The most harmful foods for the figure. What foods should you give up in favor of your health and beauty? Causes of constipation in children

The most important problem for women is always the figure. We constantly worry about even one extra centimeter at the waist or hips.

Therefore, everyone who wants to lose weight or maintain their slimness for a long time needs to know what harmful foods need to be excluded from their diet so as not to gain extra pounds.

This topic is very relevant, especially in the spring, over the winter, probably every girl has gained at least a couple of unnecessary kilograms. And there is not so much time left until the summer. Therefore, here is a list of the most harmful foods for our figure, having stopped eating which, you can not worry about your appearance.

We use pasta in cooking very often, but it is they that occupy the first place in the ranking of harmful products. Of course, there are premium pasta, if you cook them correctly and add vegetables, then they will even be useful in small quantities.

But still, if you have set a goal for yourself, then try to completely eliminate different pasta from your diet.

Carbonated drinks

Such drinks are bad for the figure, even in one glass of any calorie soda as in a whole dinner. In addition, lemonades alter our intestinal alkaline balance. That is, the metabolism is disturbed. Therefore, we try to give up all harmful drinks and drink more.

White bread

Yes, even ordinary bread, without which we cannot imagine a sandwich snack. Its harmfulness lies in its calorie content, but not only. A high glycemic index, in other words, means that bread hardly gives a feeling of fullness.

Even if you eat a whole baguette, you will still want to eat again after a short period of time. So for those who are losing weight, this product is taboo.

Fast food

This includes, of course, fast food. We ran into some eatery for lunch, two minutes and you have already been brought a set of delicious, but very harmful products. For a long time, everyone knows that no matter how beautiful the packages are, no one will definitely find any benefit in their obsessed.

All that is there is only taste enhancers, fats, starch, that is, the body does not receive any nutrients. But a huge amount of calories is provided to you. Many obese people have come to this state precisely because of fast food.


Unfortunately, sausages will also have to be abandoned. 100 gr of sausage contains up to 300 kl. In addition, for a long time the producers themselves have not hesitated to say that there is almost no meat in today's sausage.

Instead, it is full of fats, spices, meat products and soybeans. In the composition, you probably noticed a whole bunch of additives marked E. All this is terribly harmful to our health and figure, even for those who do not strive to lose weight, it is also better to stop eating sausage.


And of course, the most delicious enemies of the figure are cookies, buns, sweets, cakes, cakes and milk chocolate. Those wishing to lose weight, unfortunately, will have to give up even their most favorite sweets.

When consumed excessively, these products cause diseases of the heart and blood vessels, diabetes mellitus, as well as deterioration in the functioning of the digestive system and liver. In general, there is quite enough harm in them.

Nutritionists have ranked the most harmful foods. The "black list" includes those products that nutritionists so often recommend to us. Do you know which foods are dangerous for our body?

Harmful products can cause not only extra pounds, but serious diseases. Many products that are on the list of "dangerous" often become the causes of manic depression, headaches, acne, poisoning and allergic reactions. Taking harmful food in small quantities can be beneficial for the body. But an overdose threatens with big trouble. Let's see which foods are in the ranking?

The leader of the list became chips and soda... Back in 1853, in the city of Saratoga Springs, the mestizo Indian George Crum made the first potato chips. He cut the potatoes into very thin slices and fried them until crisp. Soon, the Saratog-style card began to be produced in packaging. The popularity of chips is growing every year. They are a favorite treat for children and adults. Modern chips are hazardous to health due to their preparation and composition. There are many carcinogens in chips - substances that provoke the appearance of cancerous tumors. They also contain fats that raise blood cholesterol levels, which can lead to heart attacks and strokes in the future.

Eating large amounts of chips can quickly affect your figure. One day you will notice that "sides" have appeared and your favorite jeans have become small.
The abundance of dyes in soda can cause allergic reactions and severe stomach pain. You shouldn't take soda like a regular liquid. There are no nutrients in it, as you might think. Soda can be very harmful to your health, just like chips.

II Fast food

The most delicious food is the most harmful. Fast food includes all kinds of burgers, hot dogs, shawarma, french fries, mayonnaise, and so on. All this food is very high in calories and does not contain any nutrients. For example, our favorite burgers are made with dubious protein, soy, a lot of preservatives and synthetic colors. In general, what is not stuffed into minced meat so that we ask for more additives! It is these supplements that spoil our digestive system and stretch the stomach. Fast food can spoil even the most ideal figure in a short time. Therefore, it is better not to get carried away with "fast food".

III Sausage and canned food

Many preservatives, synthetic colors and flavors are added to sausage, as well as to fast food. And our favorite sausage is made not only from natural meat, as we think, but also from the skin, cartilage and fats left over from the animal. The same ingredients are added to the sausages.

Canned food is also bad for your digestion. One can of canned food contains an average of 15 grams of salt, which is 6-10 grams more than the norm allowed for human needs.

IV Instant noodles

Instant noodles contain preservatives that can cause liver damage and intestinal upset, stabilizers and thickeners, they can provoke kidney and liver cancer, emulsifiers can also cause stomach upset, food colors and flavor enhancers - nervous disorders, allergic reactions and even damage brain. The whole spectrum of diseases in one packet of instant noodles!

V Mayonnaise and ketchup

Ketchup contains stabilizers, emulsifiers, preservatives, sugar and chemical colors.
Mayonnaise contains a large amount of trans fats, which are able to "push" natural components from our cells, such as omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids. Consuming mayonnaise increases the risk of developing diabetes mellitus and being overweight.

VI Chocolate bars

Chocolate is useful only in small portions when you want to cheer yourself up. It is useful to eat no more than 50 grams of sugar per day. Frequent consumption of chocolate bars can lead to diabetes, obesity and cancer. Among other things, the bars are high in calories when combined with chemical additives and dyes. Before you eat 2-3 snickers or bounty a day, think about what this might threaten you.

VII Pastries and cakes

As a rule, cakes, cakes with cream, saturated with sugar and transgenic fat, guarantee metabolic disorders and excess weight. They are absolutely useless!

VIII Alcohol

A whole book can be written about the dangers of alcohol for the human body. Brain disorders, mental disorders, liver damage, oncology and other terrible diseases are threatened by excessive alcohol consumption. Drinking people purposefully ruin their health, thereby living on average 10-15 years less.
Alcohol is quite high in calories - 7 kcal per gram.

IX Coffee

You can drink 2-3 cups of coffee a day, but not more, unless, of course, you want to drain your nervous system and earn insomnia.

X Popcorn

By itself, corn poses no danger to health, unless it has a high calorie content - about 330 kcal per 100 grams of product. Popcorn becomes harmful to the body due to salt, sugar, oil, colors and flavor enhancers.

Harmful products can cause not only extra pounds, but also serious illnesses, therefore, if possible, the amount of such products should be limited. Learn to say no to harmful products! Watch your diet and you will have excellent health and a good figure!

Well, in fact, not all products in our twenty are so hot, and some are even cold, but in terms of calorie content and the content of harmful substances, it would be better if you ate hot, dessert and compote than constantly snacking, having lunch and dinner with ours " heroes ".

And there is no need to wrinkle your nose and make excuses with lifestyle and busyness: most of the great-looking "stars", like you, do not live in an ecologically clean forest, but in the city itself. And they probably have a lot to do. But they find the strength to not eat it, and therefore they look great. And why there are some products that are harmful to health and beauty - I will try to explain in an accessible and simple way.

First Place: Chips, Anakoms, Doshiraki, Instant Soups

Chips are not just a high-calorie fatty snack, without which it is quite possible to live, but also a direct threat to your figure and health.

Judge for yourself: a loading dose of trans fats will provide you with cholesterol plaques, irritating gastric mucosa "fillers and taste simulators" may well lead to diseases such as gastritis and stomach ulcers. So chip lovers may well become "chronicles" of cardiology and gastroenterology.

Eating chips is also associated with a number of life inconveniences. Over time, your taste buds adapt to substitutes and fillers, and you simply stop perceiving food without seasoning.

In addition, chips are a direct threat to your psyche. Exactly! American psychiatrist Roger Gould, in his study of food addictions, noted that chips are addictive, just like cigarettes. This type of eating behavior is quite capable of developing into compulsive syndrome. The latter is when a person eats everything that is not nailed down and cannot stop by any efforts, neither volitional, nor mental, nor analytical. This is treated in a psychiatric hospital, predominantly with medication.

Instant noodles contain no nutrients, but they are generously packed with ingredients like palm oil that are not meant to be eaten at all. Allocated in the same column with chips according to the criterion of artificial taste imitators.

Is it possible to find a healthy replacement? She has already been found! Tanya Zuckerbrot, a nutritionist for the Miss Universe competition, writes on her blog that instead of chips and fatty cheeses, it's a good idea to serve celery, carrots with salsa, or low-fat, low-fat popcorn that is cooked in the microwave at a party. If you want exactly potatoes - dry thin slices of this vegetable in the same microwave, sprinkle with olive oil and sprinkle with herbs and onion rings.

And lovers of Anakami should try, for example, rice noodles with homemade shrimp, chicken and vegetable sauces. To the office - carry normal food from home or go to the cafeteria.

Runner up: high-fat smoked sausages

The problem with smoked sausages is not that they are a real cholesterol bomb, or even that it is quite problematic to find sausages in a modern supermarket that are not smoked with the help of carcinogenic smoke-smelling simulants.

Their main harm is that millions of people put them on their morning sandwich every day, and the system of consumption can destroy any kind of health. Moreover, in some families sausage is considered almost meat, and therefore it is eaten uncontrollably by children and people with chronic diseases.

Nobody pays much attention to 480-560 kcal per 100 g of smoked sausage, or to the fact that this product is a festive table snack that can be eaten about once a year. So sausage is actually a national disaster.

A healthy substitute: oddly enough - also sausage. Or rather - high-quality carbonade or chicken ham, made in accordance with GOST and smoked in a natural way.

But these foods are also “of limited use,” and eating more than 2 thin slices a day in the morning is not worth it.

Third place: sweet rolls and cookies

Eating easily digestible carbohydrates without ballast substances, and even seasoned with a fair amount of glucose, is a direct path to diabetes. In our country, it is customary to chew them for breakfast, lunch and dinner, and it is the frequency of use that increases the harm to health.

Healthy substitutes: Whole grain rolls or crispbreads with a little jelly or fructose jam.

Fourth place: salted nuts

Harmful due to the high salt content - provocation of hypertension, as well as its "overcooking". It is not known by whom and how they fried there, it is quite possible that the fats in them became trans fats.

Nuts in glaze are doubly harmful. Read - hypertension plus diabetes with long-term systematic use.

Healthy substitutes: Cashews, raw almonds, walnuts - no salt or sugar and no more than 7 in one snack.

Fifth place: margarine

Remember, no matter how easy it is, it does not change the essence. The derivative of lard and oleomargarine "inherited" from its ancestors high calorie content, poor digestibility, the ability to slow down digestion and metabolism. And being heated repeatedly is also a "bonus" in the quality of carcinogenicity.

In addition, "light" varieties are a direct route to overeating, because it seems that we can eat more of them.

Healthy replacement: for frying - any natural vegetable oil. Or buy yourself a wok and fry in it with a minimum of oil for maximum enjoyment. For sandwiches - fat-free cottage cheese with herbs or fruits. For porridge - a tablespoon of low-fat yogurt.

6th place: sweet and artificially sweetened soda

The only advantage of the latter is that they do not contain empty calories. For the rest, they irritate the gastric mucosa, stimulate the production of gastric juice when not needed, which provides a direct path to an ulcer, wash calcium well from the bones and remove the necessary fluid from the body in the same way as their high-calorie brothers and sisters.

A healthy substitute is iced tea, preferably homemade, or a table mineral water with a slice of lemon, orange, or lime.

Seventh place: mayonnaise

This word for the female half of the population should be read as "cellulite". High calorie content, the ability to "ingeniously" retain fluid, plus the ability to stimulate appetite.

Healthy substitute: Any low-fat yogurt with a teaspoon of mustard.

Eighth place: classic cakes, fatty

Refined white flour plus fat plus sugar equals obesity, type 2 diabetes, heart disease risk.

A healthy substitute is yoghurt cakes. No more than two 150 g pieces per week.

Ninth place: factory-made low-alcohol cocktails

We read the section on soda, add the risk of alcoholism and strong appetite stimulation. And the low place in the rating is due only to the fact that sane people for the most part do not drink it.

A healthy substitute: if it's all about magic bubbles, champagne cocktails with strawberries or cherry juice. Again, two servings a week, but it is better and safer to drink dry wine.

Tenth place: boiled sausages, fatty sausages and sausages

Cholesterol, high blood pressure, obesity - these are synonyms for the words "sausage with bacon". Especially touching in this regard are mothers who feed their children with sausages.

Healthy replacement: fat-free varieties. Eat a doctor's note three times a week one bite at breakfast if you can't say goodbye to the sausage.

Eleventh place: McDonald's, its hamburgers and pies along with fries

Healthy substitute: The healthiest fast food is called green salad with chicken breast, sauce separately (throw it away!). You can buy a healthy sandwich at Subway, just take half a serving and breast, lean ham, teriyaki or mushrooms as a dressing.

Twelfth place: semi-finished pizza, semi-finished lasagna, dumplings, any semi-finished product, except for frozen vegetables and fruits

Why? And it is not known what the manufacturer put there in order to reduce the cost and speed up the cooking process. And the fat in such dishes is three times more than necessary.

Healthy replacement: change your strategy. Do you want pizza? Go to a decent pizzeria, or better to an expensive Italian restaurant, and eat a slice there, enjoying the entourage and taste of the dish, not the quantity. Once a week.

Tormented by a passion for dumplings? Cook them at home, with only chicken breast and mushrooms, and freeze in reserve. It will be ideal if the flour is made from durum wheat.

Thirteenth place: processed cheese or sandwich pasta along with sweet curd mass

Loaded with preservatives, dyes, and the latter is also loaded with sugar. A synonym for cream cheese sandwich every morning sounds like "oily skin, dull complexion, poor digestion and".

A healthy substitute is homemade curd spreads with vegetable and fruit fillings.

Fourteenth place: instant coffee

No matter how much it costs, it slags the body and is a powerful diuretic. Removes fluid from the body too much. For the most part it tastes disgusting. 3 in 1 buy your "sworn girlfriend", empty her hips will become flabby in 30 years.

Healthy substitute: Natural espresso or latte in small doses (2 cups in the morning).

Fifteenth place: factory-made yoghurts, sweet

It doesn't matter if they have fruit or not, and how fat they are - this is a cocktail of milk sugar and regular sugar. Plus, most people consider it a healthy food and eat without measure, and then wonder where the excess weight and type 2 diabetes come from.

Healthy substitute: Buy inexpensive local yogurt and fresh fruit. Stir in a blender.

Sixteenth place: canned meat and fish

Dead and useless, almost everyone. And fish, in addition, are filled with oil to the eyeballs.

Healthy replacement: Choose canned food with the shortest shelf life and fat content. Better yet, learn how to cook.

Seventeenth place: crab sticks, crab meat

I took them out separately, as most of them consider them to be a healthy food product. Remember that this is "imitation crab meat." With all the consequences "flowing" into the body in the form of flavor enhancers, flavors and dyes.

Healthy replacement: crabs and seafood, of course.

Eighteenth place: beer

Overall, beer is not harmful. If only you can limit yourself to one bottle of 0.33 liters 2 times a week. Otherwise, beer knocks down a woman's hormones and causes cellulite and obesity, despite the relatively low calorie content.

Healthy substitute: Go to your own brewery and try the "white" beer. It will deliver additional fiber to the body, but you shouldn't get carried away.

Nineteenth place: sweet juices from packets

Juice is food, not water. And not even food, but seasoning. Otherwise - a source of simple carbohydrates and excess calories, as well as an appetite stimulant.

Healthy alternative: a glass of freshly squeezed juice included in the daily calorie intake.

Twentieth place: white rice, salted fish

Do you like rolls and consider them healthy food? Or just rice for a side dish? Remember, this is a direct route to constipation, fluid retention, cellulite, and excess weight. In addition, the rolls have a high glycemic index and therefore stimulate the appetite in subsequent meals.

Healthy alternative: brown rice, basmati. Grilled fish. Eat rolls once or twice a week; Choose salmon or crab sashimi as your main course at the sushi bar.

Our traditional food is far from the principles of proper and ideal nutrition: many eat two, less often - three times a day, especially leaning on lunches and dinners ... If you add to this the food products that are frankly harmful to the figure, you will not envy the waist.

Therefore, in order to improve the diet, it is necessary to exclude from it potentially harmful foods for a beautiful figure, and bring the diet to a balanced one.

How do we eat?

Do you pay attention to how you usually eat, what foods are most often present in your diet?

Average metropolitan residents eat "fast food" - hamburgers, dumplings, sandwiches, convenience foods, instant noodles, pizza, sausages, sausages, and fatty sauces.

At feasts, beer, wine, dried fish, salted nuts, chocolate bars, chocolate, carbonated drinks are added to this list.

This food is simply replete with harmful substances that are deposited on our waists by extra pounds. The mistake of many is to think that proper nutrition is not tasty. Healthy food is very tasty, and most importantly, it is good for your figure and health.

8 enemies of a beautiful figure

Let's create a list of the most harmful foods for the body in order to gradually remove them from our diet.

Enemy # 1 - sugar

It is not for nothing that they call him the "white death"; he has many victims on his account. Sugar relieves stress sweets cheer up, but put reserves at the waist. And the brain requires more and more servings of sugar.

Many entertain themselves with the illusion that brown sugar is less harmful and replace the usual one with it. But sugar always remains sugar, there are even more calories in brown than in ordinary ones, only vitamins remain a bonus, which during heat treatment lose their activity.

Avoiding sugar and sugar-containing foods can keep you healthy and lose a few pounds a year.

Enemy # 2 - salt

Along with sugar, salt is considered a "white death" because of the rather pronounced harm to health when it is consumed excessively.

The norm is the consumption of an average of 3-5 grams per day. And given the fact that food contains salt, the daily maximum of the seasoning is half a teaspoon. We consume five, even ten times more. This leads to swelling, metabolic disorders and fluid retention in the body.

Enemy # 3 - sweet soda

What is harmful to the figure?

They are actively advertised by manufacturers, brands that produce them, become sponsors of all major sports events, cultural life and even children's parties. They are very fond of children and adults, but they are insanely harmful to the figure and health.

There are about 5 tablespoons of sugar in a glass of soda, which severely hits the waist and hips. And the famous soda " 0 calories »Are full of sugar substitutes, which do not provide calories, but disrupt the metabolism. And weight can be gained due to a malfunction in metabolic processes.

Enemy number 4 - sausages

Of course, a little homemade sausage, made exclusively from meat with thin layers of bacon, will not harm your health and waistline. But sausages sold in stores can hardly be called meat products. Meat there, at best, is about 10-15%. And lard, animal and vegetable fats, starch and chemicals - more than enough.

These foods lead to excess weight and metabolic disorders. And due to their considerable cost, they also significantly hit the wallets.

Enemy # 5 - "fast" foods

Today, the market for food and fast food is vast: from noodles and broths to cutlets and side dishes, these products should only be poured with boiling water or placed in the microwave and reheated.

However, their composition is solid carbohydrates, cheap synthetic fats and a large proportion of salt and spices. The pasta in such products is made from soft wheat, in fact - white flour, the most harmful carbohydrate substance.

In addition, due to the spices and salt, they increase the appetite and addictiveness to the taste. As a result, you eat much more than you physiologically need.

Enemy number 6 - fatty and high-calorie sauces

Mayonnaise and ketchup have become traditional dressings and additions to all dishes on the table, which is very upsetting nutritionists ... Mayonnaise is a fatty concentrate and many people eat it with spoons. There are not much less calories in ketchup, because it is brought to the required density with high-calorie starch. Thickeners, stabilizers and preservatives are added to sauces, especially a lot of salt and sugar.

Enemy # 7 - pizza

They contain a lot of carbohydrates, salt, fat, spices and everything that must be abandoned in the first place when losing weight. They have a huge amount of calories, but there is no benefit.

Of course, there are many other products that prevent our waist from being slim, but one way or another, they can be attributed to one of the groups described above. Eat more vegetables, fruits, and organic foods for your health.

Which of these unhealthy foods is the most difficult for you to give up?


Today, everyone around is talking about proper nutrition, but it has never been so far from a person as it is now. Modern technologies in the food industry are doing everything to enhance the taste of products and their shelf life, but few people think about quality. As a result, severe diseases multiply, life expectancy is shortened. Do not become a hostage of modern dangerous "goodies", think about what they are fraught with, and manage to stop in time. You should know what the most harmful food products for a person need to be limited in use, so as not to harm your own health and the health of your loved ones.

The most harmful products for humans

Doctors and nutritionists have long warned people about the dangers of the modern food industry. Lists can be seen on many sites today the most harmful food products for humans that shouldn't be ignored. Of course, this list is quite large, and it is simply unrealistic to compose your daily menu without this food. But at least limit these foods in your diet to the lowest possible minimum.

  1. Crisps contain fats and carbohydrates in very high concentrations, which contributes to obesity, carcinogens provoke the development of cancer, and hydrogenated substances increase the rate of formation of cholesterol plaques in the blood.
  2. Lemonade contain a large amount of substances harmful to the body. First, it is felatanin, which contributes to the development of nervous tension, depression and anxiety. Secondly, these are gases and sugar that disrupt the acid-base balance in the body. Thirdly, these are preservatives that inhibit enzymes, resulting in obesity. Fourthly, this is a huge amount of food colors, which, accumulating in cells, provoke chronic fatigue syndrome and reduce immunity.
  3. Fast food(pasties, belyashi, shawarma, french fries, hamburgers and other goodies) are cooked in oil with a high content of carcinogens that hit the digestive system.
  4. Meat offal(sausages, small sausages, sausages, dumplings, pork fat) contain more hidden fats (pork skin, lard, interior fat), flavorings and colors than meat. In addition, it is a storehouse of toxic and harmful phenolic compounds.
  5. Smoked products harmful due to the high content of the same notorious and life-threatening carcinogens.
  6. Margarine- one of the most harmful types of fats (transgenic): it disrupts metabolism and acid-base balance, adds excess weight and increases gastric acidity. Accordingly, everything that contains a large amount of margarine is classified as harmful food: cakes, puffs, pastries.
  7. Canned food contain a large number of various carcinogens that kill all the vitamins in their composition. In addition, GMOs are often added to some modern canned foods, the harm of which is known to everyone.
  8. Coffee, rich in caffeine, depletes the nervous system, increases gastric acidity and, in large quantities, eventually leads first to gastritis, and then, if one does not catch it in time, to peptic ulcer disease.
  9. Energy drinks- just a hell of a mixture of caffeine in shock doses, sugar, dyes, chemicals and gases.
  10. Yoghurts also get into the TOP of the most harmful products for humans, because truly live bacteria can live in a dairy product for only two days. And in store-bought yoghurts, you will only find stabilizers, thickeners, antioxidants and flavorings.
  11. Everyone's favorite ice cream also contains a huge amount of various flavors and thickeners, which adversely affect the metabolism. It is even harmful to health, as it contains a lot of fat and sugar.

This list includes foods that are harmful to the body as a whole. The high content of synthetic and toxic substances in them has a complex effect on almost all organ systems, disrupting their activity, and therefore causing irreparable harm to health in general. However, there are a number of products that cause specific harm to a specific organ.

The most harmful foods for the liver

The liver is one of the most important organs in our body, which must be protected in every possible way. It is possible to identify the most harmful food products for the liver, reduce their daily consumption and thereby normalize the liver.

Drinks harmful to the liver

  1. Alcoholic drinks (with the exception of dark beer and dry red wine).
  2. Strongly brewed black tea.
  3. Cocoa.
  4. Strong coffee without milk.
  5. Carbonated drinks.

Herbal foods contraindicated for the liver

  1. Sour berries.
  2. Kiwi.
  3. Radish, radish.
  4. Garlic.
  5. Sorrel, spinach.
  6. Ramson.
  7. Kinza.
  8. Legumes.
  9. Mushrooms.

Meat food harmful to the liver

  1. Fatty meats and fish.
  2. Salo.

And other foods that are harmful to the liver

  1. Hot spices.
  2. Hot spices: vinegar, mustard, horseradish.
  3. Smoked products.
  4. Pickles.
  5. Pastry, fresh bread, pancakes, pancakes.
  6. Fried, hard-boiled eggs.
  7. Sweets.
  8. Mayonnaise.
  9. Fast food.
  10. Chocolate.

If you reduce the liver's performance by improper nutrition, it will be almost impossible to restore its work in the future. Therefore, it is much easier to know this dangerous list and in time to protect an important organ from diseases.

The most harmful foods for the figure

And one more very important list that every woman who cares about her figure needs to know. These are the most harmful foods for the figure, which contribute to obesity and a set of extra pounds. Losing them from your field of vision, you run the risk of becoming a donkey, sitting on even the most severe diets. So study and memorize.

  1. Sweets: sweets, chocolate, cake, ice cream, cakes, marshmallows.
  2. Flour: bread, cookies, muffins, pies.
  3. Fried food.
  4. Red meat.
  5. Meat by-products.
  6. Alcohol.
  7. Coffee.
  8. Carbonated drinks.
  9. Mayonnaise and ketchup.
  10. Chips and croutons.
  11. Fast food.
  12. Canned food.

Doctors and nutritionists will argue for a long time which of the most harmful food products for the human body to include in these TOPs. It is almost impossible to completely exclude them from your diet, since the lists are striking in their scale. And nevertheless, it is in your power to at least limit the doses of these products so that the damage to your health is minimal.