Rostov state university yufo. Russian universities. Monitoring results of the Ministry of Education and Science for SFedU

Yuzhny federal university- the largest scientific and educational center in the South of Russia. The main tasks of SFedU are training of highly qualified specialists in the most demanded specialties; development of fundamental and applied research; inclusion in international research and educational networks.

Strategic goals of the Southern Federal University:

  • active participation in the production of new knowledge, their dissemination through scientific, educational and innovative activities;
  • accumulation and augmentation of moral and cultural property society;
  • the formation of a large interregional, all-Russian and international center of education, science and culture;
  • becoming one of the leading universities in the world.

SFedU is currently confirming its leadership in the research, educational and innovative activities of the country. High quality education provides fundamental preparation and integration of education with science.

Southern Federal University is one of the leaders in the field of international cooperation. At the moment it is part of:

  • International Association of Universities;
  • European Association of Universities.

In order to improve the quality of professional training, SFedU students undergo production practices at the bases of the leading enterprises in Rostov-on-Don and the Rostov region, with many of which the university has partnership agreements. Most students find work in their specialty during their studies.

Economics and Management

Informatics and computer engineering

Linguistics and Literary Studies


Forms of education


Education levels


Admissions office of SFedU

schedule Working hours:

Mon, Tue, Wed, Thu, Fri from 08:30 to 17:00

Latest reviews SFedU

Valeria Dovnar 22:02 07.12.2013

I entered the Russian State University (now it is part of the SFedU) in 2001 with a degree in soil science at the Faculty of Biology and Soil Science. She graduated in 2006. I entered the full-time, budgetary department, I went to soil science, because I did not get 1 point in biology, although many of the same children successfully entered the evening and correspondence courses. It was interesting to study, there are a lot of good teachers who conducted not only interesting lectures, seminars or laboratory works, but all 5 years they drove us around Rostov ...

Natalya Lionova 02:34 07/01/2013

From 2006 to 2011, I was a student at the Southern Federal University, Faculty of Philosophy, Department of Religious Studies. This university is the largest and most popular higher educational institution in the town. To enter the budget, I studied social studies with a teacher of this faculty for a year before entering, I myself studied the Russian language, for an interview I re-read everything on examination topics. In the summer I easily and simply passed the exams and became a student. 2 groups were formed ...

general information

Federal State Autonomous Educational Institution higher education"South Federal University"

Branches of SFedU


No. 01901 valid Indefinitely from 29.01.2016


There is no data

Monitoring results of the Ministry of Education and Science for SFedU

Indicator18 year17 year16 year15 year14 year
Performance indicator (out of 6 points)6 7 7 7 6
Average USE score in all specialties and forms of study73.05 72.96 70.71 70.88 74.14
Average USE score enrolled in the budget74.25 73.85 71.37 71.32 75.76
Average USE score of those enrolled on a commercial basis69.63 69.83 67.55 66.67 69.45
Average in all specialties minimum score USE enrolled in the full-time department59.96 60.53 57.71 58.08 62.95
Number of students22997 23585 26772 30365 24365
Full-time department15959 16172 16822 19218 14580
Part-time department1475 1255 1409 1546 1938
Extramural5563 6158 8541 9601 7847
All data

Year of foundation: 1915
The number of students enrolled in the university: 30024
University tuition fees: 20 - 150 thousand rubles.

The address: 344006, Rostov region, Rostov-on-Don, Bolshaya Sadovaya d. 105/42


Email: [email protected]


By order of the Government Russian Federation of November 23, 2006 N1616-r as a result of joining as structural units to a state educational institution of higher vocational education"Rostov State University"state educational institutions higher professional education
- "Rostov state academy architecture and art ",
- "Rostov State Pedagogical University",
- "Taganrog State Radio Engineering University"
Southern Federal University was formed

State educational institution of higher professional education "Rostov State University" was established by the Decree of the Provisional Government of Russia dated May 5, 1917 N 1227.

The state educational institution of higher professional education "Rostov State Academy of Architecture and Art" was established by the Resolution of the Council of Ministers of the RSFSR "On further development architecture and urban planning in the RSFSR "from December 25, 1987 N 513.

The state educational institution of higher professional education "Rostov State Pedagogical University" was established by the order of the All-Russian Central Executive Committee of the Council of People's Commissars of the RSFSR on June 3, 1930 and by the order of the People's Commissariat of Education dated October 9, 1930.

State educational institution of higher professional education "Taganrog State Radio Engineering University" was formed by the resolution of the Council of Ministers of the USSR of December 28, 1951 N 5389-2346 and the order of the USSR Ministry of Higher Education of January 9, 1952 N 18.

The University is the legal successor of the state educational institutions of higher professional education "Rostov State University", "Rostov State Academy of Architecture and Art", "Rostov State Pedagogical University" and "Taganrog State Radio Engineering University".

The University has a license for the right to conduct educational activities N 16 G-046 dated 6.03.94, issued by the State Committee for Higher Education of Russia, and is considered to have state accreditation in accordance with the decree of the State Committee for Higher Education of Russia N 6 dated 30.11.94.

Southern Federal University, a leading center for the development of education, science and culture, is a higher educational institution of federal jurisdiction. The founder of the university is the Government of the Russian Federation.

Southern Federal (Rostov) University is traditionally known for development and research in various fields of science. Significant successes have been achieved in the analysis and synthesis of a number of organic compounds, the electronic and spatial structure of their molecular structure, in the development of new highly efficient ferroelectric materials and technologies for their manufacture, non-destructive testing methods, theoretical and applied problems of mechanical engineering, construction and architecture, fundamental and applied problems of cybernetics. brain, problems of artificial intelligence, automated biomedical systems, in the development of a new concept of management in a market economy, problems of dialectics of material and spiritual culture.

The international activities of the university include work on training students, trainees, graduate students and doctoral students from foreign countries, including on a contract basis, conducting joint research, exchange of teachers and researchers.

University scientists are actively working on international cooperation programs with colleagues from foreign countries: the USA, Germany, France, Great Britain, Israel, Italy, Yugoslavia, Poland, China, Turkey, Bulgaria, Greece, etc.

SFedU (RSU) participates in a number of targeted programs within the framework of trans-European projects in the field of education: Tempus2, Tacis, etc. Among the partners are the University of Dortmund (Germany) and Strathclyde University in Glasgow (Great Britain), and others.

In accordance with the Law on Education, Rostov State University is certified by the State Inspectorate for Attestation of Educational Institutions of Russia in all specialties.

License series A No. 283373, reg. No. 9693 dated 25.12.2007
Certificate of state accreditation series AA No. 001070, reg. No. 1043 dated December 29, 2007

Southern Federal University (SFedU) - Russian university, the center of higher education and science in the Southern Federal District of the Russian Federation, located in Rostov-on-Don and Taganrog, Rostov Region.

By the order of the Government of the Russian Federation of November 23, 2006 N1616-r as a result of joining state educational institutions of higher professional education as structural units to the state educational institution of higher professional education "Rostov State University"
- "Rostov State Academy of Architecture and Art",
- "Rostov State Pedagogical University",
- "Taganrog State Radio Engineering University"
the Southern Federal University was formed.

SFedU includes four separate branch institutes, the total number of faculties is 37, scientific structural divisions are 70, among which are 10 research institutes, as well as design bureaus, TsKP, educational and scientific laboratories (including joint ones with institutions of the Russian Academy of Sciences), 20 structures of innovation activity (in including 2 pilot plants, 2 technoparks, 2 business incubators, 5 centers for collective use), etc., which employ about 800 researchers, including 354 candidates and 45 doctors of sciences. The total number of students is about 56 thousand people.


  • Faculty of Architecture (Institute of Architecture)
  • Department of Regional Studies
  • Open faculty
  • Faculty of Radio Engineering (TTI)
  • Faculty of Automation and Computer Engineering (TTI)
  • Faculty of Continuous Forms of Education (TTI)
  • Faculty of Biology and Soil
  • Faculty of military training
  • Faculty of high technologies
  • Faculty of Geology and Geography
  • Faculty of Natural Sciences and Humanities Training (TTI)
  • Faculty of Natural Sciences (PI)
  • Faculty of Fine Arts (PI)
  • Faculty information security(TTI)
  • Faculty of Arts (IArhI)
  • Faculty of History
  • Faculty of Linguistics and Literature (PI)
  • Faculty of Mathematics, Informatics and Physics (PI)
  • Faculty of Mathematics, Mechanics and Computer Science
  • Faculty of General Training (IArhI)
  • Faculty of Pedagogy and practical psychology(PI)
  • Advanced training faculty
  • Faculty of continuing education and professional retraining education workers (PI)
  • Psychology faculty
  • Faculty of Socio-Historical Education (PI)
  • Faculty of Sociology and Political Science
  • Faculty of Technology and Entrepreneurship (PI)
  • Faculty of Management in Economic and Social Systems (TTI)
  • Faculty of physics
  • Faculty of Physical Education and Sports (PI)
  • Faculty of Philology and Journalism
  • Faculty of Philosophy and Cultural Studies
  • Faculty of chemistry
  • Faculty of Economics, Management and Law in Education (PI)
  • Faculty of Economics
  • Faculty of Electronics and Instrumentation (TTI)
  • Faculty of Law

Southern Federal University, a leading center for the development of education, science and culture, is a higher educational institution of federal jurisdiction.

Southern Federal (Rostov) University is traditionally known for development and research in various fields of science. Significant successes have been achieved in the analysis and synthesis of a number of organic compounds, the electronic and spatial structure of their molecular structure, in the development of new highly efficient ferroelectric materials and technologies for their manufacture, non-destructive testing methods, theoretical and applied problems of mechanical engineering, construction and architecture, fundamental and applied problems of cybernetics. brain, problems of artificial intelligence, automated biomedical systems, in the development of a new concept of management in a market economy, problems of dialectics of material and spiritual culture.

International activity University includes work on training students, trainees, graduate students and doctoral students from foreign countries, including on a contract basis, joint research, exchange of teachers and researchers.

University scientists are actively working on international cooperation programs with colleagues from foreign countries: the USA, Germany, France, Great Britain, Israel, Italy, Yugoslavia, Poland, China, Turkey, Bulgaria, Greece, etc.