Vitamins for teenagers 17 18. Vitamins for teenagers: which complex is better. Name and form of issue

Specially designed for teenagers can correct this situation. We will talk about complex vitamin supplements that help replenish nutrient reserves in this article.

What vitamins are needed in adolescence

During the period of schooling, children need a full supply of organic elements of all categories. From 11 to 17 years old, teenagers experience enhanced physical and sexual formation. Hence the need to improve the child's menu in such a way that every day there is a place for the following natural vitamins:

  • 11-14 years old- (performs the main function of strengthening the body's defenses and facilitates the digestion of other nutrients);
  • 12-15 years old- (the main forming element of the body cells), (strengthen memory, participate in all metabolic processes in the student's body);
  • 13-15 years old- (required for the full growth of the child);
  • 13-16 years old- (guarantees the health of teeth and bones, helps to digest phosphorus and calcium);
  • 12-17 years old-, K1 and (excellent materials to improve memory, promote stable blood circulation and the functioning of the whole body).

Vitamins for different age categories

When choosing a multivitamin supplement for teenagers, it is customary to focus on age, lifestyle, and the presence of any ailment.

Vitamins for teenagers 11 years old

At the age of 11, children have an increased need for elements that normalize the functions of the main organs, accelerate growth, strengthen bones and, in general, the body's defenses. From the age of 11, schoolchildren are prescribed Pikovit brand products. So, if emotional disturbances are observed, the best choice will become "Pikovit Omega-3". If there is a high blood sugar level, then the best option is "Pikovit D". For the purpose of weight gain, Pikovit Plus is prescribed. And if the growth is too accelerated, causing concern, pediatricians advise "Pikovit Prebiotic".

Preparations of the "Pikovit" series for schoolchildren aged 11 and over are prescribed 1 t / o 5-7 times a day.

Important! If necessary, the doctor can increase the daily dose of consumed vitamin preparations ... The most important thing here- monitoring the development of adverse reactions. Plus to this, consultation with a specialist is required on the issue of the child'scontraindications to the use of each specific agent.The duration of the course is also determined by the therapist (on an individual basis).

Vitamins for teenagers 12 years old

In this case, the requirements for the selection of multivitamins practically do not differ from the previous age category. The approach to compensating for the lack of nutrients should be systemic. Schoolchildren at this age are also prescribed means of the "Pikovit" series, but a number of other additives are also recommended. For schoolchildren of this age, special supplements have been created:

  • "Multi-Tabs" (1 tablet a day during meals);
  • “Alphabet” of the “Shkolnik” series (3 tablets of different colors are prescribed per day, the minimum interval between doses is 4 hours);
  • Sana-Sol (2 teaspoons a day);
  • "Complivit-active" (1 tablet 1 time per day, after breakfast, washed down with water);
  • "Multibionta Junior" (inside, 1/2 tablet in the morning or at noon, dissolved in 200 ml of water).

Vitamins for teenagers 13 years old

In this age category, the young body continues to grow and form, therefore, it urgently needs vitamins such as A, B, C and D. For example, vitamin D y and contributes to the proper development of the skeleton. Vitamin C participates in the digestion of other organic substances, and also improves the general condition of the body. All these substances are present in the composition of the drugs that were listed above. Vitamins for adolescents 13 years old can be supplemented with the complexes "Duovit" (1 blue pill and 1 red pill a day, after breakfast, whole (without chewing), squeezed with liquid; consumption rate - 20 days) and Biovital (1 tablet 2 times a day). They cover the existing deficiency and make the immune system stronger.

Did you know? NASA recommends that you include clay in your dietastronauts, toharden bonesin the state of zero-gravity... Due to the combination of minerals in the clay, the calcium present in it is digested faster than pure calcium.

Vitamins for teenagers 14 years old

When purchasing vitamins for adolescents 14 years old, consider the lifestyle of your child, that is, the degree of his mobility. During this period, many teenagers begin to actively join sports sections, spending a lot of strength and energy on training. The most significant organic substances at this time are vitamins A, C, E, PP and group B.

In addition to those funds that have already been noted, "Unicap M" is added (taken orally simultaneously with a meal in the amount of 1 tablet per day), "Vitrum Junior" (1 tablet per day, inside after a meal, after chewing a tablet) and others.

Vitamins for teenagers 15 years old

In this phase of development, children gradually enter late adolescence. The need of a young organism for minerals and organic elements becomes even greater. Active growth is still ongoing, and the workload at school, worries about the future and other factors join it. Give preference to multivitamin complexes "Vitrum Teenager" (1 capsule a day after meals, chewing thoroughly and drinking water), "Vitrum Circus" (1-2 chewable tablets per day), "Multivita Plus" (1 effervescent tablet per day, dissolving in a glass of water), "Vitergin" (maximum daily dose - 10 tablets) and others. The consumption of such complexes is the best option for teenagers who are intensively involved in sports. In addition, these supplements should be taken by people who do not adhere to a proper and balanced diet, which is often the case among adolescents. And nutritional deficiencies can lead to a number of unpleasant consequences.

Vitamins for teenagers 16 years old

From this age phase, the growth rate of the majority of schoolchildren gradually slows down. In parallel, manifestations such as weakness, rapid exhaustion and excessive nervousness can be observed. In case of malnutrition, there are primary symptoms of hemoglobin deficiency in the blood and other ailments. As in the beginning of maturation and maturation, a young body still requires organic matter. The best purchased vitamins for adolescents 16 years old are: "Metabalans 44" (1 capsule with meals, washed down with water, 1-3 times a day) and "Vitergin" (mentioned above). The advantage of the product "Metabalans 44" is a balanced composition, which contains not only vitamins, but also important minerals.

Important! If necessary, dragees or capsules are washed down with purified water only. It is forbidden to drink them with carbonated waters or juices.

Vitamins for teenagers 17 years old

Older students need organic elements and minerals no less than younger ones. However, in late adolescence, many young men and women are already quite formed - pills for accelerating growth are not as important for them as they used to be. The rest of the useful elements, as before, are necessary. As for which pharmacy vitamins are suitable for adolescents 17 years old, it is best to use the "Alphabet" of the "Teenager" series (three times a day, with an interval between doses of 4-6 hours), "Metabbalance 44" (mentioned above) , Vitrum Circus (see above) and Pikovit Forte.

What vitamins do teenagers need?

All the nutrients that teenagers need are present both in the purchased multivitamin complexes, which we have already seen, and in natural products. Undoubtedly, the best source of organic matter is natural food. Retinol can be found in green and yellow fruits and vegetables, cream and butter. Group B organics are present in considerable quantities in lactic acid products, beef liver and greens. Vitamin C present in rose hips, citrus fruits and black currants. Calciferol can be found in fish, butter, liver, egg yolk, and protein. Increased content niacin observed in eggs, liver, meat, fish, lactic acid products.

Did you know? In the 1990s, the so-called"Golden rice"fortified with retinol... This plant could help preventyu blindness among children in many countries. But,due to the prejudices existing at that time about GMO products,"Golden rice"was banned.

Indications and contraindications for taking vitamin complexes

Indications for the consumption of vitamin preparations for schoolchildren are:

  • lack of adequate nutrition;
  • stunting;
  • the rehabilitation period after a long or acute illness;
  • long-term drug (using antibiotics) therapy;
  • seasonal lack of organic matter in the diet;
  • forced stay in an unfavorable ecological environment;
  • increased mental stress;
  • decreased food cravings;
  • intense sports.
Among the contraindications, experts identify a high susceptibility to the components of the drugs, as well as the existing intoxication of the body with calciferol or retinol.

Important! Do not forget to consult with a therapist before going to the pharmacy. The intake of certain vitamin products must be approved by a specialist, since their uncontrolled consumption can provoke such an undesirableth phenomenon, such as hypervitaminosis.

So, now you know how to strengthen your child's health during this difficult period of his life. Remember, however, that vitamin supplements are not a substitute for a balanced diet. Strive to devote more time to your child and always control his diet.

A new school year has come. Mental and physical exercise in children during this period, they increase significantly, they are especially in dire need of a full-fledged intake of nutrients enriched with calcium and microelements.

We get nutrients from food, and if we can still control the diet of a primary school child, then starting from about 12 to 16 years old it is quite difficult to do this. The younger generation prefers “fast” food (chips, crackers, hot dogs), which is scarce in vitamins, so for adolescents the best option would be to take additional pharmacy multivitamin complexes.

Every second, third Russian schoolchild at the age of 12-17 suffers to a greater or lesser extent from vitamin deficiency, this is manifested by memory impairment, absent-mindedness, rapid fatigue and many other symptoms. In order to saturate the teenager's body with all the necessary nutrients, he needs to eat (per day) at least - 300 g of vegetables, fruits, 200 g of meat, 250 g of cereals, 70-100 g of fish, pasta, cottage cheese, 30-50 g bran bread and drink it all with two glasses of milk. Not a single child can cope with this amount of food, therefore it is better and more expedient to purchase and give a complex of minerals and vitamins for adolescents.

The younger generation needs a full intake of all groups of vitamins. At the age from 12 to 17 years old, schoolchildren have active physical and puberty (especially in the period of 13-15 years). Therefore, it is very important to balance the diet so that it includes daily the following vitamins for teenagers:

  • retinol is the main construction material body tissues for 12-15 years of age;
  • B vitamins - participants in all metabolic processes occurring in the body during adolescence, including for strengthening memory (12-15 years old);
  • calciferol - without it, it is impossible to have healthy teeth, bones (promotes the absorption of phosphorus, calcium). Ideal for 13-16 year olds;
  • tocopherol - necessary for full growth (for 13-15 year old children);
  • vitamin C- performs the main work to strengthen the immune system, helps in the assimilation of other nutrients (up to 14-15 years old);
  • niacin, phylloquinone, biotin - without them, body tissues and blood circulation cannot function normally. An excellent drug for strengthening memory (for all schoolchildren, from 12 to 16 years old).

These are the main substances, without which the full development of a young organism is impossible, but there are still additional ones. Do not forget about magnesium, calcium, phosphorus, zinc, copper, these minerals are also important especially during the period of active development (sexual, physical, mental) of a child, which falls on the period of 12-17 years.

When to take

Many parents are worried about the problem of the growth of children, statistics show that only 2% of people correspond to the growth inherent in genetics, the rest are 7-12 cm behind due to insufficient intake of necessary substances.

Vitamins for growth and memory improvement for adolescents are a combination of the following substances:

  • B-group - representatives of this complex are integral participants in all metabolic processes of the body, they provide the growing body with the necessary nutrients, especially during puberty (14-15 years);
  • calciferol (D) - the main substance responsible for growth, the development of a full-fledged bone skeleton is impossible without this substance, thanks to it, calcium and phosphorus are absorbed;
  • retinol (A) - "building material" for cartilage, bone tissue, teeth;
  • ascorbic acid (C) - without it, the vitamins necessary for bone growth in adolescents cannot be fully absorbed, in addition, its task is to strengthen the immune system.

In addition to these four vitamins (they are the main ones), tocopherol is necessary for growth, phylloquinone as auxiliary elements - they protect cells from destruction, and improve blood circulation.

Particularly popular is the well-known drug - Alphabet, saturated with trace elements for bones, strengthening the immune system and memory, enriched with calcium for the growth and strengthening of the adolescent's body.

At the age of 12-14 years and older, it is simply necessary to take vitamins with calcium, since for adolescents this is the basis that constitutes a healthy, fully developed bone skeleton. You can get all the necessary substances for bone growth by taking special vitamin and mineral complexes.

With the beginning of the school year, parents are concerned about maintaining and improving the mental abilities of the student, trying to strengthen and improve memory. This can be done through a balanced diet, as well as taking vitamins that are needed for schoolchildren and adolescents to improve their mental abilities.

The main elements here are B vitamins (all members of the group) - they normalize mental activity, help improve memory (long-term, short-term), and stimulate the activity of the brain. Tocopherol and ascorbic acid play a supporting role, improving the absorption of the main group of vitamins, as well as protecting brain cells from the "attacks" of free radicals. Vitamins to strengthen memory in adolescents should be used in a complex manner.

Young athletes

What microelements and substances are needed for schoolchildren involved in sports? For young athletes who, due to their age, must receive all the necessary nutrients in increased quantities, a number of vitamin products and preparations are recommended. Due to their physical activity, the need for nutrients doubles.

What kind of complexes should be given for growing athletes? The main vitamins for young athletes are A, B, C, D, E. As we have already said with food, it is quite difficult (especially for a child, teenager) to get all the necessary nutrients, so parents should pay attention to such vitamin and mineral complexes as Unicap M. , Multitabs, and Vitamins Teenager Alphabet for Teens. These preparations contain all vitamins, minerals, micro and macro elements that the growing body needs.

For immunity

With the approach of cold weather, it will be important to take care of the immunity of your child in order to minimize the risk of acute respiratory, viral diseases. What vitamins for schoolchildren and athletes are suitable for strengthening immunity, bones, improving memory? Vitamins for strengthening the immune system in adolescents are:

  • ascorbic acid - has antioxidant properties, helps to strengthen the immune system, increases the body's defenses;
  • retinol - immune antibodies are formed under its influence;
  • tocopherol - essential for fighting infections, also helps in the production of antibodies;
    B-group vitamins are participants in all metabolic processes, they should be present daily in everyone's diet.

In addition, to maintain the immune system, minerals (selenium, magnesium, zinc, iodine) and a number of auxiliary substances D, PP, F are also needed, which are necessarily enriched with calcium to strengthen bones.

Taking drugs by age

What vitamins for teenagers 12 years old is better for parents to choose? First of all, these should be preparations enriched with calcium for the growth of the skeletal system, trace elements that improve memory and increase immunity. These are Alphabet, Multi-tabs, Vitrum Junior and many other drugs, the use of which must be agreed with a doctor in advance.

  • A complex of drugs for adolescents 13 years old - Complivit-active, Duovit, also Alphabet, Biovital and others, taken only after a medical consultation.
  • A complex of preparations for adolescents 14 years old - Unicap M., Vitergin, Vitrum Junior, Complivit-active and other vitamin complexes Alphabet.
  • Complex of preparations for teenagers 13-15 years old - Vitrum Circus, Biovital, Vitrum teenager, Alphabet, Multivita plus.
  • Drugs for adolescents 13-16 years old - you can take all the drugs listed above, in addition, the Metabbalance 44 complex is recommended for use (an excellent tool for enhancing immunity and strengthening memory).
  • Preparations for teenagers 13 - 17 years old - also Metabalans 44, Vitrum teenager, Alphabet and other preparations suitable for age and enriched with calcium to strengthen bones.

All teenage vitamins and mineral complexes should be taken after consulting a doctor. In addition, at the age of 13-14 years, you should not get carried away with additives, excessive intake of biologically active substances, even for athletes, is fraught with the development of hypervitaminosis, with symptoms dangerous to health, as well as provoke the development of serious diseases and, instead of increasing immunity, get it malfunctioning.

At the age of 12-16, gender differences are formed, hormonal changes in the body take place. These complex processes are regulated by a group of biologically active compounds called "vitamins". For adolescents, in the most difficult period from a physiological point of view, it is important to receive all the necessary substances and components. You can help a fragile body to cope with the hardships of puberty, which are exacerbated by eating disorders. We will touch upon only one component of this process - replenishment of the stock of active substances with the help of pharmacy products.

Vitamin requirements and age differences

When purchasing vitamins for a 16-year-old teenager in a pharmacy, you need to pay attention to the following. During this period, for a number of active substances (A, E, B5, B12), the needs are identical to those of an adult body or exceed them. Other vitamins (K, C, folic acid) at the age of 16 should be taken as much as at the age of 14-15. Teenagers 15-16 years old especially need active substances that are responsible for:

  • the activity of the glands of internal and external secretion;
  • immune responses;
  • hematopoiesis;
  • skeleton formation;
  • strengthening the walls of arteries, veins, capillaries;
  • cleansing the skin;
  • protection of hair and nails.

Causes of hypo- and avitaminosis

During the period of growth, development and puberty, with significant mental and physical stress in the body, the need for vitamins increases. It is difficult to provide it in the diet without taking pharmaceutical preparations. Manufacturers of vitamins are trying to take into account age characteristics, possible health problems caused by the lack of individual components in food. The amount of nutrients in them is significantly reduced during the procurement of raw materials, their storage, during heat treatment.

Among the vitamins there is a group that is not synthesized in the body. Some are formed in insufficient quantities. Some of the active substances are quickly excreted from the body with metabolic products (water-soluble) or poorly absorbed due to digestive problems.

Health ABC: A, B, C, D, E

All known vitamins (about 15 names) are combined into two classes: fat-soluble, for example A, D, E, K, and water-soluble. The second group includes representatives of group B, as well as C and a number of other compounds (see table below). Among vitamins there are hormones or their precursors, active centers (enzymes, enzymes). Let's list the most important vitamins for adolescents (in brackets - the symbol):

  1. Retinol (A). Supports the health of the skin and eyes, provides antioxidant protection, and resists infections and cancer. With a shortage, twilight vision is impaired, the skin peels off, and the susceptibility to infectious diseases increases.
  2. Ascorbic acid (C). Strengthens the immune system, helps fight infections. Deficiency in the body leads to the vulnerability of the gums, frequent colds, fatigue.
  3. Cyanocobalamin (B12). Participates in the formation of erythrocytes, has an immuno-modulating effect. The skin with a lack of vitamin is pale, the muscles are flaccid.
  4. Calciferol (D). Promotes the formation of bone substance, regulates the absorption of calcium, improves immunity. With a deficiency, weak bones prone to fractures, caries.
  5. Menadion (K). Regulates the process of blood clotting.
  6. Tocopherol (E). Ensures the functioning of the circulatory system, binds free radicals. A lack of vitamin leads to digestive problems.
  7. Folic acid (B9). Participates in the formation of red blood cells, regulates deficiency causes anemia, lethargy, irritability, poor appetite.

How vitamins help you cope with stress at school

Vitamins for a 15-year-old teenager should include substances that help with significant physical and mental stress, nutritional disorders. Usually at this age they complete the main course of secondary school, which includes about two dozen academic disciplines... Many teenagers still attend circles and sections, go in for sports and participate in competitions. A fragile body cannot physically cope with such stress. Let's add to this disturbances in nutrition, poor environmental conditions, an abundance of GMOs, preservatives, and dyes in food.

In these cases, adolescents 15 years old can take multivitamin complexes for prophylactic or therapeutic purposes in 1-2 tablets or 1-2 tablets 3 times a day. The course lasts 3-4 weeks.

Vitamins for a teenager: improving memory, attention, fighting stress

The active substances in the composition of multivitamins are necessary for increased mental stress, nervous exhaustion. They improve metabolic processes (including in the tissues of the brain), facilitate concentration and memorization. In such cases, they are suitable for adolescents. These are the drugs "Aviton - GinkgoVita", "Biovital" (dragee), "Bio-Max", "Vitrum Plus" (tablets).

The main purpose of such complexes is the prevention and therapy of hypo- and avitaminosis. They are used in the composition combination treatment many diseases, to increase resistance to infections, stress, unfavorable environment. Vitamins for teens are not a substitute for a complete diet. They only supplement it with active substances, the deficiency of which can adversely affect the state of the body.

Appearance and health problems

When deciding which vitamins to drink for a teenager, it is important not to be mistaken with the choice of drugs. This is a problem with several unknowns. There are tests that determine the need for individual compounds.

Very often, external signs signal internal trouble. For example, changes in the color and texture of nails (decreased strength, white spots, layering). Skin and hair problems can mean a deficiency of certain vitamins in the body. In pharmacies without a doctor's prescription, syrups, pills, tablets containing active substances are available that are required by the teenager's body to eliminate such symptoms.

for teenagers - multi-complexes

The active components required by the body mutually complement or enhance the action of each other. This is very important for the correct assimilation of all the elements. In addition, a teenager is freed from the need to drink several pills if he takes a daily complex vitamin preparation from the following list:

  • "Vitrum teenager";
  • Vitrum Junior;
  • Complivit-asset;
  • "Unicap M";
  • "Duovit";
  • "Multi-Tabs Teenager";
  • "Multivita Plus";
  • Biovital;
  • "Multibiont";
  • Vitrum Circus:
  • Vitergin.

The best way to stay healthy

Daily intake of vitamins for adolescents is not only a quick and convenient method of replenishing the reserves of active substances in the body. It is also the best option for obtaining additional compounds that improve well-being, prevent diseases, and cope with ailments.

A textbook example is ascorbic acid (vitamin C). The famous American chemist, winner of two Alfred Nobel prizes, studied the properties of the substance. It was he who established and by his own example proved that vitamin C in large doses helps with infectious (colds) diseases. The disadvantage of this method is the laxative effect of increased doses of "ascorbic acid".


In optimal quantities, vitamins can normalize all body functions, which is especially important during puberty. The adolescent's body especially needs protection from the ill-being associated with a lack of active substances.

Features of adolescence

Adolescence is considered one of the most difficult in the life of every person, since the processes of cell division and changes in body proportions reach such an acceleration that can be compared only with the period intrauterine development the embryo and the growth rate of the baby during the first one and a half to two years.

The beginning of puberty is considered to be the age of 12 years. This period ends at the age of 17. But this does not mean at all that all the violent changes in the body will be limited only to this period of time. In different children, the onset of puberty can shift both forward and backward, for example. As a rule, for girls it occurs a little earlier - at the age of 11. For boys, it can start at 13 or even 14 years old.

Therefore, adolescents of different genders and ages may not need the same multivitamin. Their choice is dictated by the individual characteristics of the organism, and not by age.

In puberty, two periods are distinguished: the younger, which begins at the age of 12 and lasts until 15-16, and the older, which ends at the age of 17. The most dramatic changes occur precisely in the second period, therefore, taking vitamins for adolescents at the age of 15-16 is especially important.

One of the first begins to rebuild the musculoskeletal system. At this time, the cells of the bone tissue are actively dividing, which is why the longitudinal dimensions of the bones rapidly increase. However, muscle fibers and connective tissue do not keep pace with such growth rates. Therefore, knee pain is considered one of the most common problems for a teenager. For the prevention of inflammatory processes and an increase in the degree of bone mineralization, it is advisable to take vitamin D in combination with calcium.

On the part of the cardiovascular system, there are a lot of changes. The size of the heart muscle increases. The volume of blood that the heart is able to push into the aorta with one contraction increases. Some adolescents may have heart palpitations and an elevated arterial pressure.

The endocrine system provokes a change in hormonal levels. In boys, the production of testosterone increases, in girls - estrogen. This leads to the active development of primary sexual characteristics.

The activation of the synthesis of hormones leads to the fact that the sweat and sebaceous glands begin to work faster. In turn, this becomes the cause of acne in adolescents.

These changes affect the emotional sphere. At this time there is sharp rise mental abilities, adolescents begin to look at many things differently. On the one hand, it helps them to relate more meaningfully to some life moments. But on the other hand, they are characterized by youthful maximalism. They often take the situation too personally. From here arises the first dissatisfaction with life and one's own place in it, dissatisfaction with appearance. The latter is most typical for girls who, due to the rampage of hormones, begin to recover. For an emotional outburst, a meaningless trifle is enough. Vitamin complexes help to increase the stability of the nervous system and balance the emotional state.

The benefits of vitamins during adolescence

At different stages of puberty, vitamins perform different functions. For example, vitamins for 13-year-old adolescents ensure the normal growth of the musculoskeletal system, help reduce the load on the ligaments and tendons. Due to the fact that bones grow very quickly along the length, they become more sensitive to the load from across. This is fraught with frequent fractures. Taking teen growth vitamins that contain calcium, magnesium, zinc and phosphorus can strengthen your bones and avoid many injuries.

Vitamins for school-age children who are preparing for higher education educational institution, are designed not only to provide the body with the necessary mineral complexes, but also to improve intellectual activity. Due to the growing workload, students' memory and concentration deteriorate, and insomnia begins. Against the background of these processes, regular headaches can begin, which indicate an insufficient supply of oxygen and nutrients, primarily glucose, to the brain. Good vitamins for adolescents based on ginseng and lemongrass extract normalize the transmission of nerve impulses from the central nervous system to working tissues and organs. This improves school performance.

For first year students who still fall into the teenage category, it is important to ensure that nutrients are supplied during the session. And the point is not only that you have to adapt to new living conditions, but also that few people at this age care about proper nutrition. Lack of vitamins in the diet, multiplied by colossal physical and emotional stress, can cause depression. The best vitamins for this period are those that contain selenium and magnesium.

Another important function of vitamins is the normalization of the activity of the sebaceous and sweat glands. Due to the active secretion of sebum, the pores are clogged, as a result of which rashes appear. At best, you can get off with blackheads, at worst, you have to fight acne. The main danger of this type of acne is considered to be a rapidly progressive inflammatory process, due to which the deep layers of the skin are affected. With improper treatment (it can take up to a year), a noticeable scar may remain at the site of the pimple, which is removed using laser correction.

The most essential vitamins and minerals

What are the best vitamins to take during puberty:

  • Vitamin A (retinol). The condition of the skin, hair and nails depends on it. The complex of vitamins normalizes the work of the sebaceous glands, prevents skin flaking. For acne, it is important to provide beta-carotene, the precursor of vitamin A found in pumpkin, carrots, bell peppers, spinach, parsley, peaches, apricots and apples.
  • Vitamin E (tocopherol). It has restorative abilities, so it is indicated for active athletes in the first place. It is no less important for a person's growth. At rapid increase longitudinal dimensions bones, the body does not immediately adapt to stress. This is fraught with joint inflammation. Tocopherol also has beneficial effects on the immune system. He knows how to resist free radicals - particles that provoke cancer.
  • B vitamins. Participate in all metabolic reactions and other processes. For example, vitamin B2 helps to improve vision, protects mucous membranes, and improves oxygen transport to tissues. Vitamin B6 is needed to normalize the transmission of nerve impulses, to restore red blood cells (blood cells that carry oxygen). Vitamin B9 is indispensable during periods of intensive growth, and vitamin B12 has a positive effect on the hematopoietic system.
  • Vitamin C (ascorbic acid) is needed for immunity. During puberty, it stimulates the formation of collagen (a protein structure that provides skin elasticity). To increase immunity, you need to include a lot of citrus fruits in the diet, tea with rose hips, spinach, seaweed, bell peppers.
  • Vitamin D and calcium are vitamins for bone growth. They are needed by a person throughout his life and precisely in the complex, since they reinforce each other's action.

For the adolescent body, especially during periods of intensive study, both vitamins and minerals are important. Among the latter:

  • Iodine . This is the main stimulant of activity. thyroid gland... Without it, the body, even with a sufficient intake of B vitamins, the course of metabolic processes is impossible. Even in the absence of appetite, the child can get better, and all because fats and carbohydrates are not completely broken down.
  • Magnesium Thanks to him, the work of the heart muscle is normalized, the processes of excitation and inhibition are balanced (in adolescents, due to the riot of hormones in the brain, excitation processes prevail).
  • Selenium. The substance helps in the transmission of nerve impulses, and also participates in the restoration of connective tissue cells.

Foods that contain vitamins that teenagers need

To strengthen the immune system, ensure the supply of minerals and vitamins, normalize metabolic processes and stabilize the emotional state, you need to properly formulate a diet.

Substance Daily rate Product
Vitamin A up to 1 mg
  • carrots, parsley, dry apricots (apricots);
  • dates, butter, ice cream, feta cheese
Vitamin B1 1-2.0 mg
  • soybeans, seeds, peas, beans, oatmeal;
  • buckwheat, millet, liver, bran bread
Vitamin B2 1.5-2.4mg
  • green peas, wheat bread;
  • eggplant, walnuts, cheese
Vitamin B6 2.0 mg
Vitamin B9 400 mcg
  • legumes, green leafy vegetables, carrots;
  • cereals (barley), bran, buckwheat and oatmeal;
  • legumes, yeast, nuts, bananas, oranges;
  • melon, apricots, pumpkin, yeast, dates, mushrooms, root vegetables
Vitamin B12 1-3 μg
  • meat, fish, eggs, poultry;
  • dairy and seafood
Vitamin C 75-150 mg
  • red peppers, tomatoes, lemons, spinach;
  • apples, beef and veal liver, horseradish;
  • parsley, radish, cauliflower
Vitamin E 10 mg
  • vegetable oil, nuts;
  • cereals and legumes, corn, vegetables
Vitamin D 2.5 mcg
  • egg yolk, porcini mushrooms;
  • butter, sour cream, cream, cheese
  • fish, eggs, milk;
  • sesame seed, poppy seed, halva
Magnesium 400 mg
  • bananas, beans, peas, nuts;
  • seeds and all unrefined and unrefined grains
Selenium 50-60 mcg
  • meat, liver
Iodine 0.15 mg
  • sea ​​fish, seaweed, iodized salt and milk;
  • champignons, egg yolks

Rules for compiling a healthy diet

To raise immunity, strengthen bones, ligaments, normalize work endocrine system you should not only give the child vitamins and minerals, but also regulate the diet.

The correct diet includes:

  • Balance. The ratio of proteins, fats and carbohydrates is 1.2: 0.8: 3.5-4. Thanks to this, the body copes with the breakdown of various substances and uses them to meet daily needs.
  • Regularity. One of the reasons for weight gain in adolescence is considered not only the abuse of fast food, but also the lack of regular meals. If you starve your body during the day and pounce on food before bedtime, the digestive system will begin to make maximum reserves in case the hunger strike repeats. You need to eat at least 4-5 times a day, of which 3 are the main meals, 2 are snacks.
  • Moderate sugar intake. Due to hormonal changes and infatuation harmful products(sweets, soda, bakery products) the pancreas is hit. She has to constantly lower her blood sugar levels. If you don't catch yourself in time, you can bring the situation to diabetes.
  • Adaptation of the diet to the needs of the student. During tests and exams, lean on nuts, dried fruits, honey and cereals, as they provide a feeling of satiety, improve mental processes. With active physical activity, be sure to eat dairy products, hard cheese, lean meat, so that the body receives the building material for muscle recovery.

Indications and contraindications for taking pharmacy drugs

When choosing vitamin complexes, it is better not to rely on your own knowledge and advice from friends, but to go to a specialist. The same drug may have different indications that are not appropriate for a particular adolescent.

Be sure to include additional vitamin support in the diet should:

  • during periods of epidemics. Vitamin supplements will help strengthen immunity and prevent the development of viral and infectious diseases;
  • during exams and intensive preparation for them. During this period, the body needs vitamin E, calcium, magnesium, zinc, phosphorus, folic acid, selenium;
  • with pain in the joints. Calcium in combination with vitamin D, ascorbic acid and vitamin E will help prevent the development of the inflammatory process;
  • with memory impairment, concentration, apathy, sleep disorders. Preparations based on magnesium, zinc, potassium and sodium, tinctures with lemongrass and echinacea are suitable;
  • with visual impairment. Vitamin A will help;
  • with developmental lag in comparison with peers;
  • during the off-season, when vitamin deficiency develops (lack of vitamins).

Rules for the use of vitamins

For the best effect, vitamins should be drunk in courses of 30 days, after which a break is taken for two to three months. To avoid neutralizing some substances by others, it is better to choose multivitamin preparations in which the dosage of the components is strictly coordinated.

Features of the combination of vitamins are as follows:

  • retinol is best combined with vitamins C and E, iron and zinc;
  • vitamin B2 interacts well with vitamins B3, B6, B9 and K and zinc;
  • copper and vitamin B6 improve the absorption of vitamin B3;
  • vitamin C stores vitamin B9 in the tissues of the body. Ascorbic acid is usually combined with carotenoids, vitamin E and flavonoids;
  • calcium has a good interaction with boron and vitamins B6, B12, D and;
  • vitamin D is taken together with phosphorus;
  • zinc is recommended to be combined with vitamins A, B2 and B6.

Forms of release of pharmacy vitamins

Different forms of release have their own advantages and disadvantages. Buy for teenagers:

  • Tablets and capsules. Most of them are taken with or after meals with a glass of water. Some, such as gummy gummies, may not be washed down. Convenient to use vitamins in the form of pills. Manufacturers usually release them in different colors, depending on the predominance of certain substances.
  • Effervescent tablets to be dissolved in water. Not always recommended, as they may contain dyes and preservatives.
  • Powders. Convenient in that the daily dose of the powder is packaged in moisture resistant sachets. They must be dissolved in water.
  • Oil extracts. Presented in the form of tablets or capsules and vials. They can not only be taken internally, but also added to the composition of masks and creams (especially if it is one vitamin, not a complex).

Review of the best tools

  • Kalcemin Advance. Appointed from the age of 12. They improve the condition of the joints, prevent problems with the spine, and normalize the functioning of the central nervous system. In the composition of calcium, vitamin D3, zinc, copper, magnesium. Indicated for calcium deficiency in children, during the treatment of fractures and dislocations.
  • "Calcium D3 Nycomed". It is prescribed for joint problems for the prevention of osteoporosis and arthrosis. Especially important for children who are athletes.
  • Vitrum Calcium. Indicated during the period of intensive growth, to improve the condition of the teeth, prevent joint problems. Assign to active athletes. Can be taken even by younger students.
  • Complivit Active. It is indicated during periods of exacerbation of epidemics, to normalize the work of the digestive system, to recover after intense exertion;
  • "Junior Bee Weiss" It is indicated for endocrine problems, for the normalization of the emotional state, sleep and appetite.
  • "Supradin". Contains 12 vitamins and 9 minerals. Indicated for the prevention of viral and infectious diseases.

Vitamins for teenage athletes

All of the above vitamins are also suitable for children who are athletes. In parallel, to strengthen bones, ligaments and tendons, it is important to eat eggs, cottage cheese, cheese, lean meat. These foods will provide the body with protein from which new cells are formed.

To strengthen ligaments and tendons, you need to eat jellies, mousses from seasonal fruits and berries, rich broths and aspic.

During the competitive period, it is necessary to ensure the supply of B vitamins and magnesium. For this, nuts, cereals and dried fruits are included in the diet.

Vitamins to strengthen the immune system

The main component of these vitamins is ascorbic acid. Its reserves will help to replenish citrus fruits, bell peppers, all types of cabbage, rose hips.

  • "Alphabet Schoolboy" in the form of chewable tablets. Shown from the age of 7. Contains 13 vitamins and 10 minerals.
  • Jungle chewable tablets. Appointed from 3 years old. The complex includes 10 vitamins.
  • "Center for Children". Assign to children from 4 years old. Contains 13 vitamins and 5 minerals.

The doctor, whom it is advisable to contact, will give recommendations not only on the choice of vitamin preparations, but also on the preparation of the diet in such a way that a sufficient amount of nutrients enter the body. He can insist on giving up smoked, fatty and fried foods. These foods put more strain on the pancreas and liver. The first sign that they are not coping with the amount of cholesterol is acne.

You can learn more about vitamins for puberty in the video below.

It's no secret that for the proper development of the body at different periods of life, a person needs external support, namely, the correct intake of nutrients and minerals. Vitamins for adolescents are essential during puberty.

Children between the ages of 12 and 17 are considered adolescents. According to UN terminology, this category includes children aged 10 to 19 years. In early adolescence (12-15 years), children need to drink micronutrients for bone growth. For teenagers aged 15 to 17, the best option for immunity is to use a complex of vitamins, aimed at overall strengthening the body.

Vitamins for children of early adolescence

The lengthening of the bones occurs due to the pineal glands - these are the endings of the bone tissue, on which new cells are formed. According to research, the formation of the skeleton lasts up to 25 years. To form correct posture and normal functioning of the musculoskeletal system, children should drink tocopherol, retinol, ergocalciferol, thiamine, vitamin C.

  • possesses regenerating properties, promotes the rapid growth of protein compounds, strengthens bones, helps to build muscle mass... The substance improves immunity, maintains youthfulness and elasticity of the skin, and also maintains normal vision. According to doctors, a lack of retinol can provoke blindness and other eye diseases.
  • has an antioxidant effect, removes toxins, toxins and radionuclides. Due to this, the body does not waste energy on the fight against harmful factors and directs its energy to growth processes.
  • acts as an immunomodulator, has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the nervous system, and also contributes to the rapid and complete absorption of calcium in the body.
  • promotes proper metabolism in tissues, stimulates the growth of muscle and bone mass.
  • promotes the absorption of other vitamins and nutrients, increases the resistance of the body.

In the absence or lack of any vitamin for the growth of adolescents, abnormalities in the development of the musculoskeletal system and joint problems may appear, which is fraught with serious complications and chronic diseases.

The best complex drugs for maintaining the functioning of the musculoskeletal system, joint health and bone growth are:

  1. "Kalcemin Advance" (from 12 years old). The tablets reduce the likelihood of joint and spine diseases. The product contains calcium, vitamin D3, zinc, copper and magnesium. Substances restore neuromuscular conductivity, accelerate the growth of bone tissue. Doctors prescribe "Calcemin Advance" in case of calcium deficiency in children, as well as in postoperative period or after injuries and fractures.
  2. » ... The complex is used for the treatment and prevention of osteoporosis, hypocalcemia. Allowed not only for adolescents, but even for children from 3 years old.
  3. "Vitrum Calcium" ... Popular. Due to the high content of vitamin D3 and magnesium, the preparation carries out the mineralization of teeth and protects against caries. Calcium carbonate ensures stable functioning of the nervous system, strengthens the bones of the child. allowed from 8 years old.

It is very important to support the child's body in time and supply it with all the necessary nutrients. In case of bone fracture, additional trace elements should be added to the diet: zinc, calcium, phosphorus, selenium.

Benefits for Older Teens

Active growth of the skeleton continues in high school students, but an increased load on the nervous system is added to this. Graduation and entrance exams- very exciting activities that require a lot of concentration and good memory. In the period from 15 to 17 years, puberty and the formation of the hormonal background of the child occur, which also affects the mood, mental state, the activity of the glands of internal and external secretion, and the work of the cardiovascular system.

Many children at this age suffer from skin problems, acne appears on the face, and the work of the sebaceous glands increases. Hair and nails also undergo changes. During this period, adolescents change not only their appearance, but also their attitude. That is why older school age adolescents need to be given Special attention diet. Fried and fatty foods should be avoided, which can provoke imbalances in the intestines and aggravate the condition of the skin and other organs.

To improve memory and restore the functioning of the nervous system, the best elements in the ranking are:

  • ... Vitamin accelerates the thinking process, improves the transmission of nerve impulses, the reaction, gives tone and energy for the whole day.
  • ... Vitamin B3 improves memory and concentration. Promotes the rapid assimilation of new material and increases intellectual performance.
  • ... The substance has a beneficial effect on the brain, and also serves as an indispensable element in the correct formation of hormonal levels. For girls and women at any age, this vitamin will be useful.

At the age of 15 to 17 years, you should take such healing complexes as:

  • « » ... The drug is designed to maintain immunity, restores the work of the digestive tract, promotes the absorption of vitamins and minerals necessary for the normal functioning of the brain.
  • "Multabs Teenager" - contains substances that give energy and tone to muscles, improve memory and concentration. The complex effect of the remedy normalizes the work of the cardiovascular system, increases hemoglobin, improves cell respiration and restores the proper functioning of the sebaceous glands, which is necessary for the health of the skin of children.
  • "Junior Bee Weiss"- restores the work of the thyroid gland, helps to calmly survive the transitional age, relieves nervous tension, relieves depression, normalizes sleep, improves appetite. According to patient reviews, one course of therapy can significantly improve the intellectual performance of schoolchildren.

In addition to taking supportive medications, adolescents need to diet and eat well. Foods containing vitamins to normalize hormones and brain function: bananas, eggs, cereals, honey, fatty fish and seafood.

What vitamins should children who play sports take?

Doctors have proven that less than 50% of nutrients are absorbed from the food entering the body. This can be associated with a slow metabolism, bowel or stomach diseases, weak immunity, poor circulation, and other ailments. Persons whose activities are associated with increased physical activity should definitely drink vitamins for athletes. The composition of such preparations contains an increased amount of vital trace elements.

During sports, oxidation processes in the body are accelerated, which provokes premature aging and wilting. Physical activity affects the condition respiratory system, the work of the heart and blood circulation. According to immunologists and trainers, one-time large physical activity is harmful to health. Only regular exercise with a gradual increase in load can have a beneficial effect on the body.

Let's take a closer look at the vitamins necessary for athletes and their effect:

  • Vitamin C... Due to its antioxidant properties, ascorbic acid quickly removes waste products, restores muscle fibers damaged during training. Vitamin C strengthens the immune system, promotes the production of collagen, which is necessary to maintain the elasticity and health of the skin. Ascorbic acid also promotes testosterone production and iron absorption.
  • ... These micronutrients improve protein synthesis, which is essential for those looking to build muscle. As you know, athletes consume an increased amount of protein foods, vitamins help the absorption of meat products and promote rapid intestinal metabolism.

What vitamins are best for teenagers involved in sports? The choice of a reinforcing complex depends on the financial capabilities of the buyers. The rating of the best drugs for athletes includes Complivit Active, Alphabet Effect, Undevit, Geksavit. You can also opt for gummy vitamins or fortifying shakes at sports nutrition stores.

How to improve health in the off-season and the period of infectious diseases?

In spring and autumn, the body of a teenager and any person is susceptible to diseases. Due to weather conditions, viral infections spread very quickly. In order to protect yourself from colds and flu, to strengthen the immune system, you need to eat well, dress warmly and take preventive measures in time. By the spring, all accumulated over the summer useful material in the body are depleted. Lack of sun, a sedentary lifestyle, eating high-calorie foods lead to weight gain, it becomes more difficult for the body to cope with adverse environmental factors.

Inexpensive brewer's yeast is available at the pharmacy to help fight infections. The preparation contains a high content of B vitamins, as well as calcium and selenium. These substances eliminate the signs of chronic fatigue, supply the body with energy, remove harmful substances and toxins.

To increase the body's resistance will help:

  • - includes a complex of 12 vitamins and 9 minerals. The drug restores the body's defenses and improves immunity in the spring season. The tool is notable for its affordable price and high efficiency.
  • Dynamisan(from 14 years old). The name speaks for itself. The drug is prescribed for dynamic people and athletes. Ginseng in the composition of tablets stimulates the immune system, gives vigor and energy for the whole day.

To maintain immunity, doctors recommend eating foods rich in iron: liver, nuts, apricots, and legumes. A balanced diet will enrich the blood with red cells, increase hemoglobin, and improve blood composition. Sesame seeds are famous for their high amount of calcium, which is necessary for proper bone formation in adolescents. The advantage of seeds is their pleasant taste and the ability to add sesame seeds to salads, baked goods, pastries and desserts. An excellent option would be cottage cheese casserole with sesame seeds. The casein protein contained in the product is essential for athletes, promotes muscle growth and strengthens bones.

The correct diet, vitamins and an active lifestyle are the key to the health of adolescents and every person. When choosing vitamin complex the individual needs of the child must be taken into account.