Izhgsha contacts. Unified portal of agricultural universities in Russia. Izhevsk Agricultural Academy: address, contacts and reviews

Eleventh grade, last call, presentation of a certificate and graduation party ... Every person faces all this in his life. And here the question arises: where to go to study further? Agricultural Academy (Izhevsk) - a university that you can choose. This educational organization extensive experience in training qualified specialists, good teaching staff and material resources.

Description of the educational institution

Agricultural Academy (Izhevsk) - state university. It is considered the legal successor of the Moscow Zootechnical Institute of Horse Breeding, which in the middle of the last century was transferred from the capital of the USSR to the Udmurt Republic to the city of Izhevsk. Until 1994, the educational organization established here had the status of an institute. After this date, it became an academy. This status of the university is at the present time.

The Agricultural Academy (Izhevsk) has many advantages. She has a good financial base. Students have at their disposal:

  • 5 educational buildings with lecture halls, specialized laboratories and computer classes;
  • library;
  • 2 modern sports halls;
  • educational and experimental farm "July";
  • training and experimental stable with breeding horses;
  • a training ground for studying agricultural machines and equipment, gaining experience in driving and managing them.

Agroengineering faculty

Those applicants who want to work with agricultural machinery and machines should enter the Izhevsk Agricultural Academy at the Faculty of Agroengineering. The prerequisites for the creation of this structural unit appeared in 1955-1956, when the university began to train mechanical engineers.

One of the areas of training at the modern agroengineering faculty is "Agroengineering". The Izhevsk Agricultural Academy teaches how to repair machines, power plants, carry out their maintenance, design and create new machines. It is also offered at the faculty the direction "Technospheric security". Those students who complete their studies get jobs in various manufacturing companies and enterprises. The main task of specialists is to ensure industrial safety technological processes under normal conditions and under emergency conditions.

Faculty of Agronomy

This division appeared in the structure of the university in 1954. In the Udmurt Republic, there was an acute shortage of agronomic specialists due to the increased need of the national economy for crop production. The faculty was formed on the basis of the departments of the institute, which moved from Moscow to Izhevsk.

The Faculty of Agronomy, which continues its activities at the present time, offers applicants 2 areas of undergraduate training - "Agronomy" and "Agrochemistry and Agrosoil Science". Classes at the university are held in special classrooms and laboratories. Students study the theoretical foundations, perform agrochemical, agrophysical, biochemical and morphological studies. Many classes are held directly in greenhouses and orchards, in fields and meadows.

Faculty of Zooengineering

The zooengineering faculty appeared in the year of the establishment of the university in Izhevsk. However, its history began much earlier. Specialists with the appropriate education began to be trained in the early 30s of the last century, when the Institute of Horse Breeding was organized in Moscow.

The Agricultural Academy (Izhevsk), inviting applicants to the zooengineering faculty, offers 2 areas of training. The first of them is "Zootechnia". Upon admission, applicants can choose a profile related either to breeding, genetics and selection of animals, or to the technology of production of livestock products, or to non-productive animal husbandry (for example, sports horse breeding, cynology). The second area of ​​training at the faculty is related to the technology of processing and production of agricultural products.

Faculty of Forestry

This division in the structure of the Agricultural Academy dates back to the mid-90s of the last century. There is a need for specialists with higher education in the region. Graduates of the country's universities were reluctant to come here for permanent residence and work.

In the Izhevsk Agricultural Academy, the first admission to the specialty "Forestry" was carried out in 1995 on the basis of an agronomic structural unit. The Faculty of Forestry was established much later - in 2000. Today he offers applicants 2 areas of undergraduate training:

  • "Forestry" (profiles - landscape gardening, forestry);
  • "Cadastres and land management" (profile - land management).

Agricultural Academy (Izhevsk): description of the veterinary faculty

Veterinarians began to train at the Izhevsk Agricultural University in 1995. The educational process was organized by the zooengineering faculty. After 5 years, the faculty was formed veterinary medicine. It included 5 departments. After its creation, the faculty strengthened its position in the university and developed. Today it is a modern structural unit, in which:

  • classrooms for classes are equipped with the necessary equipment and devices;
  • there are pathoanatomical, zoological and anatomical museums;

Faculty of Electrification and Energy

The university began to train specialists related to the field of electrification and energy in 1975. There were only 75 students in the first intake. The official opening of the Faculty of Electrification of Agriculture took place in 1977. This structural unit continues to exist at the present time. It graduates electrical engineers.

The Agricultural Academy in Izhevsk at the Faculty of Electrification and Energy offers 2 undergraduate courses. These are "Agroengineering" (profiles - electrical technologies and electrical equipment, automation of technological processes) and "Heat engineering and heat power engineering" (profile - energy supply of enterprises).

Faculty of Economics

A department that trains specialists in economics appeared at the Izhevsk Agricultural Institute in 1982. The faculty was officially organized in 1984. Today it includes 6 departments. The Agricultural Academy (Izhevsk) offers the following specialties at this faculty:

  • "Economics" (profile - accounting, analysis and audit);
  • "Management" (profile - production management);
  • "Economic Security".

Graduates of the faculty at the Agricultural Academy are offered vacancies that are available in various enterprises of the agro-industrial complex. If desired, young professionals can get a job referral.

Additional faculties of the university

Additional structural subdivisions include the Agricultural Academy (Izhevsk). These faculties are listed below:

  1. Distance learning. This faculty offers working people convenient conditions for obtaining higher education. On the correspondence department there are not only paid, but also budget places.
  2. Pre-university education. The structural unit prepares schoolchildren for the Unified State Examination, applicants for the entrance examinations held within the walls of the university.
  3. Advanced training. The faculty offers specialists educational programs to improve the professional level. This is necessary, because life does not stand still. New technologies, devices, etc. appear and are introduced.
  4. continuous vocational education. This faculty offers persons with a secondary vocational education to enter the Agricultural Academy in Izhevsk and receive higher education in a shortened time.
  5. Additional professional education. The structural unit offers to get a second higher education in bachelor's and master's programs in an accelerated period.

Izhevsk Agricultural Academy: address, contacts and reviews

The educational organization, as mentioned above, is located in Izhevsk. There are no branches Contacts for communication are as follows:

  • address - Studencheskaya street, 11;
  • The phone number can be found on the official website of the university.

IzhGSHA reviews are positive. Students talk about the high quality of educational services. Applicants are pleased that the university provides budget places. They are awarded scholarships. The majority of students receive a standard allowance. For active social work and academic success, allowances are provided.

Another advantage of the university, noted in the reviews, is that freshmen from other cities are provided with housing - the Agricultural Academy provides them with places in hostels. The cost of living in them is low. Students pay approximately 320 to 380 rubles a month.

Graduates also claim that the Agricultural Academy (Izhevsk) offers vacancies to many after graduation. The reviews contain information about how some former students go to the village. They are provided with various social guarantees, free land plots, subsidies for building your own house.

Thus, the academy in Izhevsk is good university providing an opportunity to receive a high-quality higher education. It is one of the best agricultural educational institutions in our country in terms of the quality of the implementation of educational programs, the use of innovative technologies in the educational process, and mass sports and educational work.

In the city of Izhevsk, the Udmurt Republic, there is such an educational institution as the Izhevsk State Agricultural Academy. The university has been operating since 1931. Over the years of its existence, it has trained a huge number of specialists. Among the graduates there are public and political figures, prominent scientists, heads of large agricultural enterprises.

Izhevsk State Agricultural Academy - the right choice of applicants

When choosing a university, applicants and their parents pay attention to the availability of a license and accreditation. The first document gives the right to an educational organization to teach students. Accreditation allows the university to issue diplomas that have an official state status, provide a deferment from military service and other benefits.

Izhevsk State Agricultural Academy has all the necessary documents. Certificate of state accreditation was issued to the university in November 2015. It will be valid until April 13, 2021. The Academy also received a license in November 2015. This document is provided for an indefinite period.

in Izhevsk State Agricultural Academy

Applicants choose the Agricultural Academy in Izhevsk not only because they have a valid license and accreditation, but also because of the high quality of education at the university, which is ensured by the following factors:

  • highly qualified teaching staff;
  • good material and technical equipment educational institution;
  • application of modern educational technologies in the educational process.

The high quality of education is also achieved due to the fact that students themselves strive to achieve success in their studies. The motivation is an academic scholarship. It is issued to persons studying at "5" and "4". For special academic achievements, some students receive a scholarship from the President of the Udmurt Republic.

Obtaining in-demand professions

Availability of a license and state accreditation, high quality education is not the only advantage of the university. The main advantage that FGBOU VO "Izhevsk State Agricultural Academy" (Izhevsk, TIN - 1831036505) has is the opportunity to get professions that are in demand in various sectors of the national economy of our country.

Why are the specialties offered by the Izhevsk Agricultural Academy relevant? The fact is that the development of agriculture is very important for the Udmurt Republic. Various institutions for children, sports facilities are being built in villages and villages, roads and gas communications are being laid.

In connection with the revival of life in these parts of the republic, agricultural personnel have become very popular. Young professionals traveling to villages and villages are invited to:

  • Work;
  • housing;
  • lifting;
  • wage supplement.

Availability of training and experimental farm and stables

In Russia, there are more than 50 related to the agricultural sector. Only 9 of them have preserved their educational and experimental territories. Among them is the Izhevsk State Agricultural Academy. The university has a total land area of ​​more than 8,000 hectares; conditional number of livestock - about 1700 heads.

The main tasks of the training and experimental farm and stables are as follows:

  • organization of practical training for students of the academy;
  • approbation of scientific developments, carrying out research work, experiments;
  • creation of promising varieties of agricultural plants, breeds and lines of livestock.

Bachelor's degree at the Faculty of Agroengineering and the Faculty of Energy and Electrification

Izhevsk State Agricultural Academy offers 12 undergraduate courses. This is the first stage of higher education. The Faculty of Energy and Electrification trains bachelors in the direction of "Heat power engineering and heat engineering". Graduates work in engineering positions, provide reliable, economical and safe operation of electric power and heat power systems.

Faculty of Agroengineering invites to such areas as "Agroengineering", "Technology of products and organization Catering”,“ Technosphere safety ”:

  • in the first direction, future mechanical engineers, necessary in any production, study;
  • in the second direction, future technologists of public catering organizations, managers, production managers, chefs study;
  • graduates who have completed "Technospheric Safety" determine the sources of hazards at the enterprise, identify areas of increased technogenic risk.

Bachelor's degree in agronomy and forestry faculties

  1. "Agronomy". This direction produces agronomists. This is an important agricultural specialist who is engaged in planning the planting of agricultural plants, developing methods to increase yields.
  2. "Agrochemistry and agrosoil science". Graduates conduct soil, agroecological and agrochemical land surveys, perform plant and soil analyses, determine the suitability of land for planting, develop a fertilizer system, conduct chemical and water reclamation.

At the forestry faculty there is a direction "Forestry". Bachelors supervise the implementation of forestry work (fire fighting, forest protection, hunting management, etc.). Possible positions are a forester, chief forester, game manager, huntsman. The Faculty of Forestry also offers the direction "Land management and cadastres". In the future, students will be involved in drafting land surveying and land management, allotment of land for construction.

Bachelor's degree at zooengineering and economic faculties

educational FGBOU organization VO "Izhevsk State Agricultural Academy" annually, represented by the Faculty of Animal Engineering, recruits students for the direction "Zootechny". It trains future livestock specialists who can breed and select animals, predict and plan the production of livestock products. Another direction of the zooengineering faculty is “Technology of production and processing of agricultural products”. In the future, specialists are engaged in the production of cheeses, sausages, semi-finished products, canning, winemaking, brewing, confectionery, pasta and bakery production.

The Faculty of Economics implements the training of students in 2 areas of training: "Management" and "Economics". They are in high demand among applicants, because economists and managers are required by all companies.

Specialist in Izhevsk State Agricultural Academy

In FGBOU "Izhevsk State Agricultural Academy" there are 2 areas of training for a specialist. One of them is "Veterinary" at the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine. In this direction, students learn to diagnose, prevent and treat various diseases, carry out veterinary and sanitary control of products and raw materials of animal and vegetable origin, aquatic products and beekeeping.

Another direction of the specialty is "Economic security" ( Faculty of Economics). Graduates are employed as tax and economic security specialists, tax inspectors and consultants. Their mission is to provide economic sphere law and order and legitimacy. They reveal, investigate and prevent economic offences.

Persons with higher professional education are admitted to graduate school on a competitive basis.

Postgraduate studies are carried out in full-time and part-time forms. The term of study in full-time postgraduate studies should not exceed three years, in correspondence postgraduate studies - four years.

Persons who have previously completed a full course of study in graduate school do not have the right to secondary education in graduate school at the expense of the budget. The training of graduate students at the academy within the established target figures is carried out at the expense of the federal budget. The target figures for the admission of graduate students studying at the expense of the budget at the academy are set by the Ministry of Agriculture of the Russian Federation. Training of graduate students in excess of the admission targets is carried out under direct contracts with the payment of tuition fees by individuals and legal entities.

An application for admission to postgraduate study is submitted to the rector of the academy with the following documents attached:

a notarized copy of the diploma of higher professional education and its supplement (for persons who have received education abroad, including citizens of the CIS member states, a copy of the relevant diploma, as well as a copy of the certificate of equivalence of documents of foreign states on education to a diploma of higher professional education Russian Federation issued by the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation);

questionnaire or personal sheet on personnel records;

2 photographs 3x4 in size;


extract or copy of the work book;

certificate of passing candidate exams if the applicant has passed candidate exams (for persons who have passed candidate exams abroad - certificates of the validity of the presented document on passing candidate exams issued by the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation);

An identity document and a diploma (for persons who have received education abroad - a diploma and a copy of the certificate of its equivalence) on graduation from a higher educational institution are presented personally to postgraduate students.

Acceptance of documents for graduate school and a preliminary interview with the supervisor is held from July 15 to August 25, entrance exams– from September 1st to September 25th. Enrollment in graduate school from October 1.

Postgraduate applicants take the following competitive entrance exams in accordance with the state educational standards of higher professional education:

special discipline (questions at the relevant department of specialization);

philosophy (questions at the Faculty of Philosophy 1 building, or in the reading room 1 building);

foreign language, determined by the academy and necessary for a graduate student to complete a dissertation research.

Retaking the entrance exams is not allowed. Passed entrance exams for postgraduate studies are valid for a calendar year.

Persons who have passed fully or partially the candidate's examinations are exempted from the corresponding entrance examinations upon admission to postgraduate studies.

Admission to graduate school is made by order of the rector of the academy. A postgraduate student expelled from postgraduate studies before the end of the term of study may be reinstated for the remaining period of study by order of the rector of the academy.

Candidate exam programs - http://db.informika.ru/cgi-bin/pke/prog_sch.plx;

The list of leading peer-reviewed scientific journals and publications in which the main scientific results of the dissertation for the degree of doctor and candidate of sciences should be published -http://vak.ed.gov.ru/ru/list/

The main educational programs of postgraduate professional education (postgraduate studies):

n / n Specialty

1. Dynamics, strength of machines, devices and equipment

2. Technologies and means of mechanization of agriculture

3.Electrical technology and electrical equipment in agriculture

4.General farming


6. Agrochemistry

7. Breeding and seed production of agricultural plants

8.Plant protection

9.Diagnosis of diseases and therapy of animals, pathology, oncology and morphology of animals

10.Veterinary pharmacology with toxicology

11. Breeding, selection and genetics of farm animals

12. Feed production, feeding of farm animals and feed technology

13. Private zootechnics, livestock products production technology

14.Forest crops, selection, seed production

15.Forestry, forestry, forest management and forest inventory

16.Agroforestry, protective afforestation and landscaping of settlements, forest fires and the fight against them

17. Economics and management national economy(by branches and fields of activity)

From December 13 to 15, Moscow hosted the face-to-face stage of the All-Russian competition of youth projects for the socio-economic development strategy "Russia-2035".

As part of the delegation from the Udmurt Republic, representatives of the Izhevsk State Agricultural Academy, who successfully passed the correspondence stage, participated in the Competition - this is a 3rd year student of the Faculty of Agronomy Daria Ichetovkina, a graduate student of the Faculty of Agronomy Anna Nikitina (nomination "Essay") and a 1st year student of the Faculty of Animal Engineering Andrey Korotkov (nomination " video").

Word - to the participants:

Daria Ichetovkina:
In general, I liked the trip. We lived in a large hotel "Cosmos". The time for the defense of the competitive works of our age group (from 17 to 35 years old) was scheduled from 16.00 to 22.00. There were a lot of participants, more than 1000. We were one of the last to perform. Unfortunately, we were not able to listen to the reports of other participants. We listened to the reports of only our small subgroup. All of them were interesting, devoted to different topics.

The next day, the awards ceremony took place. Unfortunately, we did not take prizes. But we were given certificates of participation. During our stay in Moscow, we visited VDNKh and Red Square. This trip will be remembered for a long time. I visited the capital of Russia for the first time, got a lot of experience, speaking in front of a strict jury.

For myself, I decided that I need to grow and develop further, gain new knowledge and go to new heights. Thanks to our beloved academy for the opportunity to participate in such an interesting event!

Anna Nikitina:
Within the framework of the All-Russian competition of youth projects of the socio-economic development strategy "Russia-2035", an action was held in in social networks"Language of the Motherland", where I decided to participate and attracted my comrades. We were faced with the task of singing the song "Where the Motherland Begins..." in the national language. Since I do not know the Udmurt language perfectly, I asked for help from my husband (a former graduate of IzhGSKhA), who is fluent in the language. He helped with the translation of the text (rhyme) and pronunciation. Daria and Andrey, despite the fact that they do not know the Udmurt language at all, learned the text and worked out the pronunciation. Having rehearsed, we completed the task, for which we were awarded certificates of winners! We are very pleased that we are appreciated!