Why dream that I jump high. Why dream of Jumping in the Esoteric dream book? There is a difficult situation ahead - carefully consider ways to overcome it

Had a chance to jump in a dream and wake up from the feeling of flying? Dream Interpretations offer various variations of the interpretation of this plot. If the answer to the question of why you dream of jumping is still relevant and important for you, then try to remember and analyze your dream in the smallest detail.

So, for starters, remember exactly where you jumped from, where you landed and from what, in the end, you woke up. All these details will help you choose the most accurate prediction.

Where to jump

Why does a woman dream of jumping into a river in a dream? Dream Interpretation Tsvetkova interprets that in the near future she will have new relationships and feelings. There is a high probability that you will even meet your ideal and be able to create a strong union.

The esoteric dream book has its own opinion, why dream of jumping into the water. A similar plot in his interpretation reveals the essence of the sleeping person, his attitude to life and to the world, in general. Most likely, in reality you make rash decisions, which leads to undesirable consequences. You should develop your own intuition and learn to calculate possible scenarios.

Did you have to jump into ice water in a dream? If the water turned out to be clear and clean, then in reality you can count on favorable events. But if the water turned out to be dirty, then you will be punished for each offense doubly.

Why dream of jumping into the sea? In fact, there are many changes waiting for you. The dream interpretation is sure that you will be able to quickly respond to changing circumstances, and all your projects and undertakings will be very successful. At the same time, according to the interpreter, you will quite like the new rhythm of life.

Did you have to jump into the pool from a special tower? Your life will change dramatically soon. Longo's dream book portends that you will have to choose which way to go. Try to make an informed decision.

If a woman dreamed of jumping over a fence in a dream, then she will be able to resolve all the difficulties that stand in her way. This is what the dream book says. If you have set a significant goal for yourself, then waking traps will not be an obstacle. I dreamed about jumping over a fence and landing, did you succeed? So in reality - everything will turn out the way you want it.

Why dream of jumping on a trampoline almost to the very clouds? In reality, you will find rapid career growth. A modern dream book portends that all your merits will be noticed and appreciated.

Freud is sure that if you dreamed of skydiving in a dream, then in everyday life you will find a very interesting and useful acquaintance.

The answer to the question of why one may dream of jumping down from a height is participation in the original case. According to the dream book, all everyday projects in which you take part will turn out to be extremely successful and productive.

Who to jump

Did you dream that a frog was jumping on you in a dream? Soon you will meet a person who will turn the gray reality into a real holiday for you. There is a possibility that you will want to spend your whole life with this character.

Do you want to understand why you can dream high, jump? Miller's dream book is sure that in reality you will feel a surge of energy, strength and enthusiasm. And if you want, you can literally “move mountains”. The main thing is not to stay at home.

Dream Interpretation Kananita believes that jumping up is a symbol of the torment that the sleeping person creates for himself. However, the exact prediction depends on the sensations that you felt in your night dreams. So, if making a jump, you rejoiced like a child, then in real life you can attend a fun holiday.

Do you want to understand why a jumping spider is dreaming? If in a dream he jumped in your direction and bit, then in reality you should be wary of deception from a stranger.

If a woman dreamed of seeing a cat jumping on her in a dream, then in reality you should be wary of selfless love. Most likely, you will fall in love with a married person or character that will deceive you. One way or another, but the new novel will not bring the desired feelings, only resentment.

Did you dream that a dog jumps on you and wags its tail? Soon you will meet a person who will become your true comrade and devoted friend. In addition, he will help you solve all the problems and difficulties that have fallen on you.

The esoteric dream book explains that the plot in which you had to jump in a dream identifies the energy that is contained in you. In addition, such a dream, as a rule, gives a hint - how best to use it. Also, the plot may portend a profitable business, which will require a lot of effort from you.

Did you see in a dream how a cat jumps on a rat? The dream interpretation is sure that in reality you can get rid of all your enemies. However, for this you will need the help of an outsider. And if you have reached a critical point in your life path, then you should not reject the opportunity to eliminate all your competitors.

The 21st century dream book explains why a jumping snake is dreaming. He believes that you need to evaluate your surroundings, in which too many enemies and ill-wishers are concentrated. Try to clear the circle of close associates from these persons.

Where to jump

Did you happen to jump out of a window in a dream? The interpreter claims that in reality you sometimes do drastic and thoughtless actions, which sometimes lead to disastrous results.

Dreamed of jumping from a bridge? According to the dream book, in reality you will not be able to avoid major losses. You should take off your rose-colored glasses and start looking at life adequately.

If you dreamed of falling from a roof, which is actually an imminent death, then you do not need to immediately panic. If you happened to jump of your own free will, it means that in real life you have taken all your thoughts, desires and needs under strict control.

Did you have to jump off a cliff in a dream? The dream interpretation is sure that circumstances in life will take away your self-confidence. According to the interpreter, you should not give up. Still ahead.

Did you manage to jump from the balcony in a dream? In reality, you are too self-confident, which sometimes leads to undesirable consequences.

Dreaming of jumping from a train? The dream interpretation is sure that this plot is a very unfavorable symbol. Those who are married should be doubly careful and considerate. Perhaps your significant other will change or betray. Were you able to jump out of an airplane in a dream? The dream interpretation is sure that in reality everything will be fine with you. And from the most hopeless situation there is a simple and original way out.

Dreamed of jumping off a cliff? According to the forecasts of the dream interpreter, in reality you are wasting your own strength. You need, first of all, to reconsider your attitude to life and not to waste on trifles.

Did you have to jump off the mountain? You are destined for incredible success in life. However, the dream book warns: if you want to fulfill your cherished dreams, you need to take advantage of your own opportunities and not see with folded arms. Only in this case you will be able to bypass all your competitors and hit the jackpot. There is a similar interpretation for the plot in which the dreamer has to jump from a tower.

Sleep from Saturday to Sunday 04/28/2019

A dream seen from Saturday to Sunday comes true on the same day. The events that he portends depend on the mood of the dream. If you saw...

The article on the topic: "dream book to jump up" - provides up-to-date information on this issue for 2018.

Perhaps everyone had to jump in a dream, and then wake up abruptly from the unbearable feeling of free flight or falling. Why dream of such a plot? Interpretations of different dream books suggest different points of view, but having analyzed the dreams in all details, one can make a fairly accurate prediction.

To begin with, remember from what hill you made the jump, or maybe you just jumped up? Where did you land in the end: was it a body of water, or land, or did you immediately wake up? This approach to deciphering a dream will give the most accurate results.

Where was the jump made?

For women, jumping into a river in a dream is a harbinger of Tsvetkov's dream book that very soon there will be a place in life for new sensations and relationships. No need to be afraid of the opposite sex, perhaps the ideal is already very close.

According to the esoteric dream book, what you dream of jumping into the water in a dream reflects your position in life. You make decisions without thinking, which, unfortunately, are not always correct. The same thing happens when you draw conclusions about people, poorly developed intuition does not allow you to correctly assess the character and actions.

Jumping into icy water portends joy, good events, but only if the water is crystal clear. If it is muddy, dirty, then you can be sure why such a picture is dreaming - you will have to pay what you deserve for all bad deeds, you will suffer severe punishment.

You will plunge into the streams of new events and accomplishments if you had to jump into the sea. The dream interpretation predicts that life will soon become oversaturated, stormy, there will not be a second to rest, but the dreamer will like this state of affairs.

According to Longo's dream book, jumping into the pool from a special tower is a plot that predicts serious changes in fate. Now you have to decide which path you will take in life, and the future will depend on this step.

For a woman, jumping over a fence in a dream is a good sign. What such a picture is dreaming of portends that soon she will be able to overcome all the obstacles that stand in the way of achieving her cherished desires. For major accomplishments, you will need to overcome all the traps that fate has set, and if you managed to jump over the fence without any problems, and most importantly, land successfully, then victory will be yours.

If in a dream you managed to jump on a trampoline as high as possible, literally up to the clouds, then in reality you will be promoted. Moreover, the reason for this will be only your merits, so the modern dream book advises you to try, and then everything will work out.

According to Freud's dream book, why dream of skydiving in a dream is an omen of an extraordinary acquaintance, with the help of which you can plunge into a sea of ​​unforgettable, never experienced emotions before.

Jumping down from a height is a sign that you have to take part in a rather unusual business. The dream interpretation advises to take on new projects without hesitation, no matter how difficult they may seem, they will help self-development and personal development.

Jumping people and animals

If in the morning you woke up with a memory: “a frog jumps on me in a dream,” then in reality you will meet a wonderful person whose presence will be a holiday for you. It is possible that you will want to connect with this person for the rest of your life - either as friends or as spouses.

Why dream of jumping high? According to the interpretation of Miller's dream book, such a picture means a surge of strength, energy, an increase in activity. There comes a period when you can “move mountains”, the main thing is not to wallow in laziness and idleness.

According to the dream book of Simon Kananit, jumping up is an ambiguous symbol that can be interpreted as torment that you create for yourself. On the other hand, the interpretation may also depend on the emotions that you experience in a dream. If you rejoice when making a jump, then in reality take part in a chic holiday.

Why dream of a jumping spider? If he made a jump towards the dreamer and bit him, then in reality the person who saw such a plot will become a victim of malicious deception by a stranger.

For a woman to dream that a cat is jumping on her is a symbol of not very pleasant events. You will meet a person on the path of life, and selflessly fall in love with him, but in fact he will be married, and possibly even with children.

If the dog jumps at you, and at the same time wags its tail, licks its face, then expect a loyal and honest friend to appear who will help solve most of the accumulated problems. Cherish the new person, he will do a good deed more than once.

What does it mean to jump in a dream according to an esoteric dream book? This plot personifies the dreamer's powerful internal energy, and predicts that he will find how to put it on the right track. A profitable business will soon turn up, which will require the maximum investment of spiritual strength.

If in a dream a cat jumps on a mouse, then the dream book predicts getting rid of hidden enemies with the help of a hired person. Perhaps this will be the best way out of the current situation in life, when competition with ill-wishers has reached a critical point.

Why dream of a jumping snake? The 21st century dream book predicts that many envious people and even enemies have accumulated in your environment, and in order to get rid of them, you just need to stop communicating, completely cut off all the threads connecting you with unreliable people.

Where did the jump come from?

Jumping out of a window in a dream - to commit a drastic act, without considering further consequences. The impulsiveness of the dreamer in this case can lead to the most unexpected consequences, up to a fatal outcome.

The dream interpretation predicts major losses of material values ​​if in a dream you had to jump from a bridge. You are in the clouds, and do not control the reality around you, make hasty conclusions, which ultimately lead to rash actions.

According to the interpretation of the dream book, falling from the roof is inevitable death, and what you dream of jumping from the roof in a dream of your own free will is complete control over your physical condition and capabilities.

Jumping off a cliff in a dream is a bad sign. An event awaits you, as a result of which you will lose all self-confidence. Whatever happens, the dream book advises not to despair, and to improve oneself in spite of all the obstacles set by fate.

The dreamer is too confident in his abilities if he managed to jump from the balcony in a dream. Such overconfidence can lead to unpredictable consequences - think before you act.

Jumping from a train is a bad symbol for those who are tied by marriage. The second half is hiding something from you, it is possible that betrayal or betrayal will follow from the partner. Jumping from an airplane in a dream is a completely different, positive interpretation of the dream book. the difficult task facing you at the moment will be solved in a rather original way.

Jumping off a cliff in a dream indicates that you are wasting your life energy in vain. All your recent activities are nothing more than a waste of time. Look at life from the other side, and do not waste your strength on trifles.

The dream book promises incredible success if you had to jump from the mountain. Only in order to get good luck, you will need to try very hard, invest all your mental and moral abilities. The same interpretation can be attributed to a dream in which you have to jump from a tower - you will achieve the fulfillment of your cherished desires.

Finally a nice value.

I dreamed that I was standing in front of the steps leading down to the room and then I decided to jump over them, and I myself was on heels, then I jumped and landed normally in this room, and the guy my former colleague jumped after me, but fell flat on his face and I even lost consciousness, I came to him, but he had blood from his nose.

I dreamed about how I was running away from a stranger, jumping very high, while I manage to escape. What does this mean?

I dreamed that I was standing on some hill and was going to jump from a bungee here, I almost jumped, when suddenly I see that some kind of rope is not attached and just dangles. I say this to the person standing next to me, and he said yes, it’s okay, he attached her to the bungee and I jumped, holding on to this rope and they didn’t attach her, I could fall down, although they said that it’s okay.

I dreamed that the groom jumped from the roof, and the bride followed him, then I went down and talked to the bride, she had a piece of the lower part of her face almost torn off and she spoke to me. And I dreamed a guy in a suit came up, looked at me and left.

I dreamed that someone was robbed with the former and the owners came. And then he tried to talk me into jumping off the balcony with him. He jumped and I got scared. What could this mean? Very scary after such a dream.

She jumped up to the ceiling in the room and felt the ceiling with her head. I felt light, while as an instructor I hugged an unfamiliar naked woman and jumped with her many times and it was easy. Why might this be a dream?

I dreamed that a friend was jumping from a balcony from a height. She breaks, but remains alive. She is taken to the hospital, and when I go downstairs, her cigarettes are scattered around the place of the fall. The next evening, she asks for a large sum of money in debt without explanation. Ready even at a percentage. I refuse.

I dreamed that my friend and I were standing in a room without walls, in a high house. I accidentally hit her and she fell down and I jumped after her, thinking to save her. And when I was falling, I heard the voices of people, I saw the flickering of lanterns, and only one thing flashed through my head: Isn't this the end already. Then I quickly opened my eyes. What is it for?

dream interpretation


Dream Interpretation JUMP UP dreamed of why in a dream to JUMP UP? To select the interpretation of a dream, enter a keyword from your dream in the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams by letter for free in alphabetical order).

Now you can find out what it means to see JUMP UP in a dream by reading below for free interpretation of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

I dreamed of Jumping what it is, which means Jumping in a dream

What does it mean if you dreamed of Jumping:

You dreamed of Jumping - taking risks. Jumping over an obstacle is a struggle to fulfill your desires; fall when jumping - some difficulties; jumping down from the wall - reckless acts that bring disappointment; anxiety; jumping on you - a surprise; to see how someone jumps successfully is a surge of strength and energy to achieve the goal.

I dreamed of Jumping, interpretation:

What does it mean in a dream to Jump - into the air - to lose a position, through stones - difficulties will be left behind, through a ditch, a moat - to get rid of debts and promises.

Dream Interpretation of the Healer Akulina

I dreamed of Jumping - what does a dream mean?

You dreamed of Jumping - You will achieve the fulfillment of desires. Imagine that you are jumping high and far. Jumping is easy for you. You seem to be flying above the ground.

You dreamed of Jumping - over something in a dream - to avoid danger.

Dream Interpretation of Catherine the Great

I dreamed of Jumping, why:

Jump - in a dream you seem to be jumping over some object - success awaits you in good deeds, for unkind ones - it’s better not to take it. You seem to be unable to jump over some object - you will have minor difficulties in business, but you will not get out of the plan. It’s as if you are jumping off from somewhere - you will soon commit a reckless act that will later surprise you. A young woman dreams that she is jumping over something - this woman has to fight for her future; in order to achieve something, she will have to sacrifice something; she will not find without losing.

Phoebe's big dream book

Had a dream and what does it mean to Jump in a dream?

Jump - you will achieve a high position in society, enter the circle of people that you have always dreamed of. Imagine a large sports arena where high jump competitions take place. You go to the start. You are very well prepared, you are in great shape. You run and jump. The stands explode with cheers, the fans chant your name. The judges fix a new record, you won! Your teammates run up to you to congratulate and express their admiration. You all jump together in unison, throwing out your hands in victory gestures, then you are rocked on your hands.

I dreamed in a dream Jump, what is it for?

What does Jumping mean in a dream. 1. Jumping in a dream has a dual meaning. Jumping up is trying to achieve something better for yourself, jumping down is a descent into the Unconscious. Jump in one place - experience joy (see also Dance and Dance). 2. Any repetitive movement in a dream will usually mean that you need to reconsider your actions and perhaps express yourself in some other way. On a psychological level, jumping up and down in a dream can mean being trapped in a situation without the ability to move forward or backward. 3. In some religions, spiritual ecstasy is achieved by jumping. It is a way of exploiting the physical in order to reach the spiritual.

What does sleep mean by day of the week

  • Dreamed of Jumping from Sunday to Monday?
  • Dreamed of Jumping from Monday to Tuesday?
  • If from Tuesday to Wednesday you dreamed of Jumping?
  • I dreamed of Jumping from Wednesday to Thursday, why?
  • If you had a dream Jump from Thursday to Friday?
  • If from Friday to Saturday I dreamed of Jumping, why?
  • What was the dream of Jumping from Saturday to Sunday?

Thu May 19, 2016, 12:29:18 PM

Thu March 17, 2016, 08:51:20 AM

Wed April 29, 2015, 04:04:19 PM

Had a dream Jump? Share!

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Without any exaggeration, we can say that our exclusive Dream Interpretation of Juno online service - out of more than 75 dream books - is currently the largest dream book in Runet. From October 2008 to the present day, it includes the largest number of interpretations of dreams of all symbols and images from different dream books - both folk and written by various authors, including both well-known dream interpreters and those who are still little known, but no less talented and noteworthy authors.

We have carefully selected the best sources for you and combined them all on one site, so using our service is both convenient and most informative. Here you can find answers to all questions about the interpretation of dreams, find out the meaning of sleep on any topic by reading dozens of interpretations of the symbols that you dreamed about and choosing from them the one that “hooks” you the most - as a rule, this is the answer to the question - which means a dream that you personally had and specifically at that time.

For even more complete clarity in the interpretation of your dream, if necessary, in addition to the dream book, you can use the additional information in the Juno section - Articles on the interpretation of dreams, where you will find a lot of interesting and useful articles on how to find out the meaning of a dream, in what days you have prophetic dreams, how to work with a dream, etc. for example, you will be interested to know that the most vivid and memorable dreams occur on the full moon, at which time there are many more dreams. Dreams on the waning moon reflect your psychological states and help in introspection. What was dreamed about on the growing moon requires implementation in reality - pay special attention to this. You will find out which days of the week and lunar days are empty, and which are prophetic dreams. For example, it is believed that what was dreamed at 3, 4, 7, 8, 12, etc. lunar days come true, and on 29, 1, 2, etc. - almost nothing). Important dreams are dreamed on such dates of the month as 1,3, 4, etc. Remember also that daytime dreams are almost always empty. Only night ones matter, especially those that were dreamed in the morning.

Our Dream Interpretation of Juno is free and presented in a convenient and beautiful form, divided into paragraphs and subheadings dedicated to the interpretation of dreams of certain authors or nationalities, so that it can be used most easily and comfortably. Using the service is simple, namely:


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In the collection of our service there are more than 75 dream books, many of which only we have, there are such well-known and popular sources as Miller's dream book (the most complete and, in fact, the first of the dream interpretations in the world), Vanga's dream book (its name speaks for itself ), the dream book of Nostradamus (a world-famous astrologer and predictor), the dream book of Freud (perhaps the most famous psychologist in the world), as well as the interpretation of dreams of different peoples (Russian, old French, old Russian, Slavic, Maya, Indians, gypsy, Egyptian , Eastern, Chinese of the Yellow Emperor, Assyrian dream books), as well as author's dream books of different nationalities: Islamic Ibn Sirin, Chinese Zhou Gong, Old Persian Taflisi, Italian dream books of Meneghetti and Roberti, Vedic Sivananda, English Zadkiel. The service includes such excellent sources of interpretation of dreams as the absolutely amazing American dream book of the famous writer Denise Lynn (on the recommendation of Junona.org - the best), the Russian noble dream book of Grishina, Tsvetkov, Loff, Ivanov, Aesop, Veles, Hasse, Pythagoras (numerological), medieval Daniel, Cleopatra, Solomon, Zadeki, Azar, as well as the modern universal, feminine, masculine, lunar, spiritual, culinary, love, children's fairy tale mythological, esoteric, catchphrases, symbols, folk signs, mirror psychological states, dream interpreter, dream book - self-instruction book, dream book of health, past and future, psychological, psychoanalytic and many others. As you can see, the range of interpretations is very wide and everyone will find for themselves exactly the meaning of sleep that they were looking for.

The theme of love and personal relationships is widely represented in the dream book, but other topics also have detailed coverage. Have a nice dream!

2008-2018 © Dream Interpretations on Juno are presented for informational purposes only. All rights reserved. Copying is prohibited.

Why dream of jumping

Why dream of jumping on Miller's dream book

For a young woman to see a dream in which she jumps over some obstacles, means that very soon she will reach her intended goal and get what she has been striving for for so long. All your wishes will come true, you just have to wait a bit. If you dream of jumping up, this dream suggests that luck and luck await a person, if, on the contrary, a person falls, it means that some difficulties will soon overtake him, some kind of bad luck will happen. If a person has a dream in which he jumps off some kind of barrier or step, it means that he will soon commit completely meaningless acts that can lead to trouble.

Wangi's Dream Interpretation - why dream of jumping in a dream

Vanga's dream book says that jumping in a dream means torment that will soon befall a person. He must be ready for such a combination of circumstances. Also in Vanga's dream book it is said that jumping over a pit, a moat, means that soon a person will get rid of the problems associated with money debts forever. If a person dreams that he is jumping over stones, the dream promises future luck, which will soon befall him.

Why dream of jumping on Freud's dream book

Skydiving in Freud's dream book means that a woman is waiting for new sexual adventures with a new partner. The dream book also says that if a person jumps into the water, this indicates that it is time for the couple to have a baby. If a girl dreams that she is jumping into a pond, replenishment in the family can soon be expected. Jumping into the air means deprivation of occupying positions at work.

Esoteric dream book - jump in a dream

According to this dream book, jumping means that a person should decide where to properly direct energy. If a person dreams that he is jumping into the water, this suggests that he should think again about his decision so that it does not become hasty and thoughtless. You should not take on unnecessary other people's affairs if a person dreams of jumping into the void.

Why do I dream of jumping or someone jumping - dream book of Dmitry and Nadezhda Zima

The dream book says that to see yourself jumping over obstacles in a dream means that very soon determination will bear fruit, luck will smile on the person who sees such a dream and he will be able to overcome all the hardships of fate. If you dream that a person is jumping from a tower, it means that in reality a person should think before taking rash risky actions.

English dream book - what does it mean if you dreamed of jumping

Score 4.9 voters: 107

Big dream book of Natalia Stepanova

Why does a woman dream of jumping

Jump - “You can’t jump higher than yourself” (limit of possibilities), “jump for joy”, “jump for pain”. Jumping - Jumping down a wall in a dream - to reckless actions that bring only disappointment. Watching someone's successful jumps is a harbinger of a surge of energy and strength with which you will cope with any troubles.

For a young woman, a dream in which she jumps over an obstacle means that she will achieve her desires after the resistance of fate and the struggle for success. In general, a dream in which you jump over something portends success in all noble undertakings; falling during the jump portends some difficulties. Jump - From a great height - an unusual thing, see Dive.

Dream Interpretation Miss Hasse

See Jump in a dream as a symbol

Jump - You torture yourself; across the moat - getting rid of debts; through stones - after work, good luck. Jump - On the spot or skipping, find the use of your energy, do not waste it. From the tower into the water, you are too hasty in decisions. We must listen to the folk wisdom "measure seven times, cut one." From the cliff down, into the void, you have not yet decided on your life task and rush into other people's affairs.

Don't pedal the arrival to your charasmatic task. If you wake up jumping from a height your haste can lead to tragedy. Jump - Torment yourself - through the moat - getting rid of debts - through stones - after work - good luck. Jump, jump - Joy; dismissal from work; risky decision. Jump out of somewhere, jump over something - get out of a difficult situation.

Miller's dream book

Why dream of jumping in a dream

Jump, jump - If a young woman sees a dream in which she jumps over an obstacle, it means that she will achieve her desires after resisting fate and fighting for her luck. In general, a dream in which you jump over something predicts success in all noble deeds, but a fall portends some difficulties.

You jump down from the wall - a dream predicts you reckless actions that bring disappointment. Watching someone's successful jumps means that you will find a surge of strength and energy that will help you overcome fate. Jumping in a dream - So fussing over trifles. Jump into the water - Clean - tears, good; in muddy - bad, they will scold. Jump - in a dream you seem to have jumped over a hole or a ditch - what you have in mind will not go smoothly, but you will cope with all the difficulties.

Dream Interpretation of Calvin Hall

If you see Jump, what is it for?

Dreaming of jumping - taking risks. Jumping over an obstacle is a struggle to fulfill your desires; fall when jumping - some difficulties; jumping down from the wall - reckless acts that bring disappointment; anxiety; jumping on you - a surprise; to see how someone successfully jumps is a surge of strength and energy to achieve the goal.

Jump - into the air - lose your position, through stones - difficulties will be left behind, through a ditch, moat - get rid of debts and promises. You dreamed of Jumping - You will achieve the fulfillment of desires. Imagine that you are jumping high and far. Jumping is easy for you. You seem to be flying above the ground. You dreamed of Jumping - over something in a dream - to avoid danger.

Jump in a dream (dream book of Catherine the Great)

Jump - in a dream you seem to be jumping over some object - success awaits you in good deeds, for unkind ones - it’s better not to take it. You seem to be unable to jump over some object - you will have minor difficulties in business, but you will not get out of the plan. It’s as if you are jumping off from somewhere - you will soon commit a reckless act that will later surprise you.

A young woman dreams that she is jumping over something - this woman has to fight for her future; in order to achieve something, she will have to sacrifice something; she will not find without losing. Jump - you will achieve a high position in society, enter the circle of people that you have always dreamed of. Imagine a large sports arena where high jump competitions take place. You go to the start. You are very well prepared, you are in great shape.

You run and jump. The stands explode with cheers, the fans chant your name. The judges fix a new record, you won! Your teammates run up to you to congratulate and express their admiration. You all jump together in unison, throwing out your hands in victory gestures, then you are rocked on your hands.

Psychological dream book

What does it mean to see Jump in a dream

  1. Jumping in a dream has a dual meaning. Jumping up is trying to achieve something better for yourself, jumping down is a descent into the Unconscious. Jump in one place - experience joy (see also Dance and Dance).
  2. Any repetitive movement in a dream will usually mean that you need to reconsider your actions and express yourself in some other way. On a psychological level, jumping up and down in a dream can mean confining yourself to a situation without the ability to move forward or backward.
  3. In some religions, spiritual ecstasy is achieved by jumping. It is a way of exploiting the physical in order to reach the spiritual.

In a dream, did you have to jump voluntarily or under duress? This is a clear hint that it is necessary to apply decisiveness and act now. Dream Interpretations will help to establish what else the indicated action in dreams means.

Why dream of jumping on Miller's dream book

For a young woman to see a dream in which she jumps over some obstacles, means that very soon she will reach her intended goal and get what she has been striving for for so long.

All your wishes will come true, you just have to wait a bit. If you dream of jumping up, this dream suggests that in reality a person will be lucky, luck, if, on the contrary, a person falls, it means that some difficulties will soon overtake him, some kind of bad luck will happen.

If a person has a dream in which he jumps off some kind of barrier or step, it means that he will soon commit completely meaningless acts that can lead to trouble.

Wangi's dream book - why dream of jumping in a dream

Vanga's dream book says that jumping in a dream means torment that will soon befall a person. He must be ready for such a combination of circumstances.

Also in Vanga's dream book it is said that jumping over a pit, a moat, means that soon a person will get rid of the problems associated with money debts forever. If a person dreams that he is jumping over stones, the dream promises future luck, which will soon befall him.

Why dream of jumping on Freud's dream book

Skydiving in Freud's dream book means that a woman is waiting for new sexual adventures with a new partner. The dream book also says that if a person jumps into the water, this indicates that it is time for the couple to have a baby.

If a girl dreams that she is jumping into a pond, replenishment in the family can soon be expected. Jumping into the air means deprivation of occupying positions at work.

Esoteric dream book - jump in a dream

According to this dream book, jumping means that a person should decide where to properly direct energy. If a person dreams that he is jumping into the water, this suggests that he should think again about his decision so that it does not become hasty and thoughtless. You should not take on unnecessary other people's affairs if a person dreams of jumping into the void.

Why do I dream of jumping or someone jumping - dream book of Dmitry and Nadezhda Zima

The dream book says that to see yourself jumping over obstacles in a dream means that very soon determination will bear fruit, luck will smile on the person who sees such a dream and he will be able to overcome all the hardships of fate. If you dream that a person is jumping from a tower, it means that in reality a person should think before taking rash risky actions.

English dream book - what does it mean if you dreamed of jumping

Seeing yourself in a dream jumping over some hills, ravines, stones means that very soon a person will be able to cope with the current difficult situation in his life. Also, such a dream gives guidance to a person so that he continues to achieve his goals, no matter what. Obstacles according to this Dream Interpretation are only temporary, soon fate will give good luck to a person who has a dream in which he jumps.

Why else dream of jumping

  • Why dream of jumping into the water. Jumping into the water dreams of a quick replenishment in the family or a great desire to have a baby. Another interpretation of jumping says that jumping into the water means rash acts that will entail not very pleasant consequences.
  • Why dream of jumping from a height. Such a dream suggests that fate will soon bring a surprise, you need to expect a sharp turn from fate, as a result of which a person will have new events in life that he will have to get used to.
  • Why dream of jumping frogs. To dream of frogs jumping nearby means future surprises and joys. If the frog jumps on the surface, you should expect quick financial success. If a frog jumps in the water not far from you, it means that too rash actions can bring disappointment in life.

1 Family dream book

If a young woman dreams that she is jumping over an obstacle, then she will achieve the fulfillment of her desires. True, she will have to fight for her luck.
In general, a dream in which you jump over something promises you success in all noble deeds.
If you, trying to jump over, fell, get ready for some difficulties.
We watched someone else jump - feel a surge of strength and energy.

2 The latest dream book of G. Ivanov

Jump - you will find yourself in a very confusing situation, but unexpectedly you will safely escape from it.
Skydiving - to heart disease, nervous system.
Long jump in competitions - you will find yourself in a very confusing situation, but unexpectedly you will safely escape from it.

3 Dream interpretation alphabetically

Seeing children jumping rope in a dream means that your circle of acquaintances will expand and business opportunities will increase.
Jumping over a puddle or stream in a dream - to get rid of debts and a successful business deal. Jumping up, trying to get something or rip it off - the circumstances will not turn out in a very favorable way for you.
In a dream, jumping over a trench or a ditch with dirty water and falling into it threatens you with the loss of good friends due to materialistic considerations, intransigence and idiotic stubbornness.
Seeing predators jumping through a burning hoop in the circus arena portends anxiety from noisy neighbors, to whom all kinds of drunkards and brawlers often frequent.
Jumping out of a window at home or jumping off a high wall portends betrayal and quarrels with loved ones.
If in a dream you jump from an airplane and the parachute does not open, such a dream portends an injury as a result of an accident.

4 Dream Interpretation of Simon Kananita

Jumping dream means:

Jump - Torment yourself - through the ditch - getting rid of debts - through stones - after work - good luck

5 Slavic dream book

The meaning of sleep jump:

Jump - to empty chores.

6 Esoteric dream book

Jumping on the spot or skipping - find the use of your energy, do not waste it.
From the tower into the water - you are too hasty in decisions. We must listen to the folk wisdom "measure seven times, cut one."
From the cliff down into the void - you have not yet decided on your life task and rush into other people's affairs. Don't pedal the arrival to your charasmatic task.
If you woke up jumping from a height - your haste can lead to tragedy.

7 Women's dream book

To dream about Jumping - Jumping down from the wall in a dream - to reckless actions that bring only disappointment. Watching someone's successful jumps is a harbinger of a surge of energy and strength with which you will cope with any troubles. For a young woman, a dream in which she jumps over an obstacle means that she will achieve her desires after the resistance of fate and the struggle for success. In general, a dream in which you jump over something portends success in all noble undertakings; falling during the jump portends some difficulties.

8 Dream Interpretation of Martyn Zadeki

Jumping in a dream means:

Jump - loss, loss.

9 Dream interpretation of Tsvetkov

Jumping from a great height is an extraordinary thing.
Jump up - lose your position.

10 Idiomatic dream book

“You can’t jump above yourself” - the limit of possibilities; “Jump for joy”, “jump for pain” - experience emotions.

11 Dream Interpretation of Azar

Why does a woman dream of jumping:

jump over stones - good luck after labors

12 Italian psychoanalytic dream book by A. Roberti

Seeing jump in a dream means:

What does Jumping mean in a dream. 1. Jumping in a dream has a dual meaning. Jumping up is trying to achieve something better for yourself, jumping down is a descent into the Unconscious. Jump in one place - experience joy (see also Dance and Dance). 2. Any repetitive movement in a dream will usually mean that you need to reconsider your actions and perhaps express yourself in some other way. On a psychological level, jumping up and down in a dream can mean being trapped in a situation without the ability to move forward or backward. 3. In some religions, spiritual ecstasy is achieved by jumping. It is a way of exploiting the physical in order to reach the spiritual.

13 Dream interpretation for a bitch

A dream with jumping in a dream interpretation is interpreted as:

Jumping over some kind of obstacle - all desires will come true, despite the resistance of fate.
If you fall at the same time, problems and interference are insignificant and easily eliminated.
Jumping on the spot - recovery after hard work will pass quickly.
Jump down - rash actions will lead to disappointment.

14 Dream Interpretation of Catherine the Great

Jumping dream means:

In a dream, it’s as if you are jumping over some object - success awaits you in good deeds, for unkind ones - it’s better not to take it. You seem to be unable to jump over some object - you will have minor difficulties in business, but you will not get out of the plan. It’s as if you are jumping off from somewhere - you will soon commit a reckless act that will later surprise you. A young woman dreams that she is jumping over something - this woman has to fight for her future; in order to achieve something, she will have to sacrifice something; she will not find without losing.
In a dream, it was as if you had jumped over a hole or a ditch - what you have in mind will not go smoothly, but you will cope with all the difficulties.

15 Wanderer's Dream Interpretation - Terenty Smirnov

The meaning of sleep jump:

Jumping is joy; dismissal from work; risky decision.
Jump out of somewhere, jump over something - get out of a difficult situation.

16 Online dream book

What does it mean if a woman dreams of jumping:

The dream in which you jumped indicates that you will struggle with circumstances.
Overcoming an obstacle in a jump is a good dream, you will not stop on the way to the goal.
Skydiving is a sign that you may have diseases of the nervous system.
If your jump failed, it means that you can act thoughtlessly.

17 Miller's dream book

What you might dream of jumping:

If a young woman sees a dream in which she jumps over an obstacle, this means that she will achieve her desires after resisting fate and fighting for her luck.
In general, a dream in which you jump over something promises you success in all noble deeds, but a fall portends some difficulties.
If in a dream you jump down from the wall - the dream promises you reckless actions that bring disappointment.
Watching someone's successful jumps means that you will find a surge of strength and energy that will help you overcome fate.

18 Dream Interpretation of Nina Grishina

Jumping in a dream means:

Jumping down and flying for a long time is a victory as a result of a conscious duty.
Jumping with a parachute is the courage to oppose misfortune.
Jump from the usual height, jump over any object - everything looks better than it really is, you overestimate your strength.
Jumping on your haunches is a serious illness.
Jump from a low object - slander lies in wait for you.
Jumping from transport is success in business.
Jump over an abyss, a crack on the ground - the success of the business requires you not to think too deeply; happiness from ignorance.

19 Dream Interpretation of Lovers

If a girl dreams of jumping, then this means:

A girl who dreams that she is jumping over an obstacle will be loved and achieve happiness by overcoming all difficulties and defeating her rivals.
Jumping down from the wall - promises the commission of unseemly acts that will bring on you the contempt of your chosen one.

20 Dream Interpretation 2012

Why does a woman dream of jumping:

Jump - the need for concentration before starting the action.

21 Dream Interpretation of the Healer Akulina

You dreamed of Jumping - You will achieve the fulfillment of desires. Imagine that you are jumping high and far. Jumping is easy for you. You seem to be flying above the ground.
You dreamed of Jumping - over something in a dream - to avoid danger.

22 Medieval dream book of Daniel

Seeing yourself jumping is fun.

23 Dream Interpretation of Krada Veles

Jump - chores for nothing.
Jump into clean water - tears, good; in muddy - bad, they will scold.

24 Freud's dream book

Various jumps - symbolize sexual intercourse.
Jumping into the water - symbolizes your desire to have a baby.

25 Phoebe's big dream book

Why dream of Jumping:

Jump - you will achieve a high position in society, enter the circle of people that you have always dreamed of. Imagine a large sports arena where high jump competitions take place. You go to the start. You are very well prepared, you are in great shape. You run and jump. The stands explode with cheers, the fans chant your name. The judges fix a new record, you won! Your teammates run up to you to congratulate and express their admiration. You all jump together in unison, throwing out your hands in victory gestures, then you are rocked on your hands.

26 Old Russian dream book

Jumping in a dream - So fussing over trifles.

27 Dream Interpretation of E. Erickson

What does it mean in a dream Jumping - into the air - to lose your position, through stones - difficulties will be left behind, through a ditch, a moat - to get rid of debts and promises. Watching someone's successful jumps is a harbinger of a surge of energy and strength with which you can cope with any troubles.

If you jump in a dream, then in reality you will meet many trials and obstacles in life; however, by diligence, courage and perseverance, you will eventually overcome them. If such a dream is dreamed of by an unmarried person, then his beloved will be very attached to him, and her parents will not resist their union for long. If in a dream you easily jump over some kind of obstacle, it means that in life you will eliminate obstacles in your path and firmly go towards your long-planned goal. The dream warns: persistently achieve your goal, and then victory in any business is guaranteed.

32 Dream Interpretation Hasse

Jump - you torture yourself; across the moat - getting rid of debts; through stones - after labors, good luck.

33 Psychological dream book

  • Jumping in a dream has a dual meaning. Jumping up is trying to achieve something better for yourself, jumping down is a descent into the Unconscious. Jump in one place - experience joy (see also Dance and Dance).
  • Any repetitive movement in a dream will usually mean that you need to reconsider your actions and express yourself in some other way. On a psychological level, jumping up and down in a dream can mean confining yourself to a situation without the ability to move forward or backward.
  • In some religions, spiritual ecstasy is achieved by jumping. It is a way of exploiting the physical in order to reach the spiritual.
  • 34 Miller's dream book

    Jumping over some kind of obstacle is a success fraught with some difficulties;
    jump off the wall - you will be reckless.
    See also Obstacle, Wall.

    35 Dream interpretation of catchphrases

    Why dream of Jumping:

    JUMP - “you can’t jump higher than yourself” (limit of possibilities), “jump for joy”, “jump for pain”. See add. bounce.