The strongest natural antioxidants in food are antioxidant-rich fruits and vegetables. Antioxidants in food Foods rich in antioxidants

You can often hear from sources around you about foods containing antioxidants. About their enormous benefits and free radicals that harm our body. It seems so difficult to understand, but we will try to talk about the action of antioxidants and what they are in simple and understandable words. Plus, we'll provide a list of foods that contain good natural antioxidants.

Each of us has antioxidants and free radicals in our bodies. Some of the antioxidants are produced by our body, while others must be obtained through foods rich in them. Our body also produces free radicals - by-effect metabolic process occurring in cells. For example, the liver produces and uses them to detoxify the body, while white blood cells send out free radicals that destroy bacteria, viruses and damaged cells.

When oxygen molecules move freely throughout our body, they cause oxidative damage. This is the harmful effect of free radicals on our body. When levels of natural antioxidants are low, often caused by poor diet, they wreak havoc.
Effect? Accelerated aging, cell damage and mutations, broken tissues, activation of harmful genes in DNA, and an overloaded immune system.

Modern life and nutrition, saturated with toxins, exhaust gases and other environmental pollutants that enter not only the air, but also food, as well as the consumption of products from the modern food industry. All this has created favorable conditions for the proliferation of free radicals in our bodies. Many of us have been exposed to antioxidant deficiencies since childhood. But this is the age when our body needs them most.

What are Antioxidants? What are they needed for?

Antioxidants- these are substances that interfere with the oxidation process. They can be natural waste products or enter the body with food. Their task is to remove potentially dangerous oxidizing agents in a living organism.
Antioxidants include dozens of substances such as carotenoids such as beta-carotene, lycopene and vitamin C. These are just a few examples of antioxidants that slow down oxidation. Studies have shown that without the use of antioxidant substances, there may be no talk of longevity in principle. The advantages of using them are:

  1. Slows down aging and degradation of organs, including skin, eyes, muscle tissue, joints and brain
  2. Prevent cancer
  3. Improves cleansing of toxins from the body
  4. Increases lifespan
  5. Protects against stroke and heart attack
  6. Reduce the risk of vision loss and eye problems, including those due to cataracts
  7. Reducing the likelihood of developing age-related dementia

What effect do antioxidants have? Fighting free radicals in the body

Foods containing antioxidants, such as herbs, fruits, spices, teas, reduce the effects of free radicals on the body, protecting against oxidative damage, which plays an important role in the formation of any disease. Most of the most common health problems, including cancer, dementia, and heart muscle problems, are all related to the oxidation and inflammation of organic substances in the cell. Oxidation is what it is chemical reaction, which can produce free radicals. In turn, they lead to cell damage.

Antioxidants are essential help in fighting the damage caused by the sun, the environment, smoking, poor nutrition, medications, exposure to chemicals, stress and even radiation, such as the damage from the microwave or electromagnetic waves from household appliances around us. They stop the formation of cancer cells and protect intact cells from the development of diseases.

History of discovery

It is not known who exactly owned the discovery of antioxidants. The first mentions can be found in the literature of the early 19th century. Each antioxidant has its own discovery story.

Like vitamins, some of them were discovered by doctors who were trying to determine the relationship between animal consumption of whole foods and life expectancy.
The level of antioxidants in any substance is assessed using the ORAC scale (an indicator of the ability of antioxidants to absorb free radicals).
It shows the ability of a certain substance to protect the body from the effects of free radicals, that is, it shows the strength of the antioxidant property of the substance.

Additionally, fruits and vegetables that contain antioxidants include many other useful substances, such as vitamins and microelements. For example, vitamins C and E, beta-carotene, flavonoids and lycopene. Not currently installed daily norm consumption of antioxidants for humans, although, simply put, the more you eat, the better it is for you.

List of Good Sources of Antioxidants

Adding good antioxidants to your diet may be easier than you think. Below is a list of antioxidant-rich foods according to the ORAC scale.
By consuming them you will increase your ability to resist the effects of free radicals.
1. Goji berries: 25,000
2. Wild blueberries: 14,000
3. Dark chocolate: 21,000
4. Pecan (nut): 17,000
5. Artichoke: 9,400
6. Elderberry: 14,000
7. Beans: 8,400
8. Lingonberry: 9,500
9. Blackberries: 5,300
10. Cilantro: 5,100

We do not focus on products that are common on any table, such as:

  1. tomatoes
  2. pumpkin
  3. carrot
  4. potatoes (preferably sweet)
  5. strawberry
  6. pomegranate
  7. grapes and its derivatives (including)
  8. salmon fish species

You should supplement your diet with these natural antioxidants on a regular basis. Your body will thank you!


In addition to the fact that quite powerful antioxidants are found in vegetables, fruits and fish, some spices and herbs also contain oils that have the same healing effect. Eat them fresh or add them to your cooking. They represent value essential oils in these herbs and spices. They have a healing effect and protect against diseases.
List of herbs rich in plant antioxidants:

  1. Carnation
  2. Cinnamon
  3. Oregano
  4. Turmeric
  5. Cocoa
  6. Tminm
  7. Parsley (dried)
  8. Basil
  9. Ginger
  10. Thyme

Garlic and green tea.
Try to use them as often as possible!

The best way to get these nutrients is to try to eat whole, unprocessed foods. For example, it is very different. Brown varieties are considered healthier because they contain bran, rich in fiber and other elements.
Overall, by eating natural foods, you will receive the optimal amount of antioxidants to protect your organs. They have powerful effects on muscles, bones, skin and eyes.

What antioxidants are there? Table of the most common antioxidants


It is an important antioxidant in our body. Found inside cells and helps enhance the effects of other antioxidants and vitamins. Consists of three amino acids. Participates in processes using protein, creating enzymes, detoxification, and digestion. It is also known for destroying cancer cells.


Contained in berries and greens. It is an anti-inflammatory agent and is also involved in the treatment of diseases, including heart and vascular diseases, allergies, infections, and autoimmune diseases such as arthritis. Helps in overcoming chronic fatigue.


Very useful for the functioning of the eyes, skin, arteries, heart. Contained in many products necessary to boost immunity. Some observations have shown that people who had lutein in their diet were less likely to develop various types of cancer, including breast, colon and lung.
Vitamin C

Known and protect the body from external pathogens. Helps protect against flu, colds, sore throats, and also has a positive effect on the condition of your skin and eyes.


This microelement is widely distributed in nature. It is found in soil and water, which affects food, especially vegetables and fruits. Fights viruses and also protects your circulatory system.


A substance found in grapes and cocoa, as well as in various varieties of berries, such as lingonberries, blueberries and mulberries. olyphonic bioflavonoid is an antioxidant and helps protect you from stress, the effects of injury, infections and fungi. Protects the heart and arteries.

Lavender essential oil

Lavender oil helps your body produce a range of important antioxidant enzymes such as glutathione and catalase. In addition, it has a powerful anti-inflammatory effect.


Very beneficial, protects against cancer and helps in detoxification. Blocks the action of carcinogens and protects DNA from damage. Found in green leafy vegetables and herbs.

Frankincense essential oil

It has been shown to be effective in treating cancer in clinical trials various types. Affects the process of cell and gene regulation, thereby accelerating healing.


Astaxanthin is found in seafood and fish, such as salmon and shrimp. It increases energy levels, reduces age spots, and keeps joints healthy. It is also believed to help overcome the symptoms of Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder.

Oxidation processes constantly occur in the human body. They are the cause of the appearance of free radicals, which are talked about so much in last years. These are unstable molecules with unpaired electrons that “hunt” for other molecules and “take” electrons from them. If there are too many free radicals, the chemical balance of the body is disrupted, which leads to disease. Foods containing antioxidants help normalize the body's condition.

The Eternal Struggle: Antioxidants vs. Free Radicals

It is generally accepted that free radicals are the worst enemies of our body. Their “involvement” in the occurrence of cancerous tumors and heart disease has been proven. An excess of unstable molecules weakens the immune system and accelerates aging. Still, small amounts of free radicals are necessary. The body uses them as a weapon against pathogenic bacteria.

The problem is not with free radicals themselves, but with their excess. To prevent it, you should include foods high in antioxidants in your diet, which normalize the chemical balance.

Moreover, attempts to replace them with synthetic analogues rarely give satisfactory results, because the molecules of substances of artificial origin are not identical to natural ones.

Antioxidants bind free radicals, stabilizing them with oxygen atoms. The body synthesizes them independently and receives them from the outside in the form of foods rich in vitamins, minerals, and phytonutrients. Vegetables, fruits, and berries contain the largest amount of antioxidants, so their consumption is important not only from the point of view of slimness, but also for good health and long youth.

The degree of antioxidant protection is determined by the ORAC index. The higher the indicator, the better the products fight free radicals. The most powerful antioxidant foods are fruits and berries collected from the wild. Varietal plants are inferior to them, but are also effective.

Some seasonings have record ORAC values, so it is also very desirable to include them in the menu.

Use our list of antioxidant foods to improve your diet. It is not difficult.

TOP 12 best foods containing antioxidants

The complete table of antioxidant-rich foods includes more than 500 items. We suggest paying attention to the 12 most affordable of them. Choose the best antioxidant foods to add to your diet today.

    Prunes. Plums are useful in fresh and dried form, so you can enjoy them regardless of the season. Berries improve the functioning of the digestive system and help cleanse the body.

    Cocoa. Cocoa beans contain flavanol, a powerful antioxidant. It is preserved during heat treatment, so a cup of cocoa in winter will not only warm you up, but also prolong your youth. An additional advantage of the drink: it reduces arterial pressure and improves blood supply to the brain.

    Ginger. Ginger root is available in almost any supermarket. It strengthens the immune system, fights infections, neutralizes free radicals, and cleanses the body of toxins.

    Raisin. In terms of its antioxidant properties, raisins are inferior to prunes, but they resist bacteria well and help with anemia, diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, heart and kidneys.

    Natural coffe. A cup of aromatic drink will invigorate, lift your spirits and delay aging. All this does not apply to instant coffee; its effect is questionable.

    Walnuts. Any nuts are good. This is an invaluable source of protein, vitamins and microelements. Walnuts lead in the amount of antioxidants.

    Red beans. All types of beans have a positive effect on the body, but red beans have no competition. It contains a sea of ​​vitamins B, K, C, PP, E, A, and carotene. If you want to improve the condition of your skin and hair, be sure to include beans in your diet.

    White tea. Other types of tea are also useful, but they are inferior to white tea according to the ORAC index. There is a nuance: any tea should be drunk immediately after brewing, otherwise some active substances is destroyed.

    Natural red wine. The drink contains the powerful antioxidant resveratrol and has other beneficial features: lowers cholesterol, fights bacteria, improves gastrointestinal function.

    Olive oil. All vegetable oils contain vitamin E, a natural antioxidant, but olive oil contains the most of it. It is better to choose unrefined first-pressed oil.

    Garlic. We all know about the benefits of garlic since childhood. It not only protects against flu, but also neutralizes free radicals. It should not be forgotten either.

    Cabbage. This product can be eaten several times a day and not repeat dishes. Include all types of cabbage in your menu - broccoli, white and red cabbage, Brussels sprouts, cauliflower, Savoy. It's hard to imagine a more affordable product.

You can add your favorite foods high in antioxidants to this list and create a healthy, varied menu based on it.

The main thing about the sources of antioxidants in the daily diet

Oxidation processes occur in the body constantly, so food rich in antioxidants should be on the table every day, regardless of the season. To remember this, create your menu following simple rules:

    Try to choose those products that you have been accustomed to since childhood, although sometimes variety doesn’t hurt either.

    Add healthy spices to prepared dishes - cloves, black pepper, cinnamon, turmeric.

    If there is a need to adjust the menu, when selecting new products, pay attention to the ORAC index.

Powerful antioxidants in the diet are a tasty way to prevent terrible diseases. Take the opportunity to improve your menu!

Many people have heard the word antioxidants these days, but few know what it means. To do this, you need to remember some information in the field of chemistry and it will immediately become clear in general terms that such a word means the name of antioxidants. "Anti" means "against" and "Oxys" means "sour".

Antioxidants are certain substances that can slow down oxidation

They neutralize free radicals, which become one of the main reasons aging of the body and most degenerative diseases. Successful numerous tests and studies on the presence of antioxidants in foods were carried out in the USA at Boston University.

Probably, those people who have ever been interested in how to stop the aging process of the body have also heard about antioxidants, and also about their healing power and capabilities. Indeed, in fact, according to the authoritative opinion of chemists, antioxidants have the ability to inhibit the oxidation of all organic compounds. They also believe that the cause of aging of the body is the oxidative processes occurring in the human body, which are called action of free radicals. These particles are vital for humans, but if their quantity exceeds a certain threshold, then from active defenders of the body they turn into its destroyers. Then all chronic diseases begin to progress in a person, the immune system weakens, the person ages quickly, and accordingly his life span is reduced.

Antioxidants are valuable because they can neutralize free radicals and also keep their amount at the required level.

You can give yourself life and maintain good health, this requires that antioxidants constantly enter your body, that is, be present in your diet. Necessary to include in mine diet precisely those foods that contain large amounts of antioxidants. Antioxidants will not allow the body's cells to be destroyed by oxidative processes, only in this case a person will remain healthy and full of strength for a long period of his life.

All antioxidants are synthetic and natural.

First of all, a person needs natural antioxidants, the same ones that are found in food products, namely nuts, fresh vegetables and fruits, and berries.

A large number of antioxidants are found in foods. The most effective are vitamin A, vitamin E, selenium and vitamin C, as well person acutely admission required, microelements such as manganese, zinc and copper.

Vitamin C- a kind of trap for free radicals. It is found in sea buckthorn, citrus fruits, black currants, sweet peppers, dill and parsley, and cantaloupe. There is also a lot of vitamin C in white cabbage, green beans, tomatoes and potatoes. Vitamin E you will find in whole grains, sprouted wheat grains, sunflower seeds, vegetable oil. Wheat grains, asparagus, garlic and onions, egg yolk, all seafood and milk are rich in selenium.

Relatively recently, American scientists at the Institute of Nutrition, after conducting research, determined that the winner in the competition for antioxidant content is red beans.

Also included in the list of the most significant foods rich in antioxidants, according to scientists, are:

Nowadays, almost everyone is familiar with the antioxidant capabilities of green tea and spices such as cloves, turmeric, parsley, cinnamon and oregano.

Two to three cups of green tea and one medium-sized orange daily is guaranteed to protect your body from radiation. Oranges, which contain a large amount of antioxidants, prevent the formation of tumors and increase the body's immune status. Excellent antioxidant property provides natural black coffee. Of course, it is best to make your choice by purchasing high-quality coffee beans. Coffee beans should be ground every time before brewing to preserve all their beneficial substances. Also very live beer is useful, that is, one whose shelf life is only a few days.

Recently, the food industry can boast of the release of products containing antioxidants

For example, candies and sweets, but some synthetic substances added to their composition cannot be as active as anthocyanins and flavonoids, which are found only in natural foods.

The human body constantly needs antioxidants, but still, an urgent need for them arises after past diseases and stressful situations, in the elderly, after exposure to UV radiation, in the presence of an improperly balanced diet. If you are attentive to your state of health, you should properly establish correct mode nutrition and adjust its composition.

Fresh, natural foods are the best source of antioxidants.

After all, you will have such a desired result as youth and good health only when a consistent balance of free radicals and antioxidants is established in your body.

IN freshly prepared fruit and berry juices contains a considerable amount of antioxidants. This can be isolated in pomegranate juice, apple juice, juice made from all types of citrus fruits. Even on the dinner tables of our grandparents, in those distant times, you could often see onions, garlic, beets and cabbage, carrots and celery. Turnips, radishes, radishes, and rutabaga were given special honor. Eating such foods may even prevent the development of cancer.

Large amount of antioxidants you can get by eating berries and grape wines. It is recommended to drink 50 grams of wine twice a day, several times a week. Proper use of it will help you relieve spasms of blood vessels in the head, prevent the occurrence of stressful periods and nervous breakdowns, and lower blood cholesterol levels. Also sensible wine consumption will help fight pathogenic bacteria and improve intestinal function.

Cognac drinks also have antioxidant effects, but it is best to drink cognac infrequently and in small quantities (30 grams for women, 50 grams for men).

Women who want to always look young, in addition to caring for their skin, are recommended to use natural antioxidants, which are present in the simplest products.

What are antioxidants and how do they work^

On our planet, destruction processes almost always occur with the participation of oxygen through oxidation. We get sick, gradually age, and this, very approximately, can be called the process of oxidation. Disease conditions occur in the body with the formation of free radicals.

Their excess leads to lipid peroxidation - the basis of cell membranes - and, as a result, to disruption of the functions of the body's cell membranes, to poor health and premature aging. The body has an antioxidant defense system, which is divided into primary (antioxidant enzymes) and secondary (antioxidant vitamins).

This system works for us from birth, throughout our lives, gradually weakening over the years. Therefore, there is a need to feed and support it.

How do antioxidants work?

Selenium is extremely unevenly distributed in the earth's crust - almost the entire territory of Russia is selenium deficient.

Antioxidants in food: table

To find out in more detail which foods are antioxidants and how many antioxidant units they contain, you should check out this table:

Top 10 Best Foods for Health Benefits of Antioxidants (Antioxidant Units per 100 grams): Table

All of the above antioxidants stimulate the functioning of the immune system, which is important for those who want to remain young for a long time: as you know, it is because of diseases that the body ages much faster.

Thanks to the positive effect of antioxidants on the human body, it is possible to “slow down” aging and prevent many diseases, so products containing them are recommended to be consumed by absolutely everyone from childhood.

Antioxidants in plants and herbs

Bioflavonoids are substances of plant origin that resemble human estrogens in structure (sometimes called phytoestrogens). Different plants contain their own composition of flavonoids, which largely determine medicinal properties extract.

Medicinal plants and herbs antioxidants

For example, unique properties Grape seed extract is due to the presence of proanthocyanidins (bioflavonoids with very powerful antioxidant activity), blueberries contain anthocyanins (blue bioflavonoids), etc.

Bioflavonoids are blue and green plant pigments that form antioxidant cocktails in which different antioxidants restore each other and exhibit synergistic action. Aqueous herbal extracts almost always contain some type of bioflavonoids.

Antioxidants in cosmetics

The antioxidant Superoxide dismutase (SOD) of animal, microbial and plant origin is used in cosmetics.

Where Superoxide Dismutase is found: plants whose extracts exhibit SOD-like activity - sea buckthorn, witch hazel, ginkgo biloba, horse chestnut, green tea and some others.

  • Seasonality (winter-spring),
  • Disease,
  • old age,
  • Hard physical labor
  • Sports activities.

In these situations, it is advisable to choose a food supplement that is made from natural raw materials (herbs, fruits, etc.) or take balanced vitamin and mineral complexes.

Few people do not know what antioxidants are. These are substances that prevent the overoxidation of body cells under the influence of external factors, bad habits and processes of their own life. Free radicals aggressively interact with organs and systems, causing premature aging, disorders of various types, and even provoke cancer.

Antioxidants, what are they?

In the human body, there is, figuratively speaking, a renewal system that produces protective compounds that suppress the negative effects of radicals. These compounds are commonly called antioxidants. Partly they are produced in the form of enzymes, and partly enters the body during food. But not any food can provide a person with antioxidant protection, but only a complete balanced diet

Antioxidant Diet

A properly balanced daily menu is an antioxidant diet. will help provide complete protection against negative influence aggressive substances, the results of which are noted within the first week. Improving the condition of the digestive system and accelerating metabolism helps to get rid of excess weight.

At high physical activity full-fledged will allow the body to get rid of waste, toxins, lactic acid in the shortest possible time, which will improve general state and will prevent muscle pain after sports activities. The corrected deficiency of antioxidants will support the good functionality of joints, muscles and ligaments, increase their elasticity, which will have an additional effect positive impact on the formation of muscle relief and on regeneration processes in case of injury.

Antioxidants in food

As is known, the main source of vitamins and microelements for humans are natural products. The most powerful properties in the fight against free radicals are flavonoids and anthocyanins, which are found in greens, prunes, blueberries, citrus fruits, raisins, pomegranates, nuts, natural coffee, tea.

Antioxidants in food may lose their activity during long-term storage or heat treatment for more than 15 minutes. That is why, to obtain the greatest effect, it is preferable to eat fresh or steamed vegetables and fruits. It is also worth remembering that the greatest amount of protective substances is contained in fruits with bright blue, red, black or orange coloring.

The most antioxidant-rich foods

The percentage of spices in cooked dishes is small, but the degree of protection against aggressive radicals sometimes exceeds even medicinal plants. The following can boast of such high content: oregano, cloves, rosemary, saffron, turmeric, cinnamon.

Natural drinks in your daily diet will help maintain beauty and youth. Preference should be given to sugar-free cocoa with low-fat milk, which contains more “radical fighters” than red wine and green tea. Natural coffee beans are also good in this sense. If we talk about freshly squeezed juices, then in the first rows are: black rowan, pomegranate juice, apple, citrus fresh.

The company on its website offers a choice of various diets for a healthy, balanced diet, which, by taking regularly, everyone has the opportunity to achieve their goals and provide themselves with antioxidant protection.