Cider at home non-alcoholic. Apple Cider: simple recipe at home. Apple Cider Synder without sugar

Bretons are called Chistr, Sizra Catalans, Cider Basics, Cider British or Applevintage, Germans Apfelwein, Most or Viez. Cider - this drink is widely known in Europe for thousands of years.

Favorite drink of Europe

The famous fact that the Jews drank "Shekar", and the Greeks of "Sikera" - a drink obtained on the basis of the bombing juice.

It is in the Middle Ages Cider begins its beginning and quickly becomes popular, thanks to affordability and a low price. High yields of apples at some point displaces beer, which was produced at the grain. In the era of the rule of Merovingings, laws are introduced, for which the inhabitants are punished, which cripples fruit trees.

Apple Bands

In the XIV century, Cider creates a competition of beer and wine, thereby causing genuine interest of scientists and nerds who are taken for painstaking work and begin to modernize the methods and technologies of production, as well as create lists of apple varieties that are most suitable for the production of good and high-quality cira. The XIV century can be considered the birth time of cider, whose taste has reached our time.

Cider production

In Russia, the very popularity of Sitra came quite recently. The official start date of production is considered 01/01/2017.

What is the "historic drink"?

The wegem cooked Cider has a soft and pleasant fruit taste containing an alcohol fortress of 5-10%, is made on the basis of the rebounding apple juice, hence the color variability from honey, golden to straw. It includes a small amount of wild yeast.

Natural Apple Wine (Cider)

It should be noted that in moderate doses, the drink is considered useful for the body, because it is made solely on the basis of natural products. In the hot summer days, Cudre is greatly quenching thirst, and the body feels light relaxation. In the cold season, to warm up after walking in the fresh air or just sit in a cozy chair, we suggest cooking hot cider.

Sugar most often need to be pre-dissolved in water or juice, and then foster the mixture into the wort.

Just collect clean, healthy fruits. Cleanliness is one of the first conditions for obtaining a good cider. Avoid morning and evening dew. Selected manually or using a machine, harvesting is preferably produced in dry weather. Ban on plastic bags for collecting apples, bags with burlap or bag bags is the best.

Collection and pickup should be held in a timely manner, avoiding the injuries of the tree fetus. Storing apples collected in the gardens, ensures good preservation of fruits until Cider is created. At this stage, apples should be able to not only save their raw qualities, but also acquire a mature fine. And thus increase their value in the cider.

How to cook carbonated cider

Adhering to the above recipes, ultimately get a drink that does not contain gas ("quiet") - in fact familiar to all apple wine. To saturate its gas:

  1. After stopping the fermentation process, remove the cider from the sediment.
  2. On the bottom of the bottles (pre-perfectly washed and well-stolen) at the rate of 10 g per 1 l volume embank sugar sand. Thanks to the sugar, re-fermentation will occur and the extraction of carbon dioxide will begin.
  3. Pour the bottle of sidrome. Before the neck, do not fill, let 5-6 centimeters remain empty space. Cover close them tight. It is necessary that it was hermetically.
  4. By 10-14 days, transfer bottles in the dark, in such a place in which the room temperature is constantly maintained, there are no heat drops and cold.
  5. Monitory gas pressure levels
  6. In the event of a high pressure too, carefully hire (release) accumulated excess gas. Otherwise he ruins the bottle.
  7. The finished carbonate product moves to the cellar, or put in the refrigerator. Hold it in the cold for a few days before use.

Dried fruit drink

If you caught fire for the preparation of this drink in the midst of winter, then you should not get upset and wait for the new harvest of apples. For a drink you can buy inexpensive fresh apples that are sold all year round, and dried fruits. Cider is done from these components as follows. A layer of dried apples is stacked in a jar or barrel, and on top of them - prepared, sliced \u200b\u200bwith large slices of fresh. Fruits should fill around half the container in which you plan to do Cider. The home recipe for making a drink from these components is that they must be poured boiled with cooled water and clog somewhere for three weeks, leaving in a dark place for successful fermentation. After the specified period, the Cider can already be merged. The basis for this drink can be filled with water and insist at least three times. But keep in mind, you will get a sufficient drink. Before use, you can sweeten.

Cherry Cider

  1. Take the berries and pour them into an enameled container, disperse them (hands, or using a pestle). Severe carefully, so that the bones are not damaged.
  2. The resulting mass will fill with water. Cover the tank of gauze, leave it for a couple of days in heat. Periodically stirring its contents.
  3. Formed juice after a couple of days, follow the clean capacity.
  4. Squeeze juice from the cake, pouring sugar into it, stir the solution so that sugar is completely dissolved. The resulting fluid is the result in the main container.
  5. Take a big bottle and for further fermentation, recover all the juice into it. Bottling fill no more than ¾ from its volume.
  6. The neck of the vessel cover a piece of gauze and expect about five days of the start of the fermentation process.
  7. Pour the resulting wort to another bottle and put on the water shutter on its neck. A medical glove with one puncture finger is suitable as its replacement. You can also use it analogue - tube from the dropper. To do this, close the neck of the bottle with a lid, shift the hole in it and thread through it the tube. Its reverse to the end to the jar with water, and all the joints in the cover are silicone. The hydraulication will prevent the release of carbon dioxide and will not give it inside the oxygen that causes the molding of the wort.
  8. After 2-3 weeks, the fermentation process will end. You can determine this moment or by "falling" gloves (if it was used as a hydraulic assembly), or by the appearance of carbon dioxide bubbles in the jar with water. Boil the resulting drink on the bottles, close their plugs and put in a cool place.
  9. When Cider has better, start tasting.

How to cook non-alcoholic analog

This variant of the cider can be used by children, pregnant women and sports loads engaged in people. It can also safely use drivers of vehicles - intoxication from it can not be expected.

Prepare immediately large portions, non-alcoholic cider is not worth it - due to the lack of ethanol as part of the storage period is reduced to several days.


  • 1.5 liters of apple juice;
  • several oranges;
  • cinnamon stick;
  • a piece of ginger root of about 3 centimeters;
  • carnation to taste.


  1. Apple juice on slow fire is heated to a temperature of 90 degrees.
  2. Oranges are cut by slices, ginger - thin slices. All ingredients are added to the saucepan.
  3. Cider is boiled for 5 minutes, after which it is covered with a lid.
  4. An hour later, you can start tasting.

Tip! Other fruits can be added to the drink: pear, grapes or several melon slices.

Recipe for sparkling cider from apple juice

Using the classic cider recipe from apple juice, you can cook magnificent sparkling wine. To do this, a well-fired dry cider will need to back up a brandy - dilute 9-10% to the fortress.

The playful cider will be stronger, so it can be boldably called light wine. The higher the percentage of alcohol in the drink, the more carbon dioxide in it will be saved.

To insist the drink, use bottles with thick walls, preferably from dark glass.

To prepare sparkling cider from the apple juice, add sugar and put sugar to the drink for secondary fermentation. Sparkling wine is not difficult to prepare - in each floor a liter bottle of the cider needed to add 12-16 grams of sugar.

With secondary fermentation, the bottle needs to closely close the lids and gently put - keep the cider in a horizontal position at a temperature of 25-27 degrees, while the drink does not enjoy.

After that, the bottle needs to turn over and put the neck down and leave for 2 months. During this time, the entire sediment will be collected in the lid and constructs.

The recipe for cooking cider from the juice this way may seem quite complicated, however it allows you to achieve delicious results. After the landing has seal, the bottle with the sidrome can be taken into a cool place or put in the refrigerator. It is necessary to very carefully remove the lid and merge a little wine with the sediment, after which it is immediately tightly closed.

In each bottle, you can add a little fruit liqueur to give the drink the necessary sweetness. Instead of a liqueur, you can use the usual fruit syrup.

Cider recipes from juice will be useful not only for lung fans. If you are interested in homely winemaking, then you can use Cider for the preparation of smaller drinks, such as Calvados.

Cider from the shop juice is more complicated, as it is very rare to find a suitable drink on sale. Adding sugar and yeast, you can cook a light pleasant cider, but only natural juices should be used for sparkling wine.

Drink culture

During how Cider is preparing, it would be nice to find out how to use it. It is believed that the dry drink is ideal for various seafood, for example shrimps, oysters. It can also be successfully combined with various cheeses, low-fat kebabs and vegetables. But sweet varieties are better to drink with desserts. Such a cider is suitable for baking, candy, chocolate, mascarpone.

This drink has a lot of advantages. It does not have any chemical additives, in addition, it is not only a source of vitamins in 6, in 1, C, but also iron, calcium, potassium, pectin. Also they also say that Cider is able to normalize pressure and positively influence the work of the stomach and intestines. But you should not forget that in the process of fermentation, an alcoholic beverage is obtained, so it is not necessary to abuse.

  • Mix the variety. This is a universal solution, how to make apple cider saturated and fragrant.
  • Follow the temperature. For each preparation phase, its temperature is important. For the first two stages of fermentation, it is 20-22 ° C, and for excerpt - only 10-12 ° C.
  • Take care of the hydraulication. A rubber glove common in the home use does not give a sider to breathe adequately and in many cases leads to a damage of raw materials.
  • Get rid of the sediment. Before serving, make sure that there is no precipitate in a drink bottle. Otherwise, it must again be removed. And remember that Cider is fed by cooled.

Apple Cider in the walls of your house - let yourself travel a story.

General technological principles

Under the sidrome, it is customary to understand an alcoholic drink from apples, carbonated and sweetish taste. This is a traditional cider recipe, but not the only one. There are not only sweet and semi-sweet varieties, but also dry. Instead of apples you can use pears, quince and other fruits. It happens non-carbonated (quiet) cider and even non-alcoholic. We give the main stages of homemade winemaking on the example of apple cider.

Preparation of fruits

To understand how to make a cider from apples truly tasty, we will deal with the composition. Industrial production of cider uses specially removed "Sider" varieties of apples, for example, Yalington Mill, black Kingston, bitter tremlel. They contain in sufficient tannins and acids, creating a saturated natural taste of natural cider.

To achieve the same effect of garden apples, mix different varieties. You will need sour, sweet and tart varieties. On the apple wine is made late autumn varieties. Apples are going to hand and left for 1-2 months in the cellar.

Fruits underwent and pouted with juice need to carefully go away from leaves and cuttings. To preserve natural yeast on the surface of the peel, wash the apples are not necessary. If only they are not purchased in the store. Particularly polluted can be wiped with a cloth. The benefits of using a natural yeast culture significantly exceeds possible harm from the remaining dirt.

Now apples need to grind. At home, this is done with the help of a kitchen combine, blender, meat grinders, snes, crushers and any other girlfriend tool. Choose a method based on volumes to be recycled.

Cooking juice

According to the experience of practicing winemakers of 10 kg of apples, 7-8 liters of apple juice are obtained, and 5 liters of the finished cider are 5 liters. Cider from the store juice is not recommended. Pasteurization, applied on factories, does not leave the strains of microorganisms necessary for fermentation. Bakery, dry and even wine yeast are not able to become a full-fledged replacement. They give a specific brave smell, hiding fruit fragrance.

Compilation of wort. Universal recipe

For the preparation of wort, 3 components are usually used: apple juice, water and sugar. Water is needed to neutralize excess acidity of apples. For very sweet apples, it may not be required. The amount of sugar and the need for water are determined by the source sweetness of the apples. We will make a summary table of wort for different varieties of apples.

For 10 liters of Sousla, it will be necessary:

Active and quiet fermentation

To maintain the sterility of the Braga at the very beginning of fermentation, it is necessary to establish a hydraulic machine. It will provide a timely gases and prevents a dishes. Popular options: Latex glove and a sealed hose, the end of which is immersed in water. Anyone who has already prepared BRAG for a moonshine will not arise difficulties with their manufacture.

The behavior of the hydraulic assembly is one of the readiness indicators of apple braga at home. By combining this item with other signs, we obtain the following algorithm:

  • At the bottom of the fermentation container, a layer of precipitate was formed.
  • The taste of Braga from Sweet became bitter.
  • Characterized acidic odor.
  • The gas division and foaming ceased: the hydraulic vehicle hose does not allow bubbles into the water, and the glove blurted out and opal.

Cider with raisins

Such a drink is prepared in two ways, the taste of beverages is obtained identical when using the same varieties of apples and proportions, so when choosing it is necessary to rely on how simpler.

Method 1

It will take 20 kg. Apple assorted acidic and sweet varieties, 50 gr. Raisa. Fruits wipe with a clean rag and send 2-5 days to divert. When they become soft, cut or rub on a large grater

It is important to remember that they should not be too small, so apples give the juice much worse. It is squeezed separately from sour varieties and from sweet, in enameled or glass dishes. Juice keeps in a cool place.

A day after three in capacities with juice falls the sediment, now you can strain the fluid through several layers of gauze or dense fabric and combined. Spindle the cider in the bottle, adding to each 5-10 pcs. Izyumin.

Method 2

Skip 2 kg

apples across the juicer, cake to throw, and put the collected fluid in the refrigerator 3-4 days before the precipitate falls out, then carefully drain. Raisin 20-30 gr

boiling water for 3-5 minutes, add groaned berries to the drink when it will be broken into a storage container.

How to cook home apple cider

Preparation of raw materials. The assembled apples need to wipe with a dry soft cloth (it is impossible to wash!) - This will allow you to preserve living yeast on their surfaces that contribute to the process of fermentation. Apples put a couple of days in a warm room. Then clean the fruits: remove the fruits and leaves.

Grinding raw materials. Apples cut into several parts, then skip through a meat grinder or purtsy with a blender.

Preparation of cider fermentation tank. For these purposes, it is recommended to take a large glass container (for example, 9-liter bottles), but plastic bottles, basins, large enameled pans fit well. Capacities are well wash, quiet with boiling water and wipe dry.

Singing apple mass in containers. Fastened apples are packaged in pure containers so that 1/3 of them remains free - it is necessary for the resulting foam and carbon dioxide. There is a sugar - 100 g (maximum 150 g for very acidic apples) for every kilogram of apple mass. It is better to add sugar gradually, constantly stirring and trying to taste. It should be sweet, but not apparent.

Preparation for fermentation of apple cider. The neck of each container is covered with dense gauze and on the sides fix a solid thread. Put the room with room temperature where the sun's rays should not penetrate.

Control of the primary fermentation process. For 4 days, it is necessary to intermitted regularly with a laughing mass, blending the ezu in the juice.

Preparation to the secondary process of fermentation. When it is clearly traced, hissing and felt the characteristic smell of the warming mass (about 3-4 days), it must be squeezed and pour into another container. To make her neck to install the waterproofing or put on the usual medical glove (sold in the pharmacy), in one finger to do hole for the free output of carbon dioxide.

  1. Fermentation of apple juice. Capacities with the future sidrome are placed in a dark place in which the air temperature will be in the range of 18-26 degrees. There they will be stored for up to two months until fermentation stop completely. This will indicate a swollen glove or cessation of air excretion from the hydraulic selection.

Digger. The resulting drink is removed from the sediment and pour into another container. Experienced winemakers use a thin tube (like a dropper). Cider to strain again through a dense gauze.

Spilling beverage and its ripening. Prepare bottles and covers in advance: everything must be carefully flushed and sterilized. Furious apple cider pouring on bottles (banks), to procure well or roll. Put them in a dark place with a temperature of 8-12 degrees. It is impossible to allow the temperature to fall below 5 degrees, otherwise the Cider does not acquire the necessary properties. After 3 months, apple cider at home will be fully ready for use.

How to make cider from apples

This is the fifth way to make a cider from apples. This recipe is quite complicated, but the result will be very good. Before cooking, you should carefully select all rotten and blind apples. Wash apples should not be washed, but if some apples are too dirty, then it is necessary to take and wash them, so wild yeast are preserved for the rest. It is necessary to emphasize exactly on the ripeness of apples because the sugar in them should be a lot.

1. At first, we take apples and grind them to a porridge state with meat grinders, juicers or other items with which it can be done.

2. Add to apple porridge sugar syrup their water and sugar.

3. Put the wort into a glass jar or some other fermentation container, and let it stand in an open state for 3-4 days in a warm place until fermentation begin. Moreover, it must be mixed every day that the mold is not formed on it.

4. When fermentation began, it is necessary to squeeze the apple flesh from the wort and put a waterproof on the jar, or pull the rubber glove with a puncture finger.

5. We put the jar on fermentation into a dark, cool place until the end of the process (1-2 months).

6. When Cider takes off, remove it from the sediment and spill on the bottle. Cider pouring to the neck, otherwise the oxygen caught can turn your wonderful cider into an ordinary vinegar.

7. We put the bottles in the fridge. In this state, Cider has a shelf life of 3 years, and over time it will only become tastier and fragrant.

Cider recipe from apples at home with honey

If you want to treat an unusual honey sider, then ask the goal to cook a playful, apple-honey drink. This method is even more troublesome, and you will have to make many additional actions, but as a result, it turns out a completely original one, there is no comparable Cider with an apple-honey aroma.

1.5 kg of light tight honey;

Six liters of spring or just well purified water;

8 kg of selected sweet apples.

1. Clean, not washed, crawled apples with a towel cut into small slices. Take the gauze, fold it with several layers and sew a suitable sample size into which and fold apple lobes. Tightly start the free edges of the linen container and put it in a large enameled, faience, or a wooden container.

2. Top to install a wooden circle with drilled 3 centimeter holes and supply the cargo - a 10-liter bucket filled with water.

3. Prepared drinking water boost and cool. Then turn well in it with honey and break the cooked honey syrup in a pan with apples, cover the gauze and remove to be fermented for 35 days in a cool place, eliminating light.

4. After that, carefully drain the liquid into clean dishes and leave, and the mezu, remaining in the bag, fill with the same honey syrup, quantitatively equal to the liquid and leave again for 35 days.

5. Tell the cider again, but to another clean container, leave it. In a saucepan, pour the same cooked syrup again and to withstand it the same time, under the same conditions, away.

6. Mix just a sider from earlier, twice with a drink, mix and put back. Best patience, it needs to be kept in a coolness of at least nine months.

7. Finally felt homemade sider from apples to drain from the sediment and leave in the cold for another four weeks, happing tightly into the clean container.

Apple honey sider

A very tasty drink is obtained in an embodiment with the addition of honey. However, it is preparing for so long that it is not suitable for those who crave a quick result. Justify so long waiting can only taste of the alcohol obtained.

Apples for this recipe will suit any, even those that can be attributed to substandard (beaten, uneven, etc.).


  • apples - 8 kg
  • honey - 1.5 kg
  • water - 6 l

It is necessary to cook like this:

  1. Apples cut (without cutting the peel) into 4 parts, fold them in a tissue bag (new or pure), top tie. Setting the bag in the pelvis (enameled), press it with a cargo.
  2. Boil 1/3 part of the water (2 liters) and dissolve 1/3 of a part of honey (0, 5 kg). This liquid pour apples. The whole design is covered with gauze and withstand 5 weeks. At this time, juice and honey will wander.
  3. The juice obtained as a result should be pouring into a clean capacity, and apples again pour with a honey solution prepared from a third of water and honey.
  4. After 5 weeks, the juice again drain, and apples pour the last part of the honey solution.
  5. When another 5 weeks come to the end. You will need to merge all three parts of the future cider in one container. It needs to be procured and defending the juice of as many as 9 months in a fairly cool room.
  6. Next, burst the cider in the bottle (without stirring the sediment) and encounter them. Put on the cold again. A month later - Enjoy.

The pear cider is most often prepared as apple (with sugar). And if in your garden a rich crop of pears and apples, you can prepare Cider - assorted by taking an equal number of both fruits. Sometimes the apples are twice as much as pears, having received the proportion of 2: 1.

Sometimes the pear cider is prepared according to the recipe with the use of yeast, although the classic drink is prepared without them. It is believed that if pears are taken as a raw material, then this recipe is most reliable in terms of fermentation. Pears for cider are suitable ripe, but with sourness. At the same time, in contrast to the recipe with apples, in this case, not fruit puree is used as the basis, but pressed juice. So, let's begin.


  • pear juice - 4.5 liters
  • sugar sand - 1.3 kg (5 glasses)
  • yeast - 25 grams

It is necessary to cook like this:

  1. Pears Prepare: Remove the core and grind in the puree. Press juice from it. This can be done with the juicer.
  2. Juice fill the bottle and put it on three days in a warm place (without light), covering it gauze.
  3. In the clean capacity, drain juice through the rubber hose. At the same time, the precipitate cannot be disturbed.
  4. Pass sugar and enter yeast. After that, the container needs to be closed (rubber glove) and to withstand six months.
  5. The finished pear cider should be customized, distribute the bottle, wait and get from the cool place (cellar) as needed.

As mentioned above, there are other types of cider. For example, cherry or dropped. They are preparing for the first recipe, with the addition of sugar. At the same time, the bones of fruits are removed in advance. As a raw material, the gooseberry, rosehip, cherry and many other fruits can be used for cider, but an apple is invariably the best.

Cook at home

Consider the recipe for cider from apples at home, which makes it possible to get a drink with a fortress of 12%. It will be easy and does not cause a hangover syndrome. In order to prepare apple cider on this recipe, you need to take:

  • 1.5-2 kg of sugar;
  • about 10 kg of fresh apples.

At the first stage, it is necessary to take apples, completely break off the fruits and wipe the fruit with a linen napkin. After that, you should cut all the apples on the slices together with the bones and the skin. Then they need to be twisted on the meat grinder. In the event that you have a blender or a food processor, then in this case it is better to use this particular device.

Next, we take large three-liter glass jars, thoroughly rinse them in hot water with the addition of soda. After that, the banks are screaming and completely wipe the towel. Go to the apple puree and build it in the banks about 2/3 parts of the tank. In every jar with mashed potatoes, it is necessary to fall asleep sugar with the calculation of the fact that about 100-150 g of sugar should fall on 1 kg.

Please note that the wort, which you cook should not be excessively sweet, but at the same time very acidic.

After the implementation of this process, it is necessary to wind up a gauze placed in 4 layers to each jar. After that, the cooked wort must be placed approximately 4 days in a fairly cool place or room temperature protected from direct sunlight to carry out the process of fermentation. Every day you should make it possible to mix both the contents that are in banks.

As soon as it takes 4 days, the contents must be pouring into perfectly clean capacity, while prehending through the so-called metallic sieve. Cake, which will remain, it is necessary to squeeze well. After that, for each bank you need to install the hydraulic and put the mixture into the room where there is practically no sunlight on 36 days in a row. The only rule that should be followed at this stage is the establishment of an optimal temperature that should not exceed 270c.

In the event that you notice that the liquid has ceased to let bubbles and spawned significantly, in this case you can be sure that your delicious apple drink is completely ready. At the last stage, you must have 5-6 times to filter the drink through the gauze, pour it into clean containers and tightly clog the bottles. After that, the bottles are placed in the cold room and remain for ripe on about 3 months. After this period, you can try my own pitted drink.

Cider from juice

There is another way of making this low alcohol drink. It can be made from fresh juice from apples of non-acid varieties. Consider the packaged drinks sold in supermarkets will not be able to become the basis for cider.

For its preparation it is necessary to add 100 grams of sugar to each liter of juice, or a special start-up. Its, by the way, can be made from unwashed raspberry, water and sugar. For this, crushed berries poured half a glass of warm water and fall asleep sugar spoon. Capacity is closed and placed in a warm place for three days. At the same time, it must be shaken every day.

Juice, mixed with goat and sugar, is poured into the jar and closes by hydraulic. The container is kept in a cool place until the gas bubbles are released, but this is not Cider yet. The home recipe for the preparation of this drink requires that the liquid is carefully drained without precipitate. After that, we need to wash the container, pour back to the basis of the future wine and put it for three months in a cold place. After this period, the cider can already be pouring.

Traditional Recipe Syra of Fresh Apples

This method is quite time-consuming, but the result received will certainly disappoint and you will not be a sorry of the spent forces and time.

Before making cider from apples, it should be very carefully sorted by fruit. The most suitable for this drink are apples of winter varieties. All the fruits must be well matured, without explicit signs of rot.

Prepared fruits need to be crushed to prepare the wort. To do this, you can use a regular manual grater, meat grinder, blender or juicer. Using the juicer, do not throw away the mezuge - the preparation of cider from apples with it will be much faster.

Juice and mezu mix, add some sugar, mix and put in any fermentation container. Waslo can be prepared in any enamelled saucepan, a dairy bidone or glass jars. Using this recipe for home cider from apples, you can do without sugar, but then the fermentation process will be much longer, and the fortress of the resulting drink will be significantly lower.

Be sure to cook the Cider from the apples, consider how and where you will store it. If you are going to prepare a large amount of drink, then prepare a special room in which you will prepare the braga and withstand the finished Cider. The wort must be put for 3-4 days in a warm place - the temperature should be no lower room.

The wort for apple cider at home should be mixed daily and closely monitor the moment when fermentation begins. As soon as the first signs of fermentation appear on the surface, the mezu will need to squeeze through fine sieve or several layers of gauze. The resulting juice to pour into three or five liter cans, install hydraulication on them or wear ordinary rubber gloves. Using gloves, on one of the fingers, make a small puncture - so that the extra carbon dioxide through it.

You can make a cider from apples as a weak alcoholic drink without adding sugar, but in this case the wort will wander for a few days longer.

Banks with Sidrom put in a cool dark place where they will stand for 1-2 months. When fermentation completely stops, the drink will need to drain from the sediment. It is possible to strain the obtained Cider with several layers of gauze.

Apple Cider cooked apple cider pour into the tank of a small volume - it is best to use the floor liter bottles, close and put in the refrigerator. You need to pour a drink to the most throat and tightly close, otherwise, because of the oxygen, the cider can turn into fruit vinegar.

Cydra from apples prepared on this recipe can be stored for three years. The longer the drink will stand, the more tastier and the fragrant it will be.


It is best to take wine yeast, you can buy them in stores. Beer yeast is also sold - they are also used for cider and other home wines.

If you put wine shortly before the cider, then you can take a wine wiring from it (tempered on the bottom during the fermentation of thick). The most ideal if you have a precipitate from apple wine. Use it as a yeast wiring.

Protected from elements and soil moisture

ATTENTION: Apples ends to mature, they must remain dry to avoid rotting. Only apples of perfect maturity allow you to make a good cider

The 3rd step, which divides itself several times or on operations.

Preparation of premises and equipment. Apple sink sorting apples Grille and chopping apples Grinding chopped cellulose pressing Removal. In dry weather, when apples ripen, and when. The pulp becomes soft, it is easily compressed under the fingers. Juice leaves. Apples feel good. The epidermis loses its green color, becoming yellow-orange. Apple reached maximum sugar and aroma.

Finally, you can use ordinary yeast for baking. Dry or fresh. But keep in mind that special wine yeast give the best aroma and taste than the usual yeast for the dough.

Apple Cider Sahara

This recipe is very popular with the French and the British. There are no other ingredients in it except natural fresh apple juice.

So you can use any amount of juice in the process of cooking homemade cider without any proportions and restrictions.

Given that in this case no auxiliary ingredients are not used, which will help run the fermentation process you need to use unmeed sweet apples without any chemicals. And the store fruits are definitely not suitable for this recipe, in principle, as for others.

And the main pattern is the sweeter than the apples, the stronger will be the finished product.

Method of preparation

  1. Any amount of freshly squeezed apple juice overflow into sterile container and leave for a day in a dark room at room temperature.
  2. Then, we install a water shutter or a medical glove with a small hole on your finger.
  3. We carry the container into a warm place with a temperature of 18-27 degrees about 1-1.5 months.
  4. Upon expiration of this time, we drain the cider with the sediment using the tube and overflow it into the pure container.
  5. Now we leave the drink for 4 months in a cool room (the best cellar) to stabilize taste.
  6. Before tasting, we neatly drain apple cider with a sediment, and then pour it on the bottle.
  7. Such a drink is stored 6-9 months in the refrigerator or cellar.

If you want CDD to become wegemir, at the stage of bottling it is bottled, put on the bottom of the container literally at 10 g of sugar sand and then pour the cider.

Then the drink will begin to fissure again and carbon dioxide forms.

Important! In this case, the bottle should be filled with a non-carbonated sider only by 75% of the total. .

Recipe with a mixture of sweet and acid varieties

Cider apple at home is prepared by different recipes, and each of them is tested by time and accurately give the desired result. But if you like to experiment, this recipe will have to taste

Before cooking, apples should lie down for some time, and when they softened (it is important not to bring apples to rotting) beat them and fly off spoiled. After that, acidic and sweet apples need to chop (each grade separately) and squeeze juice from them, defeating it for several days in the cool room until the thick of

Then boldly merge and mix two types of juice in such a proportion as you like.

Spilling such a drink on the bottle, do not forget to put in each of a few raisins, to taste a unique hue. In a dark and cool room, this drink will be able to be stored for a whole year. There is another recipe for apple cider at home, and it also includes sour varieties of apples - most preferred for the manufacture of this drink. Clean glass bottles need to be filled with crushed ripe apples, also for these purposes, kegs and enamelled pans are used.

So that all couples on the jar do not evaporate gloves

"Spilling such a drink on the bottle, do not forget to put in each of a few raisins to give taste a unique tint"

Add cold water and citric or orange zest to apples. Open on top of the wine yeast and leave the closed bottles to wander for three days. The blundered drink, and fill the second time with a boiled water, which should be as much as you drain the drink. A similar procedure can be carried out up to three times, which in the end will give three cider units per unit of apples.


Homemade sider from apples

Apples of different varieties can be combined. The ideal is considered the ratio, in which one piece of acidic apples is mixed with two parts of the sweet. Pear cider is done along the same technology. If possible, we advise you to prepare assorted - mix pears and apples in equal proportions.


  • apples - 10 kg;
  • sugar - 1.5 kg;
  • water (in rare cases) - up to 1 liter.

1. Collected apples wipe with a dry cloth (not wash), put for 2-3 days in a warm room

Wild yeasts live on the surface of fruits, which are needed for fermentation, it is important not to washed.

2. Remove leaves and tails. Apples along with the leather and bones are chopped by a blender or meat grinder to a state of homogeneous puree.

3. The container for fermentation is washed with hot water and wipe it dry. Fill the maximum for 2/3 of the volume with intimidated apples. For example, if three-liter banks are used, then in each jar you can put up to 2.5 kg of apple clad. Free space is needed for foam and carbon dioxide.

4. For each kilogram of apples add 100-150 grams of sugar depending on the initial sweetness. The wort should be sweet, but not apparent. Mix.

5. Nelyushko tank tie marels and put in a dark place with room temperature for 3-4 days. The contents of the cans every day to mix, knocking down the dense upper layer and bleak it in the juice. After 8-16 hours, the characteristic fermentation, foam and hissing appears.

6. From the apple clad to squeeze the juice, which then pour into a clean dry container for fermentation. Further on the bank (barrel) to install a water shutter or attach a medical glove with a hole in one of the fingers (pierced with a needle).

Cider under homemade water shutter

Glove instead of hydraulic wet

7. Home apple Cider must wander in a dark place with a temperature of 18-27 ° C approximately 30-65 days. Then the sediment will appear at the bottom, the hydraulic table will not let bubbles (the glove will fall) and the drink will noticeably light up, it means that fermentation is over.

If fermentation does not stop 50 days after installing the hydraulic assembly, to avoid bitterness, it is necessary to drain the cider through the tube into another container and put it under the same conditions.

8. I moved the cider to merge from the sediment, then skip through 3-4 layers of gauze.

9. The filtered drink is pouring into bottles (if it is not planned to saturate gas, fill up to the neck) and close the plugs tightly. Also home cider can be stored in banks ranging with covers.

10. For three months, the drink should dive into a cool room (6-12 ° C). Next, you can move to tasting.

Ready Cider after 60 days of exposure

Characteristic mistakes for homemade cider

  1. Careless attitude towards washing apples. Firstly, this can cause contagion, and secondly, yeast, which are not always suitable for cooking cider. In order for the fermentation of juice, use special, designed for cider with yeast, or, at least, yeast, designed for the production of fruit wines. If necessary, find them through specialized sites on the Internet, using ordinary search engines (Google, Yandex). Today it is absolutely easy to make any Internet user.
  2. Sugar. Do not use sugar sand, forget about it at all. In juice, and so quite enough of his sugar in the form of fructose. If you deepen in this topic, it becomes clear that to get a cider it is necessary to take at least two varieties of sweet apples. And even if there is only one grade so that there is no sour, it should be very sweet. The addition of the sugar process in the final stages, or its derivatives, the taste of cider only flies.
  3. Secondary fermentation. It is designed to reduce the number of yeast in Sider and clarify it (all substances must be good to settle). This fermentation acquires meaning at the time of completion of the basic fermentation process. It is evidence of a strong slowdown in the decline in the density of the fermentable wort. This is determined visually (if you do not use the range) on the independent settlement of the foam cap.
  4. To saturate the drink with gas (carbonization) uses siphon. It does not need. After all, carbonization and so natural conservative. In addition, it is attached to the additional taste of the drink.

Immediately carbonize 20 liters of drink in one container only if a special container is used, keg. In other cases, it is uncomfortable, you can spoil the cider. Experienced masters of brewers (Siders) applies carbonization directly to the container.

After completing secondary fermentation, the resulting product to drain from the sediment to another container and run out of it on the bottle. Here it is necessary to determine the method of carbonization.

In fact, it is necessary to add sugar in any form in a bottle. Song-sugar sand adds exactly sugar, others prefer sucrose, or fructose. There are specialists engaged in invert syrup.

Conventional apple juice is used - the proportion of 10% of the existing ferrous product. Patch in advance and freeze in the freezer, or buy in the supermarket. Even if it is not quite natural, it will not affect the taste of the finished drink, it will be almost unnoticed.

The liquid is inconvenient to divide the bottles, so pour it into a container with a dropped wort, previously removed from the sediment, and then recover in the bottle. Cider carbonizes and will be fully ready for consumption after 10-14 days. In general, in two weeks you can already enjoy the wonderful taste of this drink.

It is important, remember that everything that can get in touch with juice, wort and sidrome must be perfectly clean. To achieve this, disinfect everything with alcohol or vodka

Simple recipe from dried fruits

Such a drink has the original taste and pleasant aroma of spicy dried fruit.


  • 1 kg of dried fruits;
  • 3 kg of sugar;
  • 10 liters of water;
  • 150 g of yeast.


  1. Dry apples are poured with five liters of water, heated to a temperature of 90 degrees. The wort from the splashed and increased in the volume of apples was put up for an hour.
  2. In a separate container, sugar syrup is prepared by thorough mixing of sugar in the remaining water. Syrup and wort are connected in a large saucepan.
  3. To the resulting mixture, cooled to a temperature of 37 degrees, it is necessary to introduce yeast.
  4. Wedding cider should at room temperature in a tank, covered with cloth, for a month or until the end of the foam is released.
  5. The liquid must be drained and filtered through a paper or gauze filter. After that, Cider is left in the cool room for another month.
  6. Finally stopped the fermentation of the drink can be pouring on tightly twisting containers and stored in a cellar or refrigerator to two years.

Tip! If the liquid is infused on dried fruits does not begin to wander, you can add a handful of raisins to it, which will speed up this process and give the drink an interesting grape flavor.

Apple Cider Recipe at Home

The first method of cooking cider from apples.

1. Collect apples. We take a dry rag and wipe each fruit. Just do not wash them, as you can harm wild yeast, living on the skin of apples, and without them there will be no fermentation. We fold apples in a warm place and leave for up to three days.
2. After laid time, we free apples from leaves and tails, and leave the skin and bones. Then the prepared fruits are crushed with a blender or meat grinder. It should be homogeneous puree.
3. Take hot water, rinse the container in which fermentation is assumed, and carefully wipe the dry cloth. We put into it ground apples so that the third part of the bank remains blank - there will be foam and carbon dioxide.
4. We add sugar at the rate of 120-150 grams per 1 kg of apples and mix well.
5. Close the neck of banks and leave the container in a dark warm place for several days (3 - 4). We mix the product every day, breaking the layer conceded from above. When the tank is rolled, it will be wound and smears, you can begin the next stage.
6. We press the victorious juice and overflow it to another ass, which you also need to wash and wipe dry. After that, the water shutter is fed.
7. The main thing is to do everything in the correct sequence. Be sure to put apple cider in a dark place and withstand it 1, 5 - 2 months at a temperature of from 18 to 27c. Next, you need to expect the appearance of a precipitate on the bottom, the extinguishing gloves and the lightest color of the beverage itself.
8. Now Cider must be filtered. With the help of the tube, drain the liquid from the sediment, and then strain it through the gauze folded fourly.
9. Pour clean Cider on bottles and tightly clog. For cans you can use sealing covers.
10. Put the filled containers into a cool place for about three months - let the cider rushing.

In these cases, delete and discard damaged parts. Slices of apple pass through the centrifuge. As can be seen from the photo above, the result of centrifuging our apples has an aspect that is closer to liquid compote than clear and amber apple juice. We prepare our skimmer, placing it over a container designed to restore the filtered apple juice. We cover this skimmer to our part used and clean fabric.

The resulting drink turns out beautiful honeycomb, pleasant sweetness and 7 degree fortress. This drink is drinking with amazing ease without causing in the future a hangmest syndrome. As mentioned above, Cider from apples at home is a simple recipe, so you can experiment: Mix the equal proportions of pears and apples and will be no less tasty assorted - cider. You can just do a pear drink. Everyone and the same cooking technology.

Then we pour juice from centrifuging our apples. Centrifuge should be regularly cleaned from centrifugal waste

Carefully clean the centrifuge grille. He clogs pretty fast

Centrifugal waste can flow into compost. Pour centrifuged apple juice gradually into a sheet covering a skimmer. Clear apple juice flows into the container under it. If the thread becomes too slow, transfer the contents of the tissue to the adjacent container, thoroughly rinse the fabric and then replace it in the skimmer.

How to cook sidre with sugar

Many compatriots are more likely to taste the sidel, so sugar is often used to produce such a drink. We will analyze how to prepare Cider at home with the addition of sugar.

To prepare a sweet home cider, you will need 10 kilograms of apples and 1.5 kilograms of sugar. In some cases, it will have to be resorted to the addition of a small amount of water (up to 1 liter). The simplest recipe looks like this:

  1. We collect apples. In the perfect case, apples for cooking should be collected already fallen. There are very useful inhabitants on their peel - wild yeast, which make the process of fermentation. That is why the assembled apples in no way should be washed, the maximum that you can - wipe the fruits with dry rag.
  2. Now we need to get apple puree. You can do this with the help of a meat grinder, a kitchen combine or even a conventional blender, pre-removed leaves and frozen.
  3. Next, the apple puree should be poured on a thoroughly washed (and no less efficiently dried) capacities in which fermentation will occur. At the same time, a third of the volume is worth leaving free - this space is necessary for foam and carbon dioxide.
  4. We add sugar. It will take 100-150 grams to each kilogram of the puree, the exact amount is determined to taste - the puree should not become shown.
  5. Watch the neck of gauze, we put the container in a dark place. From three to four days, our future Cider must be in a dark place at room temperature. Every day it is necessary to stir wedge and be sure to draw a foam in apple juice.
  6. We press the juice, overflow it into an ideally clean dry container, in which the fermentation process will go for 1-2 months. If you have - install it on the container, if not, the medical glove with a pierced finger is suitable.
  7. We merge the resulting liquid from the residue, filter it through several layers of gauze. After that, we break on the bottle and send them to the cool room for three months.
  8. Enjoy the resulting beautiful real sider!

Remember that a homemade cider recipe can be finalized by you, feel free to experiment!

Forest apple cider

  1. Forest apples collected in August, go through, remove spoiled and damaged fruits and give it good to go.
  2. On the bottom of the prepared barrel with a hole for the sleeve with a diameter of 10-14 cm put a little dried apples and fill fresh on 3/4 volumes.
  3. Pour apples with cold boiled water, clog the barrel and put in the cellar for 4-5 weeks for fermentation.
  4. Drain ready sidra, again pour the mezuge with boiled water and repeat it throughout the winter, spring and even summer, until the apples are filled.
  5. The fusion apple cider is stored in the cellar. Such a sider of racks, but it is very sour, so you can add sugar or juice to it and some drinking soda, it turns out a delicious hype.

Recipe apple cider with chkd

A more stable and interesting option is obtained using PCD (pure yeast crops) that are sold in wine or beer stores. Almost every such store has special yeast for cider. Also, almost all champagne yeast have proven well, yeast for white wine and beer yeast for light styles. So, for the preparation of approximately 27-30 liters of delicious cider we will need:

  • 75-100 kg of apples
  • yeast crops on 25 liters
  • any appropriate for yeast (optional)
  • 500 g of sugar (not required)

How to cook apple cider with Chkd:

  1. Apples rinse well, crop wormworms and fired. Squeeze juice with a juicer or any other device. For such quantities, it is better to chain the press for grapes. We need to get about 35 liters of juice, so the number of apples can be different.
  2. The juice is pouring into the fermentation container by filling it with no more than 4/5 from the volume. Yeast dilute in warm water or apple juice with 2 teaspoons of sugar and leave for 15-20 minutes in a warm place until they are activated (or according to the instructions on a pack). Add prepared yeast to juice. If desired and the opportunity to add to the juice for the yeast from a wine store.
  3. Install the hydropout on the fermentation container and send it to a dark place at a temperature of 20-27 ° C for 5-7 days. At this stage, stormy fermentation passes, apple cake should be gathered at the top.
  4. Using the hose, it was wedged with a bottom of the tank, getting rid of the cake from above. Rinse the fermentation container with clean water and return the juice back by installing the hydraulic. Active fermentation with Chkd will continue for another 7-10 days (much faster than wild). Do not forget to maintain the temperature optimal for fermentation.
  5. When the signs of fermentation come to no, drain the cider with the sediment into the clean dry tank and send it to ripening in a cool place for 1-3 months. It is desirable to install a hydraulic. Once a month you can merge with a sediment.

Non-alcoholic drink for children

Apple drinks like not only adults, children will appreciate it. But with the usual method of cooking, the cider is obtained alcoholic. In this recipe, we will tell about non-alcoholic sidel for children:

  • apple juice 3 l;
  • orange 1 pc.;
  • spices We use not ground: Badyan (5 pcs.), Cinnamon (2 sticks), pepper (10 pcs.), Cardamom (5-6 broken boxes), Fennel (2 hours l), Carnation (10 pcs.);
  • honey floral.

The juice is transferred to a saucepan. The orange is cut into small rings, then by quarter and add to juice. Immediately fall asleep spices.

Put the saucepan on fire and cook before boiling. When it boils, let's make it up to arrange for 10 minutes, we remove from the fire and let it stand a little (40 minutes). After you catch all the fruits and spices, add honey to taste, it is pretty stirred to the full dissolution and spread in cups.

On a note. Home juice makes Cider tastier than the store.

How to drink home apple cider

To drink homemade cider is needed at a temperature of 12-14 degrees, without sniffing, time savings, color estimates and other nuances. In general, leave all the ceremony - just enjoy. Also, Cider is also used as the ingredient in cocktails, especially. In cocktails, Sidrom often replaced champagne. If you drink a drink in moderate quantities, then you can forget the hangover. At the same time, if you overturned a couple of cider mugs in a pub yesterday, and in the morning you have all the disease syndromes, that is, the meaning to ask the question: what did I drink in fact?

Finally, a bit of lycabes ...

Calvados is not the only drink that is prepared from cider. In the US, the so-called "applejack" is preparing. This is a traditional American drink whose technology is reduced to cider concentration. At the same time, Cider not only distill. The traditional technology of cooking "EPPLJEC" is called sublimation distillation: barrels with a sider for all winter leave on the street, where the water turns into a lot, and the strongest cider is accurately merged. The process is repeated until the drink drops 20-30% of the fortress.

In Normandy, the thieves are mixed with young Calvados, and in England with Labiga (Labig), apple distillate, (2 parts of the wort and 1 part of Calvados, Labiga), and then withstand it in oak barrels. Such a drink is called pommeau de Normandie or Pommeau Bretagne) and it should be drunk as an aperitif or as accompaniment to melon and blue cheeses. Fortress Pomoom about 16-18%.

    Color: Golden.
    Fragrance:Apple, flower-fruit.
    Taste:Fresh, light, invigorating, sour-sweet. Apple, fruit.
    Aftertaste:Long, refreshing.

    Apple Sin Alco - non-alcoholic cider from the Spanish middle of the Envasados \u200b\u200bEVA, based on the almost century ago. The Sirodelni mission is to create only natural drinks from local fruits with a traditional taste and aroma. Juicy apples for Apple Sin Alco are growing under the hot southern sun of Navarre, they are selected with love and turn into one of the favorite drinks of Spain.

  • Country of Origin SPAIN
    Manufacturer ENVASADOS EVA S.A.
    Style Cider
    Amount in a package 24
    Variety Sweet carbonated
    Structure Cider, apple juice
    Fortress 0.001
    Volume 0.33
  • The Good Cider, Sideline

    The Good Cider is located in the edge of the richest traditions and history - in the Basque Country, on the shores of the Biscay Bay, in the city of San Sebastian, which the Basqueki sounds "Donostia". The first documentary mentions about the cider are dated in these places in the XI century, when the fishermen took the cider with them instead of water on the fishery.

    The Good Cider is an enterprise with a century history, which is already managing the already several generations of the Soro family. This is not a figure of speech, because in 2018, Sidelin is performed exactly 100 years.

    The fruits of specially selected, local varieties are grown in their own gardens. Apple juice is used exclusively natural, without any preservatives and other chemical additives. Also used juice restored from concentrates.

    Sideline can be proud of its achievements, drinks created here, in demand in many countries of the world.

  • Cider

    Sidrom called a fruit slightly alcoholic drink, which is made mainly from apples or, less often, pears. There are a large number of all kinds of legends and old legends about Sidra, but there are still no accurate information about its field. It is known that Cider is an ancient drink, he was also mentioned by the Ancient Roman writer Gaha Pole. One thing that can be said with confidence: Cider - truly nationwide drink, which loves and appreciate on all continents.

    Depending on the varieties of fruit, the siders are divided into traditional, semi-dry, dry, semi-sweet and sweet. During the manufacturing process, natural fermentation is used, but yeast can be added. Fortress from 1 to 8%.

    The color varies from light golden to saturated-honey, as well as greenish and dark amber. The fragrance is due to the fruit used. The taste is thin, delicate, light, fresh, invigorating, can be a little tick, with sourness. Drink Cider recommended chilled. At the bottom of the bottle, a natural precipitate is allowed. Sometimes Cider is additionally gasped for sparkling. High-quality cider should not contain dyes, artificial additives and flavors.

In most cases, the Cider is made by fermentation of the apple juice on wild yeast. But any other juice is suitable, for example, pear, technology does not change. I will tell you how to prepare Cider at home on two proven recipes: from apples and pure juice. Separately, we consider the natural method of saturation of the drink with carbon dioxide.

Cider is the usual ("quiet") or carbonated apple wine only with another name, which came to us from France, where it is called "CIDRE". The method of preparation of two drinks is identical.

If the apples are very sour: literally reduce the cheekbones and pulls the language, it is desirable to reduce the acidity, diluting the juice with water (up to 100 ml per 1 liter). It should be remembered that the addition of sugar also reduces the acid content. If the acidity is normal, the water is not needed, it worsens the taste of the beverage, making it "watery".

Homemade sider from apples

Apples of different varieties can be combined. The ideal is considered the ratio, in which one piece of acidic apples is mixed with two parts of the sweet. Pear cider is done along the same technology. If possible, we advise you to prepare assorted - mix pears and apples in equal proportions.


  • apples - 10 kg;
  • sugar - 1.5 kg;
  • water (in rare cases) - up to 1 liter.


1. Collected apples wipe with a dry cloth (not to wash), put for 2-3 days in a warm room. Wild yeasts live on the surface of fruits, which are needed for fermentation, it is important not to washed.

2. Remove leaves and tails. Apples along with the leather and bones are chopped by a blender or meat grinder to a state of homogeneous puree.

3. The container for fermentation is washed with hot water and wipe it dry. Fill the maximum for 2/3 of the volume with intimidated apples. For example, if three-liter banks are used, then in each jar you can put up to 2.5 kg of apple clad. Free space is needed for foam and carbon dioxide.

4. For each kilogram of apples add 100-150 grams of sugar depending on the initial sweetness. The wort should be sweet, but not apparent. Mix.

5. Nelyushko tank tie marels and put in a dark place with room temperature for 3-4 days. The contents of the cans every day to mix, knocking down the dense upper layer and bleak it in the juice. After 8-16 hours, the characteristic fermentation, foam and hissing appears.

6. From the apple clad to squeeze the juice, which then pour into a clean dry container for fermentation. Further on the bank (barrel) to install a water shutter or attach a medical glove with a hole in one of the fingers (pierced with a needle).

Cider under homemade water shutter

Glove instead of hydraulic wet

7. Home apple Cider must wander in a dark place with a temperature of 18-27 ° C approximately 30-65 days. Then the sediment will appear at the bottom, the hydraulic table will not let bubbles (the glove will fall) and the drink will noticeably light up, it means that fermentation is over.

If fermentation does not stop 50 days after installing the hydraulic assembly, to avoid bitterness, it is necessary to drain the cider through the tube into another container and put it under the same conditions.

8. I moved the cider to merge from the sediment, then skip through 3-4 layers of gauze.

9. The filtered drink is pouring into bottles (if it is not planned to saturate gas, fill up to the neck) and close the plugs tightly. Also home cider can be stored in banks ranging with covers.

10. For three months, the drink should dive into a cool room (6-12 ° C). Next, you can move to tasting.

As a result, it turns out a cider of honeycomb color with a pleasant sweet taste and a fortress of 7-12% (depending on the initial sugarness of apples). It gets easily, in moderate quantities does not cause a hangover.

Apple Cider Synder without sugar

A classic recipe that enjoys in England and France. You will delight fans of natural drinks, as it is done without sugar.

Cooking technology

1. Pressed juice to defend a day in a dark place at room temperature.

2. Remove juice from a precipitate, pour into the fermentation container and install the hydrotherapy (medical glove).

3. Put the container for 3-5 weeks in a dark place with a temperature of 20-27 ° C.

4. After the end of fermentation (signs are described at the 7th stage of the previous recipe), pour the cider through the tube into another container, trying not to hurt the sediment at the bottom.

5. If it is not planned to saturate with carbon dioxide, close the container tightly, then withstand 3-4 months in a dark room with a temperature of + 6-12 ° C.

6. Once again, to finish, pour into bottles, clog tightly. Subject to storage in the refrigerator or basement, the expiration date up to 3 years. Depending on the sugar content of the apples, the fortress is 6-10%.

How to make cider carbonated

The preparation of cider in two above the given recipes involves obtaining the so-called "quiet" beverage without gas, in fact, ordinary apple wine. To saturate cider with gas, you need to do the following:

1. After the fermentation is completed, remove home cider with a sediment.

2. Prepare bottles (plastic or glass): Wash and wipe dry.

3. On the bottom of each bottle add sugar (10 grams per 1 liter volume). Sugar will cause little re-fermentation, as a result of which carbon dioxide is separated.

4. Fill the bottles with a sidrome, leaving 5-6 cm of free space from the neck. Hermetically close corks or lids.

5. Transfer the container for 10-14 days in a dark room with room temperature. Once or a day to check the pressure of the gas.

Attention! With too high pressure, the bottle can be broken, so it is very important to express (release) the surplus in the case of accumulation.

6. To transfer the carbonated Cider in the refrigerator or basement. Before use to withstand 3-4 days in the cold.