Cooperative College. College of the Russian University of Cooperation. Food service technology

The Moscow Cooperative Technical School, established on December 7, 1926, is one of the oldest educational institutions consumer cooperation systems. He has extensive experience in training specialists in the field of economics, accounting, commodity science, public catering, taxation, management, etc.

The Moscow cooperative technical school, among its kind, stands out not only for its longevity, but also for the number of trained qualified specialists over 50 thousand people, the same number of workers in mass professions.

College graduates can be found in all corners of vast Russia, in the role of heads of organizations and institutions of consumer cooperation, as well as ordinary specialists. They display high morale and professional excellence throughout.

It should be said about one more feature of the Moscow Cooperative Technical School - its founder was the consumer cooperation of the Moscow region.

Pets of the technical school can be found in all corners of the immense country, in the center and in the distant outback in the role of ordinary specialists, as well as heads of enterprises and institutions of consumer cooperation and often outside it. Everywhere they show high morale, mastery, professional skill.

At first, the core of the team consisted of eighteen teachers of the school. All of them had higher education, and nine of them graduated from universities. Each was a master of his craft, wise with practical experience.

Soon they were joined by a number of prominent specialists - teachers of Moscow higher educational institutions: professor of mathematics N.K. Andronov, professor, then corresponding member of the USSR Academy of Sciences V.I. Dokukin, professor S.P. Dneprovsky, later to be known as the author of textbooks and books on the theory and history of cooperation, economics of trade, professor D.N. Buchinsky - a specialist in warehouse management, a well-known statistician Shchegolev, associate professors - D. Varaksin, V. Fomin, whom the students called "the apostle of cooperation"

The year 1929 was marked by turmoil at the Moscow Cooperative Technical School. The resettlement from Moscow to Perlovka began, mooring in the permanent harbor. This act was not performed simultaneously. I had to live in a split state for some time, to be in two places. For a year or two, teachers and students made shuttle flights between Moscow and Perlovka, hurrying so as not to be late for classes.

The year 1934 was especially remembered, in the consumer cooperation there was a streamlining of educational institutions. They were enlarged, the MKT was merged with Kaluga and Ryazan.

The changes were good. MKT has become more full-blooded. In 1934, there were already 9 training groups, consisting of 286 people. A year later, 2 more training groups were added. The contingent of students has reached 345 people. 800 applications were submitted for 100 new admission places. He was becoming prestigious. A 4-year study period was set. The profile of training has expanded. Specialties appeared: auditor, technologist, procurer.

The move of the technical school to Perlovka, enlargement did not go without negative consequences, which, first of all, affected the teaching staff. It had to be formed almost anew. It took several years. But already in the annual report for 1937-1938, it was said, not without reason: “The teaching staff, in their mass, have a good command of subjects and teaching methods. There were no negative manifestations in it ”.

College majors

Commerce (by industry)

  • from 22 months

Social Security Law and Organization

  • from 22 months

Food service technology

  • from 34 months

Merchandising and examination of the quality of consumer goods

  • from 22 months


  • from 22 months

Economics and accounting (by industry)

  • from 22 months

Arrange all punctuation marks: indicate the number (s), in place of which (s) in the sentence should be (s) a comma (s). In 1894 in Moscow (1) the Literary and Theater Museum appeared (2) the basis) 3) of which (4) the collection on the history of Russian and Western European theater by A.A. Bakhrushin.

The task 1 out of 5





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Indicate the word in which the letter I is written in place of the pass

The task 2 out of 5

fascinating .. my


shake you

disturb you

Check Next

In one of the highlighted words below, a mistake was made in the formation of the word form

The task 3 out of 5

hot oladiy

Will arrive on time

Put on a hat


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The educational activities of the College are carried out within the framework of the implementation of the main professional educational programs in accordance with the requirements of Federal state educational standards of secondary vocational education... Classes are held in specialized classrooms using personal computers and licensed software.

As part of the educational process, our students undergo practical training at enterprises and institutions, applying their skills in real conditions.

Special attention in the College is paid to educational work with students. In addition to meaningful training sessions, children are invited to participate in various events: scientific and practical conferences, contests "Miss and Mister RUK", festivals of student creativity "Hello, we are looking for talents!", New Year's discos, military-patriotic events, events to promote healthy lifestyle. College students take an active part in sports competitions of the University and take prizes.

Classes at the College are held full-time and extramural forms learning.

After receiving secondary vocational education, our graduates have a unique opportunity to continue their studies under the programs higher educationimplemented in a shorter time frame.

By choosing our College, you:

    you join a large and friendly team;

    you increase the level of your communication, information, language skills;

    get the opportunity to be awarded with personal scholarships;

    participate in active student life: sports sections, creative teams, concerts and competitions;

    mastering an interesting and prestigious specialty that is in demand on the labor market (state diploma under the program of secondary vocational education).

    get a respite from the army;

    after graduating from our College, you can get a job in the most popular specialties in Moscow and Russia.

Remember that the choice of College is as important as the choice of a profession: after all, the College will become your second home for several years. Choose what you are really interested in, what you have a predisposition to. In this case, you will surely be able to maximize your potential and achieve financial well-being!

Forms of training:


Duration of training in the specialties of secondary vocational education:

    on the basis of basic general education (9 classes) - 2 years 10 months, 3 years 10 months, depending on the specialty;

    on the basis of secondary general education (11 classes) - 1 year 10 months, 2 years 10 months, depending on the specialty.

It is also possible to receive secondary vocational education in shortened and accelerated programs, depending on the sufficient level of prior training and (or) abilities.

Part-time (evening)

The total duration of sessions in the academic year is 30 days for 1 and 2 courses, and 40 days for 3 and subsequent ones.

Cooperative College
founded 1919 (1919 )
Headquarters ,

Service area

Manchester, England

Key people

Simon Parkinson, Chief Executive Officer and Chief
Web site

Cooperative College is a British educational charity dedicated to the advancement of cooperative values, ideas and principles within the cooperative, community and society.

Origin and development

The Co-op College was founded in 1919 by a co-operative alliance with ten overseas students, based on the second floor of Holyoake House, Manchester, and in 1943 the college became a charitable foundation.

In 1945, the Holyoake house was damaged by a blitz, and the co-operative college was forced to move to Stanford Hall, where it spent nearly fifty years. Over the years that he spent at Stanford, he ran residential courses in social / economic subjects for adult learners, as well as a wide range of retail and management courses for cooperative workers. In 1946, Dr. Robert L. Marshall, OBE, MA, became Chief and Chief Executive Officer and established the college's reputation as a national and international institution.

The college has since returned to its original home, the Holyoake home, and Simon Parkinson is Chief Executive Officer and Chief Executive Officer.

Main directions of work

Holyoake House, Hanover Street, Manchester, where the college is currently based.

  • Exploring cooperatives
  • Cooperative learning and development
  • Cooperatives globally - International work
  • Cooperative heritage
  • Schools and youth


The research team works with a growing number of partners from the cooperative movement and the higher education sector, conducting research into the historical and contemporary role of collaboration. The Cooperative College makes every effort to disseminate scientific research, making society aware of the impact of the cooperative movement.

Learning and Development

The Co-op College works with all major co-ops in the UK and provides training and education programs around the world to help individuals and groups achieve the level of skill, knowledge and understanding needed to translate ideals into effective practice.

The college's teaching team ensures that all members, supervisors, managers and employees have training programs designed to meet their needs, always with cooperative values \u200b\u200band principles at the heart of all learning.

International work

The Cooperative College operates in nearly 20 countries in Africa and Asia / Pacific. International Activities The College supports cooperatives in a common global effort to end poverty and create a more just world for all.

Some of his partners abroad are:

  • Cooperative colleges in Africa.
  • The International Labour Organization.
  • The United Nations agency is in charge of cooperatives.
  • International Cooperative Alliance.
  • Coordinating body of the cooperative movement.
  • Individual cooperatives.

His international activities include:

  • Modernizing their curricula and teaching methods in Africa.
  • Management of long-term reconstruction of damage caused by a massive earthquake
  • Helping a South African family reduce funeral costs.


The Heritage team at the college is responsible for ensuring that all artifacts and documents related to the cooperative movement are collected, protected and available for continuing education and research.

People interested in learning about the extraordinary history and development of the world cooperative movement, its legacy and contemporary relevance can approach it through the pioneers of the Rochdale Museum and the National Cooperative Archives.

Schools and youth

The College, following the steps of Robert Owen, considers education as a foundational element and also participates in projects that reach schools and young people in various fields.

In partnership with a cooperative group, the College develops a network of schools specializing in business and entrepreneurship.

In the UK, the College is developing new models for running schools as cooperatives; cooperative target schools schools that are set up as cooperatives.

In addition, the cooperative college also has its own “Young cooperative” program, which any school can engage with. This program encourages students to create their own cooperative businesses.