Sed implementation process. Implementation and development of electronic document management systems: we get rid of delusions and form true goals. Requirements for electronic document management systems

Implementation of an electronic document management system. What lies on the surface?

Dmitry Sadovnikov

Many business leaders are now more cautious in their consideration of enterprise software deployment options. This is primarily due to the economic situation, and an important component here is the fear of getting bogged down in the process of “introducing the non-implemented”. Everyone recognizes the need for implementation, but no one wants to become a "cash cow" neither for their own, nor, even more so, for external implementers. You know how it happens - either “a nuance was formed”, then the form turned out to be not the same, then the server was weak, then something else ... And the money was pulled out ...

The company "Lotsiya Soft" has been working in close contact with its Russian users for almost two decades. We are sympathetic to this restrained position of managers and we apply a policy of absolute honesty in relation to potential users. In this regard, I would like to note that despite the fact that Lotsia PDM PLUS is considered primarily as a program for organizing technical document flow, its rich capabilities and usefulness can manifest itself faster if used to automate managerial document flow. This lies on the surface, closer to the management, it seems to be even simpler and does not directly affect production activities, which can become a starting point for recognizing the start of implementation as successful and expanding the use of Lotsia PDM PLUS for solving other problems.

Nevertheless, we were forced to take into account such a moment that most managers consider the management document flow to be typical. We ourselves do not think so, but even here, proceeding from the fact that the client is always right, we decided to follow his lead. As a result, we have released a new version of the standard setting for managing correspondence and organizational and administrative documentation (ORD), which will be included in the Lotsia PDM PLUS delivery set absolutely free of charge. Moreover, any organization - a Lotsia PDM PLUS user can request and receive this setting free of charge for study and use. So this is a direct saving of time and money for users. Time - at the expense of typicality, money - due to the readiness of customization for implementation on its own and at minimal cost.

What exactly does the new version of the Lotsia PDM PLUS setup for managing correspondence and organizational and administrative documents include? If you just list what is included in the setting, nothing special will be found. Yes, it is not. The question is in implementation and, attention (!), In maintenance costs. Therefore, it would be more correct to comment on some of the functions.

Let's start from the very beginning - the user menu. We have implemented the user menu in an enlarged manner - in two versions. It may be convenient for the user to first select an operation: open, find, register, view the type of document (Fig. 1). Or maybe he wants to immediately refer to the type of document and perform an operation with the selected type (Fig. 2).

The menu is tied to the user profile, and it is possible that some of the users will be more comfortable with one menu, and some with another. Please use both menus.

However, our example of customizing the menu might involve more detailed user profiling. For example, only one or two people will be involved in the registration of documents. Then the corresponding items will "leave" from the general menu and remain in the menu of employees-registrars.

There are also more interesting options. If you look closely at the copies of the menu screens shown in the figures, you can see items such as "Logbook ...". These are reports. Lotsia PDM PLUS reports are generated based on the data that has already been entered into the system. The way of constructing reports from the point of view of content and design can be different - this is determined when setting up a report in the built-in report generator (Fig. 3).

But the most important thing for the end user is the ability to quickly navigate the displayed data. For this, a unique fast filtering mechanism was developed in due time. It is based on the well-known autofilters. But we went further and implemented the ability to instantly filter the form by the specified field values: just press the Alt key and click on the value of one or several fields. This provides unprecedented visual data filtering in terms of speed and convenience. For example, a user wants to view all incoming letters from Buttercup JSC. He presses Alt and clicks on the word Buttercup. If he wants to filter by some other field, he additionally presses Ctrl. If he wants to reset the filter, he presses Esc. Coming back to autofilters, we note that users who do not like to work with the keyboard can use the traditional way of marking the filtered values ​​in the drop-down list with the mouse. It's just that it's faster and more convenient with a keyboard, you can even add - more professional.

So, some users, having learned about the possibility of quick filtering, say that they don't need anything else: in the morning they opened the report, and all day they will only have to filter, getting the necessary information.

This is really convenient, given the possibility of building a huge variety of report forms. At the same time, all reports provide more detailed information. Double clicking on a row will show the user the full version of the document card. In addition, it is easy to implement and edit data directly in the reports.

As far as data entry is concerned, in relation to the topic under consideration, it is important to ensure speed. First of all, we are talking about the registration of documents: incoming and outgoing letters, orders, orders, memos, and secondly, about the comments of the executors. The key points here are as follows:

  • the button for calling the document registration window should always be at hand, in the menu, in the toolbar;
  • the information entered should be saved as quickly as possible. This is especially true when registering, for example, telephone messages;
  • the user should be free from manual input as much as possible.

When developing the settings for managing correspondence and ORD in Lotsia PDM PLUS, due attention was paid to the speed of entry and data reliability. What does it mean? Let us explain using the example of the above key points:

  • the button for opening the document registration window is always available, no matter in which Lotsia PDM PLUS window the user is working. Moreover, you can call the document registration window with a shortcut from the desktop or from another folder, or from the taskbar;
  • the speed of entering information is provided by only two required fields. It is enough to select a sender and enter a subject. The sender is selected from the directory, but the directory can be replenished "on the fly" during the registration of the incoming document. When developing the procedure for replenishing the directory, the same principle of input speed was used;
  • the fewer the user makes mistakes when entering, the more complete the information in the reports will be and the higher the search speed. To minimize typing errors, any possibilities are used to avoid keyboard input - check boxes, radio buttons, drop-down lists, selection windows, reference books.

Files of an incoming letter (Fig. 4) can be received both in the usual way and from a scanner or from an e-mail message. Lotsia PDM PLUS is integrated with TWAIN scanners and an email client is included in the basic package.

It is important to note here that the files of all documents are stored in secure repositories and access to them for editing or viewing is possible only according to the Lotsia PDM PLUS security system settings. No exceptions. The history of access to each document file is kept. And all user operations in the system, including logging into it, are logged in a detailed way.

Outgoing documents can be registered (Fig. 5) either as initiative documents or as a response to incoming documents. Likewise, incoming messages can be registered as replies to outgoing ones. In such cases, the history of correspondence is automatically kept - the entire chain of letters is lined up in chronological order. Moreover, if the letter was originally sent to several recipients, then the responses from each of them are recorded and automatically entered the correspondence history.

Undoubtedly, the possibility of automated generation of formalized documents with “blue” signatures and integration with office applications will be in great demand, allowing you to directly work and exchange information with Lotsia PDM PLUS, as well as automatically generate and save PDF-files in Lotsia PDM PLUS.

Resolutions can be imposed on incoming letters, instructions can be issued, and a responsible executor and co-executors can be appointed. The resolution and all instructions are displayed in the structure of the document (Fig. 6).

The built-in generator of reports and output forms provides the formation of logs for the registration of incoming and outgoing documents for the selected period, and the "Document Execution Progress" report (Fig. 7) shows the entire history of resolutions and orders, the timing of their receipt, execution and comments of the executors. Again, by double-clicking on a row in the report, the user is at least able to see the drilldown of the data. There are many other options for handling double and single clicks on a line or on a specific field, so it makes no sense to describe them in detail here. We will limit ourselves only to the following thesis: everything is in the hands of the administrator. Its own, not external. Is this not an indicator?

As for the work with organizational and administrative documentation: orders, instructions, service notes, here the work technology is similar, only the screen forms are different, corresponding to the type of document (Fig. 8-10).

It can be noted here that an approval procedure is provided for orders in the workflow block.

In addition, all OSA documents can be linked to other OSA documents and correspondence - both as a basis and as a result (Fig. 11).

In order to execute the order, orders can be issued, therefore this possibility is provided directly from the order form, while the order is automatically linked to the order as a subsequent document (Fig. 12).

All related documents are immediately displayed in the form and allow you to double-click to view detailed information.

Document flow in Lotsia PDM PLUS is a whole system of possibilities. Here there is incredible flexibility, achievable without programming, and unlimited branching by performers, and mechanisms for assigning access rights, statuses and other attributes of information objects transparent to users.

In the basic setting for managing correspondence and ORD, we offer a universal route scheme that allows you to coordinate any documents (Fig. 13).

The peculiarity of this route is that any list of approvers in the required sequence is determined before sending for approval, each approver can agree on a document or issue any number of comments. At the same time, the system automatically controls the approval period by each participant and, after a specified number of working days after the receipt of the document for approval, it reminds of the expiration of the term.

In this case, the reminder system uses the company's production calendar, which is generated annually in Lotsia PDM PLUS.

Thus, the new free configuration of Lotsia PDM PLUS for managing correspondence and ORD was created on the principles of maximizing the speed of data entry, monitoring execution and maintaining a list of current tasks for users. At the same time, the setting itself is open for improvement on its own, which significantly reduces the cost of implementing an already inexpensive system.

And please remember that correspondence management and ORD is just the beginning of a long and interesting path that Lotsiya Soft will always help you to follow the shortest route in order to quickly move to the effective implementation of tasks for managing technical document flow and product data.

"Left to their own devices, events tend to go from bad to worse.."
Murphy's law

Implementation of electronic document management - how to avoid mistakes

You, of course, already understood that we will talk about the problems of introducing EDMS and the "magic pill" that will allow you to bypass all the pitfalls and not run aground. If you have already encountered the implementation of any program, then my words should not seem useless to you. I will not waste your time too much describing all the numerous "rakes" that come with the implementation of workflow, but I will give only some observations from my many years of practice, and then I will tell you what needs to be done in order for the implementation of the EDMS to be successful. But first, I must tell you what embedding is and why you need it (you can skip the next two paragraphs):

What is the implementation of a document management system

The implementation of a document management system is a process aimed at using the document flow participants in everyday practice of the EDMS functions for working with electronic documents.

During the implementation of the EDMS, the emphasis is shifted to working with electronic documents in a single information environment. Users study the program and get used to working in it.

What does the introduction of a document management system give

Observation No. 1. Who is responsible for the implementation of the EDMS?

Very often, the task of implementation is assigned to the forces of the internal IT department. In this case, the implementation is reduced to the distribution of accounts to users and the organization of access to the workflow server. Then users begin to deal with the program themselves. If the company's management stands aside from the implementation project, and, at best, occasionally asks: "Well, how is the workflow system? Does it work?", Then such an implementation can take a very long time and its result is unpredictable.

Observation number 2. What does the SED give?

Employees doubt why they need this program, what it can give them, whether it can make their work easier or only makes life difficult for them? For example, one of the bottlenecks in automated processes may be the stage of signing a document. In the case of the implementation of the EDMS "from below", the stage of signing the document in 99 cases out of 100 is not subject to automation. Any electronic "piece of paper" reaching the signing stage is placed in an electronic folder "for signature" and will remain there for as long as you like. Naturally, real life does not allow such an employee who needs a visa. prints out document and "catching" in the corridor or "breaking through" into the head office receives a visa for his PAPER document. The employees have a fair question, why do you need to do additional work in the EDMS, when it does not solve the existing problems in the organization and only takes time? Gradually, work with the workflow system is dying out.
We very often come across a situation when employees of one department said that it is much easier for them to INDEPENDENTLY enter into the EDMS the documents that are brought to them from other departments. And mind you, these documents were prepared on a computer and then printed!

Observation number 3. Who works with the EDMS?

The specificity of the implementation of the document management system lies in the fact that the scope of the use of EDMS goes beyond one department. Employees of different departments, services, divisions and branches take part in the work with the EDMS. When an automated process goes beyond the boundaries of one department, relationship problems immediately begin. The result of "internecine wars" is that the SED does not work. Moreover, "does not work" - this does not mean that when you press a button in the program, an error message appears, but that the program is not used and continues to work as they did before.

Unfortunately, there are quite a few similar examples from the experience of implementing a document management system. Are you ready to spend money, time and your nerves not being sure of a successful implementation?

So what determines the success of the EDMS implementation?

Here's a little story from my practice:

“While introducing EDMS in 2009 in one of Gazprom's subsidiaries, we faced the fact that after all the trainings and seminars, only executive secretaries and the office worked in the program. The rest of the employees simply watched their work in the system. they had their logins, they received notifications. They entered the program, looked at the messages and orders received by them, but did nothing in it. That is, they did not generate reports on the execution of orders, did not write answers to requests, etc. All this for After the General Director inquired why most of the instructions issued to them remained open in the EDMS (the secretaries also entered these instructions into the EDMS), a meeting was called at which the performers complained that they do not have time to submit performance reports. General manager decided that the bonus payment will be made only after all orders are processed. Undoubtedly, during the day, all orders were closed. The general director forbade the secretaries to submit reports for the executors to the program. The workload for secretaries has been significantly reduced.In a strange way, everyone began to have enough time to generate reports. " ... This story clearly shows the importance of the role of a manager in the process of implementing an electronic document management system.

Being engaged in the implementation of the EDMS since 2005, we have developed an effective implementation methodology. It consists entirely of "magic pills" and "silver bullets", formed as a result of many years of practice, experience in project management, knowledge of the intricacies of the subject and an understanding of user psychology. Let me give you some free advice on the implementation of the EDMS:

  • The document management system cannot be treated as a regular program such as excel or word, which is enough to install on users' computers and everyone will use them. The value of the EDMS is that it is not just a program - it is a manager's tool to ensure order in the company's work, creating an opportunity for business growth. The decision to implement the EDMS is maturing when the company's growth begins to interfere with the lack of consistency in working with documents ( the presence of a "mess"). The implementation of a document management system regulates the internal activities of the company. Therefore, the internal Customer for the implementation of the EDMS should be the company's management, and not the office or legal department, and even more so not the IT department.
  • Control over the implementation project should be carried out by the General Director or his First Deputy. The head of the office or the IT director does not have sufficient authority and authority for the implementation of EDMS in the company.
  • It is necessary to determine what will be automated using the EDMS, who will work in the EDMS, draw up a program and implementation plan.
  • Since the document management system is one of the most massive in terms of the number of users, the system used in most organizations, it is necessary to focus on the training (education) of employees and their motivation to work with EDMS.
  • The success of the implementation largely depends on the possibility of its rapid adaptation to the business processes of the organization. Business processes in each company have their own specifics and their own differences.
  • The use of EDMS in everyday practice by company employees must be consolidated at the legal level in the form of job descriptions and regulations.

Of course, this is not a complete list of what will lead your implementation project to success.

According to statistics, most of the projects carried out by customers independently either have a negative result or are very long in time. This is due to an incorrect assessment of the resources available in the company for the implementation of the document management system.

As practice shows, the best solution is a joint project for the implementation of EDMS with consultants .

ESCOM.BPM document management system implementation guarantees

The implementation of the joint project for the implementation of the EDMS is carried out in stages, in accordance with the approved schedule. At all stages of the project, work is carried out jointly with the Customer's personnel, which ensures their involvement in the work with the program. When setting up a document management system, their opinions and wishes are taken into account. This creates a trusting relationship between employees and the system.
The guaranteed implementation of the ESCOM.BPM document management system is achieved by combining effective and proven implementation methods in the project with modern technical solutions for automating business processes.

By concluding a contract for implementation, you can be sure that the work indicated in it will be completed on time. Many of our clients have chosen a joint project for the implementation of EDMS, because they trust our professionalism, knowledge and experience.

What will the project of joint implementation of EDMS give you?

Firstly, this is a reduction in the implementation time. Our specialists will install and prepare the program for operation in a short time. Typical configuration of system directories, roles and access rights, as well as typical processes will be performed, for example, for the process "" the necessary templates of registration numbers and registration logs will be configured. Before starting operation, users and administrators will attend a preparatory course on working with the EDMS.

Secondly, it reduces the risks of the project., will allow a comprehensive approach to all aspects of automation of business processes, taking into account the subtleties and specifics of the Customer. Our consultants examine the existing business processes at the enterprise, offer options for their optimization, develop regulations and Terms of Reference, conduct comprehensive training and staff training, and configure the system in accordance with the developed regulations and Terms of Reference.

Thirdly, it is an increase in the quality of implementation due to a higher return on the use of the EDMS functions. We know all the possibilities of our program and will be able to offer them the most optimal use.

How much does it cost to implement an EDMS?

The cost of implementing the EDMS depends on the amount of work. We reduce the cost of consulting services by performing many works remotely. Roughly, the cost of implementing an EDMS is approximately equal to the cost of licenses ( edition + 20).

To order a joint project for the implementation of EDMS
send us an e-mail to, in which tell us about your company, and in detail about your tasks. In the subject line, indicate "Implementation of the ESCOM.BPM EDMS". We will work out an optimal commercial offer for you in the shortest possible time. You can call and discuss the details via Skype (ESCOM-BPM) or by phone +7 495 255 00 99.

It is better to purchase the implementation of the EDMS immediately, together with the purchase of licenses. When the decision to purchase EDMS licenses is made, it is much easier to convince the company's management to allocate funds for its implementation.
And do not forget about the existence of discounts from total order amount! Accordingly, if you order the implementation separately, then its price will be higher.

Undoubtedly, you will find it pleasant to have it with us.

Why do you need to buy an implementation from us?

Firstly, we have adequate prices for services.... Many companies chose us because they did not find several million rubles for the implementation of competitors' programs ( or found a more correct use of this money).

Secondly, from our side, only trained specialists work in the project, having real, practical experience of implementation. I was repeatedly told by our clients who switched to work with the ESCOM.BPM program that when they introduced previous workflow program, then the representative of the implementer was a girl student with little experience and little knowledge of the program and the subject itself. Choosing a document management program from our competitors, you will still need to not be mistaken in choosing a partner who will implement the program for you!

Third, we support customers with customized solutions. Few of our competitors go to change the functionality of the system, adjusting the system to the Customer (or it is very expensive and slow). And even fewer are willing to accompany such decisions. We offer, in a short time, for a reasonable price, to customize the program for your specific document flow with its subsequent support.

What are the terms of implementation of the document management system?

Everyone is interested in the timing of the EDMS implementation. Of course, I would like to start working with the program tomorrow. Yes, it is possible in our system. Many simple things can be started quickly enough. I would like to emphasize once again that the point here is not in the program, but in the people who will work with it. They need to be taught how to use the program. For example, we can put it into operation in 1 - 2 days. In this process, only one role is occupied - the Registrar. You will need to install the program on a server and on several workstations, and train Registrars to create registration cards. If it is required to automate the whole process with the stage of document consideration and the formation of resolutions, the execution stage at which the Executors work with instructions, form a response to the letter (), and work with, then it may take from 1 to 2 weeks. Because it will be necessary to teach how to work with the program not only Registrars, but also Signatories, their Secretaries and Executors. In our understanding, "educate" means that as a result, users will confidently navigate the program, not just lecture them.

The terms of a typical implementation of a document management system are in the range from 3 weeks to 2 - 4 months. In practice, the timing of the implementation of the electronic document management system depends on:

  • The number of automated documentation processes
  • The number of areas to be automated
  • The number of trained employees, their level of initial training
  • And also from other factors, some of which are described in the article about.

One of the factors affecting the timing of implementation is the human factor. Therefore, the direct interest of the administration of your company in the rapid implementation of the document management system, ensuring direct control over the implementation project and participation in it, can significantly reduce the implementation time.

Objectives of the project for the implementation of a document management system

The project for the implementation of a document management system usually covers the most important and key processes of the organization. Therefore, when introducing a document management program, special attention should be paid to the tasks that need to be solved in the course of this project.

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1. Introduction

2. Legal base of electronic document management

3. Electronic document management - its capabilities

4. Typology of automated office management systems

5. Conclusion

List of sources and literature used


The most important task of managing each organization is the organization of work with documents. Documents are the main tool for organizing management.

Today, the only effective way to solve the problem of document management, and, therefore, organization management, is the organization of office work, taking into account the use of information technologies, the transition of the organization to the maximum use of electronic documents that are moved and processed using the organization's computer network, that is, to electronic document flow.

More and more attention in our country is paid to the problem of introducing information and communication technologies. Currently, at the government level, the concepts of creating an electronic government, the introduction of electronic administrative regulations, and the unification of state information resources are being considered. By joint efforts of state authorities, coordinated by the Ministry of Economic Development and Trade of the Russian Federation, software development firms and interested organizations, attempts are being made to solve the problem of effectively introducing information and communication technologies into the work of government bodies within the framework of the current administrative reform.

The use of modern information technologies is important for optimizing the internal processes of an organization, promptly bringing information to performers, improving the interaction of departments and individual performers in the process of working with documents, monitoring the execution of documents and instructions, searching for information and determining the stage of execution of documents and their location, that is , ultimately, contributes to a more efficient and high-quality solution of the issues, which are devoted to the documents. The main thing here is to improve the interaction of all divisions of the organization, increase controllability, as well as achieve a higher efficiency in work, because for the state apparatus, responsiveness is one of the most important characteristics of the effectiveness of the functioning of its institutions, and in commercial structures it is an important condition for increasing the competitiveness of the organization, gaining benefits due to a faster response to changes in market conditions. All this determines the relevance and practical significance of the chosen topic.

purpose of work- to analyze the regulatory and legal aspects of the implementation of electronic document management systems.

Achieving the goal requires the implementation of a set of tasks:

to study the legal basis for the use of electronic technologies in management documentation, its current state and prospective development trends;

consider the possibilities of electronic document management, comparing the functional properties of electronic and paper documents;

analyze the typology of office automation systems, considering the main criteria for their classification;

to study the organizational and methodological support for the implementation of electronic document management systems.

Legal framework for electronic document management

The legal basis for electronic document management is a vast array of regulatory legal acts and methodological documents. Sources of legal regulation of activities with electronic documents are the Constitution of the Russian Federation, special laws in the field of information and informatization, industry laws. Decrees of the President of the Russian Federation and Resolutions of the Government of the Russian Federation, acts of ministries and departments, regulatory legal acts of the constituent entities of the Federation, as well as international regulatory acts.

The legal aspects governing the use of electronic technologies in document circulation relate to a special, intensively developing branch of modern law, the so-called information legislation.

In accordance with the purpose and objectives of the work, I will analyze the legislative acts governing the use of electronic document management systems, the procedure for protecting electronic documents, giving them legal significance.

The Constitution of the Russian Federation - the most important legislative act of the Russian Federation - is a kind of foundation for the legal regulation of information legal relations. At present, the Constitution of the Russian Federation is a normative legal act of direct action. In our opinion, this increases its importance and role in the regulation of office work and workflow. When using information and documentation technologies, it is necessary to take into account a number of norms and provisions of the Basic Law of the Russian Federation. In particular, according to Art. 71 of the Constitution, information and communication are under the jurisdiction of the Russian Federation. Freedom of the media is guaranteed. Everyone has the right to freely seek, receive, transmit, produce and distribute information in any legal way (Art. 29). However, the collection, storage, use and dissemination of information about a person's private life without his consent is not allowed. State authorities and local self-government bodies, their officials are obliged to provide everyone with the opportunity to familiarize themselves with documents and materials that directly affect his rights and freedoms, unless otherwise provided by law (Article 24).

The issues of working with electronic documents are also touched upon in regulatory legal acts dedicated to certain areas of legal

regulation: civil, administrative, criminal, criminal procedure, labor, tax and other legislation of the Russian Federation. For example, the Civil Code of Russia recognizes the fundamental possibility of using electronic documents and electronic digital signatures in civil law relations. According to the Civil Code, information is an object of civil rights, and electronic documents can enshrine civil rights and obligations. Thus, Article 160 of the Civil Code provides for the possibility of concluding transactions in electronic form.

The Criminal Code of the Russian Federation provides for liability for crimes in the field of computer information: illegal access to information; creation, use and distribution of malicious programs for computers; violation of the rules of operation of computers, computer systems or their networks. It also establishes penalties for the destruction of documents of historical or cultural value.

The Federal Law "On Information, Informatization and Protection of Information" is the main, fundamental legislative act in the structure of information law, which regulates relations arising from: "the exercise of the right to search, receive, transfer, produce and disseminate information; application of information technology; ensuring the protection of information ".

The provisions of this Federal Law do not apply to relations arising from the legal protection of the results of intellectual activity and the means of individualization equivalent to them.

This law contains definitions of the most important terms in the field of information and documentation support of management. When considering automated information systems (AIS), it is of interest to define the concepts of "documented information" (this is "information recorded on a material medium by documenting information with details that allow one to determine such information or, in cases established by the legislation of the Russian Federation, its material medium"), "information" ( these are “information (messages, data), regardless of the form of their presentation”), “information system” (“the totality of information contained in databases and information technologies and technical means ensuring its processing”), “access to information” (“the possibility of obtaining information and the ability to use it ")," electronic message "(" information transmitted or received by the user of the information and telecommunication network ") and a number of others. The term "information" is defined in the law as "information (messages, data) regardless of the form of their presentation."

The law establishes a legal regime for documenting information:

1) documenting information is a prerequisite for including it in information resources, and the procedure for documenting information is normatively established by state authorities,

responsible for organizing office work, standardizing documents and their arrays, security of the Russian Federation;

a document received from an automated information system acquires legal force after it is signed by an official in the manner determined by the legislation of Russia. The law also allows the use of an electronic digital signature to confirm the legal force of documents when working with information in electronic form;

for offenses when working with the organization's documented information, their officials should be held liable in accordance with the legislation of Russia and its subjects.

Thus, this law allows and regulates the use of legally relevant documents in electronic form. In addition, the law establishes categories of information by the level of access, defines the concept of "information about citizens (personal data)" (this is information about facts, events and circumstances of a citizen's life, allowing him to identify his identity "), regulates the legal regime of personal data. These provisions of the law must also be taken into account when creating electronic document management systems.

The Federal Law "On Participation in International Information Exchange" provides legal regulation of relations in the field of transferring information outside of Russia and receiving it from outside. He defines the term "information processes" as "the processes of creation, collection, processing, accumulation, storage, search, distribution and consumption of information."

Databases are a promising technology, without which it is impossible to imagine modern office work. They form the basis of modern automated preschool educational systems. A number of the most important aspects of working with databases are regulated by the copyright institute. Thus, relations related to the creation, legal protection and use of databases, as a result of creative work on the selection and organization of data, are regulated by the Federal Law "On the Legal Protection of Programs for Electronic Computers and Databases", which classifies databases as objects of copyright and provides them with legal protection as collections. This law defines a database as "an objective form of presentation and organization of a set of data (for example, articles, calculations), systematized in such a way that these data can be found and processed using a computer."

The organization of legally significant electronic document circulation became possible with the use of electronic digital signature (EDS) technology. The basic regulations governing the initial foundations of legal regulation of digital signatures are the Civil Code of the Russian Federation (Article 160), as well as the Federal Law “On Information, Information Technologies and the Protection of Information” (Article 11). So, as already indicated above, Art. 160 of the Civil Code allows the use of digital signatures when making transactions. Accordingly, the federal law "On information, information technologies and information protection" determines the legal force of an electronic document only after signing its EDS, and the legal force of an electronic digital signature is recognized if there is software and hardware in the automated information system that ensures signature identification, and compliance with the established regime of their use. The right to certify the identity of an electronic digital signature is exercised on the basis of a license (Art. 5).

The Federal Law "On Electronic Digital Signatures" regulates the technology of affixing (the procedure for creating and applying) the type of electronic signature that uses the method of asymmetric cryptography (public key) - electronic digital signature (EDS). It should be noted that the law applies only to documents generated in the course of civil transactions.

The law defines an EDS - it is “the requisite of an electronic document designed to protect this electronic document from counterfeiting, obtained as a result of cryptographic transformation of information using the private key of an electronic digital signature and allowing the owner of the signature key certificate to be identified, as well as to establish the absence of distortion of information in the electronic document ".

The law discloses the conditions for the use of digital signatures. EDS in an electronic document is equivalent to a handwritten signature in a paper document, provided that the following conditions are met:

1. The signature key certificate related to this electronic digital signature has not lost its force (valid) at the time of verification or at the time of signing the electronic document if there is evidence that determines the moment of signing;

2. The authenticity of the electronic digital signature in the electronic document has been confirmed;

3. An electronic digital signature is used in accordance with the information specified in the signature key certificate.

Of great importance in the procedure for confirming the authenticity of an EDS is the concept of a signature key certificate. A signature key certificate is a document (traditional or electronic, certified by an EDS) that includes the public key of an electronic digital signature. The signature key certificate is issued by a special organization - the certification center to the participants in the exchange of information for the certification of the digital signature. The certificate contains all the information about the conditions for using the digital signature.

The state policy in the field of regulation of the use and implementation of cryptographic means, including EDS means, is determined by the requirement to use only means certified by authorized state bodies. The function of organizing the functioning of the network of certification centers for electronic digital signatures is assigned to the Federal Communications Agency. Of course, in order to solve many problems related to national security, it is necessary to have certain restrictions in the development, use and circulation of digital signatures.

The Federal Law "On Archival Affairs in the Russian Federation" states that the Archival Fund of the Russian Federation includes archival documents regardless of the method of their creation, type of medium, including electronic documents. This means that electronic documents are subject to organization, ordering and preservation within the time limits established by lists and other regulations on a par with traditional ones. Therefore, the examination of the value of documents is subject to all documents on carriers of any kind that are in federal ownership, property of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation or municipal property.

The sphere of application of electronic document circulation is both the internal document circulation of organizations of all forms of ownership, and the so-called "electronic government" - the document circulation of state and municipal bodies among themselves, with citizens and business entities. The Federal Target Program "Electronic Russia for 2002-2010" is aimed at the development of this area of ​​application of information technologies. The goals of the "Electronic Russia" program in the field of office work are the translation of all documentation into electronic form, the standardization of interdepartmental exchange of information, as well as ensuring the rights to freely search, receive, transfer and use information. The program includes three stages. The first stage of the program implementation (was designed for 2002) involves an analysis of the regulatory legal framework in order to identify key problems that hinder the widespread introduction of information and communication technologies (ICT), study the level of informatization of the economy, analyze the efficiency of spending budget funds allocated for informatization, full accounting of state information resources, analysis of foreign experience in the implementation of similar programs, study of the experience in the field of ICT of various organizations. The second stage of the program implementation (calculated for 2003-2004) includes the implementation of specific projects and a set of measures based on the research carried out on the implementation of ICT in organizations of the public sector of the economy. At this stage, the basis for a unified information and telecommunications infrastructure should be created for public authorities and local governments, budgetary and non-profit organizations, an e-commerce system in the field of supplying products for federal state needs and for public points of connection to public information networks. At the third stage of the program implementation (calculated for 2005-2010), it is planned to massively disseminate information and communication technologies in all spheres of public activity, to introduce standardized electronic document management and information security systems.

Mostly, the issues of creating and using electronic documents are resolved by departments independently. There are regulations of federal authorities, especially those interested in accurate and fast transmission of documented information, which stipulate possible cases of using electronic documents. These are acts of financial authorities, tax and customs services, etc. For example, the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation establishes requirements for the procedure for submitting annual statistical reports on magnetic media by insurance (medical insurance) organizations.

EDS and electronic documentation technologies are also used in other ministries: in the Ministry of Taxes and Duties - when creating its own guaranteed data transmission system, in the Ministry of Education - when organizing distance learning, etc. As a rule, all departmental regulations are based on the Federal Law “On information, information technology and information protection ”.

Summing up, we note that today the use of an electronic document is moving from elite use (at high-tech facilities, for special purposes, for the needs of the higher state apparatus) into the category of standard procedures for the interaction of economic objects. Further implementation of information technologies in Russia requires the development of a legal framework for electronic document management. It is necessary to develop a regulatory framework for the use of electronic documents, find methods for solving the problems of protecting electronic documents, establish responsibility for violation of the rules governing electronic document flow.

It is also necessary to make appropriate changes to the existing laws (Civil Code, Criminal Code, Code of Administrative Offenses) and the corresponding by-laws.

Electronic document management - its capabilities

Recognition of the superiority of electronic office technology over paper technology is, in fact, a common place in the modern literature on office work. This is due to the fact that an electronic document has much better characteristics than a paper document in terms of the efficiency of its preparation, search, transmission, approval.

The main advantages of an electronic document over paper documents are as follows:

For paper documents, both the time and reliability and the cost of delivery depend on the chosen service (mail, courier, etc.) and vary within fairly large limits. For electronic documents, all the mentioned indexes are close to ideal values.

When using paper documents, the search for documents is a rather laborious procedure, since it is carried out manually using classifiers. A fundamentally new opportunity when working with electronic documents is the technology of meaningful, or contextual search, which greatly simplifies the access of interested parties to arrays of documentary information.

Particularly for electronic documents is the ability to create interactive documents. The paper medium for documents is inflexible, conservative. Once the documents have been printed, there is very little room for modification. On the contrary, electronic documents can be continuously updated by the author. For example, by placing a similar page with feedback on the corporate Web_server, the marketing departments of the company will be able to analyze visitors and more accurately plan the work of the sales apparatus.

Paper documents cannot contain hyperlinks. The use of hypertext and hypermedia technologies in electronic documents significantly increases the efficiency of specialists' work with large and distributed documentary databases, allowing them to view and search thematically related documents through hyperlinks.

Joint work on a paper document is carried out only in the mode of sequential access to a paper document, while when creating and processing electronic documents, there is the possibility of parallel collective work, while joint work on a paper document is carried out only in the after mode.

6. Another of the technological advantages of electronic documents is the expansion of the environment for their presentation. Dynamic objects such as video and voiceover can be included in electronic documents. This feature makes sense, for example, when recording meetings and conferences.

In scientific literature, the term "intellectual document" has become widespread in relation to an electronic document. This concept is used to emphasize that an electronic document is not just a computer representation of its predecessor, but something more, containing, in addition to statistical information, also pointers to other data sources. Thus, the document becomes an evolving and intellectual entity, capable of independently and continuously maintaining its novelty and relevance. The close connection of the applications of the technology for regulating the work progress with the regulations for the movement of electronic documents within the institution provides a different level of intelligence, transforming the document into a self-governing object. Document management in electronic form is not just a tribute to modern technologies, it is completely different opportunities for the management of intellectual assets and business processes of an enterprise, directly related to the success of presentation on the market. The inclusion of electronic documents in the office cycle makes it possible to achieve a qualitatively new level of efficiency in working with documents, since the technologies for working with electronic documents (editing, moving, duplicating, etc.) are fundamentally more effective. At the same time, there are a number of obstacles to further increase the share of electronic documents in management. It is impossible to completely exclude paper documents from work, since a large number of legally binding documents are presented in paper form, and this state of affairs will remain for a long time. This is due to the imperfection of the legal framework for electronic documents, since a standard for working with electronic documents has not yet been created, which ensures the recognition of their legal force. The problem of ensuring the authenticity of electronic documents is especially acute if they need to be stored for a long time - more than 5-7 years. In this case, due to the obsolescence of computer systems and (or) data formats, it may be necessary to transfer documents to another computer system and / or conversion to new formats (migration). Thus, for long-term storage of information while preserving the possibility of its perception, paper documents have the advantages associated with paper as an information carrier. Accordingly, the use of paper documents cannot be rejected when it is necessary to ensure long-term storage of information (documents with a storage period of "Permanently").

Typology of automated office work systems

At present, various firms have developed and implemented a large number of automated systems for document management support. The variety of office automation software presented on the Russian market makes the problem of their typology urgent.

They differ:

By the type of information that the system is focused on processing
(factual or documentary);

Complexity of coverage of various phases of the life cycle of a document;

a set of realizable office work tasks and the proposed technologies for their solution;

the degree of openness, i.e. the possibility of increasing functions and compatibility with other information technologies;

many other characteristics of automated systems of this functional purpose.

Unfortunately, the lack of uniform terminology leads to a variety of system names. The products of the development companies bear such names as: electronic document management system, document management automation system, office work and document management automation system, document management system, electronic document management system, automated preschool educational system, it. NS.

Each manufacturer introduces its own system of designations and terms, sets priorities in its own way.

The variety in the names of the developed and developed systems only indicates that today this area of ​​the information market has not yet taken shape as an independent segment.

A generally accepted classification system for these systems has not yet been developed. Almost every supplier or analytical agency offers its own classification system.

In this chapter, I will consider the main classifications of automated control documentation systems found in the literature.

According to the compliance with the main tasks of office work, the following systems are distinguished:

Specialized office automation systems;

Document flow automation systems; o work flow control systems;

Workflow control systems;

Electronic archives of documents;

Collective processing systems.

According to the degree of unification and integration of functions, software products are divided into several groups:

separate application programs for processing documentation systems (personnel, accounting and reporting, registration and control files). These are so-called "boxed packages" that are easy to install and customize. They are designed to solve local problems of a small organization - as a rule, based on database management systems that support the "file-server" architecture (three to five users or no user limitation);

office suites (application packages), which are several application programs of various functions linked by a single user interface, powerful means of data exchange between programs, unification of classification, data presentation formats, etc .;

integrated automated office work systems - a set of tools for creating, moving, searching for documents and databases, covering, if possible, all the documented functions of the institution. As a rule, they are created on the basis of DBMS that support client-server technology. The current level of development of information technology presupposes the use of integrated systems. Integrated automated systems are also classified according to several criteria. The determining factors are the level of scaling of the system (the number of workstations), multi-format (the system's sensitivity to data of various formats and the ability of the data format created by the automated system to be converted into formats of other systems) and multifunctionality.

Integrated systems are divided into two types: corporate information systems (CIS) and office management systems (CMS). CIS are designed to automate the entire complex of tasks of an enterprise or institution (both documented and not documented), collecting, analyzing information, planning, organizing and coordinating actions, monitoring performance, internal and external communication. Thus, CIS integrates all basic business processes into a single information space. CIS are created on the basis of an extensive computer network and have a client-server architecture.

The components of the CIS are specialized software, development and project management systems, analytical systems for searching and generalizing information, classifying it, removing excess information noise; mass document capture tools

(optical character recognition program). One of the most important components of the CIS is an automated office work system.

The concept of corporatism in this sense implies the presence of a rather large, geographically distributed information system, which is closed in nature and is capable of self-regulation, reconfiguring the principles of its functioning.

Office management systems (CMS) are information systems that automate the work with documents at all stages, from registration to writing off to the archive. COURTS are an integral part, the core of corporate information systems.

As we can see, this classification is based on the hierarchical principle: corporate information systems are higher-level systems that include document management systems.

A similar classification of electronic document management systems (EDMS), depending on their functions, scale, role of the system in the process of working on documents, is proposed by L.A. Sysoeva. EDMS are divided into:

Electronic record keeping systems (control and register all actions with documents);

Electronic document management systems (carry out not only the recording of actions with documents, but also the very regulated movement of documents using communication technologies);

Corporate document management systems (based on Workflow and GroupWare technologies). The main difference and advantage of the corporate document management system is that this architecture provides a universal, ubiquitous environment for working and storing all types of documents throughout the organization as a whole. Corporate systems combine functional tasks covering all areas of the enterprise, implementing their software (business applications) and documents associated with business applications into a single information system.

Due to the significant differences between the domestic office work system and the Western one, an important classification principle may be the orientation of automation systems towards domestic and Western office work, that is, the author's principle. Currently existing systems can be divided into:

Western-made systems. While on the Russian market
only three western systems (development environments) are presented:
Documentum, DOCS Open / DOCSFusion, Lotus DminoDoc;

Russian systems based on the Lotus Domino / Notes platform;

completely Russian developments.

Due to the differences between the two traditions of office work - Western and Russian - Western-made automated systems have found very limited use in Russia. Such systems do not always fit into the realities of domestic office work: the vertical orientation of the workflow, control of work with documents on registration cards, a complex set of details for registration and control forms, etc.

Original (developed by Russian manufacturers) systems are created specifically for the automation of domestic office work. Such systems are focused primarily on use in government agencies. Often the task of such systems is to provide support for paper workflow, to reduce the labor intensity of routine document processing operations.

However, such systems are able to significantly expand the scope of traditional office work processes by processing documents on the network using modern technologies. Systems in this direction are a kind of bridges for a gradual transition from paper to paperless office technology. Depending on the completeness of the implementation of paperless technology, automated office systems are divided into three groups:

Automated systems, which are an accompaniment to traditional documents (electronic analogue of the registration journal and registration and control card index); - automated systems with a full version of an electronic document and full-text search, which allow parallel paper and paperless document flow; - systems with a complete rejection of paper "twins", using an electronic document as originals. In modern literature, such systems are called electronic document management systems.

Existing automated systems can be subdivided depending on the category of their consumers. So, there are several types of consumers:

large hierarchical structures (ministry, department, corporation, bank, etc.);

territorial government bodies (administrations of cities of the constituent entities of the federation, municipality, etc.);

medium and low-level commercial and non-profit organizations.

Of course, this classification is conditional, but it basically absorbs the main types of consumers of automated document management systems.

In accordance with the design approach to the classification of office automation systems, they can be divided into replicated, custom and semi-custom. Replicated products are complete products and do not require any development on the part of the developer. Custom systems are developed for the individual consumer and have unique characteristics. The semi-custom system is created as a modular structure from pre-fabricated elements.

A. Akopyants in his article "To the choice of document flow automation systems" proposes to classify systems by the criterion - for the automation of what type of document flow they are designed:

mass standard document flow, which serves the main production activity and operates a large number of documents of the same type, executed according to standard procedures (for mobile operators - connection contracts and a set of standard applications, for banks - payment and other orders, etc.);

other workflow, which, as a rule, is smaller in volume, but much more diverse in the types of documents and procedures for their processing (execution of orders of higher organizations and management, contracts of "service" divisions, etc.).

Moreover, these types of workflow are usually divided by structural divisions, performers and automated systems. Mass standard document flow is processed by functional departments, served by specific corporate information systems and often does not pass through the office at all. Document flow of the second type is served by the office, the case management, and special dedicated personnel (clerks).

Despite the variety of automation systems for document management support, they are based on the following standard information technologies:

technologies for processing document images (Imaging System), which are designed to enter, process, store and search for graphic images of paper documents generated on the basis of scanning;

technologies of optical character recognition (Optical Character Recognition - OCR), which are designed to obtain an electronic copy from a graphic image of a paper document in a text file format. This technology is often integrated with document imaging technology. On the basis of OCR technology, it is possible to automate, for example, the process of obtaining an electronic copy from a document received by fax;

document management systems. They are designed to automate the storage, search and management of documents presented in electronic form in various formats. These are multifunctional documentary information systems focused on processing semi-structured text information. Document management systems allow, in addition to the typical functions of developed documentary information systems (for example, indexing, various ways of accessing a document and its constituent parts - sections, multilevel data protection), to implement document management functions at the level of its structural components (establishing communication between components, combining document parts ), document version control, document exchange over the network, document publication on a Web site, etc. This class of systems is universal, that is, it automates the whole range of tasks assigned to office services, from the development and creation of a draft document, to writing off to business , including document flow and storage of documents;

systems of automation of business procedures (WorkFlow System) - technologies to support flows of tasks (documents). Designed to ensure collective processing of documents in the implementation of various business processes. The basic technologies of systems of this type make it possible to describe any business process (therefore, an integral part of such systems is a graphical editor of work routes), as well as to design and organize the most rational routing of documents in accordance with a given sequence of actions (steps) to perform both a specific work and systems of interrelated works. As a result, the route of the document is prescribed for all workplaces, the access rights to the document and the range of functional responsibilities of the performers at each point of the route are determined. Rigid, loose and mixed routing is possible, with parallel and sequential work execution. The systems are used primarily for the automation of document flow and routine multi-step office operations. Simple automation of work with documents, carried out using the system

WorkFlow ultimately allows you to save up to half of the working time for the operation, especially in institutions for which the production and processing of documents plays a primary role (government departments, news agencies, publishing houses, etc.);

¦ technologies for organizing electronic interaction of performers on the basis of a constant exchange of documents. Systems implementing these technologies are classified as GroupWare - software systems for workgroups. The main tasks that they solve include the tasks of storing, viewing and sharing documents. Besides, they can carry out routing of documents, scheduling. The efficiency of the functioning of such a system is ensured by such of its most important components as a developed document security system, including a document access control system; a system for synchronizing changes in various databases; information exchange system.

This software is most effective at its capabilities on the basis of corporate Internet systems and is fairly easy to integrate with such natural group applications as e-mail, teleconferencing and WorkFlow. Many systems of this class are built on the All-in-one principle, when one program contains almost all the tools needed in a desktop application: a calendar, a clock, scheduling appointments and meetings, sending tasks to employees and monitoring their implementation, teamwork on documents, and support for document versions, and much more.

The main purpose of WorkFlow and GroupWare systems is to automate and support teamwork in the office, and the systems support an unlimited number of workers (limited only by technical characteristics). However, GroupWare systems are focused on automating the work of a small team and support correct sharing of information by a group of users. Systems of the WorkFlow class are focused on automating the work of a corporation and support the division of work at the level of a "large" group of performers. The main difference between WorkFlow and GroupWare is the automatic provision of document flow through the chain of executors based on a predetermined pattern. The main difference between WorkFlow and GroupWare is the lack of rigid definition of business process diagrams. WorkFlow and GroupWare systems do not compete with each other, but rather complement each other.

This division is rather arbitrary due to the fact that the latest versions of the most popular systems try to combine all these and more

many other technologies, therefore, specific software products are difficult to classify into any one category.

L.A. Sysoeva, referring to IDC analysts, also identifies the following categories of technologies that make up the market for electronic document management tools:

Systems oriented to business processes (Business - process EDM). Typically, they are designed for specific vertical and horizontal applications that provide a complete document lifecycle, including imaging, records management and workflow technologies;

corporate systems (Enterprise-centric EDM). They provide an enterprise structure for creating, collaborating on, and publishing documents available to all users in the organization. A distinctive feature of corporate systems is the way in which information is used and disseminated within the organization. As a rule, these tools are not focused only on solving a narrowly defined problem. They are being implemented as corporate-wide technologies available to almost any category of users;

content management systems (CMS - Content Management Systems). They monitor the creation, access, control and delivery of information down to the document section level. The availability of information not in the form of documents, but in smaller objects, facilitates the process of exchanging information between applications.

The importance of content management systems is increasing due to the fact that the Internet today is becoming the most important tool for doing business, which allows you to significantly optimize the relationship between business partners, and Web content management is becoming a paramount task for increasing business efficiency. Content management systems are automated

an editorial complex serving to manage the content and structure of an Internet resource online. A key component of the software product is content development support. It is with the development that the life cycle of any material published on the site begins: work is underway to create, edit and approve the content, and the role of the CMS_system is to automate these processes, support the joint work of authors, programmers and managers. In addition to Web_content management systems, CMS-class systems include electronic document management systems of an organization using the Web_interface. Such systems are used to optimize the business processes of medium and large organizations, are integrated with the corporate information system and make it possible to create portal Internet solutions, systems for interaction with suppliers and a sales network;

Information Management Systems. Such systems provide aggregation, control, and delivery of information through the Internet, Extranet. These technologies provide the foundation for the creation of information portals. Information management systems enable organizations to accumulate information in a distributed corporate environment based on the use of business rules, context and metadata.

The proposed classifications are indicative and can be supplemented with other systems (eg, corporate electronic records management systems, output management systems, etc.).

Thus, the issue of classification of automated office systems is rather complicated due to the rapid development of the market for these systems. In recent years, concepts such as a knowledge management system, a system

corporate content management, enterprise resource management system, customer relationship management system, etc., which reflects the main trend - the creation of corporate information resources as the basis of a modern organization and information support technology.

Thus, knowledge management technology plays an increasingly important role for the organization in terms of centralized storage of all network information. The capabilities of knowledge management systems go beyond analyzing and structuring data and encompass all forms of teamwork. They allow you to monitor how the user works with information; any email responses, documents generated, and Web searches become a passive way of delivering articulated knowledge. The search engines of such systems not only find phrases by keywords, but also display the names of authors and those who searched on a particular topic, and also offers a way to contact them. In addition, the search results include a list of users who are currently connected to the network.

Customer relationship management systems (CRM_systems) are systems for building relationships with customers, tools for managing relationships, for building up a customer base. This is a new approach to doing business with an absolute customer focus. The functionality of such a system covers marketing, sales and service, customer support, data analysis, which corresponds to all stages of customer acquisition. One of the most important tasks of systems at this level is the organization of interaction between marketing, sales and service departments. With the help of such systems, it becomes possible to assess the cost-effectiveness of various marketing programs and promotions. Clearer organization of work

makes it possible to concentrate efforts on a specific target audience, manage the process of attracting customers and interact closely and fruitfully with the sales department. The implementation of the system in the sales department of the company, in turn, will allow to fully manage sales from the distribution of potential customers to the preparation of contracts. The issues of good after-sales service, professionalism and timeliness of response to customer requests are also important: the SCM system will help to establish uninterrupted and high-quality work of the service department.

ERP_systems (Enterprise Rescourcer Planning - corporate resource planning) - the latest achievement in the evolution of automated integrated enterprise management systems. ERP class systems allow you to support the entire management cycle - planning, accounting, control and regulation - for almost all the main functions of the activity. First of all, these include:

planning of production activities;

management of purchases, stocks, sales;

financial management;

personnel Management;

cost management;

project and program management;

design of products and technological processes.

It should be emphasized that all functional blocks of the ERP_system

closely interconnected, which allows real management of almost all aspects of the activities of a modern enterprise.

Systems of the ERP class are not directly related to the production process, they are not automated control systems for technological processes, but they deal with a model of a technological process. Their work consists in improving the activities of the enterprise, optimizing material and financial flows based on the necessary information entered at workplaces. One system covers the planning and management of all activities of a manufacturing enterprise, from the procurement of raw materials to the shipment of goods to the consumer. As a result, ERP systems allow achieving consistency in the work of different departments, while reducing administrative costs and eliminating the problem of data integration for different applications. These systems are a tool for improving management efficiency, making correct strategic and tactical decisions based on timely and reliable information issued by a computer.

Summarizing the above, I note that the market for software products intended for the automation of preschool educational institutions is currently developing rapidly. Its study is possible only on the basis of the typologization of existing automated office work systems. However, the problem of classifying software for automation of preschool educational institutions is, in fact, at the initial stage of development and requires further study. Note that in addition to general characteristics (the availability of document security tools, the ability to register, record, search for documents, etc.), the systems differ in purpose, functionality, level of adaptation to the Russian tradition of office work and many other parameters. The presence of reasonable criteria for the classification of automation systems for preschool educational institutions is of paramount importance at the stage of choosing a software product.


The creation of an effective management system is today the key problem of most domestic organizations and enterprises, and more and more organizations understand that their effective work, the improvement of information and documentation services in the management sector, an increase in the productivity and quality of work of the managerial staff as a whole are impossible without the introduction of modern technologies and special software. ... Thus, the effectiveness of management today is directly related to the use of advanced document management technologies (electronic document management), and this problem cannot be underestimated.

In this work, I tried to comprehensively consider the issues related to the introduction and implementation of electronic document management. Various aspects of this issue were analyzed: legal, organizational, software and hardware, etc.

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Electronic document management (EDM) is a system of processes for processing documents in electronic form. It allows you to reduce enterprise costs for paper and consumables, streamline and speed up the movement of documents, eliminate their loss. The implementation process consists of several stages, including the purchase of software, personnel training and adjustment of the program. The market offers both paid and free EDMS.

The advent of affordable high-speed Internet was the impetus for the development of the first electronic document management systems (EDMS). Initially, their goal was to partially automate the work with documentation. Having proved its effectiveness, electronic document management began to be introduced both in private organizations and in government agencies. Today these are complex solutions that maximally automate the company's activities related to document circulation.

Electronic document management (EDM) is an automated information system that allows you to rationally and easily organize the creation, transfer, coordination and approval of documents in an organization. The components of EDF are:

  • specialized software;
  • the Internet;
  • e-mail - for efficiency of communication;
  • local network, etc.

The EDMS can be used both within the company and between several different organizations.

Reference! To use the EDMS only within the enterprise, it is necessary to purchase only special software and network equipment. To maintain external document flow, an additional employee will be required - an EDM operator.

What problems does EDF solve?

Electronic document management solves the following tasks:

  • ensuring the transparency of the company's work and management efficiency through automated control over the execution of tasks;
  • optimization, automation of business processes and mechanisms of execution and control;
  • support of the requirements of international quality standards;
  • saving resources by reducing the cost of cartridges, paper and other materials;
  • support for effective accumulation, management and access to information. Ensuring personnel flexibility by storing the history of the employee's work in the organization;
  • facilitating the control over the movement of documents;
  • logging of activities;
  • protects against loss of documentation;
  • simplification, reduction in the cost of storing documents due to the presence of an electronic archive.

Basic requirements for electronic document management

The workflow automation system must meet the basic requirements:

  • user-friendly interface and document search scheme;
  • competent control over the execution of documents and the availability of their routing system;
  • reliable storage;
  • the ability to create analytical reports;
  • support for the implementation of clerical tasks;
  • ensuring complete information security.

Modern EDMS are equipped with the function of processing customer requests and other useful tools that allow you to solve the tasks necessary for each specific organization.

Pros and cons of LMS

Electronic document flow, in comparison with paper, has a number of advantages:

  • streamlining of office work - it is impossible to assign the same numbers to different documents, because they are generated automatically;
  • the presence of filters - the search for files is possible by a variety of parameters;
  • tracking the stage of passage of the document. At any time, you can find out exactly who is working with the document, at what stage it is;
  • the document cannot be lost. Even if it is removed, recovery is always possible;
  • document templates are unified;
  • the fastest possible processing of documentation. No need to carry a document from office to office for approval. This is especially useful if departments in an organization are located in different buildings;
  • all versions of the document are saved - you can always track who and when made changes to it;
  • customizable parameters and criteria for the distribution of access rights to documents;
  • availability of documents around the clock, anywhere in the world, in the presence of the Internet. An employee can work with documentation while on a business trip, vacation or on sick leave;
  • the possibility of work scheduling - after the creation of the document, the required date of its execution is indicated in the program;
  • saves consumables - most documents do not need to be printed.

The disadvantages are:

  • expensive software;
  • training costs for employees;
  • time spent on digitizing existing documents.

How to connect

The procedure for implementing the ERMS should be gradual. It consists of several stages:

  1. Purchase of software and, if necessary, additional equipment.
  2. Installing the program with subsequent configuration. Distribution of access rights, routes of movement of documents, etc.
  3. Employee training.
  4. Verification and creation of electronic communication paths between employees.
  5. Engaging an employee to coordinate the work of the program and resolve technical issues or conclude an agreement with an outsourcing company.
  6. Digitization of existing paper documents.

Are there free services

Electronic document management programs are mostly paid and are quite expensive. However, there are free services like Alfresco and NauDoc. These systems provide both a free and a paid version with great functionality. It is important that the free version is used for an unlimited period.


EDMS Alfresco is the market leader in electronic document management systems for large enterprises. In Europe, America and Russia, it is successfully used by many corporations.

Important information! The main difference is the ability to work on any platform and with databases created in any program.

Alfresco advantages:

  • the possible number of users exceeds several tens of thousands;
  • the volumes of stored documents are not limited;
  • installation of additional software on all computers of the company is not required. The program works at the expense of the Internet, i.e. fully web-accessible;
  • the best, in comparison with other services, interface;
  • the ability to work with mobile devices.


NauDoc is an EDI system developed by NAUMEN. It makes it possible to manage the procedure for processing documentation, as well as to control the discipline of execution, as a result of the results obtained on the implementation of the assigned tasks.

The ability to control in NauDoc allows you to give tasks to your employees directly in the system, monitor their execution, monitor the deadlines, send documentation for approval, and then send the already agreed documents to other EDMS users. The program allows you to configure routes for a specific type of documents in automatic mode.

Absolutely all actions in the program are carried out through the web interface. This makes it possible to log in to the system anywhere in the world.

Benefits of NauDoc:

  • works on any operating system;
  • free basic version;
  • free education;
  • full-fledged web interface;
  • open source.

Information about the main services

Today on the Russian market there are programs of electronic document management between organizations and within them. System selection criteria:

  • ease of learning;
  • functionality;
  • the quality of accounting for Russian legislation;
  • level of technical support;
  • price.

A business

Delo is a recognized leader in its segment in Russia and other Russian-speaking countries. It is successfully used for document circulation and office work by both the largest corporations and holdings and small businesses.

"Business" is:

  • tracking documentation for all stages of their movement;
  • templates, simplicity and convenience in creating projects;
  • functionality and overall system debugging.

You can get acquainted with the work of the Delo system by watching the video:

The cost of the system depends on the database management system used - Microsoft SQL Server or Oracle.

Table 1. Cost of the license for the EDMS "Delo".

Index Number of workplaces
1-5 6-20 21-50 51-100
Microsoft SQL Server DBMS
9 500 9 000 8 500 8 000
Oracle DBMS
Price for 1 workplace, rub. 13 400 12 900 12 500 11 900


Reference! The calculation is carried out on an accrual basis. For example, the price of a product with Oracle DBMS for 40 workplaces will be: 5 * 13 400 + 15 * 12 900 + 20 * 12 500 = 510 500 rubles.


Until 2012, the "Logic" system known today was called "Boss-Referent". The name change did not affect the quality of the service. It is still reliable and functional. Suitable for organizations of all sizes.

"Logic" is:

  • the ability to design complex routes for the movement of documents.
  • high level of data protection;
  • ease of mastering the system by beginners;
  • flexible and easy to customize. Modification of documentation processing processes.

The disadvantages of the program include inconvenient differentiation of access rights, in the case of a high level of staff turnover.

1C: Document flow

The most versatile document management system for an organization. "1C: Document Management" provides reliable and centralized storage of documents of any format, provides access to it for authorized employees.

System advantages:

  • well-functioning data search algorithm;
  • the optimal combination of price and functionality;
  • storage system for documents of all formats - from graphic and text to audio and video files;
  • support for integration with external applications;
  • wide scalability, which makes it possible to successfully use this software at both large and small enterprises.

There are only two downsides:

  • the complexity of training, even for experienced users;
  • high system requirements.

Table 2. EDS prices for 50 workplaces

Franchise Price for 1 employee, rub. Price for 50 employees, rub.
Alfresco Community Edition 0 0
NauDoc 0 0
A business 9 500 437 500
Logics 5 900 260 000
1C: Office work 4 568 228 400
Euphrates 7 300 295 000
EMC Documentum Individual Individual
CompanyMedia 6 000 300 000
DIRECTUM 8 400 378 000
OPTIMA-WorkFlow 75 000


Reference! The price of the "1C: Document Flow" system is calculated on the condition that the company is already using the "1C: Enterprise" program. Otherwise, the cost of the server license will be added.

Do not think that electronic document management is a guarantee of an instant increase in the company's profitability. On the contrary, its implementation can entail serious costs and, as a result, reduce profits. Do not recklessly buy an EDMS license. This is especially true for small companies. However, in the case of large organizations, high workload of employees, business expansion, electronic document management can significantly reduce the costs of an enterprise, and its implementation will pay off quickly enough.

With the proliferation of computers, 100% of documents are created electronically. Nevertheless, more than half of them are still printed for review and approval.

As for the exchange of documents and the signing of contracts between business entities, paper is almost always used here.

There are three ways to submit:

  • Through the Guaranteed Message Delivery System in the taxpayer's personal account;
  • On magnetic carriers with EDS
  • Through the program "Terminal of the taxpayer" in the offices of the tax inspection.

Increasing operational efficiency and reducing costs is a goal that faces any enterprise that plans to remain in business for many years to come. And it can be achieved with the introduction of electronic document management, especially as it is provided for in Russian legislation.

At the same time, it is important to pay attention to those documents that must be printed in paper form in accordance with the law and make sure that paper and electronic document flow do not duplicate each other, because in this case nothing can be saved.

If everything is organized correctly, then electronic document management is the key to the efficiency of a modern enterprise.