Useful qualities of tangerine. For beauty, weight loss and health - the benefits of tangerine. Can little children eat tangerines?

The evergreen citrus shrub is the tangerine. Mandarins do not grow on their own in the wild. And China is considered its homeland. Today, mandarin is grown in China, Mediterranean countries, India, Egypt, Georgia, Japan, Korea, Azerbaijan, and Brazil. The fruits are famous for their pleasant taste and bright aroma. Many people associate this aroma with wonderful winter holidays. At this time of year, tangerines are most common. The peel, pulp and even seeds of tangerines have found use in cooking, folk medicine and cosmetology. Are tangerines healthy, and why?

Chemical composition of tangerine

The fruits of these citrus fruits are famous for their multivitamin composition. This explains its benefits. Tangerines, the benefits and harms of which depend on the composition, will help fight vitamin deficiency in the winter and spring. Thus, ascorbic acid occupies a leading position. 1 medium tangerine contains 30 mg of vitamin C. This number is 1/2 daily norm of this element.

Second place, oddly enough, is occupied by vitamin A. 100 grams of pulp contains 12 mg of beta-carotene. Mandarin is also famous for its high level of vitamin B. Folic acid, B2, B1, B6 have the highest concentrations. Also, it is worth highlighting vitamins such as D, E, PP. This complex will saturate the body with all the necessary substances.

On this useful composition the fruit doesn't end. The following minerals and trace elements are concentrated in the pulp and peel of tangerines:

  • Potassium;
  • Calcium;
  • Iron;
  • Phosphorus;
  • Magnesium;
  • Sodium.

Also, tangerine pulp has a high level of nicotinic and pantathenic acid. And the skin of the fruit is famous for the essential oils it contains. It is the peel that is very often used in cosmetology. Also, it is worth highlighting some specific component - tangerine, which has a positive effect on the condition of blood vessels. And a sufficient amount of hydrocyanic acid and useful microelements were found in the seeds.

Converting products to grams

Start typing the product name. For example, water or flour.

= gram

Calorie content of fruit

Many people know that tangerines are low-calorie fruits. More than 93% of the total composition is allocated to water. Therefore, the fruits can be consumed while dieting and losing weight. Only 38 kcal is allocated per 100 grams of pulp. Nutritionists recommend replacing unhealthy snacks between meals with tangerines. The fruit will quench thirst and saturate the body with vitamins and minerals, which are often lacking in other foods.

Also, tangerines have some level of proteins, fats and carbohydrates. Thus, the proportion of proteins per 100 grams of pulp is 0.8 grams, fat - 0.2 grams. Our body needs carbohydrates for energy, strength and tone. There are 7.5 grams of carbohydrates in tangerines. Therefore, 2-3 fruits will help restore strength after work and physical activity. Also, fruits contain fiber, dietary fiber, and pectins, which are necessary for the normal functioning of the gastrointestinal tract.

Beneficial properties of tangerine

What are the benefits of tangerines? Tangerines have antiseptic, immunomodulatory, mucaltic, regenerating, hemostatic, anthelmintic, and antiemetic properties. The benefits of the fruit are undeniable. So, first of all, you need to highlight the high level ascorbic acid in fruits. Vitamin C activates the body's protective functions, thereby increasing our immunity. Therefore, tangerines are recommended to be consumed during periods of exacerbation of colds and viral diseases. Also, vitamin C natural antioxidant, which prevents premature aging.

Tangerines for the cardiovascular system

Experts have found that the rich tangerine composition makes it possible to improve the functioning of the cardiovascular system. The combination of fiber and potassium has a powerful preventive effect against atherosclerosis. Fiber takes on all the toxins and bad cholesterol. Thus, the level of cholesterol in the blood decreases, and thanks to potassium, the walls of blood vessels are cleansed and strengthened. The absence of cholesterol plaques on the walls of blood vessels is the key to full heart health. Also, cleansing blood vessels allows you to normalize arterial pressure. Therefore, tangerines are recommended for hypertensive patients.

The benefits of fruits for the nervous system

For the normal functioning of the central nervous system, a complex of B vitamins is required. Just two fruits a day will improve your mood and relieve stress. negative impact stress. Inhaling the aroma of tangerine peel and essential oil can improve your ability to work. In general, tangerines influence nervous system Thus:

  • Eliminate the effects of stress;
  • Eliminate chronic fatigue syndrome;
  • Increase mental activity;
  • Relieves headaches;
  • Increases endurance;
  • Improves memory.

Tangerines for blood, kidneys and liver

The pulp and juice of tangerines contain a beneficial substance that is rarely found in other fruits. This is choline - a biologically active substance that improves the conductivity of impulses. It is worth noting that choline is produced by the body independently. But, in case of a lack of substance, disturbances occur in the functioning of the nervous system, kidneys and liver. In addition, severe internal bleeding may occur.

When there is a lack of choline, fats begin to be deposited in the liver, which leads to fatty hepatosis, and subsequently to hepatitis. Choline is used medicinally to treat hepatitis. Therefore, regular consumption of tangerines will both protect and restore liver function. Due to the high level of water in the pulp of the product, it cleanses the kidneys and removes sand from the organs of the genitourinary system. Also, the beneficial composition of the fruit improves blood quality indicators.

Restoring the digestive system

Fiber, pectins, dietary fiber are elements necessary for proper intestinal function. Fiber, when it enters the intestines, is not digested and forms a kind of lump. This lump completely cleanses the intestines of waste, toxins, and removes them from the body. In addition, the substance improves peristalsis, which helps get rid of constipation. Dietary fiber and pectins restore normal intestinal microflora and eliminate dysbacteriosis.

Also, positive impact mandarin on the digestive system can be seen in the following:

  • Speeds up the absorption process useful substances from food;
  • Enhances the production of enzymes in gastric juice;
  • “Calms” the gastric mucosa;
  • Eliminates attacks of nausea.

Tangerines for diabetes

Some believe that the natural sugar content of citrus fruits does not allow them to be consumed if you have diabetes. This does not apply to tangerines at all. Flavonoids help protect the body and completely cure diabetes at the initial stage of its development. Also, choline is taken Active participation in the process of regulating insulin production. Thus, the sensitivity of body tissues and cells to insulin increases significantly. The use of tangerines is recommended both for diabetes and other metabolic disorders.

Prevention of cancer

A large number of flavonoids and antioxidants safely classify tangerines as products with anti-cancer properties. Coumarin significantly reduces the risk of developing cancer. Thus, tangerine fruits have an active anti-cancer effect on the mammary glands, intestines, stomach, and lungs. Eating fruits will have not only a preventive, but also a therapeutic effect.

The benefits of tangerine for the female body

This bright citrus fruit is very beneficial for the female body. First of all, it improves the condition of the skin. High levels of ascorbic acid significantly increase collagen synthesis. Collagen is the basis of connective tissue. Collagen helps maintain skin elasticity and prolong youth. Regular consumption of tangerine moisturizes the skin and cleanses it of impurities. For this purpose, you can also use citrus pulp and juice. In general, tangerine has the following effects:

  • Smoothes out fine wrinkles;
  • Cleanses pores;
  • Tightens pores;
  • Moisturizes facial skin;
  • Nourishes the skin with water and vitamins.

Balanced vitamin and mineral composition has a positive effect on the functioning of the reproductive system of girls. Yes, you can normalize menstrual cycle. In addition, citrus fruits have a preventive effect against thrush, which many representatives of the fairer sex so often encounter. Just 2 tangerines every day will improve blood supply to the genitals.

The product is also useful for women during menopause. The fruits cope with heavy menopausal bleeding. The product is also recommended for pregnant girls. It saturates the expectant mother’s body with all vitamins and minerals and eliminates signs of toxicosis. To combat toxicosis you need to cook simple decoctions from tangerine peel, and consume them throughout the day.

Nutritionists advise including tangerines in your diet for fast weight loss. Cleansing the intestines, restoring the balance of nutrients in the body, eliminating excess liquid will promote active weight loss. And ascorbic acid can actively burn fat. Physical activity will transform fat tissue into muscle. Essential oils of tangerine and citrus peel are used for anti-cellulite massage.

What are the benefits of tangerine for men?

The fruit is no less useful for male body. Men should definitely include fruit in their diet. Thus, citrus fruits have a general strengthening effect on the body, giving a man strength and energy. Experts advise eating tangerines for severe physical activity, athletes. The balance of vitamins and minerals helps to restore strength very quickly. Just a couple of tangerines after sports will return the body to normal.

The product is also useful for the genitourinary system of the male body. Every second man over the age of 35 is faced with various prostate diseases. Experts note the rapid “rejuvenation” of prostatitis. Thanks to the high level of phosphorus, zinc, potassium, ascorbic and citric acid, they protect the prostate and restore its functions. It is very important for smokers to eat tangerines every day. In the body of such people, there is a catastrophic deficiency of vitamin C. But it is this element that neutralizes the effects of toxins and prevents oxygen starvation of cells.

How to choose a quality tangerine?

The benefits to the body will only be observed when consuming high-quality citrus fruits. Therefore, you need to know some criteria for choosing a product. The external characteristics of the peel play a big role. Ripe good tangerine has a bright, orange, shiny skin. The color must be uniform. Bright orange fruits are sweeter, yellow ones are more sour.

There should be no damage, dents or dark spots on the peel. But the pores are definitely visible. Also, the color of the peel and pulp should be approximately the same. Juicy fruits are both soft and elastic. You can store tangerines at room temperature in the refrigerator. In the refrigerator, their shelf life can be extended to 10 days. But overripe, rotten fruits should be consumed, because they can cause intestinal upset and poisoning. But a ripe tangerine will make up for the lack of vitamins in the body.

The flu epidemic rages in the autumn-winter period, when the human body, weakened by a lack of vitamins and nutrients, becomes especially susceptible to the effects of the virus.

The disease is not only difficult to tolerate, but also often entails the development of serious complications. Therefore, the rumor that tangerines can carry the flu sowed panic among the population.

These tasty and healthy fruits are just in time for winter and are deservedly in great demand.

Let's find out whether you can get the flu through tangerines.

Are Chinese tangerines carriers of the flu?

It all started with the fact that Cell phones anonymous audio messages began to arrive en masse. Unknown well-wishers in different voices notified that Chinese tangerines are infected with the flu, so you should refrain from buying them. Moreover, reports have spread that hospital wards are filled with people affected by the virus. At the same time, the disease is characterized by a particularly severe course, and even repeated cases of death have been recorded.

Residents were predominantly attacked by anonymous well-wishers Far East, where Chinese tangerines allegedly infected with influenza are massively imported. In particular, people in the Jewish Autonomous and Amur regions, Primorsky Krai, Kamchatka and Sakhalin received warning audio messages.

A wave of panic has reached Novosibirsk region and even to the Urals. It is noteworthy that rumors about dangerous fruits are circulating not only in Russia, but also in Kazakhstan.

For clarity, we will retell the approximate content of distributed anonymous audio recordings:

  • - Be careful! Chinese tangerines carry the flu! The neighbors' two-year-old child ate a couple of slices and ended up in the infectious diseases department. When registering it, the doctor said that this was the fortieth patient admitted; all the victims had contracted a viral infection from tangerines. So you should not eat them under any circumstances. And then, in addition, the parents themselves got sick.
  • — My child died yesterday. It is possible that he caught the flu from tangerines. The temperature rose to 40 degrees, they couldn’t bring it down on their own, they called “ ambulance" Resuscitators fought for the baby's life for half the night, but by morning he died. The doctor admitted that this was the thirteenth such fatal case in a month.
  • — We treated the child in the infectious diseases department. We were hospitalized with purulent tonsillitis and were discharged the day before, miraculously avoiding infection. The wards are overcrowded; over the weekend alone, more than 80 people were admitted with the same symptoms. It's all because of tangerines infected with the influenza virus. The doctor categorically forbade them to be eaten.

It is noteworthy that the messages sent do not contain any specific data. It is not known in which city the hospital wards are filled with victims of the tangerine flu virus, in which region the epidemic is raging, and why repeated cases of death have not yet been made public.

Note: the very idea of ​​a newsletter with warnings is not new. A similar situation arose in November 2016 in the Novosibirsk region. People received messages on their phones with photographs of CDs lying in envelopes along with a note in an unknown language. An excited female voice behind the scenes informed that in such a veiled way the terrorists were planting mailboxes dangerous poison.

Audio recordings are actively discussed on forums and in in social networks. Users share the information they receive with each other and warn their interlocutors against buying dangerous fruits.

Let's find out whether these rumors have any basis or whether they turned out to be just another horror story for particularly gullible citizens. So, can you get the flu from tangerines? To begin with, let us briefly recall what this insidious disease is.

Flu and infection of the body

How is influenza transmitted?

Influenza belongs to the group of acute respiratory viral infections, that is, acute respiratory viral infections. With this disease, the human respiratory tract is damaged. The virus lives in the cells of the ciliated epithelium of the nasal cavity, trachea and bronchi, actively multiplying and causing their death. The patient complains of sneezing, coughing, profuse nasal discharge and nasal congestion.

During its life, the virus releases decay products and toxins into the blood, which spread throughout the body and cause fever, fever, muscle pain, and chills. The patient also experiences pain in the eyes and headache.

Before giving a definite answer to the question of whether you can get the flu from tangerines, let’s consider what routes of transmission there are.

  1. Airborne. The source of infection is a sick person who, by sneezing and coughing, actively releases viruses into the environment with microscopic particles of sputum or saliva. It becomes infectious from the first hours of the disease and retains this ability for 5-7 days.
  2. Contact. A person with the flu tries to prevent the spread of infection and tries to cover his face with his hand while coughing or sneezing. By doing this he does other people a disservice. When it touches objects, the virus contained in the exudate settles on their surface and waits in the wings. In a similar way, the flu is transmitted through handshakes. A potential victim simply needs to wash their hands poorly after contact or accidentally rub their eyes.

! It is noteworthy that the influenza virus is characterized by increased resistance during external environment and retains its vitality outside human body up to three weeks. Let us give specific facts: on human hands it lives for 5 minutes, on clothing – 15 minutes, in the air of the room where the patient is located – from 2 to 9 hours, on metal and plastic surfaces – from 24 to 48 hours, on glass – 10 days.

The likelihood of becoming infected directly depends on the number of viral particles that land on the surface of the object, as well as on the immunity of the person at risk.

Logical chain

Having examined in detail the ways of spreading the disease, let's try to build a logical chain and find out whether the flu can be transmitted through tangerines.

This probability is small, but it exists. If the seller is a carrier of the infection, then it is possible that, while rearranging the fruit in the display case or weighing it out to the buyer, he left microscopic particles of the virus on their peel.

Young children do not always wash their hands willingly and thoroughly. They wash tangerines with even less pleasure, preferring to simply peel the fruit, not caring about how many microbes will enter their body this way. Adults often sin with this, thereby setting a bad example for their offspring.

A child's immune system is less resistant to the effects of the virus. With a combination of unfavorable factors, for example, insufficient recovery after recently past illness, the baby has a chance to catch the flu by not washing the fruit properly. But such a probability is still negligible.

Elderly people, pregnant women, and patients with diseases of the cardiovascular and respiratory systems are also at risk.

The main thing to consider is that the influenza virus cannot exist in tangerines. The disease is not transmitted through food. And to avoid contracting any infectious disease, you should thoroughly wash food before eating it.

Tangerines - benefits for the body during ARVI and influenza

Positive Impact

Flu and tangerines, as it turned out, may have a certain connection with each other. However, their interaction can be looked at from the other side. In particular, tangerines are excellent helpers in the fight against this dangerous and serious disease. Healing properties fruits allow them to be used not only to prevent influenza, but also to speed up recovery. This effect is due to the presence of the following useful elements in the fruit:

  • vitamin C, or ascorbic acid: strengthens the human immune system and mobilizes the body’s internal resources to fight the aggressor, and is also considered a powerful natural antioxidant;
  • vitamin B 2, or riboflavin: accelerates metabolism, participates in hematopoietic processes and eliminates the negative effects of toxins;
  • vitamin B 5, or pantothenic acid: has a powerful reparative effect, and also plays an important role in the formation of antibodies that prevent the proliferation of viruses and break down their waste products;
  • vitamin B6, or pyridoxine: is inherently a stimulant of metabolic processes, an acute deficiency of which is detected in people with infectious diseases and concomitant febrile conditions;
  • vitamin PP, or nicotinic acid: has detoxification properties and improves blood microcirculation;
  • vitamin B 1 , or thiamine: helps maintain the functioning of the body’s life-support systems: cardiovascular, nervous and digestive;
  • vitamin B 9, or folic acid: actively participates in metabolic processes and contributes to the development of the immune system;
  • Lutein and Zeaxanthin: Prevent cell damage due to oxidation.

Note: the vitamin C content in tangerines exceeds 25%. It is noteworthy that ascorbic acid, being an indispensable aid in the fight against influenza, is not synthesized in the body, so its supply must be replenished from the outside.

Tangerines additionally contain phytoncides - special biologically active substances, which destroy pathogens and also prevent their growth and reproduction.

Macro- and microelements such as potassium, calcium, magnesium, iron, phosphorus and sodium are also found in medicinal fruits. These useful substances are directly involved in ensuring human life processes.

Considering the numerous valuable properties of fruits, there is no need to be afraid of contracting the flu from tangerines; on the contrary, during an epidemic of the disease they are strongly recommended to be included in the diet.

Eating tangerines when you have the flu

Healthy recipe

Not only the juicy and ripe pulp of the fruit, but also their peel will help defeat the dangerous disease. Infusion on tangerine peels promotes improved sputum separation, diluting the secretion formed in the inflamed upper respiratory tract and bronchi. There are 2 main ways to prepare it:

  1. Decoction. 3 tablespoons of dry crushed tangerine peels need to be poured into 0.5 liters of boiling water and let them brew for 2 hours. To enhance the effect, you can add a couple of tablespoons of honey to the medicine. The decoction should be taken at least four times a day, half a glass.
  2. Alcohol tincture. To make it, you need to stir 2 tablespoons of zest in a glass of vodka. The healing potion will be ready for use in 7-10 days. It should be taken before meals, one teaspoon.

This remedy not only has an expectorant effect, but also improves the body's resistance in the fight against viral infection.

Official conclusion

How did the competent authorities react to the news that tangerines are carriers of influenza? Frightened residents of the Far Eastern region turned to the territorial departments of Rospotrebnadzor for clarification. When asked whether the influenza virus can live in a tangerine, the answer was a clear negative. Moreover, to dispel doubts, experts suggest providing them with laboratory research suspicious fruit.

Doctors share the same opinion. They advise to be sure to include useful fruits on the menu for the prevention and treatment of respiratory viral diseases. The main thing is to remember to wash your hands thoroughly before eating and rinse the peels of tangerines before peeling them.

In connection with the above facts, we can assume that the rumor started turned out to be an ordinary tale and horror story. If you support your body by taking vitamins, eliminate bad habits, observe personal hygiene rules and limit contact with infected people, then you can be sure that a dangerous disease will bypass you.

Mandarin is an evergreen shrub belonging to the Citrus genus. The name “mandarin” has Spanish roots and literally translates as “easy to peel.”

This name was given to the citrus fruit due to the fact that its skin quickly separates from the pulp. Mandarin orange is not found in the wild, and China is considered its homeland.

Mandarins grow in: Japan, Egypt, Mediterranean countries, India, South Korea, China, Georgia, Brazil, Azerbaijan.

The beneficial properties and contraindications of tangerines depend entirely on the vitamin and mineral composition of these fruits.

100 g of tangerines contain:

  • proteins 0.8 g, saccharides 7.5 g, fats 0.2 g, carbohydrates 7.5 g,
  • dietary fiber 1.8 g, organic acids 1.1 g,
  • water 88 g, ash 0.5.

Everything else comes from micro-, macroelements and vitamins:

  • vitamin C 26 mcg, B vitamins 0.41 mg (16 mcg are folic acid),
  • choline 10.2 mg, iron 0.15 mg, beta-cryptoxanthin 407 mcg,
  • vitamin PP 0.41 mg, vitamin E 0.2,
  • rubidium 63 µg, molybdenum 63.1 µg, cobalt 14.1 µg, boron 140 µg,
  • magnesium 12 mg, silicon 6 mg, calcium 37 mg, potassium 166 mg.

The energy value of tangerines per 100 g of product is 53 kcal.

Are tangerines good for health?

In folk medicine, the following properties of tangerines are used:

Mandarin has many beneficial properties. Thanks to B vitamins and ascorbic acid, mandarin strengthens blood vessels, prevents cell aging, calms the nervous system, promotes good functioning of the cardiovascular system, and has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the endocrine glands.

Tangerines are rich in folic acid, so orange fruits stimulate the liver, stomach, and brain.

Folic acid promotes cell rejuvenation, so eating tangerines is good for strengthening nails and hair.

In addition, folic acid significantly reduces the risk of developing breast and ovarian cancer, which means tangerines have an antitumor effect.

Tangerines are rich in rubidium. This element is needed for the proper functioning of the muscles of the nervous and digestive systems. It protects the body from inflammatory processes. Thanks to rubidium, tangerines, unlike other citrus fruits, are not considered allergenic products, since this element inhibits histamine receptors.

Despite the fact that tangerines are sweet fruits, they are able to lower blood sugar levels, which is very important for people with diabetes.

Thanks to molybdenum, tangerines normalize metabolism and prevent the development of anemia - molybdenum is involved in the processes responsible for the absorption of iron.

Tangerines are good for men's health. Orange fruits have a positive effect on potency and eliminate sexual dysfunction. One of the most important beneficial properties of tangerine is that this citrus fruit is able to remove toxins from the body, especially in cases of sulfide and alcohol poisoning.

Beta-cryptoxanthin, which is found in large quantities in tangerines, has a beneficial effect on the respiratory system, joints and ligaments. Thanks to this element, tangerines significantly reduce the development of lung cancer.

Tangerines are rich in phenolic compounds, which means they help thin sputum and drain mucus.

Thanks to cobalt, tangerines regulate the functioning of the pancreas, protect against anemia and strengthen the immune system.

Not only the pulp, but also the peel of tangerines has beneficial properties. Tangerine peels contain carotenoids, antiseptic substances, antioxidants, and essential oils. The benefit of tangerine peel is that it allows you to get rid of flatulence, dry cough, and dysbacteriosis.

Decoctions based on it are useful for influenza, ARVI, sore throat, stress and depression. Tangerine peel relieves tachycardia, lowers blood pressure, and helps with insomnia.

Tangerine juice is also used in folk medicine for the treatment and prevention of many diseases.

Benefits of tangerine juice:

  • treats bronchitis and asthma;
  • normalizes digestion;
  • increases appetite;
  • improves the secretion of gastric juice;
  • helps fight colds;
  • improves metabolism;
  • has antidepressant properties.

Treatment with tangerines

For diabetes:

  • Remove the zest from 3 tangerines, pour 1 liter of boiling water.
  • Place on low heat and after boiling, cook for 5 minutes.
  • Cool.

Drink small portions throughout the day.

For nausea:

  • Wash 2 tangerines and peel them.
  • Finely chop them and pour a glass of vodka.
  • Place in a dark place. Wait 2 weeks. Strain.

During attacks of nausea, take 30 drops three times a day before meals.

For dry cough:

  • Remove the tangerine zest, dry and chop.
  • Pour a tablespoon of powder into a glass of boiling water.

Take a tablespoon three times a day.

For mastitis:

  • Grind 20 g of licorice root and 100 g of tangerine peels.
  • Pour in 2 glasses of water.
  • Boil for 30 minutes. Strain the broth.

Drink one glass twice a day.

Beauty benefits

Tangerines in cosmetology allow you to:

  • get rid of dry skin;
  • cleanse sebaceous skin from oily sheen;
  • cure foot and nail fungus;
  • cure warts;
  • relieve inflammation;
  • tighten and cleanse pores;
  • strengthen hair and nails.

Skin cleansing mask:

  • take 1 egg white,
  • 0.5 tangerine,
  • 1 tbsp. spoon of lemon juice.

Make a paste from the tangerine and mix with the rest of the ingredients. Apply the mask to your face. Wash off warm water in 20 minutes.

Moisturizing face mask:

  • Mix ¼ tbsp. spoons of zest with 2 spoons of nourishing cream.
  • Apply to facial skin.
  • Wash off after 10 minutes.

For weight loss

Tangerines are good to eat during weight loss:

  • Firstly, this is very low calorie product, so it is quickly absorbed by the body.
  • Secondly, tangerines are rich in dietary fiber, which means that during the diet you will not be tormented by severe hunger.
  • Thirdly, orange fruits normalize metabolism, which will speed up the process of weight loss.

In addition, tangerines effectively remove fluid from the body, which will also contribute to weight loss.

In addition to the tangerine diet, it is good to use fasting days on tangerines.

Tangerine oil

Tangerine oil is extracted by pressing the peels of ripe fruits. Tangerine oil contains volatile esters, and the spicy smell of this product is given by anthranilic acid ester.

The oil, like ripe fruits, has a lot of beneficial properties, which is why it is used in medicine and the perfume and cosmetics industry.

Uses of tangerine oil:

  • strengthens the skin and prevents the formation of stretch marks;
  • used in skin care creams;
  • helps cope with insomnia;
  • increases immunity;
  • calms the nervous system;
  • relieves muscle pain;
  • removes toxins from the body,
  • improves appetite.

Are tangerines good for pregnancy and breastfeeding?

Undoubtedly, tangerines are useful during pregnancy. Thanks to vitamin C, these fruits increase the body's defenses during pregnancy. Women who are anemic can increase their hemoglobin levels in their blood.

It is especially useful to eat tangerines in the first trimester, when the body of the expectant mother is in great need of folic acid. After all, this substance is responsible for the proper functioning of hormones, prevents miscarriages and promotes the proper formation of fetal organs.

Tangerines are also useful for pregnant women because they have a slight diuretic property. Citrus fruits perfectly eliminate swelling, which affects 95% of pregnant women in the second and third trimester.

Tangerine oil is also beneficial for expectant mothers. Everyone knows that the organs and many systems of women during pregnancy experience severe stress. The skin also suffers. From about 4 months, stretch marks begin to appear on the chest, hips and abdomen.

Regular consumption of tangerines increases the elasticity of the skin, which prevents its microtraumas. It is useful to massage with tangerine oil during pregnancy. On the one hand, the active substances of the oil strengthen the skin and make it more elastic, and on the other hand, they help relieve fatigue and muscle tension.

Due to the fact that tangerines relieve attacks of nausea, it is customary to drink an infusion of tangerine peel during toxicosis. If the body does not accept the infusion, to stop vomiting it is enough to arrange an aromatherapy session with tangerine oil. In addition, the smell of tangerines increases the production of endorphins and helps you relax.

However, you should not attack tangerines during pregnancy. Everything is good in moderation. It is enough to eat only 1-2 fruits a day to experience all the benefits of citrus fruits.

Unlike oranges, tangerines can be consumed while breastfeeding. As already mentioned, orange fruits, thanks to rubidium, are considered a weak allergen. However, all nursing mothers should eat tangerines properly. You need to start with just 2-3 slices and carefully monitor the child’s reaction. In this way, you will not only protect your baby from allergies, but also accustom the child’s body to these fruits.

Can little children eat tangerines?

Any citrus fruits are prohibited from being introduced as complementary foods until the child is six months old. You should not give tangerine juice even for testing.

During this period, the child’s digestive system does not yet contain enough enzymatic substances to successfully digest tangerine juice. Feeding your child tangerines can provoke the development of allergies, even if your baby is not prone to diathesis.

At an older age, there should be no problems with tangerines. Children eat them with pleasure. The most suitable age for introducing tangerines into the diet is 12-18 months. At this time, you can give your kids citrus pulp or offer tangerine juice.

Complementary foods should be introduced in microdoses, and watch the child’s body’s reaction. If the baby becomes covered with a rash or his cheeks turn red, then it is better to postpone complementary feeding with tangerines for a couple of years.

Harm and possible contraindications of tangerine for the body

Despite the large number of beneficial properties, tangerines in certain cases can cause harm to the body.

Contraindications to the use of tangerines are:

  • stomach ulcer, gastritis,
  • duodenal ulcer,
  • nephritis, cholecystitis,
  • any form of hepatitis,
  • allergy to citrus fruits.

Tangerines tend to accumulate harmful substances, so abuse of citrus fruits can lead to unpredictable consequences. In addition, rubidium, which tangerines are rich in, is useful only in small doses. This element is classified as toxic.

Abuse of tangerines can cause serious harm to health and lead to stopping the function of hematopoiesis, destruction of red blood cells, and death.

Since childhood, we have all been familiar with this enchanting smell of tangerine, which many associate with the winter holidays. If earlier this fruit was in short supply, now it will not surprise anyone, and you can find it on store shelves all year round. In this article we will highlight several issues related to this fruit, and also figure out whether tangerine is healthy, whether tangerine peel is healthy and whether tangerine seeds are healthy.

Useful properties of tangerines

Is tangerine healthy, as is commonly believed? Even more. It can significantly strengthen the immune system due to its high content of ascorbic acid. Tangerines have a positive effect on the functioning of the heart and nervous system, participate in the formation of bones, help improve vision, increase the elasticity of blood vessels and prevent the deposition of cholesterol on their walls, and have a beneficial effect on the condition of the skin. Due to the high content essential oils, this fruit has antimicrobial and excellent anti-edematous effects.


But now everyone is also tormented by the question: is tangerine peel healthy? Answer: yes. It contains even more essential oils, and its use has positive influence to the bronchi. The zest of this fruit can relieve coughs and improve digestion. Therefore, to get the maximum benefit, you need to eat tangerines with the peel.

Nutrients in tangerines

  • Ascorbic acid (vitamin C);
  • B vitamins;
  • Vitamin D, P;
  • Calcium;
  • Potassium;
  • Magnesium;
  • Phosphorus;
  • Carotene;
  • Pectin substances;
  • Glycosides;
  • Flavonoids;
  • Synephrine.

Are tangerine seeds healthy? There are fans who eat the fruit along with the seeds. You should not do this: they contain hydrocyanic acid, which can cause poisoning. Of course, a few seeds won't hurt, but you shouldn't eat all the tangerines this way.

Tangerines are contraindicated

  1. For inflammatory bowel diseases;
  2. For stomach or duodenal ulcers;
  3. For gastritis;
  4. For hepatitis;
  5. For nephritis;
  6. For cholecystitis;
  7. People with diabetes;
  8. People prone to allergic reactions;
  9. Pregnant women (use with caution).

How many tangerines can you eat per day?

Despite all its usefulness and pleasant appearance and taste, there is no need to overeat them. Don’t forget hypervitaminosis – an excess of vitamins in the body. And remember that tangerines are the strongest allergens. If you abuse this product, you can give a sharply negative answer to the question of whether tangerines are healthy. Although it is impossible to say exactly what is the safe amount of tangerines per day, since the rate of their consumption is individual for everyone, there is no need to overeat. This is especially true for young children: keep track of how many tangerines your child eats per day.

How to choose tangerines

When choosing tangerines, remember a few rules. Good and fresh tangerines should have no spots on the skin, and especially no traces of mold; the skin itself should be elastic, not dried out or softened. Also, the fruit should not have dents or rotten areas. Tangerines should be stored in the refrigerator or in a well-ventilated place separately from other fruits.

Healthy recipes with tangerines

Are tangerines useful in other ways, not just in their “fresh” form? Fortunately, yes. Therefore, there are many different dishes with this delicious fruit. Below are several recipes. With their help, you will have not only a supply of vitamins at home all year round, but also a summer mood.

Candied tangerines

Tip: Before cooking, make sure that these tangerines are free of nitrates, since all harmful substances accumulate in the peel. Also rinse it well, as many manufacturers rub tangerines with wax for better storage.


  • Tangerine peel – 1 kg;
  • Sugar – ½ kg;
  • Water;
  • Lemon acid– ½ tsp;
  • Salt – 1 tsp.

Cooking method:

Cut the tangerine peel, place it in a small container, cover with water and cook for 10 minutes. Then drain the water, cool the container and put the peel back into it. Fill with water again, add salt. Salt is needed to remove the bitterness from the tangerines. Cook for 10 minutes. Drain the water, place the skins in a colander, wait until all the water has drained. Melt sugar with 1 liter of water in a container. Place the skins in sugar water and cook for about an hour until completely boiled. Towards the end of cooking, add citric acid and stir. Place future candied fruits on a baking sheet and place in a warm place. There they will dry completely within 2-3 hours. Ready candied fruits can be rolled in sugar or powdered sugar.

Whole tangerine jam

Tip: Choose thin-skinned and seedless tangerines.


  • Tangerines – 1.5 kg;
  • Sugar – 1 kg;
  • Water – 1 l.

Cooking method:

Wash and fill whole tangerines cold water for 24 hours. This will relieve them of bitterness. When 24 hours have passed, drain the water and wash the tangerines again. Cut them into slices and place in a deep saucepan, add 1 liter of water and add sugar. Leave it like this again for 24 hours. Then put the pan on the fire. Bring to a boil and cook over low heat until thickened, stirring occasionally with a wooden spatula. Cool the finished jam and pour into sterilized jars.

This “sunny” fruit came to us from China, where it was available exclusively to the local nobility - tangerines. Having received the “aristocratic” name for its beneficial natural properties and amazing taste, mandarin began its triumphant march around the world. And the number of his admirers is growing every day.

How are tangerines beneficial for the body?

Tangerines may well lay claim to the title of the healthiest citrus fruit. The bright orange fruits contain a large amount of vitamins, minerals and organic acids. At the same time, 100 g of the product contains only 38 kcal, which allows it to be classified as a low-calorie fruit. But first things first…

To the treasury of health

The pulp of tangerines is rich in organic acids. For example, citric and malic acids have an antimicrobial effect and also effectively cope with fungal diseases of various etiologies.

Tangerine slices are recommended to be eaten together with white films, which contain glycosides and P-active compounds. This helps prevent the development of atherosclerosis and is also a good prevention of cardiovascular diseases.

Availability folic acid especially useful for pregnant women. She is the one who takes care of strengthening the nervous system of the unborn baby. However, tangerines can cause increased uterine tone, so they should be taken with caution during pregnancy.

For people suffering from, tangerines help get rid of excess fluid and optimize activity physiological systems body. This occurs due to potassium, which actively fights edema in the heart and kidneys.

Taste and color

Along with beneficial properties tangerines have excellent taste qualities, for which they received well-deserved recognition from culinary experts. We are talking not only about dessert fruits, compotes or juices.

These citrus fruits are used as the main ingredients for sauces for meat and game, for fish dishes, as a spice for confectionery, and also in cooking various sweets. In addition, tangerines can be added to salads - their taste adds a touch of piquancy and makes dishes more vibrant.

Since citrus fruits are a real storehouse of vitamin C, called the elixir of youth, tangerines are actively used in the field of cosmetology. Mandarin oil, produced from the peel of the fruit by cold pressing, is used in the production of essential oils, massage creams and tonic shower gels, which give vigor and a boost of energy.

French doctors advise young mothers to get rid of stretch marks on their skin with tangerine oil. And if you carefully rub it into the baby’s skin, massaging the tummy, the baby will get rid of colic and sleep peacefully.

Baths with tangerine oil not only improve body tone and improve mood, but also have a beneficial effect on the skin, making it soft and velvety. However, do not be overzealous with the dosage - a large amount of oil can cause dizziness and even. Everything is good in moderation.

Nutritional value and calorie content

The low calorie content (38 kcal per 100 g of product) allows us to call tangerine a low-calorie and nitrate-free fruit. The citric acid found in the peel prevents the penetration of harmful components, so the citrus pulp is protected from negative external influences.

ABOUT nutritional value can be judged by the degree of ripening of the fruit. Ripe mandarin contains:

  • proteins – 0.8 g;
  • fats – 0.2 g;
  • carbohydrates – 7.5 g;
  • dietary fiber – 1.9 g;
  • organic acids – 1 g;
  • saccharides – 7.5 g;
  • L-ascorbic acid (vitamin C) – 38 mg;
  • retinol (A) – 10 mcg;
  • thiamine (B1) – 0.06 mg;
  • pyridoxine (B6) – 0.07 mg;
  • riboflavin (B2) – 0.03 mg;
  • beta-carotene – 0.06 mg;
  • vitamin PP – 0.2 mg
  • potassium – 155 mg;
  • calcium – 35 mg;
  • magnesium – 11 mg;
  • sodium – 12 mg;
  • phosphorus – 17 mg;
  • iron – 0.1 mg

However high content of vitamins, micro- and macroelements can provoke the opposite effect. Instead of the desired improvement and supplying the body with a supply of useful substances, you may encounter hypervitaminosis - an oversaturation of vitamins, which will lead to diarrhea, skin rashes and even a decrease in the level of hemoglobin in the blood.

Are there any harms and contraindications?

In addition to hypervitaminosis, tangerine can provoke severe allergic reactions. People prone to allergies should remember this and use caution when using pure tangerines or cosmetics containing citrus ingredients.

Children's bodies react especially acutely to various allergens. Therefore, parents need to carefully monitor how much fruit the baby eats at one time. Even if the child does not suffer from allergies, the number of citrus fruits should not exceed 2 medium-sized pieces.

People with inflammatory diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, as well as those suffering from hepatitis, nephritis and cholecystitis should exclude tangerines from the diet. Diabetics can eat citrus fruits, but it is best to do so after consulting a doctor.

Methods of use in folk medicine

Traditional medicine knows a lot medicines, created on the basis of tangerines. For example, Fresh or dried citrus peels are suitable for making tea.

This drink not only has a beneficial effect on the nervous system, but also helps remove phlegm from the lungs, eliminates coughs, and helps get rid of colds and bronchitis.

And if you drink a glass of freshly squeezed tangerine juice in the morning on an empty stomach, it eases the course of pulmonary diseases and is an effective remedy in the fight against asthma.

Japanese healers recommend using a water infusion from tangerine peel to activate metabolism, for blood diseases and blockage of blood vessels. And the external use of tangerine juice allows women to successfully fight thrush.

In general, for women's health and beauty, tangerine is an indispensable product. Even in the Middle Ages, representatives of the aristocracy whitened the skin of the face and body juicy tangerine slices. Modern weight loss techniques recommend consuming an average of 500 g of citrus fruits in combination with appropriate physical activity.

Fight cellulite will be more active if you add a few drops of tangerine oil to the massage product. This will not only get rid of the appearance of “orange peel”, but will also be an excellent prevention of stretch marks. And if you drop some oil into the aroma lamp, you will be in a good mood for the whole day!

No less effective means tangerine will become with heavy periods. Eating fresh fruits normalizes menopausal bleeding and eliminates discomfort lower abdomen.

A decoction of the peel can be used as an antipyretic and antiemetic.. If you have diarrhea, this drink will have an astringent effect. However, we must not forget about individual intolerance - if allergic reactions occur, you should stop taking the decoction.

By weighing the pros and cons, each person will be able to determine the optimal portion of tangerines for themselves. If nature itself provides such a tasty and healthy remedy for body and soul, why not use it?

The list of contraindications is not that long, but they should definitely be taken into account in order to enjoy “sunny” citrus fruits without any harm. Draw conclusions and be healthy!