approximately 70-80 g.

Cooking method

Milk sauce for the kitlet is made easy and simple. To do this, you need to take a casserole or a pan, and then melt the butter in it and lay white flour. Fry the last ingredient is recommended before the appearance of a golden shade. Gradually, it is necessary to pour fresh rustic milk to the resulting mass. At the same time, the sauce is recommended to regularly stir the spoon, in order not to form unpleasant lumps.

After you have a rather liquid mass, it should be boiled on a weak heat before thickening. In the process of heat treatment, the sauce is required to be reduced with salt and fragrant pepper, as well as add grated solid cheese to it and nutmeg.

In the most recent place, a raw egg yolk should be postponed in the dairy gravity. Moreover, it needs to quickly mix with other ingredients. This will prevent its folding.

Correctly submit to the table

As you can see, cook sauce for the kitlet is not very long and difficult. After the products are mixed, the milk gravy should be removed from the stove and immediately use to be appointed. As a rule, such a sauce is very often used for feeding meat dishes, including home cutlets.

We make a simple sweet sauce

Sweet milk sauce can be used as a delicious addition to pancakes, as well as various cassems and cheesery. It is preparing pretty quickly. It should be noted that its composition includes such a natural component as honey. If you do not like this product, it can be easily replaced by ordinary sugar.

So, to create a sweet dairy sauce we will need:

  • honey any fresh - a large spoon;
  • creamy oil Non-flat - Large spoon;
  • rustic fat milk - about 300 ml;
  • white flour sifted - 1.5 big spoon;
  • vanillin - apply to taste.

Cooking process

Before making a sweet sauce, it follows on a very slow fire to melt butter and fresh honey. Next to the intricate mixture it is necessary to add sainted flour and mix it thoroughly, the crawled lumps formed.

After the actions described in the same dishes need to slowly pour the rustic milk, and then boil the whole mass. Thermal processing of these products should not be longer than two minutes.

Sociable ingredients, you should pour a little vanillin, and then mix well and remove from the stove. A little colder sauce, it can be immediately presenting to guests.

If you have noticed that lumps remained in the cooled dairy sublifting, then it is easy to get rid of them using a mixer or blender.

Make sauce with mushrooms

Creamy sauce with mushrooms can be used as a delicious and fragrant podlift for any side dishes. For his preparation we will need:

Cooking sauce

To make such a gravy, you should peel the mushrooms well, and then grind them in a blender with the heads of the bow. Next, the ingredients are required to lay out in the pan and fry on oil with the addition of pepper and salt.

While champignons are exposed to heat treatment, you can prepare the fill. To do this, pour out sifted flour to cream and beat them with a whisk before eliminating all lumps. After that, the resulting mass must be pouring into fried mushrooms and onions, and then quickly mix and bring to a boil.

Feed to the table

Spaghetti and Pasta are the first thing comes to mind when mentioning Italy. Macaronians themselves do not play an important role. The sauce under which the dish is served.

This article is intended for persons over 18 years

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Creamy milk sauce with spices

A simple cooking and an unusually gentle sauce will give your fruits the original taste. Add fried or boiled mushrooms, finely chopped ham or smoked sausages, and spaghetti will play with new colors. Prepare milk gravy is easier than simple. Any hostess will cope with this task. And adding spices to the classic recipe, get the original dish that guests will admire for a long time.


  • milk (low-fat) - 250 ml;
  • flour - 1 tbsp.;
  • turmeric - pinch;
  • khmeli-Sunneli - 0.5 ch. l.;
  • fresh greens;
  • salt pepper.


  1. Greens are finely chop.
  2. Put a dry frying pan on fire. Put flour, warm up a little. Do not fry much.
  3. Add to flour salt, spices. Mix well.
  4. Gradually, thin jet pour milk into a gravy. It is recommended to pour cold milk. Still so that the sauce is not burned and there were no lumps. Add chopped greenery.
  5. The dish should not boil. It is enough to hold it a couple of minutes on a weak fire, stirring. While he does not thicken. Remove the refueling from the stove.
  6. The consistency of the dish can be adjusted by adding more flour, or vice versa, milk. You can make a more delicious refueling, putting mushrooms, boiled meat, vegetables.

Garlic cream sauce

Creams are used as the main ingredient. It is they who give a lightweight consistency and a delicate taste. By adding spices or other ingredients, you can enjoy new taste each time.


  • flour in / s - 2 tbsp.;
  • cream (20%) - 100 g;
  • onions - 1 pc.;
  • garlic - 2 teeth;
  • creamy oil - 2 tbsp.;
  • salt;
  • black pepper ground;
  • muscat nut - pinch.


  1. Finely chopping garlic and loaf. Singing a little on a preheated frying pan, until half ready.
  2. Pitch flour. We make a weak fire, stir so that our flour is not burned.
  3. Pour all cream, salt, pepper. Reduced gas, and let the mixture boils. 3-4 minutes is quite enough. Do not forget to stir.
  4. After turning off the fire, it is advisable to cover the lid gravy, it will become tastier.
  5. Sprinkle with fine-forable greens before serving the dish.

Cream Cheese Sauce


  • cream - 200 g;
  • curled cheese - 200 g;
  • solid cheese - 150 g;
  • sunflower oil - 10 ml;
  • basil;
  • salt;
  • pepper.


  1. Melted cheese must be chopped by squares so that it melted faster. Take a small saucepan, put routine in it, pour cream, sunflower oil. Sprinkle with spices and wait until the routines completely melted, and the mass will become homogeneous. Still gravy from time to time.
  2. Solid cheese soda.
  3. Wait until the mix will boil, and reduce the fire. We gradually add solid cheese, not forgetting to stir so that it melted evenly, and did not get into one lump.
  4. Still in the cooking process. So it turns out a homogeneous consistency. Can be served to the table.

Creamy tomato sauce

Creamy sauce with tomatoes is ideal for spaghetti. Its tender consistency and light sourness, which tomatoes give, will allow you to enjoy the new taste of your favorite dish. The main purpose of the sauce is to make the taste of a dish rich, brighter, emphasize certain notes. Also using it you can align the consistency.


  • cream (20%) - 200 ml.;
  • onion - 2 pcs;
  • tomatoes - 2 pcs;
  • tomato paste - 2 tbsp.;
  • vegetable oil - 1 tbsp.;
  • salt / Pepper - to taste.


  1. Passenger tomato. Having got rid of the skin, make it a majorly cut.
  2. Loke half rings fry. He must soften, but not much to be frozen. Smarted tokens can give an unpleasant grazing of gravy.
  3. Share tomatoes on a frying pan. Strive, hold under the closed lid for a few minutes.
  4. Sprinkle to sprinkle with spices. About 5-7 minutes to put out so that the tomatoes become soft, and the whole mixture is more homogeneous.
  5. After adding the cream, mix everything thoroughly until uniformity, boil and peel a couple of minutes on weak heat.
  6. Turn off the fire, give the dish a little cool. When applying, decorate parsley sprig.

This option of cooking sauce can be diversified by changing the proportions of ingredients or adding new ones. If you replace the tomato paste to adzhik, spicy notes will appear. If you add more cream, the gravy will be more gentle. In case the sauce turned out to be thick, it can be diluted with water, bringing to a boil and stirring constantly.

Creamy spaghetti sauce from sour cream

Various sauces turn ordinary and familiar pasta to the original delicious dish. The combination of ingredients can be different and depends on your fantasy and the ability to combine products. The most popular for spaghetti is the creamy sauce, the main component of which, based on the name, are cream. What to do if there is no cream at hand, but do you want to cook a delicious sauce? Cream can be easily replaced by sour cream. The taste of dishes does not suffer, the delicate creamy taste will remain, while the acidic acid will be added. The classic sour cream sauce recipe is unusually simple. Even a beginner hostess will cope with him.


  • sour cream - 200 g;
  • creamy butter - 1 tbsp. l.;
  • wheat flour - 1 tbsp.;
  • salt / Pepper - to taste.


  1. Let's start cooking from warming pan and roasting flour. It is not necessary for a long time, a light golden shade will be enough to get a dish of a pleasant cream color.
  2. Butter cut into small cubes and melt on a frying pan with flour.
  3. Dry sour cream, add the rest of the components, prevent. 5 minutes will be enough to obtain a delicious and nutritious dish.
  4. If you wish, you can diversify the taste and add fine-forable greens, tomatoes, spices. All possible variations on the theme of classic sour cream sauce will allow every time to enjoy the new taste of favorite spaghetti.

Sourished sauce with bow-chalot

Real gourmets will delight the preparation of sour cream gravy with white dry wine and a bow-shall.


  • sour cream - 200 ml;
  • creamy oil - 1 tbsp.;
  • wheat flour - 1 tbsp.;
  • salt / Pepper - to taste.
  • wine white dry - 50 ml.;
  • leek-shallot - 100 g;
  • lemon juice - 10 ml.;
  • greens - to taste.


  1. The bow-shallot is finely cut, fry on a skillet to a golden color.
  2. Pick up flour, mix well so that there are no lumps.
  3. Pour everything wine, mix, put out for 2-3 minutes.
  4. When the mixture thickens, add the remaining ingredients.
  5. Sauce is ready to serve chilled.

How to cook cream sauce for spaghetti

Cooking the cream sauce will not take much time and does not require expensive and hard-to-reach products. Classic creamy sauce can be made spicy by adding walnuts to him. It not only diversified taste, but also give the dish a pleasant walnut shade.


  • cream - 200 ml;
  • solid cheese - 175 g;
  • garlic - 2 teeth;
  • walnuts - 50 g;
  • salt / pepper - to taste;
  • a nutmeg - to taste.

How to do sauce

  1. Walnuts fry in a frying pan, grind.
  2. Solid cheese finely grate, so it melts faster.
  3. Grind garlic by missed it through the press.
  4. Pour cream in a saucepan. We put warming on the middle fire.
  5. Put all the ingredients in the cream, bring to a boil. Cook until the mixture becomes thick.
  6. Gravy ready. Serve is better chilled.

Enjoy the taste of your favorite spaghetti with spicy walnut sauce. Preparation of creamy gravy does not require special skills. It is fast and easy. The main thing is not to hurry and cook everything on a weak fire, otherwise the dish can merge.

There are some tricks. If you want to prepare a gravity of tender cream color, you must first fry flour to the desired shade, and only then add oil. Do not be surprised if the gravy when cooled thickening. Heated it before serving, you will return the former consistency. Experiment with gravy components and delight households with new tastes of your favorite dish.

Bon Appetit!

Any, not even a very good dish, will win new shades of taste if you add sauce. Meat and pasta, lasagna and pancakes - everything will be better with such a spicy supplement. Beshamel, or as it is also called dairy sauce - one of the most popular in European cooking. It is the basis for many other gravy and refueling.
Milk sauces are preparing simply, and the ingredients for them will always be found in any kitchen. Fresh herbs can be replaced with dried. The oil is permissible to take foam or any vegetable refined.

Milk sauce with garlic

This sauce is a combination of two - "Beshemel" (oil, milk, dried flour) and "pesto" (basil, cheese, garlic, nuts). It turns out a peculiar taste: on the one hand, soft, thanks to a dairy-oil basis, on the other - spicy and sharp, due to garlic and basilica.
Someone may, he will seem too "motley", but those who love spices will certainly appreciate the thin game of taste contrasts.


  • Milk cow - 150-200 ml;
  • Flour of fine grinding wheat - 1 tbsp. l.;
  • Fresh garlic - 1 teeth (small);
  • Basil - 2-3 twigs (only leaves);
  • Solid cheese - 60 g;
  • Cow butter - 1 tbsp.;
  • Walnuts - 1 core;
  • Sea salt.


Flour for milk sauce must be dried in a frying pan. Take it a little more, given the fact that the part cannot be collected from the bottom. Also make sure that the frying pan did not save the smell of the dishes previously preparing in it, otherwise the sauce can be spoiled. Before pouring flour, thoroughly wrap a piece of paper with a paper napkin.
I don't need to fry flour, it should only dry a little to become more crumbly.
Dissolved flour dissolve in a small amount of milk so that there are no lumps.

Suiter in advance or cut the cheese.

Prepare garlic, basil and nuts. It is advisable to confuse all them in the mortar, the greens can be finely chopped, and the nuts crowned with a kitchen hammer or blender.

The remaining milk boil and pour into it the part in which the flour dissolved. Puffy liquid with flour, at the same time quickly interfere with milk in a saucepan, so that no lumps are formed. After a few seconds, add the cheese and interfere with the mass until it is melted. At this stage, you can make a sauce of juicy by adding hot milk to it.

Put the basil, nuts and garlic in the hot mass, remove from the fire.

Place the sauce to the sauce and cool. It can be served to meat, paste, dumplings, pasta and potato casseroles.

Milk-Mushroom Sauce

A good supplement to the paste, potatoes or cauliflower will be milk sauce with dried white mushrooms. His taste is quite bright and perfectly emphasized the main dish. In addition to vegetables, it can be submitted to boiled low-fat meat, such as a chicken or veal.


  • Milk Cow Natural High Biminess - 200 ml;
  • Dried white or bream mushrooms - 10-15 g;
  • Fresh garlic - 1 teeth;
  • Vegetable olive oil or sunflower refined - 30 ml;
  • Fresh fragrant herbs - sage and thyme - on one branch;
  • Parsley greens.
  • Salt to taste.


  1. Grind dried mushrooms manually or with a blender. You can leave a few rather large pieces - it will give an additional fragrance. It is not necessary to pump mushrooms.
  2. Garlic Clean and finely chop it.
  3. In a deeply skill, heat the oil, put chopped garlic in it and whole twigs of fragrant herbs. Heat until a pronounced spicy flavor appears.
  4. Add mushrooms to the sauinee and fry them a bit.
  5. Fill into a saucepan milk, while constantly stirred it. Heat until the mass thickens.
  6. Before serving, remove fragrant herbs from sauce, and sprinkle with fresh chopped parsley.
Milk Sauce with onions

Subiz or Subisis - French Low-Milk Sauce, is preparing on the basis of classic behamel. It is served to meat or fish.


  • Butter cream cow - 60 g;
  • White wheat flour - 30 g;
  • Cow's natural milk solid - 250 ml;
  • Leek-shallot or white onions - 2 large;
  • Sour cream or cream - 50 ml;
  • Salt, nutmeg.


  1. Prepare "RU", Beshamel base. Punish half the butter in a pan. Pour flour and fry 5 minutes. Pour warm milk and heat until the sauce thickens. Be sure to stir so that there are no lumps.
  2. On another pan, the remaining butter is melted. Onions Clean, cut the rings and fry until soft. Ready onions Grind the blender.
  3. Heat Bezhemel and add a loyal bow, salt, nutmeg, and sour cream to it. Strong Subisi is about a minute and serve to the table.
Milk-cheat sauce

If there is no time for a long time to cook sauce, then prepare a very simple addition to the paste or vegetables. Minimum ingredients, simple technology and an excellent result will make it your favorite.


  • Blue cheese - 150-200 g;
  • Natural cow's highest fatty milk - 250 ml;


  1. N. are hardened cheese on cubes.
  2. In the thickway bucket boost milk.
  3. Lower cheese to it and boil on a slow fire, stirring, to its full dissolution.
  4. Heat the tuper, recover the contents of the pan and immediately apply to dinner.
Milk-creamy sauce recipe

If the usual bezamel, on the basis of milk, it seems too boring you, prepare an option with the addition of cream. Such a sauce is well suitable for spaghetti.


  • Cork cow oil - 100 g;
  • White wheat flour of fine grinding - 100g;
  • Cow gutter milk - 0.5 l;
  • Natural cow cream - 100 ml;
  • Parmesan or any solid cheese - 200 g;
  • Ripper yolks - 4 pcs. (or 2 chicken);
  • Salt, nutmeg, white fresh-headed pepper - to taste.


  1. Displays the creamy oil in the Tolodon Schill. With the help of a pitch, pour flour and fry it to caramel color;
  2. Heat the milk and gently enter it to flour with butter, stirred and boil to thickening about 15 minutes.
  3. Sattail or cut the cheese, separate squirrels from yolks.
  4. Add cheese, quail yolks, spice cream to finished sauce, spice cream. Bring to a boil constantly stirring and remove from the stove.
Milk-mustard sauce

If you decide to cook turkey, rabbit or duck, feed the milk-mustard sauce to meat. It is sharp enough, but at the same time it does not overlap the taste of the main dish.


  • Milk cow whole - 100 ml;
  • White part of the onion-row - 1 pc;
  • Wine white semi-dry or dry - 200 ml;
  • Fresh garlic - 2 teeth;
  • Bouillon meat - 300 ml;
  • Grain mustard - 2 tbsp. l.;
  • Dried thyme - 3 g;
  • Creamy butter - for frying;
  • Salt.


  1. Leeks cut off by half rings.
  2. Heat the foiled oil in the saucepiece and fry the bow. Pour wine and extinguish for about 10 minutes.
  3. Pour broth, pour the mustard and spicy herbs, reduce the heating and cook for 20 minutes.
  4. At the end of the preparation, add milk, bring to a boil and remove from the stove.
  5. If desired, dried mushrooms can be added to the sauce.

So that when adding flour in the sauce, lumps were not formed - pour it with a pitch. If it did not help, do not worry - wipe the sauce through a sieve or bend a blender. In addition, when mixing, you can use not a spatula, but a whisk.
In addition to flour, it is possible to use overhead vegetables for thickening of sauce, such as zucchild or cauliflower, or starch. The latter should be added very carefully so that the kissel does not work.
Never replace in recipes requiring heat treatment, milk or sour cream on mayonnaise - it is a cold sauce for salads. Try to cook a classic bezamel, you will definitely work out.

The French are confident that the main thing in any dish is the sauce. And there is no reason to not believe these true connoisseurs of delicious food, because they know that it is no less than in fashion or love. The most popular sauces include refueling prepared on a dairy basis. Their gentle consistency, a pleasant cream color and, of course, a charming soft taste will make a familiar lunch or dinner much more interesting, nutritious and tastier. A distinctive feature of all dairy chain is able to create various taste variations, ranging from the classic cream sauce and ending with tarts sweet or even smoked salns.

Probably, each experienced mistress today knows how to make milk sauce for the kitlet and other meat dishes. With such a refueling, meat is still less and more fragrant, while the recipe has a completely simple composition that does not threaten the family budget.

It will take:

  • Milk - 0.5 l
  • Creamy butter - 2 tablespoons
  • Wheat flour - 2 tablespoons
  • Parsley Fresh - 1 small beam
  • Fresh dill - 1 small beam
  • Salt to taste
  • Black pepper, ground - to taste

Number of portions - 4

Cooking time - 20 minutes

Classic French cuisine

The presented recipe for the classic milk sauce is often becoming the basis for other, more complex refills. In its composition, the oil-flour mixture is necessarily present, which the French chefs call "White RU". Flour for such a basis should be damaged in a frying pan - with oil or without oil. This procedure allows you to achieve a completely special structure of the product that does not allow the milk to add romoches when adding milk.

To prepare the perfect sauce, it is recommended to use good dishes with a non-stick coating, since both flour, and milk can easily burn, it's worth a little distracting or not seeking refueling. It should be noted that it is impossible to boil such a sun, because it instantly loses its characteristic consistency and acquire an unpleasant taste.

  1. Two tablespoons of wheat flour are poured on a heated frying pan. It is not necessary to warm the product for a very long time, seeking a saturated cream shade, is just enough to achieve the appearance of a pleasant nut aroma. After that, the container must be removed from the fire and slightly cool the flour.
  2. A slightly cooled flour is required to pour out into the scenery, then immediately add salt and pepper to it in the required quantity. Now the mixture is poured a slightly heated milk. It is better to do it portion so that it was easier to stir the flour and eliminate the cameras that appeared. After that, the sauce is placed on fire and warms up for 5-7 minutes, with constant stirring, without bringing to a boil.
  3. After the specified time in the skeleton, butter is laid out; The mass is again warming up until the oil is completely melted. The refueling is removed from the fire, after which it is added finely chopped greens (ideally it should be crushed in a blender). The sauce is under the closed lid for 20 minutes, after which it can be served or used to prepare a dish.

If you want to prepare the basis for another refueling - for example, a vanilla sweet or spicy dairy sauce - the recipe will not include salt, pepper and greens. The base is boiled in the same way as the standard seasoning option, and only after adding oil to it, other ingredients can be administered. In sweet sauces, sugar sand or sugar powder is added instead of salt, in spicy - a variety of spices, spices, even sharp peppers. Knowing the classic variant of the dairy sauce, the hostess gets the opportunity to experiment every time with tastes.


Dairy journey can be used as an independent sauce supplied to the table separately and apply during the cooking process. For example, a classic recipe for a dairy sauce includes the baking of a meat product, pre-filled with dairy dressing. When thermal processing, the sauce turns into a soft cream "glaze", covering the cutlets. But, of course, the refueling and other dishes are well combined:

  1. You can serve not only to cutlets, but also to other meat dishes that are very well combined with a dairy filling. It can be stewed beef, baked chicken or juicy pork chops - In any case, the spicy or isolate taste of meat will be supplemented with a soft cream flavor of the sauce.
  2. An excellent supplement will be sauce to a variety of casseroletes cooked from potatoes and vegetables. A beautiful dietary dish is obtained, which has a full-fledged nutrient set and excellent taste.
  3. Easy vegetable dishes - dietary stew or cooked vegetables - no less worthy company for dairy sauce.
  4. For feeding fish dishes, milk refill is prepared very often. To emphasize the taste of fish, garlic and onions can be turned on in her recipe, but the classic version of the podliva is able to decorate the dish.

List the capabilities that the milk sauce opens, you can endlessly! This is a wonderful culinary cunning, allowing to make an appetizing and delicious dish for Sunday family lunch without unnecessary time and cash costs.