What can be used for mulching. Materials for soil mulching. The positive effects of mulch

Soil mulching is a land cultivation technology to improve fertility. With this procedure, you can protect plants from the negative effects of weather conditions. Having studied the mulching system, you can do it yourself.

What is soil mulching?

Mulching is a soil protection technology for successful crop cultivation. This procedure for processing a land plot has been known since the 17th century. Previously it was called "soil shelter". It later became known as soil mulching.

Mulching involves laying a special protective layer on top of the earth, which is made from mulch. This material is a mixture of a complex of components that prevent:

  • weed growth;
  • drying out;
  • imbalance of water and air in the upper soil layer.

Soil mulching is most effective in the spring. In unsettled weather, temperature drops are often observed that can harm seedlings. To minimize the alternation of frost at night with dry weather during the day, mulch is sprinkled on the ground.

Soil mulching is applied after planting plants from greenhouses in an open space.

What are the benefits of mulching the soil, why should it be done?

Mulching has a complex effect on the soil. After applying a protective layer of mulch to the surface of the ground:

  • the evaporation process slows down, due to which moisture stays longer and nourishes the root system;
  • the acidity of the soil is normalized, as a result of which it better absorbs nutrients;
  • the root system becomes more resistant to temperature extremes;
  • the structure of the soil is improved, the effect of conditioning is provided;
  • nutrients are stored in the soil longer;
  • the spraying of soil on plants at the time of watering is reduced;
  • improves appearance plants;
  • the number of beneficial microorganisms in the soil increases;
  • increased protection against pests;
  • the number of weeds on the site is reduced.

Thanks to mulching after ripening, the fruits on low bushes do not come into contact with the ground and do not rot. Carrying out this procedure reduces the need for plant care, freeing up more time for land owners.

How to mulch the soil correctly (methods and rules)?

The soil mulching technique is classified into two categories: the type of material used and the processing technology.

According to the type of material used, soil mulching is performed in three ways:

  • traditional;
  • using organic mulch;
  • using inorganic mulch.

According to the processing technology, mulching is carried out:

  • by sprinkling the soil;
  • using covering materials.

Each of the methods has advantages and disadvantages.

Soil cultivation method according to the type of material used

Traditional mulching used most often. This method of tillage does not involve the use of additional material. A temporary protective layer on the surface of the earth is created by loosening.

Traditional mulching is also known as dry irrigation. Thanks to this method, the lower soil layer retains moisture and coolness longer, and at high temperatures the evaporation process slows down. Additionally, loosening kills weeds and provides oxygen to the soil.

Traditional mulching also has a number of disadvantages:

  • limited duration of the effect;
  • destruction of the soil structure;
  • decreased fertility (with frequent use).

Organic mulching involves the use of components of plant and animal origin to create a protective layer. Typically, this procedure uses recycled components formed as a result of agricultural work. This method of processing the site is considered the most effective.

Organic mulching

Mulching is carried out with the help of: straw, cut grass, sawdust, peat, wood shavings, crushed tree bark, chips, humus, fallen leaves and cones, sunflower, flax waste.

Organic mulching:

  • protects from frost and high temperatures;
  • retains moisture for a long period;
  • prevents crust formation after watering.

The mulch is poured onto the surface of the ground around the plant. The layer height is 5 to 7 centimeters. During the summer, the mulch will gradually disintegrate and mix with the soil, enriching it with nutrients.

Do not make the protective layer too thick - for this reason, infections and diseases will arise in it. If the mulch particles are too large, pests can appear in them.

It is produced using components of natural origin. In most cases, this method of creating a protective layer is performed using rocks or industrial materials: gravel, sand, crushed stone, pebbles, brick waste, polymer film, agrofibre, burlap, expanded clay.

  • protects the site from weeds;
  • retains moisture in the soil for a long period;
  • prevents overheating of plants.

The disadvantage of this method of soil cultivation is that inorganic materials do not disintegrate and do not improve the quality of the soil. On the contrary, with prolonged use, soil fertility deteriorates.

Methods for mulching the soil according to processing technologies

Mulching the soil is recommended when using organic materials. The application technology is simple: mulch is loaded into a bucket or other container, and then manually poured under each plant. In this case, the most difficult task is to keep track of the layer thickness. If it is too high, the soil will suffer more harm than good.

Covering the soil with covering materials involves the use of a special mulch film. It partially covers the soil and is used in the spring to better warm the soil. This method allows you to get an early harvest. The use of continuous film is allowed only in industrial conditions when growing plants in fields with a large area. The disadvantage of this method is that it does not prevent weed growth.

Mulching rules

Mulching is carried out every six months: in spring and autumn. In the spring - after sufficient warming up of the soil and removal of the old mulch, in the autumn - after the harvest.

Before mulching:

  • the site is cleared of dry plants as much as possible;
  • fertilizers are poured onto the soil surface;
  • loosening of the soil is carried out.

Mulching is also carried out in orchards and berry fields. The area must be watered before applying a layer of mulch. For autumn mulching, a 15 cm protective layer is allowed. Its thickness depends on the amount of light hitting the area. If the area is in the shade, there is no need to make a thick protective layer.

Spring mulching can be carried out when the soil temperature reaches +12 degrees Celsius.

You can learn more about the rules and features of the soil mulching technology with your own hands by watching this video:

Mulch types

Mulch is divided into two categories: organic and inorganic. Organic mulch has a complex effect on the soil, gradually rotting. Inorganic mulch is used for its intended purpose, and additionally has decorative qualities.

The list of the most effective materials for organic mulching includes:

  • pine nut shells- one of the most useful components for the soil, retaining nutrients for 5 years;
  • pine or larch bark- trees and shrubs are processed with this material, and its properties are preserved for at least 3 years;
  • cut grass- a universal element, compatible with almost all types of soil;
  • fine-grained peat- a component intended for the treatment of shrubs growing on sandy and clay-type soil;
  • fallen needles- a rapidly disintegrating material used for processing vegetable and berry plants;
  • dried hardwood sawdust- this type of mulch is used to increase the acidity of the soil (sawdust with resin cannot be used);
  • compost- a component made of undecomposed organic matter, which performs not only a protective function, but also fertilizes the soil;
  • straw- a universal element, compatible with almost all types of plants;
  • foliage and leafy humus- material used as a covering layer for the winter;
  • spruce and pine cones- lightweight material intended for crops growing in soil with a high acidity;
  • seed husks- one of the most effective components for maintaining moisture in the soil for a long period;
  • wood chips- a versatile material that additionally has decorative qualities;
  • bonfire- a material for vegetable plants made from parts of the hemp stem, which additionally has a protective effect against bacteria.

The list of the most effective materials for inorganic mulching includes:

  • roofing paper- roofing material with waterproofing qualities;
  • roofing felt- rolled roofing material that retains moisture for a long time and prevents weeds from growing;
  • black polymer film- a component that protects the soil from temperature extremes (not recommended for trees and shrubs);
  • black agrofiber- a material that allows water and oxygen to pass into the soil, intended for use in cool weather;
  • expanded clay- a type of fired clay mulch, designed to retain moisture in the soil and protect it from high temperatures.

It is allowed to use several materials at the same time for combined mulching. But care must be taken that the protective layer does not turn out to be too thick.

You can learn more about the advantages and disadvantages of various mulching materials by watching this video:

Do I need to mulch the soil in the greenhouse?

Young plants are most susceptible to external factors. Despite being in a greenhouse, they remain unprotected against temperature extremes, lack of moisture, and nutritional deficiencies. Mulching in greenhouses:

  • minimizes thermal vibrations;
  • protects seedlings from weeds and diseases;
  • improves the growth of the root system, thereby reducing the percentage of plant death.

Organic materials are best suited for mulching in greenhouses. According to the level of usefulness, in the first place are: humus, sawdust and straw. In second place is paper, cardboard and roofing felt. In the absence of the above materials, the use of film and spunbond is allowed.

The main mistakes when mulching

In the absence of experience in mulching, mistakes can be made, due to which the procedure will harm the soil and plants instead of benefit. The list of the most common mistakes includes:

  • the use of a thick layer of mulch during a wet period - leads to putrefactive processes;
  • the formation of a layer of mulch that is too high prevents light and oxygen from entering the soil, and also becomes the cause of diseases;
  • mulching in windy weather - the protective layer is not formed;
  • preservation of old undecomposed mulch on the soil in the spring prevents the soil from warming up.

Apply a thick layer of mulch in the fall only if the site is in an arid region, or snow rarely falls during winter. In other cases, a thin layer will suffice.

In the spring, before starting work on the garden, you need to remove the old mulch. This task is carried out by loosening the earth to a depth of 10 centimeters. Only then can new mulch be applied.

Mulching is a technology for creating a protective layer on the soil surface and improving its quality. This procedure increases yields and protects plants from temperature extremes, lack of moisture, and a set of other factors with the help of materials at hand.


Publications: 149

What is soil mulching? This is an agrotechnical method of maintaining plants in optimal conditions for efficient crop growth and harvesting.

  1. does not allow weeds to germinate (inhibits their growth);
  2. retains soil moisture;
  3. attracts earthworms (loosen the soil, improving its structure);
  4. when decomposed, mulch turns into fertilizer;
  5. stabilizes the temperature regime.

This process is carried out by covering the soil with mulch, which protects and improves its properties. Various materials can be used for this. We present the main methods of soil protection with step-by-step actions for caring for various crops.

Process: features and impact

Mulching is the covering of areas of soil around plants with some material that creates a certain looseness of the soil in order to retain moisture and suppress weeds. What effect does it have on soil and plants? There are a number of negative impacts on the earth's surface that can be safely resolved with mulch:

  1. Overheat... In the hot and dry season, mulch perfectly retains the moisture formed after watering or precipitation.
  2. Temperature drop... Mulching the soil maintains the optimum soil temperature required for favorable plant growth. The difference in air fluctuations accumulates in the mulch, forming condensation: the daytime hot stream descends on the cool soil, and at night, the heat from the ground evaporates into the cold atmosphere.
  3. Top dressing... The use of mulch solves the issue of the need for frequent soil fertilization. Its composition is characterized by constant rotting, processing of microorganisms, the appearance of earthworms.
  4. Weeds... Soil mulching has a detrimental effect on weed germination.
  5. Plant infection... Mulch reduces the number of pests and prevents the growth of fungus on plants.

It is very difficult for pests, especially slugs and snails, to move around the mulching material, so they choose an unprotected vegetable garden.

The mulching process greatly simplifies the gardener's work in caring for fruit trees and cultivated plants. With the help of it, in the future, you can get a rich harvest. The peculiarity of mulch is its beneficial effect on the structure of the soil, making it porous, in which gas exchange and saturation of the soil with moisture constantly occur.

Required material, fertilization methods

There are several ways to mulch the soil:

  • Covering - covering the surface of the earth with agrofibre;
  • Bulk - application of mulch over the earth layer;
  • With compost.

The choice of mulching method is necessary based on climatic conditions and the expected effect, for example, preventing weed germination or reducing the number of irrigations.

The third option is common, as it is suitable for all types of crops and can be used all year round. In terms of effectiveness, it is compared with humus. Any type of compost can be used as mulch.

When introducing unripe compost, there is a possibility of introducing fungal diseases

Two types of materials are used to modernize the process: organic and inorganic.

For vegetable and ornamental greens, organic material is most useful. Often this mulching is used for cabbage, tomatoes, garlic, celery, radish, asparagus or strawberries. The following elements act as organics:

  • Shell;
  • Tree bark;
  • Grass (fresh, dry);
  • Peat bog;
  • Butcher;
  • Sawdust;
  • Leaves;
  • Husk of sunflower seeds;
  • Straw;
  • Cones of coniferous trees;
  • Shavings;
  • Bonfire;
  • Humus.

A very effective and economical way is green manure mulching. For example, mustard is rich in nutrients and phytoncides.

Inorganic material does not fertilize the soil, but only retains moisture and prevents the rapid germination of weeds. In the cold season, some elements protect the plants from frost. The materials used are:

  • Film;
  • Decorative rock;
  • Cardboard (decorated with dry grass or wood chips);
  • Expanded clay;
  • Newsprint;
  • Non-woven fabric.

Each type of coverage requires individual consideration.

Film as a ground cover in creating the best conditions for cultural landscaping

A multi-colored or black film is suitable for covering the soil; in addition, you can use roofing felt, roofing material or lutrasil. They cover the beds, then strengthen and make holes for planting plants.

It is better to make cuts in the films along or across, thanks to this, moisture evaporates less, and water penetrates deeper into the ground.

Color film, depending on the color, has a beneficial effect on the growth of the following crops:

  • For zucchini and cucumbers, as well as berries, use black;
  • For tomatoes - red;
  • For cabbage - white.

Do not use a transparent film for mulching, as it causes active weed growth.

This method of shelter is suitable for the unstable climate of the middle zone, which is characterized by short summers. In the process, the material raises the temperature of the soil, reduces evaporation of liquid, and makes the soil cool on hot days.

This shelter is used to remove weeds without the use of chemicals. Thanks to him, any, even difficult to hatch, plants (for example, wheatgrass or loach) are displayed.

Advantages of black film:

  • Prevents the formation of a hard earth crust;
  • Retains a loose soil structure for 5 years;
  • Increases soil fertility;
  • Promotes the reproduction of microorganisms;
  • Increases humus content;
  • Keeps you warm in winter;
  • Prevents the formation of gray mold under strawberry bushes;
  • Decomposes weeds, enriching the soil with nitrogen;
  • Reduces the number of nematodes.

The film coating is suitable for garden trees, whose frost resistance is very low. For example, dwarf apple trees or berry bushes, the root system of which is located close to the soil surface (for example, strawberries).

Due to the fact that it is not typical for the film to decompose and feed the soil, many gardeners pre-mulch the beds with humus, and then cover the surface.

Other inorganic materials

Heavy mulch - stones of various shapes and sizes. The most accessible representatives are pebbles or gravel. They act as decorative ornaments on the site. The stones are laid out around the trees in the garden.

To get rid of weeds and minimize watering, decorative stones are laid out on a layer of perforated polyethylene, in which holes are made for water to enter (rain or targeted irrigation).

Raspberry bushes and legumes increase yields if mulched with paper. The prepared bed is covered with newspapers in several layers, and then sprinkled with grass, earth, hay or straw.

Scientists have proven that modern printing ink does not pose any threat to soil and plants.

Cardboard and kraft paper can replace film mulch, if necessary, heating the soil. It is used a couple of days before planting seedlings in the garden. The bed is covered with kraft paper, which increases the temperature of the soil by three degrees.

Neutral material for mulching is expanded clay. It keeps the soil moist and protects it from overheating. Most often, expanded clay is used for decorative purposes. In conjunction with heavy soil, it gives it lightness and permeability. Expanded clay is suitable for all plants, as it does not change the acidity of the soil.

Non-woven fabric can be of three types, depending on the production technology: light, medium and dense. It can be used as a heating element in early spring. The latter type of nonwoven fabric is used for weed control. The installation principle of such material is the same as for the film.

Non-woven fabric is free from the disadvantages of impermeable films, but retains all their positive qualities.

Organics and its application

By its composition, organic mulch can retain its beneficial features, relative to soil and plants up to 5 years. This group includes pine nut shells and tree bark, which provide looseness to the soil. They are suitable for mulching shrubs and trees.

The bark can be used in large or small pieces.

A versatile and simple mulch - grass. She found her application in greenhouses, in flower beds, flower beds and paths. Also suitable for processing near-stem areas of fruit trees. In order for the grass to fully saturate the soil with nutrients, in each area mulching is carried out at different times: in the north, after sufficient warming of the earth and the rise of seeds; in the south - before landing.

For mulching, only weed-free lawn grass is suitable (dried out - this way it will last longer).

Hay during mulching will work as well, but it must be cut before seeds form on the stems.

For sandy and clayey soil, peat is suitable. Berry bushes, tomatoes, peppers and eggplants grow well on it.

For mulching, only dark brown peat from the lowlands, which does not have large inclusions, is suitable.

Strawberry and eggplant bushes love twigs or fallen butcher needles. They perfectly protect plants and nourish them perfectly. Thanks to phytoncides secreted by needles, pathogens are unable to spread. The scent of the needles scares away insects, and makes it impossible to attack the plant.

The material decomposes quickly, is not durable, therefore it is rarely used.

In places where the soil is rarely amenable to digging (aisle, garden paths) sawdust or chips are used. This is due to the fact that it takes more than a year to completely decompose the material. Therefore, it is good to fill the soil in the raspberry with sawdust, and in late autumn - the beds with winter crops.

For mulching, do not use sawdust from trees containing resin. Before sprinkling, sawdust must be dried. Otherwise, they will acidify the soil.

To preserve moisture in the soil, seed husks are suitable, the main component of which is cellulose. It decays very slowly, therefore it is used throughout the season. Many gardeners use it on garlic and strawberry beds.

It is advisable to apply this mulch with a layer of 2-3 centimeters.

In the autumn period, for shelter for the winter of a vegetable garden, leaves are used that have fallen off or rotted. In addition, this mulch is ideal for growing cabbage and beans. After the ground has warmed up enough, this material can be used for tomatoes, peppers and eggplants. The cast layer protects the soil from freezing, therefore it is often used for flower beds during the early thaws.

Preference is given to healthy trees such as birch, linden and maple.

Straw is a versatile material, suitable for any greenery. It is best used for nightshade crops - potatoes, tomatoes. It protects fruits from pests, protects the plant from rot and anthracnose, and prevents leaf blight. Potato rows covered with straw scare off Colorado beetles, thereby reducing their numbers. The crushed mixture, in a layer of 10 cm, creates an insurmountable obstacle for mollusks, which feed on strawberries and cabbage leaves. Light colored mulch is ideal in summer as it effectively protects the roots from overheating.

Cones (spruce, pine) are an option for conifers and those that like acidic soil.

The campfire is part of the hemp stalk. It is used for growing any vegetables, both for open and closed ground.

Campfire mulch conserves moisture, saturates and fertilizes the soil, and also inhibits fungi and bacteria.

Manure is one of the best mulching foods... It saturates the soil with humic substances and mineral salts as it decomposes.

Only fully or partially rotted manure that has lain for more than 4 months is used. Fresh humus contains high concentrations of ammonia, so it is not used.

Recommendations for applying mulch to the soil: favorable time and proper care

  1. Mulching the land is best done in late spring or early summer. During these periods, the soil has warmed up enough and still retains moisture.
  2. Layers of mulch should be placed around or between plants, avoiding contact with the bark of trees, the base of the bushes and the stems of the seedlings, so as not to rot the culture.
  3. It is better to water the plants at the root, while keeping the top layer dry, in order to avoid the appearance of snails and slugs.
  4. Previously, it is better to apply nitrogen fertilizers to the ground if the mulch is used without compost.
  5. If the gardener wants to prevent the growth of weeds, then the mulch layer should be thick (5-10 cm).


In the role of mulch, organic and inorganic elements are used. The first group is the most useful, both for the land and for plants. Some components are characterized by a long-term effect of preservation of nutrients, contributing to the high-quality and fruitful growth of crops. Inorganic elements cannot rot. They are used to maintain moisture, a barrier to weed growth, and to maintain an optimal temperature for fruit trees and some vegetable plants. It should be noted that most inorganic substances are considered decorative.

Depending on the material used, mulching is carried out different ways... The most common of them are considered covering and bulk.

Components can be added at any time of the year, except winter period... The most successful is the end of spring or the beginning of summer. Many crops, like the summer cottage, remain for the winter, so trees, beds and some cultivated plants are prepared "for hibernation" in the fall, using frost-resistant mulch for this.

For mulching, you can use almost any component. Therefore, if there is unnecessary garbage on the site, then you should not rush to throw it away, it may be useful for ennobling the territory or fertilizing the soil.

In the process of growing various crops in the garden, it becomes necessary to protect the plant from weather disasters. To ensure resistance to the vagaries of the weather, it is recommended to prepare mulch. It can be used to treat the soil near trees, bushes, and especially at the root of small plants. In order to find out what mulch is and how to apply it, you should read the current article.

Soil mulching: what is it?

Mulching the beds is a way to improve the quality and quantity of the crop by covering the top layer with various plants, secondary raw materials from the woodworking industry or synthetic materials. The procedure can be carried out in areas with open ground. As a material, organic matter is preferred, which gradually decays and contributes to an increase in additional yield.

Mulching the beds is a way to increase the quality and quantity of the crop.

What is mulch and how can I separate it from the flooring? Mulch is a material of uniform consistency or a mixture of several components, which can create high-quality protection from harmful weather conditions of the top layer of the soil.

Knowing what mulch is, you can more accurately determine how to distinguish it from other protection technologies. All materials that cover the ground around the plants but allow the crops themselves to grow can be considered mulch.

Soil mulching is used to achieve several main purposes:

  • used as a top dressing for soil with low fertility;
  • preservation of moisture in the scorching rays of the sun;
  • providing quality nutrition for garden crops;
  • improvement of the gas exchange regime;
  • prevention of negative impact on the root system;
  • delay in soil leaching.

Before you start using the technique on your own, you need to know not only what mulch is, but also how to make it as useful as possible, as well as protect yourself from possible negative influences.

What are the benefits of mulching the soil at their summer cottage

Mulching the beds has a number of positive influences for summer residents, among the main ones:

  • prevention of evaporation of water in the area of ​​occurrence of the plant rhizome;
  • protection against high or low temperatures (in summer mulch protects against overheating, and in winter against freezing of the soil);

Mulching improves soil quality

  • ensures the establishment or maintenance of the optimal acidity level;
  • saturates the upper layers of the earth with nutrients;
  • improves the quality of the soil, it becomes more crumbly and allows fertilizers and other important substances penetrate to the rhizome in greater quantities;
  • prevents leaching and weathering of important microcomponents;
  • an organic variety of mulch allows you to accelerate the appearance and increase the number of beneficial microorganisms;
  • acts as a kind of protection against a variety of pests;
  • improves the appearance of the suburban area;
  • inhibits the growth of weed plants;
  • prevention of soil splashing during watering, that is, the fruits are cleaner and healthier;
  • protects against contact of ripe fruits with the ground, respectively, the risk of rotting and pest damage is significantly reduced. These factors are especially common when growing pumpkins, strawberries and cucumbers.

Disadvantages of mulching

It should be remembered that mulching the land is not always required, as this can lead to negative consequences. Most often, the disadvantages are associated with the manufacturing process or improper use of the mulch:

  • an excessive layer of mulch when processing clay types of soil can provoke the appearance of rot, which is especially dangerous in rainy weather. For such areas, it is worth making a layer of organic matter no more than 3 cm;
  • an increase in productivity does not occur in the first year, but only after 2-3 years;

Mulch prevents ripe fruits from touching the ground

  • in some regions, mulch can freeze plants during late frosts. The reason is that the mulch blocks the heat from below that could have been retained by the plant. When forecasts appear regarding the late onset of subzero temperatures, it is worth transferring mulching to spring;
  • when using grass, leaves, bark, etc., are created favorable conditions to shelter mice and moles. Often many worms and various insects are bred in the mulch, this attracts birds that can damage the plants. Slugs can grow in grass and paper mulches.

Types of soil mulching, what materials to use for the procedure

The main classification of mulch is made on the basis of its composition, so organic and inorganic forms are distinguished. Compost is organic, but it is often classified as a separate category. The organic form is always the preferred option, as it allows you to enrich the soil with useful trace elements.

Most often, wood mulch is used, namely leaves, coniferous needles, bark, shavings, paper, cardboard. Plant-based options are also helpful, such as hay, straw, freshly cut plants, etc.

There is a special concept of "active mulch" - this is a term that defines the laying of organic matter in order to obtain useful substances after processing the top layer by various earthen inhabitants. Active mulch means laying fresh organic bedding, it will be constantly eaten, and waste products are the best fertilizer for the soil. When using active mulch, it is worth regularly adding grass or other food for living organisms. Potatoes under such mulch yield up to 20 kg per 1 m 2, but this will require 30 kg of grass.

"Active mulch" is a term that defines the laying of organics in order to obtain nutrients


You can mulch in the traditional way - just loosen the ground around the plant. If you loosen the soil after watering, you can achieve longer moisture retention and coolness. It is often used during dry periods when most of the water is converted to steam and the land dries out quickly.

The traditional method of mulching the vegetable garden additionally allows you to eliminate weeds and provide a sufficient amount of oxygen in the soil. The positive side can be replaced by negative aspects - with frequent use, the structure of the land deteriorates, the technique does not affect fertility in any way.


Natural mulch is the best soil cover material. This category includes all types of waste. Agriculture... Mulching bark, like other woodworking waste, provides reliable surface protection.

Organics that are used as mulch also include:

  • straw, grass;
  • sawdust, wood chips and shavings;
  • leaves, pine needles and cones;
  • peat;
  • manure;
  • siderates;
  • eggshells, etc.

Natural mulch is the best material for covering soil


The main task of this variety is to protect against heat, moisture evaporation and violent weed growth. Inorganic variants do not fertilize the soil and do not affect the quality of its fertility, but they can be used for a long time.

Main materials:

  • stone, crushed stone, etc .;
  • polymer types of films;
  • expanded clay;
  • sand.

When and how to mulch the soil

Mulching should not be carried out in early spring, as lack of soil warming can lead to the formation of rottenness and rot, which is often found in the rainy season. Frosts at night are partially compensated by the release of heat from the soil, and when the top layer is laid, this phenomenon is significantly reduced.

Mulching is recommended towards the end of spring or early summer season. Heat-loving crops can be covered with a layer of organic matter at the end of June after high-quality heating of the soil, then the mulch will help maintain a comfortable temperature.

To ensure healthy air circulation, you should not lay the mulch close to the stem, it is better to leave a small indent. This is especially important for fruit trees.

It is possible to increase the effectiveness of the procedure in the case of applying flooring to the beds after watering or rain. It is recommended to loosen the soil before applying mulch. It is worth laying organic matter with a layer of 30 to 80 mm. When using an organic type of flooring, it is possible not to remove it before the onset of winter, since worms can settle inside in early spring, which will warm up the plant and accelerate growth. Due to the work of worms, high-quality humus appears in the middle of spring.

Rules and methods of mulching

If you follow the basic rules, you will be able to get the most out of your mulch:

  • weeds are preliminarily eliminated throughout the cultivated area;
  • the beds are filled with water;
  • the top layer of the earth should be loosened (from 5 cm);
  • leave the soil for a short time to dry the top layer, this will help prevent further compaction;
  • the procedure is recommended in late spring or early summer;
  • it is worth minimally using weeds for mulching or removing seeds from them. It is better not to use aggressive species at all;
  • there should be a small air gap from the stem to the cover;
  • it is not necessary to lay too large layers, otherwise rotting may be provoked or pests will start.

There are many ways to mulch:

  • growing green manure;
  • organic mulching;

Daylily mulching is best done with organic

  • the use of textiles or film;
  • peat coating;
  • surface composting.

Use of sawdust

For farms in which the invasion of mucus is noted, it is recommended to use sawdust for plant protection, since pests can hardly move along them. The material is universal, that is, it can be used on all types of soil.

Sawdust provides a number of positive effects:

  • maintain high levels of air permeability;
  • create a dense cover;
  • sawdust gradually turns into a fertile mass;
  • protection against overheating during dry periods.

Most of all, potatoes and tomatoes need sawdust, which are especially vulnerable to drought. It should be borne in mind that under the sawdust, delight can appear, which damages the development of plants. To prevent such a phenomenon, it is worth monitoring the caking process, periodically spilling mulch.

Hay and straw

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Straw provides some protection from slugs. This material is one of the best and is actively used as mulch. Initially, it is worth laying a layer of straw at 15 cm, it will gradually shrink, tamp down and be processed, respectively, it will remain about 5 cm.It has useful properties when laying mulch between rows, in open areas and under tree roots.

Straw provides some protection from slugs

Due to the availability of the material, it can be used on farms of various sizes. Mostly it can be obtained directly on the site, sometimes you have to buy it, but the cost is low.

The green mass (cut grass, weeds, etc.) will also have a positive effect. When using weeds as mulch, it is recommended to remove the seeds first.

When using hay or straw while protecting the tree rhizomes, it is recommended to lay the layer in the place where the roots are supposed to be, but leave air access to the root collar, as it requires dryness. Superficial changes in microflora will not harm the root system of the tree. Accordingly, planting of various covering plants, including lawn grass, can be used as turf.

The use of peat for mulching

Peat has several key functions:

  • protection against the onset of erosion after a strong wind;
  • prevention of deterioration of the fertile properties of the soil due to the leaching of trace elements;
  • reducing the risk of reproduction of pathogenic microflora.

When using peat, there is no need to harvest mulch, since the substance is gradually converted into soil and enriches its composition.

Peat when mulching

Peat supplements show themselves best of all when growing raspberries, since they need moisture, and peat retains it qualitatively. Peat mulch is used for tomato seedlings, but it is recommended to wait 1.5 months for the plants to take root. Often, peat is used to create a decorative appearance, since a beautiful dump can be created from it.

Mulching technology with green manure and cut grass

Ordinary grass and green manure are mainly located under the scorching rays of the sun, respectively, they quickly lose moisture. Due to this property, decomposition is significantly slowed down. Under the influence of rains, they are intensified in the field, after the autumn harvest. As a result of autumn and winter decay, a good fertilizer is obtained.

As a standard, mulch is laid in summer or autumn, but you can use early spring green manure technology using plants with rapid development... For mulching before the May planting of various crops, various green manures can be used, which, by the time the seedlings are introduced, have time to acquire a sufficient amount of greenery.

There are several rules for the successful use of siderates:

  • provide moisture and looseness of the earth during planting;
  • the seeds must sink into the ground, you need to roll them in;
  • protect seeds from birds;
  • mowing should be done before flowering;
  • no damage to the soil will occur during the procedure.

Siderat mulching

Features of mulching with film and textiles

To protect the soil surface and roots, it is best to use inorganic materials, however, you will have to feed the plants separately.

Conventionally, 3 main types of material can be distinguished: film, textiles and cardboard, stones and expanded clay.

Today, mulching with cardboard is often used. It allows you to suppress the growth of weeds, but it will be quite difficult to create a dense layer without gaps. Mulching with cardboard allows you to create paths that will retain some strength even after heavy rain.

Important! Mulching with cardboard can only be made from a relatively new material, since products 20-30 years ago contained lead.

Today, no harmful substances are used in the base of paper products, and the coloring pigment is ash. Cardboard mulching is one of the convenient types of organic fertilizer that takes a long time to decompose.

Stones and expanded clay decorate the site, but worsen the quality and convenience of earthworks. Expanded clay also has low strength and decomposes over time. Films and textiles are optimally suited for mulching, as they do not require a preparation process. They perfectly retain moisture and prevent weed growth, but they can be used only once, as they become unusable during the season (depending on the quality).

Mulching plants with foil

Three main factors should be foreseen in advance:

  • irrigation method, the drip option can be used or through the holes left;
  • a method of pest control, especially slugs are often taken under the film;
  • whether the plant will be able to withstand the heat from the sun.

From above, you can cover the material with straw, the layer should be thin, then the film will serve for several seasons. Textile materials are gaining in popularity, especially from polypropylene fibers. Such material has a low cost. Weeds under geotextiles die out quickly and reliably.

Mulching with bark and wood chips

The best mulch is obtained from the bark of oak and birch, but it cannot be used everywhere, since due to its chemical composition it leads to a slowdown in plant growth. The reason for the undesirable effect is the release of tannins. Accordingly, it is better to use other types of wood for the garden. Useful substances possesses needles, which does not lead to the release of tannins, but, on the contrary, accelerates the growth of plants due to an increase in soil acidity. It is better to use it alive as a landing in the middle of the site.

The advantage of using bark is the ability to create a large layer with low weight. In addition, the bark has many phytoncides that cleanse the surface from harmful microorganisms... This material provides an attractive appearance to the site, especially when used in the garden.

The best mulch is obtained from the bark of oak and birch

If you choose wood chips, you should inspect the size of the raw material, since with an increase in the fraction, the period of transformation of wood into fertilizer is significantly extended. Chips provide looseness and sufficient moisture in the earth. It stimulates the appearance of beneficial microflora.

Mulching with leaf humus

Even without further processing of fallen leaves, it can be used to create a layer of protection. An important condition in relation to the material is that the foliage must be completely healthy, the presence of lesions by fungus or diseases leads to the inability to use the material for mulch.

Foliage is often used in compost to increase nutritional properties and prevent the growth of fungus. It is advisable to carry out a preliminary antifungal treatment, it is carried out right before laying in the compost.

Leaf humus provides high-quality soil conditioning and improves its structure. It is allowed to use fresh, dry and partially rotted raw materials.

Using needles for mulching

The needles are often used to provide protection for flower beds and flower beds. Often the culture is used to create mulch in individual plants that periodically encounter a massive invasion of parasites. Small branches, bark particles and cones can be used as part of the cover. This option allows you to saturate the soil with a sufficient amount of moisture, ensure gas exchange and maintain the looseness of the surface.

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For some reason, many gardeners underestimate soil mulching, practically not using it on their plots. They cultivate the vegetable garden "the old fashioned way": autumn digging, spring loosening, planting and sowing, weeding, then watering and repeated weeding with loosening. This is a familiar set of techniques that ordinary people are accustomed to in various regions and regions of the CIS. But some amateur gardeners, brought up on the same examples, have already discovered the value of mulching (which, by the way, has been known for a long time and was used back in the USSR).

We will tell you about why mulching of the soil is needed (without which, as many believe, you can still do). If you want to get the maximum result at the minimum cost and prefer to act most efficiently - this topic will be very interesting to you.

If you are not mulching yet, then we are coming to you;)

What is soil mulching?

Mulching is the covering of the surface of the earth with any material that can be of both organic and inorganic origin. It is called by one capacious and simple word - mulch.

Initially, it was a layer of some kind of organic matter, which, like a natural process, covered the soil (both in the garden in the beds and in the garden under shrubs / trees). Later, special mulching materials appeared, which became a worthy alternative to organic matter. The most famous of these is the spunbond. But by and large, mulch can serve as anything that can be successfully applied for the purposes described below.

Why mulch the soil?

Mulch is the top layer of a material that serves a number of important functions. Let's consider them in more detail.

  1. Mulch perfectly protects the soil from the evaporation of life-giving moisture. This function can hardly be overestimated, because water is one of the most important components that are involved in plant nutrition. Everything depends on it - from germination and development of plants to their yield. Mulch allows moisture to remain in the ground, so that it is successfully used up by plants. Correct mulching of the soil significantly reduces the need for watering, which makes growing different crops easier and less costly. And in a dry season, this can literally save plants in cases where, for some reason, it is impossible to carry out timely watering.
  2. Mulching creates an optimal soil microclimate. Thanks to this agricultural technique, favorable conditions are created in the root zone not only for plants, but also for underground inhabitants. Under a layer of mulch, worms and beneficial microorganisms feel good and are active, which are involved in the transformation of inaccessible micro- and macroelements into a form accessible to plants. And this has a great effect on the development of agricultural crops and reduces the need for feeding.
  3. Mulching improves soil fertility. It allows you to create conditions similar to natural, in which underground inhabitants are actively working on the creation of humus (look at a forest, meadow or wild field, always covered with a layer of some kind of organic matter). Mulch is also a good food source for worms and microorganisms. It can be processed in the same season or become a source of plant residues in the next (it depends on how and with what to mulch).
  4. Mulching promotes soil health. This occurs through the natural colonization of the soil with beneficial microorganisms, which are natural enemies of many diseases of garden crops. The most striking example is hay stick, on the basis of which the well-known drug Fitosporin is produced. It is successfully used to combat late blight, powdery mildew and other dangerous plant diseases. In a sufficient layer of mulch, the hay stick develops on its own - this is a natural process that occurs everywhere in the wild. In addition to these bacteria, mulch can become an excellent substrate for colonization with trichoderma - another natural enemy of pathogens of agricultural crops. These microorganisms are the active ingredient of the very effective biological product Trichodermin. That is, mulching the soil naturally contributes to the creation of healthy conditions for the growth of plants by participating in the fight against harmful bacteria and fungi. At the same time, the need for treatments against diseases is reduced and due to the intensive and healthy growth of crops, maximum yields are achieved, which is economically beneficial in all respects.
  5. Mulch protects the soil from weathering moisture and various nutrients. Wind is a very important factor that is often underestimated by gardeners (after all, not only the scorching sun can dry out the earth). And not only the lack of moisture negatively affects the growth and development of agricultural crops. Weathering leads to the loss of substances beneficial to plants, which not only reduces fertility, but also causes soil compaction (that is, deterioration of its structure)... And this always negatively affects the plants and causes the need for additional measures to improve the soil.
  6. Weeds practically do not grow under the layer of mulch. If the layer is thin, then some vegetation may break through. But you can easily pull it out with your hands. Under a good layer of plant residues or under agrofibre, weeds do not survive at all. By the way, this is a great way to develop virgin lands and to free heavily overgrown areas from weeds. At the same time, herbicides and heavy mechanical tillage are not required, which saves time, money and effort. And on ordinary beds, mulching allows you to do without exhausting weeding.
  7. Thanks to mulching, you can keep your crops healthy and clean. The mulch layer protects the fruit from contamination and the penetration of diseases. The most striking example of this is garden strawberries, which remain clean and healthy on a layer of straw or hay (because they do not come into contact with moisture and soil). For tomatoes, mulch becomes a barrier between the ground, in which late blight can be, and the plant. This is an additional measure of prevention and protection against such a dangerous disease. Creeping cucumbers also feel better on the mulching layer, where there is no high humidity after rains or watering. It is known to be a good breeding ground for pathogens. Thus, mulching the soil protects not only the soil environment, but also the plants themselves from diseases.
  8. Mulch protects plant roots from being washed away during watering. The jet of water does not disturb the soil cover and does not expose the roots - this is prevented by the mulching layer. This is a nice bonus to everything else that magic mulch is capable of. Thanks to this, it is not necessary to specially cover the roots with earth or loosen it (we will talk about the latter in the next paragraph).
  9. Mulching protects against soil crust formation. This means that after watering, you do not need to loosen the ground again. It breathes well without losing its structure or crusting. Thus, in addition to the above-described buns, mulching the soil allows you not to do additional work, which facilitates the process of growing plants, thereby making it cheaper.
  10. Mulch can successfully perform decorative functions. In parallel with the above properties, in landscape design, mulching material performs an aesthetic function. They cover the ground with it, creating a decorative effect. For this, tree bark, pebbles, small pebbles and other materials are used. As you can see, soil mulching is a multifunctional and very effective technique that allows you to solve a large number of tasks in one fell swoop.

How can you mulch the soil?

Consider the materials with which the soil is mulched in the garden or in the vegetable garden.

  • Hay. This organic material protects the soil well from evaporation and weathering, subsequently becoming food for soil producers of humus. It is suitable for all plants, successfully coping with soil mulching tasks. During the season, the lower part of such mulch will be slowly processed into humus, which will require periodic laying of hay.

Any herb. Many experts recommend mulching the soil with slightly dried grass (i.e., not immediately after mowing it), explaining that it lays down quite tightly, not allowing air to pass through properly, and begins to rot. If you are only using mulch for surface cover of the ground, this advice can be heeded. Although a small layer of fresh grass will dry quickly in the garden and will not interfere with aeration. If the purpose of mulching is not only protection against weathering or evaporation, but also getting compost in the current season right on the garden bed - everything is exactly the opposite. We will talk about this in the article on active mulch - it will open up valuable information on how to increase yields, fight diseases and improve soil fertility in the most optimal and effective way.

  • Straw. It is also a good material for mulching soil if you have access to a sufficient amount of it. The famous potatoes under the straw, giving large yields - this is one of the options for the successful use of this organic material. Any crops can be mulched with straw.
  • Sawdust and shavings. This organics can also be used as mulch. But when applying it, you need to remember that fresh sawdust in the garden will begin to decompose with the active absorption of nitrogen, which is in the soil. It is consumed in high doses by those microorganisms that decompose. That is, such mulch will partially take away this element from plants. In order to avoid this, it is better to use sawdust that has already lain down for at least one season and has changed its color - part of certain processes will already take place in them, therefore there will be no such absorption of nitrogen. Sawdust protects the soil well from evaporation and weathering, perfectly allowing air and water to pass through. True, small sawdust can partially absorb and retain moisture in itself. By the way, with well-fertilized soil, you should not be very afraid of fresh sawdust, especially if they are not laid in a very large layer and then will be embedded in the ground or sent to a compost heap (over time, the nitrogen that is so necessary for plants will return to the soil). You can also use sawdust / shavings together with nitrogen fertilizers and ash, which will remove the issue of nitrogen loss by the soil and add micro and macro elements to it.
  • Leaves of trees. This is also a good mulch option, often used by gardeners. As a mulching layer, you can take forest litter, which perfectly protects the soil and is then easily processed into humus. But you need to remember that it may contain tannins.
  • Needles. This material in the form of needles is used on those soils that need to be acidified, or under plants that love a relatively acidic environment. In addition, the needles perform well on plantings of garden strawberries, protecting them from gray rot - a common problem of this culture. In other cases, it is better not to use needles, so as not to acidify the soil and not harm crops that prefer a neutral environment.
  • Peat, humus or compost. Lowland or transitional peat is a good mulch. Other types are not used for this case. It is important to mulch the soil only with dried and ventilated material so as not to harm the plants. Fresh peat can be toxic to them. The introduction of peat not only closes the surface layer of the soil, but also makes it looser, warmer and air / water permeable, which significantly improves heavy soils. The use of humus or compost as mulch also improves the structure of the soil, at the same time increasing their fertility. But these options are used less often, since they are expensive - it is still more efficient to use such a valuable material for plant nutrition.
  • Bark of trees, cones and wood chips. These materials are used in landscaping. They cover the ground well, successfully complementing the aesthetic picture of plant compositions. Wood chips can be tinted, which has an additional decorative effect, and the bark itself looks beautiful and goes well with green spaces. Cones also look pretty aesthetically pleasing. In addition to ornamental, bark, cones and wood chips successfully fulfill the functions described elsewhere in protecting the soil and inhibiting the growth of weeds. Although for the latter, in landscape design, as a rule, black agrofibre is used, which is placed on the soil under a powder of bark, wood chips or lumps.
  • Pebbles and sand. It can be stone chips, pebbles, granule sifting, crushed stone (including painted), sand and other materials that look beautiful. They are poured onto spunbond and perform a decorative function in flower beds and in various landscape design compositions.
  • Paper / cardboard. You can also use paper (preferably without printing ink) as a mulch soil layer. But this material is rarely used. This is just an alternative for small plots of land.
  • Film. Film can also be used to trap moisture, warm up the ground more quickly and prevent weeds from growing. But this is a temporary option that does not allow moisture and air to pass through, and can also lead to overheating of the soil in the root layer.
  • Agrofibre. This material has already gained popularity, providing us with the ability to quickly and effectively protect the soil from excessive evaporation or weathering, preventing weed growth and berry contamination. The advantages of spunbond are that it is inexpensive, allows air and water to pass through, 100% stops the growth of weeds and can immediately cover large areas of land, requiring the most minimal labor costs. In addition, in spring, it allows the soil to warm up quickly, which is prevented by early mulching of the soil with light organic matter. But this material does not improve fertility and is not so good for soil dwellers who are engaged in the production of humus. In addition to the above, there are other materials that can be used as mulch. This is a fire of flax, mustard cake, pieces of wool from industries, etc.

Rules and secrets of soil mulching

  1. It is important to know that mulching cannot be used on every type of soil and not in every area. So on heavy soils, especially in humid climates, where it often rains, it is generally not recommended to mulch the soil. This can lead to stagnant water and root rot. In the same regions where the issue of moisture evaporation is relevant, it is possible and necessary to mulch the soil.
  2. The layer of mulch on heavy soils (clay, loam) should be small - about 2 cm.On the rest - the optimal value is 5-8 cm. Smaller thickness will less protect the soil from moisture loss. In addition, a small layer of mulch material can be blown away by winds. According to experienced gardeners, a layer of mulch that is too thick interferes with the respiration of the root system. But for this it must be sufficiently compacted. The maximum thickness of 8 (sometimes 10) cm is more due to the proven effectiveness with the minimum cost of mulch than the fear of impairing root respiration. This confirms the fact that the so-called "active mulch" is laid in a rather thick layer and at the same time does not harm the plants at all. True, the land under such mulch has a certain loose and fertile layer (this is not clay).
  3. In spring, you need to start mulching the soil only when the soil has already warmed up enough. Otherwise, you will simply delay the development of plants or even harm them. As an illustration, an example from life: inexperienced gardeners planted potatoes in early spring before the soil warms up directly under the straw (to obtain high yields). And after a while they found that he did not ascend at all. While the neighbors' potatoes were already "spike" with might and main. After digging one of the holes, it turned out that the potatoes continued to be calmly stored in the soil, without even trying to germinate. And not surprising, because the temperature under a decent layer of straw was about the same as in the cellar.
  4. Soil mulching is carried out on loose watered soil. This is done for the following reasons: then the land will no longer be mechanically cultivated, and if the soil is left dry, the water will be poorly absorbed during the rains. Before mulching, you also need to apply mineral or organic fertilizers. After the event, tearing up the soil will be inconvenient and impractical.
  5. Mulching in the garden is also an effective technique, which ultimately works well for both trees and shrubs, eliminating the need to control weeds and allowing you to maintain an aesthetic appearance in the garden. Shrubs mulch 50 cm around the plants, and trees about 80 cm.
  6. Dry mulch that has been under the plants affected by disease is best raked up and burned. This will protect the plants from infection in subsequent seasons. If the cultivated crops remain healthy, then the mulch layer can be transferred to the compost heap, having treated it with Fitosporin for insurance. But if an active (hot) mulch was laid on the bed, it is left in the same place to complete the process of overheating (turning into compost).
  7. It is important to know: rotting straw has the properties of inhibiting the germination of plants, therefore it is not used before and during sowing.
  8. Correct mulching of clay soils significantly improves them, forcing the soil processes to radically restructure. N but this does not appear immediately, but only after three or four years. That is, on such soils, you need to be ready for long-term work, without waiting quick results... Improvement of heavy soils occurs due to the gradual formation of a humus layer (about 1 cm per year). For this, active mulch, peat, compost and humus are used.
  9. According to experts, an important requirement when mulching the soil is the absence of soil compaction and rotting processes that take place without air access. To do this, you do not need to tamp the mulch and apply too thick a layer of it. But this issue is still open and will be discussed in more detail in the topic of active mulch.
  10. After mulching the soil in the beds, it is very undesirable to trample, so as not to compact the soil. At a minimum, you should not step on the near-stem zone of plants, where soil respiration, moisture absorption and other vital processes take place.

This is the most important information about mulching the soil, which it is advisable to familiarize every gardener with. But that is not all. In the next article we will talk about "hot grass" or "active mulch", which has the maximum effect in dynamically improving fertility and impressively increasing yields. This is a very interesting topic for those who want to squeeze the most out of their site, having received a lot of tasty and environmentally friendly products.

Growing food and decorative crops is not only a difficult job, but also a real art. In other matters, having the desire and diligence in this difficult matter, you can achieve success. Moreover, nature itself has already tested everything on itself for a long time, and we can only learn from it and improve our skills in order to master the natural process - cultivation.

In autumn, the leaves fall for a reason, they seem to warm the soil, and a fertile surface subsequently develops under the natural blanket, moisture, in turn, is not wasted. So it turns out that plants are able to survive even in frost. In modern times, gardeners repeat the natural process of warming the soil and call it mulching, using a variety of materials.

For effective mulching, every gardener needs to know the basic rules for the implementation of this technology and choose the materials correctly. After reading this article, you will surely find answers to all your questions about soil mulching.

What is mulching

The process of mulching the soil is called agricultural practice, in which a person places additional protection on the topsoil. This layer can be made from different materials, but each of them meets several requirements - it protects the soil from overgrowth, retains moisture and stabilizes the air environment on the soil surface.

What is mulching for?

Many gardeners, having once tried to mulch the soil, no longer give up this fascinating process. And this is understandable, because a positive result is most often noticeable almost immediately.

  • Mulching effectively combats soil erosion, the soil allows air to pass through it, which means that the soil does not form a crust in the upper layer. Mulched soil is less likely to need loosening.
  • After mulching, the soil automatically becomes a barrier from the harmful effects of sunlight on the soil. The root system is protected from burns.
  • In winter, the soil warms up, respectively, perennial plants tolerate frosts more easily.
  • In spring and autumn there are frequent floods, heavy rains and winds. If the soil is mulched, these natural disasters are not afraid of it.
  • Since mulching creates a kind of blanket effect on the soil, a fertile top layer is formed under it. With such a soil, it is necessary to apply in minimal quantities.
  • The decorative function also has a right to exist. The beds look attractive when they are covered with a neat protective layer.

Benefits of mulching

Consider the benefits of mulch soil.

  1. The soil retains moisture longer, which contributes to a decrease in irrigation volumes.
  2. The root system of plants is protected from temperature extremes and unnecessary ventilation.
  3. The nutrients in the soil remain intact.
  4. Excess grass stops growing actively.
  5. Leaves and stems do not rot, which helps to increase yields.
  6. The soil becomes alkaline or acidic.

Disadvantages of mulching

There are also disadvantages of mulch soil. Although there are not many of them, it is simply necessary to know about them when deciding on the use of a mulch layer on the site.

  1. Mulching materials often rot. If it rains frequently in your area, the soil is heavy, and there is groundwater nearby, the chances of the decay process increase significantly. With this outcome, the vegetation can become sick and become covered with fungus, and the soil can lose nutrients.
  2. Winter plants in spring may not develop actively due to a delay in soil warming.
  3. When using organic or paper materials for mulching, pests can form a new home for themselves in such soil.
  4. When using grass or straw for mulching, weed seeds may be introduced into the area.

Mulching rules

When to mulch

The best time to mulch the soil is spring. As soon as the snow melts, heavy rainfall stops, and the soil begins to warm up, you can start mulching the soil.

How to properly mulch

It is worth noting that if you do not want to purchase a special mulching agent, then you can prepare the material yourself. With a shredder and lawnmower, you can mulch grass or use twigs, bark, sawdust, needles, straw and leaves.

When covering the soil, several mulching rules must be observed:

  1. Wait until the soil dries up, do not mulch after watering and rains.
  2. Loosen, dig up the soil and get rid of weeds.
  3. Lay the mulching material in an even layer, do not tamp.
  4. Remember that mulching requirements also depend on the crops grown. Berries should always be under a layer of mulch, under the trees should be laid mulch in a circle with a layer of five centimeters thick.
  5. If you mulch the soil in summer, use only green dry materials.
  6. If you mulch the soil just before planting crops, then do not use straw, it does not allow the plant to actively grow.

Materials for mulching soil

Usually soil mulching is carried out in three main ways: cover the top layer of the soil with black film or agrofibre, sprinkle the soil with organic substances, cover the soil with compost.

If you decide to mulch the soil with black film or agrofibre, choose material of exceptionally dark shades, since only they can prevent the active growth of unnecessary grass and weeds. In addition, it is under the black film that moisture stagnates longer, the water level in the soil is stably kept at the desired level. Usually, black film is used in beds with zucchini, peppers, corn and cucumbers, it is used to protect small bushes and young trees. In greenhouses, you can also effectively use black film, where it will serve to prevent the process of evaporation of water and maintain the level of humidity at the required level.

Agrofibre contains polypropylene fibers. This means that mulching the soil with agrofibre provides the plant with a proper supply of air, moisture, and also scatters light and serves as a good shield from excess grass.

Using organic mulching materials will work well for vegetables and flowers, tomatoes, garlic, cabbage, celery, asparagus, radishes, and berries.

What determines the choice of material

The choice of material for mulching the soil primarily depends on the natural conditions of the place where crops are grown and on what functions must be performed in the first place. This can be an effective fight against the grass, additional fertilization of the soil, or a desire to reduce the amount of watering on the site. I'll tell you about several popular mulching materials, and then you can decide what you need.

  • Shells from pine nuts used not only as a decorative material, but also as a substance for soil mulching. The shell retains its useful properties for about five years, first of all, it makes the soil loose and light.
  • Pine or larch bark used for mulching the soil near shrubs and trees. Moreover, it is not necessary to grind the bark into small parts, you can also use large ones. Depending on the quality of the material, the bark retains its beneficial properties for three to five years.

  • Cut grass(from the lawn, not weeds) are used in greenhouses, flower beds, in flower beds and near trees.
  • Peat will be a good material for mulching the soil in places where berries are grown. In addition, peat will effectively serve on sandy and clay soils, in places of sowing of tomatoes, eggplants and peppers.
  • Needles is subject to rapid decomposition, so it can only be used for one year. And here spruce and pine cones will be an excellent material for mulching the soil under coniferous crops.

  • Hardwood sawdust without resin, only dry ones should be used, they are used to increase the acidity of the soil and sprinkle paths. In the same time wood chips, as a rule, used as a decoration of the site. Leaves from trees(birch, linden or maple) that are not sick or attacked by pests are often combined with other materials to create an effective soil mulching mixture. Usually the resulting mixture is covered with berries, garlic, peonies, onions.
  • Husk from sunflower seeds retains water well in the ground.
  • Straw(from cereals) practically all types of crops are processed. This material serves as a good protection and fulfills all the necessary functions for mulch.

Now you know how to mulch the soil correctly, why the soil needs this process, when to process it and what materials to choose. We hope that this knowledge will help you grow crops with high yields, and ensure the beauty and attractiveness of flower gardens.