The best porridge for weight loss. A healthy and effective wheat porridge diet. Losing weight with healthy porridge


If you need to lose up to 5 kilograms in a week, then better way than a wheat porridge diet can not be found. The menu for this diet is varied, and the portion weight is unlimited. In addition to wheat porridge, you can eat vegetables and fruits, low-fat dairy products. Therefore, it is easily transferred, which is confirmed by the reviews of women who have tried on themselves this method losing weight.

Effects of a wheat diet on the body

To understand whether the wheat diet is useful or not, you need to figure out how weight loss occurs. The cereal contains vitamins, micro and macro elements, amino acids, fiber. The latter, when ingested, promotes the elimination of toxins, salts, excess fats, toxins and rotting food debris. Fiber also normalizes metabolism, increases immunity. In addition to fiber, wheat porridge contains choline, which normalizes fat metabolism, which contributes to weight loss. Therefore, the wheat porridge diet can even be called medicinal.

The results of the wheat grits diet are visible after the first three days. But, do not stop the diet and return to your normal diet. If the diet is interrupted, then the lost weight will instantly return back.

A wheat porridge diet is shown for people who have high cholesterol and blood sugar levels. It will not be superfluous to sit on wheat grits for those who have stomach dysfunction or constipation.

In addition to the fact that such a diet helps to get rid of excess weight, it makes the figure slim and fit, and the waist becomes more expressive. At the same time, you will not be disturbed by the feeling of hunger, since wheat porridge is nutritious.

Wheat benefits

Wheat porridge is deservedly considered the most useful. Despite the fact that wheat is low-calorie product, it provides the energy needed to carry out daily tasks. In addition to the properties of wheat, which have already been mentioned, it is worth noting that the cereal contains components that:

  • improve brain activity
  • have a beneficial effect on the work of the cardiovascular system.

Dishes cooked on wheat grits are recommended for people who have undergone treatment. This is because wheat is capable of removing antibiotics from the body. It prolongs youth, strengthens nails, and makes hair elastic and silky.

Today, dishes cooked on wheat grits are an infrequent guest on the dinner table, due to the uncommon taste of wheat. However, not only porridge can be prepared from this cereal. They are great for casseroles, puddings, or soups.

Drinking regimen

The results of a wheat diet depend not only on the diet, but also on the drinking regimen. Drink at least 2 liters of water throughout the day. In this case, 30 minutes before meals, you need to drink 1-2 glasses. You cannot drink food.

Due to the fact that water fills the stomach, you will not be tormented by a feeling of hunger. In addition, water washes out every cell, which has a beneficial effect on the condition of the skin. In addition to pure water you can drink during a wheat diet green tea, decoctions of herbs and low-fat kefir. All drinks must be sugar-free.

Diet menu

The duration of the wheat porridge diet is 7 days. The menu remains unchanged throughout the 7 days.

Meal calendar

Morning 250 grams, fruit - 200 grams.

Lunch 250 grams, vegetable soup.

Afternoon snack Low-fat kefir (can be replaced with drinking yogurt), fruit - 150-200 grams.

Dinner Porridge (can be replaced with wheat flakes filled with natural yogurt) - 200 grams.

Drink a glass of low-fat kefir 30 minutes before bedtime.

It is not forbidden to eat greens and vegetables during the wheat diet (carrots, parsley, leeks, radishes, cucumbers, yellow tomatoes, etc.).

For fruits, it is better to give preference to green apples, grapefruits and oranges. Bananas and grapes are strictly prohibited.

During a millet diet, porridge must be cooked without spices. If you want to improve taste qualities dishes, then you can add a little cinnamon. It is allowed to add spices in very limited quantities. You can boil wheat grains in the usual way, but it is better to steam it. To do this, in the evening you need to take a glass of cereal, place it in a saucepan and pour boiling water in a ratio of 1: 3. Wrap the saucepan overnight with a towel and put it in a warm place. The porridge will be ready in the morning.

The taste of wheat porridge is familiar to everyone from childhood. It cannot be forgotten and confused with anything.

If many years ago, my mother insistently offered to eat at least a couple of spoons every morning, now this dish has become number one for those who want to lose weight quickly.

At the same time, it is very tasty and incredibly healthy. The cereal contains a large amount of phosphorus, calcium, iron, potassium, numerous trace elements and a complete vitamin complex, including B12 and B6. And even though there is fiber in wheat grains, such food is easily digestible.

Speaking about the benefits of this dish, it should be noted that its regular use helps to effectively maintain the work of the gastrointestinal tract, relieves constipation and stomach dysfunctions, and lowers blood levels.

For the fair sex, this is an opportunity to give your figure a toned and slender look, thanks to the high content of choline, a substance responsible for fat metabolism in the body. After a few days of a diet on wheat porridge for weight loss, an improvement in the appearance of the skin becomes noticeable. The product also has a beneficial effect on eyesight.

The dish is famous for its fortifying properties that activate the protective functions of the body. Nutritionists strongly recommend adding cereals from this culture to the menu of people engaged in hard physical labor.

Do not think that only one porridge can be present on your dietary table. Recipes for delicious and nutritious soups, casseroles, unusual puddings, vegetable meatballs and much more will help to decorate and diversify the diet. Each of these recipes is low in calories, allowing you to strictly control your weight.

Including wheat porridge for weight loss for breakfast, a person gets a positive boost of energy for the whole day. You can forget about the unpleasant feeling of hunger until lunchtime by actively doing work and not being distracted by snacks.

Science has proven that eating whole grains has a positive effect on the functioning of the cardiovascular system and the brain. At the same time, the product improves the condition and appearance hair, nails, facial skin and slows down the natural aging process.

To lose a couple of three extra pounds becomes real along with the removal of toxins, harmful toxins and fats from the body. After taking a course of antibiotics, wheat porridge for weight loss perfectly restores a healthy intestinal microflora. it easy way get rid of settled heavy metal salts.

Features of the wheat diet

When resorting to porridge made from wheat grains for help, it is not necessary to sit on a mono-diet of only one product. You can diversify your menu with herbs and vegetables. American nutritionists have proven that eating wheat porridge for weight loss for breakfast reduces the body's need for more nutritious food for the whole day. Many will also be interested in the fact that such people are distinguished by their health and longevity.

To quickly get rid of extra pounds, it is advisable to abandon foods such as butter, fatty sour cream and milk, sugar, meat, bacon, frying, etc. If this is quite difficult for you, and you are not ready to make such sacrifices, then you can improve the taste properties with the help of honey, soy sauce, a spoonful of olive oil, nuts or dried fruits. For lunch, as an alternative, fresh vegetables and fruits, herbs, lettuce are recommended.

Don't forget about important rules any diet: do not have dinner after 6-7 pm, eat in small portions 4-5 times a day, half an hour before meals drink a glass of clean water, bringing the drinking regime to 2 liters per day. Don't harass yourself or make yourself hungry.

If you feel that the stomach requires food, then please it with two or three tablespoons of porridge. Try to add something new to your wheat dishes every day. For example, grated carrots, garlic, parsley, radish, cucumber, herbs.

Contraindications for use

Even so useful and delicious dish There are several contraindications to consider when planning your low-calorie diet.

First, it is unacceptable in large volumes during pregnancy.

Secondly, it should be abandoned by those who have a tendency to chronic constipation and those who suffer from low acidity of the stomach. Men need to be extremely careful with this food, as it can weaken sexual function. It is strictly forbidden to use wheat porridge with hypothyroidism.

In all other cases, this is the way to get rid of excess weight and the transition to a healthy and correct lifestyle!

Among the many products for weight loss, cereals are the most common: they are considered the most useful, therefore, not only the usual cereals, but also other dishes are prepared from them.

The benefits of cereals for weight loss ^

Since childhood, every person is taught to eat porridge, because they are very useful for health. And this is actually so: cereals contain a large amount of vitamins, trace elements and fiber, which have a positive effect on the body:

  • Cleanse the intestines;
  • Improves skin condition;
  • Normalize digestion;
  • Prevents many diseases of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • Stabilize blood sugar and cholesterol levels.

For people who want to lose weight, it is important to know which cereals are useful for losing weight, because among all the varieties there are both those that contribute to this and those that accelerate the set of kilograms.

What cereals are not allowed when losing weight:

  • Semolina: 100 g contains 128 Kcal, so it is prohibited by diets;
  • Barley: it contains 310 Kcal per 100 g;
  • Amaranth: 250 Kcal per 100 g.

As for the calorie content of cereals, it remains approximately at the same level, however, they help cleanse the intestines and are easier to digest, therefore, they are recommended by many diets:

  • Pearl barley: 106 Kcal;
  • Buckwheat: 132 Kcal;
  • Oatmeal: 88 Kcal;
  • Millet: 134 Kcal;
  • Corn: 86 Kcal.

It is worth noting that for cooking you need to use not cereals, but whole grains for weight loss, unpeeled and unpolished varieties: for example, not white, but brown rice; not oatmeal, but cereals.

What cereals help you lose weight ^

Buckwheat for weight loss

The first place in the ranking of the most useful cereals for weight loss is given to buckwheat: it contains a lot of slow carbohydrates that saturate the body with energy and help the muscles of athletes to recover. It also contains protein: it prevents muscle breakdown, quickly satisfies appetite and reduces cravings for sweets. In addition, buckwheat is famous for other features:

  • Normalizes hemoglobin levels, prevents anemia;
  • Improves the functioning of the nervous system.

Oatmeal for weight loss

  • Provide a person with energy: that is why many people eat it for breakfast;
  • Improves well-being;
  • They soften internal inflammatory processes by enveloping the organs with a mucous membrane.

Millet groats for weight loss

This cereal is famous for its cleansing properties: it removes toxins, accelerates fat burning, and improves immunity. This action is explained by the presence of useful elements in it:

  • Vitamins B, E and PP;
  • Minerals.

Pearl barley for weight loss

Among all the cereals that contribute to weight loss, pearl barley is the most satisfying. For some unknown reason, many do not like her, and in vain:

  • It contains many antioxidants that are beneficial for the beauty of the skin and hair;
  • It cleans the intestines of feces better than anyone else.

Slimming corn grits

This cereal quickly removes toxins and toxins, cleans blood vessels, prevents putrefaction in the intestines and generally improves its functioning. In its composition, you can find all the substances necessary for weight loss and increase immunity: vitamins, macro- and microelements, fiber, proteins, complex carbohydrates.

How to cook weight loss cereals

No need to think that you can cook cereals for weight loss with milk, then add butter and sugar to them, as many people usually do.

To remove kilograms, these dishes are cooked in water, and you will have to forget about such products as sugar and butter - they increase the calorie content of the dish and contain a lot of simple carbohydrates. Occasionally, you can allow yourself to use low-fat milk instead of water, but it is still desirable that the dishes are lean.

Slimming groats: recipes

Cereals with kefir for weight loss

Instead of boiling in water, you can use another cooking method:

  • We take a little of any cereal, fill it with warm kefir;
  • Leave to swell for several hours (5-7).

Kissels from cereals for weight loss

If you drink jelly prepared on the basis of cereals every day, then in a short time you can cleanse your intestines and get rid of a couple of extra pounds:

  • Mix in 2 tbsp. l. bran, oats, rye and wheat, twist in a coffee grinder. Pour into a saucepan, add 1 liter of water and cook over low heat. After readiness, we leave in a warm place for 3 hours, and then filter and drink;
  • Dilute a large spoonful of buckwheat flour with water, cook over low heat for 15 minutes until tender.

When preparing a particular cereal, a list of it useful properties can be increased by adding berries or honey to the finished dish. Here it should be borne in mind that this will increase its calorie content, however, it will bring much more benefit to the body.

Any of the cereals presented here can be consumed during a diet, or you can eat only them for no more than a week - during this period you will be able to lose about 4-7 kg.

PressFoto / Shcheglov

Groats are products that help to get rid of extra pounds and at the same time saturate the body with the necessary vitamin and mineral complexes. Almost every species is enriched with plant fiber, which removes toxins and toxins from the body. Many women are not sufficiently aware of the benefits of other cereals and use only the most popular, such as buckwheat and oatmeal... Especially for you, we have compiled a list of used for weight loss.

Millet groats

Millet grains are processed millet seeds. Many villagers are used to calling it "bird", because in this area it is used for raising chickens, but it is not only suitable for birds. Golden grains are involved in the breakdown of fats that enter the body along with food and contribute to their elimination.

An equally important function is performed by millet and for diseases in the treatment of which antibiotics were used - it removes the remnants of medicines and toxic substances. Millet saturates the body during the diet with vitamins and microelements:

  • groups B, PP and E;
  • magnesium;
  • potassium;
  • phosphorus;
  • sulfur.

It is impossible to ignore and diet on millet porridge for weight loss. With this method, it is possible to lose an extra 5-6 kg. Take 250 g of millet groats, rinse thoroughly and add 750 ml cold water... Cook over low heat until cereal is done. The cooked porridge should be divided into 5 servings - this will be the diet for the whole day. In order to improve the taste, it is allowed to use sesame seeds or ½ tsp. flax oil.

On this diet, a significant place is occupied by the drinking regimen - during the course of it it is necessary to drink as much liquid as possible without sugar, gas and flavoring additives.


One of the most dietary cereals - buckwheat ranks second on the list. Buckwheat belongs to environmentally friendly cereals, because no synthetic additives are used for its cultivation. Due to the high level of iron in buckwheat, it is used in combination with the treatment of iron deficiency. Many vitamins that make up brown kernels help to obtain such essential substances as rutin, vitamins of group B, PP and P.

For those who adhere to the dietary menu, buckwheat is a valuable product with complex carbohydrates, which the body spends more time on assimilating. Therefore, one serving of buckwheat promotes long-term satiety.

Buckwheat kernels help to lose weight. You can use one of the selected methods -.

In order to arrange a fasting day, you will need to prepare porridge in the evening. To do this, pour a glass of buckwheat with boiling water, cover with a lid and wrap with a towel. The next day, only prepared food should be eaten. buckwheat porridge, without additives. As an exception, greens are allowed. Drink plenty of water. A fasting day will help you lose extra 0.5 - 2 kg, it all depends on the initial weight.

The buckwheat diet is based on the use of this porridge throughout the day, without additives in the form of salt, spices and butter for 14 days. There are no restrictions on the number of servings per day. As practice shows, on the third day, the appetite is significantly reduced due to the monotonous menu. For a change, it is recommended to supplement the buckwheat menu with low-fat kefir, but not more than 1 liter per day. This is not the easiest diet, but after 14 days you can see up to - 10 kg on the scales. In this case, after the end, the volume of the stomach will be significantly reduced, which will help not to gain again overweight.

For any of the methods of losing weight, steamed buckwheat should be used, at the rate of 250 g of kernels per 750 ml of boiling water.

Wheat groats

In third place in the ranking slimming porridge there is wheat. Groats are an indispensable product for enhancing immunity. But for many, wheat is presented exclusively in the form of pasta, but not useful cereals... Wheat grains are involved in the regulation of metabolic processes, including fatty ones, and also reduce the level of "bad" cholesterol.

Wheat groats are products for female beauty: improves skin barrier, strengthens hair and nails and is an anti-aging agent. Due to the elimination of fat deposits from the body - this cereal is one of the most effective dietary components. Moreover, wheat groats are one of the most low-calorie weight loss cereals.

As an effective technique, we offer a seven-day wheat diet that saturates the body with vitamins and microelements. In the process, you can lose up to 5 kg, but the volume of the abdomen and waist will decrease to a greater extent.

Wheat groats must be boiled without adding spices, including salt. In addition to porridge, you can include seasonal fruits (except for a banana), stewed or baked vegetables (except for potatoes), low-fat dairy products, no more than ½ tsp. honey per day and plenty of water.


Honorable fourth place list of dietary cereals takes semolina... Not everyone knows that semolina is made from wheat. This is a kind of flour, but coarsely ground. In most journalistic publications you can find information about the useless use of semolina. If you look in more detail, then this product is healthier than rice. It is rich in potassium, vitamin B1 and E in greater quantities than rice porridge. Therefore, you should not make sudden conclusions and get rid of healthy cereals in the diet. The only exceptions are people with celiac disease (chronic intolerance to gluten-containing components).

The semolina diet is a seven-day diet, which is notable for a good variety. For weight loss, semolina should be cooked in milk, with a fat content of no more than 2.5%.

For breakfast, cook semolina porridge with the addition of 100 g of any fresh fruit. For lunch, semolina is also used, but already with dried fruits - no more than 20 g. For dinner, invariably semolina with the addition of 1 tbsp. condensed milk.

Despite the good taste characteristics of this diet, in comparison with other methods of losing weight. In 7 days you can lose up to 9 kg in weight.

Oat groats

One of the healthiest cereals oatmeal is in fifth place on our list. Despite the fact that oatmeal flakes contain a large amount of a vitamin complex consisting of vitamins E, group B, PP, magnesium, calcium, zinc, iron and sodium, these cereals contain a lot of fat - 6 g per 100 g of product.

Of great value for those who are losing weight is the fiber contained in oatmeal. It cleanses the intestines from slag accumulations, which greatly contributes to the better absorption of all trace elements and minerals in the process of losing weight.

Thanks to the oatmeal diet, you can lose 3-5 kg ​​in literally 7 days. The essence diet food consists in using the menu exclusively from Hercules cereals. For a change, it is recommended to add seasonal fruits and berries to the porridge, with the exception of raisins and bananas.

As a spice, in the cooking process, you can use cinnamon, which helps to accelerate metabolic processes. Other additives are strictly prohibited.

Using the oatmeal diet, you will not only get rid of excess weight, but even after its completion, you will continue to lose weight, because seven days is enough to start the process of self-cleaning of all systems in the body.

Barley grits

In sixth place are barley grains under the usual name for us - barley groats. This product is rich in vitamins B, D, E and PP, manganese, potassium and calcium. The high coefficient of phosphorus content in cereals is a valuable complex that allows you to start the correct metabolic process, which is very valuable for losing weight.

Barley breakfast porridge for weight loss perfect as it saturates for a long time, so you forget about overeating. In addition, for people with diabetes, this is the only option for losing weight, because barley grits reduce the blood sugar ratio.

For a week of barley diet, you will be able to lose about five kilograms. As with other methods, the main diet consists of barley grits... It is allowed to add fresh or steamed vegetables, berries and fruits to the menu. For cooking, you need 500 g of cereal. We put it in boiling water (1 l) and cook until it thickens. Prefer 1% kefir as drinks.

Pearl barley

Ranked seventh slimming porridge there is pearl barley. In addition to an extensive vitamin complex and useful minerals, pearl barley grains contain the amino acid lysine, due to which collagen is produced in the body - a natural elixir of skin youth.

Pearl barley in the process of cooking increases fivefold, which contributes to quick satiety and the absence of hunger for a long time.

The pearl barley diet is used for 5-10 days. On such a diet, you can get rid of up to 1 kg daily. The first days are characterized by the elimination of excess fluid from the body, so for those who suffer from puffiness there is an opportunity to get rid of unpleasant symptoms.

In the evening, the barley is washed and soaked, and in the morning you can cook it. Porridge is consumed in any quantity until full saturation.

Corn grits

The eighth place is occupied by corn grits. It is a hypoallergenic product that stops the fermentation and decay process in the large intestine, which are provoked by undigested food debris.

The protein composition of corn grains is digestible, and the percentage of calories is quite low, so this product is valuable for losing weight.

Three days of corn diet will save you 5 kg of body fat. To prepare porridge, you will need to soak it for 2 hours beforehand. It is necessary to cook in the proportion of ¼. Cooked corn grits divide into 6 servings for consumption throughout the day.


Nearing the end of the list, peas are in ninth place. The crushed product is enriched with vitamins, fiber and valuable mineral salts. Protein-rich peas are used by athletes to grow muscle mass.

On a weekly pea diet, you can effortlessly lose up to 3 kg. During dietary meals, you cannot use the following products:

  • any smoked meats;
  • conservation;
  • sweet;
  • baked goods;
  • roast.

Breakfast and dinner can consist of any products, except for the above, and for lunch, pea porridge should be used.

Anyone who decides to lose weight quickly should choose wheat porridge for weight loss, and along with oatmeal, make it a frequent guest on his table. Wheat is easy to digest, it contains many vitamins, trace elements and fiber, which effectively supports the functioning of the digestive tract. Wheat porridge will relieve you of constipation and stomach dysfunctions, reduce blood cholesterol levels, remove excess fat from the body, free from toxins, antibiotic residues, salts heavy metals... It contains choline, a substance responsible for the metabolism of fats in the body. Thanks to its effects, the wheat diet will give the figure a slim and toned appearance.

When losing weight on wheat porridge, you will not be tormented by a feeling of hunger, since this porridge is nutritious.

Wheat porridge diet

Wheat porridge is considered one of the lowest in calories, therefore, weight loss on it is so effective. The wheat porridge-based diet is well balanced. It does not deplete the body, not only due to the short duration of the diet, but also due to its good vitamin composition. However, keep in mind that only wheat groats made from wheat are low in calories. hard varieties... In such a wheat porridge, the starch content is low, and the protein content is increased (as much as 21% of the daily value).

Only a couple of days - and there will be a noticeable decrease in volumes, and with it - the appearance of the skin, nails and hair will improve. And after sitting for a week on this diet, you can get rid of 3-4 kg of weight and reduce the amount of fat in the waist.

Wheat porridge diet menu

Wheat cereal porridge is not necessarily a mono-diet, boring and strict. Of course, porridge must be cooked without adding spices and oils, sugar and salt cannot be added. However, you can diversify your diet with fresh herbs, your favorite vegetables and fruits (except for sweet grapes and bananas).

In order for high-quality weight loss to occur, you need to give up the use of such products: meat, potatoes, milk, fatty sour cream. Try to diversify the porridge with something new every day. For example, parsley, grated carrots, radishes, cucumbers, herbs.

Please note: Wheat porridge should be divided into small portions, which you will eat 4-5 times a day. No need to starve yourself under compulsion: as soon as you get hungry, immediately eat a couple of spoons of this porridge.

How to cook wheat porridge for weight loss

As already mentioned, it is cooked without spices, but the use of cinnamon or a small amount is permissible spicy herbs... You can boil it over a fire, or you can steam it in the evening. To do this, take 1 cup of wheat grits and pour 3 cups of boiling water over it. Wrap the porridge and leave to simmer in a warm place overnight. And in the morning the porridge is ready for use.

The main conditions for losing weight on wheat porridge

While following the wheat diet, be sure to follow your own drinking regime: drink a glass of purified water half an hour before meals. Also, drink in small portions throughout the day until the total is about 2 liters.

Wheat diet menu for one day

  • Breakfast - wheat porridge - 250 g, one orange or apple.
  • Lunch - wheat porridge - 250 g, vegetable soup or fresh vegetable salad.
  • Afternoon snack - yogurt or kefir plus an orange or apple.
  • Dinner - porridge - 250 g.
  • A glass of kefir should be drunk before bedtime.

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