What a lion's character is. Leo man in love and family life. What kind of sex do male lions like? How to win the love of a lion man? What can you give a Leo man and what gifts he will like

For Lvov, honor and dignity are always important, unless he was poorly brought up. Despite the fact that today women are free and strong, for the Leo man they are always fragile creatures, offended by insidious men, requiring protection and care.

Leo, in return for his patronage, expects kind words and sincere delight, without regard to shortcomings. Sometimes he is attracted to strong and independent women, but with such he rarely creates a stable relationship. The husband's horoscope warns: Leo man in marriage should play the first violin, even if he is ready for anything for the sake of his beloved. Or, in any case, he must be sure that he is the main one in the family.

Leo man in marriage: what is he like in family, home life, when he gets married?

According to traditional astrology and the husband's horoscope in particular, men are divided into two main categories. The former are good for intoxicating romances, and the latter are great husbands. Leo is considered one of the best candidates for the role of husband, especially if you want to be perceived by others as a queen, and also if "worldly" affairs are important to you. The King of the Zodiac has enormous advantages and ... terrible disadvantages. But everything that glitters strongly and beautifully casts a deceptive attractive shadow ...

How does a Leo husband provide for a family?

To his beloved wife, husband Leo will get the stars from the sky. He will try to do everything so that she does not have enough except for bird's milk: his queen should have all the best that is under this sun. Leo publicly praises her, appreciates her support and character so much that other women are dying of envy.

Is the lion husband cheating or not, jealous or not?

The lion husband in bed demonstrates a great sexual appetite, so his partner in the marriage bed cannot have a headache too often. If Leo cheats on you, and you are an intelligent wife, you will notice it right away. He begins to shower you with expensive gifts and looks like a walking remorse. You can defeat your opponent with the right tactics. But even if Leo falls deeply in love with someone on the side, he probably will not leave a person weaker than him, requiring care. Unless the behavior of his wife disappointed him very painfully or hurt his pride.

Leo seems hard, brutal, even rude, but under the "sign" of macho there is a golden heart and great sensitivity. Of course, in this form, Leo will never stop in front of the public. Also, he is not as confident in himself as the environment usually thinks. Sometimes he is very sensitive to everything related to masculinity, so Leo's husband is madly jealous of his partner's love past.

Leo man: how to behave with him, how to live, how to be together and keep Leo husband?

His other half should be beautiful, smart and be very popular with men. Because, like any predator, a Leo husband in marriage appreciates only what was difficult for him to get.

It's good when a beloved wife supports her spouse, has broader life ambitions and plans, serves as a model for him - then Leo sincerely admires her. In addition, the wife should awaken his "appetites" for success, even with exaggerated financial requirements.

Lions are characterized by an innate excess of energy, they are created in order to go and conquer the peaks, and not waste their lives lying on the couch with a TV remote control in their hands. Deprived of the opportunity to shine and influence the environment, Leo becomes a very difficult partner. Then the big eagle becomes a plucked chicken, which also turns into an evil, even aggressive towards others. Unfortunately, it often happens that Leo associates with people who are emotionally dissatisfied, restless, weak, who profit from his strength. Then he loses his natural nature and too easily succumbs to temptations.

A generous and passionate man, born under the constellation Leo, is always ready to be in the spotlight and demonstrate the positive sides of his character. Moreover, he has a lot of them. What problems await a girl who decided to connect her life with a Leo man, and how to cope with them? You can find out about this below.


The most important thing a Leo man needs is attention. He loves the holiday, but the calm oppresses him. I am ready to celebrate any event with a large number of friends and family. In people, he, first of all, appreciates the attitude towards his person. Nature bequeathed to him to respond to praise, and therefore Leo chooses people who admire him as friends.

This is a domineering man who sees himself as a leader in any company. Since childhood, she has been attending a bunch of different circles and strives to be the best and most important everywhere. If this is football, then he will certainly be the team captain, if an ordinary class of a comprehensive school, then this boy will certainly be the headman. These qualities also manifest themselves in adulthood. Most often, Leos occupy a leadership position, although in general they do not differ in particular efficiency.

Others love Leo for his good-natured disposition. He is ready to give everyone a smile and cheer up with a witty joke. With him it is fun, interesting, the inexhaustible energy of Leo pushes him to extreme actions. The lion is able to lead the crowd.

Representatives of the fire element always treat their loved ones with tenderness, even in adolescence, the Lion Cub reaches out to his parents. When he grows up, he never leaves his elderly mothers and fathers without the help.

When Leo is in a good mood, he feels at ease, relaxes, and then it seems to others that Leo can be manipulated. But this is not the case. The Leo man will never allow anyone to dictate their will.

Attempts to command this young man can turn into an easy quarrel at best, and a real war at worst.

There are times when Leo is unable to control his anger. This often happens when someone tries to impose their opinion or criticize the actions of their fiery friend. This man cannot stand criticism. Bursting with aggression, he dumps innumerable words of anger at the interlocutor. Friends are aware of this characteristic of Leo and try to avoid such moments.

In general, Leo is distinguished by a heightened sense of justice and conscientiousness; always sincerely asks for forgiveness, but sometimes insidious flattery can be hidden behind a sweet smile. Leo does not differ in commercialism, but in some situations he compromises his decency and for his own benefit is able to be hypocritical.

This man chooses his environment for himself. Since childhood, he is sure that he needs ideal friends, an ideal wife, an ideal home. This is what Leo strives for throughout his life. People with a weak character, as well as those who once doubted the actions of Leo, have no place in it.

This predator also has a weak side - it is the fear of being in an awkward situation, becoming the object of ridicule, and tarnishing its reputation. With all his might, Leo tries to avoid moments when he may find himself in such a position.

With all his might, Leo tries to avoid moments when he may find himself in such a position.

What kind of woman is needed?

Since childhood, this vain man prefers to surround himself with beautiful things. The same rule applies to people, so he needs a beautiful woman. This lady should not tell her chosen one how to behave, since in his understanding he is always right. With a partner, this woman should be connected with the attitude.

Leo appreciates in girls the ability to manage a house, cook deliciously, while skillfully remaining feminine and desirable. Of course, this woman should admire the perfection of her ideal chosen one.

Leo should be proud of his lady. She should remain sweet and reasonably sociable in the company of mutual friends, but not overshadow his person. This Leo will not forgive his partner.

A girl should always be prepared for the fact that Leo, despite his decency, can very much offend her with a word in public. This will happen if the lady publicly begins to criticize his actions. Leo himself will not even notice that he has fallen into a weak spot, because he will not specifically look for him, and nevertheless, a woman may find herself in a humiliating position. Therefore, he needs a non-hot-tempered and balanced patient chosen one.

A girl who monitors her diet and seeks to prove the benefits of dietary products to her predatory lover is not suitable for Leo. Representatives of the fire element are endowed with good health and they themselves know when and what they can eat. It is better to surprise him with a tasty, not healthy dish; Leo will appreciate this gesture.

Being in love, you should not think that he disappeared for his friends. This young man will continue to lead an active and exciting life, only now he must be accompanied by his second half.

A woman who participates in his classes will be highly appreciated by this predator.

Signs of falling in love

Leo is a fairly sincere young man. He always truly loves and does not hide feelings. The time he devotes to a woman can be the main sign that a man is in love. If Leo invited his new friend to a restaurant for a couple of hours, then most likely it's just flirting. If he called her for a walk, for the whole day, then he is in love.

To understand exactly how serious the intentions of the Leo man are, you can familiarize yourself with a few more signs.

  • In the company of friends, he will always stand out. This is also characteristic of the unloved Leo, but with his beloved, this guy completely loses his head and obsessively demonstrates his leadership qualities. After all, now this predator needs not only the admiration of others, but also the praise of his beloved.
  • When a Leo man falls in love, he will not test his girlfriend's feelings by stopping to communicate with her. He will call every day and be sincerely interested in the affairs of his beloved.

  • With all his might, Leo in love will try to become the main person in the life of the chosen one. Will not tolerate second roles. Moreover, this man will be able to crank all this very unobtrusively, so the lady should take a closer look at the behavior of a new acquaintance.
  • A woman who fell in love with a Leo guy will constantly feel control over herself. This is the manifestation of the possessive qualities of this young man.
  • By itself, a representative of the element of Fire is very emotional, but in communication with a lady of the heart, this emotionality reaches its peak. This cannot go unnoticed by a discerning partner.
  • A Leo in love can torment his beloved with questions about his exclusivity. Was she familiar with such extraordinary people before? Has she ever had similar feelings for someone else? All these questions have to be answered by the girl whom Leo fell in love with.

Relationship to family and marriage

Leo is a very positive husband. He tries to create an ideal family, therefore he chooses a perfect woman in everything as his wife. She must be good at housekeeping and good at cooking. The spouse himself will not really help in everyday life, but Leo loves to cook. A very interesting feature of these men: from "nothing" and without much difficulty, they can prepare a very tasty dish. It is a pity that they do this not so often, but always with pleasure and soul. A wise wife should never abandon this gesture without admiration.

For his wife, Leo is trying to create ideal conditions: gives her beautiful gifts, praises her, publicly expresses words of love. In bed, he can be insatiable, therefore, the wife must have a strong temperament.

However, sex is still not the main component of marriage as understood by Leo.

In general, Leo is inherent in loyalty and devotion, but if his spouse has offended him in some way, then he can go for treason. If the heart of a married Leo was conquered by another mistress, then he is unlikely to leave his defenseless wife, most likely, he will continue to take care of her.

This is a jealous spouse who can remind his wife of her past partners for a long time, demanding that she remember more little things in order to compare facts, find inconsistencies and accuse her of deception. A spouse, in the understanding of Leo, has no right to even just smile at another man, and even more so not to express words of admiration in his address. But Leo himself believes that he does not deserve jealousy. After all, by nature, he needs the enthusiastic attitude of others, including women, and therefore the spouse should not be jealous.

In general, in a marriage, the husband will be responsible for all the actions of the chosen one, including controlling her clothes, environment, hobbies, leaving the opportunity to manage only everyday issues.

In a career, Leos usually achieve a high position, and therefore the family will not need money. The Lion's House will be furnished with expensive furnishings. This man will not feel sorry for money for a house and a family, he likes a luxurious life.

The Leo father turns out to be excellent. This is a loving, attentive dad who will become a real friend for his child. Children from an early age see how their father is unstable before flattery and praise, and therefore use these tools to get their way. The father is not in a position to refuse the request of his son or daughter. However, after the appearance of children in the family, conflicts may appear. Leo is not used to being on the sidelines, and therefore can sometimes be jealous of his spouse for his own children, because now he does not get the main portion of admiration. This will not affect in any way the touching attitude of Leo to his sons and daughters.

Usually, his family does not have many children, maximum two.


The Leo man with women born under different signs of the zodiac has the following compatibility.

  • Aries. The Aries woman's tendency to turn over information repels the Leo man, so this family union is unlikely to be happy.
  • Taurus. Not a very good union. There will be a constant struggle between representatives of these signs. Relationships can be smoothed out only by passionate sex.
  • Twins. Perfect compatibility in everything.
  • A lion. A quite successful couple can develop if one of these two still compromises. Due to the struggle for primacy, in most cases, Lions still part.
  • Cancer. A Leo man and a Cancer woman can be excellent business partners or best friends, but a love relationship is unlikely to be able to connect them.
  • Virgo. Not a very good couple. A fiery character can greatly frighten a tender and vulnerable Virgo.

  • Scales. A very good union. Libra can tolerate the complex nature of Leo, the element of Air will extinguish the fiery ardor of this man in time.
  • Scorpion. In this case, it is better to avoid any kind of communication altogether.
  • Sagittarius. A happy family life awaits the Leo man and the Sagittarius woman if this wise and cunning lady finds the right levers of pressure.
  • Capricorn. Only in rare cases can a union be promising, usually representatives of these signs of the zodiac rarely find a common language.
  • Aquarius. These two can make a pretty good pair.
  • Fishes. Despite the opposite elements, it is the sensitive Pisces woman who can make a good party to the imperious Leo. This lady has a subtle sense of her partner and knows how to fulfill all the desires of her beloved.

In order to interest this strong courageous predator, as well as keep him near her, girls should heed the following tips.

How to conquer?

  • To win the heart of this man, who considers himself the height of perfection, a girl must correspond to him in everything: dress well, have the right manners, be able to attract the attention of a male. Seeing how the lady shines in the company of friends, Leo will not be able to resist, because he should always have the best, including the chosen one.
  • The femme fatale will not please this man. Rather, he needs a well-groomed, decent, well-mannered young lady. Too bright personality will not seduce this young man, as he can outshine him, which Leo will not allow.
  • Don't rush things. This predator must think that it is he who is the initiator of the relationship. You don't have to give in to him right away. A man should be interested in and pursue his love victim, as befits a predator.

Content of the article:

Aristocratic facial features, the gaze of the leader, regal posture, the greatness and serenity of the monarch, demonstration of self-confidence in every gesture - this is the portrait of this representative of the star family. Brave and powerful, noble and reckless, the Leo man behaves at ease and imposing in relations with people. He inspires those around him that he is worthy of the throne and the love of the queen.

Egocentrism, fueled by the energy of the element of Fire, moves him throughout his life. Male lions strive career heights, material well-being and the attention of beautiful women. The latter are crazy about them, because the Leo man in sex is an unforgettable holiday partner, passionate and romantic.

It is not surprising that such charismatic, generously gifted with intelligence, impeccable taste and irresistible charm, claims only the first roles in a life play. Prominent and influential public figures often emerge from the "lion" tribe:

  • Diplomats;
  • Actors;
  • Journalists;
  • Politicians;
  • Businessmen.

It is easy for this breed of men to become a dominant in the company of friends and a center of attraction in female society. But to cope with destructive outbursts of anger, jealousy and tendency to flattery, the "king of beasts" does not always succeed. This is the "Achilles' heel" of the man-nosed alpha male, the conqueror of women's hearts.

Leo man in love and sex

The chosen one of the described representative of the stronger sex will not lack signs of attention. He will fill her with flowers and ornaments, charm with surprises, intrigue with notions.

Sometimes such amorous attacks are somewhat tiring and even exhausting. In addition, clouds often run into the shining sky of Leo man's love. jealousy... Thirsty for entertainment, such a suitor will not give rest his passion.

But his attention is guaranteed by a number of bonuses:

  • Romantic dates;
  • Endless innovations;
  • Piquant sensations.

Leo man in bed temperamental and regal as in everything else. He loves sex, enjoys it and gives "wonderful moments" to her partner. An unrestrained experimenter, a tireless entertainer, he will stir up an old maid, a young lady, and an experienced priestess of love in bed.

The only "minus" - although for some women it will quite pass for a "plus" - neglect of the stage of foreplay during the rapid transition to "storm and onslaught."

Leo man in family life

Having tied himself by marriage, the charismatic egocentric seeks to occupy dominant position in the house... From the second half and children, it requires increased attention and unquestioning obedience. The Leo man in the family can be an inexorable tyrant and dexterous manipulator.

The jealous husband will definitely not tolerate the brilliant career of his wife. Her place is at the stove, crib, at the sewing machine. However, the uncomplaining sacrifice to her husband Leo is boring and uninteresting. Own hobbies - with diplomatic behavior - will not interfere with the keeper of the family hearth.

Father lion kind, playful, caring, but extremely demanding. Heirs must not defame his honor. He wants to be proud of them, so he does not intend to condone even innocent pranks.

A Leo man in marriage is happy when his family is successful and recognizes his merit in this. It is not easy to live with this indisputable authority under one roof, but it is not boring either.

Leo guy: characteristics

Young people born under the sign of Leo know their worth and expect a lot from the fair sex. The Leo guy in love is looking for at least three things: admiration, inspirations, relaxation... The girl of his dreams should be:

  • Beauty queen;
  • An admirer of his talents;
  • Reliable support;
  • A faithful muse.

Such a young lady-goddess, a guy Leo in bed will show that there is heaven on earth. He will carry her away to the beautiful land of inexhaustible caresses. True, the ruler of this magical world of intimacy will be exclusively he.

You should not count on the stability of relations with him. The most innocent flirtation in relation to another young man, he is ready to take for treason.

Leo's girlfriend will need a lot of patience and wisdom to go the distance from first date to marriage.

  • Be truthful.
  • Avoid being caught in a lie.
  • Don't bring the problem to conflict.
  • Try not to flirt with other guys.
  • Admire him, cheer him up, charge him with positive.

Let these five tips become for you, dear young ladies, steps to the top of a happy and harmonious life with a representative of a noble lion family.

Read also:

Orthodox calendar

Wednesday 22 May 2019(May 9 old style)
4th week after Easter
The Celebration of Pentecost.
Transfer of the relics of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker from Myra in Lycia to Bar (1087)
Prophet. Isaiah (VIII BC)
Mch. Christopher (about 250)
Venerable Shio Mgvimsky (VI) (Loads)
Memorial Day of Saints:
Venerable Joseph Optinsky (1911).
Memorial Day for Confessors and New Martyrs of the Russian Church:
Schmch. Demetrius of the Resurrection Presbyter (1938); sshmch. Vasily Kolosov as a presbyter (1939).
Day of veneration of the icons of the Mother of God:
Mozdokskaya and Dubenskaya-Krasnogorskaya (XVII) icons of the Mother of God.
Fasting day.
Readings of the day
Gospel and Apostle:
On lit .: -Ap .: Acts 14: 6-18 Ev .: John 7: 14-30
In the morning: - Ps. 70-76; Ps. 77-84 Ps. 85-90 For the evening.: - Ps. 119-133

> Zodiac sign Leo: man

If Leo does not get the first place for attractiveness, then the titles "impressive" and "interesting" will definitely shine for him. He is confident in his movements, his gait is free and the whole image inspires respect and confidence. The head is always held high. Leo is not going to hide his gaze or consider his shoes in communication with the interlocutor. The zodiac looks in the face. Sometimes it resembles an agile cat, in which the lion's power lurks. She dresses with a needle, giving preference to costumes from well-known brands. The image for the zodiac means a lot, so I'm ready to spend money on clothes and show off.


Lion in love


A lion: characteristic behavior

  • He is a cheerful person, always smiling and not greedy for compliments. Even with a huge amount of work, he will not be able to hide in the crowd and by some miracle finds himself in the center of everyone's attention. But they do not show any attempts to hide. Being in the thick of things is the meaning of their existence. You can love or hate him, but you cannot remain indifferent.
  • The zodiac selects people in his company who will idolize him. This atmosphere fuels his strength. This is a kind of stage on which he shines. But you cannot call him selfish. Receiving a colossal flow of energy, he generously gives it to friends in the form of advice, support or material assistance.

Is he eccentric?

This is always a difficult question, because everyone has their own level and limit of eccentricity. So you cannot generalize. But Leo is among the most eccentric zodiacs.

  • Leo's character is dominant, and he easily subdues others. But this is not dictatorship or despotism. The sign is very gentle and kind. He is open to communication and communication is an integral part of his nature. The man, as it were, takes you under his wing. But only take the risk of moving him off the pedestal or doubting his dignity. You will feel on yourself what the lion's rage is.

Personality traits and characteristics

Personality traits and characteristics

  • Leo is a dramatic sign with many contrasts. But in general, when you get to know him better, you understand that he is a simple and predictable person.

King of beasts

  • Outwardly, he behaves like one of the most confident and aggressive zodiacs. Fearless, charismatic and courageous. He is an optimist and a leader who tries to see the good in everything and often takes responsibility in order to be noticed. He is prone to drama and tries to be in the spotlight.
  • He has all the skills to gain universal respect and admiration. Endowed with a warm heart, openness, passion and impulsiveness. The presence of this person in the room is felt almost immediately.


  • Despite the external bravado, inside he is incredibly sensitive and vulnerable. In every sense, he should feel that he is loved and appreciated. It is especially important to receive such support from loved ones.
  • The combination of these sides creates specific consequences in the relationship. If ignored or criticized, it becomes aggressive. If you respect and ask for help, it turns into a warm and affectionate kitten. Catch this moment and you will be able to tame the beast.
  • For example, if you say: “You never give me flowers,” then this is a criticism to which you will receive a negative reaction. But the phrase: "Flowers make me so happy" will serve as a stimulation. Leo will please if you approach the question correctly.

Other traits

  • Affectionate and cheerful Leo can illuminate other people's lives with sunshine. Generous and playful, he is known for his caring and patronizing.
  • However, it can be selfish, demanding, domineering, lazy, impatient and stubborn. May suffer from high self-esteem and be overly picky towards those who are lower in rank. As a rule, he puts loved ones on a pedestal and has high hopes. Unsurprisingly, he is often disappointed.
  • Many men love to acquire material goods that will be noticed in society. Flashy outfits, expensive cars, a fancy house, etc. And in general, if no one envies, then he is unlikely to buy this thing. Usually not violent, but can be aggressive if brought up. However, he quickly forgives and does not hold grudges.

Compatibility in work and career

  • As a rule, a strong Leo gets an excellent position or makes every effort to get his way. He is interested not only in a good salary. Competition is important, which gives a constant incentive to fight and push forward. To motivate the zodiac, you just need to provide a worthy opponent. He doesn't like routine. Boredom in the office will lead to a drop in productivity. The usual state is to conquer the peaks. Give him a challenge and consider yourself a gift. But remember to remind him that he deserves more and appreciate his contribution.
  • The sign can work for a long time and responsibly. But I'm not used to digging deep and planning ahead. And he does not correct even the grossest shortcomings, but hides behind ostentatious effects.

Lion in love

Zodiac in love

  • A companion is obliged to meet the requirements of a man. That's why compatibility with other signs depends on his position in the relationship. Leo is looking for emotion and sensuality. They choose not him, but he. The partner should be beautiful, showy and attract male looks. In courtship - a master, as he envelops the chosen one with compliments, gifts, gallant treatment. In general, it turns her into a queen and throws the whole world at her feet. But even falling in love will not give her the right to rule. Only he will get the main role.

The beginning of a relationship

She is an emotional, romantic and very sensitive lover with a warm heart and a desire for stability. Great parent. Passionate by nature, he will be jealous if he feels threatened by an opponent.

He likes to show off, which manifests itself through an extravagant lifestyle. Most likely, he will stock red roses, champagne and satin sheets. He doesn't like routine. Differs in adventurousness and special persistence.

  • The zodiac is jealous. She will not tolerate not only courting from a stranger, but will not even allow his shadow next to her. In bed, passionate, but sometimes he thinks too much. She is afraid of not holding out to the girl's expectations and therefore closes in. But if this is not the first connection, then the sign is inventive and showered the lady with affectionate words.
  • What will be compatibility of signs and which female Will it fit Leo? Fish and Cancer will make a party, but only if he is looking for peace. With Taurus, there will be an ideal couple, since the zodiac will constantly desire a partner. But this requires overcoming joint ambitions and smoothing out rough edges. But Scorpio, Capricorn and Virgo will not bring happiness, since they will not be able to accept the rules of the game of the sign and will try to change it.

How to understand that you are in love?

Leo is not going to hide anything. He declares his love to the whole world, so you don't have to guess. If you are faced with a restrained type, then you will show it in the manners of the owner and jealousy. Just flirt a little with someone else and you will see a twinkle in the lion's eyes.

  • As for family life, everything is not so simple. On the one hand, the sign makes compliments to all the girls you like. But he is devoted to his wife if he receives enough love from her. On the other hand, the wife becomes property and is forced to obey his rhythm. The zodiac does not help her in her career and tries to limit her only to household chores. It requires frankness and complete trust. It is dangerous to hide something, since he will still find out the truth even under torture. The power of Leo can reach the point that he begins to dictate how his wife should dress and with whom to communicate.
  • If you want to help him achieve good luck, then give alexandrite or sardonyx as a stone, which contributes to the implementation of plans. Carnelian will strengthen talents and protect against obstacles. To soften the temper, offer chrysolite, which instills patience.

How about loyalty?

If he is confident and loves a partner, then he can be betrayed with all his heart. However, this continues until it feels necessary. Just show him your feelings and he won't want to go anywhere.

  • Of course, mark description impossible without a family nest. The house is warm and cozy. He will not spare the money to make everyone feel comfortable. But sometimes the wind blows in his wallet as well, since the zodiac does not really monitor spending. There may be no children at all, or it may stop at one child. This is an attentive and caring dad. The kid quickly guesses that the only way to his father's heart is through praise and flattery, and therefore skillfully uses them for his own purposes. Lions pamper them. But if a woman pays more attention to her offspring, then the man will become jealous.

Articles dedicated to Leo

  • Peculiarities ;
  • Peculiarities ;

There should always be an audience in front of him. This is Leo's answer - be his audience. Your Leo can be easily drawn into a romance if you play the right way: flatter him, adore and respect him. If this is a flamboyant August man, wear dark glasses and indulge in the bright sunlight coming from him.

If this is a gentle and calm Leo, do not be fooled by its softness, try stroking it against the grain and sparks will immediately flare up. Remember, he is only playing the role of a gentle person. Under his gentle demeanor and patient stability, embers are embers, always ready to flare up and burn a woman who is foolish enough to think she is in control. Leo can be gallant and resemble a knight, can seem like a gentle patron and a sentimental lover. You don't need to set up cunning traps to lure him into a romance. We can say that his passion can flare up instantly. You just have to add light and a little music, and his love will bloom like a rose. By the way, you may not do this, it will be the same.

If love is absent in his life, it is a drama for him, he needs to be idolized, otherwise he will wither. This must be taken literally. Leo rarely saves money when caring for a woman. And it may seem to you that you have already conquered it. But we must warn you, an affair with Leo will not go without troubles and let the royal favorites be an example for you. His house can warm you, but also turn into a luxurious prison.

Is he jealous? Yes! And let this word burn in your brain with an electric light. Remember that you belong to him in body, mind and soul. He will tell you what to wear, how to comb your hair, which books to read, which friends are more suitable for you ... He needs to know why you went to the store for 15 minutes, and returned an hour later, who you met, what you were told, and he will dig into what you think when you just look out the window and peel the egg. After all, you may be thinking of another man! Never forget the strength of his impulsive nature. Trying to excite him with casual flirting is very silly. He already knows that others want you. And he doesn't need any proof of this. Also, do not forget that Leo can level your friend with whom you tried to flirt. So in love with Leo, you will not have only roses. And it will be with every Leo: both calm and furious. Their natures are the same.

Be prepared to always balance his enthusiasm with a calm mind, and also learn to calm him down when he pours out his huge problems to you. You need to be stable to balance his pride. If you do not possess this quality, your love can turn into a constant battle, you will quarrel and put up with a constant and tremendous speed. Don't try to succeed in your career, he is your career! He may allow you to work a little, but at the same time you must understand that your work is nothing and nothing at all compared to your family nest. He does not tolerate any competition. If you are brave enough to go along with all the conditions, then please. In society, you should look like a queen, if you look differently, it is unlikely that you will succeed with Leo.

After marrying for love, your Leo man will be kind and gentle with you, provided that everything revolves around him. If he gets the respect he needs, he will repay you with generosity. He will tell you how wonderful you are, will allow you to manage your money and, most surprisingly, he will most likely be faithful to you, despite his romantic nature. Leo is usually a little too lazy to chase pretty faces, if he has already found himself a wife who can manage his household. He will play with his lion cubs with love, protect his wife from all dangers. You will have an active social life with your husband Leo. In this case, there may be some financial difficulties, since he may get involved in gambling. Try to keep him from all kinds of gambling hobbies, and they appear only because he needs to defeat someone all the time. Leo has another trait, rather unpleasant - he knows how to fix things. He must show his power here too. This sign has a love for mechanisms. He can do a lot with his own hands.

Leo is the soul of any society. But it must be remembered that he is not a fool, although he can wear a clownish hat to attract everyone's attention, but the audience must respect him even during these jokes, the laugh must be respectful. No matter how outwardly he looks, the character cannot be called easy. He is much more stubborn and focused than he seems, he always knows what he wants and usually achieves it. And besides, it has the ability to hold on to its conquests. If you want him to be faithful to you during courtship, you must properly give him romantic love, otherwise his longing for love and admiration will make him run away in search of it elsewhere. Leo values ​​beauty very much.

If you are jealous, you must learn to be tolerant of the fact that he can look at a beautiful woman. A Leo man who is abandoned by a woman because of his passion for some other woman will be surprised and will do everything to regain your sympathy and convince you at the same time that you are a cruel monster. If you yourself enjoy emotionally dramatic scenes, then you will have less trouble with him. His courtship of other women will be innocent if you treat them correctly. Despite their natural gentleness, Leos are not sensitive to the experiences of others.

They are so preoccupied with themselves that they can be cruel in their frankness and tactlessness. But his bewitching smile can easily defuse the atmosphere; he barely harbors anger. He can stir up a terrible fight, but malice will not cause it. He loves sports, but with age he will prefer to be only an observer.

The Leo man seeks to marry the woman below him on the social ladder. Because of this, he often makes the wrong choice. Sadly, Leo rarely has a large family. Most of them have no children or only one child. It is a pity, because they are good fathers. Perhaps Leo allows children a little more than necessary. Children quickly learn to flatter their father and therefore can get everything they need from him. And one more warning - do not show your children more attention than your Leo husband.

Good-natured or dangerous, generous or selfish, he believes that he deserves to be accepted as the master of the situation in any area. It must be admitted that he achieves great success in any area. Whether the Lion is the real king, or just a claim to the throne, we may never know, but you must remember that he has an insatiable appetite and is overly proud. He needs to lead and be loved.

Remember that his secret fears are to be defeated, to be ridiculed. They are a constant inner torment for him, also the true source of his vanity and exaggerated self-esteem. Your Leo can infuriate you with his outbursts, but this, fortunately, does not last long. If you don't mind pinching your own ego and building your life around it, you will be adored. And besides, don't forget that he can fix the taps in the bathroom.