What will help pregnant women from constipation. Constipation in pregnant women: what to do? Symptoms of constipation in early pregnancy

Pregnant women are at risk for constipation and related ailments. About 50% of women have to deal with stool disorders during this period. The feeling of fullness, discomfort and pain in the abdomen are far from the only consequences of such a delicate problem. In especially serious cases, a prolonged and systematic absence of defecation leads to the development of complications in the fetus and the expectant mother.

What to do with constipation in a pregnant woman? First of all, you cannot ignore this disorder or expect it to go away on its own. His treatment is fraught with certain difficulties, since most drugs are contraindicated for women in position. In today's article, we will talk about the permitted methods of dealing with constipation.

Brief description of the problem

Constipation is a feeling of not having a bowel movement within 24 hours or feeling after going to the toilet again. In ordinary life, people face this problem due to not proper nutrition, gastrointestinal disorders or lack of physical activity. In the case of pregnancy, this list is supplemented by physiological features. It is almost impossible to get away from them, because there is a serious restructuring of the whole organism. What symptoms are considered alarming?

  1. Stool retention for more than 24 hours.
  2. Small amount of stool.
  3. Feeling of incomplete bowel movement.
  4. The stool is dry and hard, and looks like a pea.
  5. Drawing pains in the left iliac region.

Pregnant women may experience one symptom or several at the same time. In any case, the problem should not be ignored. You should talk about it with your gynecologist. It is this specialist who deals with the treatment of constipation in pregnant women.

Main reasons

The main reason for the appearance of problems with stool during the period of bearing a baby is hormonal changes. Outside of pregnancy, the body continuously produces substances that stimulate the contraction of the internal muscles. The innervation of the uterus and intestines is the same. As a consequence, when one organ relaxes, a similar effect is observed in another. This process can lead to miscarriage.

In order to avoid such a violation, the body is gradually rebuilding, creating a kind of protection. Constipation during pregnancy is considered one of the negative consequences of such changes. How to get rid of it with medicines or recipes of folk healers, will be described below.

Among other reasons that contribute to the violation of defecation during pregnancy, doctors distinguish:

  1. Increased blood progesterone levels. Excessive production of the hormone negatively affects the work of the intestines, weakening its tone.
  2. Compression of the intestines by the walls of the uterus. This is a natural process due to the growth of the baby inside the womb. Therefore, it occurs very often.
  3. The presence of foods high in iron.
  4. Stressful situations.
  5. Physical inactivity. A sedentary lifestyle provokes blood stagnation in the lower extremities. As a result, intestinal circulation and motor function are impaired.
  6. Lack of fluid in the body. Every day, a woman in a position should drink at least 2 liters pure water.
  7. Internal diseases. We are talking primarily about hemorrhoids and anal fissures.

If a woman suffered from constipation before pregnancy, then during her this problem will not go away. Unfortunately, during the period of bearing a baby, its course is only aggravated.

Why is the absence of defecation dangerous?

During pregnancy, a woman usually pays attention to her health. Pulling or aching pains, discomfort during bowel movements, feeling of incomplete bowel movement are the most common problems. However, hidden disorders require special attention. The woman, as a rule, does not feel them.

Stagnant processes in the large intestine slowly poison the body. Processed food already lacks useful components, but the walls of the organ can still absorb the substances located there. As a result, toxins enter the bloodstream. Gradually, they begin to poison the body not only of the mother, but also of the fetus. Therefore, you cannot hesitate with treatment or try to figure out on your own how to get rid of constipation during pregnancy. It is better to immediately seek qualified medical help. The thing is that toxic substances primarily affect the baby's central nervous system. And with him it is still at the stage of development. Any intervention can negatively affect the health of the baby.

What to do with constipation in a pregnant woman?

Problems with bowel movements during pregnancy require medical attention. An important condition for the full functioning of the intestines and the entire gastrointestinal system is adherence to diet and diet. It is with this that the treatment of women in position usually begins. In the absence of significant contraindications, doctors recommend increasing locomotor activity... The use of laxatives and suppositories for constipation during pregnancy is an extreme measure. However, in some cases, medical intervention is really necessary.

Now let's take a closer look at each of the troubleshooting methods.

Lifestyle correction

You can improve stool and improve the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract without medication. It is better to start changes with a drinking regimen. Normally, a healthy person should drink about 1.5-2 liters of clean water per day. For ladies in position, especially in the later stages, these figures are overstated. The fact is that excessive fluid intake can provoke edema. In addition, the load on the cardiovascular system increases. Therefore, before starting home treatment it is necessary to consult a gynecologist. If there are no contraindications, you can safely follow the advice and consume up to 2 liters of liquid per day. When edema appears, this rate is recommended to be reduced to 1.5 liters. Preference should be given to juices, broths and green tea.

How to get rid of constipation during pregnancy at home? Expecting mothers benefit from taking 30-minute walks every day in the fresh air. When the pregnancy proceeds without complications, you can even do it at home. simple exercises or easy charging. For example, getting out of bed, do 10 smooth squats. A good effect is given by alternating relaxation and tension of the muscles of the anus. Some pregnant women benefit from scissors and bicycle exercises.

Normalize the urge to defecate allows acupressure by acupuncture points, which are responsible for the functioning of the intestine. The most important of these is three fingers below the navel. It is recommended to press on this point with intermittent movements 30-40 times a day. If discomfort appears, it is better to stop the procedure.

Physical exercise

Moderate physical activity is necessary and beneficial during pregnancy. There is no need to go to the gym or run long distances. It is enough to take daily walks. If the work of the expectant mother is associated with a long stay in one position, it is recommended to take short rest breaks about once an hour. At this time, you can do light exercises or take a walk around the office. This approach allows you to exclude stagnation of blood in the small pelvis.

Diet and diet

The nutrition of the future woman in labor should be as balanced as possible. If problems with the gastrointestinal tract appear, it is recommended to revise the daily diet. What is the difference between constipation diet in pregnant women?

First of all, doctors advise to eat more foods rich in plant fiber. This component food is not digested under the influence of gastrointestinal enzymes. On the contrary, it promotes the formation of loose stool due to swelling on contact with water. These two components significantly speed up and facilitate the process of bowel movement.

Foods rich in plant fiber include:

  • almost all vegetables (tomatoes, cucumbers, cabbage, eggplants, peppers, beets);
  • some fruits (plums, apricots, peaches, grapes);
  • berries (raspberries, gooseberries, strawberries, currants);
  • legumes and cereals (oats, corn, barley, beans);
  • bran and wholemeal bread.

Nutrition for pregnant women should be fractional. You should eat every 3-4 hours, but in small portions. Vegetables and fruits are preferably eaten raw. It is better to cut the meat into large pieces, which will further stimulate the intestines.

What else can pregnant women get from constipation? Fermented milk products have a positive effect on the work of the entire gastrointestinal tract system. Special attention it is recommended to give kefir and yoghurts, because they contain bifidobacteria. Some products will have to be abandoned until the baby is born. These are the following products:

  • strong tea and coffee, chocolate;
  • fatty foods;
  • muffins and various pastries.

If a lady in a position also suffers from increased gas formation, it is better to exclude cabbage, legumes and spinach from the diet.

The safest laxative

Laxatives are prescribed to treat constipation if lifestyle adjustments and dieting do not work. Not all medications are suitable for pregnant women, because most of them have serious side effects. Therefore, the doctor should prescribe a course of therapy after balancing the benefits of their use with the potential risk to the fetus.

The mechanism of action of most of these drugs is based on increased intestinal motility. However, in women in position, their use can provoke an increase in its contractile ability. Such phenomena are dangerous with premature birth or even miscarriage.

What laxatives are allowed for pregnant women? The following medicines are most effective:

  1. "Duphalac" (it is recommended to take it for 2-3 weeks, since the drug has a cumulative effect).
  2. "Senade" (these tablets are herbal laxatives).
  3. "Microlax" (solution for rectal use allows you to cope with defecation disorders within 20 minutes).

The only suppositories for constipation during pregnancy that a woman can use and not fear for the health of the baby are glycerin. They have a slight irritating effect on rectal receptors and do not increase the tone of the uterus.

Can enemas be done?

The use of a mechanical method of combating constipation is widely used in modern medical practice... Enema allows you to instantly get rid of the problem. However, during the carrying of a child, this method has some contraindications, which is due to certain characteristics of the female body. The procedure itself can provoke premature birth. Therefore, a preliminary consultation with a gynecologist is necessary.

  • the woman has a history of miscarriages;
  • low placentation;
  • uterine tone;
  • the threat of termination of pregnancy;
  • identified ischemic-cervical insufficiency.

In other cases, it is permissible to resort to enema. When a doctor suspects its effectiveness, he can prohibit such a procedure. In this case, the specialist prescribes pills for constipation for pregnant women, adherence to a special diet.

Help of folk healers

Alternative medicine offers its own recipes for getting rid of problems with bowel movements. When choosing one or another option, you should pay attention to the ingredients. Many herbs and other plant components are contraindicated for all 9 months, as they can provoke uterine tone.

How to get rid of constipation during pregnancy? Below are the most effective and safest recipes:

  1. You will need to take 200 g of dried fruits and 100 g oatmeal... These ingredients need to be poured in 2 liters cold water, bring to a boil, and then simmer over low heat. The finished mass should be filtered and cooled. It is recommended to take a tablespoon of broth before bedtime.
  2. A glass of kefir with a tablespoon of vegetable oil also allows you to normalize the digestive tract.
  3. Another useful tool is considered the most common boiled water... Every day, in the morning, you need to drink a glass of liquid on an empty stomach. Water not only enhances intestinal peristalsis, but also softens stool, maintains full stomach function. Moreover, the cold liquid does not irritate the mucous membrane of the organ, does not cause the tone of the muscles of the uterus.

Any folk remedies for pregnant women can be taken only after consulting a doctor. It should be borne in mind that this disorder in everyone proceeds with varying degrees of intensity. That's why universal recipe from him no. Often a woman in a position has to try several options at the same time in order to choose the most effective method elimination of the problem.

Prevention methods

Constipation is diagnosed in a woman when she complains about the absence of stool during the day. Every time she goes to the toilet, she has to make some effort. This dramatically increases the risk of uterine tone and the threat of miscarriage. Therefore, the answer to the question of whether it is possible for pregnant women to push with constipation should be negative. On the other hand, a woman cannot otherwise empty her bowels. If you follow fairly simple recommendations, the appearance of this issue during the waiting period for the child can be avoided. Prevention of such a delicate problem includes:

  • proper and balanced nutrition;
  • daily use of fermented milk products;
  • exclusion of food "garbage" from the diet (fried and fatty foods, sugary carbonated drinks, etc.);
  • active lifestyle and practicing feasible sports;
  • adequate fluid intake.

Difficulty emptying the intestines for 9 months is a fairly common and at the same time characteristic of this period phenomenon. If the initial symptoms of the disorder appear, you can try to eliminate it. special diet or folk remedies. In the event of severe pain, you will need to consult a gynecologist and, most likely, take medications. In order not to expose your body to medication, you should take care of the prevention of constipation in pregnant women in advance.


Pregnant women are so impressionable, suspicious, any little thing often seems to them just a disaster. They carefully monitor weight gain, any new signs of their interesting position, beware of taking medications and unnecessary medical intervention.

But, despite such an attentive attitude to her pregnancy, stool disturbance somehow falls out of sight of the expectant mother, causing anxiety only when a diet can no longer be enough.

Why has constipation during pregnancy become such a common problem and what should a woman do at home? How can she develop at the same time effective methods prevention of pathology?

Ambulance for constipation

For several days, the expectant mother has not been able to go to the toilet. Her state of health is gradually deteriorating, the baby is nervous and pushing, there is no appetite. Everyone around you asserts that you can't push hard when trying to defecate, but they can't advise anything sensible either.

I don't want to see a doctor either, although I should have. Only he can help in such a delicate matter, choosing for his "ward" the safest and most effective method of eliminating constipation at home. Why at home? But this is not a disease. And if all the test indicators are normal, it is quite possible to cope with such a pathology on your own, using only the advice of your doctor:

  • Since constipation during pregnancy, most likely, is of a functional nature, then its elimination should start with the very reasons. With a monotonous menu - diversify the diet, with unhealthy diet- remove unhealthy food, replacing it with meals with fiber, in case of water imbalance - increase the amount of fluid you drink per day.
  • With very severe constipation, you can use a micro enema. This small tube is sold in almost any pharmacy and belongs to the list must have home first aid kit. It works quite mildly (in comparison with a conventional enema) and is very effective.
  • And, of course, physical activity. Its limitation is often the cause of constipation in expectant mothers. Yes, at 9 months you don't really run around, and bed rest may be prescribed at the beginning of pregnancy. But after all, no one forbade quiet walking? And this is already a kind of stimulation of the gastrointestinal tract.

Home Medication for Difficulty Stool

At any stage of pregnancy, doctors strongly recommend that the expectant mother refrain from taking almost all medications. After all, they can adversely affect not only the bearing of the baby, but also its growth / development.

This rule also applies in case of violation of the chair. Moreover, local irritation of the intestines with the help of an enema, saline / oil laxatives can provoke a tone of the uterus, and then a threat of termination of pregnancy / miscarriage / premature birth. Laxatives based on Senna / buckthorn bark are under a separate ban. Their effect on a growing small organism is fraught with serious developmental pathologies.

Therefore, the choice of a suitable medication should be approached thoroughly and only with the help of a doctor.

The best option would be a drug with an iso-osmotic spectrum of action. It has the ability to retain fluid in the intestines, preventing the hardening of feces and helping to painlessly remove them from the body.

Lactulose-based drugs have approximately the same effect. They act on the principle of fiber, tend to accumulate in the body, helping to increase the volume of feces and thereby stimulating intestinal peristalsis.

Among modern drugs, laxatives with plum / plantain pulp in the composition (Fitomucil) can also be noted.

Traditional medicine for constipation

Folk remedies often cause a fair distrust of expectant mothers, since every herbal collection, infusion, decoction can negatively affect her pregnant state. In addition, the next medicinal "bouquet" sometimes contains senna or buckthorn in its composition. Even in minimal quantities, they can have a detrimental effect on the development of an unborn baby.

As practice shows, the safest and effective means will be:

  • a glass of cool water (sometimes with honey) on an empty stomach in the morning;
  • prunes / dried apricots / raisins (both as a decoction and in crushed form with an admixture of honey);
  • fermented milk products as breakfast or dinner;
  • infusions based on herbal collection(chamomile, mint, dill);
  • vegetable fats (to activate the nerve endings of the digestive tract, to regulate bowel movements).

Prevention of constipation during pregnancy

Instead of picking up the same medicine, can it be better to do the prevention of pathology?

But how do you suspect the likelihood of constipation during pregnancy? Promote good nutrition? But in an interesting position, sometimes you want something tasty and not very useful ...

Then it is better to make the necessary adjustments to your diet from time to time:

  • eat foods high in fiber;
  • do not forget about fresh vegetables and fruits;
  • one meal must be liquid;
  • replace pastries with bran baked goods;
  • allocate a separate place for fermented milk products;
  • limit the intake of semi-finished products / canned food / sweets;
  • drink at least 1.5 liters of water or other liquid (compote, juice) per day.

Regular walks in the fresh air, the emotional stability of the expectant mother and her positive attitude will also be excellent helpers to adequate nutrition. After all, there is still the most interesting ahead and it is too early to give up ...

Constipation During Pregnancy - What To Do? Medicines and folk remedies for treatment

The first episode of constipation appears in early pregnancy, as early as the 1st trimester. Stool disorders can accompany a woman throughout the entire period of gestation. Therefore, constipation during pregnancy is an annoying and burning topic.

First of all, let's figure out what really is constipation, how does it affect the health of a woman, a child, and what to do?

  • What is constipation?
  • Why does it arise?
  • Why is it dangerous during pregnancy?
  • How does it affect the fetus?
  • How to get rid of constipation during pregnancy?
  • What can pregnant women get from constipation?
  • Treatment
  • Diet and food
  • Folk remedies for treatment

What is constipation in pregnant women?

According to statistics, true constipation during pregnancy occurs in 11-38% of cases. According to other authors, up to 60%. According to the self-esteem of expectant mothers, stool disorders are much more common.

If the act of defecation occurs 1 time in 3 days, this is not constipation yet, but a physiological reaction to pregnancy. To make the right decision in relation to the difficulty of the act of defecation, you need to consult a doctor and together with him find out whether or not to treat what you call constipation.

The diagnostic criteria for constipation are as follows:

  • straining;
  • fragmented, dry and rough stools;
  • feeling obstructed during bowel movements;
  • the need for manual techniques to evacuate the chair;
  • less than 3 bowel movements per week with the release of a small stool volume (up to 35 g per day).

A pathological condition is when 2 or more symptoms occur in 25% of bowel movements.

Why Constipation Occurs During Pregnancy

There are several reasons why the intestines refuse to work as usual during pregnancy. The first of them is the most significant, the rest arise under the influence of external factors.

Causes of constipation during pregnancy:

  • Hormonal. The main hubbub of the first trimester of pregnancy is progesterone. And all that a woman experiences in the early stages of pregnancy: suppression or increased appetite, weakness, drowsiness, hot flushes - this is a progesterone effect. Including progesterone affects the smooth muscle cells of the uterus. He relaxes them in order to preserve the pregnancy and the fertilized egg was able to stay in the uterine cavity.

Likewise, progesterone affects intestinal smooth muscle cells. Thus, it slows down motility - the evacuation of intestinal contents, peristaltic waves (wave-like movements) become weak and rare. Thus, the passage of fecal masses is disrupted, which should lead to normal stool in all people. Constipation can be the first sign of pregnancy along with frequent urination.

  • Mechanical. In the second and third trimesters, the growing uterus compresses the internal organs, including the loops of the large intestine, thereby disrupting the evacuation of feces.
  • Pregnant women often develop gastritis and heartburn in the early stages. Antacids and omeprazole given to women with these symptoms contribute to constipation.
  • and they are taking iron supplements. Iron supplements cause constipation.

Why is constipation dangerous during pregnancy?

First of all, the quality of life of pregnant women worsens, in the second and third trimesters the likelihood of developing hemorrhoids increases (therefore, it is impossible to push).

Constipation during pregnancy is a risk factor for:

  • violations of the biocenosis of the vaginal environment;
  • development of intestinal dysbiosis;
  • the risk of infection along the ascending route during childbirth increases (the introduction of pathological flora into the birth canal);
  • untimely discharge of amniotic fluid;
  • the development of septic complications after childbirth.

Why constipation during pregnancy is dangerous for a child

It turns out that a violation of the usual regime of bowel movements does not have a critically negative effect on the baby. It used to be believed that constipation during pregnancy causes fetal intoxication. But there have been studies that refute this hypothesis. Toxic substances with constipation, of course, are absorbed from the large intestine, but during pregnancy, the kidneys work more actively and remove toxic substances faster.

At the beginning of pregnancy, women often have to go to the bathroom. There is still no mechanical pressure by the enlarged uterus and fetus on the kidneys and bladder, but the activity of going to the toilet increases sharply. Already the kidneys are filtered 1.5 times faster. In the third trimester, the situation is similar - the kidneys work very actively so that the child does not get poisonous substances.

Constipation during pregnancy: what to do

During pregnancy, constipation is mainly regulated by diet. Recommendations in this case, as with nutrition for a healthy lifestyle. The menu should be rich in vegetable proteins, fats and fiber. Fruits and vegetables are essential companions. Transgenic and refined fats, sandwiches, sandwiches, fast food, sausages, fried foods, sushi, pizzas, buns are excluded as much as possible.

It is imperative to get away from white bread, replace it with grain, rye bread with bran. An excellent remedy for constipation is salads containing beets, bran, and prunes. Do not forget that in order to go to the toilet, you need to eat something. If a woman allowed herself a fasting day, then, in principle, fecal masses will not be formed, and this also applies to nutrition, which lacks dietary fiber.

What can pregnant women get from constipation

In some cases, bran can be used to treat constipation in pregnant women. They can be purchased at pharmacies or stores. healthy eating... But before taking them, you need a doctor's consultation. Adding fiber in the form of bran or wheat to the diet provides for strict adherence to the drinking regime and their smooth introduction.

If you did not take fiber before constipation, then you can start adding bran to water or kefir, 1 teaspoon 2 times a day, gradually increasing the dose over 14 days. The fact is that taking bran with a therapeutic purpose can aggravate the situation and provoke severe constipation. It is better to take bran half an hour before meals, dissolving them in water (if there is no heartburn). With heartburn, they are not recommended to use.

Adequate fluid intake in the form of dried fruit compotes (plums, prunes, apricots, dried apricots) and clean drinking water (not mineral or carbonated) helps to fight constipation during pregnancy.

During pregnancy, it is impossible to drink less than 1 liter per day, even if from a woman. Because insufficient fluid intake provokes the body to "store" water for future use. For pregnant women, 1.5 liters per day is the norm. If a woman drinks this volume fractionally and gradually it will not affect the formation of edema. In the absence of edema syndrome, you need to drink up to 2 liters of water. Edema aggravates the use of salt (pickles, smoked meats) and simple carbohydrates (sugar, cake, candy). In tandem, salt and sugar unambiguously cause fluid retention in the tissues.

If there are no obstetric contraindications, then an increase in physical activity will help to cope with constipation during pregnancy.

There is a rather specific one on sale. mineral water- Donat Sodium. It can be recommended by doctors as a means to quickly get rid of the stagnation of intestinal contents. It has a pronounced laxative effect. But you have to be careful with her. The effect of high magnesium ion content on the fetus is not well understood. So, if you are not deterred by its taste, you can occasionally use it during gestation to normalize the stool.

Treatment of constipation during pregnancy

The purpose of taking medications for constipation in pregnant women is to normalize stool consistency, and not to achieve daily bowel movements. This must be remembered and understood. Taking laxatives should be supportive and episodic. Sea buckthorn, glycerin suppositories for pregnant women with constipation can be used as directed by a doctor, since any laxatives (tablets, powders, teas, microclysters) can provoke an increase in peristalsis not only of the smooth muscles of the intestine, but also of the uterus.

For routine therapy, lactulose-based drugs, such as Duphalac, can be prescribed. Its effect is based on probiotic action. The syrup increases the production of lactic acid by lactic acid bacteria living in the intestine. Acid accelerates peristalsis and promotes emptying. With dysbiosis while taking the drug, bloating may occur in the first three days. Flatulence goes away on its own, and the chair does not appear immediately. In order for the drug to take effect, it takes several days. If the drug causes bloating for more than 2-3 days, then you must refuse to take it.

The drug Forlax can be used only as directed by a doctor and strictly follow the recommendations set out in the instructions. Its molecules form strong bonds with water and retain fluid in the intestinal lumen, thereby increasing the volume of feces. Fecal pressure provides peristalsis and evacuation. Moisture for binding drug molecules is taken from the intestinal lumen, therefore, the drinking regimen is extremely important if treatment of constipation with this drug is prescribed.

Dietary advice for constipation in pregnant women combined with heartburn

  1. You must have breakfast in the morning.

As soon as the body "wakes up" hormones are activated, which tune the body to physical activity. When a person gets out of bed, an orthostatic reflex is triggered - there is an activation of the work of internal organs, including the gastrointestinal tract. There is another reflex: when food or water enters the stomach, the lower gastrointestinal tract begins to work more actively.

It is desirable that these two reflexes work in the morning. Therefore, breakfast should not be skipped and postponed for a long time. Breakfast should contain complex carbohydrates, it is they that switch the nighttime metabolism to the daytime and help to empty the intestines.

  1. The enlargement of the uterus in size has a compressive effect on the stomach. Therefore, food should be taken 5-6 times a day in small portions so that the stomach is not overfilled and gastric contents are not thrown into the esophagus.
  2. For the same reason, you should not bend over or take a horizontal position after eating.
  3. Be sure to have a sufficient amount of liquid (1.5-2 liters per day).
  4. Eat delicate fiber in food: boiled carrots, cauliflower, pumpkin, beets, zucchini, prunes and dried apricots soaked overnight.
  5. Remember that cottage cheese (a very important food for pregnant women) can itself cause constipation. Therefore, it should be eaten with fillers: baked or boiled pumpkin, soaked prunes, dried apricots, shabby apples and carrots. So you get the calcium you need and negate its ability to inhibit bowel function.
  6. Eliminate foods that increase gas production from the diet. The first enemy of a pregnant woman with constipation is soda and soda. Flatulence is caused by legumes, grape and apple juice, vegetables with a high content essential oils-, radish, onion.
  7. Caffeine-containing products are contraindicated: chocolate. Not only do they slow down peristalsis, they do.

Folk remedies for constipation during pregnancy

The best folk remedy for constipation during pregnancy is boiled beets. It can be used to make a simple and low-calorie salad.

Recipe: Boil two fist-sized beets, cool and peel. Grate on a fine grater, add finely chopped dill or parsley, a little onion (if you wish), two tablespoons of one-day kefir or yogurt made yourself from sourdough. You can lightly salt and add chopped nuts, steamed prunes to taste. Stir and all the salad is ready!

One more folk recipe... Pour a handful of dried plums or prunes (not smoked) overnight with hot boiled water (0.5 liters). In the morning on an empty stomach, drink the liquid that was formed after insisting. And the fruits themselves can be eaten after breakfast or added to cottage cheese.

An excellent laxative for constipation for pregnant women is the dry residue after making carrot juice. In the cake, you can add steamed dried apricots, form balls - you get sweets.

You can eat this delicacy during the day. Carrot cake can be successfully used for cooking curd casseroles... The laxative effect will be more pronounced if you add pumpkin cake. Delicious and will help you get rid of the feeling of a full intestine at home without the use of medication.

Don't forget about baked apples - a delicious and healthy dessert.

Remember - not all folk remedies can be used for pregnant women. This primarily applies to herbs: buckthorn, senna, rhubarb. They should not be used even for the most severe constipation.

You may find it useful

Constipation during pregnancy is a common pathology among women. According to statistics, this is a problem for every second pregnant woman. Such a delicate difficulty is caused by anatomical, physiological and hormonal "upheavals" in the body of the expectant mother. If you keep the situation under control and prevent it from becoming chronic, then “terrible” trips to the toilet will bypass you. To do this, let's find out the causes of constipation during pregnancy, and find out how to protect ourselves from such difficulties.

The physiological norm is to empty the intestines 1-2 times a day, sometimes every other day. The absence of an act of defecation for more than three days is considered constipation. In order to eliminate constipation, you need to find out what exactly provokes it. Depending on the duration of pregnancy, the causes can be completely different, and the therapy will also differ.

In the first trimester, constipation can be caused by the following factors:

  1. Progesterone - its concentration in the first weeks of pregnancy is very high. It acts on the muscles in the intestines and they relax (hypotension). Thus, the feces are retained in the rectum. This phenomenon is called atonic constipation.
  2. Excess potassium and iron - these elements in excess contribute to the difficulty of defecation. They can be ingested both with food and with vitamin and mineral complexes for pregnant women.
  3. Low physical activity - this happens if a woman is assigned to bed rest due to the threat of termination of pregnancy.

Starting from the second trimester until the end of pregnancy, the causes of constipation become slightly more:

  1. The pressure of the uterus on the intestines - the fetus grows, and the internal organs are displaced. The digestive tract suffers the most, therefore, the regularity of bowel movements fails.
  2. Fluid deficiency - the less water, the more difficult it is for solid feces to pass through the intestines. With severe edema, a woman has to limit water intake, and constipation occurs.
  3. Hemorrhoids, anal fissures, a history of proctitis - these diseases are quite painful and often cause constipation.
  4. Improper nutrition - overeating, craving for "tasty", a long break between meals with toxicosis rank first among the causes of constipation.
  5. Bowel abnormalities are birth defects that cause chronic constipation.

Do you know ...

The psychological state of a woman in a position also affects digestion. Avoid unnecessary worries and fears, as they provoke spastic constipation.

Symptoms of constipation during pregnancy

Reduced intestinal motility and retention of feces creates special discomfort and discomfort.

Symptoms accompanying constipation:

  • bloating;
  • aching or acute abdominal pains of different localization;
  • nausea;
  • feeling of "clogged" intestines;
  • lethargy and apathy;
  • decreased appetite;
  • false urge to defecate;
  • dry and hard stool structure;
  • soreness and cracks in the anus.

Constipation treatment: how to cope?

With such complexity as constipation, you should not fight on your own during pregnancy. The first thing to do is go for a consultation with a doctor. He will help you figure out what is the reason and recommend a safe treatment. To get started, you will need to adjust your diet and drink more fluids. If the situation is consistently bad during the week, then you will need to take medications.

Approved laxatives

There are many safe and affordable laxatives available to treat constipation during pregnancy:

  1. Drugs that irritate the intestinal walls - Sena de, Gutalax, Dulcolax, Defenorm.
  2. Osmotic substances - Duphalac, Normolact, Lactuvit, Magnesium sulfate.
  3. Means that stimulate intestinal motility - fiber, bran, plantain and flax seeds.
  4. Stool softeners - Tranzipeg, castor oil, mineral oils.
  5. Microclysters and suppositories - glycerin and sea buckthorn candles, Mikrolax.

Advice! Osmotic laxatives are made on the basis of a natural disaccharide - lactulose. These are the safest drugs that do not interfere with the absorption of useful nutrients, normalize the microflora in the intestines and have a mild laxative effect.

How traditional medicine will help

In the arsenal traditional medicine There are several excellent remedies for constipation during pregnancy. But how to deal with constipation during pregnancy without resorting to medications? It turns out that it is not only simple, but also delicious:

  • infusion of prunes (not smoked!) - take 2 tbsp. l. prunes and cover with two glasses of boiling water. Let it brew for 24 hours. This period can be significantly reduced if you use a thermos. Take 100 mg on an empty stomach;
  • if constipation is accompanied by flatulence, treat yourself to herbal tea made from chamomile, mint, dill seeds, caraway seeds or fennel;
  • a classic recipe for constipation - a glass of warm water with a spoonful of natural honey on an empty stomach;
  • dried fruit compote (dried apricots, prunes, raisins);
  • a decoction of beets, prunes and oatmeal, taken in equal proportions. Pour the finished mixture with water and cook for about an hour. Then take one glass one hour before bedtime.

Important! All folk methods, no matter how harmless they may be, should be used in consultation with the doctor.

How to avoid laxatives

Laxatives, especially those based on synthetic components, aggressively affect intestinal motility and irritate its receptors. Such "violent" activity in the stomach can provoke an increased tone of the uterus, and chemical composition tablets or drops may affect the development of the embryo. Therefore, it is better to try all alternative methods of eliminating constipation and only in extreme cases start drug therapy.

Diet for constipation during pregnancy

What a pregnant woman eats affects both her condition and the health of the unborn baby. This is a very important point. Therefore, it is worth knowing what to eat for constipation during pregnancy and how to balance your diet.

Products indicated for women with constipation:

  • salad mixes from raw vegetables and fruits;
  • vegetable stews, caviar (squash, eggplant);
  • beet, sauerkraut(not sour), all kinds of vegetables, raw and boiled;
  • oil (olive, sunflower, linseed);
  • uncooked pastries, wholemeal bread, whole grain crisps;
  • soups (not in broth);
  • lean fish and seafood;
  • plums, melons, apricots, kiwi, figs and all dried fruits;
  • turkey meat, chicken;
  • porridge (except rice and corn grits).

Why it is better to refuse or sharply limit the use:

  • muffins, white fresh bread;
  • manna and rice porridge;
  • pasta;
  • canned food and preserves;
  • eggs (fried and boiled);
  • fatty meats;
  • fats (animal and culinary);
  • tea, coffee, cocoa, chocolate;
  • horseradish, black pepper, onion, garlic, radish, radish, mushrooms;
  • fatty sauces, mayonnaise;
  • marinades;
  • jelly.

Advice! To prevent constipation, a lot of fiber should be supplied from food. Sometimes a woman is simply unable to eat a lot of vegetables and cereals. In this case, you can purchase dry fiber at the pharmacy and add 1 teaspoon each to yogurt or kefir.

Physical activity for constipation during pregnancy

Probably, women have a question of how to avoid constipation during pregnancy with the help of physical activity. The answer is very simple and concise: physical activity stimulates digestion and the process of cleansing the intestines. If health allows, then walk more, do simple gymnastics, go to the pool. A great option is group yoga or Pilates classes for pregnant women.

Drinking constipation during pregnancy

Adequate water supply prevents constipation. The ideal amount of liquid consumed is 1.5-2 liters. This includes water, juices, tea, dairy products, first courses. If a pregnant woman is prone to edema, this amount is reduced to 1-1.5 liters.

Gymnastics and massage for constipation during pregnancy

For women, in order to prevent constipation, there are special exercises that you can simply do at home at a convenient time. The duration of such gymnastics is 10-15 minutes a day.

How to do gymnastics:

  1. Alternate between relaxing and tightening the sphincter anus for 30 seconds.
  2. Do 10 smooth squats while holding onto a chair.
  3. Do several pelvic lifts, lying on your back with your legs bent at the knees.
  4. In the same position, stretch your left hand to your right knee, and then vice versa.
  5. Exercise "scissors" and "bike" 10 times.

Important! You can do gymnastics in the absence of any complications during pregnancy.

Acupressure massage helps to normalize the bowel movement. Place three fingers below your belly button. Below them is the acupuncture point, which is responsible for digestion. You need to click on it 40 times a day.

Consequences of constipation during pregnancy

It is very risky to neglect constipation during pregnancy. First, the woman suffers from severe physical and psychological discomfort. Secondly, irregular emptying is bad for a woman's health. In addition, cramping pains occur frequently with constipation during pregnancy.

What is the danger of constipation during pregnancy:

  • poor health of a woman ( headache, nausea, irritability);
  • deterioration of the skin condition (flabbiness, yellowness, peeling);
  • inflammatory processes in the rectum;
  • intoxication of the body with feces;
  • hemorrhoids, anal fissures;
  • disturbances in the work of the biliary tract;
  • impaired absorption of nutrients in the stomach;
  • hypertonicity of the uterus;
  • the threat of termination of pregnancy;
  • the negative effect of laxatives on the development of the fetus.

Timely prevention of constipation during pregnancy

Constipation during pregnancy is fairly easy to prevent. Compliance with several rules, starting from the first days of pregnancy, will protect you from digestive problems:

  1. Create a complete menu, preferably with a nutritionist or your doctor.
  2. Get only positive emotions.
  3. Lead an active lifestyle that is acceptable for pregnant women.
  4. Drink plenty of fluids.

So, if you were caught off guard by constipation during pregnancy, you already know what to do. Investigate the cause and find a troubleshooting method that's right for you. And let the "intestinal" problems not spoil your mood in such a tender and dear period for any woman.

Pregnancy is an interesting state of a woman, filled with the most positive emotions. Unfortunately, almost every patient is faced with unpleasant surprises. One of them is constipation during pregnancy. What to do in such a situation? Can discomfort be dealt with at home? This will be discussed in the article.

What is constipation?

Before talking about what to do with constipation during pregnancy, you should understand what is meant by this ailment.

Constipation is a disorder associated with bowel problems. It manifests itself as a lack of bowel movements. At the same time, the patient's health condition deteriorates markedly: a feeling of bloating and slight discomfort appears. Treatment is indicated if the bowel has not been emptied for more than 48 hours.

Why is constipation during pregnancy?

If you believe the statistics, then every third patient of gynecology is faced with severe constipation during pregnancy. What to do in such a situation? If there is no stool for more than two days, then consultation with a doctor is mandatory. The specialist will prescribe competent treatment, depending on what caused the ailment. In total, there are several reasons for the formation of constipation:

  1. At the time when the embryo is forming and growing, the mother's body "works" in order to create for this the necessary conditions... Almost all women during this period contain the hormone progesterone in excess. It helps to relax the muscular muscles of the intestines, which makes it difficult for him to cope with the task he is used to.
  2. Another factor that slows down bowel movements is prolonged stress. All expectant mothers are worried about their baby; think about how the childbirth and postpartum recovery will go. Negative emotions negatively affect health.
  3. Many women consume less fluids during pregnancy than a person should. Accordingly, the feces become thick and cannot independently pass through the intestinal walls.
  4. Most often, patients wonder what to do with constipation in late pregnancy? It is in the third trimester that a similar problem is very common. This is due to the heavy load on the intestines and the digestive tract.

Also, the patient should think about whether she is eating right. There are times when constipation develops after consuming harmful high-calorie foods.

Is it possible not to treat constipation during pregnancy?

The most dangerous is constipation in early pregnancy. What to do if bowel movement does not occur? First of all, you need to relax. Any stress and nervous strain will only aggravate the situation. The second important stage is contacting a specialist. Many expectant mothers are in no hurry to see a doctor, hoping that the malaise will go away on its own. If you do not take up the treatment of constipation in a timely manner, then negative consequences may arise:

  • Absorption into the blood of harmful substances released from food debris.
  • Excessive weight gain.
  • Feeling bloated and uncomfortable.
  • Swelling of the limbs.
  • The most dangerous ailment is regular constipation, from which hemorrhoids can form. The uterus will always be in a state of tension, which can provoke a spontaneous miscarriage.

Sometimes constipation is chronic. The consequences in this case appear slightly different: inflammation of the intestine or a crack in the anus.

Diet changes

As it turned out, many expectant mothers are taken by surprise by such a problem as constipation during pregnancy. What to do with them? First of all, you need to change your diet. In this way, constipation can be cured without taking medication.

There are a number of foods that act as a "scrub" for the stomach. They cleanse the intestinal walls, liquefy the stool and propel it forward.

  • All varieties of raw vegetables and fruits. The more they are present in the diet, the better for the patient.
  • Black bread.
  • Bran.
  • Dried fruits. The laxative effect is caused by prunes. But do not overdo it with the use of this product.
  • Cereals boiled in water or milk: rolled oats, oatmeal, buckwheat, barley.
  • Lean meat.

It is strictly forbidden to introduce foods that increase gas formation into the diet during a period of malaise. They can further aggravate the situation. Therefore, it is required to completely exclude: all varieties of cabbage, spinach, beans and peas.

As it turned out, the absence of a chair can negatively affect the health of the mother and her baby. Therefore, it is very important to be timely puzzled by the question of what to do with constipation during pregnancy.

Glycerin candles

“I am suffering from constipation in the early stages of pregnancy. What to do?". How often these phrases can be heard in the gynecologist's office. In most cases, experts prescribe the safest drug for this case - glycerin suppositories.

The laxative has a double effect on the body:

  • Causes the intestinal wall to contract. This helps to accelerate the elimination of food debris from the body in a natural way.
  • Liquefies stool, making it easier for them to escape.

Important. Glycerin-based suppositories are prohibited from early stages if there is a threat of miscarriage.

Features of the treatment of constipation in the first trimester

The main reason for stool disturbance in the first trimester is the acceleration of hormone production. Accordingly, such a problem is already natural in the early stages of embryo formation. So, constipation appeared in the first trimester of pregnancy. What to do with this ailment? It is worth understanding in more detail.

Doctors do not recommend taking any laxatives until 12 weeks have passed from the date of conception. This is due to the fact that the entry into the blood of elements of chemical origin can adversely affect the health of the mother and baby. It is necessary to try to establish the functioning of the intestines on their own as follows:

  • It is recommended to drink one glass of warm water every morning on an empty stomach. Normally, after 10-15 minutes a natural urge to use the toilet should occur. You can add 1 teaspoon of honey or a few drops of lemon juice to the liquid.
  • Drink daily herbal infusions from the collection of chamomile, sage, rose hips and strawberries. It is best to do this a few hours before bedtime.

The above methods will not bring the desired result if the patient continues to eat improperly. Establishing a diet plays a decisive role in constipation. If natural defecation has not occurred, then the specialist prescribes glycerin suppositories.

Features of treatment in the second and third trimester

Less often, constipation occurs during pregnancy from the 2nd trimester. What to do in this case? According to gynecologists, by the 12th week, all the basic "bookmarks" of the little man have already been formed. Further, it will only grow and develop. If it is not possible to cause bowel movements for a long time, then one of three medications can be taken:

  • Glycerin candles.
  • Duphalac.
  • "Tranzipeg".

If there are no contraindications, then you can add lung treatment physical activity... It is useful for expectant mothers to do yoga or go hiking.

Waiting for a baby is not the period when you can get carried away with self-medication. Taking any medicinal product is required to be discussed with your doctor.

Enema and pregnancy

Constipation during pregnancy for a whole week. What to do if the system of proper nutrition and taking glycerin suppositories does not bring the desired result? The answer suggests itself - you need to do an enema!

The procedure involves the introduction of a drug into the rectum. Almost instantly, the stool liquefies, and the intestines begin to contract and empty. This is a very effective and fast method. But, is it possible to do an enema for constipation during pregnancy?

In the first trimester, the uterus is small, so it is almost impossible to influence it. The procedure should be done only in the absence of any ailments. A contraindication is the threat of miscarriage, hemorrhage and pulling pains in the lower abdomen.

Constipation in the first trimester of pregnancy can be treated with an enema. What if the disease overtook at a later date? In this case, it is better to refuse the introduction of an enema into the rectum. The contraction of the intestines can trigger preterm labor.

The best folk remedies

Often, any health problems arise during the holidays, when all specialists have a day off. Constipation during pregnancy? What to do? At home, you can also cope with this sensitive problem. There are four proven methods.

Recipe # 1. You can prepare a safe bowel movement remedy as follows:

  1. Take 100 grams of prunes and rinse them thoroughly. It is recommended to additionally pour boiling water over dried fruits for a few minutes.
  2. Transfer the main ingredient to a large saucepan.
  3. Fill the container with 2 liters of water.
  4. Place the contents on low heat and simmer for an hour.

Recipe number 2.

  1. Take three types of dried fruits, 100 grams each: dried apricots, prunes and raisins.
  2. Rinse them thoroughly.
  3. Then grind through a meat grinder.
  4. You get a viscous gruel. Add 2 tablespoons of honey to it.

Such a folk remedy should also be taken at night, 2 teaspoons a day. Drink it with plenty of warm water.

Recipe number 3.

  1. Cut 200 grams of pumpkin into small wedges.
  2. Transfer vegetables to a deep bowl and place in the oven.
  3. Bake for 45-60 minutes.
  4. Lubricate the finished product with honey.

This dish can be eaten for dinner. It is an excellent laxative and has a large supply of vitamins.

Recipe number 4.

  1. Pour 200 ml of kefir into a glass.
  2. Add 1 teaspoon of olive oil to the dairy product.

This mixture must be taken 2-3 hours before bedtime.

Can everyone use folk remedies?

Many people assure that treatment with folk remedies is the safest method that will bring exceptional benefits to the patient. Far from it! There are several rules for restoring the intestinal tract in this way.

The first danger is overdose. Many women think that the more they drink the decoction, the better the effect will be. This is the most common mistake. If you consume large quantities of prunes, you may experience a reverse reaction - profuse diarrhea, which is fraught with dehydration. The most adequate rate is from 150 to 250 ml of tincture per day.

The second danger is an allergic reaction. Many folk remedies include honey or herbs. It is required first to take a small amount of a tincture or mixture, and then observe how the body reacts to it. If rash, irritation and other negative phenomena do not appear, then you can safely increase the volume to the required amount.

Preventive measures

Unfortunately, every year more and more patients are wondering what to do with constipation during early pregnancy. It is worth considering that defecation disorder is a rather serious problem. And even the most seemingly safe method of eliminating it can harm the health of the mother and baby.

  1. Fiber is a very useful substance that has a beneficial effect on the digestive system. If you use it daily in small quantities, then problems with stool will never arise.
  2. The more a person consumes dry foods, the higher the likelihood of constipation. Every day, a hot vegetable soup should be present on the food menu.
  3. It is required to observe the correct drinking regime. Daily rate- from 1 to 2 liters of water per day.
  4. To prevent food debris from retaining in the body, more movement is required. It is in vain to think that a sedentary lifestyle is good for your baby. Hiking, light exercise, or doing yoga will be of great benefit to mom and her baby.

If the problem could not be avoided, then you should take care of its early elimination.

In the vastness of the Internet, the topic of what to do with constipation during pregnancy is actively discussed. Reviews of young mothers make it possible for unsuccessful parents to understand which method of treatment is the most effective and safe.

The leading position of sympathy is taken by the means "Duphalac" Representatives of the beautiful half of humanity claim that it helped in a short period of time to solve a delicate problem. In this case, any side effects or no negative effects were found.

Visitors to thematic forums also praise glycerin candles. They consider them to be a worthy remedy for such a problem, which can be purchased at an affordable price. The disadvantage is that they have to be inserted into the anus, and very few people like this procedure.

But as for folk remedies, in this case, opinions differed markedly. Approximately 50% of patients claim that the “grandmother's” decoctions instantly caused the urge to use the toilet. And the second half of the site users assures that they drank every day but the desired effect did not happen.

The huge number of different reviews about each remedy confirms the fact that there is no single "pill" that would be ideal for all patients. Therefore, choosing the most suitable drug can only be based on personal experience.

Constipation is not just an ailment, but a serious problem that most pregnant women face. Many of them hesitate to see a doctor or do not consider a lack of bowel movements a serious reason for visiting a doctor's office. Remember: even from such a seemingly small problem, serious and irreversible consequences can arise! The sooner treatment is started, the more chances of avoiding them.