Opening fixer April 21 photos. The festival of modern photography "Fixage" in the Central House of Artists will host the third festival of modern photography "Fixage". Terms of participation in the contest "(For) fix the world!"

The festival of contemporary photography "FIXAGE", which will be held at the Central House of Artists from April 21 to May 9, is a modern photography for contemporaries. Classics will be tomorrow, now - the search for new, relevant ideas, forms and language, the interaction of contemporaries, live communication between amateurs and professionals. On April 30, within the framework of the festival, the Day of the Reporting Photographer will be held with the participation of journalists from the Russian Blogger media, the YaMOSKVA portal, bloggers from the MosKultURA community and invited experts.

12:00 – 12:55
MosKultURA community (LiveJournal) Mikhail Bratsilo, Olga Bobkova "Bloggers against journalists"

Olga Bobkova

Mikhail Bratsilo

What is the difference between blogger reporting and photojournalism reporting? What the MosKultURA community and LiveJournal give to bloggers. Olga Bobkova and Mikhail Bratsilo will talk about this and many other things.

Mikhail Bratsilo, blogger, traveler and co-organizer of the MosKultURA blogging community, will tell you who bloggers are and what they do. Is there a conflict between bloggers and journalists? Does a blogger need a professional camera or is an ordinary smartphone enough? What is MosKultURA and what is its role in the cultural life of Moscow?

Olga Bobkova, photographer, blogger, participant and winner of numerous Russian and international photo contests, will talk about the peculiarities of theatrical photography, as well as shooting tango and street photography. What do photography and archery have in common? What is important to remember in the theater and much, much more.

13:00 – 13:55
Yuri Egorov, Evgeny Chesnokov "City for memory". Moscow District Railway

Yuri Egorov

Evgeny Chesnokov

Evgeny Chesnokov, a freelance photographer who became interested in the history of Moscow and in just a few years published over 300 local history stories about the sights of the city and non-ceremonial Moscow under the general title “A City to Remember”. The story within the framework of the Reporting Photographer's Day will be dedicated to the industrial ring of the capital - the Moscow District Railway and its environs. Today, this old railway is known as the Moscow Central Ring.

Yury Yegorov is a railway transport historian, traveler, tour guide, author of the recently published Guide to the Moscow District Railway. Since the end of the 1990s, Yuri has been traveling along the “Steel Ring of Moscow”, knowing all its secrets, and since 2009 he has been discovering for the inquisitive residents of our city the wonderful world of railways with its own unique atmosphere, a specific language of communication, consisting of colorful lights and flags, whistles of locomotives and unusual for extraneous hearing specific "railway" speech.

The district railway is a “city within a city”, before the opening of passenger traffic, few people heard about it, almost no one visited its stations - even for local residents, its existence remained a mystery with seven seals. Today Okruzhnaya is a full-fledged element of the cultural heritage of the capital, a pearl of its architecture. About the once “forgotten ring of Moscow”, which has rapidly burst into our daily life, will be discussed at our seminar.

14:00 – 14:30
Emin Jafarov "Metro never sleeps"

Emin Jafarov

Emin Jafarov, a photographer, worked in the press service of Mosmetro, saw the work of the metropolitan subway from the inside, walked through the tunnels and slept in the train cabin. The author will share with the audience the nuances of working in the press service and what happens in the metro after closing. The photographer will show the front and working side of the subway. The highlight of the seminar will be the author's story about the exclusive - night shooting in the subway.

14:30 – 15:00
Natalia Vershinina "Industrial archeology and abandoned cities"

Natalia Vershinina

Where can I film a post-apocalyptic chronicle? What does the term "industrial archeology" include and who is its author? - the most mysterious participant of the Day of the reportage photographer, like a ghost, passing through the walls to see what is hidden.

15:00 – 15:30
Alexander Mironov "Race of Heroes: Photographers are not afraid of dirt"

Alexander Mironov

Alexander Mironov, reportage photographer of the new direction Obstacles Racing. There are no masks in such a shoot, everything is real here - fear, joy, excitement and support, the photographer experiences these emotions together with the participants in each shoot. For the sake of a good shot, you will have to get dirty from head to toe, while trying to keep the camera safe and sound.

Does a Race of Heroes photographer need good physical preparation? What technique will facilitate extreme competition? Where and when is it better to shoot people at the Race? On these and many other questions, quite specific recommendations can be obtained.

15:30 – 16:00
Ivan Evlakhov "Sports report - see everything"

Ivan Evlakhov

Ivan Evlakhov, a photographer, will tell about the experience of shooting at one of the world's largest tennis championships - the VTB Kremlin Cup. How to find and catch the moment?, official angle and non-standard solutions, incidents in the game and backstage life of the tournament. Many of the presented frames will be shown to the general public for the first time.

How to film sports artistically and non-standard? Which technique best conveys sports events? How to make a sports report interesting not only for fans and amateurs?

16:00 – 16:30
Alexey Belkin "Belkin's Cats"

Alexey Belkin

Alexey Belkin has been taking photographs for about ten years and now this is his main job. Alexey was lucky to work in different genres of photography. Initially, he was fond of street genre photography, then he mastered portrait and reportage photography, and photographed weddings. And photographing cats is a special hobby that constantly inspires the author.

Everyone loves cats. How unusual to show a cat in a photograph? Photos of cats flooded the Internet, but Alexey Belkin's genre photos with pets stand apart, why?

16:30 – 17:00
Nadezhda Sokoreva "And miracles happen in the arena"

Nadezhda Sokoreva

Nadezhda Sokoreva is free to choose the genre and subjects of shooting. Among the favorites are sports photography (water polo), theater and circus performances.

How does a photographer differ from an ordinary viewer in a theater or circus: a look from different sides of the curtain. Circus, circus, circus ... How to convey its magic in a photograph? What you need to know, a photographer who shoots a circus performance? Favorite circus numbers and programs. Is it possible to expose the illusion with a camera?

17:00 – 18:00
Mikhail Belotserkovsky and Sergei Chaly "Theatrical Photo Stories"

Mikhail Belotserkovsky

Sergey Chaly

Is it easy to shoot actors? Two sought-after theater photographers will talk about the peculiarities of working in the theater and answer questions from the audience.

Mikhail Belotserkovsky began his work as a theater administrator back in the 70s of the last century at the Maly Theater. And for the ninth year he has been actively working in the field of theater photography. Belotserkovsky photographs in many Moscow theaters: the State Academic Theater. E. Vakhtangov, Moscow Academic Theatre. V. Mayakovsky, Moscow Art Theater. Chekhov, the Moscow Drama Theater "On Malaya Bronnaya", the Moscow Academic Theater of Satire, the Moscow Theater School of Oleg Tabakov, the Workshop of Dmitry Brusnikin. Mikhail is a participant of the First Festival of Contemporary Photography "FIXAGE" (2016), the author of personal exhibitions: "In the Light of the Ramp" (Art Club "Gallery", Pechatniki, 2015), "In the Light of the Ramp - 2" (Center for Culture and Creativity "Nega ”, 2016), “In the light of the ramp - 3” (Moscow Music Hall, 2017).

Sergei Chaly became interested in photography in adulthood, focusing on filming in theaters: “For me, theater at its best is some kind of incredible, fantastic magic! When, practically, from scratch, from nothing, from some cardboard boxes, from some curtains, from light and shadow, from an inadvertently dropped replica, from some gesture or a casual glance thrown as if by chance, real life is born, making me, as a viewer, believe in the reality of what is happening, empathize, forget about shooting - this is the real magic. Trying to convey your own impressions in photographs is an incredibly interesting and exciting challenge.”

FIXAGE will be held as a democratic photo forum, a “gathering point” for amateurs and professionals working in the field of contemporary photography, where, in addition to the exhibited exhibitions, there were lectures and master classes on numerous facets of photography: travel photography, city photography, and more.

Entrance with CHA tickets

Moscow, Central House of Artists,
Krymsky Val, 10, halls 17, 18

FIXAGE Festival of Contemporary Photography announces the Third Open International Photo Contest (For) fix the world! – 2018. The theme of the photo contest - 2018: "See miracles".


Photo works for the competition are accepted online on the website of the FIXAGE festival from June 15 to August 15, 2018.

Competition theme

The theme of the 2018 Photo Contest is "Seeing Miracles". Not only in complexly constructed scenery or fictional collages, but also in simple, everyday objects or plots, a photographer can find something unusual, wonderful, positive. The power of art is to convey to the audience what others may not have noticed or could not capture in the form of a single static image.

The terms of participation

Any photographer, regardless of professional affiliation and place of residence, over the age of 18, can participate in the competition.

In the Photo Contest, no more than 3 photographs from one participant can be accepted.

Participation in the competition is free.

Submission of works for the competition

The organizing committee of the competition selects 100 works, which become laureates and participate in the final part of the competition.

The authors of the works, who have become laureates, are obliged, within 10 days after receiving the notification, to provide the organizers with files of printing quality, as well as agree to the processing of their personal data. If the authors provide files insufficient for high-quality photo printing of works, the organizers reserve the right to withdraw the work from the competition.

Jury and procedure for selecting winners of the Photo Contest

The competition jury consists of a collegium of up to 10 people - authors of photo exhibitions, artists, professional publishers. The list of jury members of the Photo Contest will be published on the Festival website.

The Audience Choice Award is determined by off-line voting during the Third International Open Festival of Contemporary Photography "Fixage" September 14 - 23, 2018 at the Central House of Artists on Krymsky Val (Moscow).

Prize Fund of the Photo Contest

The winners of the Photo Contest will receive a cash prize in the amount of:

  • Grand Prix - a certificate for 65,000 rubles
  • First prize (1st degree) - certificate for 50,000 rubles
  • Second prize (2 laureates of the 2nd degree) - certificates for 25,000 rubles.
  • Third prize (3 laureates of the 3rd degree) - certificates for 15,000 rubles.
  • Audience Award (1 laureate) - a certificate for 40,000 rubles.

When paying remuneration to the winners of the Photo Contest, the Organizer of the Photo Contest acts as a tax agent and withholds tax on the income of an individual from the amount of the payment made. Payment is made to the winners' accounts opened in banks in Russia, only in Russian rubles

The award jury's decision is final and irrevocable. The winning authors have the right to refuse the award without requiring any compensation from the organizers of the competition, in which case the prize will be redistributed in accordance with the rating set by the jury.

Separate prizes from partners and organizers of the festival are expected.

Announcement of results and awards

The works that have become the winners of the competition will be published on the festival website no later than 3 days from the moment the winners are determined.

Photo exhibition of the winners of the competition (For) fix the world!

The photographic works that have become winners and laureates of the competition will take part in the photo exhibition “(For) fix the world!”, which will be held as part of the FIXAGE festival on September 14-23 at the Central House of Artists in Moscow.

Each author grants to the organizers of the competition, without any compensation, all rights to the works sent to the competition, and the texts accompanying them for exhibition, publication of illustrations and materials in order to communicate with the audience, in any form and without exception. The authors agree to the non-commercial use of their photographs in joint exhibitions of winners and laureates and promotional campaigns of the Photo Contest and the Festival.

The organizers of the competition wish you victory!

About FIXAGE Festival-2018

The festival will be held from 14 to 23 September 2018 at the Central House of Artists on Krymsky Val (Moscow), halls 16 and 17.

The festival of contemporary photography "FIXAGE" is a non-commercial event, the main task of which is the development of contemporary Russian photography and assistance to Russian photographers in the implementation of their creative projects.

"Fixage" is held in the mode of a democratic photoforum, "gathering point" for amateurs and professionals working in the field of contemporary photography, where, in addition to exhibited exhibitions, there are lectures, seminars and master classes related to numerous facets of photography: travel photography, theater photography, city photography. photo, photo-nature life, landscape, psychological photo portrait and much, much more, as well as an interesting musical program.

The FIXAGE 2018 festival participants announced:

Galina Yunyaeva is a Moscow-based photographer, a participant in online and offline photo exhibitions. The author's favorite genre is landscape, where special attention is paid to macro photography.

Andrey Narchuk is an underwater and nature photographer. Multiple winner and laureate of various competitions, laureate of prestigious world competitions.

Nikolai Kondakov is a photographer whose long-term close interest is in people, or, as he calls it, “types”. For a photographer, “type” is not only appearance, but also an emotional component, and an opportunity to capture the good, kind side of a person, to display his essence.


Crimean shaft

Date and time of the festival / event

20/04/2017 - 09/05/2017

Ticket price

Entrance from 1000 rubles at the start of sales

From April 21 to May 09 in Moscow in the Central House of Artists on Krymsky Val, the festival of modern photography "Fixage 2017" will be held.

Themes of the festival "Fixage 2017"

Topics photo festival "Fixage 2017" will become: "Seize the moment!", "Photoexperiment", "Ecology".

Festival "Fixage" brings together modern photographers working in various photography techniques: reportage, macro photography, psychological portrait, genre photography, photo landscape, city photography and much more. Each of the "Magnificent Eight" authors will present their personal series of works made in the last few years. Photographers declared on "Fixage" - 2017 Cast: Pavel Korbut, Alik Yakubovich, Sergey Savkin, Sergey Makurin, Oksana Muzyka, Nina Ai-Artyan, Andrey Nechaev, Victoria Ivanova. Each of the authors will present a full series of photo exhibitions within the framework of the festival.

Photographers are united not by subject or genre, public recognition or the number of solo exhibitions, but by the relevance and non-standard approach to the genres in which they work, the craving for experiment.

Festival of Contemporary Photography "Fixage 2017" is contemporary photography for contemporaries. Classics will be tomorrow, now - the search for new, relevant ideas, forms and language, the interaction of contemporaries presenting their photo concepts, live communication between amateurs and professionals. So that the idea does not get lost in time, does not go into the sand, you need a temporary fixer - photofixation.

Competition "(For) fix the world!"

As part of festival "Fixage 2017" an exhibition of the best works of laureates of the Second International photographic competition "(For) capture the world!". The competition itself, which runs from February 01 to March 26, will end with the awarding of the winners, which will take place on April 23 at the Festival site.

Dates of the contest "(For) fix the world!"

Photo works for the competition are accepted online on the website of the FIXAGE festival from February 1 to March 26. The winners of the Photo Contest will be announced on April 23rd.

The theme of the competition is "(For) fix the world!"

The theme of the 2017 Photo Contest is Seize the Moment. This is a translation of the famous Latin saying "Carpe diem" means - "be happy at this very moment", enjoy it, seize the moment. This phrase is interpreted as a call to live every day with pleasure, without postponing a full-blooded life for an uncertain and unknown future.

Terms of participation in the contest "(For) fix the world!"

  • Any photographer, regardless of professional affiliation and place of residence, over the age of 18, can participate in the competition.
  • In the Photo Contest, no more than 3 photographs from one participant can be accepted.

Submission of works for the contest "(For) fix the world!"

The organizing committee of the competition selects 50 works, which become laureates of the competition and participate in the final part of the competition.

The authors of the works that have become laureates are obliged, within 10 days after receiving the notification, to provide the organizers with files of printing quality, and also agree to the processing of their personal data.

The jury and the procedure for selecting the winners of the Photo Contest "(For) Capture the World!"

The competition jury consists of a collegium of up to 10 people - authors of photo exhibitions, artists, professional publishers. The list of jury members of the Photo Contest will be published on the Festival website no later than the closing day for applications.

The Audience Choice Award is determined by offline voting during the opening of the Second International Open Festival of Contemporary Photography "Fixage" April 21-22, 2017 at the Central House of Artists on Krymsky Val (Moscow)

Prize Fund of the Photo Contest "(For) Capture the World!"

The winners of the Photo Contest will receive a cash prize in the amount of:

  • Grand Prix - a certificate for 60,000 rubles
  • First prize (1st degree) - certificate for 40,000 rubles
  • Second prize (2 laureates of the 2nd degree) - certificates for 20,000 rubles.
  • Third prize (3 laureates of the 3rd degree) - certificates for 10,000 rubles.
  • Audience Award (1 laureate) - a certificate for 30,000 rubles.

When paying remuneration to the winners of the Photo Contest, the Organizer of the Photo Contest acts as a tax agent and withholds tax on the income of an individual from the amount of the payment made.

The award jury's decision is final and irrevocable. The winning authors have the right to refuse the award without requiring any compensation from the organizers of the competition, in which case the prize will be redistributed in accordance with the rating set by the jury.

Separate prizes from partners and organizers of the festival are expected.

Announcement of the results and awarding of the winners of the photo contest "(For) capture the world!"

The works that have become the winners of the competition will be published on the festival website no later than 3 days from the moment the winners are determined.

Photo exhibition of the winners of the competition (For) fix the world!

Photo works that have become winners and laureates of the competition will take part in the photo exhibition “(For) fix the world!” , which will be held as part of the FIXAGE festival from April 21 to May 9 at the Central House of Artists in Moscow.

Other conditions of the contest "(For) fix the world!"

Each author grants to the organizers of the competition, without any compensation, all rights to the works sent to the competition, and the texts accompanying them for exhibition, publication of illustrations and materials in order to communicate with the audience, in any form and without exception. The authors agree to the non-commercial use of their photographs in joint exhibitions of winners and laureates and promotional campaigns of the Photo Contest and the Festival.

Fixer 2017 will be held in the mode of a democratic photo forum, a "gathering point" for amateurs and professionals working in the field of contemporary photography, where, in addition to the exhibited exhibitions, there will be lectures and master classes on numerous facets of photography: travel photography, theater photography, city photography and interesting musical program, which will include: the Asian drum show "Taiko in-Spiration", the dance program of the "Dudes" project, the "Project HB" group, Yakov Okun's quartet, the duet of Roman Palmov and Olga Egorova and much, much more.

  • Nina Ai-Atyan is widely known to the photographic community for her photo projects in the genres of street photography, self-portrait and genre photography. She explores the asocial in the regulated anthill of the capital's streets and Moscow transport.
  • Victoria Ivanova is the author of a well-known series of staged photographs - philosophical photo still lifes that make you cry and laugh. Fruit, carpentry tools and chess come to life like in fairy tales.
  • Pavel Korbut is a living legend in the world of jazz. His collection of photographs includes the most famous Russian and foreign jazz performers. At the festival, the author will present his personal exhibition "Emotional Jazz".
  • Alik Yakubovich is a poet, photographer, participant in numerous art projects, specializes in the genre of social reporting, mainly with black and white photography.
  • Sergey Makurin is a professional rescuer, photographer, traveler, author of numerous projects mainly related to photographic landscapes taken in extreme conditions of mountain hikes in Russia (Northern Urals, Kamchatka) and abroad (Himalayas).
  • Oksana Muzyka is a photographer with a colossal creative baggage, a participant in dozens of photo projects, often associated with underwater photography. She is equally proficient with both scuba gear and a camera.
  • Sergey Savkin is a professional photographer engaged in scientific photography, works as a photographer at the Faculty of Physics of Moscow State University. Sergey's photo luggage is colossal - from infrared photography to social reporting. In his hands, ordinary urban landscapes are transformed into utopian cities of the future.
  • Andrey Nechaev is a photographer with more than 30 years of experience, a publisher, a physicist by training, a candidate of technical sciences. Author of numerous popular science reports about different parts of the world in the magazines "Around the World" and "Discovery", researcher at the Faculty of Geography of Moscow State University. M. V. Lomonosov. Participated and participates in expeditions to the Far East (Kamchatka, Kuriles) and the Far North (Taimyr).

The festival of contemporary photography "FIXAGE", which will be held at the Central House of Artists from April 21 to May 9, is a modern photography for contemporaries. Classics will be tomorrow, now - the search for new, relevant ideas, forms and language, the interaction of contemporaries, live communication between amateurs and professionals. On April 30, within the framework of the festival, the Day of the Reporting Photographer will be held with the participation of journalists from the Russian Blogger media, the YaMOSKVA portal, bloggers from the MosKultURA community and invited experts.

12:00 – 12:55
MosKultURA community (LiveJournal) Mikhail Bratsilo, Olga Bobkova "Bloggers against journalists"

Olga Bobkova

Mikhail Bratsilo

What is the difference between blogger reporting and photojournalism reporting? What the MosKultURA community and LiveJournal give to bloggers. Olga Bobkova and Mikhail Bratsilo will talk about this and many other things.

Mikhail Bratsilo, blogger, traveler and co-organizer of the MosKultURA blogging community, will tell you who bloggers are and what they do. Is there a conflict between bloggers and journalists? Does a blogger need a professional camera or is an ordinary smartphone enough? What is MosKultURA and what is its role in the cultural life of Moscow?

Olga Bobkova, photographer, blogger, participant and winner of numerous Russian and international photo contests, will talk about the peculiarities of theatrical photography, as well as shooting tango and street photography. What do photography and archery have in common? What is important to remember in the theater and much, much more.

13:00 – 13:55
Yuri Egorov, Evgeny Chesnokov "City for memory". Moscow District Railway

Yuri Egorov

Evgeny Chesnokov

Evgeny Chesnokov, a freelance photographer who became interested in the history of Moscow and in just a few years published over 300 local history stories about the sights of the city and non-ceremonial Moscow under the general title “A City to Remember”. The story within the framework of the Reporting Photographer's Day will be dedicated to the industrial ring of the capital - the Moscow District Railway and its environs. Today, this old railway is known as the Moscow Central Ring.

Yury Yegorov is a railway transport historian, traveler, tour guide, author of the recently published Guide to the Moscow District Railway. Since the end of the 1990s, Yuri has been traveling along the “Steel Ring of Moscow”, knowing all its secrets, and since 2009 he has been discovering for the inquisitive residents of our city the wonderful world of railways with its own unique atmosphere, a specific language of communication, consisting of colorful lights and flags, whistles of locomotives and unusual for extraneous hearing specific "railway" speech.

The district railway is a “city within a city”, before the opening of passenger traffic, few people heard about it, almost no one visited its stations - even for local residents, its existence remained a mystery with seven seals. Today Okruzhnaya is a full-fledged element of the cultural heritage of the capital, a pearl of its architecture. About the once “forgotten ring of Moscow”, which has rapidly burst into our daily life, will be discussed at our seminar.

14:00 – 14:30
Emin Jafarov "Metro never sleeps"

Emin Jafarov

Emin Jafarov, a photographer, worked in the press service of Mosmetro, saw the work of the metropolitan subway from the inside, walked through the tunnels and slept in the train cabin. The author will share with the audience the nuances of working in the press service and what happens in the metro after closing. The photographer will show the front and working side of the subway. The highlight of the seminar will be the author's story about the exclusive - night shooting in the subway.

14:30 – 15:00
Natalia Vershinina "Industrial archeology and abandoned cities"

Natalia Vershinina

Where can I film a post-apocalyptic chronicle? What does the term "industrial archeology" include and who is its author? - the most mysterious participant of the Day of the reportage photographer, like a ghost, passing through the walls to see what is hidden.

15:00 – 15:30
Alexander Mironov "Race of Heroes: Photographers are not afraid of dirt"

Alexander Mironov

Alexander Mironov, reportage photographer of the new direction Obstacles Racing. There are no masks in such a shoot, everything is real here - fear, joy, excitement and support, the photographer experiences these emotions together with the participants in each shoot. For the sake of a good shot, you will have to get dirty from head to toe, while trying to keep the camera safe and sound.

Does a Race of Heroes photographer need good physical preparation? What technique will facilitate extreme competition? Where and when is it better to shoot people at the Race? On these and many other questions, quite specific recommendations can be obtained.

15:30 – 16:00
Ivan Evlakhov "Sports report - see everything"

Ivan Evlakhov

Ivan Evlakhov, a photographer, will tell about the experience of shooting at one of the world's largest tennis championships - the VTB Kremlin Cup. How to find and catch the moment?, official angle and non-standard solutions, incidents in the game and backstage life of the tournament. Many of the presented frames will be shown to the general public for the first time.

How to film sports artistically and non-standard? Which technique best conveys sports events? How to make a sports report interesting not only for fans and amateurs?

16:00 – 16:30
Alexey Belkin "Belkin's Cats"

Alexey Belkin

Alexey Belkin has been taking photographs for about ten years and now this is his main job. Alexey was lucky to work in different genres of photography. Initially, he was fond of street genre photography, then he mastered portrait and reportage photography, and photographed weddings. And photographing cats is a special hobby that constantly inspires the author.

Everyone loves cats. How unusual to show a cat in a photograph? Photos of cats flooded the Internet, but Alexey Belkin's genre photos with pets stand apart, why?

16:30 – 17:00
Nadezhda Sokoreva "And miracles happen in the arena"

Nadezhda Sokoreva

Nadezhda Sokoreva is free to choose the genre and subjects of shooting. Among the favorites are sports photography (water polo), theater and circus performances.

How does a photographer differ from an ordinary viewer in a theater or circus: a look from different sides of the curtain. Circus, circus, circus ... How to convey its magic in a photograph? What you need to know, a photographer who shoots a circus performance? Favorite circus numbers and programs. Is it possible to expose the illusion with a camera?

17:00 – 18:00
Mikhail Belotserkovsky and Sergei Chaly "Theatrical Photo Stories"

Mikhail Belotserkovsky

Sergey Chaly

Is it easy to shoot actors? Two sought-after theater photographers will talk about the peculiarities of working in the theater and answer questions from the audience.

Mikhail Belotserkovsky began his work as a theater administrator back in the 70s of the last century at the Maly Theater. And for the ninth year he has been actively working in the field of theater photography. Belotserkovsky photographs in many Moscow theaters: the State Academic Theater. E. Vakhtangov, Moscow Academic Theatre. V. Mayakovsky, Moscow Art Theater. Chekhov, the Moscow Drama Theater "On Malaya Bronnaya", the Moscow Academic Theater of Satire, the Moscow Theater School of Oleg Tabakov, the Workshop of Dmitry Brusnikin. Mikhail is a participant of the First Festival of Contemporary Photography "FIXAGE" (2016), the author of personal exhibitions: "In the Light of the Ramp" (Art Club "Gallery", Pechatniki, 2015), "In the Light of the Ramp - 2" (Center for Culture and Creativity "Nega ”, 2016), “In the light of the ramp - 3” (Moscow Music Hall, 2017).

Sergei Chaly became interested in photography in adulthood, focusing on filming in theaters: “For me, theater at its best is some kind of incredible, fantastic magic! When, practically, from scratch, from nothing, from some cardboard boxes, from some curtains, from light and shadow, from an inadvertently dropped replica, from some gesture or a casual glance thrown as if by chance, real life is born, making me, as a viewer, believe in the reality of what is happening, empathize, forget about shooting - this is the real magic. Trying to convey your own impressions in photographs is an incredibly interesting and exciting challenge.”

FIXAGE will be held as a democratic photo forum, a “gathering point” for amateurs and professionals working in the field of contemporary photography, where, in addition to the exhibited exhibitions, there were lectures and master classes on numerous facets of photography: travel photography, city photography, and more.

Entrance with CHA tickets

Moscow, Central House of Artists,
Krymsky Val, 10, halls 17, 18