We calculate the abandoned villages. Notifications Old villages of the Novosibirsk region

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© Olesya Serdtseva

23 Nov 2017, 05:00

Over the past ten years, 35 settlements have disappeared from the map of the Novosibirsk Region. Reasons: lack of social and cultural facilities, water, electricity, transport and communications. According to the law, a village can be considered abolished if not a single inhabitant lives on its territory for three years. But what about the people whose villages are being abolished, cutting jobs and ruining infrastructure? How people survive in dying villages - in the report Taygi.info.

Moshkovo, as it should be for the administrative center, is a well-equipped village with paved roads, supermarkets and shopping centers. In the Moshkovsky district - fifteen secondary and ten general educational institutions, one boarding school, thirty-one feldsher-midwife paragraph. Nearly 10,000 people live in the regional center, and just over 40,000 live in the region. A few kilometers from Moshkovo is a place from which residents are strongly advised to move.


To get to Uchastok-Balta after the first train that arrives at Oyash from Novosibirsk at 8:40 in the morning, you have to wait an hour and a half. There are only two buses from Oyasha a day. According to the head of the Moshkovsky district, Sergei Evstifeev, the money for transport is allocated to them taking into account the number of residents. But there are still prospects for transport accessibility: “We have an active population growth, only in 2016 we added 1086 people, next year it is planned to increase the subsidy, as a result an additional route will be introduced,” Evstifeev promises.

The locals call their village poetic-Mirror, an abundance of ponds, in which mirror carp are still bred. True, a few years ago the lakes were given to private owners, fishing for visitors became paid, and for the villagers it was preferential, but limited to one fishing rod.

The village does not look deserted: children on bicycles appear from one yard, then from another yard, but the farmer Sergey Chuev believes that “everything is broken and plundered”: “There was a construction shop, there is nothing. Of course, it’s a pity to look at all this, but you’ve already got used to it. ” The ruins of houses alternate with neatly laid out sheaves of hay and rare agricultural equipment.

I have four children, now two little daughters live. The family breeds chickens, pigs, Herefords (breed of cows - approx. Taigi.info). There is no other work, says Sergey, in Mirror for him. There are lands, but they are empty and overgrown with birch forest.

“I can drive any car, any tractor, up to a small tank. But, you understand, what offends: at the age of 54, a tynik is unnecessary. With or without education, thirty-year-olds are now required, - Chuev is angry. - Avohrane sit - just drive people, or open the barrier here. Where to go? They give the labor exchange 5,000 in the winter period, that's all.

The head of the district has other information, he says that there are more than a hundred vacancies in the Moshkovo employment service: “We need category D drivers, teachers, doctors, paramedical personnel, tractor drivers and other agricultural workers.”

"They will take the city - good, they will not take it - move over"

Previously, the entire Uchastok-Balta was not feldsher-midwife point, a hospital with a delivery room, a surgical department and a dentist. And now “they will take you to the city - well, they won’t take you - move over,” Chuev complains: “There is a paramedic who will offer you an activated charcoal tablet. There is an ambulance that will never get there from Oyasha in the rain - it will get stuck halfway.

In the queue at the village store they say that it becomes very difficult when the paramedic's car breaks down and the doctor refuses to go on foot: “We call soon, they say that we have a paramedic, if he calls, they will come.”

“There’s nothing here, they all fucked up [destroyed]. We are helping Syria, we are helping Donbass, we are finishing up the last of the aces. Like, everything is fine with us, everything is fine, ”says the man from the queue. Then he turns to the saleswoman: “Give me two loaves of bread and bottles for alcohol.”

“Yeltsin shouted that the farmer would feed the country, but this did not work out”

Even the Baltins complain about the problems with the vault, but the head of the district claims that failures happen only in the summer when the crops are watered, and in general, it is the residents themselves who do not want to collect money on time.

“Well, we hold on, we work somehow, we strive to live, but we don’t finish with this,” says Sergey Chuev. - Although Yeltsin kept shouting: "The farmer will feed the country." But that didn't work out."

Andrey's neighbor Andrei Isachenko is almost satisfied with his life: “Move? Where? God forbid, there are a lot of people everywhere. It's calm here, there's a pond, I went and swam. Hares run around the countryside, black grouse (black grouse - approx. Taigi.info) fly. Now I work on a combine, I milk the grain, the state farm is a little tense. I am raising two sons. There are a lot of gas and cars in Avgorod.


Vsele Eltyshevo, filed by the register of settlements of the Novosibirsk region, there is only one health facility (FAP) and one education facility four-year school). There is also a monument to the heroes of the war on a hillock, crumbling houses and a taxophone visor without an apparatus. The Eltyshev sheep, grazing in loneliness, at the sight of people immediately rush in all directions.

Until the nineties, the village flourished with four state farms: "Voskhod", "Sickle", "Hammer" and "Sun". Gradually, they developed into cooperatives, one after the other, leaders changed in them, who, according to local ambassadors, “rolled everything out to the pobolists”.

Roman Tkachenko, born in Eltyshevo, studied in the city as an electric welder and returned to his native places in practice, but soon realized that there was no life here. “See the iron fence? The technology was here. Thirty combines! There was a garage, a mill, a dryer. Now it is allegedly reconstructed. The lights came on - it's called "elevator restoration", he says. - Unas left to live a hundred people, about twenty houses are abandoned. I tried to organize a meeting, to attract young people to raise the village. After a collective complaint to us, even the head of the administration of the Moshkovsky district did not come, although he promised, he only kicked his deputies, nothing new.

The building of the village house of culture is clogged with boards; it has been closed for repairs for a year now because of the rotten floor. According to the chairman of the council of deputies of the Moshkovsky district, Natalya Krupko, they even allocated money for the repair to make it by June 2016, but they didn’t do it. “There, a fungus started up in the manager's office and struck the entire floor,” explains the deputy. - They plan to transfer the library from the cultural center to the school. They said that for 2018 they included in the reconstruction plan. They promise another roof. But for some reason, I don’t really believe this. ”

Before, on weekends, at least young people would come to the club, but now it’s like a graveyard here. The head of the Moshkovsky district knows about the rotten floor and even says that jobs will be created while it is being repaired.

“The Naeltyshevsky Inakaylinsk House of Culture has been allocated 400,000 for 2018, and an auction will be held this year,” he says. “Most likely, the firm that wins the tender will need obsolete laborers, perhaps they will attract 2-3 people who know the specialties, this is practiced by them.”

White peeling building next to the club- four-year school. In the fifth grade, children move to the neighboring, Kaili.


“There was a nine-year school here, it was closed in 2008. Mybilis, wrote at all instances. Unprofitable. Because a person is worth nothing now. Now they are taking our children to Kayla. Not the best option,” sighs Krupko.

The school has a cook, a watchman, a cleaning lady and only one teacher: she is the director, she leads the beginning school, physical education, and circles.

“It makes no sense to make a nine-year plan in Veltyshevo, because there are only 6–7 students here. The problem is that children who move from their small school to Kayla do not adapt well to the new community. Nevertheless, there is no question of closing the four-year plan yet, - Evstifeev explains. “Even though the school bus arrives from the Kyles half empty, it would be better if we got the first one on the same flight.”

Feldsher-obstetric point veltyshevo is generally closed, but, unlike the club, no one is going to restore it.

The house of Natalya Ryabtseva stands on the outskirts of the village, a dam, so in winter it is practically impossible to get out of it. Two years ago, her husband and son made this dam-bridge with their own hands, transported concrete. The village council refused to help then. The Ryabtsev family has a mother-in-law, a blind 92-year-old woman who often needs a doctor's help, but it's not so easy to get to the hospital, there are almost no roads. If you call an ambulance, then it arrives Veltyshevo from Oyash or Moshkovo, Nauazakh assistants from Kaylov. If, again, the road is bad.

“The FAP has been closed for a year now, because there is no one to work: the paramedic left for Kayly. To Kylov, the last bus from here leaves at an hour, and she is there just before one. It would be possible for students from the village to get on official vehicles, but we are not allowed to travel on them, ”says Natalya Ryabtseva.

“Eight years ago, my father died, sparkling for four hours,” recalls Roman from Eltyshev. - Even regular buses can not always pass. Although the school route was laid, thanks to the inom. ”

In fact, a regional road goes through Eltyshevo and connects the Toguchinsky and Moshkovsky districts.

“The borders of the Toguchinsky district are ending, and then the horror begins. It is always a shame in front of the Toguchins, they ask: “Auvas what, there is no road organization in the area?”, - says deputy Krupko. - What kind of road organization, we don’t even have a first-aid post in Veltyshevo, for every bitter pill you have to go to Kayly or Voyash.

“Eight years ago, my father died, the spark slipped for four hours”

Previously, the Yeltyshevites applied to the Voyashino polyclinic, now they have all been assigned to Moshkovo, and if it is still possible to get to therapists, it is very difficult for narrow specialists.

Those who remained in the village say that it began to collapse in the 70s.

“There were no free houses here before, there were fights for apartments… Then the school was closed, the cattle were slaughtered. My husband worked as an agronomist, and when there was no work, I had to get a job as a security guard at the state farm in Sokur, - says Natalya Krupko. - A new director of the state farm came and fired everyone who was objectionable, the first was my husband, because he did not allow him to write off 200 tons of grain as substandard waste. Ridiculous article fired, booze, aonnepil".

Roman Tkachenko suffers from the fact that he had to move to Novosibirsk: “I lived in the city for 17 years, I'm tired, I can't do it anymore. I’m driving along the highway, people plow, my heart bleeds.” Veltyshevo returns only to parents - it is impossible to live here.

Kayla and Look

Eight in the morning, Moshkovo. The timetable board at the stop says that the bus to Glyadeni runs twice a week, that is, the next one is only three days later. You can take a taxi, but the village drivers ask for a thousand and a half times one way, they don’t want a penny to kill cars on broken roads.

The only way to get to the village is to go through the village of Kaily. The bus runs here more often - once a day. Then - 9 km walk to Look.

VKailah, it seems, no souls. In the first yard, an overturned car, a rusty bus. The owner of the car, an elderly man, explains that now it is a warehouse for beehives: I live at the expense of bees, a vegetable garden, nuipensia comes.

He says that earlier there was a large state farm here - 1,200 cows and more than two thousand young animals: “Where did it go? The fields are overgrown. Nothing is sown from Moshkovo to Kaylov, nothing is plowed. Here alone retired old people. Here we will die and there will be no one else. Nobody at all. The village will disappear.

The road, according to the man, had not been repaired for thirty years, another was done three years ago, but badly: “We spent several million, pit nayama. The ambulance can't get through." Some of the people from Kaili even called the television when the bus was not running in the summer, only after that the problem was solved.

“The road from Yeltysheva to Kaylov has been overhauled, and the Yeltyshevo-Ust-Balta road has also been partially completed,” says Evstifeev, head of the district. - Entrance to Yeltyshevo, and Glyaden is available in cash transport. Despite the fact that the weather is rainy, there is a passage, the azima will strike - there will be no problems at all.

At the entrances to Look, there are no signs with the name for a long time. Five families live in the village - twenty-two people, including several summer residents who leave for the city in winter. Once a week, a mobile shop comes with the most necessary products, which are then sold to the local store at home. Rivers drink water: they boil it and run it through a filter. “There is no other water. They collected 3,000 people each, drilled a well, gave away 30,000, and abandoned the datak,” a local resident complains.

Getting to Moshkovo sometimes turns out to be a school bus, or nat, which runs once a week, on Thursdays. Otherwise, no way, only if you have your own car.

“They tell us: move to Kayly,” says Zinaida, a summer resident from Look, “Where to live there? Some people live here on a pension, some on a disability allowance. Still thumping. They don't want to go to Kayla. They feel good. River, nature. It's just that people have almost all fled. They promised to cut the hemp, there it is all worth it. What else is there for boys to do? Just smoke, nothing else. ”

“Voyashe booze, here is booze. People drink, burnt, rejoiced, I don’t know ”

Alexandra Kuprischenko is 92 years old. Most of her life has passed in the Look. She graduated from the technical school of the agronomist. When 60 years ago they just moved here as a husband, there were about a hundred households in the village, eight-year school studied for a hundred children. There was a club where movies were shown every day, and a hospital.

“Look ... She existed well with us! There was an advanced farm. We received an all-Union award. Once there was even a maternity hospital. They took it down,” the woman recalls. She then watches for eight years how the village is falling apart, only from the window - her legs are paralyzed.

“They wanted to register me in a nursing home, I refused, and in general, in vain. I'm a labor veteran. I had to go. Because booze is everywhere. Voyashe booze, here is booze. People drink, burnt, rejoiced, I don’t know, ”Alexandra Vasilievna sighs.

She had quite a few years left, she lived a long life, the avitoge remained nothing: “Now I have nothing. No children, no economy, no home, no one. So she got old, she buried all the children, there was only one old-grandson who drinks and drinks everything. It has become such a mess. Maybe it will still exist, I don’t know how long, but that’s all, there’s nothing to catch. ”

PS: According to the 2002 census, there were 1566 settlements in the Novosibirsk region, of which 43 were empty. In 2010, they were counted 1534, and without the population - 57. Olga Chudaeva. - The Novosibirsk region, in comparison with other settlements in Russia, has the highest rate of population decline.

Anastasia Fadeeva, Natalya Rudevskaya, Olesya Serdtseva, Irina Belyaeva

And despite his young age, yet some things in it remain in the same place. For example, abandoned buildings abandoned by people and left to fend for themselves.

Many historians and stalkers still discover buildings built in the pre-revolutionary period. Magically, these houses stand untouched by bulldozers, but do not have their marks on the maps. This is the real historical value of the city, which, in the near future, can be completely lost if the authorities do not take control of these buildings.

The most famous abandoned place in Novosibirsk

Most of the Novosibirsk abandoned objects have either been demolished (like the well-known mental hospital with its secret underground passages), or are popular not only with local stalkers, but also with airsoft fans, as well as vandals. Every year, the state of unique and historically interesting objects is deteriorating. Therefore, many researchers do not disclose passwords and appearances of abandoned places in Novosibirsk. However, there are places that are known to all residents of the city, for example, an abandoned unfinished building near the Marx Square metro station.

The longest building in Novosibirsk, which is no less than 46 years old, is the Tourist Hotel, whose windows gaping with emptiness go straight to Karl Marx Square - the central part of the left bank. This long-term construction will stand for many more years, as the restoration or demolition of the object will cost the city a lot of money.

1968 marked the beginning of the construction of a twenty-story prestigious hotel. The abandoned object was supposed to contain up to 800 rooms. For many years the hotel has been surrounded by a fence, but getting into the territory is not difficult. This abandoned object of Novosibirsk stands out very well against the backdrop of the Festival shopping center, built right next to the Soviet giant from the past. Sad cases associated with the "Tourist" are also known, such as falling from a height. At one time, the roof of the hotel was used by lovers of base jumping (jumping on a rope). At the moment, the unfinished one continues to sleep in eternal sleep, looking at the city with his languid gaze.

"Dark" tower of the city

The abandoned strange tower is actually a water tower. If you go by train passing through the Oktyabrsky district of the city, you can see a small abandoned castle, as the tower looks like the ruins of an ancient palace of the Art Nouveau era. The brick object was built at the beginning of the 20th century, around 1910. The remnant of the Tsarist Empire with a symbolic crown on its roof in the form of a tree. The entrance has been boarded up for a long time.

This abandoned place in Novosibirsk can be found 500 meters from the Novosibirsk-Yuzhny railway station. The station itself, by the way, is also an object of the reign of Nicholas II. In those years, it was called the Novonikolaevsk station, and the paths of this territory belonged to the Altai railway. You can find it at the intersection of Communist and Dekabristov streets in the Oktyabrsky district in Novosibirsk. The abandoned place on the maps is not marked as a tower.

Area of ​​lost ships

For the inhabitants, Zaton has always had a bad reputation. But this is where the graveyard of ships is located. The place itself is a small island, to which several roads lead. Densely moored rusty barges are piled up so that they can be walked to the main dump.

Sometimes there are warning signs "No Passage", and if someone is seen by a local watchman, then get ready to immediately go home. To get on an unauthorized tour of the old river barges, ships and hold an original photo session, you need to get to the street. Portovoy, in the Leninsky district.

One of the interesting parts that make up the list of abandoned buildings is given to the former summer camps. "Vostok-2" was founded with the support and assistance of the Siberian Research Institute of Aviation. S. A. Chaplygin. The camp is located thirty kilometers from the city.

The stronghold of pioneer childhood is located in the deep part of the local forest belt. When the Union collapsed, in 1991, like many other camps in the country, Vostok was closed and left to fend for itself. All camp buildings were erected on one floor, wooden houses.

Now the main building stands in a half-hearted form, part of it was dismantled, and part remained. It was here that evening concerts were held and there was a dining room. The sleeping quarters are in no less deplorable condition. Three buildings with completely rotten floors. Also, vegetable storage facilities, a common shower room and small storage rooms have been preserved on the territory. The camp also has its own water tower, of course, also abandoned. By the way, the pioneer camp got its name from the Vostok-2 spacecraft, a monument to which is located in the central part of the abandoned facility.

An interesting fact is that an active camp coexists comfortably next to this place. Therefore, the former pioneer camps are one of the most interesting abandoned places in Novosibirsk. The address can be found at the coordinates: 55°0"41"N 83°20"13"E.

It makes no sense to hide the fact that abandoned villages and other settlements are the object of study for many people who are passionate about treasure hunting (and not only). There is also a place for lovers of attic search to roam, and “ring out” the basements of abandoned houses, explore wells, and more. etc. Of course, the probability that your colleagues or local residents have visited this locality before you is very high, but, nevertheless, there are no “knocked out places”.

Causes that lead to the depopulation of villages

Before starting the enumeration of the reasons, I would like to dwell on the terminology in more detail. There are two concepts - abandoned settlements and disappeared settlements.

Disappeared settlements - geographical objects, today, completely ceased to exist due to military operations, man-made and natural disasters, time. In the place of such points, one can now observe a forest, a field, a pond, anything, but not standing abandoned houses. This category of objects is also interesting for treasure hunters, but now we are not talking about them.

Abandoned villages just belong to the category of abandoned settlements, i.e. settlements, villages, farms, etc., abandoned by the inhabitants. Unlike the disappeared settlements, the abandoned ones for the most part retain their architectural appearance, buildings and infrastructure, i.e. are in a state close to the time when the settlement was abandoned. So people left, why? The decline in economic activity that we can see now, when people from the villages tend to move to the city; wars; disasters of a different nature (Chernobyl and its environs); other conditions that make living in this region inconvenient, unprofitable.

How to find abandoned villages?

Naturally, before heading headlong to the search site, it is necessary to prepare a theoretical base, in simple words, to calculate these very supposed places. A number of specific sources and tools will help us with this.

To date, one of the most accessible and sufficiently informative sources is Internet:

The second fairly popular and accessible source These are conventional topographic maps. It would seem, how can they be useful? Yes, very simple. Firstly, both tracts and non-residential villages have already been marked on the fairly well-known maps of the General Staff. It is important to understand one thing here, that the tract is not only an abandoned settlement, but simply any part of the area that is different from the rest of the surrounding area. And yet, there may not be any village on the site of the tract for a long time, well, nothing, walk around with a metal detector among the pits, collect metal debris, and then you look and get lucky. With non-residential villages, too, not everything is simple. They may turn out to be not entirely uninhabited, but used, say, as dachas or may be inhabited illegally. In this case, I see no reason to do anything, no one needs problems with the law, and the local population can be quite aggressive.

If we compare the same map of the General Staff and a more modern atlas, we can notice some differences. For example, there was a village in the forest at the General Staff, a road led to it, and suddenly the road disappeared on a more modern map, most likely, the inhabitants left the village and began to bother with road repairs, etc.

The third source is local newspapers, local population, local museums. Communicate more with the natives, there will always be interesting topics for conversation, and in the meantime you can ask about the historical past of this region. What can the locals say? Yes, a lot of things, the location of the estate, the manor's pond, where there are abandoned houses or even abandoned villages, etc.

Local media is also a fairly informative source. Especially now even the most provincial newspapers are trying / trying to get their own website, where they diligently post individual notes or even entire archives. Journalists go to many places on their business, interview, including old-timers, who like to mention various interesting facts in the course of their stories.

Do not hesitate to go to provincial local history museums. Not only are their expositions often interesting, but a museum employee or guide can also tell you a lot of interesting things.

Two dozen settlements in the Novosibirsk region have been erased from maps and atlases over the past five years. Villages disappear from the face of the earth due to lack of work, schools, hospitals, shops and remoteness from large cities. But sometimes already empty settlements get a new life - summer residents, farmers and other enthusiasts settle in them. The correspondent of Sibkrai.ru visited the village of Tropino, Kochenevsky district, and found out what brings people to abandoned places on the edge of the bus route network, and how they manage to revive the region abandoned by the indigenous people.

There are 1518 different villages, villages, settlements and settlements in the Novosibirsk region. Less than 50 people live in 339 of them, and no one is left in 56. If no one lives in the village for a long time, the settlement is abolished. So, only dots on old maps over the past five years have left 20 settlements in the Novosibirsk region alone. The farther villages are from big cities, transport hubs and shops, the faster people leave them.

But some settlements are lucky: at first they are empty, the indigenous people leave them, but then others come. Summer residents. Most often, summer residents stay in the village only for the summer, but some then move permanently. It was this fate that befell the village of Tropino in the Kochenevsky district of the Novosibirsk region.

From the district center to the village a little less than 30 kilometers. In the district center you can buy groceries and basic necessities. Of course, all this is also available in the neighboring village of Shagalovo, but there, as the residents assure, the prices are “country”, that is, several times higher than usual. At the Shagalovsky village council, to which the village belongs, in Tropino they swear, but more out of habit. Both the village and the village council eventually became completely indifferent to each other.

“Broken roads, people are leaving, there are no jobs. There are no indigenous people left in this village - only two grandmothers and two grandfathers, summer residents and that's all, - Tatyana Shabanova, deputy head of the Shagalovsky village council, justifies herself. - Should we, perhaps, keep them with something, when the administration has no money for anything? Here soon the administration will be closed, there will be nothing. They don’t give salaries for six months, who will work here?”

Tropino has only two streets, no more than two dozen houses and nettles taller than human height. The summer residents who replaced the residents who left the village settled on the main street, it is called River. One of the few signs of civilization here is a payphone, reminiscent of the last century. It was placed in the village in 2002, because, as the locals say, "Putin ordered it."

In summer the village lives, but in winter and autumn only the most persistent remain here. One of them is Tatyana Afonskaya. Her house stands almost at the very beginning of the street, surrounded by a wooden fence, rickety in places. She is sure that there are few interesting things in the village, but she likes living here. Behind the fence is a small garden with a vegetable garden and a mountain of firewood - there is no electricity in the village.

“You can only complain that they didn’t make the way for us. I have been living here since 1990, but I took it as a dacha. So you can already consider an old-timer, - the woman says. - We had a native grandmother, over there the last house burned down. Just sold - and burned. And she herself went to the city to her daughter, she was already 94, old, it’s still hard, but she came to the dacha all the time, for the whole summer.

In place of the former home of the last native inhabitant, there are now weeds and the same ubiquitous nettle. After some time, it begins to seem that it was not a weed that grew up in the place where people once lived, but strong and not very houses appeared in the place where these nettle thickets have always been.

“I lived in Krakhalevka, and it is very difficult for us to meet in the Kochenevsky district. You will stop by Kochenevo - wait for the next bus, it is still not known how to get to the next village. Therefore, when summer residents were here, they freed themselves, she dragged me here. And now side by side, we can at least see each other. This is our very simple life, - says Svetlana Khoroshilova. - But you can’t buy bread, you have to go specially, there is no shop here, there is no electricity in this village. When it's muddy and dark here in autumn, we can't get our village soviet to see light through. Literally two years they began to clear the snow in winter, and before that they had never been cleared, we made our own way, made paths.”

Svetlana Khoroshilova breeds livestock. During the conversation, the dog Tisha barks from behind her, besides him, she has four hens and a cat. Hens lay eggs, and their woman would like to keep more. “But four is good. And you can have breakfast with eggs, and leave it on the dough. We are not picky people. What we have, we endure. And keeping livestock is very difficult, I will be 82 years old this year,” she notes.

There is no work in the village, besides how to run the household. As a result, almost the entire population in Tropino is of retirement age.

“My son lives alone with me, and the second one lives in Kochenevo. There is no work for either of them. They used to take a taxi to work, it's also hard. If you go there, you won't come back. This is our whole life,” Khoroshilova calmly explains and adds. “In general, of course, there is no life.”

For food and pensions, local residents go to Kochenevo, the regional center. The bus runs twice a day, morning and evening, but getting on it is not so easy. As Svetlana Khoroshilova explains, the residents of Tropino are not welcome there: “The bus started running badly - very early and does not take us all, because it is packed there, and we are the last station, and we don’t get in. The old women generally growl at us there - “why are you driving, would you sit at home, pensioners!” Well, as it should. Sometimes you have to go."

“In Kochenevo we receive a pension, we also go shopping there. What we take, we bring here by car. There is flour, bread, sugar, chicken meat, and we don’t buy anything else. The pension is small, increased only because I turned 80 years old. There was a pension of about nine thousand, now you can’t buy anything with it at all. And now I have like 15, - Svetlana Khoroshilova notes. - Of course, at my age, getting to the road and getting there is very difficult. And no one comes to us, we only provide for ourselves. I got older, I got more money. Now at least there is enough food. And the products are getting more expensive, we take in bulk: a jar of butter, five to ten kilograms of flour, yeast. After all, it’s not every time you go for bread, then rain, then mud.

Only five houses remain to spend the winter in houses without electricity and communications. In addition to the sisters Svetlana and Tatyana, the headman of the village and two families, the Kamenevs and the Blinovs, remain for the winter. This year, two more will join the winterers - a "pensioner", as Svetlana Khoroshilova affectionately calls her distant neighbor, and Alexander Kuzin, who came to build his farm.

“I go to the library all the time – I read books. My sister bought herself an electronic one, it went bad, we can’t fix it. You see how everything is done with us, not for people. If there is money, then, of course, something can be done. But we don’t have enough of them, and we always lack them,” the pensioner tells about the winter life.

The payphone, which stands in splendid isolation on the main street, is not used by the villagers: you need to buy a special card, which is enough for several calls.

“It is not profitable for us, although Putin made us telephones for these villages. You can’t call a cell phone, but where will you be, where, who has a phone at home now? Now almost no one has, rarely anyone has a home phone, - explains Svetlana Khoroshilova. - Therefore, when cell phones appeared, he was no longer needed. And when there was nothing, he was profitable. Bought a card, even called several times. And so everything is fine with us. We have nothing to complain about. After all, they chose where to live.”

The only person in the village who is younger than retirement age is Alexander Kuzin. The man came from Kazakhstan, quit his job, bought a house on the very edge of the village and decided to run his own household. He has 300 grown goslings, which he plans to sell later.

“The most important thing is to grow, and sell - it would be something to sell,” the man assures. - There is a river nearby, there is land. You can develop the land, plant something, vegetables. Real, not on any chemistry. Now on the Internet they love homemade food very much, they try to buy everything natural, without any pesticides, so that it all grows natural. So this is a home farm.

While the goslings are growing, the novice farmer equips the house and makes further plans on how to expand the farm. His house is made of concrete blocks, there is no bed in it yet, so Alexander Kuzin sleeps on a mattress.

"It's only the beginning. So far so - Spartan conditions, but nothing, I'm not complaining. It's good here - quiet, calm. Two rivers, Sharikha and Chik. Fishing: there is a good carp in the river, not large, but a good carp. Now people will start to rise - everyone will go to the villages, - says Alexander Kuzin. - The city with its dirty air, with its troubles ... But it's good in the countryside. I grew my own potatoes, I grew my own carrots, my own meat. Here I found two thousand goats in Kochenevo, the money will come to the card - I will take the goats, I will have my own milk. It will be hard to keep a cow alone, but a goat needs a little grass, and she will not run far. The goat can be tied to a rope, and let it stand. You can live, and everything is natural.

Nature in Tropino is also praised by other residents. Kochenevsky district is not rich in forests, its beauty lies in the fields stretching beyond the horizon and open spaces. “We have a very good view from here. So let's go out, sit down with my sister on a bench, there is beauty around! – says Svetlana Khoroshilova.