The most harmful foods for women: a list. Most Unhealthy Foods For Women: List Of Conspiracy Theory Foods Dangerous

Now the process of increasing the share of harmful products has reached its climax. The list of harmful products that should not be consumed categorically, they are dangerous to health!
This is a rough list of foods to give up! This is not about non-useful products, but about HAZARDOUS ENOUGH.
1. Monosodium glutamate
Do not eat foods with E-621 (monosodium glutamate) additive. Take the packaging of the goods in the store and read. If MSG is listed, don't buy it at all. Monosodium glutamate is a flavor enhancer. Now it is added even to the most unexpected products in order to "add" the population to them. Be careful! Better to use natural products: salt, sugar, pepper, etc. But glutamate by no means!

2. Sweeteners
Although many sweeteners are calorie-free and very economical (one plastic container replaces 6 to 12 kg of sugar), they should not be trusted. It turns out, having felt a sweet taste, our esophagus thinks that it will receive a portion of carbohydrates now - but they are not. After this "deception", any carbohydrates that enter the body within 24 hours after this "package", cause a strong feeling of hunger. NO sweeteners should be consumed.

3. Trans fats
Oil 72.5% should not be eaten in any case. This is a trans fat - low grade vegetable oil broken down by hydrogen. Oil less than 82.5% DOESN'T happen. If you cannot find such an oil, then it is better to eat vegetable oil. It is better to eat two tablespoons of natural butter than a whole pack or a pound of trans fats.

4. Lightly salted herring in plastic packaging
Lightly salted herring is stored only in oil. It is not stored in any vinegar or wine. If the herring is without oil, then urotropin is added to it.

5. Lightly salted red caviar
The principle is the same. Red caviar is not stored for a long time. Only frozen or highly salted. If lightly salted is sold, then either urotropine or citric acid is added to it. Something else may be added, but the output is still formaldehyde.

6. Deliberately genetically engineered products
Peanut. The petunia gene is implanted. Terribly poisonous substance. And insects don't eat peanuts.
Green peas (canned).
Corn (canned).
Imported potatoes.
Crab sticks (crab essence mixed with soy).

7. Corn sticks and sugar flakes
If you buy cornflakes, sticks, they should only be NOT sweet. Because sugar is not used in production. Sugar burns at a temperature of 140 degrees. Therefore, sweeteners are used, in this case cyclomat.

8. Porridge and cereals with flavors and colors identical to natural
These are chemicals that have a smell - like pear, strawberry, banana, etc. There is nothing natural here.

9. Lollipops, barberry
Nowadays, such a strong chemical essence is used that if you leave a slightly wetted candy on the tablecloth, it will burn through the tablecloth, along with the varnish. Even plastic is destroyed. Imagine what is happening to your stomach.

10. Marmalade
The present marmalade has nothing to do with what was in the USSR. These are the wonders of the chemical industry. Deadly dangerous.

11. Jams
The most powerful antioxidants. You will never be able to preserve cherries in such a pristine state.

12. Fried potatoes in fast foods and ready-made in stores
Now antioxidants are used such that the potatoes last for a year and do not turn black. Everything about fast foods. Shawarma, pies and even salads in Makdachnaya.

13. Boiled sausages
They are from genetically modified soybeans. Sausages, small sausages, boiled sausages, pates and other foods with so-called hidden fats. In their composition, lard, interior fat, pork skin occupy up to 40% of the weight, but are disguised as meat, including with the help of flavoring additives.

14. Ham
In this case, we are not talking about any naturalness at all. A thin neck and a kilogram of gel are taken. During the night, in a special machine, the gel is "cracked" together with a piece of the neck, and by the morning a huge piece of "meat" is obtained. As such, meat contains no more than 5%. Everything else is gel (carotenin, flavor enhancers, color enhancers). The pink color to this "meat" is given by color amplifiers together with special lamps. If you turn off the lamps in the showcase, you will see that the color is green.

15. Raw smoked sausages
Nobody smokes like before. Smoke liquids are used, in which, again, formaldehyde.

16. Dairy products with a long shelf life (more than 2 months)
Anything that is stored for more than 2 weeks should not be consumed. Aseptic packaging is an antibiotic packaging.

17. Mayonnaise in plastic bags
The vinegar in the mayonnaise, although it shouldn't be, eats away at the walls of the plastic packaging, releasing carcinogens. Only neutral food may be placed in plastic containers.

18. Watermelons
If you are carried 10 times, then on the 11th you may not. The watermelon is fertilized with such substances that it is the first candidate for poisoning.

19. Grapes that do not spoil
The grapes are eaten by mushrooms on the vine. It has not yet been removed from the branch, but mushrooms are already eating it. Therefore, if there is any kysh-mouse sold there and is lying for more than 5 days, you should know that it is treated with chloroform and other serious antioxidants.

20. Pepper (out of season)
An absolutely genetically modified product. It cannot be eaten in moderation by those who suffer from inflammatory diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, hypertension, ischemic disease heart disease, hemorrhoids, insomnia, mental disorders, epilepsy, kidney and heart disease. Pepper itself is included in the top ten products containing nitrogenous fertilizers and pesticides. And even if you eat just one such pepper, health problems may appear. Therefore, it would be better to buy it exclusively during the growing season, namely in the summer, and preferably grown in your area of \u200b\u200bresidence.

21. Strawberries in winter
Winter strawberries are absolutely useless. Not a single vitamin is there. This does not apply to you if you live, for example, in Israel, where it is in winter that the strawberry season is.

22. Purchased mushrooms, dried apricots, prunes, raisins
If you see pretty dried apricots or raisins, walk by. Think about what you need to do with it in order to preserve the apricot, as if it was recently from a tree. Dried apricots should be ugly and wrinkled.

23. Ice cream
Especially in specialized establishments like various "Robbins". Or foreign ice cream. It is virtually impossible to find ice cream made from milk these days. If you find a real milk ice cream somewhere, then you can safely buy it. Popsicles are naked essences, there is nothing natural about them.

24. Cupcakes in packages and rolls
They do not stale, do not deteriorate, do not dry, nothing is done with them. He will lie for a month. And in a month it will be the same.

25. Chocolates
90% of chocolate is not chocolate at all (color substitutes). Chocolate bars. This is a huge amount of calories when combined with chemical additives, genetically modified foods, colors and flavors. The combination of a large amount of sugar and various chemical additives provides the highest calorie content and the desire to eat them again and again.

26. Chicken
In particular, men should not eat chicken meat at all. Because chicken is all on hormones. Chicken contains 6 female hormones, including progesterone. Therefore, if a man begins to eat female hormones, his testosterone naturally drops, and to a level that cannot be restored later. The ram is the only animal that will not eat any hormones. Eat meat from non-commercial lines. Chickens are now the most commercial product!

27. Processed curds
Compared with hard varieties cheeses, processed cheeses contain more sodium, which makes them junk food for people suffering from hypertension and other cardiovascular diseases. They are absolutely not digestible!

28. Instant coffee
Men are not allowed at all! Categorically! There is a complete degeneration of the hormonal glands.

29. Flavored teas
Drink natural tea in which nothing floats, there is no additional taste. All flavored teas are sometimes with citric acid, sometimes with orange acid, sometimes with some other acid. The addiction arises instantly. We need to remove all acids from the body.

30. Refined deodorized vegetable oil
Refined oil, by the way, cannot be eaten, it hardly differs from plastic in molecular structure, which happens to it during the process of strong heating during refining. This oil slags the body and is the strongest carcinogen. For the same reason, you cannot fry twice in the same oil, except for olive oil ... Refined oil cannot be used raw in salads. You can only fry on it.

31. Ketchup, various sauces and dressings
They have a high content of dyes, flavor substitutes and GMOs, in addition, preservatives that protect these products from spoilage, disrupt the intestinal microflora, destroying beneficial microbes in the body.

32. Potato chips
Potato chips, especially those made not from whole potatoes, but from mashed potatoes. It is essentially a mixture of carbohydrates and fat plus artificial flavors.

33. Fast food products
Instant products: instant noodles, instant soups, mashed potatoes, instant juices like "Yupi" and "Zuko". All this is solid chemistry that is harmful to the body.

34. Alcohol
Alcohol. Even in minimal amounts, it interferes with the absorption of vitamins. In addition, alcohol itself is very high in calories. It's probably not worth talking about the effect of alcohol on the liver and kidneys, you already know everything perfectly. And don't rely on a certain amount of alcohol to be beneficial. All this takes place only with a reasonable approach to its use (quite rarely and in small doses).

35.Sweet carbonated drinks
Sugary carbonated drinks - a mixture of sugar, chemicals and gases - to distribute harmful substances through the body faster. Coca-Cola, for example, is a wonderful remedy for limescale and rust. Think carefully before sending such liquid to the stomach. In addition, carbonated sugary drinks are also harmful with a high concentration of sugar - the equivalent of four to five teaspoons diluted in a glass of water. Therefore, you should not be surprised that, after quenching your thirst with such soda, you are thirsty again in five minutes.

36. Yeast bread and white bread
By consuming yeast bread, you are eating mushrooms. Preference should be given rye bread... Refined white flour of the highest grades, like other refined products, confidently ranks among the top unhealthy foods. A sliced \u200b\u200bloaf is not a complete bread. This is "muffin", with all that it implies.

37. Juices in packages
In this case, we are not talking about any natural juices. There are NO natural juices available in packs. Don't you dare give them to children! This is pure chemistry.

And Roskachestvo.

Five healthy foods for women

1. Legumes - beans, asparagus, peas, soybeans. In legumes, there are many phytoestrogens - these are special plant substances that are similar in biochemical structure to estrogens. They contribute to the maintenance of normal hormonal levels in women. Most importantly, legumes, due to the content of phytoestrogens, reduce the manifestation of climateric symptoms. At the same time, legumes contain lecithin, choline, vitamins of group B and E, microelements. They should be eaten at least 2-3 times a week.

2. Cottage cheese is a source of irreplaceable milk proteins, vitamins and minerals. It is perfectly absorbed and has a beneficial effect on the skeletal system, teeth, blood vessels .... It is especially recommended for heart patients and hypertensive patients, used for the prevention of liver and kidney diseases, hypertension and age-related osteoporosis. Why is it important for women to eat cottage cheese? Because during menopause, calcium metabolism is disturbed and osteoporosis occurs. Taking cottage cheese 2-3 times a week will be a good prevention.

3. Carrots. It contains many vitamins that help preserve beauty and youth. The well-known tocopherol - vitamin E of youth - slows down the aging process, and is also indispensable during pregnancy. Phylloquinone - vitamin K - participates in the metabolism of bones and connective tissue, promotes the absorption of calcium, ensuring the interaction of calcium and vitamin D, which is very important for a woman in menopause. For immunity and vision, beta-carotene is necessary - the precursor of the ocular enzyme rhodopsin; for gum and teeth health - chewing fresh carrots; for excellent bowel function - fiber. Plus, carrots remove cholesterol from the body.

4. Oatmeal. For excellent digestion, this is the ideal product. It is only important to pay attention to the classic oatmeal, which is boiled for a long time on the stove, and not quickly dissolved in a mug. Coarse oatmeal activates peristalsis, and therefore blood circulation in the small pelvis, it is very useful for women. It is the classic oatmeal on the water removes toxins from the body, and even lead! And in diabetes, oatmeal lowers blood sugar levels. Oatmeal biotin increases the body's defenses and endurance. Oatmeal should be eaten at least 2 times a week.

5. Bananas. The main advantage of bananas is the huge amount of potassium in the composition. The calorie content of bananas does not allow you to eat them in tons, but as an energy snack you can carry them with you even to workout. It is an excellent antidepressant, a savior from toxins, a soothing for the stomach and esophagus. Bananas are the prevention of migraines and the maintenance of skin tone. It is especially beneficial for women to eat them during PMS - they help cope with stress.

Five foods harmful to women

1. Sugar. Has a high calorie content, but has no nutritional value for the body. These calories are called "empty" calories. Empty calories in women over the age of 25 are stored in fat. Then diseases of the liver and gallbladder begin, insulin mechanisms are depleted, and type 2 diabetes mellitus occurs.

And sweet blood is a breeding ground for bacteria. Sweet blood flowing through the vessels disrupts microcirculation, causes nephoropathy, retinal detachment and angiopathy of the lower extremities

Synthetic sweeteners are also not an option. They can provoke dermatitis, the formation of tumors. Be careful with honey too. Honey contains a significant amount of boron. Boron reduces the level of female hormones and increases the production of male hormones.

2. Margarine. It is not produced without transgenic fats, and they contribute to metabolic failure, weight gain, disruption in work endocrine system, allergic reactions, heart attacks and strokes, even oncology. It's important to remember that all inexpensive baked goods are made with margarine. In the composition of products, it is easily hidden behind the names "confectionery fat", "cocoa butter substitute", "vegetable fat", "hydrogenated butter" and others.

Margarine is especially harmful for women, because due to the hormonal background in women, the processes of anabolism (fat synthesis) prevail over catabolism (fat breakdown). And this means that fat metabolism is disrupted faster, fats burn poorly, and weight gain is in progress.

3. Alcohol. Its regular use changes the hormonal background of the female body and affects reproductive function. In addition, the liver, brain, cardiovascular system, stomach and others are affected. internal organs... Calcium is washed out of the bones - as mentioned above, it is especially important for women's health... Bones become brittle, hair falls out, teeth crumble. In general, the picture, frankly, is not very beautiful.

4. Soups and instant noodles, bouillon cubes. The mixtures used in concentrates are especially harmful to the female body. First, they contain a lot of salt and spices. The gastric mucosa in women is more tender than in men. Therefore, the risk of getting gastritis or stomach ulcers is much higher.

Secondly, the composition of such food often includes monosodium glutamate E621, which increases nervous excitability, especially in women, and causes mood swings.

Inosinate (E631) is also often found in cubes. It is an additive that obscures the natural flavor of dried bone broth, which is not always pleasant.

This dietary supplement has a negative effect on the female body, provoking an increase in blood pressure, can cause dizziness, redness of the skin of the face, nausea, and excessive sweating. Contraindicated in pregnant women and nursing mothers, allergy sufferers, asmatics and those suffering from gout.

Of course, occasionally and in small doses, it will not cause catastrophic harm, but it is still better to avoid such products.

5. White yeast bread and rolls. All useful substances of wheat are contained in the shell of the grain and its germ. When white bread is baked, they end up in waste. A lush loaf and buns are baked from a completely useless piece of grain. Even the 30% of the nutrients that remain in white flour disappear after a couple of weeks of storage. As a result, the favorite baked goods are “empty” calories, starch and yeast.

As a result of the regular consumption of buns and buns, not only excess weight appears, but cardiovascular, endocrine, gastrointestinal and oncological diseases come along with it.

Development percentage diabetes mellitus among lovers of white loaves, it is three times higher than among those who prefer grain bread. This is due to a violation in the body of carbohydrate metabolism.

And women are already at higher risk of developing diabetes than men.

It has long been known that female and male organisms have a fundamental difference in terms of the work of all organs. Including the organs of the gastrointestinal tract. Scientists have come up with a list of foods that cause the greatest harm to women's health.

  1. Chips and sodas shared the first place in the list of foods that destroy the female body. Chips, rich in carcinogens and flavor enhancers, promote the development of tumors. Carbonated drinks disrupt metabolism and cause gastritis. Contraindicated in diabetes.
  2. Vegetables and fruits came out on the second place. Don't be surprised, as most women are obsessed with their weight. Vegetables and fruits become a part of any diet. Commercial vegetables and fruits often contain carcinogens and cancer-causing benzopyrene.
  3. The third place on the podium is taken by Margarine... Do not believe the advertisements, this product does not contain useful substances. Its frequent use leads to high cholesterol levels. Margarine is extremely harmful to the female figure.
  4. Mayonnaise ranks fourth in the ranking of the most harmful foods for women. It contains fats that are considered carcinogenic. This product is especially harmful during pregnancy, in the first trimester.
  5. Smoked products moved up to fifth place. They are harmful to everyone, without exception, they can only be eaten occasionally. The main poisonous substance of all smoked products is benzopyrene. It is formed during the smoking process, regardless of the method.

It will be extremely problematic to refuse these products. You just need to comply with the measure, using smoked products. Mayonnaise and margarine can be substituted with other foods. It is better to buy vegetables from the market. And you can completely refuse chips and soda.

Important! Taking care of your health is important not only to give up junk food. Is of great importance correct mode nutrition and physical activity.

A woman's health is a very important indicator throughout the world. Everyone on this planet has been born of a woman. Dear women! Take care of your health and be happy!

Dangerous products for men

A proper balanced diet is the foundation male health... Few people know that some food products can seriously undermine a strong male body.

Note! Most of these foods are the basis of the modern human diet. It will be difficult to avoid consuming them one hundred percent.

The table below lists the most harmful foods for men.

Product name Why are these products harmful? Influenced by
1 Soy Lowers testosterone levels. Affects potency and reduces sperm count.
2 Beer Contains phytoestrogens. Promotes female obesity. Harmful to liver and kidneys.
3 Potato chips Contains carcinogens and preservatives. Cause oncology.
4 Red meat Contains a lot of iron. Provokes cardiovascular disease in men.
5 Sausages Contains a lot of soy and dyes. Causes cancer of the pancreas.

It is these products that scientists call the most destructive for the body of men. It is worth seriously thinking about your health if these products are part of the daily diet. Preventing disease is easier than curing it.

What foods are bad for children's health

There is nothing more important for parents than the health of the baby. Nutrition is the foundation of his health. The child's body is less adapted to the poisons contained in foods. Therefore, their impact can seriously undermine the health of the baby.

However, many parents continue to buy hazardous foods for their children. Below are the top most dangerous foods for children. Parents should check it out. This is a real poison for a child.

  • Chocolate bars... They are high in calories, preservatives and GMOs.
  • Chewing gum and hard candy... There is nothing useful about them. Dyes, flavor enhancers, chemical additives.
  • Crisps... It is a mixture of fat with carbohydrates and flavor substitutes. They contain harmful palm oil and a large number of carcinogens. This product causes cancer.
  • Sweet carbonated drinks... Most of them contain E951 preservative. One component of this substance is capable of removing serotonin from the body. This leads to depression and depression.
  • Sausages and sausages... It is almost impossible to find quality products in this category. All manufacturers use hidden fats, flavor substitutes and monosodium glutamate, which is addictive like a drug.
  • Mayonnaise... Do not give to children under any circumstances. It contains tumor-causing carcinogens. Vinegar, which is part of it, releases harmful substances from plastic. Monosodium glutamate is often present in the composition.

The child's body, which gets a portion of the poisons, begins to react to them. Allergy appears. But after some time, the body adapts and stops responding.

Food poisons are extremely dangerous for children. They disrupt the child's metabolism, affect the function of the thyroid gland, and contribute to the development of many serious diseases. Better to replace these foods than let them ruin his health.

Dangerous additives in food

It so happens that after trying a new food, a person experiences stomach discomfort. Allergy appears. This is the body's reaction to preservatives. Some of them can cause serious harm to human health. Everyone who cares about their future needs to know them.

Top most dangerous additives in foods:

  • Can cause cancer: E142, E253, E212, E213, E214, E215, E131, E153, E142, E230, E252, E280, E281, E282, E283, E954.
  • Prohibited: E103, E105, E111, E121, E125, E126, E127, E130, E152, E155, E180, E211, E215, E216, E240, E924a, E926b, E926, E952.
  • Harmful to the skin: E151, E160, E311, E312, E310, E907, E951, E1105.
  • Causes intestinal upset: E626, E627, E628, E629, E630, E631, E632, E633, E634, E635, E154.
  • Indigestion: E450, E451, E452, E453, E454, E455, E466, E438, E439, E440, E441.
  • Banned for baby food: E631, E627, E620, E621, E249.
  • Banned in European countries, but allowed in Russia: E123, E952, E320, E222, E216, E217, E124, E211, E122, E110, E105.

It is almost impossible to avoid consuming preservatives. Manufacturers are forced to add them so that they can be stored longer, have a pleasant taste, color and smell.

All you can do to stay healthy is to avoid the most dangerous supplements. Fortunately, they are not found in all products. By exercising reasonable care, you will protect your health and the health of your loved ones.

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So let's get started.

List of the most harmful foods for women's health

  • Chips and sodas.
    Only the lazy, from nutritionists to journalists, did not write about the harmfulness of chips and soda. Nevertheless, let's repeat. Chips and carbonated drinks are harmful not only because they cause a malfunction in the metabolism, and, as a result, excess weight. Among other things, chips:
    • Provoke the development of cancer due to the presence of carcinogens;
    • They contain a huge amount of hydrogenated fats that increase blood cholesterol levels. This leads to an increased risk of heart attack or stroke.
    • Clinical studies by American scientists show that regular consumption of chips leads to the development of dementia precisely because of the harmful substances formed in the product during the cooking process.

    Carbonated drinks are harmful because they contain a huge amount of sugar, and this, in turn, contributes to metabolic disorders, which can cause:

    • Overweight;
    • Diabetes.
  • Carbonated drinks are often sweetened not with sugar, but, which are often the strongest carcinogens, and can cause cancer if used continuously.
    In addition, soda can cause:

    • Allergy to one or another component
    • Gastritis, which occurs due to carbon dioxide, which increases the acidity of the stomach.
    • Sausages and smoked productsoccupy a worthy place among harmful products.
      The sausage is included in this list primarily because of its composition. Certainly, some varieties of sausages do not raise doubts about their origin, but the vast majority of sausages on the counter, in spite of their cost, are not made from meat. The main composition of sausages is dyes and flavors, as well as synthesized protein. Their health safety has not been confirmed by clinical studies.
      Various kinds of smoked meats, despite the fact that they are based on natural meat and fish, are very harmful to women's health with a high content of carcinogens. Carcinogens are formed during product processing and remain in the form of benzopyrene, a harmful substance.
    • Mayonnaise. Much has been said about its harm. Mayonnaise contains:
      • Trans fats that are considered carcinogens
      • Substances that increase blood cholesterol levels.
    • Margarine consists of transgenic fat, one of the most harmful of its types. And no matter what the manufacturers write, there is no useful margarine. This also applies to cheap margarine, which, in principle, does not contain any natural substances. In addition, it should be remembered that the cream of most cakes, pastries and other sweets consists of just margarine. Excessive use will not only lead to metabolic disorders and excess weight, but also to other health problems: allergies, malfunctioning of the indocrine system, cancer.
    • Talk about harm fast foodcan be infinitely long. Not only that, shawarma, French fries, hamburgers, whites and others like them negatively affect metabolism and, as a result, cause excess weight. The principles of their manufacture - frying in a huge amount of oil - is harmful in itself, not to mention the fact that everything is fried in the same oil, which is good if it changes once a day. As a result, a fair amount of carcinogens is provided.
    • Vegetables and fruits.Do not wonder. If adorable cucumbers or apples have grown near a plant or a highway, eating them will give you quite a significant supply of carcinogens, in particular, benzopyrene, which causes cancer.
    • Products containing preservatives, especially monosodium glutamate... This preservative, which is used in most products for long-term storage, can cause headaches, vasospasm, and metabolic disorders. Foods that contain a huge amount of preservatives include mayonnaise, ice cream, chocolate bars, popular drinks, and gum. Therefore, be vigilant - study the composition before buying and choose the product in which the least amount of preservatives is stated.
    • It's no secret that they help us to maintain vigor throughout the day. energy... For some it is coffee, for some it is tea, and for some it is also energy drinks. Coffee if you manage to drink a natural, freshly brewed beverage:
      • stimulates the activity of the cardiovascular system;
      • in case of an overdose, it drains the nervous system.

      In no case should it be abused, otherwise it is fraught with problems with the heart and blood vessels.
      Instant coffeeas an energy drink or decaf coffee is another myth. Yes, here you will not get the actual caffeine, the reaction to instant coffee will be rather psychological. However, preservatives and flavors will fill your body to capacity.
      The same can be said for natural black tea... Black tea with various additives is often a gimmick of manufacturers supplying low-quality products with flavors and preservatives.
      About the benefits green tea Many articles have been written, but few people know that abuse of this drink leads to the formation of blood clots.
      Concerning energy drinks, then, in addition to a huge amount of preservatives and flavors, they have a detrimental effect on the nervous system, depleting it.

    • Any foods high in carbohydrates - including oatmeal, white bread and polished rice. They are dangerous, first of all, because:
      • Quickly processed into glucose;
      • It is in women that the risk of developing cardiovascular diseases increases.
    • Semi-finished products - ready-made soups, broths, nuggets, etc. A very popular type of food that does not take a lot of time to prepare, and the result is usually excellent. However, it is best to refrain from them. Suffice it to mention that:
      • Convenience foods contain a lot of preservatives, salt and fat
      • Does not necessarily consist of the stated fish or meat
      • Often contain genetically modified foods (such as soy, which replaces animal protein)
    • Breadcrumbssprinkled on nuggets absorb a huge amount of fat during cooking.
    • Pork skins are one of the most popular dishes in the world because of their amazing taste. However, there is no need to talk about the benefits of the product. Judge for yourself:
      • The fat and salt content in this dish is enormous;
      • This dish is considered a hard and heavy food for the stomach;
      • Often contains hairs that are not digested, moreover, can lead to appendicitis;
      • Recent studies have shown that this dish damages tooth enamel.
    • The world of products is no stranger to fashion. And here there are innovations, revolutionary discoveries, fashion trends... One of these fashionable innovations is smoothies - food given in liquid state... It is certainly delicious and nutritious. But:
      • Replacing the diet with liquid food unbalances the digestive system;
      • Disrupts the work of the gastrointestinal tract, ceasing to stimulate it, as does solid food.

    Eat right and stay healthy! After all, it is health that gives us a bright and positive perception of life and the world.