What needs to be done to conserve water. Experience in the environmental program “Keep the water clean. Saving water in the bathroom


The goal of the project is to study, collect and systematize information about fresh waters and their protection. The author of the project decided to show the contribution of schoolchildren to the protection of fresh waters, analyze the information received and identify the possibility of maintaining the purity of our river. Monitoring of drinking water quality was carried out within the framework of the project.



Municipal educational institution

secondary school of the village of Adzhim

Malmyzhsky district of the Kirov region

Let's keep the water together

Work completed

Nurieva Dinara


Biology teacher

And chemistry

Voronina L.A.

Ajim 2011

Introduction …………………………………………. …………………… .. ……… ...

Chapter I.

1.1. "Ecology - safety - life"

1.2. The history of the waterways of our settlement …………… .... ………………

Chapter II.

Surface water quality assessment …………… .. …………………………….

Conclusion. ……………………… ... …………………………………… ........

Prospects… …………………………………………………… ... ……… ...

List of references………………………………………………………………

Appendices ………………………………………………. ………………….… ..

1. Introduction.

All the guys we are on long hikes

We will be able to captivate with a ringing song.

Vigilantly guard our nature -

It means to protect the Motherland.

(M. Andronov)

The author of the ecological water protection project "Let's Save Water Together" lives in the village of Adzhim, Malmyzhsky District, Kirov Region. People who come to visit note that our area is distinguished not only by its beauty, but also by its cleanliness. But many city dwellershave lost the opportunity to communicate with nature in an environmentally friendly manner, which leads to air, soil and internal water pollution.

"Take care of your native nature!" - how often do we hear these words! But do we think about the meaning of these words? Not always! And how much care for the future has been invested in this appeal! Native nature is a source of not only clean air and environmentally friendly products, but also the beauty and soul of the Motherland.

Taking part in the annual environmental operation "Our Home - Earth", we paid special attention to water bodies, identified the main sources of pollution of the Adzhimka River and its tributaries. The most significant sources of pollution are the following:

1. Municipal waste water, which contains large amounts of surfactants (have a detrimental effect on flora and fauna), organic matter (its decomposition causes oxygen deficiency and the reservoir dies).

2. Agricultural runoff from livestock farms, fertilizer and pesticide washout from fields.

3. Atmospheric and melt water carries anthropogenic pollutants washed out of the atmosphere, especially during the spring flood.

And since the human need for fresh water is 80% satisfied by the river flow, we facedproblem associated with the protection of natural waters.

We were interested in the history of the Adzhimka River and the legends associated with it, what is the ecological state of the Adzhimka River, the springs - tributaries that feed it? All this speaks aboutrelevance a topic that is interesting to the author as a researcher.

Thus, thetarget - study, collect and systematize information about fresh waters and their protection.

Object research is such a phenomenon as the loss of the importance of nature conservation against the background of the predatory use of nature.

Subject of study: the contribution of schoolchildren to the protection of fresh waters of the Adzhim settlement.

Project objectives:

Involve students in carrying out specific activities to preserve and improve the environment;

Show a full and detailed picture of the contribution of schoolchildren to the protection of fresh waters of the Adzhim settlement;

Analyze the information obtained and identify the possibility of maintaining the purity of fresh water through other measures (project prospects).

Chapter I.


Chinese wisdom says:

“If you think that you need

go, then you are already going. "

If we take care of our native nature, each to the best of our strengths and abilities, then from our small efforts a mighty river of counteraction to the soulless and destructive activities of man will be born! You cannot adhere to the principle "After us, even a flood!"

Due to the deterioration of the environmental situation on the territory of Russia, days of protection against environmental hazards are held annually under the motto "Ecology - Safety - Life" And we are actively participating in the environmental operation "Our Home - Earth", which consists of several events. Environmental actions: "Clean yard", "Clean water", "Clean air" and others. Landscaping and improvement of memorial and memorial places, environmental clean-ups. Cleaning the banks of reservoirs and channels of small rivers and streams. Identification and liquidation of unauthorized dumps, as well as participation in environmental competitions and expeditions.


And what is this place where we were born? This question arises before each of us, and we decided to collect legends associated with the springs of our area.

The Adzhimka River is the right tributary of the Vyatka River. It originates far beyond the Adzhim settlement in the forest near the former settlement of Mikheevo(ATTACHMENT 1).

The legend of the Holy Key was heard by many, as a result of searches for a written source, it turned out that this legend is described in research work Nikulina Marina and on the Internet (APPENDIX 2).

The Markov Klyuch River is named after Marushka, a man who lived at the end of the village of Isaevo, not far from the source of this spring. The river itself is shallow, but with a steep left bank and a gentle right bank. This river is rich in many good springs that feed the river with clear water. Thanks to the keys, the river does not freeze even in winter. And the villagers use the keys and the river for household needs.

An interesting fact. There are a lot of springs in our settlement, and the village of Ajim is surrounded by springs from four cardinal directions. From the south - the Holy Key, in the east on the left bank of the river. Adzhimka - Isaevsky spring, in the north - Kuchansky spring, in the west - a spring, which is located between Adzhim and Verkhnyaya village.

The surface waters of ponds, the Adzhimka River and its tributaries are used for economic purposes, as a place for recreation and fishing.

Chapter II.

There are two large ponds on the Adzhimka River - in the Upper Village and in Adzhim. These ponds were built a long time ago, and their ecological condition is poor. In Adzhim, the pond was lowered, but it was never cleaned, and in the Upper Village the pond was never lowered. The water in the ponds is already stagnant - the spring flood is not enough to clean it. Ponds begin to “bloom and smell” in summer, fish caught in a pond sometimes smells like a swamp. The upper reaches of the ponds are more and more covered with silt and sand every year, and are also overgrown with willow and cattail. There used to be many water lilies on the old pond in the Upper Village. Now you will not find them anywhere. But herons began to fly here every spring every year. On the bank of the pond r. Adzhimka wild ducks breed chicks in thickets of cattails for more than three years. In Ajima, on a pond in 2005, a couple of white swans even stayed for the night, in 2009 - several white swans (APPENDIX 3) and in 2010 a pair of black swans stayed.

The author of the project became interested in what was done by the schoolchildren of the Adzhim settlement, and what personal contribution he could make to the study andpreservation of the unique sources of fresh water in our area. Thus, indirectly, all students of the secondary school of secondary school from. Adzhim and Nurieva Dinara, a student of the 8th grade, under the guidance of the teacher of biology and chemistry Voronina L.A.

Stages of work:

The first stage (May - October 2010) is the study of the problem, literature. Mthe school museum with. Ajim, literary sources. The author learned about the peculiarities of the inland waters of the Malmyzhsky district, summarized data on the use of fresh water by the population, revealed in which environmental activities schoolchildren are involved, what environmental problems exist in the waters of our area.

Work with literature, in the school museum of the MOU SOSH s. Ajim, meeting with interesting people allowed me to learn a lot of new things on the research topic.

The second stage (November-December 2010) is the collection of information and the systematization of the materials received, a description of the role of schoolchildren in the protection of freshwater, analysis of the information received, an assessment of the result of work on the research topic.

The third stage (January 2010) - generalization and summing up, conclusion.

The fourth stage (February 2011) - preparation and presentation of the presentation.

The fifth stage (March - April 2011) - project addition and reflection.

In the process of working on the project, work was carried out with the literature available in the funds school library, with the Internet, with material and written sources of the school local history museum, with oral sources - memorials of residents of the Adzhim settlement. This is how written sources and photographs were collected and created, confirming the stated facts.

After working with the written sources of the school museum, having talked with the senior counselor Prosviryakova Lyudmila Mikhailovna, we got acquainted with the data of monitoring the ecological state of the fresh waters of the river. Adzhimka, which is held annually at local history lessons.

The water we consume must be clean and not cause deterioration in health.

While monitoring the project, we decided to determine the quality of surface waters.

There are basic indicators of the quality of drinking water. They can be conditionally divided into groups:

  1. Organoleptic indicators (smell, taste, color, turbidity).
  2. Toxicological indicators (aluminum, lead, arsenic, phenols, pesticides).
  3. Indicators affecting the organoleptic properties of water (pH (acidity), total hardness, oil products, iron, manganese, nitrates, calcium, magnesium, permanganate oxidizability, sulfides).
  4. Chemical substances formed during water treatment (residual free chlorine, chloroform, silver).
  5. Microbiological indicators (thermotolerant coliforms or E. coli, OMP).

Monitoring organoleptic indicatorsspring, river and melt water we useda scale for determining the smell of water and a scale for the taste of drinking water(APPENDIX 4).

The quality of water is determined by the presence of chemical impurities in it, which are first detected by our senses: smell, sight. So, for example, copper microparticles give water some turbidity, iron - redness.

1. Determination of pH by a universal indicator.
2. Determination of sulfates.
3. Determination of the concentration of active chlorine in free and bound forms.
4. Determination of copper ions.
5. Determination of organic matter in water.
6. Determination of the concentration of nitrate anion.

In 2009, our rural settlement was included in the state program "Clean water in every home". Water from three springs, besides the Holy one, will be supplied to our homes already in 2011 under this project. The head of the Adjim settlement Khairutdinova Rimma Mudarisovna provided information on the quality of spring waters. She said that as part of the inclusion in the state program "Clean water - in every home", the expertise of groundwater was repeatedly carried out and aboutintroduced us to the results of laboratory studies of the water of springs No. 2 (at the end of Adzhim), No. 3 (Kuchansky spring), No. 5 (Isaevsky spring). We learned the following. Microbiological studies from 15.12.2010 showed that according to the studied microbiological indicators, the water samples correspond to SanPiN - 01. The water in them is odorless, tasteless, transparent, the hardness is below the permissible standard. According to the laboratory test protocol, there are no bacteria and spores in the water of the springs, which meets the requirements of SanPiN


Involving students in the environmental operation Our Home - Earth, we carried out the following environmental actions:

  • Campaign "Let's clean the planet of garbage" - we carry out ecological landings to clean up the territory around the school(APPENDIX 11 ), improvement of the microdistrict of the village, nearby territories of the Adzhimka River and its tributaries (APPENDIX 12) , which contributes to the preservation and purity of the waters of our area.
  • Campaign "Green outfit for the village":

We make out flower beds on school grounds(APPENDIX 13);

We participate in the expansion of the apple orchard plantings around the school grounds;

A birch alley of memory was laid in honor of the 60th anniversary of the Great Victory;

On the right bank of the Adzhimka, 3,000 pine saplings were planted, which over time will contribute to the purification of air and water.

  • "Let's Save Water Together" campaign:

We carry out monitoring, investigating the ecological state of the Adzhimka river(APPENDIX 14);

We conduct expeditions to clean up the springs of the Adzhimka River(APPENDIX 15);

We participate in an essay competition, write poetry about our native land(APPENDIX 16 ), taking prizes in contests of various levels.

We investigate the quality of drinking water and its economy in the lessons of the subject of local history.

The expected result of this action is that information on the properties of water in the Adzhimka river will be collected and systematized to monitor changes in water quality for better or worse.

2. By monitoring the quality of surface waters, we obtained the following results:

  1. Determination of odor intensity

Odor intensity

The nature of the appearance of the smell

Odor intensity assessment






The smell is not felt

Very weak

The smell is not immediately felt, but is detected upon careful examination (when the water is heated)


The smell is noticed if you pay attention to it


The smell is easily noticed and leads to disapproval of the water


The smell draws attention and makes you refrain from drinking

Very strong

The odor is so strong that it makes the water unusable

II. Determination of the nature of the smell.

The nature of the smell

natural origin





Indistinct or absent






Other (specify which)

III. Determination of chromaticity

Water color





Weak yellowish

Light yellowish


Intense yellow


Weakly cloudy


Very cloudy

As the study showed, river and melt water are polluted.

Spring water is not contaminated and is usable. Water has favorable organoleptic properties:



Has no smell or taste;

Has a refreshing effect.

3. After analyzing the water quality by chemical indicators, we received the following results. The water of all three samples generally complies with the GOST (Appendix 17).

Prospects for the project.

Nature needs human protection, our help. Why has the problem of nature conservation become so important and necessary? But because if we do not urgently help nature, it will die. Conservation of nature is not only a matter of adults, but also of us children.

Project prospects:

To expand knowledge about the ecological state of the waters of our area through a system of monitoring studies.

Install signs in places of protected nature objects;

To create from among the students an association "Blue Patrol", the purpose of which is to protect and defend water bodies.

Work on assigning the status of a natural monument "Hydrological monument - springs of Adzhimka".

List of references.

  1. Studying the geography of the Kirov region in the course of physical geography. (Methodical recommendations for teachers of geography). - Kirov, 1989
  2. Journal of Biology at School, 2004, 6, p. 65-69.

3. V. I. Kolchanov, A. M. Prokashev and others. "Nature, economy, ecology

Kirov region, Kirov 1996.

  1. The nature of the Kirov region. - Kirov. 1999. - 256 pages + two tabs.
  2. Ecology of the native land / Ed. T. Ya. Ashikhmina. - Kirov: Vyatka, 1996.-720 p. + tab.
  3. http: / www. 080DE.RU Methods for rapid analysis of drinking water quality.
  4. http: / www.septech.ru/ State standard of the USSR. Drinking water. Hygienic requirements and quality control GOST 2874-82

Determine your family's daily water needs. Add up the following numbers to determine how much water you need to store (at least 3 days, preferably longer) - each number represents a daily value:

  • Each person will need 1 gallon (3.8 liters) of drinking water to drink.
  • For personal hygiene, each person will need 1 gallon (3.8 liters) of drinking water
  • For sanitary needs (toilet), each person needs an average of 2 to 7 gallons (7.6 - 26.5 liters), but drinking water is not required for this. If it is possible to dig a pit latrine in your backyard, the amount of water you need can be reduced slightly by providing water only for personal hygiene needs (washing hands and removing any faeces from the skin, for example, in babies or those with diarrhea).
  • Don't forget about pets. They will also need clean drinking water.

Fill containers with water to the brim and then place the lid on top. Do not leave an air gap.

Find suitable ways to store water. It is advisable that you have a variety of containers of various sizes. While a tank or barrel can be a wonderful way to store a lot of water, what if you suddenly need to take only what you can carry and go somewhere else where you are safe? What if old, weak, or sick people are left on their own and are forced to carry large volumes of water? It is best to have containers of different sizes in stock to suit any unforeseen circumstance.

  • Choose food-grade plastic water storage tanks or tanks made to hold rainwater. Do not use plastic that will contaminate the water.
  • In the US, FDA approved # 34 opaque containers can be used.
  • Store water properly. The shelf life of water may vary depending on the container used, temperature, access to light, etc. Contaminated water won't do you any good, so stick to the following guidelines:

    • Use opaque water containers. If you buy bottled water in reserve, change it every few months for new ones and either use old supplies for your needs, or water your plants with this water.
    • Store all water away from light. Do not give algae or other life forms the opportunity to develop, which they are just waiting for.
    • Keep the water away from anything that can contaminate it, such as pesticides, fungicides, insecticides, gasoline, paints, or any other chemical.
    • Do not store water outdoors where it can freeze. The block of ice won't come in handy when you don't have the heat to melt it. The only exceptions are those who live in regions with a very hot climate, they can store a small amount of water in the freezer, as it will melt in the heat.
  • Clean out your water supply if you intend to store it for longer than 6 months. If you do not want to purify the water, replace it with fresh water and dispose of the old one (or use it for watering).

    Stick on labels and change the water periodically. You need to date each bottle of water so you know when to change it. The frequency of replacing old water with new one is quite suitable, which would coincide with replacing the batteries in your fire alarm system or with the conversion of the clock to winter / summer time.

  • Learn how to properly purify water, if the need arises. The water from the drinking water pipelines does not need to be cleaned; in this case, only replacement is suitable. Water from sources that do not purify water can be purified as follows;

    • Add four drops of unscented household bleach per gallon of water (1 drop per liter of water).
    • Mix well.
    • Alternatively, you can use funds from camping or disaster preparedness stores that are specifically designed for the purpose of water purification. Research the market in advance to find the most suitable product for your needs and preferences.
  • Sergey_Nivens_shutterstock

    International Water Day is celebrated around the world on March 22. The idea to establish such a holiday was first voiced at the UN Conference on Environment and Development in 1992, and since 1993 it has been celebrated.

    International Water Day is an excellent occasion to remind all inhabitants of the planet how important it is to life, that both a small river and the tap water in our taps are part of the global cycle.

    Already today we should all think about how we use water at home and change some of our habits.

    We hope that FeelGood tips will help you in this good deed.

    1. It was calculated experimentally: taking a five-minute shower instead of a bath, a person uses 2/3 less water. Imagine saving around 400 liters per week! To keep track of the time, you can use a special timer or alarm clock.

    2. Before filling the bath, close the drain with the plug, and only then open the tap and adjust the temperature.

    3. Do not let water flow aimlessly while washing dishes or lathering your hair. It is estimated that with an average head, about 6 liters per minute flows out of the tap.

    4. There is no need to leave the tap open while you brush your teeth. Just wet the brush and fill the glass to rinse your mouth.

    5. Check valves and pipes for leaks. Many people don't even realize that one leaking tap can consume up to 90 liters per week.

    6. Do not use the toilet as an ashtray or waste bin. Instead of rinsing out cigarette butts, insects, paper napkins, and other small items, use a bucket.

    7. To check the tightness cistern, add some food coloring to it. The stores also sell special tablets that color the water.

    8. Install a cistern equipped with a dual flush system. Alternatively, you can put a simple brick or a plastic bottle filled with water in it. This will reduce the amount of drained water.

    9. Use modern water-saving faucets and aerators (flow minimizers) for taps. They reduce the flow by up to 50%.

    10. Use a watering can instead of a hose for watering potted flowers. Better yet, place a barrel in your garden to collect rainwater. You can use it to water your plants instead of wasting drinking water.

    11. Teach children about the need to conserve water resources. Perhaps then they will understand why they should not buy water spray toys and waste tens of liters of clean water for fun.

    12. Wash vegetables and fruits in a bowl, not under running water. And don't let your precious resource waste away while you clean them.

    13. Whatever water you have left: in a teapot, a cup or in a bottle of mineral water - do not pour it into the pipe, but use it, for example, for watering plants.

    14. Do not use running water to defrost food. Leave them on the table overnight or use the special microwave setting.

    15. By applying less detergent to the sponge, you save the water needed for further rinsing.

    16. The installed meter will be an additional incentive for saving. If you already have it, learn to read it. Also, using a counter, you can determine the leak. Try not to open the taps for a couple of hours, and then check the indicators.

    17. Only start the washing machine and dishwasher when fully loaded.

    18. Save water even when someone else pays for it, say, at a party or in a hotel room.

    19. In many hotels it is customary to change bed linen and towels every day. Unless absolutely necessary, ask the staff not to do this as often. After all, a large amount of water is consumed for washing.

    20. If you decide to wash the car yourself, use a sponge and a bucket - the hose uses too much water.

    These are far from all the ways that help minimize the consumption of an invaluable resource without much work and financial costs. If you have any other ideas, please share them in the comments below this article.

    Zepter provides free water testing in minutes! Pre-registration using the Zepter information line number:0-800-505-880.
    Details on the link

    Slide 2

    2013 is declared the year of environmental protection!

  • Slide 3


    Are there environmental problems on Earth?

    Can I contribute to the conservation of nature?

    Slide 4


    • Can the planet get sick? It turns out that it can. This is exactly what happened to the earth through the fault of man. ENVIRONMENTAL PROBLEMS have arisen on the planet, and the fate of all living things depends on their solution.
    • There are a lot of such problems.
    • We will discuss one of them !!!
  • Slide 5


    In 1969, the famous traveler Thor Heyerdahl and his companions set out on a sailing trip on a papyrus boat. Their path lay across the Atlantic Ocean. What they saw there amazed them. Heyerdahl writes: “We passed plastic containers, nylon products, empty bottles, cans. But the black oil lumps were especially striking ... Until the very horizon, the sea surface was illuminated by black lumps of fuel oil. "There are cases when sea turtles swallowed plastic bags mistaking them for jellyfish and died. And how many fish fry die from ocean pollution with oil! Therefore, take care of the oceans and other bodies of water! !!

    Slide 6


  • Slide 7


    The faucet is faulty in the apartment, 2 glasses of water flow out of it in an hour. How much clean water flows away per day? In 10 days? Per year?

    • 2 x24 \u003d 48 glasses per day
    • 48 x 10 \u003d 480 glasses in 10 days
    • 480 x 365 \u003d 175,200 glasses of water per year

    And this is just 1 faulty tap !!!

    Slide 8


    How many liters of water can you save by turning off the tap while brushing your teeth?

    3 liters of water is collected in a bucket in 18 seconds. This means that 10 liters of water flows out in 1 minute.

    Conclusion: we brush our teeth for 5 minutes, then we lose 50 liters of clean water!

    For 1 day -100 liters, if we brush our teeth 2 times!

    Slide 9


    In the sheer rock, the mason drilled a hole from which a thin stream of life-giving moisture flowed. On the rock, he carved the words that this rock is sacred and that the hole in it cannot be widened. And yet, centuries later, a man was found who, for the sake of momentary profit, expanded the hole. The water began to flow harder, louder. The man was declared a hero. But the glory was short-lived. Soon the spring dried up. There was nowhere to take water, people began to leave their homes. The village ceased to exist - "dried up".

    Slide 10

    Conclusion: natural water sources cannot be considered inexhaustible!

    People! Remember and know: To be healthy in life, Never forget to keep clean water!

    Most Russians, when paying for utilities, are faced with the fact that, according to the receipt, the water bill is higher than other payments. As a result, many housewives clutch their heads, not knowing what to do. High costs for housing and communal services hit the family budget. The main water-consuming devices are a toilet, a bath, washer, heating boiler, dishwasher, warm floors. Let's consider the current ways of saving, we will give practical recommendations.

    Method number 1. Saving water in the toilet

    The toilet is rightfully considered the leader among other water-consuming devices. You will notice that by saving water in this room, costs will be significantly reduced.

    1. Pay attention to whether the toilet has leaks at the joints with other units. If you find any, fix the problem immediately. In terms of fluid consumption, such defects can be compared with an open tap.
    2. Leading manufacturers have taken care of saving water in the toilet. They have developed a toilet flush that is operated by two buttons. The first drains the tank completely, the second only half. Take advantage of this.
    3. There is another simple way to save money. Reduce the volume of the barrel with a 1 liter water bottle. Fill the container with liquid and place it in the toilet bowl. The tank will fill up faster, which means that the water consumption will be significantly less.

    Method number 2. Saving water in the bathroom and shower

    1. When people are doing hygiene, the priority is to save hot, and not cold water... To achieve maximum results, you need to exclude frequent bathing in the bath. Give preference to a shower, as water consumption in this case is significantly reduced.
    2. During water procedures with medium pressure, approximately 13-14 liters are consumed. liquids per minute. A shower lasting a quarter of an hour uses much less water than a full bath. There are also many faucet shower heads available, which in turn are designed to save water. Installing a lotion will reduce the flow rate to 5-6 liters per minute. The principle of operation of the nozzle is quite simple: water dissipates inside the device, so the process does not deteriorate.
    3. Supply a single lever mixer that mixes two streams of water (hot and cold) at once, minimizing consumption. Place a sticky note to save water in your home. This will serve as a constant reminder for household members, who often do not seek to save family money (younger generation).
    4. Remember to turn off the water when you are not using it. This must be done while brushing your teeth, shaving, rinsing your mouth, washing your face with a scrub and other cosmetic procedures. If we talk about indicators, the listed methods can save up to 12 cubic meters of water per year.

    Method number 3. Economical water consumption when cooking and washing dishes

    1. Housewives wash dishes every day, in this case, saving hot water is an important aspect. For example, dishwashers, despite their impressive size, can save up to 13 times in liquid consumption. Manual washing requires about 50 liters, while using a dishwasher requires only 15 liters with a considerable amount of dishes.
    2. There is also a special nozzle on the tap, which separates and sprays water, mixes with air, thereby reducing consumption. Try to wash the dishes in two stages: first, wash the dishes well and remove any food leftovers in a separate bowl or more often. Next, thoroughly wash off the soapy solution under a thin stream of water.
    3. For the use of purified water, installing a filter directly on the tap itself is suitable. The method is considered to be much more effective than in the case of a separate jug. When cooking, peel all the vegetables you need at once, then rinse them in one fell swoop.

    Method number 4. Reduced water consumption for cleaning and washing

    1. When washing the laundry, try to load the maximum amount of items. Keep your wet cleaning schedule to a minimum. Choose shorter programs on the typewriter (about 15 or 30 minutes), they should be suitable for the type of product (silk, cotton, wool, linen, etc.).
    2. As mentioned earlier, when the tap is open, more than 12 liters of water flows per minute. When cleaning an apartment, do not forget about this aspect. Turn off the tap every time you rinse the rags. In a month, you will clearly see how the cost of water for the issued receipts has decreased.
    3. Pay attention to whether there are pump rooms / wells near the place where you live. Use additional sources of water, do not neglect them. This move will help you clean up at no additional cost. Few people know, but well water in most cases is much better than the well-known bottled water.
    4. People living in private homes should pay attention to the ebb tide. As a rule, the fixture is installed under the roof. When there is a lot of rainfall, store it in buckets or tanks. After that, water the plants with rainwater or use a composition for a rough car wash.

    Method number 5. Saving water with water meters

    1. To save water with meters installed in an apartment, it is important to identify the number of registered citizens and the number of people living in fact in a particular room. As a rule, installing water meters is considered illogical if a large family lives in the apartment, which is not registered here.
    2. Depending on the type of building, one living person accounts for about 175 liters. per day, which is equivalent to 525 liters. liquids for a family of 3. For this reason, the installation of water meters is unprofitable if the living space is used for renting out to tenants (tenants).
    3. Saving water will be significant only if, for example, 5 people are registered in the apartment, but in fact three live. If you decide to install meters, before the procedure, calculate the actual consumption per person, only then make a decision.
    4. If you two have about 150 liters. per day, it makes sense to install water meters. Such a move will significantly save the family budget, because, in fact, about 175 liters are allocated for one resident. water

    Method number 6. Save water by checking for leaks

    1. If you have come to the decision to save water, the first thing to do is to do a trivial leak check. Inspect all plumbing and water lines for visible damage.
    2. Turn off the usual taps in the kitchen, bathroom and toilet. Use a water indicator to check the movement of the fluid; if there is no leak, it will remain stationary.
    3. Record the water meter reading and limit the use of the liquid for a while. If the indicators match, this indicates that the plumbing units are intact.
    4. Experiment with the dye. Pour powder into the toilet tank: if paint appears on the inner wall of the product after 30 minutes, there is a leak in the appliance. In this case, the monthly water consumption increases by 50 liters.
    5. When it comes time to pay the bills, each time ask the utility workers if the prices for their services have risen. This way you can make the right water saving decisions.

    The issue of saving water in an apartment and house has always been relevant. The most expensive are the bathroom and toilet, followed by a kitchen tap. Use special attachments and single-lever mixers, try changing the design of the meter or installing a magnet on it. Agree with your household that from now on, saving water is your priority.

    Video: how to save water at home