Health of a man after 50 years of expert advice. Man's health. Remedies for impotence

Sexual disharmony turns out to be one of the most frequent reasons for the destruction of families in spouses after 50 years. Despite the fact that at this age to meet loved one hard. Sexual life after 50 is complicated by the presence of various diseases and hormonal changes in the body. but sexual desire persists in men and women throughout life.

Many people who have reached the age of 50 exclaim with delight: “Life is just beginning!”. This is due to many reasons: material well-being is achieved, children are raised, health is still quite strong, sexual life is adjusted. After 50 years, a person has perfectly studied the needs of the body and balanced them with his own capabilities. There is no insecurity, shyness and fear of intimacy. The conditions for sex are the most ideal. At this time, a person can be called a master of sex. He knows everything he needs, knows how to give both affection and care.

The first advice that sexologists can give to people in their fifties is not to abstain from sexual activity.

The more often a man makes love, the more hormones his body produces, delaying the onset of menopause. Women over 50 should become more physically active. For full sex, not only a man must make an effort. Genital stimulation in middle-aged men is essential for quality sex. A man of fifty years simply cannot physically behave as actively sexually as he did in his youth.

Attraction to the opposite sex and the desire to receive pleasure remain in a person throughout his life, but the opportunity to carry out his plans and achieve goals is lost over time. Sexuality at 50, of course, is changing. But not always for the worse:

  • In men, the sensitivity of the penis decreases and with this the problem of quick intercourse and premature ejaculation disappears;
  • The weakening of sexual arousal during sex no longer bothers the man;
  • The fear of an unplanned pregnancy disappears, the woman lives a sexually more liberated life;
  • The hormone testosterone, which is responsible for sexual desire, continues to be regularly produced in the female body. A woman becomes calmer and more confident, youthful complexes disappear, complete mutual understanding develops with a partner.

With age, a person's life returns to normal, he acquires many habits that he does not want to part with. All actions are perfected in time, become almost automatic. This habit of sex can become more dangerous enemy than health problems. Therefore, in middle age, it becomes especially important to give each other positive emotions and unusual sensations, a bright and full of new taste life.

Male and female menopause

In women, menopause comes after 50 years, in men - after 55 years. The biological essence of menopause is that age-related changes begin, the reproductive system changes, and the reproductive function dies out. This process lasts for five years. And then comes the female menopause and andropause in men.

After 50, the first sexual behavioral disorders appear:

  • Women remain sexually active longer, but often refuse sex. Men want to have sex, but their options are already quite limited;
  • In women, vaginal atrophy develops due to a decrease in the level of the hormone estrogen, which leads to thinning of the mucous membrane, dryness, discomfort and a burning sensation during sex;
  • In men, the sensitivity of the tissues of the penis decreases;
  • The production of testosterone and sperm decreases.

Low-hormonal drug Triozhenal, containing lactobacilli, estradiol and progesterone, is designed to eliminate hormone deficiency in women.

The action of all components contributes to a natural increase in the number of glandular structures of the vaginal epithelium, the restoration of sufficient moisture and stimulation of blood supply.

In addition to sexual disorders, women at this age begin to experience discomfort due to changes in the body:

  • Decreased pelvic floor muscle tone;
  • The appearance of a feeling of "wide vagina" and lowering of its walls;
  • Frequent inflammation and cystitis;
  • Stress urinary incontinence;
  • Age-related estrogen deficiency.

With the appearance of such disorders of the genitourinary sphere, treatment begins with the use of hormone replacement therapy. At the same time, the condition of the entire genital area is significantly improved: the vulva, urethra, vagina. Comfort in sex is restored, vagina sensitivity, dryness disappears.

During this period, in order to achieve a full erection during sex, a woman must do additional stimulation by massaging the testicles and scrotum. The duration of intercourse increases in time, sometimes up to 20 times.

Failures in bed for a 50-year-old man can be expected due to many reasons:

  • Accumulated fatigue, long work without vacation and rest;
  • Troubles and stress at work;
  • Tense situation and quarrels at home;
  • Alcohol consumption;
  • Striving to show more physical capabilities than it really is.

With frequent failures of erection, it is necessary to undergo a medical examination and a course of treatment.

In physically active men and women, age-related changes and a decrease in the tone of the pelvic muscles proceed gradually and imperceptibly. Treatment for age-related changes is based on training and restoring the strength of the muscles of the vagina and groin. Such trainings can be carried out on a Boss-apparatus. This device is equipped with sensors that send the results of muscle contraction to a computer. The andrologist becomes a trainer, explaining to the patient which muscles to train, observing the results. Enough 15 sessions several times a week to get significant results.

A special impulse activates the regeneration of vaginal skin cells. It is enough to undergo no more than four procedures once a month for the mucous membrane to restore sensitivity. The technique of aesthetic gynecology helps women solve many problems quickly and painlessly. Plasma and filler injections lead to the closure of the large genital fissure, increase the sensitivity of the mucous membrane, and change the experience during sex.

Medicines help to eliminate the violation of male potency. restores an erection in men, disturbed by age-related changes in the vessels.

For training intimate muscles horse riding, belly dancing exercises, bandha yoga exercises, Kegel gymnastics, Taoist intimacy techniques are suitable. In addition to the listed drugs and methods, it is necessary to turn to another simple one, but effective means increasing potency - a special diet.

Special diet

  • Nuts and seeds;
  • Sprouted grains, muesli and porridge;
  • Black currant;
  • Bitter cocoa chocolate without sugar;
  • Beef meat.

These products charge the body with energy, including sexual energy, and increase the production of hormones.

In addition, there are spices that are considered real aphrodisiacs, that is, substances that increase libido and stimulate sexual activity.

Products and smells have such properties: spices, pumpkin, ginger, cinnamon, mint, basil. Honey is the leader in aphrodisiac drugs. By the age of fifty, a person usually often spoils his health, but acquires everyday knowledge, willpower and perseverance in achieving goals. All this helps to live in harmony with oneself, others and loved ones. The joy of bodily intimacy after fifty should not be canceled.

The Bible measured eighty years of life for a person. Having lived a little more than half - fifty years, a person feels old and loses interest in life. Perhaps this is often due to hormonal changes, which a person experiences for the first time at the age of fifteen. As in his youth, he is lost in life and cannot cope with himself.

Most aging men usually have no visible signs of menopause. But some elderly representatives of the stronger sex often develop weakness, fatigue, appetite worsens, the degree of sexual desire decreases, potency decreases or completely disappears, irritability comes, and is impaired by the ability to concentrate. These changes are to a certain extent related to the fact that testosterone production has decreased. Injections of this hormone can eliminate or weaken this phenomenon.

Old age and potency

Aging affects the physiology of male sexual function in several ways. In men aged 55 and over more years, as a rule, the following changes are noted:

  • in order to achieve an erection, it usually takes more time, there is a need for more intense stimulation of the penis;
  • an erection is not as strong as at a younger age;
  • the testicles rise into the perineum only up to half, and this happens much more slowly than in young men;
  • the intensity of ejaculation and the volume of semen decreases;
  • the physical need for ejaculation usually decreases;
  • the refractory stage is lengthened, the time after ejaculation, during which it is impossible to repeat sexual success.

In addition, in older men, the sexual impulse almost completely disappears, muscle tone during sexual arousal becomes lower (as in women), since muscle strength and mass tend to decrease with age.

Why is this happening

The change in reproductive physiology in men occurs gradually and does not apply to functional disorders. Nevertheless, men who do not delve into theoretical studies about the age-related changes occurring with them are sometimes frightened, consider these manifestations to be symptoms of the disease. It happens that the sexual partner is the first to worry. Many older men continue to get their share of the pleasure of intercourse, but in the absence of regular ejaculation. At the same time, such a man may lose attractiveness for his partner.

Some men have a completely unrealistic idea of ​​what kind of sex life should be after reaching old age. You must understand that running at sixty-five cannot be as fast as at twenty-five, and you cannot quickly recuperate. Do not expect to have the strongest erection in any sexually provocative situation. Don't worry if you don’t come out to have intercourse twice a night. Remember that older men who misinterpret these changes are more likely than others to develop sexual anxiety.

Maintain physical health

There is some relationship between good physical health and sexual performance. Experts say that a man's condition can be perceived as a decisive factor in the sexual life of a family. So you can't discount the factor of your mental state. Do not forget that depression can dramatically reduce the degree of your sexual activity, and in this, in no small degree, is the guarantee of your health.

French writer Honore de Balzac, who lived in the 19th century, died at 51 from a whole bunch of diseases.

I must say that for his time, a writer who loved women and wine lived a lot. Average duration life then barely exceeded 40 years. Since then, this indicator has grown in Europe by one and a half times. But even today, after 50 years, many men show an almost standard set of ailments. What should the stronger sex pay Special attention in the "balzac age" to live long and comfortable?

1 Heart. Balzac to his 50 suffered from bronchitis, arthritis, gout, but the main cause of his death was the same ailment that remains fatal for most middle-aged men to this day - heart disease.

The most common male heart disease is myocardial infarction. His insidiousness lies in the fact that often the symptoms of an impending heart attack do not appear until the last moment. It is for this disease that the statement that the best treatment is prevention is the most accurate. Therefore, after 40 years, be sure to do an ECG annually, even if there is no heart pain, shortness of breath, sudden sweat, weakness. If such symptoms appear - immediately to a cardiologist!

2 Vessels. The second significant age-related disease (by the way, one of common reasons heart attack) - atherosclerosis. Most often it affects men between 40 and 45 years old. The disease affects the main (large) vessels, where atherosclerotic plaques appear, which impede blood flow and disrupt the blood supply to organs.

Atherosclerotic changes can affect the aorta, cardiac, cerebral, renal arteries and arteries of the extremities, more often the lower ones. Symptoms depend on the location of the lesion. So, atherosclerosis of the vessels of the heart often manifests itself in the form of angina pectoris, heart attack. With damage to the renal vessels, severe arterial hypertension occurs. Atherosclerosis of the cerebral arteries leads to memory impairment, rapid fatigability, and in severe form, stroke. Atherosclerosis of the arteries of the legs manifests itself when walking - "intermittent claudication".

Salvation is in proper nutrition (rejection of fatty foods). And you also need to get rid of bad habits (alcohol, smoking), move more, prevent excess weight, control pressure, and avoid stressful situations. Monitor your blood lipid and cholesterol levels regularly, especially if you have risk factors.

3 Bones and joints. Gout is an almost exclusively male disease that affects successful, pleasure-loving older people. Once it was called a royal disease, a parson's ailment, a disease of aristocrats, and was even considered a sign of genius. Women get gout about 10 times less often.

With gout, the body produces an excess of uric acid (urate) salts that affect the joints. People call this disease so - "salt deposition". Often it is caused by a hereditary predisposition. It also develops in overweight people and is often combined with arterial hypertension, diabetes mellitus and high blood cholesterol.

If the disease is not treated, the attacks of joint pain will recur, and their duration will increase, and gout will become chronic. And this, in turn, can lead to kidney damage: the deposition of urate in them threatens urolithiasis.

With gout, first of all, you need to change your lifestyle - normalize weight, give up alcohol, follow a diet. It is impossible to cure this disease, but you can, with the help of a doctor, keep it under control and not let it manifest itself.

4 Prostatitis. This ailment lies in wait for men of any age, but those over 45 are most vulnerable. Inflammation of the prostate gland can occur for the following reasons:

  • colds, infectious diseases;
  • sexually transmitted infections;
  • the consequence of stress;
  • sedentary lifestyle;
  • irregular sex life;
  • the presence of prostate adenoma.

The insidiousness of the disease is that it can be asymptomatic even at a late stage. Therefore, the absence of health complaints does not mean that a man is really healthy. So it is simply necessary to visit a urologist periodically. After 45 - at least once a year.

Prostate cancer usually occurs in men after 50 years of age and according to statistics, it ranks second in the world among oncological diseases in the stronger sex!

5 Climax. Yes, men also face this problem. And there is no need to be afraid of it - this is a normal physiological process of aging of the body. After 50, the main function of the gonads for the production of male hormones - androgens, decreases. However, menopause can also cause inflammatory diseases of the genital organs, testicular tumors, impaired blood circulation, radiation, intoxication, alcoholism.

Manifested by palpitations, "hot flashes" with redness of the skin of the face, hands, dizziness, swings blood pressure, sexual dysfunctions. Symptoms usually occur with nervous and physical activity... Due to the violation of the production of male hormones, it changes appearance human: flabbiness of the skin and muscles appears. The duration of menopause is from 2 to 5 years.

What tests do middle-aged men need to undergo on a regular basis?

ECG. You can do a cardiogram of the heart as often as necessary, since it does not lead to radiation.

Ultrasound. Organs need to be examined abdominal cavity(identification of gallbladder and kidney stones); prostate and thyroid gland(identification of nodal forms of diseases).

Fluorography. This is an X-ray method for examining the lungs and organs. chest... The risk of consequences from radiation is small, nevertheless, doctors do not recommend doing fluorography more than twice a year (for preventive examinations - once a year).

A blood test to determine the level of cholesterol. This allows you to determine if there is a threat of diseases such as atherosclerosis, heart attack and stroke. You need to do it at least once a year, because for initial stage cholesterol levels can be corrected by diet without resorting to expensive treatment.

Measurement of pressure. Even if there are no obvious symptoms of cardiovascular disease, get in the habit of checking it every day.

Determination of blood sugar levels. One of the most common endocrine pathologies - diabetes Type 2 - develops after forty, and if you notice this in time, you can avoid unpleasant consequences (serious problems with the eyes, legs, heart, kidneys) with the help of diet and a healthy lifestyle. Check your fasting blood sugar once a year and 2 hours after meals.

Eyesight check. At least once a year it is necessary to check visual acuity with an ophthalmologist, measure intraocular pressure (does glaucoma develop?). The doctor should also examine the fundus of the eye (to exclude pathology of the retina or optic nerve).

"Eh, we would have such an erection!" - the dominoes sighed, looking at the chess pieces. Ashot Nadanyan.

Potency in adulthood

Every man wants to feel full of strength and sexual energy even in old age. However, despite this desire on a subconscious level, we are still sure that after 50-60 years old age will come, and we will have to say goodbye to the sexual side of life. We are sure that the health of a man after 50 years, whose potency probably leaves much to be desired, is inexorably falling. But is it?

Never think in patterns! Be sure that your potency will remain with you into your declining years, maintain this indescribable feeling of health and energy, so characteristic of young people. And of course ... follow the tips below. We will discuss all the ways to increase potency that doctors practice.

Why does potency decrease in men after 50 years?

There are a lot of factors here and, alas, it is far from always possible to exclude all of them. Doctors identify external and internal causes that reduce libido. These reasons lead to a deterioration in metabolism. As a result, the potency in men after 50 years of age falls rapidly.

External causes of decreased potency

Passive lifestyle. If you have a sedentary profession and are forced to spend most of your day in a chair, it’s no surprise that circulation to your pelvic organs will soon be disrupted. causes a lack of oxygen and deterioration of the activity of the prostate and testicles. And increasing potency in men after 50 years is more difficult than reducing it.

Alcohol and smoking. Probably, comments are superfluous here, because everyone knows how destructive it is for male power nicotine and alcohol. And if nicotine acts slowly, then alcohol, if abused, can damage your male health very quickly.

Physical inactivity also causes excess weight, which puts pressure on the organs of the genitourinary system and displaces them. As a result, in addition to potency, general well-being also suffers.

Stress. "All diseases are from the nerves" - and it really is. Constant stress and mental stress negatively affect internal organs and back condition. Due to a change in the psychological state of men, having sex, and rare sexual intercourse does not save the situation. As a result, blood circulation in the pelvic organs is impaired.

Muscular skeleton. With age, it loses strength, giving way to muscle weakness and, as a result, sexual incapacity. It is important to lead an active lifestyle and exercise.

Internal causes of decreased potency

  1. Stretching on all fours. Get on all fours, back straight, arms outstretched. Then slowly sit with your buttocks on your calves, face down to the floor. The arms are extended forward.
  2. Stand up straight, inhale and contract the muscles of potency. Wait a few seconds and relax gently as you exhale.
  3. Do squats, straining your glutes before sitting, and staying in the final position for a few seconds. The arms are extended forward.
  4. Lie down, put your hands behind the back of your head, inhale, lift your leg to an upright position and describe it in circles clockwise (2-3 circles), then counterclockwise.
  5. Lie on your back, bend your knees, put your palms on top of them. Slowly move your knees out to the side, providing tangible resistance to the muscles in your legs.
  6. Lie on your back, bend your legs at the knees, arms extended along the body. Lift your pelvis off the floor and hold this position.

Many argue that they are helped to maintain potency at the right level. strength exercises with iron. But this is the best medicine, the potency after "taking" which increases.


To cause an increase in potency in men after 50, drugs, of course, are taken, but there are safer and even more effective methods.

And remember that the main thing is to stay young at heart, and then your body will try to match your mood. Do not forget about sports, relatively proper nutrition(and it is much more difficult for men to adhere to it than for women), try to give up addictions as much as possible. And, of course, love your woman!