The benefits and harms of tangerine peels, use in folk medicine, cooking and cosmetology. Recipes for making candied tangerine peels: surprising your loved ones Why is a decoction of tangerine peels useful?

Various unexpected foods can add flavor to different dishes. But many housewives often do not know about their culinary properties and sometimes even throw them away. Just such products include the zest of various citrus fruits - tangerines, kumquats, etc. Such plant raw materials also help to cope with many health disorders. Let's talk in a little more detail about what tangerine zest is, the benefits and harms of it, discuss its use, and also give proven recipes with tangerine zest.

Not the entire tangerine peel is considered the zest itself, but its very top layer, colored in a bright color. It is orange in color and has a sweet and sour taste with a slight pleasant bitterness.

When will tangerine zest be useful? What is its use?

Most often, the zest is recommended to be used in cooking - fresh or dried. In most cases, it is used as a natural flavoring; this product can also replace salt, ketchup, and mayonnaise. Using this supplement helps reduce calorie intake.

The aromatic and healing qualities of tangerine peel allow it to be used in the preparation of salads, baked goods, and various drinks, including lemonades. In addition, amazingly tasty candied fruits are prepared with it.

Tangerine zest is used to prepare essential oils, and on their basis various medicines.
This product also has many medicinal qualities and is widely used in folk medicine, and also as an excellent source of potassium.

Benefits of tangerine peel

Fresh tangerine zest can activate the production of digestive juice and stimulate the digestion and absorption of food. There is evidence that it helps cope with vomiting, abdominal pain, diarrhea and bronchitis. As for the dried peel, it effectively soothes nervous system and prolongs the effect of painkillers quite well.

Traditional medicine specialists advise preparing a tincture based on the zest that thins phlegm and helps eliminate diseases of the upper respiratory tract. And infusions and decoctions of the peel of this fruit have antiemetic, antipyretic and astringent qualities.

Is tangerine zest dangerous? What harm does it cause?

Tangerine zest can cause allergic reactions. In addition, such a product, when actively used, can harm those patients who suffer from excessive acidity of digestive juice and inflammatory lesions of the digestive tract.

What dishes can be decorated with tangerine zest? What interesting recipes are there with it?

Tea with tangerine zest

Using tangerine zest, you can prepare a surprisingly tasty drink - tea. Brew one teaspoon of crushed dry peels with a glass of boiling water. Leave for ten minutes, then strain. Take this drink several times a day, sweeten it with sugar or honey.

To prepare tea with tangerine peels, you can add crushed raw materials to your favorite tea leaves. This supplement is especially interesting when combined with bergamot tea.

Mandarin zest jam

To prepare tasty and aromatic jam, you need to prepare three hundred and fifty grams of fresh tangerine peels, a couple of glasses of sugar, fifty milliliters (it needs to be squeezed out of a medium fruit). In addition, use one and a half teaspoons of salt, a couple of liters of water and half a teaspoon.

Grind the peels into small pieces. Fill them with water and leave for ten minutes. Then drain the water. Fill the prepared crusts with a liter of water, add salt and simmer over low heat for an hour. Next, drain the water and rinse the crusts cold water. To prepare the syrup, heat a liter of water over medium heat, add sugar to a saucepan and bring the liquid to a boil. Pour tangerine skins into boiling syrup. Once boiling, reduce heat to low and simmer for two hours, stirring occasionally. Turn off the heat and cool the future jam.

Heat the cold mass over low heat, squeeze the juice of one tangerine into it, boil for another fifteen minutes, remembering to stir. Pour into container citric acid, stir and cook for another ten minutes. Watch carefully so that the jam does not burn. The finished sweet can be rolled into jars or eaten fresh.

Cake with tangerine peels

To prepare such a dish, you need to prepare a glass of dried crushed tangerine peels, a glass of sugar, a glass of milk, two hundred grams of soft butter, four chicken eggs and a glass of flour. Also use a teaspoon and a little vinegar to extinguish. To prepare the cream, you will need five hundred grams of sour cream and a glass of sugar.

Combine tangerine peels with sugar, pour a glass of boiling water, stir and leave until cool. Stir in soft mixture butter. After cooling completely, beat four eggs into a container and add flour and soda slaked with vinegar. Mix well and bake as one or two layers. If you baked one cord, cut it in the middle into two equal parts.

Mix sugar with sour cream, place two thirds of the cream in the refrigerator. Brush the remaining portion onto the hot cakes. And after the cake has cooled, apply the rest of the cream on it. Infuse the finished dish all night in the refrigerator, so it will be truly delicious.

Traditional medicine recipes

Traditional medicine experts claim that tangerine peel perfectly treats a variety of health problems. So it can be used for mastitis therapy, including purulent. To prepare such a medicine, you need to combine one hundred grams of licorice zest and twenty grams of licorice root. Grind thoroughly, add four hundred milliliters of water and cook over low heat for half an hour. Strain the finished medicine and drink it in two doses a day. It is also worth using this decoction to apply lotions to a hardened area of ​​the chest.

For cleaning joints Traditional medicine experts recommend preparing a special tea: combine a teaspoon of finely chopped tangerine peel with the same amount. Brew a glass of boiling water and leave for half an hour. Take the prepared drink half an hour before your meal. Take it three times a day, and prepare the tea again for each drink. The duration of such therapy is one to three months.

For inflammation of the bronchi healers recommend brewing three tablespoons of crushed dried zest with four hundred milliliters of boiling water. After two hours, strain the finished medicine, sweeten it with high-quality honey in the amount of two tablespoons. Take the prepared drink one hundred milliliters four times a day, warming it up a little before taking it.

To strengthen the immune system and prevent acute respiratory infections and acute respiratory viral infections you need to combine a couple of tablespoons of chopped fresh zest with two hundred milliliters of vodka. Leave for a week, then strain. Take twenty drops three times a day, dissolving in a small amount of water. It is best to take it twenty minutes before a meal.
This tincture will also help cope with nausea.

At diabetes mellitus healers recommend peeling the zest from three tangerines and boiling it in a liter of water. Cook for ten minutes after boiling. Cool the finished product and store in a cool place. You can take the medicine in unlimited quantities.

To activate digestive processes you need to grind the dry tangerine peel to a powder. Take half a teaspoon of this remedy twice a day.

And simply chewing a tangerine peel will help cope with inflammation of the mouth and throat. This simple procedure will also freshen your breath.

Regular tangerine zest can provide enormous health benefits and is a great resource for culinary experiments.

Ecology of cosmetics. The New Year's extravaganza is long over, when the magical pine-tangerine aroma lured from the most hidden depths of the soul

By the way, a quick question - what do you do with tangerine peels?

No, no, don't tell me you're throwing them in the trash!

They have so many uses around the house! Let's count:

Dried and ground crusts are used as a flavoring for baked goods and drinks.

Dried skins can be placed in a jar of tea - after a while it will acquire a wonderful smell

They can be added (dried and ground) to meat when frying to obtain an original, unusual taste.

Dry skins are a wonderful way to light a stove or fireplace!

Delicious candied fruits are made from tangerine peels.

By infusing dried skins with vodka, you get a fragrant (and beautiful!) tincture

Tincture of tangerine peels improves digestion and increases appetite

A decoction and infusion of tangerine skins is used for colds, it acts as an expectorant for tracheitis and bronchitis, and helps reduce blood sugar levels

Alcohol infusion is used to strengthen the immune system

“Japanese trick”: dried skins, placed in a plastic mesh, are steamed in a hot bath and washed with them on the body. Triple benefits - massage, aroma and vitamins for the skin. Japanese women know what they are doing ;)

Dried up tangerine skins used in linen closets against moths

You can feed home plants with infusion of tangerine skins and spray them against spider mites.

And popular rumor says that tangerine peels placed under the threshold (at the threshold, nearby) will discourage cats from marking your threshold with their signature mark. The crusts can be replaced with powder or crumbs. I think I can try and spray it with infusion.

Owners of cats who like to chew/gut/break houseplants are also advised to place tangerine peels (in any form) on window sills or in flowerpots.

But today I would like to tell you in more detail how to make a wonderful skin tonic from fresh tangerine peel. It refreshes the skin, rejuvenates and tightens pores. It is believed that this toner is especially useful for oily skin, but it was tested on normal skin - and it was not a mistake))

Making this tonic is so easy that it takes longer to tell and show than to do.

Step 1. Grind the skin of one tangerine in any way (I cut it with kitchen scissors directly into a glass).

Step 2. Fill mineral water so that it turns out about 2 fingers higher than the skin mass.

Step 3. The drenched skins should be placed in a cool, dark place and left for a day.

I put it on the balcony under a dark plastic bowl. After a day, it is clearly visible that “something has happened” to the infusion. It turned yellow, became thicker and more oily.

Step 4. Drain the infusion. Skins - wherever you want...

Step 5. The tangerine infusion is now ready for use.

Step 6. In order not to bother with the 1-2 day shelf life, pour it into ice cube trays. A couple of hours - and here it is - a cosmetic product.

The cube feels a little oily to the touch.

Smell: tangerine-fragrant

The taste is bitter-sweet

On the skin - aromatic and light, does not sting, does not tighten the skin unpleasantly

1-2 times a day, wipe the skin of the face (and décolleté) with a cube of tonic. Blot off excess tonic with a napkin. Do not rinse, do not wipe. Just let it dry.

Just rinse your face with a non-frozen toner. Also, do not rinse or wipe off.

I don’t know how much more/less/equally effective natural products are compared to industrial cosmetics - I’m allergic, and I’ve never been able to use a single cream in my entire life.

But surprisingly, the tangerine infusion “came up.” published

If you are tormented by colds and bronchitis, take three tablespoons of tangerine peels, pour two glasses of very hot water, let it brew for a couple of hours and then strain. Add some honey and drink this infusion throughout the day.

Increased blood sugar will help normalize a decoction of tangerine peel. Take one liter of water, boil the peels of three tangerines in it and take 30 ml several times a day.

An alcoholic infusion of tangerine peels improves immunity, as well as improves appetite and digestion. Pour a glass of vodka over the peel of one tangerine and leave in a dark place for a week. Take 20 drops 3 times a day before meals.

Tangerine peels for beauty

The most common recipe is tangerine peel tonic. Pour the peel of one tangerine into a glass of cold drinking water or mineral water, let it brew for 24 hours and wipe your face with this tonic several times a day. It gets rid of blackheads and helps tighten sagging skin.

A tangerine peel scrub will improve your mood, give your skin a pleasant aroma and good view. Grind the dried peel in a blender to a powder and store in glass jar. Fill the required amount with water until it becomes a paste and use it as a regular scrub.

You can simply wash your body with dried tangerine peels, after soaking them in hot water.

Tangerine peel is also very useful for nails. Just wipe your nails with it every time you eat a tangerine - it whitens and strengthens your nails. In addition, it helps fight certain types of nail fungus.

Tangerine peels in cooking

Mandarin peel makes excellent candied fruits and jam. You can also simply add it to tea for flavor.

Dried and crushed tangerine peels can be added to meat when frying; they add an unusual and original taste.

Tangerine peels can be added to baked goods, used to decorate cakes, or made into liqueur.

Tangerine peels for decoration

You can cut out various figures from tangerine peels, combine them into beads, garlands, pendants and decorate your home.

Real tangerine roses or other flowers are created from neatly cut circles of the peel.

Dried peels can be coated with varnish, paint, and can be used to create three-dimensional paintings or various crafts.

Tangerine peels in everyday life

Of course, the most common use of tangerine peel in everyday life is to scent rooms. Just place the peels around the apartment in places where it is convenient for you and enjoy the aroma.

Dry tangerine skins are placed in closets with clothes, this prevents the appearance of moths.

By placing tangerine peels in places where cats like to mark, you will wean them from this habit.

Dried tangerine peels will also help you light a stove or fireplace.

Tangerines are one of the most popular fruits in the world.
In addition to great taste, they have a number of medicinal properties, contain large amounts of vitamin C, fiber, calcium and other substances important for the body.

This is due to their health benefits. Tangerine peel is used in folk medicine, in cosmetology, in the household - we are talking about a natural flavoring for the home.

Let's look at a few practical advice on how to use the flavored bark.

What's the benefit?

Think before you throw something away. Some "waste" products have a wide range of uses that we may not even have known about.

Tangerine peel has a number of healing properties that will help not only improve your health, but also promote beauty. Why are tangerines and their peels so beneficial for health?

The sweet, aromatic fruit is one of the most popular citrus fruits and is a natural source of pectin. essential oil, soluble fiber that helps lower cholesterol.

The partitions between the individual lobules contain pectin. The pulp and membrane contain bioflavonoids that have an antioxidant effect. Vitamin C, also an antioxidant, prevents free radical damage to cells and provides protection against various forms of cancer.

The benefits of crusts for the body are represented by the ability to eliminate vomiting, improve appetite, and treat inflammation of the respiratory tract. Modern research showed the presence of diterpenes and terpenoids in them, which have strong anticancer effects.

How to make powder from dried peel?

Remove the white fibrous parts from the peel on the inner surface. Then rinse it thoroughly in warm distilled water.

Dry the raw materials on a tray in a sunny place. In sunny weather it will dry in 2 days; in cooler conditions, drying can take up to 5 days.

If drying is carried out outdoors, be sure to cover the tray with a net or thin cloth to protect it from dirt and insects.

The process can be accelerated by drying in the oven (dry at 100°C for 25-30 minutes) or special dryers.

After drying, grind the tangerine peel into powder. This can be done using a blender or meat grinder.

Store the powder in glass jars or paper bags.

healthy spice

The tangerine peel retains a sweet fruity taste and aroma, but at the same time carries traces of astringent and bitter aftertaste.

When used in the kitchen, it adds a characteristic aroma and slightly sweet taste to food. When cooking meat, the rind as a spice can speed up its softening and add tenderness.

Moreover, how food supplement, the peel improves the digestibility of food, reduces flatulence and heartburn.

Use in aromatherapy

Citrus aroma stimulates the psyche, nervous activity, refreshes, disinfects, at the same time relaxes and soothes, promotes relaxation, has an antispasmodic effect, and reduces blood pressure.

In addition, it has a positive effect on the activity of the stomach - improves digestion, relieves flatulence, eliminates nausea, and harmonizes sleep.

Advice! Drop a few drops of tangerine peel juice onto the light bulb in the chandelier, then turn on the light - a pleasant aroma will immediately spread throughout the room.

Digestive problems

Each season brings with it different holidays. Along with them come digestive problems. Moreover, you don’t have to overeat!

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The combination of sweets, salads, sandwiches is a significant burden on the stomach. If you have problems digesting food, tangerine will help.

Add 1 tsp. powder from the peel into tea or consume directly. You can also prepare an infusion with water. 3 tbsp. crushed raw materials, pour 1/2 liter of boiling water. After 2 hours of infusion, strain. Drink throughout the day.

In addition to improving digestion, this infusion will help relieve coughs and speed up the treatment of bronchitis.

Eliminate headaches

By the end of the day, the stresses experienced during the day accumulate, which for many people causes headache.

Place the tangerine peel in a cotton cloth and inhale the aroma. The citrus scent will soothe the pain. You can also use the light bulb tip. Only fresh raw materials are used.

Decoction for diabetics

Tangerine decoction for diabetes is not just a tasty drink, but also healthy.

Pour the washed peel (from about 3 fruits) drinking water(1/5 l), cook for 10 minutes. Refrigerate, do not strain. Drink as much as you want.

Natural cough remedy

Did you know that dried tangerine peels are a component of a cough recipe (for children and adults), long used by both traditional medicine and supporters healthy image lives that give preference to everything natural? Did not know? Then read!

Grind 100 g of apricot kernels and 300 g of tangerine peel into powder. Stir with honey to a thick paste.

Form the mixture into balls (the size of a pea). Leave to dry, pour into a paper bag, store in a dry place.

  • for children – 1 pea 3-5 times a day;
  • for adults – 10 peas per day.

Providing the body with vitamins

Infusions and decoctions made from natural raw materials are useful for pregnant women during breastfeeding as a natural supplier of vitamins.

They are also useful for men, women and children exposed to mental and physical stress (athletes, schoolchildren, students...).

A decoction of the peel helps with itchy scalp and is good for hair prone to split ends.

Throw a handful of crusts into the pan, add 1 liter of water, cook for 30 minutes. Then leave for 1 hour. Rinse your hair with the resulting broth.

Skin and hair care

In skin care, the peel can be used either in the form of a powder obtained from dried raw materials, or directly in fresh form.

Before describing various ways its application in cosmetology, it should be noted that not all fruits in stores are suitable for use.

Many growers use toxic chemicals (sprays) to grow citrus fruits, which get into the skins and can cause very unpleasant allergic reactions.

Acne mask with yogurt and lemon juice

Dried peel powder can be used as a natural acne treatment, as well as a scrub (by mixing with honey or coconut oil 1:1).

To prepare a face mask for acne, you will need tangerine powder, white yogurt, and freshly squeezed lemon juice.

Mix powder and yogurt (1 tbsp each). Add a few drops of fresh lemon juice. Mix well and apply the paste on your face. Leave on for 15-20 minutes, then rinse with cold water.

Refreshing tonic

1 tbsp. Boil 10 raw materials in 250 ml of water, add 1/2 tbsp. lemon juice. Refrigerate.

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Use as a toner (2-3 times a day).


All citrus fruits contain substances that have antioxidant properties. This means that they remove free radicals from the body that damage skin cells, which are the main cause of wrinkles.

Thanks to the rich calcium content, they help fight premature skin aging.

2 tbsp. Mix peel powder with 2 tbsp. honey and 2 tbsp. oatmeal. Mix thoroughly and apply to face.

After 30 minutes, rinse with cold water. Use the mask once a week.

Stimulating bath

An aromatic bath tones the skin and body and restores freshness. How to cook it?

Boil 2 cups of fresh or dried raw materials in the appropriate amount of water, after 1 hour of infusion, pour into a bath (about 40°C), which you take for 15-20 minutes.

Vitamin face mask

Inflammation on the face, blackheads, and uneven tone are most often caused by contamination of the pores with dust, excessive production of sebum, or bacterial (or viral) infection.

How can tangerine peel help solve the problem? Its main effect is to remove impurities from pores, cleanse the skin, and remove dead cells.

Grind the fresh peel in a meat grinder. You will receive a paste-like mass that you apply to your face.

Leave on for 15 minutes, rinse warm water.

With this procedure, you will not only get rid of acne, but also reduce the production of sebum; the skin will take on a healthy, clear appearance.

Face mask with sour cream and rose water

If you need to remove blackheads caused by clogged pores and eliminate dead and damaged skin cells, use the following recipe.

Mix milk, rose water (1:1) and tangerine peel powder to form a medium thick paste. Apply the mixture to your face for 15-20 minutes. Then rinse with cold water.

You can use the mask 2 times a week or even every other day (depending on the degree of oily skin).

Regular use will make the skin clean, smooth, and even out the tone.

Several recipes

Below are some recipes and ways to use natural raw materials. They are not only tasty, but also healthy!

Cinnamon tea

This cinnamon tea will warm you up, add energy, and support your immune system.

To prepare it you will need:

  1. Fresh or dried tangerine peels (from 2 fruits).
  2. Green or black loose tea – 3 tsp.
  3. Cinnamon – 1 tsp.
  4. Honey (sugar).

Boil 1/2 liter of water with citrus peel in a saucepan, prepare tea leaves with cinnamon in a teapot, which you will fill with liquid from the brewed peels.

After 10 minutes you can enjoy a delicious drink.


The recipe for making lemonade is simple. The drink is prepared from both fresh and dry tangerine peels.

Place them in a jar (3 l) up to 1/2 volume. Fill with boiling water almost to the top and leave to steep for a day.

Then drain the liquid, bring to a boil, grind the raw materials in a meat grinder, and pour the boiled infusion again. Leave it for a day.

Strain, squeeze out the cake, add sugar, and for acidification - citric acid or juice.


To prepare delicious healthy jam you will need:

  1. 1 kg tangerine peels, sugar;
  2. 1 lemon;
  3. 250 ml water.

Before preparing the jam, the skin must be soaked. This is necessary to eliminate bitterness and ensure softness. Otherwise, the jam will turn out to be overly sweet, and the crusts will remain hard.

Soaking: pour boiling water over the skin, drain after 15 minutes. Repeat 3 times, then rinse with cold water.

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Leave the raw materials to drain in a colander (do not squeeze). Then transfer to a saucepan, add sugar, leave to steep until the sugar begins to dissolve.

Place over low heat, add water, lemon zest and juice. Cook for about 40-50 minutes. Then pour into jars and close.

Kira Stoletova

Tangerines are a healthy citrus plant rich in vitamins and minerals. It is consumed raw, and also dried, made into juices and compotes. Useful properties possesses not only the pulp of the fruit, but also the peel. The use of tangerine peels is widespread in cooking and folk medicine.

Beneficial features

Tangerine peels have a large amount of vitamins C, K and D, which have a positive effect on the functioning of the entire body. Also, the by-product does not contain nitrates.

Tangerine peels improve metabolism, remove harmful substances from the body and excess fat. Low calorie content allows you to use them during weight loss.

Tangerine peels also contain a lot of calcium, which strengthens bones and teeth. The presence of magnesium relieves fatigue and stress.

Tangerine peels are used for the following health problems:

  • excess cholesterol;
  • liver disorders;
  • problems with the gastrointestinal tract;
  • nervous system disorders;
  • colds and viruses;
  • stomach ulcer;
  • excess weight;
  • inflammation;
  • women's diseases.

Methods of use in medicine

A decoction is prepared to treat bronchitis. The tangerine zest and peel are dried, ground into powder and poured with boiling water. For 100 g of component take 400 ml of water.

The components are placed in a water bath and boiled for 8 minutes, after which the broth is infused for 2-3 hours and filtered through gauze. Drink the warmed infusion 3 times a day before meals.

To treat cough, an alcohol infusion is made from tangerine peel. The skin of 2 tangerines is poured with a liter of alcohol and left for 8 days in a cool room. Before use, 30 drops of the product are diluted in water and drunk 3 times a day before eating.

For treatment internal organs They prepare special tea from tangerine peel. To prepare it, peel it from 1 fruit and pour boiling water over it. Sugar or honey is added to tea for taste.

This product lowers cholesterol thanks to flavones and also lowers blood sugar levels. Also, tangerine peel helps remove toxins from the liver and normalizes digestion, reducing nausea and vomiting.

To treat obesity, the white part of the tangerine peel is extracted. It has the ability to remove fat accumulations from the body, thanks to the presence of nobiletin.

Application in cosmetology

An external remedy is prepared from the zest and tangerine peels. To do this, the offal must be dried and crushed to a pulp. The product can be used to treat acne and acne, as well as skin irritation.

Cleansing toner recipe:

  • the tangerine peel is separated from the pulp;
  • the peels should be dried and crushed into small pieces;
  • put them in a container and fill with cool water;
  • leave the product in the refrigerator for 48 hours;

The finished product is used to wipe the face. It is applied to a cotton swab and treated problem areas 2 times a day: in the morning and before bedtime. Tangerine peel toner cleanses pores and tones the skin.

Ice cubes with crusts are used to clean the skin. To prepare the product, add water and freeze it. It is better to wipe the skin in the morning.

To prepare a face mask you need tangerine zest. It is mixed with yolks and sour cream and applied to the skin. Keep the mask on for 20-30 minutes.

Tangerine peels are used as part of a scrub. The product is ground in a coffee grinder and diluted with cool water to form a cream.

Use in cooking and everyday life

Ways to use tangerine peels at home:

  • Cleaning agent. Tangerine peel cleans dishwashers. It is placed inside, which eliminates streaks and stains.
  • Vinegar tincture. It is also a cleaning agent, but with a stronger effect. Removes mold and fungal growths.
  • Essential oil. It is prepared from an alcohol tincture of tangerine peels. To do this, it is evaporated until the alcohol disappears.
  • Additive to tea. Tangerine zest is added to the drink to give additional taste, which also enhances it healing properties. Zest is also added to cocktails.
  • Tangerine vodka. To do this, high-quality alcohol is mixed with tangerine juice in a ratio of 1 to 10. Tangerine peel is added to the mixture and left for 2-3 days.
  • Candied fruit. To prepare them at home, the crusts are covered with sugar or syrup.
  • Seasoning for meat dishes. To do this, dry and grind the peel and add it to the meat when cooking.
  • Tangerine jam. It has a pleasant taste and helps with colds.
  • Moth repellent. Tangerine peels are laid out in cabinets: they repel insects.

Application in the garden

If you put fruit peels under the seedlings indoor plants, as well as in flower beds, the plants will be protected from pets. The peel also acts as an additional fertilizer.

Infusion recipe for pest control:

  • remove the peel from 2-3 tangerines;
  • chop and pour 1 liter of boiling water;
  • close the container with the product with a lid and place in a dark, ventilated room;
  • leave the product for 7-10 days;
  • strain through cheesecloth;
  • add 50 ml of liquid soap.

The product is used by spraying. It helps get rid of spider mites, aphids and thrips. The advantage is environmental friendliness and a minimum of chemicals.

To combat aphids, 3 sprayings are carried out, and for mites - 5-6 procedures. The break between treatments should be at least 10 days.

The infusion is also suitable for treating indoor plants. The product is diluted in settled clean water in a ratio of 1 to 2. Also, to enhance the effect, add laundry soap to the solution. The product is used to wash plant leaves, which destroys pests.