A sharp increase in hell and euthyroidism. Thyroid euthyroidism: what is it? Symptoms and treatment of euthyroidism. Methods for the treatment of diffuse nodular goiter

Euthyroidism of the thyroid gland - this is not a disease, but a borderline state of the endocrine organ between health and disease. At the same time, the level of secrets produced by him corresponds to the norm, the person is not disturbed by alarming symptoms. However, such a clinical and hormonal status is deceptive, because a latent pathological process develops latently in the body. It can lead to serious illness.

Euthyroidism of the thyroid gland - this is not a disease, but a borderline state of the endocrine organ between health and disease.

What is euthyroidism

Endocrinologists state the onset of development and the origin of euthyroidism when deviations in the structure of the thyroid gland are detected, although its hormonal function is still full. Such a diagnosis should be regarded as a warning signal of possible problems with health. So far, there is nothing terrible, but treatment should be started in order to prevent possible diseases of the gland in the future.

Euthyroidism: causes, symptoms, treatment. Nodular goiter with euthyroidism

This clinical and hormonal imbalance has a common form: nodular goiter. Nodules of no more than 1-1.5 cm are formed in the tissues, which gradually grow. Autoimmune thyroiditis is an inflammatory disease. It occurs due to the aggression of the immune system, which mistakenly perceives the thyroid tissue as foreign. As a result, the cells that produce hormones are destroyed.

Clinical and hormonal imbalance causes various complications. With autoimmune thyroiditis, (secretion deficiency) or (excessive synthesis of hormones), cysts may develop. Other consequences include:

  • panic attacks, severe depression;
  • hypertension, tachycardia, arrhythmia;
  • polycystic ovary disease, infertility;
  • chronic cough, hoarseness or loss of voice, shortness of breath, choking;
  • cancerous tumors.


Clinical and hormonal euthyroidism most often occurs when exposed to such factors:

  • perennial in the body;
  • hormonal disruptions;
  • increased background radiation;
  • ecologically unfavorable area;
  • work related to chemically aggressive substances;
  • severe stress;
  • autoimmune diseases (rheumatism, lupus erythematosus, etc.);
  • physical overload;
  • uncontrolled intake of hormonal and antibacterial drugs;
  • hereditary predisposition.

Young women should be psychologically prepared for the fact that they may have a clinical and hormonal imbalance in the thyroid gland during pregnancy. After all, as intrauterine development the fetus on the woman's body lays down an increased load. The gland is forced to work much more actively to provide hormones for both mother and child. Because of this, the organ increases, but after childbirth it returns to its previous volume and mode of operation.

Symptoms of thyroid euthyroidism

Clinical and hormonal imbalance in this endocrine organ is manifested by such typical signs as:

  • excessive nervousness, aggressiveness, emotional swings;
  • sleeplessness at night with daytime sleepiness;
  • feeling of a lump in the throat;
  • headache;
  • fatigue, loss of strength.

As the pathology progresses, the clinical and hormonal imbalance manifests itself in more severe symptoms. This:

  • visualization of an enlarged organ, which may indicate not only a borderline state, but also a serious illness;
  • weight gain with an unchanged diet;
  • the appearance of hoarseness, low notes in the voice;
  • frequent bouts of dry cough;
  • severe shortness of breath;
  • Difficulty eating due to pain when swallowing.

If clinical and hormonal euthyroidism progresses rapidly, neck deformity is often added to its manifestations. Over time, it becomes thick, puffy, and even in thin patients. Changes in the neck are especially strong in women.


The doctor begins to identify abnormalities in the thyroid gland with examination and palpation of the patient.

Since clinical and hormonal euthyroidism most often takes the form of a nodular goiter, in endocrinology there are 5 stages of its development:

  • the size of the organ is normal, therefore, with iron, it is practically not palpable;
  • outlines of the thyroid gland with difficulty, but palpable;
  • contours are distinguishable when swallowing;
  • a goiter is visualized over a wide area of ​​the neck;
  • the goiter is very bulging, swallowing movements are given to the patient with difficulty and cause pain.

If violations are detected, a clinical-hormonal complex is prescribed for examining the patient:

  • - radioisotope analysis for thyroid hormones;
  • and histological analysis of tissues (especially with a single node);
  • contrast radiography of the chest area (with a large goiter).

Depending on the reasons, the following classification of pathology has been adopted:

  • Clinical or clinical-hormonal euthyroidism. It develops due to iodine deficiency, infections, autoimmune diseases, chemical intoxication.
  • Endemic. A massive phenomenon in regions with iodine deficiency, unfavorable environmental conditions.
  • Medication. Caused by drugs that inhibit the gland.
  • Euthyroidism during pregnancy.
  • Sporadic. Occurs for an unclear reason.

How to treat euthyroidism

First of all, you need to eliminate the causes that caused the clinical and hormonal failure. For example, in case of poisoning, it is necessary to cleanse the body of toxic substances. When carrying a child, the factors causing the complicated course of pregnancy should be eliminated. With mild euthyroidism, the patient should be under medical supervision. The dynamics of the state of the gland is monitored once every six months. If the clinical and hormonal imbalance worsens, the doctor prescribes conservative treatment with medication. This:

  • Levothyroxine ();
  • iodine preparations (, Iodbalance).

Both types of these drugs are prescribed as needed. In addition, traditional medicine recipes can be used. In addition, a therapeutic diet is prescribed. If the thyroid gland has grown strongly, nodules more than 1 cm appear, surgical removal of pathological areas is indicated.

Folk remedies

To eliminate the clinical and hormonal imbalance, it is recommended:

  • Eat 2-3 walnuts daily.
  • Rub the chokeberry with sugar. Take 1-2 tsp. three times a day.
  • Insist 10 g of Scutellaria Baikal root powder in a glass of boiling water for half an hour. Take 30-40 ml 3 times a day.


Fractional nutrition can help correct clinical and hormonal imbalances. To avoid weight gain, you should reduce your intake of fats and carbohydrates. Iodized salt should be added to the dishes. Preference in the diet should be given to sea fish, kelp and other seafood, as well as beef liver and beets. For a better assimilation of iodine, regular consumption of dairy products is necessary.

Clinical and hormonal imbalance is eliminated faster if the following products are excluded from the menu:

  • fatty meat, sausages, smoked meats, semi-finished products;
  • cabbage, turnips (contribute to the formation of goiter);
  • hot and spicy spices (especially horseradish, mustard);
  • flour products;
  • alcohol;
  • sweets;
  • strong tea, coffee.


Clinical and hormonal euthyroidism of the thyroid gland rarely threatens those who follow simple tips endocrinologists. Need to:

  • regularly consume foods containing iodine;
  • timely eliminate foci of infection in the body;
  • take medications as prescribed by doctors;
  • periodically rest at sea resorts;
  • avoid prolonged exposure to the sun;
  • quit smoking.

An active lifestyle and hardening have a beneficial effect on the condition of the gland.

It is advisable to carry out an ultrasound scan of this organ every 2-3 years. When planning pregnancy, engage in prevention. To avoid clinical and hormonal imbalance, it is recommended to take iodine as part of vitamin and mineral complexes 2-3 months before conception.

Euthyroidism is diagnosed with a significant increase in the gland, which is 1/2 degree. If tissue overgrowth occurs, a goiter is formed (multimodal euthyroid or diffuse).

Nodular goiter

This pathology is a form of euthyroidism. With her, small nodules (single, multiple) are formed in the neck area.

  • If the stage the first- the formations are small and, therefore, visually invisible, they can be identified by palpation.
  • The second degree - the nodules are already noticeable, they can be seen looking in the mirror.

The reason for the development of pathology is that the values ​​of TSH, T3 and T4 are the maximum permissible. When the disease is diagnosed, an ultrasound of the gland is performed and an analysis (radioisotope) for the level of thyroid hormones.

If the node is single, an examination of the tissues of the organ is assigned (, cytology).

With very rapid increase glands in size, X-rays are additionally performed. The chest area is examined.


Clinical euthyroidism of the thyroid gland provokes a lack of iodine in the body. This deviation leads to the growth of the gland, often has diffuse form or forms colloidal cysts.

Another reason for the onset of pathology is pregnancy, because this period leads to a change in the hormonal background, and all organs begin to function differently, the thyroid gland also has a double load. In most cases, the described changes in the work of the body go away on their own after childbirth.

The causes of the disease include:

  • hereditary predisposition;
  • inflammation or;
  • negative environmental impact and unfavorable ecology.

Euthyroidism can be caused by an autoimmune (its stage), but without pronounced symptoms. Such a "quiet" course of the disease can last long enough, for 1-2 years.

Also, medical euthyroidism of the thyroid gland is diagnosed, which occurs as side effects from prolonged use of any medication. Pathology is well diagnosed and quickly treatable with drug therapy.

Euthyroidism of the thyroid gland: symptoms

If there is no change in the gland, there will be no symptoms either. In the case of the formation of a nodular or diffuse euthyroid type, there are symptomatic manifestations.

Most often, women turn to an endocrinologist for examination of the thyroid gland. notice external changes in the neck.

The following forms of development of the disease are noted:

  • 1st degree... There are minor changes in the size of the gland.
  • 2.3 degrees... The proliferation of organ tissues increases, which is already visible visually.

In patients with euthyroidism, there is a slight swelling in the neck, irritability, and nervousness.

With a strong increase in the thyroid gland, it squeezes other organs that are closely located. This provokes a sore throat, hoarseness of voice, frequent cough, difficulty swallowing food (even in liquid form).

Thyroid gland euthyroidism: treatment

If a pathology is diagnosed, the patient should be regularly observed by a specialist in order to monitor the condition of the organ. Thyroid hormone and TSH levels should be checked twice a year. It is enough to carry out an ultrasound of the gland once a year.

How is thyroid euthyroidism treated? When violations are diagnosed, a specialist prescribes drug therapy, its goal is to normalize the patient's condition, reduce symptomatic manifestations, normalize the size of the organ and eliminate nodes.

If the gland has reached a large size, an operation will be required. This method therapy is also prescribed in the presence of one or more nodules in the organ, the size of which is more than 1 cm. The need for an operation must first be confirmed by a puncture or biopsy.

The main methods of therapy: taking iodine-containing drugs andL-tyroxin.

V folk medicine as a treatment, the patient is advised to consume products containing iodine in their composition. Read about what leads to iodine deficiency and why this element is so important for the body.

However, any, even the most "effective" means can be used only after consulting a doctor, so that there is no worsening of the condition or side effects.

Most often, it is recommended to take seaweed (can be dried) and mountain ash (black chokeberry). From the latter, you can prepare a medicinal composition: mix washed and dried berries with sugar (1: 1 ratio). The remedy should be taken 3 times a day, 1 tsp.

Seaweed contains a lot of iodine, so it must be taken daily, a sufficient dose of 50 g - fresh, 1 tsp. - dried kelp.

For most human organs and systems, there are only two basic states: norm and pathology. At the same time, "optimal functioning" is a broad concept, since each person is individual, has its own specific genetic factors along with gender, age, the world around them and lifestyle. Unambiguously pathological conditions require treatment, however, the norm is "on the verge" of deviations. In such situations, doctors recommend monitoring a person's condition, and euthyroidism of the thyroid gland refers precisely to such cases.

What is euthyroidism

The term euthyroidism of the thyroid gland means the normal functioning of this organ. Despite this basic meaning, the term is widely used in a medical sense, moreover, doctors indicate the need to pay attention to the hormonal status and condition of the body.

This happens for several reasons:

  1. During the examination - most often, planned or associated with any non-specific complaints of the patient, changes in the thyroid gland are found.
  2. The anomaly cannot be called a true pathology. As a rule, this implies an increase or change in the structure of an organ. Visually, this does not manifest itself in any way, a person on his own is also unable to notice deviations from the norm.
  3. The patient is referred for tests to identify a complete picture of the hormonal status. Euthyroidism is placed in cases where there are no pronounced disorders, when, in general, the content of the main hormones is within normal limits.
  4. In some cases, a second measurement is made for the content of thyroid stimulating hormone of the pituitary gland and thyroid hormones. Their number may deviate from the "ideal", but still the condition cannot be unequivocally referred to as painful, because the content of the necessary substances is within the limits of the individual norm.
  5. A characteristic feature of euthyroidism is that with repeated tests, sometimes an increased, and sometimes, on the contrary, a decreased content of hormones can be found. This "instability" allows doctors to talk about existing disorders that are not yet a disease, but can become one.

If a person is diagnosed with euthyroidism, this may mean absolutely nothing, except for some physiological features of the structure and functioning of the thyroid gland. In other cases, indicate an early stage of disease development. The most common disease, the forerunner of which is often a slight violation of the hormone content - euthyroid goiter, a severe chronic pathology leading to a distortion of the external appearance of a person, his endocrine system with an effect on the normal functions of all organs and systems.

The insidiousness of goiter as a chronic endocrine pathology lies in the fact that one blood test can reveal it on early stage very difficult. The disease can be accompanied by both a lack of hormones and their excess against the background of hyperfunction of the thyroid gland. Thus, euthyroidism is a "conditionally permissible norm", which nevertheless implies increased attention to the activity of one of the main systems responsible for humoral physiological manifestations in the human body.


The amount of pituitary hormones and specific thyroid substances is individual for each person. If not physiological changes in the organ itself and in normal human activity, the concentration of the hormonal units produced is exclusively a matter of numbers. This indicator acquires a diagnostic criterion only against the background of symptoms of thyroid gland euthyroidism.

There can be many reasons for the development of the condition. First of all, these are genetically determined features, which are also often associated with the following factors:

  1. Features of the ecological situation and the place of human residence. For the normal functioning of the thyroid gland, iodine is needed, which is absent in certain regions - more often mountainous ones, remote from the sea. In people living in such regions, euthyroidism is found in almost 100% of cases, although the disease does not always develop.
  2. Poisoning with toxic substances that inhibit the function of the thyroid gland. First of all, these are salts heavy metals but also harmful compounds can be found in drugs.
  3. Constant stress disrupts the normal functioning of the thyroid gland.
  4. Development of serious pathologies - for example, diffuse goiter, thyroid cancer. In this case, violations will progress very quickly, clinical picture will develop from "doubtful" to bright in an extremely short time.
  5. In women, hormonal status changes during pregnancy. During this period, serious endocrine disorders can develop, especially against the background of even minor deviations from the norm.

Any inflammatory or other abnormal processes in the thyroid gland can provoke a sharp deterioration in the condition. The euthyroid status indicates that this organ is " weak point", As a rule, against the background of genetically determined factors, therefore, during his life, a person will need to be examined from time to time by a specialized specialist. It is advisable to conduct examinations with all analyzes, visual and instrumental examination in order to prevent the development of serious diseases in time.


Symptoms in the prodromal stages are rarely severe. A person can for a long time, over several years, not pay attention to indirect signs of disorders of the thyroid gland, referring them to other factors. The clinical picture may vary depending on the type of disorder - with an excess of hormonal units, some signs will be observed, with a deficiency - others.

Autoimmune thyroiditis is characterized by:

  1. Primary hypothyroidism is a decrease in the level of thyroid activity. Changes in the gland itself are invisible. Patients have edema, yellowish skin tone, dry skin and hair.
  2. As the disease develops in one direction or another, the symptoms change. If the hypothyroid form remains, then there is a specific type of weight gain - fat deposits are concentrated on the abdomen, in the region of the shoulders, face, neck.
  3. Patients report chronic fatigue, weakness, muscle tingling and cramps.
  4. With a long course of the disease, apathy, depressive state, and slow speech are noted. Many patients complain of hearing impairment.

If the symptomatology goes according to a different type - that is, the thyroid gland begins to compensate for the abnormalities with an increased content of hormones, then the clinical picture of goiter develops over time. It includes:

  1. Tachycardia, while the cardiologist does not detect physiological disorders in the cardiovascular system.
  2. Feeling hot, excessive sweating.
  3. Emotional lability, nervousness.
  4. Weight loss.

Over time, an enlargement of the thyroid gland develops up to the formation of a kind of benign tumors on the neck. With the early manifestation of the disease, dementia is possible.


In some cases, treatment of euthyroidism is not required if the condition is physiological. It is also necessary to determine which development of pathology is more dangerous for a given person, depending on this, adjust the therapy.

It includes:

  • thyroid hormones - for example, the drug L-thyroxine;
  • dietary supplements with iodine content;
  • general action preparations containing both iodine and hormones.

At the stage of euthyroidism surgery does not apply, however, in the absence of proper therapy and the development of goiter, excision of abnormally frolicking tissue can be used up to complete removal of the organ.


Prevention includes:

  1. Foods high in iodine - seaweed, seafood, mountain ash.
  2. Walnut septum tincture has a high iodine content.
  3. It is recommended to avoid stress, adhere to a rational daily regimen.
  4. People with thyroid abnormalities should not expose themselves to excessive exposure to ultraviolet radiation. At the same time, trips to the sea are very rewarding - you just need to spend time in the shade.

Preventive measures are simple, but they will help prevent the development of severe endocrine pathologies. It is especially important for pregnant women to take care of their health in case of previously detected euthyroidism; courses of dietary supplements with a high iodine content are recommended for them.

The condition of the thyroid gland in which, we can talk about the diagnosis - euthyroidism, is given to people with minor dysfunctions of the thyroid gland.

But few people know what is meant by this concept and whether it is a serious disease.

Therefore, in order to have an understanding of how to deal with this phenomenon, you should know the main causes, symptoms and treatment of thyroid euthyroidism.

Euthyroidism of the thyroid gland is not a disease, but a special condition that borders between illness and health.

The patient, who does not complain about his state of health, is tested for thyroid hormones with normal values, but an ultrasound scan shows pathological changes in the thyroid gland.

The main danger is hidden behind the ability of the thyroid gland to “mask” disorders.

The norm of hormones is deceiving, since a diagnosis of euthyroidism can become an excellent ground for the development of serious diseases (goiter, euthyroid pathology, cancer).

A clear symptomatology of these diseases begins to manifest itself only on the fact of the inability to produce the necessary hormone.

Why does euthyroidism develop?

Thyroid dysfunction is due to a lack of iodine in the body. It is this element that is directly involved in the production of thyroid hormones. When these hormones are not enough, the size of the thyroid gland increases.

Despite this, an excess of iodine also adversely affects the state of the thyroid gland (it begins to decrease in size), and the production of necessary hormones is blocked.

Thus, the development of euthyroidism can be affected by harmful working conditions, unfavorable life situations (frequent stress, irregular sleep, constant experiences).

An overabundance of ultraviolet radiation can lead to thyroid dysfunction and elevated level radiation. Features of labor can be caused by direct human contact with chemical elements such as mercury, cobalt, lead and strontium, and this is a direct path to euthyroidism. Also, some drugs and infectious diseases can affect the dysfunction of the thyroid gland.

Hypoplasia of the thyroid gland is a rare condition. At the next link, we will figure out how to determine the symptoms of this disease and consider what the treatment consists of.


For most people, the diagnosis of euthyroidism becomes news, since they did not observe visible changes. However, with ultrasound examination, euthyroidism is easily detected. But how to know that you need to urgently undergo an ultrasound scan, or do it on a planned basis every two months?

If a person has never suffered from thyroid problems, he may pay attention to some of the symptoms that warn of thyroid dysfunction. The main signs are:

  • Irritability, frequent nervousness, without significant causes.
  • Excessive fatigue.
  • A visual examination revealed a slight swelling in the neck.
  • A lump sensation is characteristic when swallowing, sometimes it is very difficult to swallow.
  • During palpation, a nodular formation is palpated. The patient may sometimes complain of discomfort from the formations, but, in general, they are completely painless.

If several signs are identified, it is necessary to go for a consultation with a specialist, do an ultrasound examination and a number of necessary tests. After determining the diagnosis, the doctor will prescribe an appropriate course of treatment.

Please note that loyalty to the condition of the thyroid gland can lead to the formation of goiter.

What is the danger of euthyroidism?

As already mentioned, euthyroidism is just an intermediate state of the thyroid gland. But, if you start to understand deeper, then it is the nodular goiter that is one of the few types of euthyroidism.

In medicine, the following types are distinguished:

  1. Nodal (the nodes are interconnected).
  2. Endemic (outgrowth occurs due to an insufficient amount of iodine in the body).
  3. Multinodular goiter.
  4. Goiter with one node (nodular).

By itself, a nodular goiter is a formation in the thyroid gland, the danger of which is that thyroid tissue can develop into a malignant tumor. Therefore, timely detected euthyroidism is the key to successful treatment. How its additional signs are distinguished:

  • Painful sensation in the chest.
  • The person begins to quickly lose weight.
  • Arrhythmia is observed.
  • Shortness of breath is possible.

If the patient is diagnosed with nodular goiter, then urgent treatment is required. In the absence of therapy, severe consequences are observed in the form of malignant tumors or strong pressure on the trachea. In this case, the trachea must be urgently removed by surgery.

How is euthyroidism diagnosed?

In the presence of these symptoms, the patient is examined by a doctor, after which he is sent for an ultrasound scan and other tests. A blood test for enzyme immunoassay is the main factor confirming the level of hormone concentration. After this, the necessary therapy is determined.

Who is at risk?

There are factors provoking the development of euthyroidism:

  • If a person is genetically predisposed.
  • When there is inflammation in the thyroid gland.
  • Frequent exposure to ultraviolet rays.
  • Regular stressful situations.
  • Diseases of the nasopharynx of an infectious nature.
  • Environmental impact.
  • The consequence of taking antibacterial drugs or hormonal agents.
  • During pregnancy. It is explained by the fact that euthyroidism during pregnancy develops against the background of a lack of minerals.

In order not to be at risk, it is necessary to take preventive measures.


  1. Monitor the intake of iodine in the body.
  2. Normalize the nervous system (no stress, depression and other nervous experiences).
  3. Regular check-ups with an endocrinologist.
  4. Analyzes (twice a year) to determine the level of thyrotropin.
  5. Once every six months, an ultrasound scan of the thyroid gland.

Only a previously identified ailment will prevent unwanted complications and facilitate treatment.

How is euthyroidism treated?

Consider how euthyroidism is treated. Therapy depends on the results of the examination, so in some cases it may be completely absent. So, it is necessary to observe an endocrinologist when the patient's thyroid gland has not changed its size, and the hormonal parameters have not changed.

If the patient refers to poor health, malaise, or the above symptoms are observed, then the endocrinologist prescribes a certain course of treatment. The main goal of treatment is the normalization of the patient's condition, the productive performance of the thyroid gland and the elimination of the main symptoms.

The course of treatment consists of three areas:

  1. Iodine preparations.
  2. Combination of therapy with Levothyroxine and iodine-containing drugs.

In an extreme case, when the disease is in an advanced stage, the patient is prescribed removal of the thyroid gland.

Such indications for treatment are based on the results of the examination and the patient's complaints.

A large thyroid gland can make it difficult to eat normally and also make it harder for the respiratory system to function. The second case when a mandatory operation is assigned is the presence of a large number of nodes. It is worth noting that a biopsy is performed before the operation, according to the results of which the cytology of the cells is determined.

According to endocrinologists, euthyroidism is an insidious disease, since the patient is between two imprecise states. Therefore, in such a situation, medical observation and systematic ultrasound are recommended.

Video on the topic

An endocrine disease such as euthyroidism of the thyroid gland is not easy enough to diagnose.

It would seem that the levels of thyroid and thyroid-stimulating hormones in a laboratory study are within the normal range, which indicates the well-being of the thyroid gland and the endocrine system as a whole, but it turns out that there are pitfalls here too.

The fact is that the thyroid gland can successfully mask various diseases, while it is almost impossible to notice. Against the background of euthyroidism, endemic goiter and autoimmune thyroiditis are common.

The gland begins to grow in volume to the obvious signs of the disease.

At the same time, a person may feel certain symptoms of a dysfunction of the endocrine system, but have a normal picture of the level of hormones in the blood. This is the insidiousness of euthyroidism.


The main causes of euthyroidism are:

  • prolonged iodine deficiency;
  • genetic factors;
  • unfavorable environment - living in an area of ​​high radioactive background, prolonged exposure to the sun, passion for solariums;
  • pathological autoimmune processes;
  • inflammation of the thyroid gland;
  • treatment with medications that have a depressing effect on the functionality of the gland
  • a significant change in hormonal levels, for example, during pregnancy;
  • ingestion of such dangerous compounds as mercury, arsenic, lead, cobalt;
  • acute infectious diseases characterized by a severe course;
  • stressful aspects;
  • heavy psycho-emotional and physical stress.

In childhood, the impetus for the development of euthyroidism

are complicated infectious diseases.

Deficiency of iodine content in the body becomes the reason against which the growth of the thyroid gland begins. This increase can promote the formation of colloid cysts or remain diffuse.

Each of the above negative factors provokes the development of gland pathologies. But the latent euthyroid state itself does not last so long - as soon as the organ damage reaches a certain stage, hypo- or hyperthyroidism is recorded.

The period of pregnancy can also be the cause of the development of euthyroidism. This is due to the fact that during the process of bearing a child, the hormonal background of a woman changes, and most of her organs and systems are already functioning in a different way from the previous regime, therefore, the thyroid gland undergoes significant changes.

It can also grow in volume, causing discomfort to the expectant mother. In most cases, all unpleasant symptoms disappear after the birth of the child.

Also, euthyroidism can accompany, proceeding almost hidden for a long time.

And it remains to note the drug euthyroidism, which forms as a side effect while taking any drug.

The latter type of euthyroidism is successfully and quickly treated with medication.


Symptoms of the disease may be absent until the condition of the gland is changed. Then the symptomatic picture of euthyroidism will consist of signs of the underlying disease.

Regardless of the content of hormones in the blood, a patient with progressive euthyroidism may experience the following symptoms:

  • nervous disorders, exposure to stress factors;
  • enlargement of the gland up to a visually noticeable tumor in the neck;
  • signs of pressure on your neck (difficulty breathing, hoarse voice);
  • feeling of a coma in the larynx;
  • increased fatigue and drowsiness.

From the outside, with euthyroidism, the outlines of the neck change, - the thyroid gland is growing steadily in volume. These changes are more pronounced among women.

The first stage of the disease is characterized by frivolous, almost imperceptible changes, which cannot be said about the second and third stages, which are usually accompanied by diffuse changes provoking the formation.

Symptoms of this pathology are pronounced changes in the timbre of the voice, problems with breathing and eating.

Launched euthyroidism negatively affects the state of the hormonal background of the body.

Incorrect production of hormones by the gland negatively affects a person's well-being, causing weight fluctuations, heart and vascular problems, disorders of the nervous system, etc.

Such conditions require drug therapy, but after the balance of hormones is restored, euthyroidism develops again.


Diffuse euthyroid goiter is easy to diagnose during examination and by palpation. To clarify the size and structural structure of the gland (type of damage), ultrasound diagnostics is performed.

In the presence of nodular changes in the tissues of the organ, fine-needle biopsy and scintigraphy are indicated.

Laboratory tests include:

  1. Analysis of the immunogram, which determines the presence of lymphocytes and antibodies to thyroglobulin and gland cells;
  2. Determination of the level of TSH, T3, T4 and thyroglobulin in the blood.

With the development of a large goiter or signs of intense pressure on the organs of the neck, that is, with advanced euthyroidism, contrast radiography is prescribed.

Complications and consequences of euthyroidism

From the nervous system: depressive conditions, nervous exhaustion, impairment of memory and attention, panic attacks.

From the side of the cardiovascular system: bradycardia, tachycardia, heart failure, increased blood cholesterol levels.

On the part of the reproductive system: polycystic ovaries, cycle disorders, infertility.

If euthyroid goiter is not treated, the compression of the neck organs progresses - problems arise with swallowing and breathing, and loss of voice is possible.

Nodal changes in the gland can sometimes degenerate into a malignant process, which is fraught with oncology of the gland.

Treatment methods

A disease such as euthyroidism requires mandatory monitoring by a specialist to monitor the condition of the thyroid gland.

In dynamics, it is shown to take a laboratory test to determine thyrotropin and thyroid hormones, and also once a year, ultrasound diagnostics of the gland should be performed.

If endocrine changes are detected, drug therapy is indicated in order to relieve the symptoms of the disease, improve the patient's condition, reduce the volume of the gland and nodal changes. The therapy is carried out with iodine preparations and levothyroxine.

As a rule, the elimination of iodine deficiency in the body leads to the normalization of the functions of the gland, and prevents further development diseases.

But iodine can be both useful and harmful, given that with euthyroidism, the body may not need iodine, provided the gland is hyperfunctional.

For this reason, self-prescription of iodine preparations should not be dealt with, especially in case of pregnancy. The necessary therapeutic dosage of iodine should be selected exclusively by the endocrinologist.

Surgical treatment is indicated in the case of a large goiter volume (more than 2 degrees) and persistent compression of nearby organs. Isotope therapy (radioiodine therapy) can also be effective, which can reduce the volume of the goiter by half.


Endocrinologists consider euthyroidism to be the most insidious disease of the thyroid gland.

In this case, the patient is simultaneously between two fires: on the one hand, he seems to be healthy, and on the other, pathological changes are already taking place in his body.

Fortunately, most cases of euthyroidism are successfully cured with the help of well-chosen therapy, against which they decrease to normal size.

Preventive measures include two major areas:

  1. An individual direction is to prescribe iodine preparations during pregnancy, to people living in endemic areas, to postoperative patients.
  2. The mass direction is to organize healthy eating, with the inclusion in the diet of foods fortified with iodine.

If you notice symptoms of euthyroidism in yourself, do not panic and resort to self-medication methods.

First of all, it is necessary to contact an endocrinologist for qualified help, today this diagnosis is successfully treated, otherwise the course of the disease can be aggravated.