Date recipes. Dried dates are famous fruits with a thousand-year history. Useful properties of dried dates

Dried and sun-dried fruits are healthier than raw fruits. If you dry dates, store them for the winter, it will be a storehouse of vitamins B5, E, H, as well as substances like aspirin that eliminate the symptoms of colds, headaches, and increase efficiency.

In the question of how dates are dried, you need to follow the recommendations of the culinary experts.

Harvesting and industrial drying

Each date palm produces from 100 to 250 kg. harvest per year. Having collected the fruits, they are scattered on the ground, where they are dried naturally under the rays of the scorching sun. To keep them longer, before putting them in a container, you should bury them in hot sand, leaving the dates to dry for several days.

After the drying process, the dates are washed. The bones are removed from each fruit by hands. Dates are sorted, processed and packaged.

How to dry sweet products in a non-natural way is not familiar to everyone. For this, use an oven. Dried fruits are treated with a sulfur composition, this will scare away insects. To make the dates sweeter, you will need to preserve them using glucose syrup. Dried fruits prepared by this method have an unnatural shine. Natural dates without additives have a matte skin and are soft to the touch.

Naturally dried fruits have a sticky surface on which germs and bacteria can easily remain. Therefore, it is impossible for the dried fruit to remain in an unclosed container for a long time or be scattered in the open air. Before consuming dates, they are washed in boiled water... Dried fruits treated with chemicals must be soaked in hot water, changing it more than once, until the oily stains on the surface of the liquid completely disappear.

Dates are low in calories. This dietary product can be divided into 3 groups: dry dates, semi-dry and juicy. The most useful dry fruits are antioxidants and antiradicals. They are easier and faster to dry for storage. It is better to eat dried fruit cut in half, get rid of the bone and see if there are any lesions by the date moth and the eggs laid by it.

Store dates in a container with a tightly closed lid on a refrigerator shelf. They can stand for a whole year. You can keep dried fruit in the freezer for 5 years.

Date selection

Fresh palm fruits can be enjoyed in Israel, Algeria, Egypt, etc. In our country, they sell frozen, dried and dried products.

Fresh dates have a thick and glossy rind with a yellow, orange or red tint. It tastes juicy and sweet without sugary fruit. The flesh of the fruit plucked from a palm tree is crisp like a persimmon. It is difficult to extract the bone. Unripe fruit has a greenish gray color, waxy coating and astringent taste.

Dried dates have a different color, uniform and deep brown. The fruit has a neat rounded shape. Cracks and wrinkles on the peel are not present. The fruit is dry but slightly sticky to the touch. A quality product does not clump. The softness of the pulp is medium. Low juiciness. The seeds of dried dates are easy to remove.

If the dates are dried without using chemicals, the dried fruit skin will be intact, dry and slightly translucent. Slight stickiness indicates the natural release of sugar.

Home drying

At home, you can dry the fruit for a long time, putting it in a shady place, they will be soft. When dried in the sun for a long time, the dates will become harder. Producers different ways fast processing of fruits. If the harvest takes place earlier than expected, it is enough to bathe the dates in a solution of non-food caustic soda, which is in a boiling state. From this, cracks will go along the thick peel, it will be possible to dry the dates sooner. But the juiciness of the fruit will decrease, through the cracks the fruit can become infected with bacteria.

Not every production uses a natural drying method. For the mechanical method, the oven will go. After drying, it is fumigated with sulfur dioxide. With the destruction of bacteria, there will be no harmful insects and the product can be stored for a long time.

The differences between dates that were dried naturally and with the help of the oven are clearly visible on the skin. If it cracks all over the fruit or flakes off, this indicates working with a drying chamber or a high temperature oven. A minimal and almost invisible number of cracks on the skin can appear if the fruits are dried under the sultry rays of the sun. To preserve the presentation, dried fruits are processed with oil products, liquid smoke, and they are also coated with fruits in glycerin, palm oil. A chemically processed product can be distinguished by the intense gloss of the skin.

Dates have long been a symbol of abundance and fertility. They contain a lot of carbohydrates, so they can easily provide the human body with vigor and incredible energy for the whole day. This fruit is considered an excellent delicacy for both adults and very young children.

They contain more than twenty amino acids that are useful to humans. They also contain many vitamins and minerals. The date improves the functioning of the brain, reduces the risk of developing diseases and has a good effect on the cardiac system, it helps with exacerbated cough. Due to the high calorie content, these fruits are not always included in the diet during balanced diets, but we are not talking about this now ... We will not get fat from a one-time intake of an excess of dates. However, eating them in large quantities can also get bored. So, if you decide to introduce them into your daily diet, then you should find out what you can cook from dates in order to diversify your menu.

Lemon pancakes with dates


Dates - 400 grams;
lemon - 2 pcs.;
egg - 2 pcs.;
flour - 8 tbsp. spoons;
sugar - 4 tbsp. spoons;
powder - 3 tbsp. spoons;
syrup - 3 tbsp. spoons;
salt - a quarter teaspoon.

1. Rinse the dates, cut them in half and remove the seeds. Wash the lemons, cut into halves and squeeze the juice into a separate bowl. Remove the zest from the citrus and chop it finely. Sift the flour and gently melt the butter.

2. Beat eggs lightly, add salt, butter and sugar. Then pour in 3 tablespoons of lemon juice, a few spoons of lemon zest, flour and mix everything thoroughly. Then add water slowly and beat gently. The dough must be kept for 15 minutes at room temperature. Pass the pulp of processed dates through a meat grinder with lemon juice, the remaining zest, fruit syrup. Mix the ingredients well.

3. Fry the pancakes in a well-heated skillet on one side. Put the prepared filling on the fried part, wrap it in an envelope and fry until a beautiful and very crispy golden crust.

Before serving the prepared dish, pour over the pancakes with not very hot melted butter, sprinkle with a little sweet icing sugar.

Exotic dates are healthy but can cause severe allergies. Therefore, the use of lemon pancakes with this fruit should be reduced for small children. This will not be so easy, because pancakes are not perceived as a dessert. Here's an example of my favorite date dish - Date Ball recipe. They are perceived as sweet, therefore it is much easier to explain to children that they cannot eat a lot of them.

Date balls


Dates - 400 grams;
liquid honey - 60 grams;
walnuts - 200 grams;
add sesame seeds to taste.

Step by step cooking:

1. Rinse the dates thoroughly and remove all pits.

2. To prepare the correct and tasty date balls, you must pass all the ingredients through a meat grinder. Chop the dates first and then the walnuts. Add liquid honey and mix thoroughly until it is completely homogeneous.

3. Put the sesame seeds in a separate plate. Roll small balls about the size of quail eggs from the prepared sweet mixture. Each of the balls must be rolled in sesame seeds.

Instead of sesame seeds, you can easily use flakes of coconut to make date balls properly.

Toffee pudding


Dates - 100 grams;
dried fruits - 50 grams;
some soda;
brown sugar - 150 grams;
butter - 225 grams;
pancake flour - 150 grams;
chicken egg - 2 pcs.;
sour cream - 6 tbsp. spoons.

Step by step cooking:

1. Finely chop dried fruits and dates. Place all of the butter on the counter for maximum softening. Sift the flour thoroughly.

2. Lubricate the microwave ovens with butter. In a container convenient for you, mix dried fruits with soda and pour the mixture with an incomplete glass of boiling water. This mass must be infused for several hours.

3. Beat 150 g of sugar and literally 75 g of butter until a good foam, then add the sifted flour, beat in the chicken eggs.

4. Drain water from dried fruits and add them to the mass. Stir the dough, pour into all microwaveable tins.

5. The pudding must be baked for 3 minutes, and then let it stand for literally 5 minutes - during this minimum time it will harden a little.

6. Next, you need to prepare the pudding sauce. Stir the sour cream, the remaining butter and sugar, pour the resulting mixture into a microwave container and put in your oven for three minutes. Stir in the prepared sauce.

7. Pudding is served warm. Pre-pour it with a delicious sauce. The dish goes well with a cup of English tea. You can decorate the sweetness with cream, mint leaves, and also put a ball of ice cream next to it.

You can cook pudding without a microwave. To do this, you need to cook it for 40-50 minutes at 200 degrees. In this case, it is recommended to cook the sauce on a regular stove to the thickness you need, but not for very long, as it can certainly turn into full caramel, which is not suitable for this delicate dessert.

This, of course, is not all dishes that include dates, the recipes with their use are much more extensive. Compotes, salads are prepared with them, sweets are made. We will also talk about this sometime.

Delicious recipes with dates for weight loss

Dates are a unique product that helps to safely lose weight and at the same time eliminate the lack of vitamins and microelements in our body. Legends are made about these dried fruits, and in real life they come up with various dishes and diets. How to use dates to lose weight? Do dates benefit or harm people who want to lose weight? Let's deal with this together.

Dates: the benefits and harms of losing weight

World-renowned nutritionists recommend including in diet food dates. They restore strength, are well absorbed by the body, and most importantly, they do not turn into fat. This product contains proteins, carbohydrates, and fiber, as well as mass. More on this in the previous article.

The undoubted benefits of dates:

  • enrich the body with useful trace elements, substances and vitamins;
  • give energy for physical activity, playing sports, strengthens the heart;
  • with them you can go on a diet without giving up sweets;
  • cheer up and improve well-being;
  • allow you to satisfy your hunger.

Due to the high sweetness of the product, it may seem that this is not the fruit to eat in order to lose weight. In fact, there are recipes for dishes with dates and certain rules for their use that help you lose weight. But first, let's find out: who is recommended to consume dates?

First of all, this dried fruit is the choice of people with a slow metabolism, breastfeeding mothers, pregnant women and everyone who is on a diet. And especially, those who want to lose weight in the autumn, winter or spring periods. This product is recommended for everyone who loves fatty foods and meat. For people with a fast metabolism, it is also suitable, the main thing is to eat it in the right combination with other foods. So, we figured out with the benefit of dates, and to whom will they harm when losing weight?

Who shouldn't eat dates? Men and women suffering from diarrhea, acute pancreatitis, intestinal infection. Allergy sufferers need to gradually introduce these fruits into the diet. Also, with caution, this product should be added to your diet for diabetics and people taking any medications. In this case, consult your doctor to avoid complications.

Date diet for weight loss

There are several ways to lose weight with dates. For lovers of a strict starvation diet, eating only these dried fruits for 10 days is suitable. It is allowed to add green apples to this diet, a lot of simple pure water and green tea... Dates are a low-calorie product, one piece contains only 23 kcal. Eating in this way, the body receives a full range of vitamins and minerals, glucose, protein and carbohydrates necessary for life.

You can eat dates with a diet, as well as in unlimited quantities. The date diet for weight loss will help to get rid of 7 kg of excess weight and the reviews confirm this fact. The first 4 days they eat only dried fruits and drink water. On day 5, green apples up to 1 kg are added to the diet. From day 7, you can drink green tea.

It takes a lot of effort and patience to maintain the date diet, most often people simply added dishes with dates to their diet and lost weight. True, they managed to throw off only 4-5 kg \u200b\u200binstead of 7 kg, but this is also an excellent result. Moreover, in this case, you can eat fully, and not test your willpower. There are several recipes that give you good saturation and the ability to say goodbye to the hated body fat. The advantage of such a diet: after it, people abandon the addiction to chocolate, sweets, sweets and flour delicacies.

Dairy Diet with Dates

This is a strict date and milk diet suitable for fasting days... It is allowed to eat only milk and dates in unlimited quantities. Milk helps the body absorb nutrients and trace elements contained in dates. For a week of such a diet, you can get rid of an extra 5 kg of weight. It is optimal to arrange such a diet in this way: 5 days milk with dates plus green tea or coffee without sugar. 10 days break. 5 days milk-date diet. Thus, you will quickly lose weight and improve your health.

Dates: recipes

Date salad with nuts

Dried fruits (10-15 pieces) free from seeds and cut into small pieces. Add a handful of peeled, chopped nuts. These can be pine nuts, almonds or hazelnuts. Add a teaspoon of chopped ginger and a tablespoon of honey. You can grind all the ingredients in a blender or grind in a meat grinder. The end result is a delicious and healthy pasta that you can put on a whole grain bread and eat for breakfast.

Dates and carrots salad for weight loss

Cook 2 carrots, peel and grate them on a fine to medium grater. Free the dates from seeds, cut into small pieces. Stir in carrots, season with honey or olive oil. This salad works like a bowel brush, detoxifies and enriches the body with vitamins.

Oatmeal with dates

A useful and effective recipe for losing weight. Oatmeal with dates will help organize proper nutrition and lose weight. And in combination with it - no equal! For porridge you will need:

  • 1 cup oatmeal
  • 2 glasses of milk;
  • 10-15 dates (can be pitted and cut into pieces);
  • 1 teaspoon of flaxseed or flour
  • 2 teaspoons of honey;
  • Several grains of peanuts (optional, optional).

Oatmeal is mixed with flaxseed flour, poured over with milk. Put the pan on the fire and cook for 10 minutes, do not forget to stir. Add dates 5-7 minutes after boiling. Serve with honey and chopped peanuts. You can eat such porridge for breakfast or dinner. It energizes and creates a feeling of fullness for a long time.
Date slimming compote

Take a few 15 pieces of dates, add a handful of cranberries, apricots, prunes and raisins to them. Pour 2-3 liters of hot water. Boil and leave to infuse for 30 minutes. A delicious and terribly healthy drink is ready! Cranberries can be replaced with lemon, sour fruits and berries are needed to make the drink tastier and slightly sour. Also, apricots are replaced with dried apricots.

You can drink it as many times as you feel hungry. And also in the morning on an empty stomach, before lunch and in the evening before bedtime. Dates for a diet - good remedy for those who do not eat after 18-19 pm, but want something to eat. So that your body does not get dependent on food and does not experience stress, cook yourself such a healthy compote and lose weight with pleasure.

Be slim, healthy and happy!

I admire more and more dates - how wonderful they are in baking!


  • 500 g pitted dates
  • 300 g flour
  • 100 g butter
  • 100 g sour cream
  • 100 g sugar
  • juice of half a lemon
  • 1 tsp baking soda
  • a pinch of salt

How to make date cookies - recipe:

  1. We take out the butter from the refrigerator in advance and let it soften.
  2. We mix butter, sour cream and sugar and grind until smooth.

    Grind butter with sugar and sour cream

  3. We survive the juice from half a lemon.
  4. Add soda to the juice and mix well. A violent reaction begins, we observe and enjoy the wonders of chemistry. Add a pinch of salt.
  5. We mix the flour with the resulting mixtures. Knead the dough for a very short time until smooth. The dough will stick to your hands a little, but after the cold it will become more pliable. But after baking, the cookies will be very tender.

    Kneading the dough

  6. So, we wrap the dough in cling film and send it to the refrigerator for 30-40 minutes.

    We put in the refrigerator

  7. In the meantime, prepare the date paste. Soak the dates in water for 10 minutes.

    Soak the dates

  8. Separate the pulp of the dates from the seeds and scroll through the meat grinder until smooth. You can grind in a blender, but through a meat grinder it turns out better and faster.

    Grind in mashed potatoes

  9. When the dough has cooled slightly and becomes more manageable, we take it out of the refrigerator and divide it into two equal parts.

    Divide the dough

  10. Roll out each of the parts into a rectangle measuring 30 × 20 cm, approximately 5 mm thick.
  11. Put one part on a baking sheet. Distribute the date filling evenly on top.

    We spread the filling of dates on one part

  12. Then cover the filling with the second part of the dough.

    Cover with the second part

  13. Cut off the rest of the dough (if any) so that we get an even rectangle.
  14. We make even cuts along and across the rectangle, giving shape to the cookies. Since I wanted to completely repeat the store's masterpiece, I cut it into rectangles.

    Making cuts

  15. We send the baking sheet to an oven preheated to 180 degrees for about 20 minutes.

    We put in the oven to bake

  16. Cool the finished biscuits with dates and cut them apart into plates.

    Date cookies are ready

  17. Enjoy your tea!

    Nastya Bordeyanu recipe author