War through the eyes of the creators of victory2 (107th rifle brigade). War through the eyes of the creators of victory2 (107th rifle brigade) P.E. Kuzmin - brigade commander

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107th Brigade street

Monument-stele in honor of the 107th rifle brigade

Until October 1942, the 107th brigade fought near Bryansk. In a short time, having established itself as a close-knit military unit, capable of fulfilling any order of the Fatherland. Conducting defensive battles, they participated in three offensive operations, destroyed hundreds of enemy soldiers, officers, and military equipment. For their heroism and courage, many soldiers were awarded orders and medals of the Soviet Union.
The war continued. The personnel of the brigade fought near Anapa.
After the Taman Peninsula was liberated by order of the Headquarters of the Main Command of the USSR Armed Forces, the 117th Guards Rifle Division was formed on the basis of three separate brigades - the 107th, 81st and 8th. Its soldiers with battles victoriously carried the guards banner to Berlin and Prague. For the successful completion of combat missions of the command in battles with the Nazi invaders, the division was given the honorary name of Berdichevskaya, it was awarded the Order of B. Khmelnitsky, II degree. And the Supreme Commander-in-Chief announced 14 commendations to the personnel. Over 10 thousand soldiers received government awards, 8 people were awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union.
107th Infantry Brigade Commissioner V. V. Kabanov lived to see Victory Day. He ended the war as chief of the political department of the 117th division. Vasily Vladimirovich was awarded two Orders of Lenin, two Orders of the Red Banner, three Orders of the Patriotic War of the 1st degree, the Order of the Red Star, and medals.
Having retired, he did a lot of work on the military-patriotic education of young people. Provided invaluable assistance in the creation of museums of military glory of the 107th separate rifle brigade in Novorossiysk, Moscow, Berdichev, Volzhsk. The colonel died on March 23, 1987 in Moscow. A street of our city in the Mashinostroitel microdistrict is named after him.
In honor of the 30th anniversary of the Victory over Nazi Germany, a park was laid, in the center of which a stele was erected depicting the combat path of the brigade. By the decision of the executive committee of the Volga City Council dated April 15, 1980, Severnaya Street was renamed into 107th Rifle Brigade Street.
Such is its short history, heroic path and military glory of the warriors.

Stela 107 of the Special Rifle Brigade is another attraction of the city of Stela 107 of the Separate Rifle Brigade. On August 13, 1974, the executive committee of the Volga City Council of Working People's Deputies of the Mari Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic made a decision to build a boulevard in honor of the memory of the victims of 107 brigades.
The structure of the monument is made of reinforced concrete and consists of two parts.
At a height of 80-90 cm from the pedestal, the stele was originally framed by a belt of metal 80 cm high with an inscription. Currently, a belt is attached to a metal frame.
The top of the Stela on the north side is decorated with the sign of the 107th brigade and the 18th army. Against the background of a five-pointed relief star, there are images of a hammer and sickle - symbols of the Soviet state.
On a straight wall, on a large red star, the battle path of the 107th rifle brigade is depicted.

11 "B" class, school number 4, Volzhsk
Team 11 "B" class.
Zhidko T.A.
11 "B"

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In Volzhsk, from the second half of December 1941 to April 1942, the 107th separate rifle brigade was formed.

It included: four separate rifle battalions, two artillery battalions, a minivision, a mortar battalion and separate units of reconnaissance, submachine gunners, communications, engineering, medical and sanitary and automobile services.

The units were manned with cadre privates and sergeants who arrived from Western and Eastern Siberia, as well as conscripts called up from the reserve from the Gorky and Sverdlovsk regions, the Mari and Chuvash ASSR. The command and political structure was represented by officers who arrived from the active army and called up from the reserve, graduates of military schools.

Colonel was appointed commander Petr Efimovich Kuzmin... At that time, he had good military training, extensive experience. Was born on June 15, 1900 in the Tambov region. In 1912 he graduated from the 5th grade of the parish school. And in 1918 he voluntarily joined the Red Army, where he actively fought on the fronts of the civil war against Denikin, White Poles and gangs on the territory of the Gomel region. Later he graduated from courses - machine gun, command personnel and high school. And after the civilian he served in various command and staff positions. As a commander of a rifle regiment, he participated in the Soviet-Finnish war of 1939-1940. The regiment under was repeatedly distinguished in battle, especially during the breakthrough of the heavily fortified Mannerheim line.

Commissioner, after graduating from the Lenin Military-Political Academy in Moscow, became Vasily Vladimirovich Kabanov.
There were few public buildings in the city, so problems arose with the deployment of military units. The soldiers were housed in the apartments of local residents, placed on the basis of the Mari pulp and paper mill. Food for the personnel was also organized there.

In early February 1942, when the 107th Separate Rifle Brigade was fully staffed, intense days of combat and political training began. Marshal of the Soviet Union K.E. Voroshilov personally checked the brigade's readiness and concluded that it was ready to perform combat missions.

On May 1, at 9 o'clock, the units lined up in the city square, near the House of Culture of the Marbumkombinat. The entire population of the city took to the streets to escort the soldiers to the front. Passing a solemn march, to the music of a brass band, they went to the station, plunged into train trains. On May 5, the brigade arrived at the Bryansk front, where it received its baptism of fire.

Feats of Volunteers

Hundreds of men, women and adolescents turned to the draft board of the military registration and enlistment office, who asked to be enrolled in the brigade.

So, at an urgent request, a student of the 9th grade of school No. 6 of our city Komsomol Kolya Romashenkov was enrolled in the company of scouts. At the front, he took part in many reconnaissance operations, went to the front line to take "tongue".
Nikolai has shown courage and courage more than once, and has been repeatedly awarded government awards.

And on May 2, 1943, in a battle on Malaya Zemlya, he died from a mortal wound. For his exploits, the Military Council of the 18th Army awarded N.Romashenkov the Order of the Patriotic War.

Among the volunteers in Volzhsk there were also many girls with a medical degree. Once a little girl came to the political department and turned to the commissioner:
- Comrade commissar, take me to the brigade, I want to go to the front!
Kabanov looked at her and asked:
- What are you going to do at the front?

- Fight! I can shoot a rifle and bandage wounds.
- How old are you?
- Soon it will be 16.
- That's what, Zhenya,- said the commissioner, - you are still very young, it’s too early to go to the front, people at least 18 years old are being drafted into the army. Yes, probably your mother will not let you go either.
Zhenya got upset and left the office. And the next day she came again, but not alone, but with her mother. He looks at her and says:
- Mom, tell the commissioner that you are letting me go to the front!
Mother, wiping away her tears, turned to the commissioner with the words:
- As soon as Zhenya found out about your brigade, she only insists that she will go to the front. No matter how much I persuade, no matter how much I say that no one will take such a girl, she stands her ground. Let him go with you.
This is how Zhenya Pavlova was enrolled as a medical instructor in a rifle company of the first battalion. She fought bravely. It was always where the wounded needed help.

At the end of 1943, during a heavy shelling on Malaya Zemlya, an enemy mine cut short the life of a brave Volga girl who never lived to reach adulthood. For her courage and courage, for taking the wounded from the battlefield, Zhenya was awarded two of the most respected soldiers' medals “For Courage”.

Defense of Tuapse

Until October 1942, the 107th brigade fought near Bryansk. In a short time, having established itself as a close-knit military unit, capable of fulfilling any order of the Fatherland. Conducting defensive battles, they participated in three offensive operations, destroyed hundreds of enemy soldiers, officers, and military equipment. For their heroism and courage, many soldiers were awarded orders and medals of the Soviet Union.

This historic building is no longer there

Later it was transferred to the Caucasus, by order of the command, it was redeployed to the Tuapse region. The situation at that time was very difficult. The Germans, breaking the resistance of the opposing divisions, moved forward, threatening to come close to the city. There were bloody battles on the banks of the Pshish mountain river. Fierce battles reached hand-to-hand combat. But, having withstood the onslaught, our fighters were still able to win. Although not without losses.

On the morning of January 16, 1943, Colonel Pyotr Efimovich Kuzmin, while moving to a new observation post, was hit by a fragment of an enemy mine. Fighting achievements were highly appreciated by the Motherland, he was repeatedly awarded with government awards. So, by the decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR of April 11, 1940, he was awarded the Order of the Battle Red Banner for exemplary performance of combat missions of the command in the fight against the Finnish White Guards and for the valor and courage shown at the same time. In 1941 he was awarded the Order of the Red Star. June 6, 1943 - posthumously awarded the Order of Suvorov II degree. His name is immortalized in the name of Volzhskaya street.

On Malaya Zemlya

Geographically, the Small Land does not exist. This is a rocky area of ​​land near Novorossiysk, pressed against the water. Its length along the front was 6 kilometers, its depth was 4.5.

By the beginning of 1943, the entire left bank was at the enemy, who controlled the movement of our fleet from a height. It was urgent to deprive him of this advantage. It was decided to land the paratroopers and seize the Novorossiysk suburb. And when the Soviet soldiers occupied the bridgehead, the Nazis beat continuously, unleashing a huge number of shells and bombs. It is estimated that this deadly metal accounted for 1250 kg for each defender of the Lesser Land.

Small land turned into an underground fortress. 230 observation posts became her eyes, 500 fire shelters - armored fists, tens of kilometers of communication tunnels, thousands of rifle cells, trenches, cracks were dug. Need forced to punch adits in rocky ground, build underground ammunition depots, hospitals, and a power plant. We only walked through the trenches.

The April battles of 1943 became the most difficult and brutal. From early in the morning, heavy artillery began to hit, at the same time planes appeared in the sky. They walked in waves of 40-60 cars. Following the high-speed bombers were diving, then attack aircraft. This went on for hours. After that, the attacks of tanks and infantry began. This was repeated several times a day. The German command threw more and more forces onto the front line.

The earth was burning, stones were smoking, metal was melting, concrete was crumbling, but our defenders did not retreat. And on the night of September 9-10, reinforcements arrived from the mainland. A decisive battle took place, which lasted six days and nights ...
The great confrontation ended with the victory of the Red Army. On September 16, Moscow saluted the gallant soldiers of the North Caucasian Front and the Black Sea Fleet, which included soldiers of the 107th rifle brigade.

* * *
The war continued. The personnel of the brigade fought near Anapa.

After the Taman Peninsula was liberated by order of the Headquarters of the Main Command of the USSR Armed Forces, the 117th Guards Rifle Division was formed on the basis of three separate brigades - the 107th, 81st and 8th.

Its soldiers with battles victoriously carried the guards banner to Berlin and Prague. For the successful completion of combat missions of the command in battles with the Nazi invaders, the division was given the honorary name of Berdichevskaya, it was awarded the Order of B. Khmelnitsky, II degree. And the Supreme Commander-in-Chief announced 14 commendations to the personnel. Over 10 thousand soldiers received government awards, 8 people were awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union.

The commissar of the 107th rifle brigade V.V. Kabanov lived to see Victory Day. He ended the war as chief of the political department of the 117th division. Vasily Vladimirovich was awarded two Orders of Lenin, two Orders of the Red Banner, three Orders of the Patriotic War of the 1st degree, the Order of the Red Star, and medals.

Having retired, he did a lot of work on the military-patriotic education of young people. Provided invaluable assistance in the creation of museums of military glory of the 107th separate rifle brigade in Novorossiysk, Moscow, Berdichev, Volzhsk. The colonel died on March 23, 1987 in Moscow. A street of our city in the Mashinostroitel microdistrict is named after him.

In honor of the 30th anniversary of the Victory over Nazi Germany, a park was laid, in the center of which a stele was erected depicting the combat path of the brigade. By the decision of the executive committee of the Volga City Council dated April 15, 1980, Severnaya Street was renamed into 107th Rifle Brigade Street.

Such is its short history, heroic path and military glory of the warriors.

107 separate rifle brigade was formed in the city of Volzhsk of the Republic of Mari El by order of the State Defense Committee in December 1941. The brigade included four separate rifle battalions, two separate artillery battalions, a separate mortar battalion and separate units: reconnaissance, machine gunners, communications, medical , engineering and automotive service. The detached 4th battalion of the 107th brigade included three rifle, machine-gun companies, a reconnaissance star, a medical unit, and was recruited from volunteers and conscripts from the Volzhsky, Mari-Tureksky, Zvenigovsky, Morkinsky and other regions of the republic. Combat path: until October 1942, the 107th brigade fought near Bryansk. In a short time, it has established itself as a close-knit military unit capable of fulfilling any order of the Fatherland. During defensive battles, participated in three offensive operations, destroyed hundreds of enemy soldiers, officers, and military equipment.

For their shown georism and courage, many soldiers were awarded orders and medals of the Soviet Union. Later, the brigade was transferred to the Caucasus, by order of the command, it was redeployed to the Tuapse region. The task was set before the guesses: to stop the enemy in Tuapse, to complete their task at the Marukh pass. By the beginning of 1943, Malaya Zemlya, September 16, Moscow saluted the valiant soldiers of the North Caucasian and Black Sea Fleets, which included soldiers of the 107th rifle brigade. The personnel of the brigade fought near Anapa. After the Taman Peninsula was liberated by order of the Headquarters of the Main Command of the USSR Armed Forces, the 117th Guards Rifle Division was formed on the basis of three separate brigades - 107th, 81st and 8th. Its soldiers carried the guards banner to Berlin and Prague with battles. Lipets L.Ya. One thousand four hundred and eighteen days the People's War was going on. Don't forget about her. It will be remembered for a long time: the battles near Moscow, And the terrible bombing, and the sirens howl. And on the Volga-mother strong Stalingrad, And not conquered, proud surviving Leningrad ... 107 glorious in Volzhsk was born. Such is the hypostasis of the brigade. And when the order came to go to fight, Our whole city went out to see off that brigade. Here we passed Moscow, direction to Bryansk. Here the fighters received their first "baptism". One hundred and seventh fought, did not surrender, About her battles fame spread. Soon an order was received from the Supreme Commander to beat the enemies in the South, to defend the Caucasus. ... There, on the passes, the mountains are high, And below them are the stormy streams of the Pshish River. And our fellow countrymen did not flinch in the mountains, Although all the days were very difficult. How heroes fell in the terrible battles there Kolya Romashenkov, Evgenia Pavlova ... And other brave ... All are countless, Who entered immortality, Glory to them and Honor! And they ended the war on a foreign land, Recording the one hundred and seventh Banner in history (January 2004)


former deputy commander of the 107th brigade for political affairs

In those days, our 107th separate rifle brigade, transferred to the 18th army (except for the 1st battalion, which continued to carry out its task at the Marukh pass), concentrated in the area of ​​the Indyuk railway station and the Goytkh pass.

While traveling to the designated area, brigade commander Colonel P. Ye. Kuzmin and the author of these lines were summoned to the commander of the Black Sea group of forces, I. Ye. Petrov.

The commander familiarized us with the situation, set the task for the brigade: to stop the enemy's advance in Tuapse along the railway and highways at the line with mark 576 - Shaumyan.

Parts of the brigade, the general emphasized, must fight to the death!

On the morning of October 10, we reported to the commanders and political workers of units and subunits on the order of the commander of the ChGV and gave instructions on preparations for entering the line of defense. Particular attention was paid to working with the personnel of rifle battalions, since in them more than half of the privates and sergeants did not have combat experience.

The situation was dire. The enemy with the forces of the 97th and 101st light infantry divisions continued to press against our units. On October 11, the commander of the 18th Army gave the following assessment in his combat order: "Up to four enemy infantry regiments, having captured Mount Gaiman and the village of Gunayka, seeks to break into the valley of the Pshish River and the Ostrovskaya Shchel region, in order to cut the Tuapse highway and the railway." ...

The 107th Separate Rifle Brigade received the order: by the morning of October 11, take up defensive positions in the area, height 388.3, ​​Goytkhsky pass, height 396.8, in order to prevent the enemy from entering the valley of the Pshish river, along the Kholodnaya and Ostrovskaya gully gully to the railway and the highway ... Pay special attention to the defense of the road junction in the Ostrovskaya gap, be ready for counterattacks in the direction of Goyth, Gunayka, the Pshish junction.

The 4th Rifle Battalion was to defend the area of ​​height 396.8 and be ready for action in the direction of mark 224 (Goith) and along the Kholodnaya gully; The 3rd rifle battalion with a mortar battalion and two batteries of the artillery battalion - the area of ​​the Ostrovskaya gap, heights 388.3, ​​352 and firmly hold the road junction three kilometers south of Shahumyan; The 2nd rifle battalion to defend the Goytkh pass at the turn of heights 363.7, 384 and be ready to conduct military operations in the direction along the Ostrovskaya gap and the road to Shahumyan; a battalion of machine gunners to defend Mount Turkey. The main firepower of the brigade - a division of 76-mm cannons and an anti-tank destroyer battalion - took up firing positions in a tank-hazardous direction, covering the valley of the Pshish River.

There was little time to prepare the defensive line. The enemy continued the offensive, crowding out the subunits of the forward units, which retreated in small groups through the brigade's battle formations. On the same day, October 11, the 3rd and 4th battalions, which took up defenses in the first echelon of the brigade, took up a battle with the advancing Nazi units. The enemy subjected our defense to fierce attacks (in some areas he attacked up to eight or nine times), but did not achieve success. Hundreds of corpses of German soldiers and officers were left in front of the front line.

Throughout the night, the brigade's personnel strengthened the defensive lines. A sapper company under the command of Captain P. M. Dolgushin mined separate sections of the highway and the valley of the Pshish River. On October 12 and in the following days, enemy attacks were repulsed. Striving at any cost to break the resistance of our troops and reach the Black Sea, the enemy brought in fresh forces - infantry and artillery, every day intensified the bombardment of the brigade's battle formations to the entire depth of the defense. Many areas were covered with solid craters. Taking this into account, the brigade commander demanded that all unit commanders continuously improve the engineering equipment of the positions. As a result of the measures taken, losses from enemy air strikes have been significantly reduced. But the tension continued unabated. On the right flank, fierce battles were fought on both banks of the Pshish River.

The 4th battalion successfully attacked the enemy and in two companies crossed the Pshish to a height of 618.7, which had steep wooded slopes. Immediately the enemy tried to throw our units into the river and cross over to the right bank. But every time the Nazis in battles that reached hand-to-hand combat, rolled back.

Assessing the situation, the brigade commander ordered the 4th rifle battalion to capture the dominant height of 618.7 in order to improve the position. To accomplish the task, the battalion commander A. V. Kaminsky created an assault group as part of a reinforced company of machine gunners under the command of Senior Lieutenant V. V. Kolmogorov. On October 16, the group, supported by artillery and mortars, attacked the hill, but achieved nothing. Two subsequent attempts were also unsuccessful. Only by the end of the day, the assault group under the command of political instructor Rem Karpinsky broke into the enemy's trenches, where it held out until dawn the next day. The enemy concentrated heavy mortar and artillery fire on our units. They suffered losses. Karpinsky was killed. The brigade commander ordered the assault group to return to their original lines. In this battle, led by political instructor Karpinsky, privates N.P. Nemtsev, S.V. Kuznetsov, I.E. Timofeev, N.A.Klochkov and many others fought bravely.

On the left flank of the brigade, along the highway and railway, the enemy, methodically inflicting bomb attacks, conducted heavy artillery and mortar shelling. Up to ten times a day, the Nazis attacked the captain's 3rd rifle battalion. I. T. Tyugankina. But the fighters held back the onslaught of the enemy. The first rifle company under the command of Senior Lieutenant V.M. Kovynov, with the support of the heavy machine guns of the company of Senior Lieutenant S.I. The third company of Lieutenant N. D. Kalinin destroyed more than a hundred fascists.

These days, all political workers were in battle formations, encouraging the soldiers with words and personal example. The deputy commander of the 3rd rifle battalion for political affairs, Captain A. Ye. Afanasyev, being among the soldiers of the first rifle company of Lieutenant P. Ya. Samoilenko, was especially distinguished for his courage. The deputy political instructor of the third rifle company, petty officer V.M. Shestakov, when the enemy approached our front line, raised the soldiers and rushed into a counterattack. The enemy could not stand it and turned back.

Mortars and gunners played an important role in repelling enemy attacks. The guns of the fighter anti-tank battalion of Major P. P. Ivanov reliably covered the junction of the roads. The battery of Senior Lieutenant MI Bichevin in five days of fighting destroyed seven bunkers, ten carts and several machine-gun points. During the battle, the gunner of the gun, senior sergeant K.A. Skuratov remained alone in the ranks, the rest of the crew were killed or wounded. K. to his aid came the deputy political instructor of the battery P. M. Izmailov, but soon he was struck by fragments of an enemy mine. Left alone again, Skuratov continued to fire until the end of the battle.

The artillerymen of the 76-mm cannon battalion of Captain I. G. Pavlovsky suppressed three enemy mortar batteries, especially the fire platoon of Junior Lieutenant P. I. Kolyada. The gun crews of Komsomol sergeants Ivan Didenko and Pyotr Berezkin destroyed two enemy depots with ammunition and fuel. The mortarmen of the 82-mm mortar battalion were called enemy infantry fighters in the brigade. They fired accurately at the enemy clusters. On October 31, six enemy aircraft dropped a deadly cargo on the battalion's position. The battalion commander, senior lieutenant Zubenko, was killed, and the company of senior lieutenant N.P. Petrenko suffered significant losses. The deputy battalion commander for political affairs, Captain A. N. Kopenkin, himself stunned by the explosions of bombs, was able to quickly raise the crews and strike at the enemy. From the battalion's mortar fire in this battle, the enemy lost more than two companies in killed and wounded. The Nazis dropped thousands of leaflets on our positions, tried to break the will of our soldiers to resist, to shake the faith in victory, but the fascist lies did not achieve their goal.

The headquarters of the brigade, headed by Lieutenant Colonel A.T. Letyagin, did a lot. Officers N.I. Orlov, D.P. Chumin and others were almost continuously in the battalions, assisting the commanders in organizing interaction between rifle subunits and artillery, taking measures to improve the defense, studying and clarifying the situation on the front line. The direct communication of the headquarters with the units and subunits ensured uninterrupted control of the battle. On October 21, the enemy struck a strong blow in the sector of the right neighbor and, pushing it back, began to bypass the brigade's right flank, where the 4th rifle battalion was defended.

The next day, the situation deteriorated even more. The enemy went to the rear of the brigade, a threat of encirclement was created. The telephone communication of the headquarters with the 4th rifle battalion was interrupted. The battalion commander, Captain A. V. Kaminsky, and his deputy for political affairs, Captain A. D. Kabanov, gathered everyone who was nearby: messengers, signalmen, cooks, sleds, lightly wounded soldiers, and created a group of them to cover the flank. Senior Lieutenant I. M. Pesev, Sergeant E. M. Stepanov with a heavy machine gun, riding - an elderly soldier G. I. Dyatlov (everyone called him Uncle Grisha), with rifles and grenades; a group of wounded in the first-aid post - sergeant RF Otarov, privates ND Klochkov, AV Lansky, IE Timofeev and others, led by paramedic Shura Golovko, armed with machine guns, entered the battle. From morning until four o'clock in the afternoon, a small group courageously restrained the enemy. None wavered. In an unequal battle, Shura Golovko and other soldiers died the death of the brave.

To cover the right flank, the brigade commander allocated a company of machine gunners, senior lieutenant M.M. Maslov, and a company of reconnaissance officers, lieutenant G.A. The brigade commissar by phone reported in detail to the brigade commander on the measures taken and asked to urgently increase artillery and mortar fire on the places of concentration of enemy troops. The commander immediately took appropriate action. The battle went on continuously for two days. On October 25, Kaminsky was severely shell-shocked and out of action. The battalion commander was taken over by his political officer A.D. Kabanov.

The units covering the brigade's right flank delayed the enemy's advance in the direction of the Goytkh Pass, but the danger of his going to Mount Indyuk did not pass: in the zone of our right neighbor, enemy units continued to spread in the direction of the Semashkho Pass. To strengthen the defense of the pass, General A.A. Grechko reinforced the 107th brigade with one battalion of the 8th Guards Rifle Brigade. By October 29, the enemy advancing on the pass was defeated. The 8th Guards Rifle Brigade took up defenses at the foot of Mount Indyuk.

The enemy shifted the center of gravity of the attacks to the neighbor on the right in the direction of Mount Semashkho. His aircraft continued to bombard the battle formations of both brigades. To combat it, the companies practiced salvo firing at descending aircraft from all types of small arms. On one of the November days, nine Ju-87 aircraft appeared. One by one they dived and dropped bombs. The soldiers of the third company of senior lieutenant D.F. One of the planes caught fire and crashed to the ground. The pilot jumped out with a parachute and was immediately captured.

Usually planes appeared from behind Mount Turkey, this provided them with a hidden exit to the target. At the headquarters of the brigade, an idea was born: to use anti-tank rifles for firing at aircraft. The experiment was entrusted to the commander of a platoon of anti-tank rifles, Lieutenant Fyodor Kuznetsov. The platoon took up a position on the slope of Mount Indyuk so that it was possible to shoot at dive planes. Soon, firing anti-tank rifles at aircraft was mastered. Two bombers were shot down in a week. After that, not a single enemy plane dared to appear from behind Mount Turkey.

From the moment of reaching Mount Semashkho, the enemy intensified hostilities in the defense zone of the left neighbor of the 107th brigade of the 328th rifle division. There was no elbow communication between the brigade and the division. The Nazis, taking advantage of the weak point, began to accumulate in the Prochev gully. On October 29, General Grechko ordered: "The 107th Brigade to cease active operations on its right flank in the direction of Goyth, firmly hold the occupied lines and, together with the 119th Rifle Brigade and the 8th Guards Brigade, eliminate the enemy in Prochev's gully."

The task was assigned to the 2nd rifle battalion (commander Major F.V.Burenko). Previously, the brigade commander sent out a reconnaissance group under the command of the brigade's intelligence chief, Captain V.G. Bondar. The group included a junior political instructor M.I.Bukotin, a reconnaissance platoon of Lieutenant S.P. Mochalov, three sappers, two crews of light machine guns and a group of signalmen led by the brigade's communications chief

I by Major V.F.Batula. The group had to establish contact with a neighbor on the left and study the location of the enemy.

Under cover of darkness, the scouts went to the southern outskirts of the village of Shahumyan, where they found an accumulation of Nazis. VG Bondar, assessing the situation, made a bold decision. He divided the scouts into three groups, widely dispersed to create the appearance of a large force. At the signal with a rocket, the scouts opened fire from three directions. The enemy was confused by the sudden fire. Taking advantage of this, the scouts boldly attacked, destroyed a significant part of the Nazis, and three, including a lieutenant colonel from the headquarters of the infantry division, were taken prisoner. Having received a message about the success of the reconnaissance group, the commander of the 2nd rifle battalion, Major F.V.Burenko, sent rifle companies bypassing Hill 388 with access to the Prochev gully. Despite the darkness, the personnel acted decisively. Procheva's beam was cleared of the enemy.

The Military Council of the Black Sea Group of Forces praised their actions. All participants in this operation were awarded orders and medals. The brigade's scouts repeatedly penetrated deep into the enemy's location, brought in prisoners, and obtained important documents. The intelligence commander, senior lieutenant G.A.Krezma, the company’s political instructor M.I.Bukotin, and the company’s Komsomol organization secretary, N. Romashenkov, served as an example for the soldiers. Their actions were bold and calculating. During the period of battles near Tuapse, the brigade's scouts captured thirty-six enemy soldiers and officers.

Defense occupied by the 107th Brigade northeast. Tuapse, became irresistible for the Nazis? The brigade was preparing to launch a counteroffensive. In October-November 1942, private battles took place to capture more advantageous lines. In the second half of October, the 3rd rifle battalion fought such a battle to capture the height of 405.3. She was the key point of resistance of the German troops in this sector of the front. Its steep, steep slope in our direction excluded the possibility of a frontal attack. Therefore, the battalion commander, Captain I.T.Tyugankin, made a decision: to demonstrate the offensive on a steep slope with one company, and to deliver the main blow bypassing, from the direction of the Shaumyan village. The battalion was reinforced with one battery of an anti-tank destroyer battalion, two mortar companies and a battery of 76mm cannons. Preparations for the battle lasted a day. During this time, the officers led by the chief of staff did a lot of work with the commanders of the battalion and attached units to organize interaction. The brigade's political department assisted the deputy battalion commander for political affairs, Captain Afanasyev, in holding party and Komsomol meetings in company organizations, and in holding conversations with personnel. Each communist and Komsomol member was given personal instructions, due attention was paid to preparing weapons for battle, providing ammunition.

At the appointed time, all the units took their places. After a short but powerful artillery preparation, the rifle companies, at the signal of the battalion commander, attacked the enemy. The first and second platoons of the company of senior lieutenant V.M. Kovynev burst into the trench and engaged in hand-to-hand combat. The third platoon came to their aid, with which the company’s political instructor, Senior Lieutenant Ya. V. Ryzhiy, was with him. The platoon completed the attack and went deep into the defense of the Nazis. To develop the success, the battalion commander brought a company of machine gunners into battle and ordered it to attack the enemy from the flank. The enemy was driven out, but he continued to offer strong resistance. The company commander, senior lieutenant L. I. Kamsky, was wounded, and political instructor T. U. Tolmosyan assumed command. In battle, he received a mortal wound. He was replaced by Sergeant Major V. D. Rudnik. Continuing to carry out the assigned task, the first platoon, led by the communist P. I. Kubenov, destroyed the enemy bunker. The communists I.K.Kubyakov and A.V. Danilin, the company’s Komsomol leader I.N. Dozens of Nazi soldiers were destroyed by the soldiers of the machine-gun company of Senior Lieutenant S. I. Shtoda.

By noon, subdivisions of the 3rd battalion reached the crest of the hill. In the afternoon, the enemy, supported by aviation, artillery and mortars, repeatedly counterattacked. The battle was fierce. The battalion commander, Captain I. T. Tyugankin, Lieutenant P. Ya. Samoilenko, Junior Lieutenant E. V. Korpeikin, Deputy Political Instructor V. M. Shestakov and our other comrades, died the death of the brave. But despite desperate counterattacks, the enemy did not manage to throw our units from a height. Distinguished in battle senior lieutenant V.M. G. Taraloshvili and many others.

During the day of the battle, fifteen soldiers of the battalion applied for admission to the party. Private of the first rifle company I. T. Yurenkov wrote: “I want to go into battle as a communist. I will not spare my life to fulfill the order. " Machine gunner BN Kuznetsov said in a statement: "I am going into a bloody and cruel battle, my life belongs to the party, in battle I will not spare either blood or my young life to defeat the bloody enemy."

The political department of the brigade held a seminar in November for the secretaries of the primary party organizations to exchange experience in admission to the party. In November-December, seventy-one people joined the party organization of the brigade, and the Komsomol organizations grew by more than a hundred people. The party-Komsomol stratum in the companies was 30-40 percent, and in artillery and mortar batteries it was even higher. In each platoon, two or three agitators were allocated from among the Communists and Komsomol members. They brought the reports of the Soviet Information Bureau to every soldier, explained the situation in our area, and read newspapers.

The most effective form of party political work was personal communication between commanders and political workers with soldiers. Among the best propagandists it is necessary to name the head of the political department of the brigade P.T. Shatalin, instructor of the political department G.N. Yurkin, deputy commanders of battalions and divisions A.N. Kopenkin, A.D. Kabanov, D.A.Kuren, D.A. , P. D. Olenchenko, D. M. Shestakova, V. P. Meshkova.

The war made a requirement for every political worker to know deeply about military affairs. For this purpose, at the headquarters of the brigade, a group of political personnel was created, with which, according to a special program, the deputy brigade commander, Colonel TI Shuklin, conducted classes. Classes were usually held at the front line, under enemy fire. In any weather, day or night. As a result of systematic military training, political workers could replace the out-of-service commanders at any time, and some of them were appointed to command positions.

During the hostilities near Tuapse - from October 10, 1942 to January 15, 1943 - the 107th brigade carried out the order of the commander of the Black Sea Group of Forces, stopped the enemy's advance along the highway on Tuapse. Without retreating a single step, inflicted heavy losses on the enemy in manpower and equipment, especially its 97th and 101st divisions.

On January 15, 1943, the brigade, along with other formations of the 18th Army, went on the offensive. Each of us has been waiting for such an order for a long time.

For several days, intense training was going on in all divisions. The brigade commander, Colonel P. Ye. Kuzmin, ordered the commander of the 3rd rifle battalion to send reconnaissance in the direction of the Pshish railway station, and to the 4th battalion - to a height of 618.7. Reconnaissance found that the number of weapons on the front line of the enemy's defenses had been significantly reduced. This gave grounds for the conclusion that the enemy intended to withdraw the troops from the attack. And so it turned out.

Parts of the brigade launched an offensive without artillery preparation. Having met and suppressed individual centers of resistance, the 3rd and 4th battalions, advancing in the first echelon, reached heights 618.7 and 576, Pshish station by 12 o'clock. At the turn of the Shubinka railway station, they met strong fire resistance, here the second line of defense of the Nazis passed. Stubborn battles unfolded for mastering it.

On the morning of January 16, Colonel Kuzmin, while moving to a new observation post, was struck by an enemy mine. The command was taken over by his deputy Colonel Trifon Ivanovich Shuklin.

The brigade commander P. Ye. Kuzmin was one of those people about whom one can say in the words of A. V. Lunacharsky: "You lived well and died beautifully." Not a day passed that he did not visit the combat formations of the units. Communicating with people, resolving issues of interaction between units on the spot, friendly conversations with subordinates, knowledge of the mood and needs of soldiers, skillful performance of combat missions, personal courage, energy and dedication - this was the style of work of the brigade commander on the Bryansk front and as part of the Black Sea group of forces ...

By the decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR of June 6, 1943, for the exemplary performance of the command assignments, for the skillful leadership of the troops and the courage and courage shown at the same time, P.E. Kuzmin was posthumously awarded the Order of Suvorov, II degree.

The veteran of the brigade M. Malakhov wrote the poem "Immortality" dedicated to the brigade commander. And let the works of the participants in the war, who passed the severe tests of those formidable years, sometimes do not meet the strict rules of versification. But the intensity of the battles lives in them, the feeling of a great soldier brotherhood, welded by blood in the struggle for the freedom and independence of our Motherland, for a peaceful sky over our heads, for our happy life. They tell passionately and excitedly about those who will live forever in the memory of the people. Here are some stanzas from the poem:

Do not forget the cruel adversity

And the sky scorched by war

Harsh and long hikes

And those who are still expected to go home.

Loved the soldiers and led them

Brigade Commander Kuzmin as father of sons.

There is still a great sorrow in my heart,

Do not heal mental wounds doctors.

The brigade commander died, he fell a hero

In battles with the enemy for Shahumyan.