Magnesite mineral composition. Properties and main uses of magnesite. The magical properties of the mineral

The treasury of the planet is full of enchanting beauty with gems. Magnesite is a natural stone that is least noticeable when judged at first glance. However, its medicinal value is superior to other crystals. Due to its wide range of uses, it is considered the most demanded, unlike all known mineral rocks.

History and origins

The ancient origin of magnesite is historical fact... It was known about its healing, magical, and also refractory properties in ancient times, people could use the mineral for its intended purpose.

For the first time, the fossil was discovered in Magnasia, which is located in Greece. One of the largest mines was discovered there. The breed contained in them aroused interest among the local population. They tried to burn the ore, as a result of which it was found that it can withstand high temperatures. Since then, magnesite has been used as a refractory material.

Its deposits are found in the form of large strata, due to which it has found application in some industrial sectors. In the largest deposits, at medium and shallow depths, such masses are formed as a result of hydrothermal processes. The crystal-granular formations of the mineral were exposed to hot alkaline solutions, as a result of which ore appeared.

Hydrothermal crystals of value are found in mineral formations adjacent to magnesite. Cryptocrystalline magnesite is formed by the weathering of rocks.

During the chemical reaction of water, air and mineral mass, the destruction of magnesian silicates occurs, which contributes to the deposition of magnesite in the pores and cracks in which groundwater stagnates. The mineral formed in this way contains impurities and, as indicated by the veins.

Magnesite with hydromagnesite is found in the sedimentary rocks of saline deposits; such fossils are of interest for jewelry production.

Place of Birth

Known large-scale deposits are located in Russia. Satka mines are rich in magnesite, formed by hydrothermal means. The fossils are hundreds of millions of years old.

The Far East is famous for its fossils; the mineral is mined in southern Manchuria. Ore deposits have been found in Korea, Austria, Czechoslovakia. Minerals are mined in the mines of about. Euboea, in Greece, also in the Urals in the Shambarovskaya mine. Large deposits of magnesite, layers 500 meters thick and tens of kilometers long, are located in the South Urals, in the Satka deposits, in China, on the Liaodong Island.

Physical properties

Magnesite is a brittle mineral with a matte, dull or glassy luster. Crystals are dense, granular, trigonal or rhombohedral in shape. Magnesium carbonate is hardly soluble in water; it decomposes in heated acid and reacts to temperature rise.

ImpurityFe, Mn, Ca
CleavagePerfect along the rhombohedron.
BreakStepped to concha, fragile.
Density3.0 g / cm³
TransparencyTransparent to translucent.
ShineGlassy or dull.
ColourBrown, white, gray, yellow, pink.

Healing properties

Magnesite is endowed healing properties, the energetic vibrations of the mineral gently affect the person, calming the nervous system, improving the functioning of the whole organism. The healing stone helps relieve muscle spasms and general tension, and is known to help reduce the activity of the complex cyclic symptom complex (PMS), which occurs periodically in some women.

A gem is used for cleansing, during which toxins are removed from the body, the work of the gastrointestinal tract improves. As a result of cleansing, the work of the sebaceous glands improves, and the unpleasant body odor disappears.

The power of the stone can soothe a headache, cope with a migraine attack, and also soothes an acute toothache. When symptoms of arthritis appear, you should have magnesite with you to help prevent the development of the disease.

Magnesite is a wonderful relaxing and soothing stone that can be used in meditation. The calming effect of the stone will help you quickly plunge into a meditative state, feel lightness and weightlessness in your body.

It is a powerful stone that awakens psychic abilities. In case of anxiety, excitement or fear, if you have a stone with you, these sensations quickly disappear. It builds self-confidence, helps to cope in stressful situations.

Magical properties

This is a magic crystal with powerful vibrations that have a positive effect on the energy of a person and on situations in his life. Its metaphysical properties and magic power can change lives depending on what the owner of the stone wants.

The mineral helps to harmonize the inner world, helps to tune in to the positive and learn to make the right choice. The vibrations of the stone help increase self-esteem and live your life in accordance with your own needs and aspirations.

He helps those who are mentally and mentally ready to discover potential and if this decision is consistent with the will of higher powers. The vibration of this crystal helps to connect with the forces of the subtle world, spiritual guides.

Its action can awaken paranormal abilities that are not even suspected of. Best of all, magnesite magic stone affects the development of clairvoyance abilities, multidimensional or psychic vision. With the energetic support of this stone, visions are more likely to be sharper, with exceptional clarity.

Art people are more emotional than most of their surroundings, and they just need the appropriate energy supply. The magic crystal will help them be inspired, filled with positive energy. Magnesite helps develop creativity for those who are fond of painting, revealing the ability to visualize more colorfully and splash everything that the imagination draws on paper.

If this gem is applied to the sixth chakra, in the forehead area and to the seventh, thousand-petalled, just above the crown, then a pulsation is felt. A clear sensation if you put a stone in the "third eye" area during meditation. The power of the stone opens the crown chakras, which makes a person feel and understand the people around him. During meditation, keep the crystal with you, then a person with pure thoughts, good intentions and sincere faith in himself will receive a reward in the form of amazing discoveries.

Jewelry with mineral

Sonia Chocket wrote: "You must find a stone that would reflect your spiritual burden." When deciding that magnesite will serve as an amulet, it is important to correctly understand which mineral you will have to contact. A stone of such amazing power is capable of performing the tasks of a talisman, it carries a tremendous power charge, which you will have to learn to control.

They charge the mineral, take care of it and keep it always with them, and he pays for it with good. A jewelry stone is not combined with all gems, the set should be selected carefully. It is important to consider the compatibility of the mineral with the magical properties of other gems. In the beginning, until they "became related" with their amulet, it is better not to complete jewelry with a stone of a different breed with it.

The use of a gem should be beneficial, therefore, decorations are selected that will complement each other and help solve specific problems. It is known that magnesite protects human energy and prevents all kinds of troubles from appearing in life. It is advisable to use an amulet with a stone as often as possible, try not to part with it.

Especially when traveling, when doing important things that require high energy costs. The price of jewelry with magnesite is affordable, everyone can buy them. For magical protection, you can buy a pebble even without a rim:

  • tumbling stone from deposits in Zimbabwe, 1.5-2.5 cm in size, costs $ 2.31;
  • the price of tumbling magnesite from the same deposit, 2.5–3.5 cm in size, $ 3.2;
  • an element of magnesite decor in the form of an egg, 6.2–4.5 cm, is estimated at $ 77.8;
  • the price of an egg made of magnesite, mined in Kazakhstan, measuring 8–5.8 cm is $ 106.5;
  • original bracelets made of silver and magnesite cost $ 25;
  • the price of a ring with a stone, a beads or a rosary made of colored magnesite is $ 15 per piece.

Ornamental magnesite stone, in the form of a crystal, is used in jewelry making. Bright yellow precious crystals are mined in Australia and Brazil.


White magnesite is more common; it is mined in many deposits. The mineral can also be pink, brown, gray or yellow flowers, it all depends on the impurities included in its composition. If the iron content predominates, the stone looks brownish, and it can be of a rich yellow color.

This mineral accepts dyes well, therefore, magnesite beads painted in various colors are very often found on sale. After that, the stone retains its medicinal and magical properties. Jewelry with a multi-colored mineral is very popular with connoisseurs of gems. Ornamental stone used to decorate the facades of houses is usually left in a natural color in the design of the room.

How to distinguish a fake?

The mineral is mainly used to make jewelry of no value in jewelry. The exception is the varieties of magnesite in the form of precious crystals. Sometimes, imitations of red, turquoise and by coloring are made from the mineral.

For example, turquoise was imitated from magnesite in order to distinguish the original from a fake on its own, for this you need a microscope. There are guidelines to help you avoid the scam trap.

It is better to buy natural stones in specialized stores. To verify the originality of the mineral, a certificate is requested to prove the authenticity of the gem.

Care of stone products

The gem requires care, like any other mineral. Magnesite is best kept out of direct sunlight, especially after staining, it is able to lose brightness. If a stone is left in water for a long time, it fills with moisture, swells, it is better to protect it from this. Rinse under running water and dry thoroughly. The gem is fragile, try to avoid hits and falls.

Compatible with names and signs

Magnesite is a strong stone that many people don't know about. Not very handsome and unassuming. But there is an amazing property that it possesses, help in building relationships. If you keep the mineral with you, for example, at the time of a showdown, everything will go well and there is no need to doubt it.

It always mattered to a person what the stars were prepared for him, what astrological properties of this stone should be counted on. The list demonstrates the predisposition of the stone, to whom it may be more suitable, and to whom it is contraindicated to use it.

  • Gemini patronizes magnesite more than other signs. The main task of the mineral is to protect those ambitious people from rash decisions. He will prevent possible losses by taking control of the excitement inherent in this sign. The vibrations of the crystal powerfully affect this sign of the zodiac, a ray of hope and good luck will be directed to it.
  • Libra and Capricorns can count on the help and protection of an amulet with such a mineral. Magnesite is very powerful in stimulating mental activity and at the same time making your heart listen. Therefore, representatives of these signs are fantastically lucky in all matters and undertakings.
  • and Aquarius is not recommended to resort to the help of magnesite, as this will lead to the fact that their interest in everything that happens around them will subside.

For other signs of the zodiacal circle, magnesite will protect against negative influences. The energy of the stone helps to objectively assess the situation, relieves of illusions.

  • Arthur's stone will help tame impulsiveness.
  • The mineral will help Vladislav develop flexibility of mind.
  • Oleg magnesite will add a little missing romanticism to prudence and self-confidence.
  • The crystal will help Savely to fulfill grandiose plans.
  • Entrepreneurship will not harm Yaroslav, the mineral will contribute to its development.
  • Antonina will receive from the gem the missing lightness, joy.
  • Elena can count on the help of the mineral in the implementation of her creative plans.
  • Thanks to the support of the amulet, Elizabeth will not be afraid to be in the center of events, the stone will help to cope with timidity.
  • Taisia \u200b\u200bwill be given the opportunity to fulfill her wildest fantasies.

The stone helps to cope with emotions, this applies to relationships in which a critical moment comes.


The mineral has the strongest soothing properties. For those with restless sleep, it is recommended to put it under the pillow, which will give peace and tranquility, as well as great rest. This stone is worthy of any collection.

5 / 5 ( 2 voices)

Magnesite is a natural mineral, magnesium carbonate, which is white or gray in its pure form, but due to impurities it can differ in shades of yellow, brown or greenish with a characteristic matt or glass sheen. The crystals of the stone are distinguished by high density and different grain sizes. The mineral is brittle and sensitive to heat, making it difficult to process.

The chemical composition of MgCO3: magnesium oxide - 47.82%, carbon dioxide - 52.18%, impurities of iron, magnesium and calcium.

The mineral based on magnesium oxide is predominantly of hydrothermal origin, but sometimes it can form in surface deposits. This is possible when calcium is replaced with magnesium in the composition of hot solutions in limestones and dolomites.

The stone got its name thanks to the historical region of Ancient Greece, Magnesia, in which, according to the legend of ancient peoples, it was first discovered.

Mineral deposits

Healing properties

Magnesite jewelry and prices

Only rare bright yellow stones from deposits in Brazil and Australia are used in jewelry. They are cut and polished, and then inserted into a gold frame.

Inexpensive jewelry is made from magnesite. In pendants, bracelets, earrings and rings, it is set in silver.

Magnesite products have an affordable price. For example, a silver bracelet with stones costs around $ 25. A decorative egg, depending on the size and deposit of the stone, can be purchased for $ 70-110. The cost of tumbling a small mineral is from $ 3 to $ 5.

Talismans and amulets

5 / 5 ( 2 voices)

Selenite - properties of stone Marcasite - radiant pyrite
Chalcopyrite (copper pyrite) and its properties Orthoclase - stone amulet of love feelings

Magnesite is a fairly common mineral. It is an excellent raw material for magnesium production and is widely used in the industry for the production of refractory materials. The mineral is not used very often in jewelry.

Outwardly, magnesite resembles marble, but sometimes there are transparent shiny crystals with light shades of yellow, brown or transparent. It is these nuggets that are of interest to those who like rare jewelry made from natural gems.

Origin and deposits of magnesite

The birthplace of the mineral is Greece. It was there, in the province of Magnasia, that the first samples of the gem were found, which began to be called magnesite. In Greece today, large deposits of magnesium ore are concentrated. Deposits are being actively developed not only in Greece, but also in other countries.

Large deposits of magnesite were also found in Russia: in the Urals near the city of Zlatoust, in the Far East. The Savinskoye field, located in the Irkutsk Region, is the largest in the world. In the Urals, the famous astrakhan magnesite is mined, which has valuable decorative properties. In the Far East and in central Russia, industrial magnesite is mined. Abroad, it is mined in Austria, Czech Republic, France, China, Korea, India, Australia, Brazil, Canada, USA.

Most of the magnesite deposits are of interest only for industry; ornamental stone is less common. Minerals of gem interest are very rare. Australia is famous for its bright yellow gems, highly prized in jewelry. In France, deposits of magnesite ore were found with beautiful interspersed pink opals. A transparent gem is mined in India. The largest collection-grade crystals are found in Brazil. High quality ornamental magnesite is mined in Canada and the USA.

Sometimes magnesium ore occurs next to other metal ores, some of which give different hues. The most appreciated varieties are those that resemble lapis lazuli or turquoise.

Gallery: magnesite stone (13 photos)

Magnesite serves as the basis for the production of binders and refractory substances, in particular refractory bricks. It is used by the chemical, pharmaceutical and even jewelry industries.

What is magnesite

By the term "magnesite" is meant magnesium carbonate. Outwardly, it is somewhat reminiscent of marble.

The formula of the substance is MgCO3. The actual composition of the mineral is very close to the formal one. Almost half of the mass is magnesium oxide, a little more is carbon dioxide. Magnesite contains impurities such as iron, calcium, magnesium.

The mineral can be gray, white, brownish or yellowish in color. It has a glassy or matte sheen. The crystals are quite dense and can have different grain sizes. There are even porcelain crystals that contain impurities of magnesium silicate and opal.

Magnesite got its name from the Greek region of Magnesia. It was there that his deposits were discovered in ancient times.

One of the most popular types is caustic magnesite, which is formed when raw materials are fired at temperatures around 700 degrees. The main share in its composition is magnesium oxide.

Caustic magnesite is divided into three grades based on composition. The material of the 1st class involves the chemical industry, the 2nd and 3rd - the construction.

Photo different types magnesite

Caustic magnesite Magnesite stone

Magnesite slabs

A fundamentally new building material based on magnesite is magnesite slabs. They are made in the form of sheets with a thickness of 3-12 mm. They are produced in a length of 1.83-2.44 m and a width of 0.9-1.22 m.

Magnesite slab includes several layers:

  1. external;
  2. fiberglass mesh, which provides good stability and strength;
  3. filler;
  4. reinforcing fiberglass layer;
  5. filler from the inside.

The filler is a composite material made by mixing magnesium oxides and chlorides, silicates, organic fibers, plasticizers, etc.

Properties and characteristics

Magnesite is a rather fragile material. Its hardness is 4-4.5. The hardness of the porcelain material is slightly higher - about 7. Density varies from 2.97 to 3.10 g / cm3. It dissolves poorly in water, but well in chlorine.

For mixing caustic magnesite, not water is used, but a solution of magnesium sulfate or chloride. The result is magnesia cement. If the material is sealed with water, it will harden for a long time, and its strength will not be very good.

The final strength of the substance is quite high. Caustic magnesia solution has strength up to 100 kg / cm2. Maximum strength is achieved in about a week if hardening occurs under normal conditions.

The solidification of caustic magnesia is determined by the fineness of the grinding and the firing temperature. The material sets in at least 20 minutes and maximum 6 hours after mixing.

Features of magnesite slabs

Magnesite slabs have incorporated all the best qualities of magnesite. Their density is approximately 0.95 g / cm3. The thermal conductivity coefficient is 0.21 W / m. They are able to withstand heating up to 1200 degrees. The sound insulation level reaches 46 dB. Water resistance reaches 95%.

The advantages of magnesite slabs are:

  • moisture resistance - getting into water, they do not swell up to 100 days;
  • fire resistance - a 6 mm thick sheet keeps fire for 2 hours;
  • environmental friendliness - even when heated, no toxins are released;
  • frost resistance;
  • good sound and heat insulation;
  • a high degree of plasticity - they can be bent, reaching a radius of curvature up to 3 m;
  • impact resistance;
  • light weight - 1 m2 of average thickness weighs about 6.04 kg.
  • lack of smell;
  • the possibility of using for the decoration of public spaces.

Magnesite slabs - construction material future:

Magnesite production

Material production includes raw material extraction, crushing, roasting and grinding. This mineral is commonly found in metamorphosed dolomite deposits. Also, together with gypsum, it is present in saline rocks of the sedimentary type and in some rocks of the igneous type.

Magnesite is mined in such European countries as the Czech Republic, Germany, Italy, some regions of Poland and Austria. There are deposits of magnesite in North Korea, China, India, Mesquica, and the United States. In our country, this mineral is mined in the Orenburg, Chelyabinsk regions, in the Middle Volga region, in the Far East. The Savinskoye field in the Irkutsk region is the largest in Russia and the world.

Extraction is usually carried out in open pits using the explosive method. Lumps are crushed into fragments with a diameter of 150 to 300 mm right at the mining site, after which they are sorted by hardness and purity into three grades. Firing is performed in various types of furnaces. Usually, rotating or mine devices with remote fireboxes are used.

After firing at 700-1000 degrees, up to 94% of carbon dioxide is lost, and caustic magnesia is formed in the form of a reactive powder. If the firing temperature is increased to 1500 degrees, the result is fired magnesia. It has low activity, but a very high level of fire resistance.

After firing, the raw material is ground in ball or other mills. Caustic magnesite should be crushed so that when passing through sieve No. 02, no more than 2% remains, and through sieve No. 008, maximum 25%. To prevent the hydration of the substance, it is packed in metal drums.

How magnesite slabs are made can be seen in the video:


Magnesite is used as a finely dispersed filler in building mixtures. Refractory bricks are made from it, which can withstand heating up to 3000 degrees, artificial marble, magnesite plaster, refractory paints.

It is used in the production of sugar, paper, electrical insulators, pharmaceuticals, etc. Since magnesite is an ore of magnesium, it is used to obtain magnesium and its salts.

Caustic magnesite is used for the production of cementitious cements, artificial rubber, viscose, and plastics. It is an important component in the manufacture of thermal insulation materials, in the process of pulping, a good fertilizer, etc.

Calcined magnesia is used primarily in the metallurgical industry. With the help of special furnaces, fused periclase is made from it. It is a material with excellent thermal and electrical insulating parameters, which is used in the manufacture of ceramics.

With the help of magnesia cement, warm seamless floors are made, in which sawdust is a filler. They are resistant to abrasion, have low thermal conductivity, are durable and are characterized by complete hygiene.

Use of magnesite slabs in construction

Magnesite boards serve as finishing materials for:

  1. wall cladding inside and outside;
  2. installation of the ceiling, floor, partitions between rooms;
  3. making fences;
  4. installation of a soft roof;
  5. finishing of swimming pools, baths, bathrooms;
  6. assembling furniture;
  7. execution of banners and billboards;
  8. arrangement of hotel complexes, schools, etc.

Magnesite slabs have excellent technical properties. The most important advantage is that they allow you to carry out repairs without "wet" finishing processes.

Magnesite slabs are distinguished by hygiene, radiation safety, fire resistance and good sound insulation. Due to their resistance to moisture, they can be used in the decoration of bathrooms, swimming pools, etc.

Plates are easy to process. They can be cut with a hacksaw or knife, drilled, fastened with screws or nails. The boards can be coated with any paint, tiles, wallpaper, etc. can be glued to them.

Installation of magnesite slabs does not require special skills. They are attached either to a metal or wooden frame. Fastening is usually done with self-tapping screws. Since the slabs are attached to the frame, there is space between them and the wall. This provides additional thermal insulation for the room.

On request, the boards can be attached directly to the wall with glue. In this simple way, you can easily level the surface.

The only drawback of magnesite slabs is that if they are thin, they are particularly fragile.

Magnesite slab and possibilities of its application

Magnesite slab composition Methods of application

Pros and cons of the material

The main advantage of magnesite is the ability to mix it with various natural and artificial fillers. Using magnesite as a binding component, it is possible to make concrete with both mineral and organic fillers, for example, sawdust or shavings. The introduction of magnesite into the mixture makes the material resistant to decay.

Caustic magnesite has good properties in terms of strength, thermal insulation and durability. It is mineral in nature and has a uniform texture.

The disadvantage of magnesite is its poor moisture resistance. If the air humidity reaches 75%, the material begins to swell strongly. The material can only be stored in well-closed containers. When lying for a long time, he begins to lose his qualities.

Magnesite is a mineral that attracts magicians more than jewelers. Magnesium ore does not differ in visual appeal, but it is indispensable in metallurgy: thanks to it, steelmakers obtain a material with high refractory properties. The stone is quite common and therefore inexpensive. However, this does not detract from its value in any way.

The origin of magnesite, its deposits

The very first deposits of this rock were discovered by the ancient Greeks. It is from the name of the province of Magnasia, where the crystal was found, that it got its name. The mineral attracted people's attention due to its unusual structure and many inclusions.

More often the rock is of magmatic or metamorphic origin. It is also mined in ultrabasic and saline rocks. Magnesite is found in dolomite caves and in massifs of granular phosphorus. Sometimes miners manage to find stones with glass luster. Such pieces are given to jewelers who grind crystals and decorate various accessories with them. After grinding, the gem becomes marble-like.

There are many places on Earth where crystals are mined. The deposits are located in the USA, Greece, Mexico, Austria. The most significant mines in the world include the following:

  • In Russia, there is the world's largest deposit of this rock - Savinskoye, which is located in the Irkutsk region. On the territory of the Russian Federation, one of the most unusual types of magnesite is found - astrakhan.
  • The largest pieces of magnesite are mined in Brazil. The state of Bahia is one of the sources of valuable boulders.
  • Australia is famous for its glass-luster specimens. Samples brought from this mainland have a rare yellowish tint.
  • There are deposits of transparent magnesite in India. It is used to create jewelry.
  • In some French mines a few years ago, mineralogists discovered a new type of magnesite - pink stones. They are highly valued in the jewelry market.

Physicochemical characteristics

In their own way chemical composition magnesite is magnesium carbonate, the formula is MgCO3. The stone has a crystalline and granular structure and is highly reactive.

In nature, there are specimens of different colors. The most popular type of rock is crystals of gray, brown and white color. Less common are yellowish stones. Experts call pink magnesite the most beautiful specimen.

Crystals usually have a matte luster, rocks with a glass luster are rare. The stone is quite soft and pliable: on the Mohs scale, its hardness ranges from 4 to 4.5 points.

The mineral is translucent or opaque. Transparent specimens are rare. The mineral dissolves poorly. Differs in fragility, low density and low weight. When cleaved, it gives a stepped or conchoidal fracture.

The appearance and color of the mineral

You can see how the processed magnesite looks like in the photo.

The stone is outwardly close to marble, from which it differs in its lightness and fragility. Magnesite without impurities can have pure white color or grayish color: this is the typical tone for magnesium. Crystals containing iron are yellow or brown, depending on how much metal is included in their composition.

Stones of bluish or greenish hues are rare. Such specimens contain titanium, chromium and other trace elements.

Healing and magical properties

Magnesite has a beneficial effect on the nervous system. Thanks to its medicinal properties the stone helps a person to relax, get rid of fears, and believe in oneself. Lithotherapists recommend using the stone to treat sleep disorders, chronic fatigue, depression, blues.

The gem helps relieve eye fatigue. Such properties are possessed by a yellow specimen: if your eyes hurt, you should look at this stone several times a day - the discomfort will go away. If you carry a piece of magnesite with you as an amulet, you can soon feel an improved mood and calmness.

The crystal contains a lot of water, due to which it is able to ionize the air in the room, making it no less useful than the oxygen cocktails of the sea coast. Under the influence of the stone, the air is cleared of bacteria, viruses, and is saturated with oxygen. If you trim the walls of a room with magnesite, mold will never appear in it.

Magnesite will also cope with the toxins accumulated in the body. Healers recommended using a stone to treat diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and argued that magnesite chips can relieve toothache. Healed with magnesite and migraines. According to traditional healers, the crystal is able to prevent the development of arthritis.

Gem is a powerful magical attribute. Esotericists believe that it helps a person acquire psychic abilities. In their opinion, the stone has a powerful energy, thanks to which people manage to find inner harmony, get rid of hesitation, make the best choice in life. Magnesite talisman is a real key to independence and independence.

For those who are mentally ripe for changes in fate, the stone helps to achieve success. It is a suitable amulet for creative people. Magnesite will save them from crises in creativity and will give inexhaustible inspiration.

Applications of stone

The highest demand for magnesite is among industrialists: they use stone to smelt steel and other alloys. Another area of \u200b\u200bapplication for magnesite is in the cellulose industry.

In the chemical industry, it is also indispensable: plastic is synthesized from a crystal, raw materials for thermal insulation are produced, and mineral fertilizers are made. Stone is widely used in construction. Modern building material - magnesite slabs - is distinguished by moisture resistance, fire resistance, soundproof properties.

Glass luster stones are used in jewelry. Pink, blue and yellow crystals allow you to create stylish jewelry - earrings, necklaces, necklaces. The ore of this breed is used in official medicine as a sedative.

Is magnesite counterfeited, how to distinguish a counterfeit from the original?

The crystal is quite common all over the world, so there is no need to forge it. At the same time, jewelry sellers from natural stones skillfully processed magnesites are passed off as other gems, such as howlites and cacholongs.

Only a person who is well versed in gems and knows their description can distinguish a fake. This can be done in a special laboratory using a number of difficult studies. A genuine gem can be easily scratched, while crystals of other rocks, similar in appearance, will not succumb to mechanical stress. However, people who have learned at least a little about minerals will be able to identify magnesite by its characteristic chipping and softness: when broken, a magnesite product often gives a conical fracture.