Which is better than tangerine or orange. Tangerines or oranges - which is healthier for the body. Which citrus has more coarse fiber

Many people associate the smell of oranges and tangerines with the New Year, an elegant Christmas tree, the chimes and bubbles of champagne. Moreover, we do not always think that, in fact, such citrus fruits that are familiar to us, which we consider to be almost the same, in fact have many differences.


Apelsin- the fruit of the evergreen orange tree of the Citrus subfamily.


Mandarin- the fruit of an evergreen tangerine bush of the Citrus subfamily.



Already from the definitions of these two fruits, it becomes clear that tangerines grow on a bush. The height of a tangerine bush does not exceed four meters. Its cousin, the orange, ripens on the branches of a fairly tall tree.

Orange trees bear fruit almost all year round. Therefore, oranges can always be found on store shelves. Mandarins ripen in winter and hit the market in large quantities on New Year's Eve.

The orange fruit is larger than the tangerine. It is harder and more dense, with a thick skin that is very difficult to peel with your hands. Mandarin peel is thinner and softer, easy to peel.

Orange peel (zest) can be used to make preserves and jams, liqueurs and orange oil. Dried it is an excellent addition to tea. Tangerine skins are suitable for the manufacture of medicines, infusions, syrups, extracts.

Orange has fewer cloves than tangerine. They are larger and more difficult to separate.

Orange contains more vitamins than mandarin. These are retinol, vitamins of group B, A, E and K. A of vitamin C ( ascorbic acid) in an orange is twice as much as in a tangerine.

The taste of these fruits is also different. Mandarin, due to its higher sugar content, is sweeter. Orange tastes slightly sour and bitter.

Oranges are often more expensive than tangerines.

Conclusions site

  1. An orange grows on a tree, a tangerine on a bush.
  2. Oranges ripen throughout the year, tangerines in winter.
  3. The orange is larger.
  4. The peel of an orange is denser and harder, and it is harder to peel.
  5. An orange has fewer slices and is difficult to separate.
  6. Orange contains more vitamins than tangerine.
  7. The orange is not as sweet as the tangerine.
  8. The price for oranges is higher than for tangerines.

One orange contains the daily norm of vitamin C necessary for the body. This is the opinion of doctors. To understand in more detail how the orange is useful for our health, it is necessary to consider its beneficial properties that can solve many health problems.

Why an orange is useful for the health of the body

Oranges are a tasty medicine for gastritis with low acidity, that is, when the secretion of gastric juice is reduced. People suffering from constipation can eat not only bananas, but also oranges to normalize intestinal activity. The fact is that bananas are high in calories, so eating them in large quantities can do a bad job in the fight against excess weight for people suffering from constipation. And oranges, eaten before bedtime, normalize metabolism, remove toxins, without affecting a person's weight. In addition, oranges are often recommended for people who have a cold and have a high body temperature, because they contain salicylic acid. Oranges are able to perfectly fight chronic fatigue syndrome, cheer up and improve performance. Some people get rid of a hangover with orange juice, and this wonderful fruit is also considered good remedy prevention of colds.

What is healthier than tangerine or orange

If you compare these two fruits rich in vitamin C, then scientists have proven that an orange contains twice as much nutrients than tangerine. What is useful in an orange that is not in a tangerine? Inosine, which is part of the orange, promotes good brain function, strengthens the heart and takes care of the human liver. But tangerines have their own benefits. First, tangerines are advised for smokers to eat, as they help clear mucus from the lungs. And secondly, tangerines are helpers in the treatment of respiratory diseases such as bronchitis, tracheitis and asthma.

Juicy orange tangerines- everyone's favorite fruit with a sweet taste and an unforgettable aroma that we associate with the sensation new year holiday... These sunny fruits appear on store shelves at the end of autumn and occupy the most prominent place on the table when celebrating the New Year. Children especially love tangerines, preferring them to oranges and even sweets. This is due to the fact that tangerines are very similar to small orange balls that can be easily separated from the crust and eaten, enjoying a sweet and juicy taste.

Sugar in tangerines contains 7% more than oranges, and in terms of the content of vitamins, trace elements and valuable acids, tangerines can be safely included in the list of the most beneficial fruits for health. As you know, all citrus fruits, and these are orange, tangerine, lemon and grapefruit, have a number of medicinal properties, due to the high content of vitamin C. It is recommended to include citrus fruits in the daily diet in winter in order to avoid vitamin deficiency and anemia, with frequent colds and to increase immunity.

Pectins contained in citrus fruits, improve the functioning of the heart, strengthen the walls and prevent the development of cancer cells. All citrus fruits are mood-boosting and energizing. Them in winter period it can be used as a cure for ARVI and influenza, since, unlike apples and pears, they do not deteriorate during long-term storage and retain all vitamins.

If you are interested in question: "What is healthier to eat - an orange or a tangerine?", Then the answer to it is individual for each person. Oranges and tangerines are similar in composition and calorie content. The approximate calorie content of one orange is 43 kcal, and that of a tangerine is 40 kcal. Oranges are richer in vitamin C and organic acids, but tangerines contain more sucrose and therefore are sweeter in taste. Both tangerines and oranges contain vitamin D, which prevents the development of rickets in children, and vitamin K, which provides elasticity of blood vessels and prevents the development of diseases of the cardiovascular system. In all citrus nitrates never happens, these harmful substances, as scientists assure, do not get along with citric acid. Tangerines are healthier to eat for those who suffer from lung diseases.

Tangerines contain a large amount of senifrine or a phenolic amino acid, which is well known as a decongestant and decongestant. At bronchial asthma, obstructive bronchitis and pneumonia, it is recommended to drink 1 glass of tangerine juice every morning to clear the lungs of accumulated mucus and prevent shortness of breath. Both oranges and tangerines are rich in essential oils that have a positive effect on gastrointestinal motility, appetite and digestion.

For diarrhea and constipation, it is useful to include in the diet nutrition citrus fruits, they are also useful for the prevention of worms in children. People with liver problems are advised to eat one orange daily. Orange is able to prevent the development of liver diseases, and due to the content of inosine - a substance that improves memory and cleansing blood vessels, it is useful for those who are engaged in mental activity and are prone to heart disease. Mandarins and oranges must be present in the diet of those who are suffering blood pressure and varicose veins.

In these fruit contains potassium, sodium and magnesium in such a balanced amount that allows you to maintain normal muscle activity, vascular elasticity and prevent an increase in pressure. Tangerines and oranges are also high in calcium, which is needed to support healthy bones and gums. Regular consumption of orange and tangerine helps to lower blood sugar and cholesterol levels. For the prevention of heart attacks, strokes and diabetes mellitus it is necessary to include 1 orange and 2 tangerines in the daily diet.

Unfortunately, despite the fact that citrus fruits are very useful for health, use them in large quantities if you have a tendency to allergies and diseases of the gastrointestinal tract should not. All citrus fruits are strong allergens, but if you compare orange to tangerine, the less allergenic of them is tangerine.

According to nutritionists, tangerines are less dangerous in their ability to cause allergies than caviar, eggs and shrimp. Tangerines and oranges contain a lot of citric acid, which irritates the lining of the stomach and intestines. Therefore, during an exacerbation of gastritis, stomach ulcers and duodenum it is better to refrain from using them. It is also not recommended to use them in large quantities for small children, pregnant women and patients with diabetes mellitus.

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It's no secret that both tangerine and orange are one of the favorite treats in winter for both adults and children. Nutrients and vitamins can help you cope with vitamin deficiencies and viral infections. Citrus fruits have been immensely popular for centuries due to their useful properties... Fruits in their composition contain vitamins such as A, B and D. They also have a rejuvenating effect, serves as an effective prevention of diseases of the cardiovascular system and digestion. It is possible to increase the body's resistance to viruses.

Fruit similarity

Most people believe that the fruit of the tangerine tree is superior in its beneficial properties to the orange. Let's figure out which is better than an orange or a tangerine. In reality, there is no tangible difference between these fruits. The fruits have almost the same energy value and are famous for the presence of a relatively large amount of ascorbic acid in their composition. The mass fraction of vitamins of group K and D is as equal as the presence essential oils, potassium and sodium, necessary for the normal functioning of the cardiovascular system. If we compare the amount of vitamins, then there are more of them in an orange, but the total mass of useful elements is equal.

Beneficial features

Doctors for bronchitis, liver and heart diseases recommend including orange slices in their diet for their younger brother, since they contain an appropriate set of nutrients. However, citrus fruits cannot compensate for the deficiency of all nutrients, since they are mainly rich in the presence of vitamin C, in other cases the content of various groups of vitamins is minimal. The content of ascorbic acid in orange fruits is higher than in tangerines, which is why the former have a more beneficial effect on human health and it is advised to eat it for patients with ARVI.

If you have respiratory diseases, then you should pay attention to smaller fruits, with their help there is a high probability that the lungs will be cleared of mucus and swelling will decrease.

Often there are people in whom citrus causes an allergic reaction. In this case, it is worth giving preference to tangerines, since they are less allergens, but they contain a lot of acids, therefore, with stomach ulcers, gastritis, pancreatitis, their use is undesirable.

Also, studies were carried out by Japanese scientists, they showed that the orange younger brother has a beneficial effect on the circulatory system and that their use is necessary for the prevention of diabetes, the development of malignant tumors and problems with the circulatory system. And their opponents, in turn, are famous for their tonic properties, cure scurvy, anemia.

If you are still interested in the question of which tangerine or orange is better, then we are ready to give you an answer. These representatives are close in their calorie content and useful properties. However, some differences do exist. Oranges have a higher content of ascorbic acid, and tangerines contain sucrose and senifrine, so they are not recommended for people with diabetes, but are necessary for those with diseases respiratory system... With active mental activity and liver diseases, it is recommended to include one orange in your me every day.

Evgeniya V.

What are the hybrids of orange and mandarin? How do they differ from each other?

Breeders have long and successfully been engaged in intraspecific crosses of citrus crops, obtaining new plant hybrids. At the beginning of the 20th century, the priest Father Clement, crossing a tangerine and an orange, received a new citrus hybrid - clementine. The plant got its name in honor of this breeder. Another interesting citrus is obtained from crossing tangerine and grapefruit, it is called mineola.

In the photo, the differences between the hybrids are difficult enough to notice, but they are. In this article - detailed description hybrid citrus fruits.

Clementine - description of the hybrid and variety

By outward appearance the fruits of this citrus, known since the beginning of the twentieth century, resemble tangerines. The pulp of the juicy fruit has a sweet taste. The crust of clementine is tough, bright orange, but rather thin. Compared to tangerine, clementine has a more flattened shape of the fruit.


The leaves of the plant are dense, dense green and small in size. There are small notches along the edge of the leaf blade, and short thorns in the axils of the leaves of the orange-tangerine hybrid.

In total, there are three types of hybrid clementines, which differ in the number of seeds and the size of the fruit:

  • Corsican Clementine - has a bright, rich color, orange peel. The pulp is very fragrant, the fruit has no seeds.
  • Spanish - Subdivided into two varieties, differing in size. Each fruit can contain up to 10 seeds.
  • Montreal Clementine - cultivated mainly in Spain. The fruit contains up to 10 seeds, has a delicate aromatic pulp. This species belongs to the rare clementine hybrids.


Tangerine - a hybrid from crossing mandarin and bitter orange

Tangerine is the most common orange / tangerine hybrid. The shape of this citrus is slightly elongated. The skin of the fruit has a loose structure and is very easy to peel. The skin color of the tangerine approaches an intense orange-red hue. The fruits are distinguished by great juiciness and aroma, but the fruits are not large in size. The peel of the fruit has a peculiar strong citrus scent. Tangerine does not contain a lot of seeds.

Tangerine was used in breeding work to develop the hybrid citrus mineola.

This hybrid got its name in honor of the port of Tangier in Morocco, from where the juicy fruits were exported to different parts of the world.

In addition, it is worth mentioning a rare hybrid of an ordinary orange with a tangerine, called tangora. This citrus is quite rare.

Attention! All bred tangerine and orange hybrids have high beneficial properties. The fruits contain vitamin C, folic acid help in the treatment and prevention of colds.

The work of breeders to create new hybrid forms of citrus fruits is aimed at improving the beneficial properties, as well as increasing the shelf life of healthy and tasty fruits.

Types of citrus: video