How to cook delicious porridge from oatmeal. How to cook delicious and nutritious oatmeal in water. Hearty porridge with meat

Oatmeal is not only healthy cereal. Porridge from it can become a real medicine if the dish is properly prepared and consumed. There are a lot of recipes. In skillful hands, porridge turns into the most delicious and favorite dish. There are practically no contraindications for oatmeal, the body reacts positively to it, the intestines are cleansed, due to which the skin becomes healthy and radiant.

  1. Favorably affects the functioning of the digestive organs. It is oatmeal that is the first to be introduced into the diet after undergoing surgical interventions, starvation diets, and long abstinence from food.
  2. Contains coarse fiber. In ¾ cups of dry cereals - daily rate dietary fiber (for an adult). Therefore, with regular use of oatmeal, you can forget about clogged intestines, constipation and all the ensuing problems.
  3. Oatmeal proteins help build muscle mass.
  4. Reduces the risk of blood clots. The dish is useful for people suffering from cardiovascular diseases.
  5. Slow carbs- this is the right breakfast, which will give satiety until lunch.
  6. It is recommended to use dishes from this cereal for schoolchildren, students and other people involved in mental labor. Porridge will relieve drowsiness, cheer you up, help you concentrate.
  7. Oatmeal is often an element of diets and fasting days. Water-cooked porridge has a low calorie content and high nutritional properties so it can be used for weight loss.

The benefits of oatmeal for the body are obvious. The product is actively used in dietary and clinical nutrition. The porridge tastes good and is affordable. Using additives, you can give the dish different tastes.

Oatmeal: how to choose a healthy product

Store shelves are bursting with packaging different types oatmeal. Grains are different appearance, size of flakes and grains, cooking method and time. Main types:

  • oat flakes fast food do not require heat treatment, or cooking lasts no more than 2 minutes;
  • hercules - the thickest and largest flakes, require cooking for 10-15 minutes;
  • oatmeal - flattened whole grains that require a long boil, which usually takes about 30-35 minutes.

Instant oatmeal contains the least nutrients and valuable substances. Whole grain cereals and rolled oats are considered the most useful. They retain the maximum amount of fiber, valuable vitamins and minerals.

How to cook healthy porridge

Oatmeal dishes always turn out viscous, slimy. When cooled, the consistency becomes much thicker than after cooking. Basic rules for preparing healthy porridge:

  1. Porridges are boiled in water or milk. Groats are always poured into a boiling liquid.
  2. For a viscous dish of water, at least 150 ml is added per 50 g of cereal.
  3. If the dish is not intended for weight loss or cleansing, then salt is added to improve the taste.
  4. Refined sugar can be replaced with dried fruits, honey, berries and fresh fruits.
  5. Oil dramatically increases the calorie content of the dish, you need to add fat in doses.
  6. If the dish is prepared in advance, then the amount of cereal is reduced by a third.

To keep the maximum amount of benefit in the dish, you can not heat-treat the cereal. It is enough to put oatmeal in a thermos, pour boiling water or milk, leave for 3 hours. In this way, breakfast is prepared the day before.

Oatmeal for weight loss

Complex carbohydrates, which are contained in oatmeal, are digested slowly, do not allow blood sugar levels to rise sharply. One serving of the dish will give the body satiety for 3-4 hours. Wherein the energy value cereals cooked in water or skim milk - only 88-100 kcal.

The main benefits and properties of oatmeal:

  • suppresses cravings for sweets;
  • the product is widespread, accessible, inexpensive;
  • goes well with various additives, which allows you to make the diet varied and healthy;
  • even porridge with long cooking does not require much time to cook;
  • improves skin elasticity, which is very important when losing weight.

For weight loss on oatmeal, they arrange mono-diets, spend fasting days, include in the system proper nutrition. Mono-diets do not require thinking through the menu, you do not need to cook several different dishes, the set of products is minimal: oatmeal and water. To taste, add cinnamon, pepper, ginger to the porridge. A significant disadvantage of such a diet is the difficulty of exposure. Not everyone can eat the same food for a week. As with other mono-diets, lost weight often returns rapidly.

It is much more useful to make porridge a daily breakfast on a proper nutrition system. The dish is supplemented with fruits, seeds, honey. Effective and useful unloading day on oatmeal. It helps to cleanse the body, remove excess water, relieve 400-800 g of weight.

Unloading day on oatmeal

For unloading day porridge is cooked on water without adding salt and sugar. It is allowed to add spices for a change. You can also pour unsalted spices: ginger, black pepper or paprika.

porridge recipe

Pour 1 cup of cereal with 3 cups of water, cook an ordinary viscous porridge. Divide the resulting dish into 5 equal parts according to the number of meals. Recommended to use every 3 hours. The last dose is 3 hours before bedtime. Be sure to take it between meals pure water. For a day you need to drink at least 2 liters.

Advice! If by the evening of the fasting day you feel severe hunger or the stomach begins to actively boil, you can drink a glass of kefir or eat one green apple. These products have a low calorie content, they will not allow you to break loose and eat something harmful.

Video: How to diet on oatmeal

Oatmeal for colon cleansing (oatmeal scrub)

Oatmeal, rich in fiber, will help to gently cleanse the intestines and normalize stools. Due to this, the stomach will become flatter, the complexion and skin condition will improve, and immunity will increase. Cleaning is recommended for people with acne on the face and body, suffering from oily skin. You can use boiled porridge for an oatmeal scrub, but raw cereal works much more efficiently.

Colon cleansing scrub recipe

Oat flakes - 2-3 tbsp. l.
Water - 50 ml
Milk - 1 tbsp. l.

Scrub for the intestines should be prepared the day before. Pour oatmeal with cold boiled or purified water, add a spoonful of milk, which can be replaced with cream. Stir the mixture thoroughly, put in the refrigerator.

In the morning on an empty stomach, drink a glass of water, after 15 minutes, eat the cooked scrub. You can add a teaspoon of honey or nuts to porridge, but one thing. Salt and refined sugar are prohibited. A full breakfast is recommended 3 hours after eating oatmeal. Scrub cleansing course - 30 days.

It should be remembered: Cleaning procedures are recommended from 6 to 8 in the morning. It is at this time that the digestive tract begins to work, the body wakes up after a night's sleep.

Oatmeal for constipation

Constipation brings great harm: disrupt the digestive system, poison the body with toxins, interfere with normal blood supply. Stagnation is harmful at any age. There are many medicinal and folk remedies fight constipation. Oatmeal is one of the most affordable and safe. It is allowed to use it for children from 7 months of age, provided there is no allergic reaction to gluten and other ingredients of the dish.

constipation porridge recipe

Oatmeal - 0.3 cups
Water - 1 glass
Vegetable oil - 1 tsp
Prunes - 3 pcs.

Cooking: In a saucepan on the stove, cook an ordinary viscous cereal porridge. Rinse prunes, cut into small cubes, add 3 minutes before the end of cooking. Season the finished dish with vegetable oil: sunflower, linseed or olive. It is important that the product is unrefined. Salt and sugar can be added, but in small quantities. Porridge is recommended to be consumed on an empty stomach in the morning as the main breakfast.

Oatmeal for beauty

Oat flakes contain vitamins B, K and E. When eating dishes from this cereal, the condition and color of the skin improves, elasticity increases, acne caused by problems with the digestive system and intestines disappears. Nails and hair become stronger, grow better.

Oatmeal can be taken internally and used externally. In cosmetology, only natural flakes with long-term cooking are used, containing the maximum amount of useful substances. At the same time, it is not necessary to subject the cereal to heat treatment. Usually porridge is brewed with boiling water, insisted, then used as a scrub, masks alone or with the addition of other ingredients: honey, coffee, dairy products, cosmetic oils.

Video: Oatmeal for beauty in the program "About the most important thing"

Harm of oatmeal: who should not use

Oatmeal is beneficial to the body, but you should not make it the basis of the diet. When using the product in large quantities and for a long time, the absorption of vitamin D and calcium is impaired. It is due to the accumulation of phytic acid. This leads to weakening of the skeletal system.

The main contraindication is gluten intolerance (celiac disease). But also do not forget that instant oatmeal without cooking and flavored sachet dishes do not carry any benefit, they can cause allergies, indigestion, thereby harming the body.

What to cook for breakfast quickly and tasty

Learn all about making the famous breakfast all over the world - oatmeal on the water. To your attention the recipe of the most useful, tasty and easy-to-cook porridge

25 min

90 kcal

4.8/5 (5)

Kashi, -, or, - the best way to start your morning. Oatmeal on the water is a classic, tasty and healthy breakfast. We will now get acquainted with the features of porridge and recommendations for preparing a super-breakfast. How long you need to cook oatmeal on the stove depends on what kind of cereal you take for cooking. It's easier and faster to brew flakes, but... Even flakes are different and you need to know how to brew them properly. For each type of cereal, we will describe our own method.

How to choose oatmeal

Of course, the most useful oatmeal, in which all vitamins and useful material, obtained from a natural product, from whole oats(aka "Hercules"). It requires more time to cook, so it often loses to its crushed competitors (extra oatmeal). You can cook for a hearty breakfast, but today we are preparing a diet dish.

Flakes "extra" also differ in the degree of processing of flakes. If the package says number "3", these are the smallest flakes. They are perfect for small children and people with sensitive stomachs. These flakes are processed with steam and therefore they do not need to be boiled, just pour boiling water over them and let it brew for a couple of minutes.

Flakes with number "2" also thin. They are made from cut cereals. It takes 10 minutes to prepare these cereals.

The maximum content of carbohydrates from crushed differ flakes №1, they are made from whole grains, their structure is the most dense. Accordingly, for the preparation of such cereals, you will have to spend more time - 15-20 minutes, but porridge from them will be quite nutritious and very useful for the stomach.

Flakes "Hercules"- this is a separate variety of oatmeal, they are thicker than any extra flakes, they take the longest to cook, but they also have the most benefits.

Keep oatmeal in airtight packaging, otherwise they absorb moisture that is harmful to themselves. The shelf life of oatmeal is counted from the date of production, not packaging. Quality oatmeal white color, creamy or yellowish.

Recipe for oatmeal porridge with water

How to cook oatmeal on the water.


  1. To get started, prepare two glasses of oatmeal, a liter of water, half a teaspoon of salt, a couple of small pieces butter, sugar - at your discretion.
  2. Carefully pour oatmeal into boiled water, salt and cook until thickened over low heat. Don't hesitate to stir so that your porridge can be boiled enough.
  3. You can serve porridge with sugar, honey or fruit. You can pour the finished porridge with your favorite jam. If you are planning to lose weight or lose weight, then the calorie content of oatmeal will just help you with this. Just don’t add anything to the porridge, you don’t even need to salt it.

There is an accelerated option for cooking oatmeal: microwave. To do this, fill the oatmeal with water, add salt and cook for 4 minutes at full power. You can diversify the flakes with raisins and spices. Raisins should be added immediately and cooked for 4 minutes with cereal, and nutmeg, ginger and cinnamon with cloves should be flavored with a ready-made dish.

Scotch oatmeal

In addition to the huge benefits of oatmeal for the body, it is very easy to prepare. In some countries, it is generally the basis of the diet. In Scotland, for example, porridge, liquid oatmeal, - has become the main national dish. This happened because oats are the basis of the Scottish diet, 80 percent of the national cuisine is prepared from it. Until the 18th century, the Scots did not even use White bread, and baked bread from coarse bran. We can safely say that in Scotland they know a lot about making oatmeal, so we offer you the recipe for Scottish oatmeal below.

Hello dear friends!

Everyone probably knows about the benefits of oatmeal, and many people eat oatmeal in the morning.

But some do not like the taste of such porridge, and often in the morning we do not have time to cook it.

Until recently, I did not like and did not eat oatmeal, I could not force myself, even knowing about its benefits.

I will tell you how to cook oatmeal with water. It turns out very tasty, in addition, it is prepared quite quickly.

Benefits of oatmeal

Let's start in order. Let me remind you how useful oatmeal is.

Oatmeal is rich in proteins, fats, carbohydrates, it contains vitamin B1, B2, B6, B12, E, PP, H, minerals such as potassium, calcium, magnesium, sodium, iron.

How to cook oatmeal with water and love it

Usually oatmeal is boiled in water or simply poured with boiling water and allowed to stand for a while. You can add milk, butter, fruits, greens to porridge. A lot of people love this porridge.

But my body refused to accept it and I know that I am not the only one.

My friend Galina advised me to pour oatmeal not hot, but cold water, add some milk and honey. The result is not porridge, but a mass like muesli.

I tried this dish and I not only liked it, but I fell in love with it from the first spoon! If before I didn’t have breakfast, but only drank a cup of tea, now every morning starts with oatmeal. And this is very good, because breakfast is a must. But often in the morning you do not want to eat. And oatmeal and oatmeal are very easy to digest, do not cause any heaviness in the stomach, you are saturated with it and then you do not feel hungry until dinner.

If you love oatmeal, but do not have time to cook it, these recipes will also come in handy, such oatmeal is prepared in 2 minutes.

Basic oatmeal recipe

  • 5 tablespoons of oatmeal - those that are intended for cooking (less is possible, then we reduce the amount of water accordingly)
  • 5 tablespoons cold raw filtered water, you can use boiled water, but always cold
  • 1 tablespoon milk or cream
  • 1 teaspoon

If you buy oatmeal by weight, then you must first wash it.

We quickly mix all the ingredients (no need to give the oatmeal time to swell) and that's it - the dish is ready!

So you can quickly cook oatmeal for breakfast.

It's especially delicious with cream. I sometimes add dry cream. And sometimes I cook without milk, on the same water, but with different additives.

You can experiment with a variety of products.

How to cook delicious oatmeal

I only got sweet recipes, although I know that you can add cheese and oatmeal to oatmeal, but I haven’t tried it yet.

But when I made oatmeal with cottage cheese for the first time, then ... I also wanted supplements. I make this delicious oatmeal very often.

If you add a spoonful of bran to the oatmeal, your intestines will work like clockwork.

As you can see, all these recipes for making oatmeal without cooking.

Gone more than a year since I started eating oatmeal soaked in cold water. But now my body was apparently satiated and became indifferent to this method of preparation. And then a miracle happened! I fell in love with oatmeal drenched in boiling water, which I categorically did not accept before! I make it with the same additives: apple, nuts and other things. Such oatmeal is more tender, but because of the additives, it’s not at all weak, but very tasty!

Harm of oatmeal

In addition to the benefits of oatmeal, there is a downside. The fact is that oatmeal, with very frequent use in large quantities, can flush out calcium from the body. Therefore, when using it, do not forget to take calcium in the form of milk, kefir, cottage cheese, or even.

How to quickly and tasty cook oatmeal in the morning, you know, I hope you will like my recipes too.

Of course, how to cook oatmeal - in cold water or cook porridge - is a matter of taste. But love oatmeal! As well as other natural products that we forget about or do not give them due attention.

oatmeal pancakes

Still very tasty, you can make oatmeal pancakes that everyone will like. It's very simple:

  1. pour a glass of oatmeal into a cup, pour hot water so as to just cover the flakes, leave to swell for 20-30 minutes;
  2. add 1 egg, 1 grated (or cut into small pieces) apple, a little sugar, mix;
  3. fry the pancakes on both sides in a frying pan in vegetable butter.

After learning about the danger vegetable oil and contained in it, I no longer buy it and do not use it for frying. I cook everything in ghee now.

Porridge can be made from oatmeal or cereal. Groats are soaked for several hours before cooking and boiled for quite a long time: about 30–40 minutes. But it is also the most useful and delicious.

Flakes are of different types:

  • Extra No. 1 - thin, large and most useful of oat flakes. Cooking time is 15 minutes.
  • Extra No. 2 - thin, smaller flakes, boiled for 5-10 minutes.
  • Extra No. 3 - thin and smallest, suitable for baby food. Cook quickly: 2-5 minutes.
  • Hercules - thick large flakes, steamed and therefore less useful. Boil for about 20 minutes.
  • Petal - thick flakes, but more tender than oatmeal, and cook faster: about 10 minutes.

Always read the instructions on the package: the exact cooking time for a particular type of cereal is indicated there.

In what proportions to cook oatmeal

Porridge can be cooked in milk or water. The amount of liquid depends on what consistency you want to get:

  • for liquid oatmeal, take 3–3.5 parts of liquid for 1 part of cereal or cereal;
  • for semi-viscous - proportion 1: 2.5;
  • for viscous - 1: 2.

For one serving, half a glass of oatmeal or cereal is enough.

What can be added to oatmeal

Usually porridge is boiled with sugar or honey: for one serving - about one tablespoon of sweetener. To enhance the taste, you can also add a small pinch of salt and a piece of butter.

Additional Ingredients:

  • berries, fruits and dried fruits;
  • jam;
  • candied fruit;
  • nuts;
  • chocolate or cocoa;
  • vegetables: carrots or pumpkin;
  • spices: cinnamon, cloves or others (to taste).

Heat water or milk. When the liquid begins to boil, add cereal or cereal, sweetener and a pinch of salt. While stirring, bring the porridge to a boil and reduce the heat.

Boil the porridge until cooked, not forgetting to stir. Then remove from heat, cover with a lid and let stand for a couple of minutes. At the end, add toppings, a piece of butter and serve.

Combine oatmeal, water, sugar and salt in a bowl. Place in and cook at maximum power for 1.5 minutes. Then stir the porridge and turn on the oven for another 20-40 seconds.

Make sure that the oatmeal does not run away: if it boils, then it is almost ready. Remove the porridge and let stand covered for a few minutes.

For microwave cooking, it is better not to use milk: it runs away very quickly. It is also better to take instant cereal.

If cooking oatmeal in the morning is a feat for you, do it this evening. Simply pour Quick Cook Cereal (Extra No. 2 or 3) with hot milk or water, add the rest of the ingredients, cool to room temperature, cover and refrigerate. Overnight, the oatmeal will absorb all the liquid, and the porridge will be ready. In the morning, all you have to do is warm it up in the microwave.

It is rich in vitamins, magnesium, calcium, proteins, iron, phosphorus, carbohydrates. Oat grains contain fiber, which perfectly saturates the stomach. This product is well absorbed by the body. In this article we will get acquainted with how to cook In order not to get tired of this dish, you need to add honey, fruits, nuts, cream, berries, dried fruits to diversify it. Before you start cooking, use the tips: cook in the amount in which you are able to eat porridge, no need to overeat; rinse the oats in water before cooking, this will help get rid of the husk.

on the water

Main Ingredients:

Cooking technology

Pour water into a saucepan. Boil. Gradually add oatmeal to a pot of boiling water. Reduce heat, add salt and simmer for about 15 minutes, stirring constantly with a spoon. When the porridge begins to thicken, immediately turn off the heat. Cover the pot with a lid. Serve porridge with butter and honey.

on the water with berries

Main Ingredients:

  • berries to taste - 300 grams;
  • cereals - 1 glass;
  • sugar;
  • water - 2 glasses;
  • cinnamon;
  • butter.

Cooking technology

Pour water into a saucepan and bring to a boil. After that, pour out the cereal, stir. Cook until fully cooked for 15 minutes. Before serving, add a teaspoon of butter and sugar, mix thoroughly, garnish with berries and sprinkle with cinnamon. In the early morning, this dish will cheer you up!

How to cook oatmeal with chicken

Main Ingredients:

  • oatmeal - 1 cup;
  • chicken fillet - 100 grams;
  • water - 2 glasses;
  • salt.

Cooking technology

Let's prepare the chicken first. Finely chop the fillet, boil in water, salt. After 5 minutes, add oatmeal and boil the mixture, stirring occasionally. Cover with a lid and let the porridge brew. This dish can also be served for dinner.

How to cook oatmeal in the microwave

Main Ingredients:

  • cereal - ½ cup;
  • water - ¾ cup;
  • ½ medium apple;
  • syrup - 3-5 tablespoons;
  • vegetable oil.

Cooking technology

Peel apples, cut into slices or as you wish. Pour oil into a small frying pan. Lay out the apple slices. Next, pour the syrup (we recommend rose hips). You can cook it yourself. Bring water to a boil, add sugar to the essence, preferably natural flavor (lemon, orange peel, cinnamon, anise, etc.) in equal amounts. Saute apples until golden brown. Pour instant cereal into a bowl and mix with caramel apples. Next, pour water. Put the bowl in the microwave for 2 minutes. We get ready porridge. Then stir and drizzle with more syrup before serving. The dish is ready, eat immediately while it is hot.

So, you have learned how to properly cook oatmeal on the stove and in the microwave oven. Cooking time for porridge depends on the main product. There are cereals that take a long time to cook, and there are those that can be simply steamed. Read all the information on the package. Now you can please yourself and your loved ones in the morning with delicious oatmeal. The principle of preparation is simple.