The body stores water. Excess fluid in the body: reasons, how to get rid of it. What do we have to do

We talked with Natalya Fadeeva, a doctor, a nutritionist-endocrinologist, a candidate of medical sciences, about why fluid is retained in the body, what edema is dangerous for, and how the desire to eat something salty in the evening risks ending with weight gain in the morning.

Why fluid is retained in the body and how edema is formed

There are many factors due to which fluid is retained in the body. As a rule, this occurs due to poor functioning of the urinary or endocrine system (impaired production of antidiuretic hormone, thyroid hormones and female sex hormones). Sometimes fluid retention in the body can be associated with the properties of the food that a person consumes. So, one gram of salt retains 100 grams of fluid. So if you ate some salted fish in the evening, then in the morning you will be waiting for plus 1.5-2 kilograms on the scales.

The appearance of edema is the main sign of a violation of the circulation of water in the body, it is formed as a result of the accumulation of fluid in the intercellular water space, which, in turn, leads to an increase in its volume. If any edema appears, you should immediately consult a doctor, since edema can be symptoms of serious problems with the cardiovascular, lymphatic, endocrine, digestive, gynecological, urological systems. With a disease such as myxedema (a pronounced manifestation of reduced thyroid function), edema spreads to all internal organs, including the heart.

The water-salt balance depends on a lot of factors, ranging from a person’s body temperature and the presence of chronic or acute diseases, to the frequency and intensity of physical activity that he experiences. It is worth noting that usually the body itself regulates it well with the help of two main tools - a feeling of thirst (prevents dehydration) and urine output (saves from overhydration - water intoxication). Moreover, dehydration is much easier to earn than hyperhydration, but if a person consumes enough fluid (at least 35 milliliters per kilogram of ideal body weight), then his body is completely provided with water and there is nothing to worry about.

In the cold season, we lose less moisture than during the summer period, since we practically do not sweat and do not overheat, so the need for fluid may be somewhat less (on average by 100-300 milliliters). But this does not mean at all that the risk of dehydration is less - regardless of the season, a person needs to monitor the maintenance of water balance in the body.

Foods that retain fluid in the body

Of course, salt, namely its excess, affects water retention the most. So all pickles, smoked meats, canned food, sausages, sausages and hard cheeses will significantly retain fluid and cause swelling. It should also be noted the property of alcohol to redistribute the liquid in such a way that there is little water in the cell, it all passes into the intercellular space, so the person looks swollen and swollen. So remember to drink as much water as possible during and after drinking alcohol. It will also help to quickly remove from the body the remains of metabolites, which are very toxic and dangerous to human health.

10 grams of pure alcohol holds about 100 milliliters of water. Thus, if you drank 100 grams of alcohol, which is about 300 milliliters of cognac or vodka, then the weights will show at least plus one kilogram in the morning.

Have you found that in the evenings it becomes difficult to take off your shoes, and the ring cuts painfully into the skin? The reason for these "innovations" is puffiness. Edema can occur due to various diseases, a sedentary lifestyle, hot weather, and an improperly built diet. In any case, with such a problem, it is necessary to limit the use of products that retain water in the body. Everyone should remember their list.

Treats that threaten puffiness

The first thought when edema appears is to drink less water. Oddly enough, it is erroneous, because without a sufficient amount of fluid, it is impossible to remove toxins and replenish cells. What does the body signal when swelling begins? About water retention, not about its excess. The most reasonable action would be to limit the consumption of foods that retain water in the body, or temporarily exclude them from the diet if the swelling is too strong.

The diet is used in conjunction with the elimination of the underlying cause. For example, if you have certain ailments (damage to the heart, kidneys, liver, etc.), take the medicine prescribed by your doctor.

Foods and drinks that interfere with fluid excretion:

  • alcohol, carbonated water, sweet fruit juices, sweetened tea and coffee;
  • fast food;
  • marinades, smoked meats, canned food;
  • sauces, mayonnaise, ketchup;
  • butter, cheese, cream;
  • chicken eggs;
  • sausages;
  • spread, margarine;
  • chocolate, sweets, honey, sweet flour products;
  • yeast baking;
  • chips, crackers, salted nuts;
  • dishes fried in vegetable oil or fat;
  • products with preservatives, flavors, flavor enhancers and other artificial additives.

What dishes are most harmful for people suffering from puffiness? The answer is clear: all salty. To maintain the water-salt balance, a person needs to consume a maximum of 5 g of this spice per day (the norm varies depending on weight, health status and climatic conditions). But if you calculate the amount of hidden salt in foods, it becomes obvious that you should not add salt to food. If you still doubt this, check out the table of foods that retain water in the body, which are rich in sodium.

Product (100 g)

Amount of salt




canned tuna

Black bread

string beans

White bread




As you can see, there are many healthy foods on the list, so always keep a sense of proportion. When buying a finished product, do not forget to look at the label - there should not be more than 140 mg of sodium in a serving.

Not only salt

In addition to salt, excess creatine, which enters the body with meat and fish, retains water. You need to be careful and sweet tooth: sugar and honey contribute to fullness and increase insulin levels. And those who like to indulge in alcohol should know that alcoholic drinks dehydrate, forcing the body to try to normalize the acid-base balance due to fluid retention.

Of course, people suffering from puffiness should not forever deprive themselves of eggs, fish and meat dishes. The best solution would be to cook these products by steaming, boiling and stewing.

It happens that the face, especially in the morning, seems blurry, the shoes become tight, and the ring is difficult to put on the finger. This is a problem for many today. Puffiness appears if water is not excreted from the body in the required quantities. To deal with the problem, you first need to figure out what retains water in the body.

The presence of edema can be determined visually. If there are any doubts, the trace of the fingers, which will remain after pressing them on the shin bone, will help to finally make sure.

Edema may be hidden. It is possible to understand why they appear only with the help of medical diagnostics.

Excess water in the body can occur for the following reasons:

  1. Fluid intake exceeds its excretion from the body.
  2. Wrong diet, which leads to an imbalance of electrolytes - sodium, potassium and chlorine ions.
  3. A sedentary lifestyle and a bad habit of cross-legged.
  4. Heat and tired legs.
  5. Taking certain types of medications.
  6. Standing or seated work.
  7. Pregnancy and the changes that accompany it.
  8. Tight or uncomfortable shoes.
  9. Some contraceptives and premenstrual syndrome.
  10. Metabolic disease.
  11. Diseases of the kidneys, heart, digestive organs.

Is creatine harmful?

Many athletes take creatine supplements to improve strength, endurance and rapid muscle gain. A small part of this nitrogenous acid is synthesized by the body in the liver from arginine, glycine and amino acids. Creatine is also found in meat and fish, but in the process of cooking, being exposed to thermal effects, it is mainly destroyed.

Creatine is a fairly safe dietary supplement. It practically does not cause side effects and does not cause much harm to the human body. If you strictly follow the recommended dosages, then you can not worry that your health may be in danger. But still, you need to pay attention that creatine retains water in the body, and this can lead to swelling.

What foods cause edema

Puffiness is one of the first signs of a violation of water-salt metabolism. In order to avoid its occurrence, you need to eliminate or minimize in your diet foods that retain water in the body. This must be done at least for a while so that the body can put the excretion processes in order and remove excess water.

For the beauty and harmony of the body, in addition to proper nutrition and a healthy lifestyle, it is very important to monitor the amount of salt consumed. Its high content leads to the fact that water accumulates in the body. This negatively affects not only the appearance, but also blood pressure.

Human consumption of a large amount of salt leads to the fact that in order to maintain the necessary osmotic balance, the body begins to retain water.

This fluid retention can cause prolonged high blood pressure and even hypertension. And as a result, heart disease can even develop.

By limiting yourself to foods that cause water retention, you can keep your blood pressure in the normal range and reduce your risk of heart disease.

Foods that cause water retention in the body include:

  • salt and products containing it;
  • pickles, marinades, canned food;
  • sugar, cakes, cookies, honey, chocolate, carbonated sweet drinks;
  • sauces containing preservatives and modifiers (ketchup, mayonnaise);
  • fatty dairy products (cream, milk) containing preservatives;
  • margarine, hard cheese;
  • chicken eggs;
  • alcohol of any strength;
  • yeast baked goods, pasta;
  • dishes fried in oil;
  • smoked meats - sausage, meat, fish;
  • crackers, chips;
  • sweet tea and coffee;
  • fast food.

Water in the body

There is always an opportunity to help yourself without the services of doctors. Excess water is removed from the body quite simply, if you follow professional recommendations and follow the regimen.

The most important rule that must be followed strictly is the daily drinking of clean water in the amount of 1.5-2 liters. The use of sweet, and even more so carbonated drinks, is completely excluded.

You need to learn how to eat right. Salt retains water in the body, but it is very difficult to completely eliminate it from the diet. Reducing the amount of its consumption is a feasible task.

It is necessary to adopt one rule - food should be salted sparingly and only during cooking.

It is necessary to remove the salt shaker from the dining table, forbidding yourself to add even a pinch to the plate.

When wondering what to do so that water does not linger in the body, one must not forget about physical activity. Of course, going to the gym is the most effective option. But you can not use the elevators, preferring the stairs, walk more and do exercises in the morning. All this contributes to the acceleration of metabolic processes and the removal of excess water.

Water balance of the body in the summer

In summer, when it is hot outside, you need to pay special attention to the water balance of the body. During this period, a healthy person needs knowledge about how to retain water in the body. In the morning at breakfast, you can eat a pickled cucumber or a small piece of herring.

This salt, consumed in small amounts, will help retain water in the bloodstream. And despite the fact that salty food was consumed, thirst will be felt less. During this period, you should not drink excessive amounts of water, but it is also undesirable to limit yourself to liquids. To feel good, you must adhere to the usual water load.

Water in the body: Video

Excessive accumulation of fluid leads to the development of pathological processes in the body. There are many reasons that provoke the occurrence of this condition. In the material of the article we will talk about the water balance, products that retain water in the body and how useful fast carbohydrates are.

Violation of the optimal water balance is a serious problem for human health. The body begins to work in a mode of increased stress. If you do not take any measures, then the person begins to get sick.

After reading the article, you will learn:

Importance of water balance

To maintain the optimal volume of fluid, a person must follow the correct drinking regimen. This concept defines the ideal balance between consumption and intake of water in the body. A person should consume about 50 ml of water per kilogram of body weight per day. You also need to take into account the weather and health conditions. The water balance depends on the amount of water consumed, as well as its excretion. The latter is carried out by the urinary system and sweat glands. Why is water retained in the body, you ask? Some food can cause an imbalance in water balance, which leads to the accumulation of fluid and the development of a number of pathological processes.

Foods retain fluid

Foods high in sodium chloride, creatine and caffeine lead to fluid accumulation. Contrary to popular belief, foods that retain water in the body can be not only salty and sweet. Those who like very sweet tea and coffee should pay attention to the increase in insulin levels, as this hormone contributes to fluid retention. Drinking alcoholic beverages leads to water retention.

Salt products

For normal human life, the body needs sodium chloride. Salt not only retains water, but is also a supplier of vital ions. An excess or deficiency of this substance is equally harmful to humans. Most food products contain sodium chloride in their composition, even if at first glance they do not taste salty.

Most salt is found in prepared foods, which contain preservatives, dyes, and other food additives. Such as: sausages, chips, mayonnaise, ketchups, marinades, pickles, crackers, smoked products and other fast food.


It is impossible to imagine a dinner table in the cold season without sauerkraut. This dish is not only tasty, but also very healthy. However, with hypertension and kidney pathology, it is strictly forbidden to use this dish. Sauerkraut contains a large amount of salt, which can cause edema or a hypertensive crisis.

Daily salt intake

For the average adult, the daily allowance is approximately 15 grams. Note! The daily requirement includes sodium chloride, which is found in food. Scientists have calculated that products for daily use include about 10 grams of the substance. From the above information, it follows that a person needs no more than 5 grams of salt per day for normal life support.

Sodium chloride is essential for maintaining the acid-base balance in the body. People who consume excessive amounts of salt can cause serious harm to their health. An excess of the substance contributes to active water retention, which leads to an exacerbation of chronic diseases of the cardiovascular, urinary and endocrine systems. If a person has been diagnosed with the above diseases, then he needs to reduce his salt intake to 1.5 grams. Some hypertensive patients who have completely eliminated salt from their diet have been able to stabilize their blood pressure readings. The daily rate of sodium chloride can be obtained from ready-made food of industrial production. This refers to such food additives: E339, E301, E211, E401, E500.

Creatine and water excretion

Supporters of a sports lifestyle use creatine to improve muscle tissue growth and increase endurance. If you follow the dosage (no more than 25 grams / day), then this substance is safe for health. Creatine can be partially synthesized in the human body. The food supplement is found in small amounts in meat and fish products. When taken in excess, creatine retains water. The volume of excess liquid can reach 2 liters. Edema resulting from excessive use of creatine cannot be removed with the help of diuretics and a decrease in the drinking regimen. This will not only not bring the desired effect, but will also cause dehydration, since all the water will go to increase muscle mass. In order to restore the water-electrolyte balance, a person will need to consume 3 liters of water per day.

The effect of coffee on water balance

It is rather difficult to answer the question of whether coffee retains water in the body, since the physiological effect of the drink depends on many factors. Coffee retains water in the body if you drink it less than three cups a day, it leads to the formation of edema. Excessive consumption of sweet drink has a diuretic effect. For these reasons, pregnant women are strictly forbidden to drink coffee.


As a result of numerous studies, the doctrine revealed that milk, cottage cheese and other fermented milk products retain fluid. The leading cause of this phenomenon is the secretion of insulin. An increase in the concentration of the pancreatic hormone increases the production of aldosterone. This substance retains sodium chloride. For quick recovery after excessive physical exertion and training, nutritionists recommend eating dairy products.

Toxins and water retention

Alcohol, drugs, and other toxic compounds slow down the removal of fluid from the body. The body perceives all of the above substances as poisons and therefore tries to neutralize them. The protective mechanism is aimed at dissolving and reducing the negative impact on humans.

Liquid removal products

You can quickly and safely get rid of excess fluid at home with the help of nutrition. The removal of water contributes to the use of foods high in fiber and B vitamins:

  1. Fruits: watermelon, melon, viburnum, avocado, banana, blueberry, strawberry.
  2. Vegetables: cabbage, asparagus, tomatoes, cucumbers, zucchini, pumpkin, beets, sweet peppers.
  3. Cereals: buckwheat and wheat bran.
  4. Decoctions made from chamomile, centaury, chicory, lemon balm and calendula.
  5. Hibiscus or green tea

Vitamins and fluid excretion

Improper nutrition leads to a deficiency of vitamins and minerals. Hypovitaminosis contributes to fluid retention in the body. Daily consumption of these foods will help compensate for the lack of vitamins and minerals:

  • veal, red fish and bananas are rich in B 6 vitamins;
  • vegetables, fruits, dairy and sour-milk products contain a high amount of B and D vitamins;
  • oranges, lemons, tangerines, parsley, dill and spinach are high in Mg and K.

Pure water

Compliance with the correct drinking regimen will help get rid of excess fluid. It is better to use pure non-carbonated water than juices, teas and compotes that contain a large amount of sugar. To cleanse the body of toxins, nutritionists recommend drinking warm water in the morning.

Prevention of fluid accumulation

Regular exercise and proper nutrition are the best prevention of fluid accumulation. Each person must observe the drinking regimen and consume at least 1.5-2 liters of water per day. Nutrition should be correct and rational. Foods high in sugar and salt should be avoided. Instead of sweets, you can eat dried fruits in small quantities. If nutrition correction and an active image did not help solve the problem with edema, then you need to seek help from a doctor. It is strictly forbidden to take diuretics or herbal preparations on your own. Uncontrolled intake can cause dehydration and other complications.

Many girls are familiar with the situation when the next day after one accidental overeating, weight increases dramatically. No need to immediately panic - it may just be a temporary fluid retention. About what this concept includes and how to get rid of water in the body - our today's article. Let's fight together!

It is not always possible to unambiguously answer why the fluid is retained in the body in a particular case. The fact is that there are at least five main causes of edema:

  1. Too active or passive work. The causes of water retention in the body, as a rule, lie in your lifestyle. Are you moving too little, or, on the contrary, do you hardly have time to sit down? Both of these can cause swelling. And the legs are the most affected.
  2. Lack of water. Do you drink black tea, coffee, milk, juice, soda and other drinks all day long, believing that this amount of liquid is enough? We hasten to upset you: the body needs clean water, not surrogates. Otherwise, liquid stagnation cannot be avoided.
  3. Diuretic drinks. Abuse of coffee, lemonade, beer and other alcohol is a direct path to the appearance of edema. Such drinks remove all useful moisture from the body. He, in turn, is under great stress and stores liquid for future use. In the form of a few extra kilos.
  4. Excess salt in the diet. It's no secret that overly salty foods retain fluid in the body. But why this happens, not everyone knows. The fact is that the body with the help of water is trying to remove salt that is harmful to it. After eating salty foods, you begin to drink a lot, excess fluid is retained in the body, resulting in swelling.
  5. Foods that retain water in the body. In addition to salty foods, the appearance of edema can provoke:
  • marinades and pickles - both homemade and store-bought;
  • sweets: pastries, cakes, honey, syrups, cookies, various chocolates;
  • dairy products with a high fat content or preservatives: butter, spread, margarine, cream;
  • any factory sauces;
  • hard cheese;
  • eggs;
  • flour: muffin, loaves, pasta;
  • smoked meats of all kinds, sausages;
  • fried in any oil;
  • chips and crackers with flavorings;
  • fast food;
  • any other product where there are preservatives, dyes and other synthetics.

If fluid in the body constantly accumulates, and you can no longer cope with stagnation on your own, this is a serious reason to see a doctor. Perhaps the cause of fluid retention in the body is a hormonal imbalance, an infection, or kidney disease. In any case, only a specialist can make an accurate diagnosis.

To determine the presence of edema, press your finger on the area being tested. If spots appear that do not go away for a long time, or a deepening in the skin persists for several seconds, then there is a problem.

How to remove fluid from the body?

There are several effective ways to deal with swelling and make sure that congestion does not reoccur. Let's look at each in detail.

Method One: Eating Certain Foods

What foods retain water in the body, you already know. Now let's deal with those who bring it out. Helper products include:

  • Fruits and berries with diuretic properties. For example, watermelon, chokeberry, viburnum, strawberries and wild strawberries, cranberries, blueberries.
  • Natural diuretics: beets, bell peppers, celery, zucchini, squash, pumpkin, herbs (dill and parsley), and also buckwheat and apple cider vinegar.
  • Foods that speed up metabolism and remove toxins: tomatoes, asparagus, carrots, a variety of leafy salads, cabbage in all variations.
  • Herbal infusions and teas: chicory, centaury, blueberry and lingonberry leaves, chamomile, calendula.

It is important to know: if the causes of fluid retention in the body are caused by kidney diseases (stones, kidney failure, and so on), you should not lean on diuretic products. Otherwise, you risk hurting yourself.

Method two: drink plenty of clean water

Drink at least two liters of water a day and you will start to feel better very soon. The secret of success is simple: the body begins to understand that it has enough water, and stops storing it for future use.

But you need to drink water wisely. For example, do not do this during meals. In addition, it is better to refrain from liquids in the first two hours after a meal. The fact is that if you “dilute” the gastric juice with liquid, the food is digested worse, which means that it runs the risk of being deposited in fat.

Method three: less salt

If in your case the answer to the question of why fluid is badly leaving the body is an excess of salt in the diet, we advise you to change your eating habits. Moreover, salt not only retains water, but also masks the real taste of the products.

Switching to low-salt foods is not as difficult as it seems. Add salt to already prepared dishes, gradually reducing the amount of this spice, and after a while you will definitely see a positive effect.

Want to learn how to get rid of excess water in the body in the shortest possible time? There is nothing easier: completely eliminate salt from the diet, stop using factory-made products, and literally in one or two days the swelling will disappear completely.

Method four: exercise

If the causes of fluid retention in the body are poor metabolism and sedentary work, start moving more. Even if you don’t have time to fully engage in sports, it’s not scary: it’s enough to allocate 10 minutes a day for exercises.

Twisting with weights, lunges with dumbbells over your head, plié, jumping from a half squat and even regular morning exercises will help speed up your metabolism!

Method five: take a healing bath

This is another answer to the question of how to get rid of fluid in the body in a short time. Procedure:

  1. No snacks or tea drinking at least two hours before the procedure. Even from ordinary water it is better to abstain completely.
  2. Pour water into the bath so that it reaches the armpits. Measure the temperature of the water - it should not exceed 38 degrees.
  3. Add about a pound of regular salt and 200 grams of baking soda to the water.
  4. Take a bath for 10 minutes. During this time, you need to drink a cup of green tea without sugar. Important: the drink must be hot!
  5. After getting out of the bathroom, pat your body dry with a towel.
  6. Lie down in bed, cover yourself with a warm blanket - you need to sweat well. Spend at least half an hour under the covers.
  7. Take a shower to wash off sweat.
  8. Do not rush to the refrigerator: you need at least an hour to hold out without food and drink.

Method six: unload

Experienced fighters with edema know that in order to prevent stagnation, you need to spend fasting days once a week. Here are the three most effective ones:

  • On milkweed. This magical drink is prepared simply: in two liters of milk, almost brought to a boil, you need to add a couple of tablespoons of high-quality green tea. Let the drink brew for half an hour and drink - as often as required by the body.
  • On kefir. Excess fluid is retained in the body - what to do? The answer is simple: buy a liter of 1% kefir and drink a little every couple of hours. One day of such a diet - and edema no matter how it happened!
  • On pumpkin juice. You can use a pure product, you can mix it with other juice (for example, from a carrot or an apple), you can dilute it with water - there is no difference. But when mixing, the main thing is not to overdo it: there should be as much pumpkin juice as possible, because it is he who removes excess water.

Another way to deal with swelling is to lean on the “beauty porridge”.

Boil oatmeal in water, add fruits and spices to it if you wish (for example, cinnamon, which also speeds up metabolism) - and forward to a slim figure! Remember: salt and sugar should never be added to such porridge.

We summarize: if the liquid is poorly excreted from the body, the reasons must be sought in oneself. Pay attention to your diet, level of physical activity, the amount of water consumed.

Most likely, the problem is easier to solve than you think.