Diet plan for a big hike. Catering for the trip. Products needed for cooking

Alekseev A. A. Meals on a hiking trip

The book tells about the organization of food in a tourist trip, taking into account the complexity of the route and the type of tourism. The experience accumulated by amateur tourists and supported by subsequent theoretical developments is summarized. Methods for compiling food rations, selecting, accounting and storing products, and other information useful for tourists are given. This edition also includes recommendations for monitoring the physical condition of hikers. The materials are presented in accordance with the training programs for tourists-athletes and schoolchildren and are intended for a wide range of tourists-schoolchildren, their leaders, tourists-athletes, geologists, prospectors, travelers, family tourism enthusiasts. Housewives will find useful tips here on how to plan a family's meals on a limited budget and lack of food. The author Alexey Alexandrovich Alekseev is a tourist with twenty-five years of experience, who owns a number of publications on this topic.

Energy costs in the campaign and their replenishment

Chemical composition and calorie content of food

Daily diet

Drawing up a layout

Hiking Products

Distribution and accounting of products

Packing, storage and transportation of products

Meals on the route

Cooking on the go

Product layout. floating layout

Vitamins and medications

Water-salt regime

Extraction and purification of water

Monitoring the physical condition of the hikers


Daily diet

Now consider the general rules of nutrition in the campaign. First, let's agree on terms. Ration - a portion of food for a certain time, for example, for a day. Menu - a set of products or dishes. Diet is a meal plan.

For breakfast, it is usually recommended to give about 30% of the daily calorie intake. But only a supply manager of rare conscientiousness will calculate not only the calorie content of the daily ration, but also the energy value of each meal. Most of the time, this happens on its own.

When compiling a menu for breakfast, we must remember that it must ensure performance in the morning. But, as we know, it is in the morning that the most difficult sections of the path are planned, and, therefore, the digestion of food at this time is difficult. In addition, in mountain and winter hikes, some tourists lose their appetite in the morning. There are also those who prefer a cup of coffee instead of breakfast at home or are simply not used to having a hearty breakfast. But if you don’t eat well in the morning, then after 1.5-2 hours an actively working organism will require food, and hunger literally demoralizes those who refuse morning porridge. No pocket food (see below) will save here. Therefore, morning meals should be easy to digest, taste good (for example, vanilla sugar can be added to cereals, and tomato can be added to pasta) and small in volume. If you have hard work, you should not drink coffee or cocoa in the morning - they raise blood pressure.

But what if breakfast is still not eaten? Not too liquid porridge can be taken with you in a plastic bag, kettle or autoclave. After 1.5-2 hours, when the green little ones ask for mercy, you can make a halt and alleviate their suffering. True, time will be wasted, but what can you do.

10-15% of the caloric content of the daily diet should be allocated to pocket food in sports trips. It usually consists of any carbohydrate-rich foods that you can put in your pocket or better in a special snack bag. By the way, everything that you don’t want to eat immediately is put into it. Do not rush to throw away, for example, sugar or crackers left over from breakfast or dinner. During the day, these coveted leftovers can be removed from the bag and shared with a less thrifty comrade.

At high altitudes, due to a lack of oxygen, many substances in the body are not oxidized to the end, that is, to carbon dioxide and water. The accumulated products of incomplete oxidation worsen the state of health, reduce efficiency and provoke the development of mountain sickness. So, an excess of lactic acid causes a feeling of fatigue in the muscles. At the same time, evaporation of moisture increases at a height, dehydration of the body occurs. Therefore, special "sports" drinks containing sugar, glucose, fructose, as well as other sour and sweet drinks with citric acid, juice extracts, etc. are useful for short breaks. However, dry drinks such as Zucco, which have become common in recent times, should be treated with great caution. Many of them cause allergies, fakes and surrogates that are dangerous to health are not uncommon.

Lunch or a snack should account for 30-35% of the daily calorie intake. High-calorie fatty and sweet foods are preferred here. Easily digestible carbohydrate-containing products (sugar, sweets, dried fruits, waffles, sherbet, extracts, juices) should be combined with indigestible foods with a large amount of fat (sausage, bacon, canned meat and fish, halva). Sublimated cottage cheese and special preparations for the rehabilitation of athletes are also useful.

This combination of products will allow, on the one hand, to quickly restore strength due to carbohydrates, and on the other hand, not to experience hunger until dinner.

For a snack, you can prepare tea or compote, as well as hot dishes (soups, light cereals). But their preparation should not take much time.

Dinner is 25% calories. It should compensate for the daily energy costs and prepare us for the next day. For this, dishes rich in proteins and carbohydrates are good: soups, white cereals, meat, cheese, pasta. Since there is no hurry in the evening, we will make sure that dinner goes smoothly and thoroughly. Do not forget about onions, garlic, tomatoes and other seasonings. Evening tea drinking is a real ritual that relieves emotional overload. Therefore, there should be a lot of tea, and it’s good to add something tasty to it.

A lot depends on the volume of hot dishes. It should be sufficient, but not excessive. It is difficult to eat a lot of liquid porridge or soup, even if the calorie content of the diet is low. It is unlikely that too thick porridge will be to your taste. But we'll talk about this later.

Now about days. Here it is necessary to provide for the most “refined” products and dishes: donuts fried in vegetable oil, pancakes, jam, crumb cake with condensed milk, fresh potatoes, pickles, canned vegetables, watermelons (melons quickly deteriorate). And in general, the day is a holiday. It must be approached with imagination, but not overdone.

Drawing up a layout

Many will say: everything that is written above is a theory. In practice, no one does this - too much work. Well, that's partly true, but only partly.

Of course, when going for a one-day walk, you can do without any science sandwiches and hard-boiled eggs. Even on multi-day trips of tourists - schoolchildren or adults - if you do not think to engage in sports tourism, feel free to use a simplified, empirical way of compiling a layout. To do this, we first write out the menu for 3-4 days in a notebook. Then, from Appendix 1, we take the norms of products per person per day, and then multiply the norms by the number of participants in the campaign. These 3-4 menu options (cycle) will be repeated throughout the trip. Therefore, we calculate how many times the same menu option will be used, and determine the number of products for the entire trip.

You can make a menu for 5-7 days, but there will not be much benefit from such a variety.

Of course, on a campaign it will turn out that there are a lot of some products, and not enough others, but in any case, starvation does not threaten us. We will note all the shortcomings and take into account next time. By the third - fourth trip, you will get a completely tolerable set of products.

Here, for example, is the layout (in grams), compiled from the experience of five trips with schoolchildren (mainly for November and March routes) lasting up to 12 days.

Figure 60-80 Buckwheat 60-80 Millet, 60-80
Milk powder 20 Meat filling 30 Milk powder 20
Oil 15 Oil 15 Oil 15
Rusks 15 Rusks 15 Rusks 15
Tea Tea Tea
Sugar 50 Sugar 50 Sugar 50
Candies 30 Candies 30 Candies 30
Bagels 50 Cookies 50 Wafers 50
Lunch (snack)
Smoked sausage 60 Loin 60 Salo 50
Rusks 15 Rusks 15 Rusks 15
Sherbet 50 Halva 50 Kozinaki 50
Dried fruits 50 Dried fruits 50 Dried fruits 50
Cookies 50 Gingerbread 50 Bagels 50
Horns 60-80 Vegetable soup 60 - 80 Rice soup 60 - 80
Meat filling 30 Meat filling 30 Meat filling 30
Oil 15
Rusks 15 Rusks 15 Rusks 15
Tomato 5 Cheese 50 Tea
Tea Tea Sugar 50
Sugar 50 Sugar 50 Wafers 50
Total: 640-680 680-720 660-700

The calorie content of the diets is 2550 and 2800 kcal with a ratio of B:W:U on average per cycle 1: 1.2: 4.8, which is acceptable.

Note that neither the calorie content nor the ratio of components was specifically taken into account when compiling the layout.

However, if tourism is not only a vacation for you, but also a way to get to know nature and yourself, an empirical approach will suit you only at first.

One day, before the next, more difficult campaign, it turns out that the previous layout limits the group's capabilities. Then you will have to master all the intricacies of the position of supply manager. But there will be no experience in compiling a layout according to all the rules, and it is unreasonable to learn from mistakes in complex campaigns. Therefore, even novice sportsmen-tourists need to master the work of a supply manager in full from the first trip.

Where to start? After all, taking into account both weight, and calorie content, and the chemical composition of products is not an easy task.

First, let's take care of visibility. We will ask the leader to draw up a schedule of physical activity on the route by day. In a mountain hike, the loads are mainly determined by the altitude schedule. You also need to take into account the nature of the obstacles (the complexity of the passes), and for hiking and ski trips - the length of daytime crossings.

Next, you need to draw up a menu for each day, and for this, imagine what state the group will be in and what dish can cause the greatest enthusiasm in this state. For example, after a long transition in the heat, millet porridge with bacon is unlikely to seem like a delicacy, but sour borscht with tomato, made from concentrates, will appeal to everyone. And if the group wandered for a long time in the cracks on the glacier, slowly moving forward with a slight climb, or if there is a quick descent into the valley behind, then an ordinary soup in the evening will not feed anyone: serve buckwheat porridge with meat here; and if the weather is cloudy and cool, it will not hurt and additional portion of fat.

Of course, it will not be possible to foresee everything, but it is easy to adjust the menu on the route, for example, to strengthen breakfast at the expense of another day or to transfer the dinner option from one day to another. But usually the amount of adjustment is small and depends on the knowledge of the route and the correctness of tactical decisions.

In case of bad weather or an unplanned day, you need to have reserve rations that are not tied to a specific day. A good caretaker should know in advance what the group will eat on each day of the trip.

For convenience, the menu can be repeated in cycles in 3-4 days. At the same time, depending on the required calorie content and the expected complexity of the day, the main dishes are supplemented with certain products. But it is not necessary to strictly follow this principle. The menu should depend primarily on the conditions of the route, and not on the order in the cycle. However, in skiing and hiking trips, where the loads are quite uniform, the cyclical repetition of the menu is entirely justified.

Now it remains to calculate the number of products for each day. But here it is not enough to write out the norms (see Appendix 1), as in the case of the empirical method. It is also necessary to withstand the planned caloric content, weight and ratio of components. This is a task worthy of a computer, but a payment card can greatly facilitate the work (Appendix 2 a, b, c).

For convenience and clarity, we note in the title of the card the day of the trip for which it is intended, and the segment of the path to be overcome on this day, indicating the characteristic obstacles.

Now we write the menu, and in separate columns - the norms per person and the calorie content and chemical composition of the products from Appendix 1 corresponding to these norms. In the last columns at the end of the calculation, we enter the mass of products for the entire group. The composition of the group before the trip may change, so we will write down several options on the card in advance.

After filling out the card, we summarize the results for all columns. If, in this case, the mass of the products is, for example, 950 g, the calorie content is 2750 kcal, and the ratio of the components is 1: 0.2: 7, it is obvious that the mass is large and the calorie content is small. Analyzing the chemical composition, we see that there are not enough fats and too many carbohydrates. Then we reduce the amount of low-calorie foods and instead add high-calorie, containing fats. Thus, we bring the mass, calorie content and chemical composition of products in line with the planned values.

A calculator will help you do the calculations.

Of course, it is not necessary to take such cards on a hike; it is enough to write down the menu and food norms for the group in a notebook. There is also no need to create new cards for each trip. You just need to make adjustments based on the results of the previous hike and rearrange the cards in accordance with the altitude chart or load chart of the new hike.

After the rations for each camping day are calculated, we draw up a general list of products for the entire trip, and if intermediate drops are planned, then also packing lists for each drop.

Hiking Products

Now let's talk about what tourists eat. For weekend hikes, any food that does not deteriorate until the end of the route is suitable. The main thing is not to take canned food in glass jars and jam in vessels with an unreliable lid. Otherwise, you will have to remove the fragments from things, but when you return, turn to dry cleaning services. It makes no sense to take concentrates and cereals on short hikes - fresh vegetables and fruits are much tastier. Passion for cereals and soups from bags is justified only in winter, when it is difficult to peel potatoes and cut vegetables.

When going on simple multi-day hikes in the summer, you must first of all choose those products that will not deteriorate in the heat. Cottage cheese, sour cream, boiled sausage can fail already on the second day, boiled eggs will acquire an unpleasant odor on the third day, especially if they are stored in polyethylene. However, concentrates are not the best solution here. Stew and jam are much tastier than freeze-dried meat and extracts. And travel products are completely unsuitable for hiking: soups in plastic glasses, instant vermicelli, etc. Instead, it is good to take with you canned fish and vegetables, as well as various options for canned meat with vegetables. On weekend hikes, you can take raw vegetables.

In summer, one should not forget about wild sorrel and gout, and in winter - about the fact that many products, including bread, cheese, lemons, eggs, canned vegetables, can completely freeze.

When drawing up the layout, one should not get carried away with imported dishes: falsified or expired products are often hidden under bright packaging. Products of “real European quality” do not reach us, and it is not safe to use what Europe offers to Third World countries.

In sports trips, starting from the III category of difficulty, it is very important to reduce the weight of the backpack. In mountain tourism, this problem is typical for all trips lasting more than 7-8 days. Therefore, tourists-athletes impose rather stringent requirements on products.

1. Lightness and calorie content. If possible, it is necessary to choose those products that have a larger edible part or a higher percentage of digestibility (Appendix 1). For example, in everyone's favorite beef stew, the edible part does not exceed 32%. The remaining 68% is mainly water. Therefore, the energy value of one hundred grams of beef stew is only 200 kcal. The same indicators for freeze-dried meat are 96% and 565 kcal, respectively. Similarly, for fresh potatoes - 23% and 96 kcal, and for dried - 78% and 315 kcal.

2. Speed ​​and ease of preparation. It is difficult to implement complex culinary recipes on a hike, and, as a rule, there is no time for this. The specifics of tourism is such that even an experienced hostess at a fire or stove can be helpless. And among experienced tourists, not everyone will be able to cook a complex dish. Therefore, it is better not to risk food and instead of casserole or Guryev porridge, cook semolina porridge with raisins, vanilla or cinnamon, and replace easily-burned vermicelli with rough but reliable horns.

Mountain tourists have to take into account the fact that the boiling point of water at a height below 100°C. Therefore, cooking buckwheat or rice at altitudes over 3000 m without an autoclave will require a lot of time and fuel.

3. Suitability for the whole trip and transportability. Let's not remember perishable products - they can only be taken on weekend hikes, if it's not very hot. But even those products that are stored at home for an arbitrarily long time easily become unusable on a hike. For example, granulated sugar without hermetic packaging becomes damp, and when wet it turns into syrup. Not much safer and instant sugar. It is better to take ordinary lump sawn, or, as tourists say, "insoluble" sugar. But crushed sugar, although it belongs to the "insoluble" varieties, is difficult to pack so that it takes up little space. Bread will not lie in a backpack for more than three days, it will have to be replaced with lighter and more convenient crackers.

The safety and transportability of many products depends on proper packaging, but we will talk about this later.

4. Taste qualities. An important detail: products and dishes from them should be tasty and varied.

Unleavened cereals and soups quickly become boring, and food that is boring is digested worse than that which is eaten with pleasure. Therefore, on a hike, you do not need to skimp on flavors, seasonings and spices. So, in rice sweet porridge with milk, you can add dried fruits, vanilla sugar, cinnamon. If you put more sugar in oatmeal, it will resemble oatmeal cookies.

In the highlands, the tastes of tourists can vary significantly. Subtle aromatic seasonings such as "hops-suneli" are not perceived, but tomato, onion, and garlic are in high demand. Citric acid, spoiling tea at low and medium altitudes, becomes a welcome addition. Exacerbated reactions to smell. Some types of cheeses with a sharp specific smell can cause disgust.

However, some authors believe that the taste and variety of tourist dishes are not of great importance. Others, on the contrary, prefer to have 40-50 products. But, discarding the extremes, we note that the monotony reduces the digestibility of food. Therefore, even in the most difficult trips, it is better to sacrifice calories occasionally, once every 5-8 days, and offer the participants of the trip canned fish in tomato or eggplant caviar.

Meals on the route

On the route it is very important to observe the correct diet. It is best to keep the regimen that we are used to at home and eat three times a day at certain hours. Irregular nutrition worsens well-being, sleep, reduces efficiency and requires additional energy for digestion.

The main thing is not to eat dry food. It’s good if the schedule of a sports trip allows you to organize three hot meals a day. As for hiking with schoolchildren, a dry snack is possible only as an exception. In the morning and in the evening you need to cook under any circumstances.

On a one-day hike, hot food along with sandwiches can be taken from home in a thermos, preferably metal, unbreakable. On camping trips, hot food is prepared at the bivouac. As a rule, tourists prepare two dishes: thick soup (konder) or porridge and some hot drink, most often tea. Three dishes can be prepared on day trips or on simple hikes, where there is a lot of free time.

On a sports trip, when you have to maintain a rather busy schedule, thoughts about third courses disappear by themselves, and a hot lunch is usually replaced by a snack. But even with the toughest schedule, it’s better not to eat dry food. After all, drinks, including hot ones, can be prepared at breakfast and poured into thermoses or flasks. You can make a drink from extracts or jam and for a snack, of course, if there is a source of clean water. In winter, you can’t do without thermoses, otherwise you will have to drink only in the morning and in the evening.

Leaving the bivouac after a hearty breakfast, we will want to eat in 2-3 hours. Therefore, so that hunger does not absorb all our attention, before leaving the camp it is advisable to distribute "pocket food" - sweets, dried fruits, cookies, etc.

According to the tradition that has developed in Russian tourism since the end of the 19th century, food is prepared for a group (artel) on duty. Individual nutrition according to the principle “everyone has their own primus and personal cracker”, adopted in Europe, contradicts the domestic mentality, worsens the psychological climate. However, in difficult hikes and climbing ascents, where a separate bivouac is possible, food has to be shared.

A typical hiking day looks like this. An hour before the general rise, the attendants, usually two, get up and start preparing breakfast. If you have an early exit, prepare quick-cooking concentrates, semolina or oatmeal porridge, potato flakes, etc. If the group has an autoclave (pressure cooker), you can cook breakfast in the evening and wrap it in a sleeping bag or a warm jacket, and in the morning to warm.

Some tourists, in order to leave the bivouac early, manage with a snack in the morning. This can only be justified by the need to pass a dangerous section before sunrise or the impossibility of preparing breakfast, for example, due to a strong wind that has risen at night or rain that floods the fire.

The general rise should not be tied to the readiness of food or boiling water. For some attendants, the process of preparing breakfast may be delayed for an indefinite time. The attendants get up earlier not to serve their comrades coffee in bed, but to gain time for personal gatherings. Therefore, the rise is announced either at a certain hour, or when the weather allows to start gathering. If the general rise interferes with the work of the attendants, and the preparation of breakfast is delayed, you should call for help from a more experienced tourist or leader.

After getting up, all the participants of the hike do not wait for breakfast, but begin to collect things; the attendants do not stand by the fire, and also gather, replacing each other. When breakfast is ready, fees are temporarily suspended. After breakfast, medical control is carried out (See appendix: the chapter “Control of the physical condition of participants”), “pocket meals” are distributed and the camp is removed.

During the gathering, the supply manager must announce what products should be put on top for a snack, and remind about flasks and thermoses. It is considered normal to exit 2-3 hours after the rise of the attendants.

After 3-5 transitions (30-50 minutes each) everyone stops for a big halt, lunch or a snack. A long halt takes from 20 minutes in the cold in winter to 1.5 hours in summer. In the southern regions, sometimes you have to wait out the heat, here a long halt can drag on for 3-4 hours. During this time, it is quite possible to cook a full meal.

In the mountains, on difficult passes, the group does not always manage to get together for a snack. In this case, products for him are given out in the morning for each bundle.

It is very important to start a snack on time, when you are already hungry, but the hunger is not yet getting on your nerves and the breakdown has not begun. It happens that, trying to pass a certain important section, for example, the last ascent to the pass, a snack is postponed from hour to hour, and it no longer helps to restore strength for the afternoon transition. In this case, either the plan for the second half of the day fails, or the transition tires the tourists so much that it affects the next day.

After a snack, before stopping at the bivouac, we have to overcome another 3-4 transitions. If there are more evening transitions, it is useful to divide the snack into two parts or take the remaining products after it with you as pocket meals. On a hike with schoolchildren, the number of transitions is reduced to 3-4 before lunch and, as a rule, no more than 2-3 after lunch. If the age of the participants is less than 13 years, in the afternoon it is better to limit yourself to 1-2 transitions.

The hiking day ends with the setting up of the camp, dinner and the second medical control. Everything that is needed for preparing breakfast is collected in the evening and packed by the attendants so that in the morning they do not disturb their comrades with searches, do not rattle buckets and do not knock with axes. In order to avoid confusion and fuss, it is convenient to start duty from dinner and end it after a snack - then the duty officers will be full owners of the bivouac, and the transfer of duty will be simplified to the limit.

Water-salt regime.

To drink or not to drink on the route, and if you drink, then when and how much - this is the number one problem in all summer hikes in the hot season. Even more acute in winter hikes is the question of where to get water for drinking.

To maintain metabolism and evaporation through the skin and lungs, under normal conditions, we need only 2-2.5 liters of water per day. Part of the necessary water is formed in the body as a result of oxidative processes, part is contained in food, but this is not enough. Up to 1.5 liters of water should be ingested with drinking and hot dishes.

Water is needed not only for metabolism, but also to stabilize body temperature. During intense work and in hot weather, the body cools down, evaporating part of the moisture. Therefore, depending on the intensity of exercise, physical fitness and climate, a tourist needs from 3 to 10 or more liters of water per day.

Drinking water is not all evaporated through the skin. Part of it is excreted in the urine. Moreover, if you immediately drink a liter of water, only 60% of it will go to ensure thermoregulation, the remaining 40% will be excreted in the urine. But if you drink 100-150 ml every hour, then up to 90% of the water will turn into sweat. In other words, in the heat and during hard work, it is more beneficial to drink often, but little by little.

It is most convenient to drink at small halts, which are usually made near water sources. In this case, it is better to drink in small sips or through a straw, adding citric acid, various extracts and dry juices, sports drinks, fruit syrups to the mug. The "pops" have proven themselves well. They are easy to prepare from citric acid and soda with various additives. Cold tea quenches thirst well, green tea is better, as well as a solution of concentrated tomato juice or tomato paste. In extreme cases, you can drink water with sweets, sugar, or seizing it with dried fruits.

Even at large halts in a bivouac, do not drink until the feeling of thirst disappears. Water is absorbed into the blood 10-15 minutes after drinking, and only then does thirst disappear. Too much drinking does not quench thirst, but, on the contrary, often provokes its strengthening. The reason is here.

A liter of blood contains 9.45 g of sodium chloride. Salt is excreted from the body together with sweat, but in smaller quantities - about 5 g per liter. Accordingly, with profuse sweating, the salt content in the blood increases. The feeling of thirst is a reaction to a violation of the salt balance: the body seeks to reduce the concentration of salt. But if too much is drunk, the concentration of salt in the blood drops so significantly that, in order to restore it, excess moisture is removed with urine and profuse sweat, and additional salt is lost with them. Our salt reserves are limited, and when they are depleted, the salt content in the blood is not replenished.

Therefore, additional removal of moisture and, together with it, salt follows. Loss of water again causes thirst. The circle closes.

Salting water gives a certain effect in the fight against thirst, but during heavy physical work in the heat, the abuse of salt reduces sweating, disrupting thermoregulation and provoking heat stroke and heart failure.

But what if there are few water sources on the way? In simple hikes in the middle lane in a non-hot period, it is usually enough to drink plenty of water at breakfast and dinner and some water at lunch (snack). On hot days, you will have to carry water in flasks at the rate of 0.7-1 liter per person. Thirst can cause drying of the oral mucosa (false thirst). To get rid of this, you can suck on sour candies and dried fruits.

On winter hikes, there is nowhere to take water during the movement, but if you drink only twice a day - in the morning and in the evening, dehydration is inevitable. Therefore, a supply of water in thermoses for winter trips is simply necessary.

In the mountains, especially in areas with a hot climate, moisture loss reaches 7-10 liters, mainly due to evaporation through the lungs due to an increase in the volume of pulmonary ventilation. At the same time, it is necessary to provide in the diet up to 5 different drinks mentioned earlier.

Extraction and purification of water

Water columns, springs, springs, springs, wells can serve as sources of water, and after boiling, water from forest streams is suitable if there are no settlements, farms and fields in their upper reaches. In uninhabited mountainous and taiga areas, you can drink water from streams and rivers. Muddy, milky-colored water of mountain rivers, containing particles of kaolin (white clay), can be drunk without purification. Kaolin is a good sorbent; in the past it was used in medicine along with activated carbon.

Water from all other sources must be disinfected by prolonged boiling, the addition of potassium permanganate, iodine or drugs such as pantocide, iodine, cholazone. Water containing suspensions must be filtered through a cloth before boiling. The water of peat bogs, despite its brownish color, can be drunk after boiling, since sphagnum moss, from which peat is formed, releases bactericidal substances.

You can not take water from rivers in the middle lane and in other densely populated areas. As a rule, chemical fertilizers, effluents from industrial enterprises and livestock farms are dissolved in it, which do not give water a taste and smell, but are not disinfected by either boiling or the additives listed above. In most cases, it is safer to take water from clean puddles of water that do not connect to the river.

Some mountain rivers contain salts of heavy metals (mercury, antimony, lead, etc.), if on their way there are rocks containing ores of these metals or dumps of mining enterprises. It is necessary to identify such rivers when preparing the route.

In the highlands, water can be collected with PVC pipes from the edges of snowfields or taken from streams on the surface of glaciers. You can collect water from a stone warmed by the sun by throwing snow on it. Melting snow on polyethylene and avalanche shovels is ineffective. Available water sources may freeze by morning, so it is better to stock up on water in the evening.

The device dictates tactics

V It has been shown above that the main physiological parameters of the body, convenient for observation during hikes, can be considered the pulse and muscle strength. The first is measured using a watch with a second hand, and the second is measured using a dynamometer (power meter). It is necessary to conduct observations twice a day: in the morning and in the evening.

The method of differential tests known in wide sports practice (for example, analysis of the recovery time of the pulse after a load - for example, a series of squats, in our opinion, is of little use for tourism. Repeating from day to day for many days 8-12-hour loads require a different, integral approach.From this point of view, the reaction to the full daily load and the recovery of indicators during the night are more indicative.Measurements are taken twice a day, in the morning and in the evening immediately after eating, so that during the meal the pulse calms down and random deviations associated with bivouac work , did not distort the picture.

In order to make the results of observations visual, so that correct conclusions can be drawn from them, it is convenient to build graphs of morning and evening observations for each participant. The summary graph for the whole group is also interesting. The scale of the graphs is of great importance for clarity. At a small scale, the changes that have occurred are detected too late, and at a large scale, random deviations mask the emerging trends. It is convenient to increase the scale of summary graphs by 2-2.5 times, since the significance of deviations is much higher here. In our practice, we built graphs on millimeter paper, taking 5 mm along the horizontal axis for each day and 1 mm for each beat of the pulse or kilogram of strength.

However, taking instrument readings and plotting graphs is by no means enough. To make tactical decisions based on the results of observations, it is necessary to draw the right conclusions. We argued as follows: in the initial period of the trip, the working capacity drops after a short burst (Fig. 5A, B).

Then, as you get involved in the marching mode and acclimatize, it gradually increases, and by the end of the trip it begins to decrease. The later the decline begins, the greater is the safe duration of the trip.

Fatigue at the end of a walking day is a natural and inevitable phenomenon. The difference between morning and evening data speaks about it. But we are more interested in the recoverability of indicators per night. After all, if they are not restored, it means that fatigue and fatigue are accumulating, and if it is not stopped in time, overwork, a breakdown is possible, after which performance will not be restored even after an unscheduled day. Therefore, for ease of comparison, data obtained at one bivouac, that is, today evening and tomorrow morning, are placed on the same vertical on the graph. The difference between us characterizes recovery overnight.

The most interesting are the non-absolute values ​​of the pulse and muscle strength, and their change over time. Figure 5 shows that at the beginning of the route, muscle strength decreases, on the fourth day acute acclimatization ends, and in hiking trips - adaptation to loads, and strength begins to grow. The distance between the charts of morning and evening indicators (it is proportional to fatigue for the day) remains constant. However, the daytime due to the high altitude of the camp does not give complete rest, therefore, when (starting from the seventh day) the loads increase sharply, the evening indicators fall, indicating great fatigue. During the night, full recovery of strength does not occur. This can be seen from the gradual deterioration of morning performance. On the eighth day, the decline in morning indicators becomes especially sharp. We regarded it as the beginning of overwork. The ninth day, organized on time, regained strength - evening indicators become higher than morning ones. The course of the smoothed curve (B) shows that, on average, the performance of the group has not changed. However, if the leader had been at least one day late, everything could have ended much worse.

Camp food is a kind of spartan version of city food. The main criterion here is weight. And if we take into account that, on average, on a hike, 600 grams of food is taken per person for each day, then in the first days of a 10-day hike, in addition to equipment, he will have to carry about 6 kg of food.

Therefore, when compiling the list, preference is given to the most light and compact products: cereals, nuts, energy bars, as well as dried / freeze-dried vegetables and fruits. Dried vegetables and fruits are easy to cook at home, in a conventional oven or in an electric dryer. After drying, their weight decreases by 10-50! times and recovers well when cooked. If you don’t feel like cooking yourself, then you can purchase ready-made freeze-dried dishes and ingredients at any of a dozen freeze-dried companies, such as Gala Gala.

Basic products for the trip

  • cereals in grains (buckwheat, rice, lentils, barley groats);
  • cereals in flakes (hercules, corn);
  • stew in vacuum bags;
  • biscuits or crackers;
  • salt;
  • sugar.

The most complete list of products

  • dry spices (hops-suneli, Provence herbs, etc.);
  • vegetable oil;
  • hard cheese;
  • smoked sausages;
  • coffee / cocoa;
  • powdered milk;
  • egg powder;
  • mayonnaise;
  • condensed milk in bags;
  • bitter chocolate;
  • chocolate and energy bars (snickers, mars, twix, etc.);
  • halva and gozinaki;
  • lollipops;
  • sweet cookies;
  • lemon;
  • garlic;
  • dried fruits (dates, prunes, dried bananas and apples, dried apricots, raisins);
  • nuts (hazelnuts, cashews, walnuts, almonds);
  • candied fruit;
  • ketchup in bags;
  • lard, sujuk, basturma;
  • pasta (someone takes, someone does not);
  • doshirak (handy in a small group);
  • mashed potatoes;
  • sublimated products.

"Never skip a meal, even if you are dead tired - this is an axiom on a hike."

What food should not be taken on a hike

  • do not take heavy and low-calorie foods containing a lot of liquid to the track;
  • perishable products;
  • fresh vegetables and fruits (of course, there are exceptions);
  • juices;
  • food in heavy containers or in glass.

Water and camping drinks

Be sure to bring your own plastic container with you. An ideal individual water container is a 1.5 plastic bottle. It is convenient to replenish it in rivers and springs.
In the camp, black tea is mainly prepared, which can be diversified by adding young cedar cones, rose hips, etc. Coffee and cocoa are prepared less often, besides, cocoa is a drink that is difficult to drink.

Classic breakfast, lunch and dinner on the trek

The classic writing technique is quite modest and looks like this for a large group.

  • Breakfast. Cereal or cereal porridge with raisins, biscuits with cheese or sausage, tea / coffee / cocoa.
  • Snack lunch. Cheese or sausage biscuits, dried fruits and nuts, energy bars.
  • Lunch at the camp. Soup + biscuits with something, tea.
  • Dinner. Cereal porridge with stew, biscuits with cheese or sausage, tea.

Of course, for a small group, the menu can be varied. For a large one for 15-20 people - quite difficult. In a small group, for quick breakfast and dinner, it is convenient to use packaged cereals (such as "Uvelka"), which are enough to pour boiling water over.

What is better to take for a daily snack

For a one-day trip, it’s not difficult to create a “delicious” menu for a snack. For a multi-day hike, it is quite monotonous and differs only in chocolate bars.

  • biscuits with hard cheese or raw smoked sausage;
  • dried fruits and nuts;
  • candied fruit;
  • energy bars (mars, snickers, bounty, twix, etc.).

Calculation of products per person. Tourist layout

Layout - a food set for one of the meals for the whole group. Knowing the route, the size of the group, the duration of daily transitions and rest days, you can decide on a set of products in the layouts for breakfast, lunch and dinner. The packaging of each layout indicates the day and type of meal. This achieves a balanced menu for the entire trip.

How much food to take

Depends on the difficulty of the hike. An average of 500 to 800 grams of uncooked (dry) foods per person per day.

Layout example

Approximate weight of products for layout.

After the menu for the days has already been compiled, multiply the weight of the products for each meal by the number of hikers.

Kashi is the most important meal in the campaign.

Products Weight in grams
(per adult tourist, per meal)
cereals 80-100
Hercules and other flakes 60-80
Mashed potatoes 60-80
hard cheese 30-40
Salo/basturma 20-40
Smoked sausage 30-40
Stew 50-60
dried meat 20-25
Powdered milk 20-30
Candied fruit 20-30
nuts 15-30
Dried fruits 40-50
Chocolate bars 50-60
Biscuits / croutons 40-50
Pasta 90-110
Manka 50-60
Garlic 5-10
Lemon 5
Products Weight in grams
(per tourist per day)
Salt 5-7
Sugar 20-30
Tea 8-10
Spices 5-10

When drawing up the layout, take into account the possible allergic intolerance of some products by the participants of the campaign and the presence of vegetarians.

What to consider in the layout for children

  • take care of mandatory hot lunches;
  • add additional vitamins and proteins to the menu;
  • portions in the layout for preschoolers can be safely halved, except for sweets.

The video shows an example of a tourist layout. It tells about cereals and freeze-dried products.

Sublimated products in Russia are produced by more than a dozen companies.

During sublimation, most of the moisture is removed by vacuum, but all tastes, color, minerals and trace elements are preserved. The weight of the products is reduced by 5-10 times. Then everything is packaged in vacuum bags.

The range of products and ready meals is quite wide, up to freeze-dried pickles, sour cream, shrimp and scrambled eggs.

What is the best way to store and pack food while camping?

Usually everything is packaged and packed in plastic bags, preferably two or three. Someone prefers to pack in airtight plastic containers. It is better to pour liquid products from the factory packaging into soda bottles.

In the camp for the preservation of food from animals, at night it is better to put it in strong plastic containers or hang it in a backpack on a tree. In no case should food be left overnight near or in a tent, in places where bears are found.

"Proper" food on the track. What is "fast" and "slow sugar"

Our bodies need a lot of energy while hiking. The main help here is provided by carbohydrates contained in all products, but playing a different role. As soon as we eat something, “fast” or “slow sugar” immediately begins to flow into the blood. "Fast sugar" gives an instant burst of energy, and "slow" comes gradually, over several hours and steadily maintains our energy level.

  • Fast sugars include many sweets, foods high in starch, cookies, and sweet fruits.
  • “Slow sugars” include many cereals and cereals, pasta, non-starchy vegetables, mushrooms, and unsweetened fruits.

Boiled or baked vegetables have a higher glycemic index, meaning they contain more sugar than fresh vegetables.

When choosing food for a hike, focus on cereals, in particular, buckwheat - this is an ideal source of energy and trace elements. And the monotony of cereals is perfectly brightened up by spices and fire smoke.

For a long time, while hiking, I wrote a food layout for the entire hike and all participants.

What products to take with you

  1. Cereals (buckwheat, rice, freeze-dried mashed potatoes - it is now even more or less tasty for sale, millet, oatmeal porridge)
  2. Meat / fish: canned fish and stew, raw smoked sausage, sujuk, freeze-dried meat, dried meat.
  3. Butter (necessarily ghee !!! ordinary butter will not stand)
  4. Many different seasonings - so that every day the same buckwheat is different and tasty!
  5. The most diverse dried fruits - for cereals for breakfast, for snacks
  6. Hard cheese of the Altai type - perfectly "lives" without any refrigerators for about 3 weeks
  7. Nuts - also possible in cereals, in nutritious snacks
  8. From black bread, fry slices in butter with garlic, from white - just dry the crackers.
  9. Lemons for tea and as an appetizer for alcohol.
  10. Chocolate
  11. Tea, coffee, sugar, salt
  12. Dry soups in bags - based on them, you can also cook cereals, or cook them as separate soups, putting potato sublimate, a lot of seasonings, lemon juice, garlic - it turns out a puree soup that tastes quite tolerably tasty.
  13. Garlic.
  14. Dried vegetables in vacuum packages (carrots, onions, beets are sold).

Looks like I haven't forgotten anything. All of the above live a very long time without cold. You can cook something new every day, from quiet products we managed to never repeat in a dish for 10-12 days!
Such layouts are designed for live fire. (firewood, fire)
The gas layout (for mountains or treeless zones) is a little different.
Fresh vegetables are not written because this is a camping menu. Not a single normal person, if he is shoveled with a backpack for 2 weeks, will take with him a fork of cabbage, beets or a kilogram of carrots.

What are we preparing from this?

  1. "Merchant's buckwheat" - at the bottom of the pot / pan in melted butter, fry raw sausage slices, cover with buckwheat, fry for one minute, pour water (with a dry bag of soup diluted in it) and simmer until tender. Eat with garlic croutons of black bread.
  2. Soup with rice.
  3. Potato soup
  4. Borsch (vegetables are dried, and potatoes are in the form of a powder).
  5. Canned fish soup.
  6. Soup with vermicelli (noodles) can be milky, who loves (on milk powder), it can be with fish, it can be with meat.
  7. Soup with buckwheat and croutons, if you are not too lazy to take with you in a sealed bag of 300g of ordinary flour, take it for homemade croutons :-) (egg powder is also sold for the same purposes)
  8. all soups, first sujuk or freeze-dried meat is boiled in water, cook for a long time until the meat becomes soft, then cook the soup on this broth - sooo nutritious and satisfying.
  9. Buckwheat, rice, pasta, potatoes - with stew, with fried sausage.
  10. Potato with fish.
  11. Mashed potatoes with milk powder and egg powder + melted butter.
  12. Navy-style macaroni sprinkled with cheese.
  13. In the morning you can have sandwiches with cheese or sausage, you can have oatmeal porridge on condensed milk with raisins, nuts, dried fruits and sprinkled with chocolate.
  14. etc. etc.

I really like to cook let's say the stew separately as "meat with gravy" and add a handful of finely chopped walnuts there.
And most importantly - a LOT of different seasonings! The taste will be different. I cooked rice - I generously drank curry there, buckwheat - all sorts of oriental seasonings, pasta - usually an Italian set of spices.
I do not buy seasoning separately (this is for home, for home gourmets), but in combined forms, such as "Italian herbs". "Seasoning for pilaf", "Seasoning for soups" - in nature, that's it! than to drag 25 bags separately and pour a pinch from each.

Summer is the time for travel and hiking. After discussing the details and choosing a route, the question of what kind of food to take with you naturally pops up. The hiker is bad who does not think about this important part in detail, and the one who hopes that everything is tasty in the fresh air, even bread and water, is completely wrong. Of course, the hike is different, and what will fit for a 1-2 day walk around the neighborhood can be the cause of spoiled mood and other troubles during a multi-day mountain walk. Let's focus on hiking a small group (2-5 people) during the week with short stops. Such hiking trips are one of the best types of recreation in a beautiful mountainous area. They do not require special training and are often performed by urban residents in the Crimean mountains and in the foothills of the Caucasus. It is worth determining in advance whether this will be a trip by one inseparable group or just a company of singles and couples going in the same direction and ready to split up at any moment. Much will depend on this: the presence of a common boiler and the calculation of products individually or for the whole group. Both approaches have pros and cons. Singles have to rely only on their own strength, but it is possible to choose a menu according to their tastes. Eating in a group can be much easier, but in this case there is no time for pickles.

It’s better to start with what you should not take with you on a hike. Glassware: glasses, cups, bottles and jars are best left at home. Everything that can crack, leak, has a fragile structure - too. Metal thermoses (unless you are going to the mountains or it is not a cold season), flasks, cans, etc. Camping food should not be perishable: boiled sausage, fried chicken, boiled eggs, smoked fish, stewed or fresh, soft and juicy vegetables, ready-made salads and soft cakes.

Camping food and its quantity always depends on the place of intended rest, as well as travel time and availability of shops or other sources of replenishment of supplies. In any case, each participant must have an "emergency reserve". It’s good to have a “yummy” with you, which will be very useful for tea, even if the packaging is inconvenient. It can be a pack of halva, chocolate or a can of condensed milk (if you couldn’t find condensed milk in a “lightweight” soft package). The group must have accessories for independent cooking (dishes, gas burner or matches). Cutlery - things are strictly individual.

The quantity, and sometimes the basic composition of products for a hike depends on its duration, complexity, type of terrain and personal preferences. People go on a hike, as a rule, not to eat a lot. Homemade food stays at home, let the thought of it stimulate the return and warm the soul pleasantly. Food during the campaign serves to maintain strength, so that the campaign is successful, and mood and health are strengthened, and not deteriorated and weakened. Based on this, you need to choose a balanced set of products, not forgetting that you will have to carry this entire balance on your shoulders.

Carbohydrates are needed as the basis of nutrition on a hike: buckwheat, rice, corn, pearl barley or pasta (preferably spirals - they stick together less than others). Meat in a campaign is needed in a small amount. It can be dry, cured or canned meat. If you decide to treat yourself to sausage - take raw smoked, sealed in vacuum packaging. Basturma and sudzhuk are stored for a long time and well (taste is not for everyone). It is better to buy canned food in small cans or have one large one for each participant in the campaign. Meat, even under heavy loads, can be eaten only occasionally - once every 3-4 days or even less often.

It is easy for vegetarians to pick up protein foods, such as legumes (mung beans, peas, soybeans, beans) in dry or ready-made form. Dry foods are always preferred as they contain more nutrients. In addition to side dishes and meat, it’s a good idea to take dried vegetables, mushrooms, herbs, milk, nuts and dried fruits with you. Muesli can be prepared as a quick refresher in the middle of the day. Homemade muesli is preferable, as camping muesli should have more nuts and dried fruits than cereal. Having determined the optimal composition of the products, you can add some "liberties" in the form of good black, green or herbal tea - these small pieces of comfort will come in handy in ascetic camping conditions. Take sour or mint candies - they can come in handy at altitude for dizziness or nausea on the train. A small amount of honey, ginger, pepper can decorate a monotonous meal, and can help with a sudden cold. You can bring your own wine. (Red is preferred.) Pour it into a plastic bottle. You should not take a lot of alcohol, especially on difficult trips. Firstly, it is hard to carry, and secondly, water is more important.

Let's try to make an average set for one person for a week trip:

Buckwheat or other cereal (about 1 kg),
Meat (200 g, if dry, then 100 g),
Beans (200-300 g),
Dried vegetables and mushrooms (300 g),
Muesli (300 g),
Powdered milk (200 g),
Nuts and dried fruits (300 g),
Tea or coffee (according to needs),
Sweets (candied fruits, gozinaki, halva, lollipops, chocolate),
Spices and salt.

Water is one of the most difficult items. It is impossible to cook dry foods without water, and it is difficult to carry water with you. Water sources must be sought along the way. It is optimal to lay routes in such a way as to occasionally meet springs and other sources of water (for example, villages or farms). It is extremely important to plan your route, taking into account the sources of water in large parking lots. Parking near a spring is considered ideal. It is most convenient to store water in 1.5-5 liter plastic bottles. If suddenly the water is over, in no case do not replace it with wine - this threatens with dehydration. Dehydration greatly undermines the strength - there is a strong heartbeat, weakness, dizziness, which in rough terrain can be dangerous.

For successful and comfortable cooking, it is better to immediately determine how much food will be spent on any given day. If you go a certain route, then the menu can be "attached" to the parking points, taking into account the peculiarities of the places. For example, if the parking lot is close to the water (spring), then you can treat yourself to soup, tea and other camping excesses. Groats and other bulk (except tea!) products are conveniently packed in dry and clean plastic bottles of various sizes. The smaller the volume of each container, the easier it is to distribute them inside the backpack. Other products are packaged in portions (preferably daily) in separate packages. Pack each serving into three packets nested in each other. Strengthen the packages by wrapping them with thick wide tape over the entire surface. At the top, sign what kind of product, quantity and section of the path on which you intend to eat it. The air in their bags must be removed. To do this, gently pierce the air bubbles with a needle, squeeze out its remnants, and seal the puncture site with tape. Pack onions, garlic and sausage (if it is not in a vacuum) in cloth bags.

The best cookware for camping is stainless steel. Don't be fooled by the light weight of aluminum cookware. Aluminum oxidizes food and releases a whole set of substances harmful to the body. Steel does not emit anything, it is stronger and easier to clean. It is also better to take a steel spoon. One spoon won't take it away, and it's inconvenient to use a plastic one. A fork on a hike is usually an extra device. Don't forget the knife! Well, if you have your own stainless steel mug. This is a universal dish - a mini-pot, a durable container for fragile small things and, in fact, a mug. A good tandem of mugs is a large metal one (500-700 ml) and a small one (200 ml) made of durable plastic.

Often there is no wood for a fire at the parking lot, or it is raining, or you are walking through the territory of the reserve, where it is forbidden to make fires. In all these cases, a gas burner will help. Now the choice of burners is very large and you can always choose the best option for yourself. It is good if cylinders of different companies are suitable for your burner. A 300 ml gas bottle is enough for a week.

An important rule is that camping food should not be left unattended in the parking lot. Group food in one place protected from rodents and small animals. Make sure food is well protected from rain and dew. Carefully pack food for the night, hang it up if possible to save them from small animals and insects. Save fuel! If there is an opportunity for a fire, make it exactly the way it is needed for cooking. Do not cut trees, use dry land, and when leaving, cover the coals with earth. Try not to use needles and damp branches - the smoke and soot from them will paint your dishes black and saturate food and tea with a pungent smell. Everything cooks better on charcoal than on an open flame. Products that are contraindicated in heat can be saved by leaving them overnight in a dug hole 50-70 cm deep. Cover the hole from above so that warm air does not enter. You can put waterproof bags with perishable products in a cold stream.

After a whole day of travel, especially if in the mountains, there is often not enough energy for food, and the evening dinner turns into a tea party. If you don’t have the strength and desire to cook food in the evening, then you can have a good breakfast the next morning. To do this, cereals can be soaked overnight by wrapping the container in polyethylene from insects and curious small animals. In the morning it will be enough just to heat the pot - and the porridge is ready.

Tips and Instructions

Summer is the time for travel and hiking. After choosing and discussing the details of the route, the question of what kind of food to take with you naturally pops up.

In order to follow the route, carry a backpack, chop wood and still have time to admire the surrounding nature, a person constantly has to expend energy. Our body gets it, as you know, from food. At home, we practically do not think about proper nutrition - if only there was something to eat. It’s a completely different matter on a hike, where there are no shops, no refrigerators, no cafe-restaurants, and the loads have to be endured quite rather big. And here the question inevitably arises: how much and what products to take with you on a hike.

How much energy does a tourist spend on a hike? In everyday life, men who are mainly engaged in mental activity, but at the same time periodically paying attention to physical training, spend up to 3500 kcal per day, women - up to 2500. Participants in weekend hikes and simple hiking in the middle lane spend 2500-3000 kcal per day. In category hikes for adult athletes, the weight of the backpack ranges from 25 to 30 kg, you have to go off-road, steep slopes, wade through the thicket ... As a result, energy consumption for hiking trips of I-III category of difficulty for adults and children is 3000-3500 kcal per day. In skiing and mountain hiking, they reach 3500-5000 kcal.

Well, it seems that there is very little left: knowing the energy value of the products and the upcoming energy costs, you can calculate the amount of food needed for the trip. But not everything is as simple as it seems. Firstly, not all products are suitable for hiking, and secondly, for multi-day difficult hikes, they will need so much that the group will not be able to budge. And in very difficult hikes, tourists, especially those who are not well trained, exhausted under the weight of a backpack, will not get any pleasure. But we go on a hike in the first place precisely in order to have fun.

So, you have to reduce the number of products to reasonable limits. Of course, in this case, it will not be possible to cover all energy costs, but many years of tourism practice has shown that this is not necessary. In simple hikes, it is quite possible to limit yourself to one kilogram of food per person per day, and in complex ones, where the use of expensive concentrates and freeze-dried products is justified, 700-850 g will be enough.

A special role is played by food in the mountains, at altitudes of more than 3000 meters. Here, the lack of oxygen in the air leads to various changes in the body's work that occur in the process of acclimatization. At the same time, an aversion to certain types of food appears, the digestibility of fats decreases, and many biochemical processes become more difficult.

Hiking Products

What food to take with you on a hike? For weekend hikes, any food that does not deteriorate until the end of the route is suitable. The main thing is not to take products in glass jars and in containers with an unreliable lid. It makes no sense to take concentrates and cereals on short trips - fresh vegetables and fruits are much tastier. Passion for cereals and soups from their bags is justified only in winter, when it is difficult to peel and cut vegetables.

When choosing products for a long summer hike, first of all, you need to pay attention to the fact that the products do not deteriorate in the heat. Milk, sour cream, boiled sausage will go bad on the second day, and boiled eggs will go rotten on the third day, especially if you store them in a plastic bag. The various foods that we usually take on the road (soups in plastic cups, instant noodles, etc.) are also not the best choice for a long hike. It is better to take a variety of meat, fish and canned vegetables. On short trips, you can take fresh vegetables and fruits.

In sports trips, starting from III cat. complexity, it is very important to reduce the weight of the backpack. In mountain tourism, this problem is typical for all trips lasting more than 7-8 days. Therefore, tourists-athletes impose rather stringent requirements on products.

Now specifically about some products:

  • Dry soups (in bags). Now on sale there is a wide variety of dry soups, from which you need to choose 3-4 types to diversify the menu.
  • Stew. The purchase of stew must be approached very carefully, because. Recently, there has been a large number of fakes of very poor quality. Before buying a large batch of stew for the entire trip, it is necessary to conduct a test purchase - purchase several cans from different manufacturers, open them and evaluate the quality of the product. Pay attention to the fact that the stew was produced in accordance with GOST.
  • The meat is sublimated and dried. For challenging hikes, this is the perfect product. True, here it is also necessary to carefully consider the assessment of the quality of the product.
  • Chocolate. You should not take aerated chocolate with you. Otherwise, anyone will do. It must be remembered that chocolate melts quickly in hot weather, so you should carefully consider its storage.
  • Cheese. In summer, it is better to choose hard cheeses, and in winter, processed cheeses will be a good alternative.
  • Pasta. Hardwood horns are preferred.
  • Dry greens. Greens (parsley, dill, basil) can be dried in advance by yourself.
  • Sweets (lollipops and caramel). Take a few different varieties with you. And, of course, sweets must be in wrappers, otherwise they will stick together into one big candy.
  • Halva. It is more convenient if it is in packs or jars. Weighted is more difficult to store and share.
  • Egg powder. An important source of protein.
  • Black crackers. You should prepare yourself. Cut into slices 1 cm thick. A loaf of black bread. Whole slices or halves are dried in the air, and then put in the oven and kept at a temperature not exceeding 150 ° C. Crackers can be salted and soaked in vegetable oil. Cutting bread into small pieces (croutons) is unprofitable because they take up a lot of space and crumble.
  • Dried foods (meat, vegetables) you can buy ready-made. Some vegetables can be dried in ovens below 100°C or on central heating radiators.

Product layout

The layout is the number and range of products for each day. Of course, if you are going to take a walk in the forest for one day, you can get by with sandwiches and other snacks without any layout. For a multi-day uncomplicated trip, they usually use a simplified method of compiling a layout: first they sign a menu for 3-4 days, then they figure out how many and what products are needed for each dish for 1 person, and finally, the number of products is multiplied by the number of participants in the trip. These 3-4 menu options will be repeated cyclically throughout the trip. This means that we need to calculate how many times each dish will be cooked and, thus, determine the amount of food for the entire trip.

Here is an example of such a layout:

Figure 60-80 Buckwheat 60-80 Millet 60—80
Milk powder 20 Meat filling 30 Milk powder 20
Oil 15 Oil 15 Oil 15
Rusks 15 Rusks 15 Rusks 15
Tea Tea Tea
Sugar 50 Sugar 50 Sugar 50
Candies 30 Candies 30 Candies 30
Bagels 50 Cookies 50 Wafers 50
Lunch (snack)
Smoked sausage 60 Loin 60 Salo 50
Rusks 15 Rusks 15 Rusks 15
Sherbet 50 Halva 50 Kozinaki 50
Dried fruits 50 Dried fruits 50 Dried fruits 50
Cookies 50 Gingerbread 50 Bagels 50
Horns 60-80 Vegetable soup 60-80 Rice soup 60-80
Meat filling 30 Meat filling 30 Meat filling 30
Oil 15
Rusks 15 Rusks 15 Rusks 15
Tomato 5 Cheese 50 Tea
Tea Tea Sugar 50
Sugar 50 Sugar 50 Wafers 50
Total: 640-680 Total: 680-720 Total: 660-700

And finally, some useful recipes:

These recipes are for 10 servings. All soups are boiled in 6-7 liters of water.

Borsch- the most favorite of the first courses in the campaign. The mixture for borscht is prepared before the trip as follows. The following components are poured into liter glass jars (according to the number of preparations):
  • dried cabbage 10 tbsp. l.,
  • dried carrots 5 tbsp. l.,
  • dried beets 3 tbsp. l.,
  • greens (mixture) 2 tbsp. l.,
  • dried leeks 1 tbsp. l.,
  • oat flakes "Hercules" 10 tbsp. l. (can be substituted with potatoes)
  • salt 1 tbsp. l.,
  • spices (black pepper, white root, bay leaf, paprika) to taste,
  • ascorbic acid 1 g,
  • dry tomato paste 10 g.
After picking, soup mixtures from cans are carefully poured into plastic bags.

During preparation, the contents of the bag are poured into boiling water with continuous stirring. Borscht is boiled over low heat for 12 minutes and insisted for another 10. Half a tablespoon of butter can be added to the finished dish per serving. Crackers are served with borscht.

Vermicelli Soup:

  • small vermicelli 10-15 st. l.,
  • soy meat 50 g,
  • dried carrots 5-7 tbsp. l.,
  • potato flakes 7 tbsp. l.,
  • dried herbs 2 tbsp. l.,
  • dried onion 1 tbsp. l.,
  • cumin 1 tsp,
  • salt 1 tbsp. l.,
  • black pepper to taste.
Before cooking, vegetable oil is slightly calcined in the cauldron, and then water is carefully poured into it, in which the soup will be cooked (refined oil can not be calcined and added to the soup at the end of cooking). When the water boils, pour the contents of the bag into it and boil for 10 minutes. As with all soups, 7 liters of water are taken for 10 servings.

Onions, sorrel, rhubarb, wild garlic and other edible plants grow in many areas. They are a wonderful addition to these soups.

Various mixtures of spices and dried herbs can be added to soups to give them a piquant taste.

Pea soup. To prepare this high-calorie soup, there are two recipes. The first is when the peas are not pre-treated. Before cooking, 0.5 kg of peas are soaked for 2-3 hours and boiled for 30-40 minutes. Then a mixture of the following composition is poured into the water:

  • dried carrots 5 tbsp. l.,
  • dried onion 1 tbsp. l.,
  • potato flakes 5 tbsp. l.,
  • salt 1 tbsp. l.,
  • spices (white root, dill seed, bay leaf, black pepper) to taste,
  • roasted flour 2 tbsp. l.,
  • ascorbic acid 1 g.
All cook for another 10 minutes. Add 0.5 tbsp to each serving. l. butter or vegetable oil.

You can soak peas in field conditions directly in a plastic bag. It is enough to pour 200-300 ml of water into a bag with a portion of peas and tie it tightly. This can be done in the morning. Peas will be ready for dinner.

In the second option, the peas are prepared in advance and added to the mixture. This soup is cooked on the fire for less than 10 minutes.

To prepare 0.5 kg of peas for the mixture, they must be washed and soaked in warm water for 1-2 hours. After soaking, the peas are washed again and boiled until tender for 30-40 minutes. Then they are thrown into a colander, allowing the water to drain. Boiled peas are mixed with 1 tsp of salt and 2 tbsp. l vegetable oil, and spread on a baking sheet for drying in the oven at a temperature of 80-100 degrees.

Bean soup. Beans are a valuable food product. It contains a lot of protein and trace elements important for life support. But to cook this healthy product on a hike, you need to soak the beans in warm water for at least 4-6 hours, and then cook for more than an hour.

For quick preparation of dishes with beans, it can be processed at home. Preferably use white beans. After sorting and washing, 0.5 kg of grains are placed in a jar and poured with warm water. After 6 hours, the beans are washed and boiled in water with the addition of 1/3 tsp. baking soda. Soda makes the shell of the grains soft and promotes faster cooking. Instead of an hour of boiling in ordinary water, beans are boiled in alkalized water for 20-30 minutes. When the beans are ready, they are thrown into a colander and allowed to drain. Then dried in the oven or in the air. Then the dried beans are mixed with the following ingredients:

  • dried carrots 5 tbsp. l.,
  • dried onion 1 tbsp. l.,
  • potato flakes 5 tbsp. l.,
  • salt 1 tbsp. l.,
  • spices (dried garlic, bay leaf, black pepper) to taste,
  • roasted flour 2 tbsp. l.,
  • beans 0.5 kg.
In the campaign, the mixture is poured into boiling water, boiled for 5 minutes and insisted for another 10 minutes. In portions add 0.5 tbsp. l. butter.

Kulesh "Marching". In terms of density, this dish resembles a cross between soup and porridge. It is useful to cook it for dinner, especially when, due to unforeseen circumstances, the preparation of dinner was missed.

  • rice 0.6 kg,
  • dried carrots 5-7 tablespoons,
  • dried onion 2 tbsp. l.,
  • paprika 1 tbsp. l.,
  • dry tomato paste 10 g,
  • soy meat 100 g,
  • salt 1 tbsp. l.,
  • red pepper to taste
  • dried herbs 2 tbsp. l.,
  • bay leaf 3 sheets.
Pour rice into 7 liters of boiling water and cook for 20-25 minutes. Then the mixture is added, and the cauldron is left on low heat for another 10 minutes. In the finished dish put butter in 0.5 tbsp. l. per serving.

Instead of rice, you can use millet or buckwheat.

If for some reason lunch was missed, then any soup and half of the cereal prepared for evening porridge can be used for kulesh.