Wheat bran granulated. Caloric content Granular bran. Wheat. Chemical composition and nutritional value. How to consume wheat bran

IN recent times granulated bran has become a common item on the menu for those looking to lose weight. There are also opponents of this product who believe that it does more harm.

What is bran

When the grain goes through the processing stage, waste remains - its shell. This husk is the bran. Moreover, absolutely any grain is used for their production.

By themselves, they have a free-flowing form. But for ease of use, they can now be bought in granular form. Regardless of their shape, they have exactly the same value.

They are rich in vitamins (E, B1, B2) and minerals (potassium, zinc, iron, calcium, selenium). But what they're valued the most for is fiber.

The main types of bran and how to prepare them

No matter what culture the bran is made from, it comes in two main types: granular and non-granular. And those and others can be used as them so that the body is not harmed?

Non-granulated bran must be filled with hot water and left for half an hour. During this time, they will collect a sufficient amount of water, turning into porridge. It can be eaten neat or added to a dish. The eaten volume is from 1 tsp. up to 1 tbsp. l.

And if it's not free-flowing bran, how to properly use granular bran? When they are in the form of granules, it is recommended to cook in the same way. Although not necessary. If you eat them in the form of crackers, then you must definitely drink a sufficient amount of liquid. Bran is an excellent absorbent, but they only begin to act this way when combined with liquid. Therefore, you need to drink plenty of water. Otherwise, the bran can damage your health. At least two glasses of water should be drunk on a spoonful of bran.

Wheat bran

Wheat granulated bran promotes high-quality cleaning of the body. They are similar to a sponge that swells on contact with water. First you need to eat the required portion of bran, then drink it with liquid. It can be water, tea, milk, kefir, compote. Then they begin their journey through the gastrointestinal tract, absorbing toxins. Due to their swelling, there is a feeling of a full stomach. As a result, the feeling of hunger is significantly dulled, and the amount of food consumed decreases. Which contributes to the gradual weight loss.

Oat bran

Granulated oat bran is considered no less useful, but their task is slightly different. They contain a lot of fiber, which is responsible for beauty. It helps to remove toxins from the body, cleanses the skin. It also strengthens hair and nails.

In addition, they help to cleanse blood vessels, since their regular consumption can lower cholesterol by up to 10%. By the way, rice bran is significantly richer in fiber. If there is a need to lower cholesterol levels, then it is worth giving preference to rice.

Diet and bran

Often people who want to get slim are interested in whether it is possible to eat granular bran on the diet. Despite the fact that this product is very useful and considered safe, it is better not to overdo it with its amount in the diet.

Using bran for weight loss, how to use them? They must be introduced into the diet carefully, starting with a minimum volume. The eaten single serving should be gradually increased. First, within two weeks, it should be 1 tsp. at three times a day. Then a single serving can be increased to 1 tbsp. l. But if the work of the intestines is overly active, then it is quite enough to take 2 tsp. in a day.

Bran can be added to food. For example, instead of croutons in salads. If they are ground, then you can mix them with any food. For example, with buckwheat porridge.

But these are not all the options for how to use bran for weight loss. In order to reduce your weight, you have to give up starchy foods and sweets. And this is often the most difficult part of the diet. By adding bran to a baked cookie or cake, calories can be significantly reduced. It is worth using this opportunity so as not to get frustrated and not start eating high-calorie cakes.

Bran in cosmetology

It is possible to improve health, lose weight and improve skin condition not only by consuming bran internally. They are also used for external use.

For example, if you take 5 tsp. chopped bran and mix them with egg yolk and water, you get an excellent mask that can smooth out wrinkles. It must be applied to problem areas and left for one hour.

If you pour milk over the bran, you get a skin scrub. It is recommended not to rinse it off immediately, but to leave it on the face as a mask for another 15 minutes.

The benefits of bran

If you don't need to lose weight, is it worth eating bran granules? Are there any benefits in them?

This product is not in vain included in the dietary category. Due to their composition, the ability to saturate with a low calorie content, they are useful for many people with various health problems. And also for those who care about proper nutrition... For example, the beta-glucan they contain helps fight high cholesterol levels.

Bran is a lifesaver for people with diabetes, as using it as a supplement can significantly reduce the glycemic index of food. Therefore, the menu of such people can be more varied. Also granular otrubistanut is an excellent prevention for those who are predisposed to diabetes.

Their regular use speeds up metabolic processes in the body, acts as an immunostimulant.

Fiber, which is in large quantities in bran, helps to solve the problem of constipation. It promotes the multiplication of beneficial bacteria, so if you have dysbiosis, you should pay attention to this product. Granulated corn bran is recommended to be consumed in order to reduce the risk of cancer in the colon.

While pelleted bran can help you lose weight, it is not an absolute solution to this problem. They should be one of the components of a whole complex aimed at bringing your body into the desired shape. We must not forget about the full-fledged regular physical activity... You also need to adjust your diet.

Bran harm

With so many indications, it's hard to believe that this natural product can sometimes even be dangerous. You should not be zealous with the amount of bran consumed, as extremely large volumes lead to the fact that all the foods eaten are excreted too quickly from the body. And their beneficial substances simply do not have time to be absorbed. In addition to unpleasant problems with the gastrointestinal tract, this can lead to a violation of the vitamin and mineral balance in the body.

People taking medications should be aware that granular bran can significantly reduce its effect, as it is an absorbent, which acts similarly to activated charcoal. If you need to enter bran into the menu, it is recommended to discuss with your doctor the possibility of combining them with the medication you are taking.

Bran should not be consumed by people who have stomach ulcers. They are contraindicated for exacerbation of colitis or gastritis. But during the period of remission of these diseases, on the contrary, they are recommended for use.

Also, they should be discarded during pregnancy. They can be entered into the children's menu only from the age of three. Most often prescribed as a measure to combat constipation.

Bran, like any product, has its own indications and contraindications. It is recommended to use them for weight loss, as a treatment and prevention of diseases. They must be introduced into the menu gradually. Do not exceed the maximum allowable dose. It is also important to drink plenty of fluids.

Granular bran - their benefits and our risks

When people start talking about healthy eating, they think about bran as one of the first foods. A lot has been said about the benefits of bran: and what it is healthy fiber, and that they are necessary for the work of the intestines, and that they remove harmful substances from the body, help fight appetite, in addition, they contain a lot of useful substances, which is why bran is especially indicated for vegetarians and fasting people.

Bran is the shell of the grain; if not separated, the flour from such grain will quickly go rancid *. First of all, because of this "defect" at the turn of the XIX-XX centuries, bran almost completely disappeared from the diet of residents of industrialized regions. And only in our time, bran again return to the diet. However, it is still as an additive to healthy eatingrather than as a complete product.

* By the way, please note: the shelf life of whole grain flour cannot be long.

A distinction should be made between simple bran and granular bran.

What you need to know about granulated bran:

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(c) Maria Verchenova

Julia, 05/28/17:

Food for hamsters :))))) Funny :))))))

In this article, I will focus on granular bran separately. In my family they are called "hamster food" - what else can you call crispy brown balls with a faint nutty smell?

Bran and liquid
Bran must be taken with a liquid - milk, yogurt, kefir, juices, broth, etc. Otherwise, they simply will not swell and will not give the desired effect - your body will not receive the very fiber for which it is worth eating bran.

Introduce bran into your diet gradually
Bran should be introduced into the diet gradually, starting with two to three tablespoons per day (this is about 15 grams). You can't just bring a pack home and cuddle it while watching a TV series / educational film in English. Otherwise, there is increased gas formation, possibly a feeling of heaviness in the abdomen, mild constipation and other unpleasant, but not fatal, symptoms. They pass over time, but it's better and more productive without them.

If within 3 or more weeks there is a break in taking bran, then you need to re-introduce them into your diet, starting with 2-3 spoons. However, if your diet already contains a lot of fiber, i.e. raw vegetables and unprocessed cereals, you can stay on these 2-3 spoons.

Bran and calcium
Bran, or rather fiber, getting into the intestines, begins to "cleanse" our body. This means that there is a binding of various substances that have entered the intestines with food or as waste material prepared for excretion. Calcium ions are the easiest to "bind" and leave the body. Therefore, if you do not add calcium-containing supplements and preparations to your diet together with bran, calcium will begin to be excreted, which entered the body with ordinary foods. In other words, calcium deficiency is possible.
It should be noted that a number of manufacturers add calcium directly to the bran. Moreover, the composition is balanced in such a way as to maximally compensate for the "binding" of calcium. Therefore, it is useful to look at the composition indicated on the package. Or read additional materials on the manufacturer's website.

Naturally, bran is contraindicated in people with acute gastrointestinal diseases, gastric ulcer and duodenum in the acute stage, as well as in a number of other diseases. Manufacturers usually indicate a list of contraindications on the packaging - check with it every time, even if you have been using this brand for a long time, because the recipe may have changed.

Variety of flavors
Some manufacturers produce bran with different additives and flavors. On the one hand, this is good - you can choose your favorite one, or try a new one every time, enjoying the variety. On the other hand, it is important to check the composition and contraindications for each option. For example, a manufacturer produces bran flavored "Yabloko" and "Cranberry". If only an apple is added to the "Yabloko" bran, then the addition of cranberries and sugar to the "Cranberry" bran is quite possible. And this means that such bran is already contraindicated for people with diabetes.

Bran production
Granular bran is produced by extrusion. This is when a certain mass is heated in several stages to a high temperature, approximately 120-150 degrees, and then, under high pressure, the hot mass is "spit out" from the extruder through the forming head into the low pressure area. From such a drop, a small droplet of dense mass breaks up and becomes large and fluffy, i.e. loose. Then, if necessary, the resulting pads are dried or even fried. Corn sticks are made approximately according to this principle - see the video. Only in the case of bran, of course, they are not doused with oil and powdered sugar.

How tasty treats are made by extrusion. Using corn sticks as an example

On the one hand, the extrusion process is good because the minimum amount of oil is used here and only natural ingredients are initially assumed. On the other hand, there is still debate as to how neutral this process is for our food, because Under the influence of temperature and pressure, various changes in the biochemical properties of the initial products occur. For example, protein denaturation (instead of amino acids, we get a set of trace elements) or starch dehydration (change in its structure) definitely take place.

If you don't have to worry too much about proteins (we are talking about bran, and there are, in principle, few proteins), then starch dehydration can play a cruel joke. For example, this increases the glycemic index of our bran, and here you need to keep your ears open. In addition, the processes occurring in the initial products during extrusion are not yet fully understood. It is unlikely that something super-harmful can be expected there, but until we know all the risks, we should not get carried away with "hamster food".

Thus, it turned out that even such a product as bran obeys the golden rule: everything is good, but in moderation. In this regard, for myself, I defined granulated bran as a delicacy - i.e. sometimes a little, and not every day in packages :))))

How can granulated bran be used:
  1. Croutons in a salad (for an example of a recipe, see the end of the article)
  2. Low-calorie cookie alternative
  3. Ready breakfast with the obligatory addition of milk or juice
  4. A snack option on the road. The bran is especially good here because do not require special storage conditions. And this means that on the road they will not deteriorate, they will not turn black, they will not spill. At the same time, a packet with a snack will be quite light, and the feeling of satiety will be quite comfortable. And besides, it is convenient to eat on the go (does not get your hands dirty) and even in the car (does not crumble).
  5. Partial or complete replacement of bread
  6. Croutons for puree soups and broths

By the way, bran is good because it is unpretentious in terms of storage and transportation. Therefore, it is not necessary to go shopping in search of the "right" bran, you can order delivery. Especially for such cases, I have prepared a selection of decent bran in the well-known Ozon.ru online store.

Bran is a by-product of processing grain into flour and cereals. When different varieties of flour and cereals are produced, from 20 to 28% of the grain weight remains in the bran. Depending on the source grain, the bran is wheat, rye, oat, soy, barley, rice, buckwheat, etc.

The bran composition includes frayed grain shells, unsorted remnants of mealy substances and germs. By the chemical composition of the bran from different types grains have differences and, as a result, different nutritional value and energy value. Common to all species is a high content of fiber, fat, protein. In addition, they contain nitrogen-free extractives, ash, phosphorus (about 80% of phosphorus from grain goes into bran), calcium, amino acids, vitamins of group B, A, E. Bran have a light yellow or grayish tint, smell like seeds of the original raw material, taste without bitterness or sour taste. The water content in the bran composition should not exceed 15%. Alien inclusions of heliotrope seeds, trichodesma, traces of rodents, foreign objects are inadmissible. According to the degree of grinding, the bran is divided into coarse (large) and thin (small), the release forms are loose or granular.

Granular bran. When granulating, the mass is compacted up to 10 times, and this gives unconditional advantages during transportation and storage. Bran in granular form is better preserved, because, due to the high density and lower specific surface area, the action of yeast and mold fungi, pathogens is reduced.

Bran applications

Feed bran. Bran is widely used, primarily as a feed additive for farm animals and poultry. The protein (protein) that is part of them is almost completely digested by the animal's body. The nutritional value of bran depends on the proportion of flour - the more flour and less shells of grain, the higher the nutritional value and calorie content. Bran in feed is used both in pure form and as a raw material for the production of compound feed. The most valuable feed bran is wheat and rye; they are used as feed for all animals. Other species are high in fiber and can only be added to diets for adult cattle and sheep.

Bran for animals- for cattle, pigs, horses, sheep, poultry. On dairy farms, bran is an irreplaceable feed. Their consumption is recommended for dairy cows, up to 4-6 kg. per head per day, and young cattle, and also in large quantities. Bran for cattle is given with semi-liquid feed or mixed with straw chaff or chopped, for pigs and horses - in the form of swill. Horses can only be fed wheat bran, up to 30-50% of the oat norm. Pigs and poultry use less nutrients from bran than other animals. In compound feeds and feed mixtures, bran is included in the following amount: for cattle - up to 30-40% (wheat), up to 10-20% (rye); for sheep - up to 20% (wheat), up to 10% (rye); for adult birds - up to 15%, for young chickens from 8 weeks of age, ducks and geese from 4 weeks of age - up to 5%; for pigs - up to 10-15%, for horses - up to 10% and for rabbits - up to 15% (by weight).

Bran use in other areas. Rye and wheat bran are used in baking bread: their small content in bread improves it taste qualities, improves intestinal motility. Oat bran is an excellent dietary food product that has healing properties, are used in their pure form, as well as in baking cookies, bread, etc. Mustard bran is used in the production of mustard plasters, linseed - in the preparation of compresses, almond - in cosmetology, body care, to moisturize the skin of the hands and face. Other types of bran are widely used - corn, pea, lupine.

Wheat bran feed

Wheat bran have the following average composition, in%: water - 15; dry matter - 85, protein - 15.5, including digestible - 9.7; fiber - 8.4; fat - 3.2; nitrogen-free extractives - 53; ash - 5.3. The digestibility of organic matter is about 80%. 1 kg of wheat bran contains an average of 0.75 feed. units, 8.8-9.2 MJ of metabolic energy, 151 g of digestible protein, 2.0 g of calcium. 9.6 g of phosphorus, etc. Wheat bran is rich in microelements and B vitamins. In terms of chemical composition and nutritional value, wheat bran is better than rye and even more so than rice. Wheat bran contains a large amount of phosphorus, more precisely - phytin, an organic substance in a warm aqueous solution that has a laxative effect on the gastrointestinal tract of a human or animal body. In contrast, eating wheat bran dry can stop diarrhea. This product accounts for up to 60% of the total mass of compound feeds in the diet of animals: for fattening cattle, dairy cows and sheep - 50-60%, for horses, calves, pigs - up to 40%, for young pigs - up to 25%. Wheat bran of loose form has poor flowability and high values \u200b\u200bof hygroscopicity - the ability to absorb moisture. Therefore, the recommended storage places are dry, warm, well-ventilated rooms. The shelf life is 1 month. The advantages of the granular form were mentioned above, the shelf life is 1 year.

Our company YUSIKO offers you to buy wheat bran at the best prices in Moscow (Zelenograd). Round-the-clock wholesale supplies of products manufactured in accordance with GOSTs.

What are they?

In essence, bran is a by-product of grain processing (into cereals or flour). Depending on the type of flour or cereal that needs to be obtained, 20-28% of the grain mass may remain in the bran. In addition to wheat, bran can also be oat, rye, barley, soy, buckwheat, rice, etc.

Bran is conventionally divided according to the degree of grinding into:

  • large (rough);
  • small (thin).

And in the form of production for:

  • granular;
  • loose.


The composition is based on:

  • worn shells of grains;
  • unsorted residues of flour substances;
  • unsorted remnants of flour germs.

Chemical composition different bran may differ and depends on the type of grain in the processing of which are obtained. From chem. composition depends on the nutritional value and energy value... Common to all species without exception are high content

  • proteins;
  • fat;
  • fiber.

Wheat bran contains in varying amounts:

  • ash;
  • amino acids;
  • calcium;
  • nitrogen-free extractives;
  • phosphorus;
  • vitamins A, B, E.

In appearance, high-quality and fresh raw materials are grayish or light yellow in color and have a pronounced smell of wheat seeds. The taste should not be bitter and sour. Water content exceeding 15% and foreign objects and impurities is unacceptable.

Application area

Wheat bran can be divided into several categories according to the area of \u200b\u200bapplication:

  • Fodder. It is widely used as a food additive for animals and birds. IN agriculture valued for its high nutritional mass and fruitful effect on the animal organism. They can be used both in pure form and as the main ingredient for the production of feed compound feed. Wheat bran is indispensable on dairy farms. Perfectly used for feeding horses and goats. Bran is less effective in feeding pigs and chickens.
  • Used in the human diet. They can be used both in pure (raw) form, and as one of the ingredients for various dishes. The most frequent use in baking flour products, in particular bread, is noted. Wheat bran is a dietary product and significantly improves intestinal peristalsis. Recommended for children and adults of all ages. In its pure form, it can be used both in bulk and in the form of useful dry bread.

Wheat bran, depending on the purpose, can have a different dosage of packaging. As a rule, for human consumption in bulk, they are packed in paper or polypropylene bags. In bulk, bran can be bought in bags or in bulk as animal feed.

Benefits of buying from us

Each wholesale purchase from us is associated with a number of undeniable advantages. Among them are the following:

  • only affordable prices with the ability to fix the cost of a batch of goods for six months and installments (for regular customers);
  • we cooperate directly with leading manufacturers selling goods made according to GOST;
  • we deliver orders around the clock and seven days a week (in Moscow and the region for free);
  • we conduct promotions and offer special conditions for the purchase;
  • various payment methods;
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Greetings, readers! Did you know that just 5 grams of fiber a day will help you maintain weight? And yet - reduce the risk of being overweight by 11%.

Today on the agenda is bran for weight loss. This product is not absorbed by the body. But due to the high fiber content, it perfectly cleanses and nourishes.

I propose to understand this product and its useful qualities!

Grain shell

Bran, in essence, is a by-product of the milling industry. They are the most valuable thing in cereal grains.

The remains of the grain shell contain a large amount of fiber. And it, in turn, is necessary for our body.

For clarity: if we talk about the benefits of bran for the body, then it is 9 times higher than the benefits of the target product.

Consequently, the nutrients in flour and various cereals remain at the level of 10%. The rest (which is 90%) is in the shell.

Bran to animals?

It is said that the bran was used to feed livestock. And people began to use them quite recently.

Friends, I remember very well how in my childhood my grandmother fed pigs with compound feed. It included granulated bran.

Then I did not know yet what this product was called. But when I plunged into the world of a healthy lifestyle, I was very surprised by this. I truly believed there was livestock product on my table.

However, after surfing the Internet and studying the information, I found out that bran has been known to people since ancient times.

The famous Avicenna made his patients eat a grain shell. So he treated constipation. He knew perfectly well that bran has a beneficial effect on the digestive tract.

Beneficial features

Bran has a broad effect and helps:

  • speed up metabolism;
  • improve intestinal peristalsis and get rid of constipation;
  • remove toxins and toxins;
  • reduce appetite;
  • supply the body with slow carbohydrates;
  • lower blood cholesterol levels;
  • reduce blood sugar levels.

So, friends, it will be easier to lose weight with bran. They fill the stomach, satisfy hunger well. And there are few calories.

Product varieties

Brans are granular and loose. The former are similar to cereals, they can have different shapes: ball or rod-shaped. Loose bran - in the form of a coarse powder.

In granules

Granular bran is made by extrusion. This is when the mass is heated to a high temperature.

This hot mixture is then pushed out of the apparatus and into the low pressure area. And this piece of dense mass breaks apart, becomes loose and porous.

Thus, bran granules are obtained. And so far there is no consensus on whether this type of product is useful. Still, it is produced under pressure with a high temperature.

be careful

Some manufacturers offer this product with different additives and flavors. It would seem that everything is fine. However, pay attention to the composition. I have bought bran flavored "Cranberry" or "Apple" several times.

As a result, the ingredients included sugar, flour, salt, and some dyes. Naturally, you can forget about losing weight with such a composition. Plus, they're quite tasty. And you can eat a whole pack without having to blink an eye.


Supermarkets have a huge selection of this type of bran. They come from different varieties - buckwheat, millet, linseed ... And the most popular are three types.

Their mineral and vitamin composition is almost the same. The only difference is in the percentage of elements.




Calorie content - 220 kcal. The composition contains polyunsaturated acids - omega-3 and omega-6.

Also, like granulated bran, it can have various additives. Therefore, it is important to make sure that the product is “clean” before purchasing.

Application features

Before using bran, you need to read the following information.

You need to start introducing bran into your diet gradually. Enough 1 tsp. three times a day half an hour before meals. A prerequisite is the consumption of large amounts of water.

This is to make the bran swell in the stomach. It is under this condition that they perform their functions. You can drink any liquid - various teas, fresh juices, kefir, etc.

The daily dosage of bran is 3 tbsp. l. And it must be divided three times. Otherwise, you can exacerbate the work of the digestive tract.

You can take any kind of bran - they are all useful. Just pay attention to the additional ingredients in the composition.


Undoubtedly, this milling product is good for the body. However, there are also pitfalls here. Due to the high fiber content, doctors do not recommend eating bran to the following people:

  • with exacerbation of gastritis;
  • ulcers of the stomach and duodenum;
  • children under 2 years old.

We use it correctly

To stay always in shape or to put your figure in order, you must use this product correctly.

If you decide to diversify your diet with granular bran, then there are several ways to use:

  • as croutons in a diet salad (for example, in "light" "Caesar");
  • like cookies for tea;
  • dry breakfast with juice or vegetable milk;
  • snack on the run;
  • replacement of bread;
  • like croutons for puree soup.

Loose bran can be used:

  • as a breading for vegetable cutlets;
  • as an addition to scrambled eggs (you get oatmeal);
  • in baking healthy bread;
  • as an additive to porridge.

Doctors advise against consuming bran on an ongoing basis (daily). Associating this with the fact that fiber also removes beneficial microflora from the intestines. 2-3 times a week will be enough. Personally, though, I disagree.

In most cases, our daily dietary intake of modern foods does not consume enough fiber. Therefore, adding a couple of spoons to our diet will not cause any harm.

What to remember

Bran is a valuable product for humans. It's not for nothing that it's associated with healthy eating.

Include bran in your diet, adding them to different dishes - this will only benefit your body.

Drink more liquid - only then the necessary mechanism of action of the milling product will start.

Now let me remind you which bran is best to use: any loose and granular. But! Be sure to look at the composition. It must be “clean” and healthy (no sugar, salt, etc.).

Do you like bran? How often do you use them? Share in the comments!

On this I say goodbye to you, but not for long. Until next time on the open spaces of my blog!