Constant pain in the right side. Why there is aching pain in the side on the right. The mechanism of pain syndrome formation

A sharp pain in the right side indicates that there are some problems in the body. Depending on the affected organ, the patient may notice discomfort in the hypochondrium, from the back, or acute pain in the right side of the lower abdomen. But in any case, the nature of pain sensations and their localization gives a lot of information about the disease that caused them.

A sharp pain in the right side can be a sign of a dangerous illness that requires the patient to be admitted to the hospital.

If there is pain in the right side, the first thing to do is to identify the reasons that provoked its appearance, since further treatment tactics depend on this.

Unpleasant sensations can be caused by diseases of organs located not only in this area, but also outside the abdominal cavity, so you should not try to diagnose yourself on your own, and even more so take any drugs without a doctor's prescription.

Important! In case of acute pain in the right side, you need to either call an ambulance or go to the hospital yourself. The doctor should be told not only about the nature of the pains (spastic, pulling, bursting), the time of their appearance, but also what could have provoked an attack. This can be, for example, excessive physical activity, trauma to the area, alcohol abuse, the use of unusual foods and dishes. All this will allow the specialist to make a preliminary diagnosis and prescribe an additional examination.

Pathologies that can cause pain in the right side

The causes of pain in the right side may themselves be different, but they are usually observed with pathologies of the liver, biliary tract and gallbladder. Less commonly, they occur in patients suffering from diseases of the duodenum and organs of the urinary and reproductive systems.

Important! Severe cutting pain in the right side can be observed in conditions requiring emergency surgery, namely with acute appendicitis or rupture of the oviduct during ectopic pregnancy.

Pain in the right hypochondrium

The appearance of pain in the right hypochondrium most often indicates pathologies of the liver, duodenum 12, and organs of the biliary system.

Severe pain can be observed with acute and chronic cholecystitis, gallstone disease and with its complications, such as:

  • biliary colic;
  • acute inflammation of the pancreas;
  • swelling of the large duodenal papilla;
  • dyskinesia of the biliary tract.
With any of this pathology, pain in the right hypochondrium can be observed.

In addition, the symptom with the development of acute cholecystitis is observed:

  • heat;
  • bitter taste in the mouth;
  • nausea and vomiting, after which the patient's well-being does not improve.

With chronic cholecystitis in remission, no symptoms are observed. When the disease passes into the acute phase, pains appear that are localized in the right hypochondrium, at first they are observed, from time to time, then constantly and can increase with coughing, deep breathing.

With gallstone disease, pain in the right side is rare and a person may not even be aware of the development of pathology, and more often it is detected by chance on ultrasound.

But if the stone blocks the exit from the gallbladder, then attacks of cutting and dagger pains appear in the right hypochondrium. Often they radiate to the lumbar region, under the right shoulder blade, to the upper limb, to the heart. The pains are very strong, when they appear, a person does not find a place for himself, since they do not subside for a minute, except for them there is nausea with vomiting.

If the stone blocks the bile duct, severe pain in the right side will appear

Also, the neoplasm of the large duodenal papilla is manifested, it is in this area that the bile ducts exit into the lumen of the duodenum. The tumor itself does not cause pain, but when it appears, angiocholitis develops. It is with inflammation of the biliary tract that pain occurs in the right hypochondrium, in addition to them, the patient's temperature rises, signs of jaundice appear.

If the patient has dysfunction of the biliary tract, then the nature of the pain may be different:

  • with a hyperkinetic type of dysfunction, pain in the liver region has a sharp, acute, paroxysmal character;
  • in the hypokinetic type, it is dull and aching, observed constantly, in some patients it may be completely absent.

Also, dyskinesia can proceed as biliary colic, the pain in this case is strong, appear unexpectedly, accompanied by a violation of the heart rhythm, a feeling of fear.

Important! With the development of acute pancreatitis usually. As a rule, it appears as a result of the abuse of strong alcoholic drinks, fatty, spicy and fried foods. If the disease is not treated, it can quickly end in the death of the patient.

Right-sided pain in the lower abdomen

Acute appendicitis

A sudden burning pain in the right side is most often observed with acute appendicitis. It grows rapidly, most patients develop other signs of pathology:

  • nausea;
  • vomiting;
  • fever;
  • stomach upset.

If these signs appear, you need to immediately call an ambulance, as an urgent operation is usually required.

Ectopic pregnancy

In women of reproductive age, the occurrence of sharp pain in the lower abdomen on the right may indicate an interruption of an ectopic pregnancy, in which the embryo develops not in the uterus, but in the right oviduct. When the pipe ruptures, the nature of the pain is similar to the pain syndrome in acute appendicitis.

When an abnormal pregnancy is terminated as a tubal abortion, in which the fetus is thrown into the abdominal cavity, the pain in most cases is cramping.

Important! Unlike other pathologies, pain when interrupting an ectopic pregnancy is given to the perineum and anus. Such an anomaly can lead to the death of the patient and requires urgent surgical intervention.

Torsion of the legs of the ovarian tumor

The cause of the appearance of right-sided pain in the iliac region in women of different age groups may be torsion of the leg of the ovarian cyst.

In this case, the pains appear unexpectedly and can be of such intensity that the patient may faint. They intensify with any even minor movements. In addition, the following symptoms may appear:

  • diarrhea;
  • violation of urination;
  • discharge of blood from the vagina;
  • low temperature.

With such a pathology, urgent hospitalization and surgery are indicated.

Torsion of the leg of the ovarian cyst located on the right can provoke a sharp pain in the right side

Ovarian rupture

Also, another reason for the appearance of pain in the lower abdomen may be apoplexy or rupture of the ovary. According to statistics, such a pathology usually develops on the right side and resembles the clinical picture of termination of a tubal pregnancy.

When the ovary ruptures, bleeding occurs. It can be very strong and cause anemia. The method of therapy is determined precisely by the intensity of bleeding. If it is insignificant, then you can only do with taking medication, when it is abundant, an operation can be prescribed.

Renal colic

If the patient has urolithiasis, then he may develop renal colic. A stone caught in the lumen of the right ureter provokes the appearance of sharp pains on the right, radiating down the abdomen. In most cases, their nature is the same as in acute appendicitis. That is why even an experienced doctor may have difficulties in the differential diagnosis of both pathologies. But there are a number of symptoms that make it possible to make a preliminary diagnosis.

If the patient has renal colic, then the pain radiates to the groin and lower back. The patient becomes restless, he cannot find such a posture in which the pains would not be so strong. Also, most patients have a violation of urination and the development of hematuria.

If a person suspects he has renal colic, he should immediately seek medical help, since if the diagnosis is confirmed, then urgent hospitalization is required.

Based on the results of the examination, the doctor selects a treatment regimen, usually it is possible to do without surgical intervention.

The causative agent of shingles is the herpes virus. Symptoms of the pathology resemble acute pancreatitis. At the beginning of the infection, sharp, persistent pain appears on the right. Nausea and even vomiting may appear, which is characteristic of inflammation of the pancreas. The appearance of these signs can mislead even competent specialists, and as a result, the patient first begins to be treated as in acute pancreatitis. But after a few days a specific rash appears on the abdomen, and it is not difficult to make a correct diagnosis.

Herpes zoster may be the cause of pain in the right side.

Which doctor treats pain in the right side

If you experience sharp pains in the side on the right, you should not self-medicate, as they can be a symptom of a dangerous disease that requires emergency surgery.

For each person, their own health should always come first, because the quality and duration of life depends on it. If you experience discomfort, pain or any other symptom that disrupts your well-being, you should seek medical help promptly. After all, the sooner a person visits a doctor, the sooner he will be provided with adequate assistance, and the treatment will not take as long as in case of running processes or the development of complications.

Drawing pain in the right side is a common symptom for most pathologies that require attention and targeted therapy. The article will provide differential diagnosis of the most common common and specific diseases for men and women with this symptom.

Why pulls in the right side: common diseases for men and women

A symptom such as pulling pain in the right half of the abdomen can accompany acute appendicitis, chronic cholecystitis or pancreatitis, kidney inflammation and pathology of the spinal column.

Acute appendicitis

In 80-90% of cases, pain in acute appendicitis is acute and is accompanied by nausea and fever. But inflammation of the appendix can be disguised as a different pathology, especially with its atypical location:

  • In the ascending position, the process is near the liver. With its inflammation, patients often complain that the right side of the abdomen is being pulled, the pain is often dull, moderately intense. The severity of symptoms of intoxication depends on the age of the process and its prevalence. In such cases, acute appendicitis can be easily confused with cholecystitis (inflammation of the gallbladder), with an abscess in the liver, or even pneumonia, in which abdominal syndrome is often observed.
  • With the medial or median location of the appendix, the pathological process can mimic inflammation of the mesenteric lymph nodes or diverticula (congenital protrusions in the form of pockets in the small intestine), in which there may also be a complaint that the right side is being pulled.
  • In the case of retrocecal (that is, behind the cecum) localization, acute inflammation of the appendix can be confused with an ovarian cyst, adnexitis, since in these diseases there is also a pulling pain that occurs in the right side of the abdomen.

The classic symptoms of the disease (Shchetkin-Blumberg, Rogozin, Kocher, etc.), an increase in signs of intoxication within 24 hours of observation, the absence of pathological changes on ultrasound of the ovaries, gallbladder and liver, intestinal lymph nodes, an increase in ESR help to diagnose acute appendicitis. and leukocytes in peripheral blood.

Chronic cholecystitis

Frequent stressful situations, abuse of fatty, spicy and fried foods, concomitant gastrointestinal pathology leads to stagnation and retention of bile in the bladder, followed by the development of chronic inflammation in it. In case of metabolic disorders, in particular fat, it is possible the formation of calculi in the cavity of the gallbladder, which also injure its wall and disrupt the outflow of bile.

Basically, patients with chronic cholecystitis complain that they have a pulling right side under the ribs, there is morning sickness and a feeling of bitterness in the mouth. Stool disorders such as constipation or diarrhea may occur.

On an objective examination, the doctor sees a tongue coated with a white or brownish coating, soreness on palpation in the right hypochondrium. Thus, complaints from the patient's side, such as pulling the right side and nausea, allow the doctor to suspect the presence of chronic inflammation in the gallbladder.

Treatment of chronic cholecystitis is mandatory, otherwise the development of such complications is possible: biliary hepatitis and reactive pancreatitis (reversible inflammatory changes in the head of the pancreas), in the case of stone cholecystitis - hepatic colic or peritonitis due to rupture of the gallbladder.

Chronic pancreatitis

The development of this pathology is influenced by:

  • Alimentary factor (fatty, coarse and spicy foods).
  • Smoking and alcoholism.
  • Chronic stress.
  • Some past infections (for example, mumps).
  • Autoimmune factor (when antibodies are formed in the human body directed to the tissue of the pancreas).

One of the main manifestations of the disease is a dull pulling pain in the right side, which, when exacerbated, becomes spastic in nature. Most often, the pain is girdle, that is, it grabs the upper abdomen and back, or in the form of a half-belt on the right or left.

In addition, the characteristic symptoms are nausea and vomiting, which brings relief, loose stools with an admixture of undigested food (this indicates a deficiency of gland enzymes).

On examination, the doctor identifies painful points in the projection of the pancreas, can feel its enlarged head or tail through the anterior abdominal wall.

Acute pyelonephritis

Pyelonephritis is understood as inflammation of the kidney tissue with the involvement of the calyx-pelvic system in the process.

Most often, the disease develops against the background of an existing infection in the body:

  • Acute cystitis or urethritis (bacteria ascending through the ureters enter the kidneys).
  • Acute or chronic tonsillitis (in this case, microorganisms are carried by the blood stream).
  • Also, the development of pyelonephritis is facilitated by anomalies of the structure of the genitourinary system, pregnancy, general hypothermia and urolithiasis.

Against the background of intoxication (fever, weakness) pain syndrome joins. As a rule, patients complain of pulling the right side and lower back from one or both sides. Symptoms of dysuria appear: frequent and painful urination, urgent urge. The urine itself may become cloudy with a precipitate in the form of a whitish suspension.

The disease progresses rapidly and requires timely treatment with antibiotics, uroseptics, antioxidants and detoxification therapy (intravenous administration of glucose-salt solutions in order to eliminate toxicosis).

Degenerative diseases of the spinal column

Osteochondrosis and osteoarthritis of the spine are equally found in men and women of any age. Poor posture, excessive physical activity, overweight, impaired metabolism and a deficiency in the body of trace elements and vitamins - all this leads to the development of degenerative processes in cartilage and bone tissues.

On both sides of the spinal cord are spinal roots, consisting of nerve fibers. For example, if any of the thoracic root is pinched on the right with osteochondrosis, the patient may have a complaint, voiced by him as "pulling the right side from the back."

The pain is dull, less often - aching, is permanent. In addition, some of the physical capabilities of a person are also limited, since painful sensations increase when walking and sitting for a long time.

Additional symptoms include:

  • violation of sensitivity in the projection of the innervation of the roots;
  • a feeling of crawling or so-called paresthesia;
  • pain along the spinal column.

Frequent female pathology

A pulling pain in the right side of a woman occurs with such common pathologies:
  • oophoritis and adnexitis;
  • ovarian cysts;
  • ectopic (tubal) pregnancy.

Inflammation of the uterine appendages

Ovarian inflammation can be isolated (oophoritis) or combined - with damage to the fallopian tubes (adnexitis). As a rule, the cause is an ascending infection from the vaginal cavity.

Women complain that they are pulling in the right side (with a right-sided process) or in the lower abdomen, the menstrual cycle is slightly disturbed, and pain appears during intercourse.

Inflammation of the uterine appendages quite often turns into chronic, with the subsequent formation of adhesions in the pelvic cavity. The adhesion process aggravates the course of the underlying disease, compression of adjacent organs and structures occurs, as a result of which the pulling pain in the lower right side of women becomes more intense.

Ovarian cysts

Cystic neoplasms are divided into functional, dermoid, and endometrioid. Functional cysts form from the follicle of the ovary or corpus luteum and, as a rule, self-regress. Such women complain that they pull the right side before menstruation (with right-sided localization of the cyst).

With endometrioid and dermoid cysts, in addition to periodic pulling pain in the right side, there is a violation of the menstrual cycle in the form of dysfunctional uterine bleeding. With large cysts, the abdomen may increase in volume.

Ectopic pregnancy

In 90% of cases, ectopic pregnancy is localized precisely in the fallopian tubes, where until a certain period does not cause any manifestations. Only at 7-8 weeks, when the ovum reaches the size of the fallopian tube, there is a strong pulling pain in the right side.

If the embryo is not removed in time, the fallopian tube ruptures with the development of pelvioperitonitis (inflammation of the pelvic cavity peritoneum), up to hemorrhagic shock.

Common diseases in men

In a man, the cause of the pulling pain felt in the right side may be right-sided inguinal hernia... In addition to pain, a bulge is found on the anterior abdominal wall in the right groin area, the skin over which is not changed, and the patient can adjust it on his own. This pathology requires planned surgical intervention to prevent the development of a restrained hernia, which is dangerous with bowel necrosis and peritonitis.

If a man's right side pulls when urinating, then the doctor may suspect inflammation of the prostate... Difficulty and intermittent urination, a feeling of incomplete emptying of the bladder are also considered classical diagnostic criteria.

The presence of pathological impurities in the urine in the form of blood is possible, which is a prognostically unfavorable symptom. When suspected prostatitis an ultrasound of the prostate gland, a consultation with a urologist, determination of the PSA level (specific prostatic antigen) is mandatory.

Thus, we can conclude that such a complaint as pulling the right side, the reasons can be very diverse and require a comprehensive diagnosis. As a rule, a general urine test and a clinical blood test are prescribed, an ultrasound examination of the abdominal cavity and retroperitoneal space is performed, an ultrasound of the pelvic organs in women.

Anatomically, the right half of the human body includes several areas. This is half of the chest, hypochondrium, side of the mesogastrium, iliac region, groin area. In each of these areas are located organs, diseases of which can cause pain.

To understand why the right side hurts, it is necessary to clarify the localization and their nature as accurately as possible. This will make it possible to understand which organ is signaling a malfunction, to carry out targeted diagnostics, and in some cases, differential diagnostics.

The sudden onset of pain on the right is acute. They manifest themselves in different ways:

  • cutting;
  • burning;
  • bursting;
  • pulsating.

In contrast to acute pain, pain can be dull and feel like a heaviness. Aching pain in the right side, usually chronic, exists as a permanent symptom or occurs periodically.

Sensations can be disturbing in the place of immediate origin, or they can radiate (give) to other areas. Similarly, it can give from other localizations to the right side.

It so happens that the unpleasant sensations pass, but when pressing on the problem area, soreness reappears.

Additional symptoms

Additional symptoms are varied:

  • cough;
  • dyspnea;
  • temperature increase;
  • nausea;
  • vomiting;
  • bloating;
  • bitter taste in the mouth;
  • stool disorders;
  • impaired urination.

They can intensify or change their character when coughing, inhaling and exhaling, moving, running, after eating. Sometimes the patient complains that the right side is pulling. Dull pains can be pressing. Any abdominal discomfort in a pregnant woman requires special attention.

What's on the right

In the chest area, the following conditions can become:

  • chest trauma resulting in rib fracture or pneumothorax;
  • pleurisy that occurs after inflammation or metastatic in lung cancer or breast cancer in women;
  • viral damage to the nerve ganglia with the appearance of burning pain, itching and blistering rashes along the ribs in the back and front (shingles);
  • osteochondrosis of the thoracic spine.

As casuistry in congenital dystopia (heart on the right), discomfort on the right indicates myocardial infarction.


In the projection of the right upper quadrant of the abdomen are:

  • part of the diaphragm;
  • liver;
  • gallbladder;
  • 12-duodenum;
  • part of the small intestine;
  • part of the ascending and transverse colon;
  • part of the pancreas;
  • bud.

Trauma to any of these organs can be acute (gunshot, knife) and blunt, resulting from a blow, bruise or fall from a height. It is required to immediately take the victim to the hospital to clarify the type of damage, the presence of internal bleeding. A hiatal hernia is characterized by pain behind the sternum, and not in the hypochondrium. Often, infringement is mistaken for an attack of angina pectoris.

Liver diseases - hepatitis and cirrhosis are accompanied by a aching feeling, heaviness under the ribs. For some types of hepatitis (for example, C), the pain syndrome is not typical, it occurs in the stage of transition to cirrhosis, for which this hepatitis was called "affectionate killer". This area will ache with advanced cancer or liver metastases.

Inflammation of the gallbladder - cholecystitis has different appearances in acute and chronic forms. The first is characterized by dull aching pains, which are accompanied by nausea, decreased appetite, periodic exacerbations with errors in the diet. With an acute process or with an exacerbation, the soreness is acute, gives to the hand.

Gallstone disease can be asymptomatic, stones are detected by ultrasound. Obstruction of the biliary tract, including a stone, causes paroxysmal sharp intolerable sensations in the hypochondrium, this is called hepatic colic.

With an exacerbation, the so-called hunger pains occur. They appear 2-3 hours after eating or at night, and are aggravated by a violation of the diet and alcohol consumption. A symptom of acute enterocolitis is acute spastic contractions along the intestines in combination with upset stools and bloating, fever.

Pancreatitis begins with an acute process in the epigastrium or left hypochondrium, but as it develops, it covers the right side and the back area. Feeling - as if a person is tightening a belt tightly. This is the most characteristic symptom of acute pancreatitis - girdle pain. The patient is nauseous, but vomiting does not bring relief. This complements the picture of the disease.

Acute pyelonephritis begins abruptly with a rise in temperature up to 40 with chills, with symptoms of intoxication. The severity of sensations in the lower back depends on the stage of the disease and increases with purulent inflammation of the calyx-pelvis system. Severe pain from the affected kidney radiates in the hypochondrium, groin, leg, in women in the labia, in men in the testicle.

The pain syndrome is expressed when the ureter is blocked by a purulent plug. Impaired urine flow can be caused by a stone. An attack caused by the closure of the lumen of the ureter with pus or a stone is called renal colic. The patient clearly indicates the time when the pain began, the symptoms increase, against the background of constant torment, sharp spasms occur. The patient cannot find a place for himself, even at the doctor's appointment, his walking around the office draws attention to himself. By pressing on the abdomen, an enlarged, painful kidney can be identified.

Mesogastric region

Rarely malaise arises here strictly locally. Anatomically, there are loops of the small intestine, sections of the ascending and transverse colon. Pain symptoms in this area can appear with intestinal syndrome (irritable bowel syndrome).

Against the background of minor aching sensations, abdominal cramps occur, accompanied by upset stools in the form of diarrhea or constipation. The true cause of IBS has not been established, it is assumed the negative impact of stress and disturbances in the regime and nature of the diet.

Perhaps the appearance of pain in the mesogastrium due to the development of intestinal obstruction. As a rule, their onset is sudden, the character is spastic, cramping, but it can change, depending on the type of obstruction.

Iliac region

The lower abdomen on the right is often the site of pain localization. Anatomically, in this area there is the final section of the small intestine, the initial section of the large intestine, the appendix (appendix), here can be recoil in case of renal colic.

A pulling, aching and stabbing pain in the abdomen from the bottom right is found when the intestines are damaged by such diseases:

  • diverticulitis;
  • intestinal tumors;
  • mesentery or inflammation of the lymph nodes of the mesentery of the intestine is often of tuberculous origin.

Against the background of prolonged diarrhea, the inflammatory process begins in the final section of the ileum. This is Crohn's disease, the exacerbation of which is acute, reminiscent of an attack of appendicitis. If the intestine is perforated, it can cut the stomach, the absence of treatment threatens with serious complications.

Paroxysmal colic comes to this area of \u200b\u200bthe abdomen with inflammation of the urinary tract and urolithiasis. After excessive physical exertion, it can pull the muscles of the anterior abdominal wall, less often this condition occurs from the side, as a rule, it hurts on both sides.

The most common cause of pain in the right iliac region is acute appendicitis. The pains begin in the navel area, quickly move to the specified zone. Its intensity may fluctuate, for example, increases with coughing, but subsides when lying on the right side with bent knees. Once it has arisen, it will not disappear spontaneously. Doctors-surgeons deny the presence of chronic appendicitis. If the diagnosis of appendicitis has not been confirmed, then the past situation is assessed as intestinal colic.

Groin area

In the inguinal canal in men, the spermatic cord passes, in women, the round ligament of the uterus. The inguinal canal becomes the exit point, and sometimes the infringement of the hernial protrusion. A strangulated hernia requires surgical treatment. Characterized by acute pain that occurs after exercise, and the presence of protrusion.

In women, pain in the lower abdomen on the right is associated with such diseases:

  • an interrupted right-sided tubal pregnancy;
  • rupture of the cyst (for example, due to torsion of the leg) of the ovary on the right;
  • ovarian apoplexy;
  • right-sided inflammation of the appendages.

In the first three situations, the pain syndrome occurs suddenly, acutely, and may be accompanied by fainting, darkening in the eyes. With them, internal bleeding occurs, which is accompanied by pallor of the skin, symptoms of hemorrhagic shock.

Acute adnexitis is accompanied by an increase in temperature, spastic pain, given to the sacrum. In a chronic course, a woman is worried about a pulling feeling in the groin on the right, menstrual irregularities, discharge from the genital tract. The discomfort increases with intercourse, making it impossible.

With the transition to a chronic form, the sensations acquire a pulling, aching character. The disease is prone to exacerbation with hypothermia. Infertility is often a complication of the chronic form.

In pregnant women

At different times of pregnancy, there are reasons why the side on the right side may hurt. Expectant mothers may have the diseases listed above. For example, in the second trimester, kidney disease first appears or worsens. At any time, she is susceptible to an attack of appendicitis. In a pregnant woman, cholecystitis and pancreatitis may worsen.

With a long pregnancy, this sign indicates a formidable complication of pregnancy - premature placental abruption, located on the side wall of the uterus of the same name. More often it occurs against the background of an abdominal injury. A less difficult situation is when, as the pregnancy grows, the stomach begins to ache due to sprains or adhesions.

Do not forget about the aching pains that indicate the risk of termination of pregnancy. With the progression of the threat of malaise, they become intense and acquire a pronounced cramping character.

Which doctor to contact

In each case, the help of different specialists is required. It:

  • traumatologists;
  • pulmonologists;
  • neuropathologists;
  • gastroenterologists;
  • hepatologists;
  • surgeons;
  • obstetricians-gynecologists;
  • urologists.

If you find it difficult to choose a specialist, contact your general practitioner, he will refer you to the right specialist after conducting the necessary examination. Help and treatment is varied - from nutritional advice to immediate surgery.

Doctors agree on the usefulness of pain syndrome, as a symptom that the body has learned to communicate about trouble in a particular organ.

Determining the causes of nonspecific pain is a serious task for neurologists, surgeons, obstetricians, gynecologists, traumatologists, orthopedists and specialists in other medical fields. Diseases accompanied by pain in the lower abdomen are difficult to diagnose and can pose a serious health hazard to the patient.

Causes of pain in the right side of the lower abdomen

Despite the obviousness of sensations, this is a difficult problem in the diagnosis of acute and chronic diseases in the pelvic region.

The pain manifests itself as unpleasant sensations in the lower abdomen (including on the right side) and can be combined with pain in the projections of the body located in:

    suprapubic, inguinal area;

    male genital organ;

    clitoris, vagina, uterus;

    the urethra;

    back, lower back;

    buttocks, intestines.

The complexity of the problem is that a chronic pain impulse under the influence of various reasons can be formed in the central nervous system in the absence of a focus in the internal organs. Therefore, even the most modern medical research often does not reveal pathological changes.

However, we will leave doctors the right to solve complex problems of diagnostics of nonspecific pain. Instead, we will focus on the obvious causes of pain in a volume useful for the use of knowledge by a wide range of readers in order to prevent the causes of pain and timely contact a medical institution.

Common causes of lower abdominal pain are associated with irritation of sensitive receptors:

    internal organs of the small pelvis of the right half of the body;

    Intestinal blockage. With volvulus, the pathogenesis is characterized by rapid development. This is due to the arrest of blood flow and disturbance of the innervation of the intestinal walls. With mechanical blockage of the intestine (foreign bodies), peristalsis stops and there is severe pain radiating to the right side of the groin. It can be combined with vomiting after a meal, with the absence of peristaltic noise and with the expansion of the lumen of the intestinal loops.

    Duodenitis. Inflammation of the duodenum and small intestine is accompanied by pain that radiates, including to the right side. On the lower abdomen, pain is projected with a predominant lesion of the intestinal loops located closer to the right side of the body. The pain is combined with signs of indigestion.

    Inguinal hernia. Pathology is classified as a surgical disease. Is a combination of two factors: rupture of the inner layers of the abdominal wall and prolapse of the omentum and intestinal loops into the subcutaneous space. The integrity of the skin with hernias is not compromised. A hernia manifests itself as a saccular protrusion of the skin in the groin. If, on palpation, the contents of the hernial sac can be adjusted inward, this is a reducible hernia. If it is impossible to correct it - a strangulated hernia. It is the strangulated hernia that is dangerous. Intestinal loops, omentum with vessels and nerve fibers swell and swell. Their volume exceeds the diameter of the hernial ring. The pain increases with physical exertion. Diagnostics is not difficult. Treatment is surgery to close the hernial ring.

    Liver disease. For the early stages, a painful reaction is not characteristic. Pain develops in the later stages of inflammation. In severe cases, excruciating pains appear in the lower right abdomen, pathogenesis is accompanied by total damage to the organ () and biliary tract (). The pain may go down to the groin on the right side.

    Rectal lesions manifested by pain radiating to the groin.

    Adhesions of the serous membranes of internal organs. In case of damage to the nerve fibers in the lower abdomen on the right, pain in the indicated area is manifested. The causes of adhesions are postoperative complications, congenital or acquired pathologies without previous surgical intervention.

Kidney and bladder diseases

Pain syndrome in different parts of the body, including on the right (with right-sided lesion) in the lower abdomen.

Pain in violation of the formation of urine

Pain occurs when the kidneys lose their ability to form urine, filter and suck purified blood back into the bloodstream. Pain syndrome accompanies inflammation of the parenchyma, renal glomeruli, pelvis and cavities, as well as degenerative, dystrophic and oncological diseases of the kidneys. The pain develops within a short time and is often difficult to relieve even with strong pain relievers.

Pain with impaired urine flow

Pain develops when an obstacle forms along the urethra and when it is impossible to remove urine outside the body. Pathological processes are more difficult in men due to the narrow and long urethra. However, diseases in the ureters are more often detected in women due to the greater likelihood of inflammation of the female genital organs.

Painful urge to urinate is characteristic of the following diseases:

    Acute expansion of the bladder. The reason is blockage of the urethral canal with urinary stones or an inflamed prostate (in men). Manifested by ineffectual urge to urinate.

    Blockage and inflammation of the ureter. Paired ureters connect the kidneys to the bladder. Expect pain in the groin on the right when urine stops in the distal (lower) section of the right ureter. The pain comes on suddenly and gets worse very quickly with stagnant urine. Various methods are used for treatment, including crushing stones with ultrasound and their surgical removal.

    Inflammation of the urethra - urethritis. Both men and women are ill. In men, the disease progresses with more serious consequences. Initially, the pathology is manifested by burning sensation and pain during urination. Pain on the right in the groin area occurs when the right inguinal lymph node is involved in the inflammatory process.

Diseases of the genital organs in men

Pain is caused by inflammation, trauma, or genital infections. Common symptoms of pain syndrome are pulling pains in the scrotum, radiating to the groin.

When the right lymph node is involved in the pathogenesis, the pain shifts to the corresponding area of \u200b\u200bthe body:

    Orchitis - inflammation of the testicles;

    Inflammation of the male penis, including balanitis - inflammation of the head, and fasting - inflammation of the foreskin;

    Vesiculitis - damage to the seminal vesicles. Testes are paired organs that are located above the prostate;

    Epididymitis - inflammation of the epididymis;

    Cavernitis - inflammation of the cavernous bodies of the male penis;

Types of pain

Pain is a protective reaction of the body, which occurs in response to various types of irritation of the nerve endings in almost all parts of the body. Pain in the right side in the lower abdomen is part of the pathogenesis of diseases. The correct description of the types of pain is important during the early diagnosis of diseases of the pelvic organs, bones, joints and blood vessels.

According to the description of the pain, it is difficult to draw a final conclusion about the pathological focus. But it is very important to tell the doctor the nature of the pain and its localization for objective examination using ultrasound examination of the abdominal cavity, MRI and CT.

It is defined as a feeling of expansion of the abdominal wall from the inside with a blunt object. Dull pain of low intensity, debilitating, aching and tedious is a reflection of the involvement in the pathogenesis of a large number of small sensitive receptors responsible for pain of internal organs. Pain emanating from the area of \u200b\u200bthe right side, from below, dull - a common sign of appendicitis, intestinal diverticulum, hepatitis, cirrhosis ,.

A dangerous sign is a sharp spontaneous cessation of dull pain. This may mean necrotic processes in the internal organs and violations of the conduction of the pain impulse. Dull pains are sometimes combined with yellowness of the mucous membranes, nausea, general malaise and increased irritability.

Drawing pain in the right side

It is defined as a feeling of pulling up internal organs to the abdominal wall, or vice versa, pulling away from it. May increase with physical exertion. The patient assumes forced postures. As in the first case, pain is a reflection of the involvement of small surface receptors in the abdominal wall in the pathogenesis. It develops in athletes with sprains in the groin. Pain can be the result of abdominal pathologies (adhesions, hepatitis, inflammation of the kidneys, appendicitis, inflammation of the adrenal gland, duodenum) and pathologies of the pelvic organs (uterus, ovaries).

Specific pulling pains are detected in women at all stages of pregnancy and during menstruation. Rarely, pulling pain in the right side may accompany the movement of a small stone in the ureter or lumbar region.

Sharp pain in the right side

Defined as acute, sudden and severe. The sensation is reminiscent of holding a blunt knife along the inside of the abdominal wall. Pain is usually formed in a small pathological focus, less often in an extensive one. The most likely causes: gynecology, diseases of the urinary system and intestines, nerve entrapment.

Cuts in the right side can be a manifestation of inflammation of the ovary, apoplexy, torsion of the ovary, entrapment of a nerve in the lumbar skeleton, volvulus, acute expansion of the bladder, movement of a large stone in the right ureter, and intestinal overflow with gases. It can be aggravated by straining, bending, trying to turn the body. It is combined with a headache, fainting, cloudy eyes.

Stitching pain in the right side

Defined as tingling of the abdominal wall in the right side from the inside with a blunt thin object. Usually occurs periodically and forms in a small pathological focus with inflammation of the gallbladder, with appendicitis, with movement. The stabbing pain can intensify with a sigh, when bending and turning, during physical exertion, during.

Other symptoms of pain in the right side

Pain is not a specific and far from the only symptom of diseases of internal organs, joints and bones of the lower girdle of the human body. The most common symptoms accompanying pain are a burning sensation, fever, and nausea that turns into vomiting. The correct interpretation of the signs of the disease accompanying the pain is possible only by a specialist.

Temperature . A drop in temperature is evidence of the extinction of vital functions. An increase in temperature, fever is an adaptive reaction of the body to the action of an infectious or non-infectious, internal or external pathogen. An increase in temperature and pain in the right side of the body in the lower abdomen is often combined with gynecological diseases, inflammation of the kidneys and liver. One of the important indicators of fever is its type.

    A persistently high temperature of one to two degrees Celsius above normal is a sign of common inflammatory diseases.

    Fluctuations in temperature during the day by more than two degrees are frequent companions of purulent processes in internal organs.

    Exhausting temperature (prolonged hyperthermia with drops of more than two degrees) is evidence of septic processes in the internal organs.

    The lack of regularity in temperature drops is a sign of rheumatic processes in the lower back.

Nausea, vomiting. These symptoms, combined with pain in the lower abdomen on the right, occur with completely different diseases, including lesions of the digestive, genitourinary, nervous system and gynecological diseases. All these pathologies are characterized by the presence of symptoms of intoxication and / or excitation of pain receptors.

Burning sensation. They are noted for diseases of the pelvic organs, including inflammatory processes in the urogenital area. Burning sensation occurs when urinating, during intercourse, is a sign of irritation of the mucous membranes of the urethra and external genital organs. Burning sensation can be an independent symptom and / or be combined with pain in the lower abdomen.

What if there is pain in the right side?

Remember to be careful about pain relief. Removal of pain syndrome can hide the true causes of pathology during the period of diagnosis.

At the first sign of pain in the right side, you should:

    Assess the nature of the pain against the background of additional factors, including the presence of:

    • pregnancy in women;

      concomitant chronic diseases (mentioned above);

      additional symptoms (vomiting, diarrhea, chills, weakness, duration, nature and type of pain).

    For any types of pain that have not previously been observed in a person, you need to call an ambulance and truthfully describe the detected signs of the disease. If there are any suspicions of serious causes of pain, voice them in a conversation with your doctor!

    If the nature of the pain is familiar, the expediency of calling an ambulance should be determined depending on the severity of the patient's condition, including:

    • in case of deterioration of health - immediately call an ambulance;

      if the patient is in a stable condition, call the local doctor at home;

      in case of a short-term attack of pain, contact the district clinic to obtain a referral for examination.

    Attention! Recommendations from clause 4 should be followed based on the patient's own subjective feelings and his close environment. Remember: even low-intensity, short-term pain can be a sign of a dangerous illness.

    Before the arrival of an ambulance, you need to prepare the documents necessary for the patient to register in a medical institution ().

    If possible, it is necessary to accompany the patient to the emergency room of the medical institution.

Education: Diploma in the specialty "General Medicine" received at the Russian State Medical University named after N.I. Pirogova (2005). Postgraduate studies in the specialty "Gastroenterology" - educational and scientific medical center.