Cooking pancakes without flour. Pancakes on starch without flour. Protein pancakes on water from cocoa and wheat flour

Today I want to offer you a recipe for the most simple pancakes that only exist - on Stachmale. Such pancakes are preparing without flour, eggs, starch, salt and sugar. Of two chicken eggs, 6 thin pancakes are obtained, they can be started, pancakes, though thin, but they are sufficiently dense, they do not rush with a slight touch to them. For one chicken eggs of medium size, you need to take one teaspoon of starch, I use more often corn starch. So, if you have a couple of eggs remained in the refrigerator, then you can cook pancakes in a few minutes to dinner. Serve such pancakes with sauce, vegetables, meat, poultry, patests, or jam, fruit or berries.

- chicken eggs - 2 pcs.,
- Corn starch - 2 tsp,
- Sugar - 0.5 ppm,
- Salt - 1 pinch,
- Vegetable oil - for lubricating the frying pan.

How to cook with photo step by step

So, prepare on the list of products. Take a deep bowl. Chicken eggs wash, dry, drive into a bowl.

Add sugar sand to eggs and pour salt pinch. Sugar is ordinary can be replaced by vanilla. If you want to make chocolate pancakes, you can add some cocoa powder.

Pour two teaspoons of corn starch. If you wish, you can go and the traditional method of cooking pancakes - add milk, increase the number of starch.

Prepare a mixer, beat the egg mixer and starch 15-20 seconds.

Heat the pancake frying pan, lubricate a very thin layer of vegetable oil. Pour egg-starch dough - literally a third of the midst. Fry damn on one side 3-5 seconds.

Turn the pancake to the opposite direction and fry. Pancakes bake instantly, so it is not necessary to move away from the plate.

Serve ready-made pancakes with sauce or any fillings - vegetables, fruits, etc.

Enjoy your meal!

From such pancakes you will have excellent

In this article you will learn how to prepare delicious pancakes with starch. Some prepare such pancakes from dietary considerations, others want to somehow experiment and make in the usual taste of new colors. And others simply did not turn out to be in the kitchen of ordinary wheat flour, but there is a packer starch.

Below are several step-by-step recipes, as well as a couple of videos, where the whole process is described as much as possible.

But first you need to clarify a few moments. Why add starch to pancakes? What are the types of pancakes with him? Is it possible to use only starch without adding a grams of flour?

  • Starch (potato or corn) is usually used as a thickener. Consequently, if you add starch to the pancake dough, it will become thick. But that's not all.
  • If in parallel to reduce the amount of flour (the source of gluten, gluten), then when baking pancakes, it turns out more gentle, more elastic. And the more starch and less flour, the more interesting to taste the pancakes.
  • So pancakes are either starch or starch, that is, completely based on starch.

By the way, thin starch pancakes are an excellent billet for. Try!

Yes, I also want to notice that starch quickly settles on the bottom. Therefore, before the frying of each pancake, it is advisable to mix the dough well.


Pancakes on starch with milk and flour

Thin, soft, light. By default, there is a sweet dessert taste, but you can delete vanillin and sugar.


  • Warm milk - 500 liters.
  • Starch (any food) - 4 tbsp. spoons;
  • Wheat flour - 4 tbsp. spoons;
  • Eggs - 4 pcs.
  • Salt - 1 pinch;
  • Sugar - 3 tbsp. spoons;
  • Vanillin is a pinch;


  1. Pour milk on a wide bowl, beat eggs, vanillin, sugar and salt in it.
  2. Mix flour with starch, then pour them out into the milk and jump again with a whisk.
  3. When all lumps disappear, add a couple of tablespoons of sunflower oil. I took refined, since not any extra smells.
  4. Heat the frying pan well, wake up with oil. Pour a little dough, let it evenly distribute along the bottom of the pan.
  5. Frank 1-2 minutes, then carefully pushed the bladder or fork damn and turn over the other side.

Starchy pancakes on milk

And these pancakes are made completely from starch. It turns out tonya pancakes. You can cook both with corn and potato starch.


  • Milk - 320 ml.
  • Eggs - 2 pcs.
  • Sugar - 3 tbsp. spoons (see taste);
  • Salt - 2 chips;
  • Starch - 100 g
  • Vegetable oil - 2-3 tbsp. spoons;

Preparing step-by-step starch pancakes

  1. Heat a little milk, knock the eggs to it, pour sugar and salt. It is a good one to mix a whisk, even a mixer.
  2. Pour starch, pour the oil and continue to beat.
  3. It turns out a white liquid mass - the dough is ready!
  4. Pour neatly dough into a hot frying pan. Do not pay attention to the fact that it is too liquid. But it turns good pancakes.
  5. Fry to goldenness from one and the other. Then it would be good for each other damn with oil, otherwise they can dry.
  6. Watch the video

Pancakes on starch and kefir

If milk is replaced with kefir, the pancakes will turn out more fragrant. A pinch of soda will add pancakes of greater porosity. The basis of the test is wheat flour, and starch only a small addition.

Sugar There is a lot here, you can reduce its amount to your taste.


  • Kefir - 800 ml.
  • Eggs - 3-4 pcs.
  • Flour - 250 g
  • Starch - 70
  • Vegetable oil - 2 tbsp. spoons;
  • Soda - 1-2 pinchs;


Everything is also preparing, one and the same algorithm.

  1. Whip in kefir (room temperature) eggs with sugar.
  2. We have a flour and starch. Add oil and beat carefully.
  3. Now add soda and put the dough somewhere for 15 minutes.
  4. Before baking pancakes, the dough again needs to stir. Fry as all ordinary pancakes for 1-2 minutes on both sides.

Pancakes on starch and water

Pancakes on starch without flour on starch and even without milk. Have in the form that because of the water the taste will be less gentle. Although it depends more from personal preferences.


  • Warm water - 300 ml.
  • Chicken eggs - 3 pcs.
  • Salt - pinch;
  • Sugar - 2 tbsp. spoons;
  • Refined oil - 2 tbsp. spoons;
  • Corn Stachmal - 95

How to cook

Wear eggs with salt and sugar. Pour milk, pour starch.

Pretty sweat. Add vegetable oil so that the pancakes are not particularly adhered to the frying pan.

Pour the dough into the hot frying pan (snapline) dough, wait until it is twisted from the bottom, then turn over the other side.

There is nothing to add here, because starch pancakes are the simplest dish. I just sum up some moments.

  • Be sure to add oil into the dough (vegetable or butter) so that the pancakes are more ruddy and less sticky.
  • Do not advise without eggs, the dough will be too dry.
  • So that the pancakes do not quickly dry, lubricate them after frying with butter.

  • How ;

Pancakes in all hours and times were set at the head of the table. When pancakes bake for lunch, it is nothing more! The sun fill your home, and on the faces of the relatives will be smiles. Pancakes in shape because how sunshine: round and yellow. When the pancakes bake, the kitchen is filled with a wonderful aroma.

One of the advantages of this recipe is that the dough for pancakes is preparing for one minute, because it is without wheat flour and it does not need to be incanded to swell the gluten.

Pancakes without flour will be interesting to those who are looking for gluten-free recipes. Causes can be different: the intolerance of gluten, diet or just flour did not turn out in the house.

The recipe can be adapted to Duucan diet, replacing sugar with a sugar-proof to taste or excluding it at all.


  • Milk - 180 ml;
  • Corn starch - 30 grams;
  • Chicken eggs - 2 pcs.;
  • Sugar - 70 grams;
  • Salt is a pinch.

Cooking process:

Eggs to drive into the milk and intensively begin to beat the wedge.

Milk get out of the refrigerator in advance so that it is not ice. Next, pour out starch and continue to beat in the same pace.

Initially, the starch would hardly disperse in milk, but gradually everything will come back to normal, thanks to your efforts and the magic wedge. Then it will be possible to pour sugar with salt.

A pancake frying pan well and smear a slightly vegetable oil for the first pancake. Pour the dough and roast rosy pancakes.

When one side is wrapped, turn the starch pancake. It is most convenient to turn over with your hands. If you will produce all actions quickly, you will not have time to burn your fingers.

Please note that such pancakes are very thin, gentle and murmown, so do not brush them if you decide to turn the metal blade. An important nuance of such a test is that before pouring a new pancake, stirred it well, getting a little boy to the bottom, as the starch will settle on the bottom!

Finished pancakes twist the tube and serve hot. They can be served with fruit, berries, or simply with sour cream.

Recently, Mom treated us with very tasty pancakes. The dish caused delight from me, her husband, child and even cats (not as an example of a capricious, spoiled and laying tastor!). And when we all ate, my mother boasted that they had no flour. It turns out that she sat on a diet and now experiments with all sorts of different dishes. The grandson told her grandmother that she had more tastier than me. And asked me to bake tomorrow.

I became interested in the idea than to replace wheat flour. Manka, oatmeal, oatmeal or bran, linen or buckwheat flour can be used in preparation.

In contrast, from wheat flour, these products consist of long carbohydrates. They long give a sense of saturation and do not postpone on the sides.

When preparing a product, replace the usual wheat, on those that have a smaller glycemic index.

I will start with my mom's prescription, so loved to me and my households. Here instead of the usual wheat will be used oatmeal. This is a low-calorie dish. Great to those who sits on a diet and stick to PP.


  • 2 eggs;
  • 500-600 ml of milk;
  • 2 tbsp. l. Sahara;
  • 0.5 h. L. salts;
  • 200 g of oatmeal;
  • 3-4 tbsp. l. vegetable oil;
  • 1 tsp. Basin.

Oatmeal is easy to prepare at home. Just grind the blender with the help of mill oat flakes.

Step-by-step preparation recipe:

1. Break the eggs into a bowl, add salt and sugar to them. Take all the mixer before the appearance of foam. High to the eggs half of the milk, mix.

2. Previously ask for oatmeal. Add one teaspoon of the baking powder into it. Then pour flour into the eggs, stir up to uniformity.

3. Pour into the mixture the second part of the milk, and then vegetable oil. It turns out quite liquid dough.

4. Heat the frying pan, lubricate it before starting oil baking.

5. Getting to the final step. Pour the dough on the pan by portions and bake on both sides.

To reduce calorie, can be prepared without sugar. Then you can stock with a snacking stuffing: meat, bird or fresh vegetables.

By texture, ready-made tastes are obtained with small holes, elastic. You can lubricate them with butter, your favorite jam or jam. For a more dietary option, puff the finely chopped bananas, strawberries or other fruits. And you can make a stuffing from cream cheese with greens and red fish.

Pancakes made of oatmeal are good because they have few calories and they are more useful than usual. They have an interesting taste, and it will help you diversify the menu. In addition, they can be kneaded in kefir instead of milk. And you can, only instead of wheat flour use any other.

How easy to make pancakes on corn starch without flour

For this recipe, snacks are very thin. It is surprising that at the same time they are without problems turn on a pan when baking. Pancakes can be served with both sweet and salted filling. In the second case, it is better to add less sugar - not a whole spoon, and a third. And on the contrary, if you want to make a sweet, add a spoon with a slide.

You will need:

  • 200 g of milk;
  • 2 eggs;
  • 2 tbsp. l. (40 g) corn starch;
  • 1 tsp. vegetable oil;
  • 1 tsp. Sahara;
  • a pinch of salt.

How to cook

1. Slide the eggs in a bowl, add sugar and stir up to a homogeneous state. Add two tablespoons with a hill corn starch. Mix thoroughly so that no lumps remains. Suck the mixture (pinching salt to taste).

2. Add milk, mix thoroughly and pour 1 tsp. vegetable oil. Milk must be room temperature, not cold.

3. Let stand the prepared mixture of 15 minutes. She thickens a little, but still the dough will remain liquid.

4. Heat the frying pan and smear it with vegetable oil. It is necessary to lubricate only at the very beginning of baking, it will be enough.

Be sure to mix the mixture every time before you jump up a new portion. If this is not done, the starch settles on the bottom.

That's all ready! From this number of products, you will have 7 pancakes. You can feed them with fillings to your taste. For example, you can wrap the cherry, and with a natural yogurt on top. You will have a wonderful dessert, dietary and healthy health.

Pancakes without flour - oatmeal recipe (Hercules) with cottage cheese

Those who watched their weight often replace wheat flour. I already baked oatmeal, buckwheat pancakes. I also want to try linen. For example, an interesting way to prepare using oatmeal with the addition of cottage cheese.

Required products:

  • 200 g of oatmeal;
  • 100 g of degreased cottage cheese;
  • 50 g of dry low fat milk;
  • 3 eggs;
  • sugar substitute;
  • vanilla;
  • 1 tsp. Bakery powder or baking powder;
  • 500-550 ml of water.

Stages of cooking with photos:

1. Oatmeal pour 300 ml of water and let them stand at least 3 hours so that they swell.

2. In the softening flakes, add all the other ingredients, a fraction of water. Singure all the blender. There should be a consistency of the usual test. Leave the dough to stand another hour.

Instead of a bundle, you can add 1/2 C.L. Soda, hated by vinegar.

3. After that, heal the frying pan with a non-stick coating and bake.

From the resulting amount of products you will have 12 pancakes. If you calculate the calorie content of all products and divide on the amount of finished dishes, then in 100 g there will be only 93 calories. And the ratio of BJW in such a dish is much better to maintain the figure. You can also try to bake in kefir without eggs, then they will be even easier!

Video recipe: buckwheat pancakes on milk without yeast

A very interesting option that I recently tried. Instead of wheat flour used buckwheat. When baking, it can be difficult to turn the pancakes or they can break. In this case, add a rejected cottage cheese or low-calorie cheese to the dough. This creates the dough.

Pancakes in Duucan on wheat bran for the stage "Attack" diet

This dish can be eaten, starting from the attack stage. The number of pancakes from the specified products is enough for several days. All do not eat at once, because in Dukanu per day you can use no more than one and a half tablespoons of bran.

Prepare for a recipe:

  • 150-160 mol;
  • 1 egg;
  • 7 tbsp. l. wheat bran;
  • pinching soda;
  • salt to taste.

How to do:

1. Add an egg to the milk, pour bran, mix carefully. Add some salt and pinch soda, slow down again.

2. Bake pancakes in a frying pan with a non-stick coating. So you can do without vegetable oil, which is not recommended in Dukan diet.

The ratio of BJW in such a dish is perfect to lose weight and at the same time be complete energy, without feeling hunger.

Pancakes without flour - recipe from Manki on milk

Another wonderful recipe using Manka instead of flour. It turns out cute tasty with bubbles, useful and appetizing.

For cooking take:

  • 800 ml of milk;
  • 2-3 eggs;
  • 2 tbsp. l. Sahara;
  • 0.5 h. L. salts;
  • 2.5 cups of mankey;
  • 2 h. L. High-speed yeast.

Process cooking with photos

1. Heat milk to room temperature. Fall off sugar, salt to taste, a gun and yeast. Mix well, cover the food film and leave the dough to stand for 2-3 hours.

2. When the dough was blown, add eggs into it, mix. Try on salt. You can add some more milk if the dough is too thick.

3. Prepare pancakes in a frying pan that is at the very beginning. Lubricate with vegetable oil. When baking the following portions, it is not necessary to lubricate in the cooking process.

Delicious low-calorie snack ready!

Verified recipe for pancakes without starch and milk

If you want to diversify your diet, I advise you to try this recipe. It turns out very tasty with the addition of oat flakes. Plus, there are few calories in dish in order not to deny yourself this dessert.


  • 300 g of oat flakes;
  • 500 ml of water;
  • 2 eggs;
  • 1 tsp. salts;
  • 1 tsp. Sahara;
  • 1-2 apples;
  • vegetable oil for frying.

How to cook:

1. Fill oatflakes with water and leave for an hour, they must swell.

2. Watch in a blender or manually 2 eggs, add to the swollen flakes. Sung and add sugar.

3. Clean and cut apples with thin slices. Add to the dough.

Bake as small diameter pankeepers. So it will be easier to turn over the other side.

It turns out very tasty! You can eat with honey, sour cream, jam, with banana or other fruits.

Protein pancakes on water from cocoa and wheat flour

In conclusion, I want to share a very stunning recipe! There are few calories in these pancakes, and there is an ideal for everyone who watches their weight and is engaged in sports. They have a lot of protein, little fats and carbohydrates.

Required products:

  • 30 g of soy or wheat protein;
  • 3 eggs;
  • stevia to taste;
  • salt;
  • 10 g cocoa;
  • vanilla extract;
  • 120-150 ml of water.

How to do:

1. All ingredients are mixed manually or in a blender. Bake in a frying pan with a non-stick coating or on vegetable oil.

If the dough is very sticking to the frying pan, you can add some oil to it. And the amount of water added depends on the fat content of cocoa powder.

2. The dough will be sufficiently liquid consistency. Of this amount of products, there will be 7 openwork pancakes with holes 🙂

Here are such delicious options you can diversify your menu:

  • instead of wheat linen furnace, buckwheat, oat pancakes.
  • use flakes and bran (oat, wheat).
  • it is not only without flour, but without eggs.
  • bake in kefir (in this article I did not describe it, but kefir can replace milk in many recipes).

Some recipes I have already tried, to the joy of my households. The rest are waiting for their turn. If you are looking for recipes that will help in the fight against overweight or adhere to PP, the described methods will be indispensable for you.

Maslenitsa - Perhaps, one of the most raw and fun holidays in Orthodox Christians.

The passenger table was always famous for the diversity of dishes and the most popular Kushan at that week were, of course, pancakes, pancakes And pancakes.

Simple and custard, yeast and with a sector - this is a treat, beloved since childhood and every hostess has its own proven recipe pancakes, which is sometimes inherited.

I have on the channel in the playlist " Pancakes and pancakes »You will find recipes for this satisfaction for every taste.

Pancakes always cause the sweetest memories of childhood, but it's never too late to replenish your culinary piggy bank with new interesting recipes and today I will show you a pancake dough recipe without flour - we will cook starch pancakes on milk.

The dough for them is prepared very simple and fast, pancakes are fine, elastic, soft, with crispy edges.

They are ideal for stuffing both sweet and unsweequish fillings, as well as for the preparation of pancakes, cakes, casserole and salads with pancakes.

Such a recipe in particular will appreciate those whom for various reasons is wheat flour.

List of ingredients

  • 300 g of potato starch
  • 600 ml of milk
  • 3 eggs
  • 3 tbsp. vegetable oil
  • 1-2 tbsp. Sahara
  • 1 tsp. Salt without Gorka

Exit - 23 pcs. Ø20 cm

Pancakes without flour - thin starch pancakes on milk - step-by-step recipe

Choose eggs into the bowl, add salt and sugar - the amount of sugar depends on your desire to prepare sweet or unsweetened pancakes.

Everyone is thoroughly mixed by a wedge, to prepare this test you can also use a mixer on medium speed.

We pour about half of the milk and suck all starch.

Mix well to the complete disappearance of all lumps.

We add the remaining milk and, without stops to interfere, bring the mass to a homogeneous state.

In this recipe you can use both milk and milk in half with water.

An important condition for the preparation of starch dough is that milk and eggs should be not cold, but at least room temperature.

As soon as the mass becomes homogeneous pour vegetable oil and mix again.

The dough should be pretty liquid - on the consistency it looks like fat cream, let it not frighten you, it differs from the most familiar pancake dough on flour, which is more viscous.

Since this dough does not contain gluten, it does not need to be incanded, and you can immediately begin baked pancakes.

We install the frying pan on the stove, warm it up well, and then we reduce the heating on the middle power.

The frying pan lubricate the only time before baking the first pancake, then it is not necessary to lubricate it.

I pour the dough to a well-heated frying pan and distribute it quickly because the starch begins to instantly swell.

Considering that it is liquid and spread well in a frying pan, pancakes are quite thin.

As soon as one side is twisted, turn over to another, consider that the starch dough is prepared very quickly.

The stove pancakes on both sides, but it is not necessary to grind them hard, but that the finished pancakes get even softer and gentle, it is desirable to lubricate with melted cream oil.

Keep in mind that the starch quickly settles on the bottom, so before hot next pancake the dough you need to mix well.

Despite the fact that the dough we pour a very thin layer and in the process of baking pancakes the frying pan do not lubricate, they are fine with it removed.

Thus, the bakes are all pancakes.

From this amount of the test, 23 pieces leave, with a diameter of 20 cm.

Such handsome girls are perfect for a delicious breakfast - crispy and openworks around the edges, soft and elastic in the middle - they greatly hold the shape and of them very good to do all saccasions with filling.

And of course, like any pancakes - they are good hot!

Maslenitsa is always associated with spring and pancakes, and their main ingredient is love.

Pancakes cooked with love - will not leave anyone indifferent!

Try these unusual pancakes, I really hope that they will love you too!

I wish you all a pleasant appetite!

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With you was Dina. To new meetings, to new recipes!

Pancakes without flour - thin starch pancakes on milk - video recipe

Pancakes without flour - thin starch pancakes on milk - Photo