Does Pilates help tone the body? How does Pilates help you lose weight? Waist's best friend

Simple Pilates workouts allow you to maintain and improve muscle tone, strengthen your spine, which will positively affect your posture and well-being. This type of exercise can be used as a physical activity for weight loss.

Pilates exercises in combination with dietary nutrition will bring the greatest benefit.

What is Pilates?

Pilates is a type of fitness program that aims to strengthen all the muscles in the body. It combines elements of yoga and aerobics, body ballet and stretching. This complex has gained popularity due to its simplicity and effectiveness.

You can do Pilates for weight loss at any age and for any state of health, the exercises have practically no contraindications. The level of physical fitness also does not play a special role.

All movements of the complex are performed slowly, thoughtfully, which ensures complete safety during classes. Initially, this complex was intended for people who are contraindicated in active physical activity.

The main task of Pilates is to learn to feel every part of your body in order to find spiritual harmony.

This fitness program has certain implementation rules:

  1. Breathing should be deep.
  2. During the exercise, attention should be focused on the movements.
  3. The fundamental rule is that during any exercise there is a load on the press - the abdominal muscles.
  4. The movements are smooth, thoughtful, unhurried.
  5. Gymnastics should be done diligently, with concentration, all movements are consistent, regular.

The effectiveness of Pilates (how many kg you can lose weight)

Pilates can help you lose weight, but don't expect to lose weight quickly. The result will definitely appear, but after a long time. When performing a complex for weight loss, it is worth remembering that only 10 minutes of daily exercise contribute to weight loss.

Pilates focuses more on slow and healthy weight loss. The attractiveness of the system lies in the fact that it can be performed in the postoperative period to restore performance, after pregnancy, during breastfeeding.

The process of losing weight occurs gradually, the mechanism of burning excess calories is launched, which allows you to strengthen muscles and tighten sagging skin, this leads to a rejuvenation of the body. In order to reduce weight, one exercise is not enough. For the best effect, you should reconsider your lifestyle and diet.

This slow type of gymnastics allows you to burn 250-400 calories in one session. This is quite small compared to active sports, but the benefits for the body are invaluable. There is a special Pilates course that helps you burn more than 600 calories per session, but it should only be done under the supervision of a trainer.

Sudden weight loss is stressful for the body, which will lead to a rapid re-gain of kilograms and the appearance of health problems. Pilates for weight loss is the perfect way to work on your figure.

The first results - tightened muscles, abs, elastic buttocks will become noticeable after two months of regular exercise. You can normalize your weight with the help of this program for a period of 6-8 months.

What is needed for classes?

Before starting classes, you should consider important points:

  1. After the last meal, at least one hour must pass;
  2. After class, you can eat no earlier than an hour;
  3. Pilates goes well with spa treatments;
  4. Exercises are performed on a special rug or towel;
  5. There should be no pain during the exercise;
  6. It is impossible to perform a workout during a cold, feeling unwell or in a mood, it will not bring benefits.

Dress for training should be loose so that the clothes do not hamper movement. At the same time, it is important that it is visible how correctly the exercises are performed. It is better to do it in socks or barefoot, since the muscles of the feet and lower legs are fully involved in the work.

A set of exercises

You should start training with a basic complex, only after mastering the simplest exercises, you can move on to more complex exercises. To get the best results, Pilates exercises must be combined with cardio loads.

The scheme of work is as follows:

  • Two minutes (, running,) - two Pilates exercises. Repeat three more times.

The focus is on problem areas.

The following exercises are effective for weight loss:

  1. Starting position: standing, arms along the body. Lean forward, rest your hands on the floor, knees straight. 2-3 “steps” are made with the hands forward, a delay of 15 seconds, a squat with a back arch, a delay of 15 seconds. It is repeated in reverse order. Do 20-25 repetitions.
  2. Lying on side make circular movements with a straight leg. Repeat the exercise for the second leg. Perform movements for one minute with each leg.
  3. In the supine position perform lifts of both legs and upper body with an emphasis on the buttocks. Repeat 10-15 times.
  4. IP - standing on all fours, head straight. Raise the left arm and left leg, stand in this position for several seconds, return to the PI. Similar actions with the right side.
  5. In the prone position lifts of legs and arms are made, the stomach tenses. Do movements for 45 seconds, then rest for 15 seconds. Repeat 2-3 times.

Advantages and disadvantages

Pilates has a number of advantages, the main of which is accessibility and simplicity. Home workouts bring no less result than classes in the fitness room.

The advantages include:

  1. The ability to control your body. A person begins to feel the muscles, and gets the opportunity to control them and give the desired relief.
  2. The bonuses of Pilates classes are flexibility, endurance, harmony, beautiful posture, high tone.
  3. Improving the respiratory, circulatory systems, metabolism, increasing the body's immunity.
  4. Achieving harmony of a person with himself eliminates negative emotions and nervous tension, a person learns to understand and love his body.
  5. Low invasiveness, which allows the system to be used practically without restrictions.

This gymnastics has many advantages, but do not forget about the cons. The main disadvantage that should be mentioned is the risk of ligament compression due to the increased stress on the muscles.

This can be prevented by performing special elements during movements that allow you to soften the load. There is a deterioration in physical condition when interrupting classes, so this is not recommended.


There are minimal contraindications for Pilates, these include:

  1. Osteoporosis and other diseases with severe pain syndromes;
  2. Mental illness.

An important point: the exercises are performed only deliberately. Thoughtless and inconsistent execution will not bring results. It is desirable to start training under the supervision of a trainer, but at home you can get the desired result.

Today, there are many Pilates programs for weight loss. Overweight people are more likely to choose slow gymnastics than rhythmic aerobics. Let's see, is it possible to lose weight in Pilates classes?

Pilates gives excellent results to people who want to speed up their metabolism. Pilates gymnastics works in several directions:

  • Strengthening the muscles of the center of the body;
  • Work on incorrect posture;
  • Increased body tone;
  • Thickening of muscle tissue.

Classic Pilates is a strength training that focuses on strengthening the muscles of the back, lower back, legs and arms, as well as to form the press. As a result of such a load, muscles are strengthened, the shape of the body improves. To achieve the best result in weight loss, Pilates must be combined with adequate dietary restrictions.

One Pilates session burns up to 380 kcal. Of course, rhythmic and dance aerobics allow you to achieve much more results, but the action of Pilates is aimed at building muscles and expending energy at rest. Such a scheme brings much more benefits to the body, as it is set up for a long-term strategy.

  • Spinal injury;
  • Violation of posture;
  • problems with the heart and joints;
  • Overweight more than 20 kilograms.

Modern Pilates is a universal system for keeping your body in great shape. There are special sets of Pilates exercises for pregnant women and people of retirement age. In addition, there are aerobic intensive Pilates sessions that allow you to burn up to 600 kcal in one session. Pilates involves working on the floor and in special simulators, exercises on fitball, with dumbbells and rubber shock absorbers.

Pilates is a great alternative for those who do not seek to build muscle mass, but only pursue the goal of gaining a slender figure and getting rid of excess weight. The Pilates system allows you to quickly lose weight in the classroom. Healthy weight loss can be achieved through a reasonable reduction in calories and three Pilates workouts a week. This weight loss formula is suitable for people of any age and weight category.

The key to proper Pilates classes is a step-by-step development of the course. Be sure to start with the program for beginners. The main thing in Pilates classes is the correct position of the body and high-quality breathing.

Is it possible to lose weight doing Pilates, for those who are actively involved in aerobics or pumping muscles in the gym? Undoubtedly. As a result of Pilates exercises, internal muscles are strengthened, which helps to reduce body volume. Keeping the internal muscles in good shape allows you to reduce the load on the spine and joints. In addition, Pilates workouts provide strong abs.

To lose weight with Pilates, you need to add cardio endurance exercises to your training program. This is necessary to strengthen the cardiovascular system.

The question at the top of this article is the most common question asked of a Pilates instructor. And we will answer it in the affirmative - yes, you can lose weight by doing Pilates, but using exercises as part of a strategy that must include a general correction of the dietary habits of a person who is losing weight, well-chosen physical activity (why not Pilates on large equipment?), As well as the use of little tricks in nutrition on training days.

However, we immediately emphasize that the rules outlined below can only be applied to healthy people whose overweight is caused precisely by energy imbalance associated with increased food intake (and excess intake of fats and carbohydrates) against the background of a decrease in energy costs for physical activity.

In the event that excess weight is a consequence of obesity for neuroendocrine and other endogenous reasons, the process of weight control should be carried out strictly under the supervision of a physician.

It is known that an effective means of losing weight is brisk walking, accompanied by normal or deep breathing - in order to release the energy contained in fats, their oxidation is necessary, and this requires oxygen.

But, since we are talking about losing weight with the help of Pilates, then in combination with the correct execution (in a static-dynamic mode) of the exercises of the Pilates system and training at intervals of 2-3 times a week, we can also apply the following principles of nutrition, formulated by modern science of human physiology:

If the goal is to reduce the thickness of the fat folds while increasing the strength and endurance of the main muscle groups, then on the day of training the amount of fats and carbohydrates is minimal, and the intake of any food should end 3 (three) hours before training, the intake of complete (animal) proteins should be stopped 5 (five) hours before training. That is, three hours before a workout, you can last eat foods containing vegetable proteins (for example, legumes). You can drink without restrictions: teas, coffee, herbal infusions, rosehip broth, most importantly, everything is without sugar. However, 30-40 minutes before training, 150-200 ml of a sweet drink is allowed, you can eat dry cookies (biscuits).

Two hours after training no food should be consumed, except for any liquid without sugar. 90-110 minutes after the end of the workout, food is taken, preferably containing vegetable proteins, but animal proteins are also allowed (not pork, but boiled chicken breast, low-fat cottage cheese).

If training for weight loss is carried out in the morning, it makes sense to carry it out on an empty stomach, observing a pause in food intake after training, as indicated above, and also considering that for the next 10 (ten) hours you can only eat vegetables and a small amount of protein foods (50-100 g of low-fat cottage cheese, meat, nuts, seeds).

General rule - on the day of training calories should be about 70% of the daily requirement.

Days between workouts the food is normal, balanced, no frills and self-rewarding in the form of a cake for restrictions on the day of training.

Remember that the time of the last meal both on the day of training and on the day of rest should be no later than three hours before bedtime (not strictly at 18 o'clock. If you go to bed at 23 o'clock, then your dinner is at 20 o'clock evenings).

And also remember that if today it was not possible to follow the rules of catering on training days, then the main thing is not to quit completely, but to start again.

The following sources were used in writing this article:

1. Myakinchenko V. B., Seluyanov V. N. “Health-improving training according to the Isoton system”. – M.: SportAcademPress, 2001.
2. Prokhortsev I. V., Pshendin A. I., Sergeeva E. V. “Shaping nutrition”. - St. Petersburg, 2007.
3. Therapeutic physical culture: textbook / ed. S. P. Popova. - M.: Publishing Center "Academy", 2013.

About Pilates Studio

On the website of which we are glad to welcome you, is the successor of the Pilates Workshop studio.

Why successor? Because in the current Pilates studio we have refused to conduct group classes, we believe that this format of classes is not effective, as it does not allow the student to achieve individual goals. In the group, everyone adapts to what the trainer gives, who conducts a group lesson for an abstract average client.

Our Pilates studio offers only individual Pilates classes:
- on large equipment (Pilates simulators);
- on a mat, with the use of small equipment;
- contour arch Oov (new in the world of Pilates).

The studio employs teachers certified by the American school Polestar Pilates.

Obtaining a certificate from this school is associated with completing 450 hours of training, passing an exam consisting of several sections, including analyzing a “case” - an example of a potential student - and compiling exercise programs of varying complexity for him, aimed at achieving the individual goals of the student.

Compliance of the specialists of our studio with the highest requirements of the Polestar Pilates Pilates school guarantees that classes with them will definitely not harm you and, moreover, will benefit you.

We forgo additional economic costs in the form of administrative staff, so in order to start exercising with the specialists of our Pilates studio, we ask you write an application to the address:
[email protected]
(you will definitely be sent a response letter), write to the head of the studio,

Pilates is a set of physical exercises developed by the German Josef Pilates.

Pilates exercises for weight loss can be done by people of any age and gender, regardless of the level of physical fitness - both in equipped fitness clubs with an experienced trainer, and on their own at home, because injuries inherent in almost any sport are minimized here.

The author of the technique from early childhood faced two problems: firstly, he had a severe form of rickets, and secondly, he was an asthmatic. Because of such complex diseases, the boy looked frail and weak, so he often became the object of ridicule of his peers. In order to prevent bullying in later life, the nine-year-old boy began to simultaneously engage in gymnastics, swimming, boxing, bodybuilding, wrestling and skiing. Daily exhausting workouts made Joseph Pilates a strong and strong young man at the age of 15, and the path he traveled helped him eventually create the now well-known technique - Pilates, which people from all over the world are trying to lose weight today.

Pilates for weight loss is a complex of simple but very effective exercises, the implementation of which gradually returns a person to his natural physical form, eliminating excess weight and health problems. The task of everyone who decides to do Pilates is to develop plasticity and flexibility, to learn how to move their own body. This technique helps to strengthen the spine and make it more resilient.

The creator of the technique believed that after 10 Pilates sessions a person begins to feel much better, after 20 sessions a person begins to look better, his posture and gait change. After 30 sessions, the human body completely changes, becomes toned and flexible, excess weight is actively lost.

The basic principles of Pilates for weight loss

Pilates exercises for weight loss are performed according to the following principle: firstly, there should be no physical violence against oneself, therefore, when performing them, one should not overstrain, and the occurrence of severe pain should lead to an instant end to the workout. Secondly, it is very important to breathe properly during Pilates. Proper breathing can actively saturate the blood with oxygen, which has a beneficial effect on the energy and health of the human body as a whole.

By “correct” breathing, Joseph Pilates meant rib breathing: air entering the lungs should not inflate the stomach and expand the front of the chest, but should be concentrated on filling the lower part of the lungs. Such breathing allows a person to bend and move without limiting the amount of air inhaled.

Performing Pilates exercises for weight loss allows you to use muscles that are little used in everyday life, remove muscle clamps present, help build a powerful muscle frame around the spine and joints, thereby reducing the daily load placed on them. Since Pilates exercises require graceful and fluid execution, further development of these skills minimizes the possibility of all kinds of injuries.

Pilates for weight loss should become part of everyday life, otherwise the technique will not have such an effective effect on the body. Since the exercises are quite easy and simple, and the results from their daily repetitions become apparent very quickly, getting used to the daily use of this technique is quite simple. The exercise should be based on the interaction of the mind and body, that is, attention must be focused on the respiratory rhythm, the correctness of the exercises, and, most importantly, on the awareness (concentration of attention) of the effect of each exercise performed on a particular muscle group.

The benefits of Pilates for weight loss

By doing Pilates, which is quite easy to lose weight, you can get rid of chronic back and joint pain, recover from existing spinal injuries, osteoporosis and osteoarthritis. Daily repetition of exercises relieves chronic migraine and stress, and also relieves muscle tension in the shoulders, neck and neck, improves the functioning of internal organs and improves metabolism.

According to reviews, Pilates for weight loss allows you to quickly tighten your abdominal muscles and get rid of cellulite. The result of training is to improve blood circulation in the body, coordination and balance of movements, the development of joint mobility and an increase in the muscular frame of the body. This gymnastics is allowed to be practiced by women during pregnancy and lactation.

Pilates exercises for weight loss

The most popular among those who prefer Pilates to other types of physical activity are the following exercises:

  • Exercise "Hundred". Its main direction is the work of the muscles of the abdominal cavity, and it got its name due to the fact that it consists of 10 breath cycles - that is, a person will perform 100 breaths of costal breathing and 100 exhalations;
  • Exercise "Planck" is aimed at the work of the muscles of the whole body, tones the muscles of the legs, back, arms and abdomen. Attention must be focused on the correct position of the body, the abdominal muscles must be pulled in and tightened, from the top of the head to the heels, the body must be built in a straight line as if there is a flat wall behind the back, the shoulders must be lowered down, the hands must be in the same vertical line with the shoulder joints, and the shoulder blades should in no case be raised;
  • Exercise "Swimming" is aimed at strengthening and stretching the muscles of the back and legs. It is performed lying on the stomach, the legs are connected and extended, the arms are gradually extended forward. Then the legs and arms come off the floor and stretch up, while the shoulder blades should be brought together and stretched down. Raised arms and legs should alternately lower and rise, as if a person is swimming; for every 5 beats, an inhalation should be performed, and after 5 beats, exhalation. The center of the body should be motionless, you can not throw your head back, and the stomach should be tense.

These exercises are considered easy, they will be easy to perform even for those who decide to do Pilates for weight loss for the first time.

Pilates Contraindications

As with any other type of physical activity for Pilates, which allows you to lose weight quite quickly, there are a number of contraindications, namely:

  • The period of acute course of diseases;
  • The course of purulent processes, such as phlegmon, abscess or sequestra;
  • The presence of mental illness;
  • The period of exacerbation of chronic diseases;
  • The presence in the body of a foreign body, which is located next to the vital organs or vessels;
  • Injuries, bruises and bruises, accompanied by inflammatory processes or suppuration.

During pregnancy and lactation, as well as with existing injuries or problems with the spine, it is better to consult a doctor before doing classes.

Text: Olga Kim

Pilates is a special kind of fitness. It is also called "slow aerobics" or "aerobics for the lazy." What is unique about Pilates? And how does Pilates help you lose weight?

Pilates as a way to lose weight

Pilates is a special type of fitness, the movements in which are smooth, slow, with a special breathing system and concentration of attention to the body. Pilates helps to lose weight gradually, so you should not count on quick results.

In the context of weight loss, Pilates plays one of the important roles, as only 10 minutes of Pilates per day contributes to weight loss. Although everything does not happen so simply, and even the most diligent Pilates classes will not be enough to achieve the result. It is necessary to change the diet, to abandon products that can damage the figure and include products that are healthier and more useful.

The Pilates technique is quite simple, but despite this, the process of losing weight while doing such fitness is actively developing. The fact is that Pilates exercises are aimed at developing such areas as the abs, hips and chest, these are the parts of the body that are problem areas for many women. Often, the distinctive features of Pilates can be seen in popular complexes. But Pilates helps to lose weight not only with a special type of exercise, their smoothness and slowness play an important role in these exercises. Only amateurs claim that "slow" types of gymnastics, such as yoga and Pilates, do not help to lose weight. It is true that you lose much less weight in one session than with aerobics or any other sport. Pilates is not aimed at rapid weight loss, everything in it, as well as in its movements, should be gradual. Lose weight slowly and for the benefit of the body.

Pilates: what exercises should you do to lose weight?

As already mentioned, Pilates exercises focus on problem areas, but it does not bypass other parts of the body, because there are more than 500 different exercises for all muscle groups in the Pilates system. Only a coach can tell you the set of exercises that you need, he will take into account your physical capabilities, problem areas and contraindications (if any).

Here are some Pilates exercises for weight loss:

  • exercise 1: stand straight, arms along the body; start leaning forward, while trying to touch the floor, but without bending your knees; then, in this position, take 2-3 steps forward with your hands and stay in this position for 15 seconds, then lower your buttocks to the floor, raise your head and arch your back, also linger in this position for 15 seconds; then we repeat everything in reverse order and do this exercise 20-25 times;

  • exercise 2: lie on your side, tighten your abs, start twisting your upper leg in a circle, while keeping your knee straight, then change legs and do this exercise for a minute with each leg;

  • exercise 3: lie down on the floor, arms parallel to the floor, tighten the press and, relying only on the buttocks, lift the legs and upper body, do this exercise 10-15 times;

  • exercise 4: get on all fours, keep your head straight, raise your left arm, and then your left leg, fix this position, return to the starting position and change arm and leg;

  • exercise 5: lie down with your stomach to the floor, tighten your abs, head forward; lift your legs and arms and swing parallel to the floor, do this exercise for 45 seconds and repeat 2-3 times.

Pilates is just one of the subspecies of gymnastics that helps to lose weight. If you want to get rid of excess weight in problem areas, do not forget about the whole body as a whole. Do exercises for all muscle groups, with more emphasis on the abs, buttocks and legs. In the case of the latter, by the way, an integrated approach to the issue is effective.