Breast cancer: symptoms and signs, stages, treatment, prognosis. Breast cancer in women. Symptoms and stages of the disease How to recognize breast cancer at an early stage

Breast cancer is a common cancer among women. The success of treatment and the life expectancy of the patient depends on the timely detection of the disease. The symptoms, stages of development, methods of diagnosis and treatment of breast cancer are described below.

The mammary glands are made up of lobules, or glands, channels for transporting milk to the nipples, adipose tissue, connective tissue, blood and lymph vessels.

Breast cancer is a malignant neoplasm affecting the breast that replaces glandular tissue. Most often, carcinoma is detected that develops in the lobules or ducts, but besides it, there are about 20 other types of malignant breast tumors.

The incidence of the disease is high among women over the age of 40, and the maximum number of cases of cancer occurs between 60-65 years.

Cancer cells have an abnormal structure and a high rate of division due to the rapid metabolism in them. Appearing in the tissues of the breast, as the disease progresses, they penetrate the nearby lymph nodes, and in the later stages they also affect distant tissues, including bones and internal organs.

In addition, the life cycle of malignant cells is shorter than that of healthy cells, and their decay causes general intoxication of the body.

Doctors see the main cause of breast cancer in. More often, the disease develops in women when the production of hormones changes dramatically. At the same time, less progesterone and estrogen are produced, which affects the condition of the mammary glands.

Not only a deficiency, but also an excess of female sex hormones is considered unfavorable, for example, the risk of developing breast cancer is increased in nulliparous women after 30 years and as a result of abortion. Pregnancy, childbirth and breastfeeding, on the other hand, significantly reduce the likelihood of malignant cells in the mammary gland.

Breast cancer stages, symptoms

The international classification of stages of breast cancer identifies four stages in the development of the disease.

Stage 1

The pathological focus does not exceed 2 cm in diameter, and the cancer has not yet affected the adjacent tissues and lymph nodes. There are no metastases, the fatty tissue of the breast and the skin are not affected.

On palpation, a small, painless lump is felt - this is the only sign of early breast cancer.

Stage 2

The tumor reaches 2 to 5 cm and does not grow into adjacent tissues. The second stage is divided into two categories:

  • IIb - the neoplasm increases in size;
  • IIa - the penetration of cancer cells into the axillary lymph nodes.

Symptoms of stage 2a breast cancer are wrinkling of the breast and a decrease in the elasticity of the skin over the tumor. After squeezing the skin in this place, the wrinkles do not straighten out for a long time.

No more than two metastases in the affected gland can be detected, often a symptom of umbilization appears - retraction of the nipple or skin at the site of the tumor.

Stage 3

The diameter of the neoplasm exceeds 5 cm, it can affect the subcutaneous fat layer and the dermis. Symptoms of stage 3 breast cancer: the skin resembles a lemon peel, it is pulled over the tumor, often swollen, if there are metastases, then no more than two.

Stage 4

Pathology affects the entire mammary gland, ulcers appear on the skin of the breast. Metastases are multiple and spread to other organs and tissues, primarily affecting the lymph nodes located under the shoulder blades, in the armpits and collarbones.

The distant spread of metastases affects the skin and soft tissues, from the internal organs - the lungs, ovaries, liver, from the bones - the femurs and pelvic.

Breast Cancer Symptoms and Signs by Stage

In breast cancer, symptoms and signs can be divided into four groups:

  1. The appearance of seals;
  2. Breast skin changes;
  3. Discharge from juices;
  4. Swollen lymph nodes.

In the first stage at small sizes, the cancer does not manifest itself actively. It can be found by chance, when a dense nodule is felt in the mammary gland. If the tumor is malignant, in most cases it is painless to the touch, and the presence of pain on palpation most often indicates the benign quality of the formation (mastitis, mastopathy).

The cancer node is very dense, with an uneven surface (bumpy), immobile or slightly displaced upon exposure, often attached to the skin or surrounding tissues, and fixed. Large lumps appear at stages 2-4 of breast cancer (3 to 10 cm).

Attention! There are forms of breast cancer in which the mammary gland is painful to the touch - this is an erysipelas and pseudo-inflammatory forms of diffuse tumor. They are characterized by rapid growth, the absence of individual dense nodes, reddening of the breast skin, and an increase in body temperature.

With a malignant formation on the chest, skin retraction, folds, wrinkles, localized swelling appear in the place above the tumor. With the further development of cancer on the skin, nipple or in the area of ​​the areola, small non-healing sores appear, which then merge, bleed, and suppuration develops (the last stage).

The next symptom of breast cancer in women is nipple discharge. Depending on the form and stage of the disease, they can be cloudy or transparent, whitish or yellowish, contain impurities of pus or blood.

At the same time, the nipple is compacted and looks swollen. Any discharge from the mammary gland, especially outside pregnancy and the period of breastfeeding, should be regarded as an alarming signal and a reason to be examined by a mammologist.

From stage 2 cancer cells invade the nearest lymph nodes, which leads to an increase in the latter. If the tumor affects only one mammary gland, then this symptom is observed on one side.

A clear sign of metastatic lesions of the lymph nodes is their large size, density, drainage, they are often painless. In this case, the armpit area can swell, and in the later stages the hand also swells - due to poor outflow of lymph and blood (lymphostasis).

Breast cancer diagnostics

The main methods for diagnosing breast cancer:

  • removal of a mammogram;
  • a blood test for the presence of tumor markers (in women under 30 years of age);
  • Ultrasound of the mammary glands;
  • biopsy (taking a piece of tissue for research).

The following methods can be used to assess the general condition of the patient and the level of prevalence of cancer cells in the body:

  • blood tests - general and biochemical (to determine the level of formed elements, ESR, cholesterol, amylase, liver function tests, glucose, total protein, creatinine);
  • CT scan;
  • urine examination to exclude pathology from the genitourinary sphere;
  • Ultrasound of internal organs;
  • X-ray of bones, chest.

Determining the course of the disease, doctors use the TNM system, in the conclusion, next to each letter they put a number:

  • T is the size of the tumor (0 to 4);
  • N - the degree of damage to the lymph nodes (from 0 to 3);
  • M - presence or absence of distant metastasis (0 or 1).


Since breast cancer does not show up in the early stages of development, regular self-diagnosis is of paramount importance. It should be carried out on the 5-7th day of the monthly cycle, in good lighting, in front of a large mirror, completely removing clothes to the waist.

The mammary glands should be examined with raised and lowered hands, paying attention to their size, skin condition, color, symmetry. After that, you need to carefully feel the chest - any tissue seals (both nodular, focal, and diffuse, affecting evenly the entire gland) should be alerted.

The self-examination also checks if there is discharge from the nipples by pressing on them. At the end of the examination, palpation of the axillary, supraclavicular and subclavian lymph nodes is carried out - in cancer they are even, dense, enlarged, more often painless.

Breast cancer treatment is aimed at the complete destruction of malignant cells. At a later stage, if a complete recovery is impossible, symptomatic therapy is prescribed, for example, taking powerful pain relievers to alleviate the condition. Treatment includes several directions, which are most often combined with each other.

Radiation therapy

The purpose of this method is to stop the aggressive development of the tumor, its growth for surgical intervention. It is considered as a preparatory stage before the operation and is carried out after the removal of the neoplasm.

Radiation therapy is also indicated if it is impossible to operate, for example, in the presence of brain metastases.

Hormone therapy

It is used if receptors sensitive to progesterone and estrogen are found in cancer cells in a laboratory way. For the treatment of breast cancer, analogs or antagonists of sex steroids are used.

In some cases, in addition to hormone therapy, ovarian removal is performed, since they produce hormones that provoke tumor growth.

Targeted therapy

It is also called sighting. Cancer cells are able to protect themselves from the effects of radiation, chemotherapy and hormone therapy by releasing special substances (EGFR factor). This is a definite obstacle to a quick cure.

For immunocorrection, that is, to reduce the response of malignant cells to therapeutic agents, the drug Herceptin (Trastuzumab) is used. These are purified monoclonal antibodies that are specific for the protective factor of cancer cells.

The use of targeted therapy requires special equipment and highly qualified personnel in the clinic.


This method provides for the administration of drugs, is prescribed taking into account the characteristics of the patient and is indicated if:

  • The diameter of the neoplasm is more than 2 cm;
  • Tumor cells are low-differentiated;
  • The woman is of childbearing age;
  • Cancer cells lack receptors that are sensitive to progesterone and estrogen.

For chemotherapy for breast cancer, cytostatics are used - antineoplastic agents that have a detrimental effect on cancer cells. Examples of drugs - Cyclophosphamide, Adriablastin, Mitoxantrone, Doxorubicin, Fluorouracil.

In oncology, there are three types of such treatment:

  1. Adjuvant (prophylactic, complementary) therapy is indicated if the tumor is resectable and is used before and / or after surgery. She prepares the tumor for surgical removal.
  2. Therapeutic is prescribed for generalized cancer, that is, with metastatic lesions of other tissues and organs. This method aims to eliminate or reduce metastases to a minimum.
  3. Induction chemotherapy is indicated if the tumor is inoperable and needs to be reduced in size to the extent possible for surgery.

Cytostatics have a number of side effects that are the negative side of their use. During chemotherapy, along with cancer cells, a part of healthy cells inevitably perishes.

Of the side symptoms, you may feel:

  • dyspnea;
  • nausea and vomiting, diarrhea;
  • coloring of mucous membranes in a yellowish tint, skin pigmentation;
  • dizziness, blurred consciousness;
  • decreased visual acuity;
  • hematuria (urine mixed with blood);
  • arrhythmia, marked palpitations;
  • hair loss;
  • itching, allergic skin rashes.

These problems are temporary, they disappear after restorative treatment. Before chemotherapy, a detailed consultation and thorough preparation of the woman for the procedures are carried out.

Breast cancer surgery

An operation to completely remove the breast is called a mastectomy and is indicated starting from stage 3. Regional lymph nodes are also removed along with the breast. After surgery for breast cancer, radiation therapy is prescribed, as well as additional examination of the preserved lymph nodes and nearby tissues.

In the absence of contraindications, simultaneously with the removal of the breast, it is possible to carry out plastic surgery for its reconstruction.

Complications after mastectomy:

  • bleeding from a wound;
  • temporary limitation of the mobility of the shoulder joint;
  • swelling of the arms and chest.

At stages 1 and 2 of breast cancer, the operation is often limited to organ-preserving intervention, that is, removal of only the tumor focus while preserving the mammary gland. In any case, psychological support from close people and specialists is important for a woman.

Forecast and life expectancy

In oncology, a 5-year survival rate is an indicator of treatment success. After breast cancer therapy, this threshold is crossed by just over half of all patients. This is a conditional border, since overcoming it, many women live for many years.

Life expectancy is influenced by the form of a cancer tumor, the degree of its aggressiveness (speed of growth), as well as the stage at which treatment began.

The worst prognosis for life has a diffuse type of neoplasm and stage 4 breast cancer - of all those who have been ill for 5 years, no one lives.

In grade 2 breast cancer, life expectancy, or rather the achievement of five-year, and more often ten-year survival, is about 80%. Moreover, more than half of this number of women will live 20 or more years.

The chances are higher with an effective selection and combination of several therapies. If grade 3 cancer is detected, then a life expectancy of 5 years or more is reached from 40 to 60% of women, depending on the substage (3A, 3B).

Breast cancer tends to recur, in most cases it occurs in the first two years after treatment.


Effective prevention of breast cancer includes the following measures:

  • Attentive attitude to the state of the endocrine system - correction of hormonal levels, taking oral contraceptives;
  • Pregnancy and childbirth;
  • Lack of abortion, and therefore effective contraception;
  • Prevention and timely treatment of benign breast tumors - fibroadenomas;
  • Regular mammographic examination - 1-2 times a year;
  • Refusal from bad habits, healthy diet, active lifestyle, good sleep.

Malignant neoplasms can have different localization sites in the chest. Cancer can affect both breasts in the same way. There are cases when a tumor is diagnosed in one breast, and a tumor with a metastasis or a separate tumor can be detected in the other. How to recognize breast cancer? The neoplasm can be found independently, to the touch it may be a small seal, it somewhat resembles a lump or dough.

The tumor can have a round shape with smooth borders or protrusions. There are cases when the tumor is huge. You can find it yourself.

If a neoplasm is found, do not panic. It is necessary to consult a gynecologist and take a referral for examination.

Regular check-up

Dear women, do you know how to detect cancer at an early stage?

To detect a tumor at an early stage, a woman after 35 years old needs to undergo a special examination every year, and preferably six months. It is necessary to conduct self-examination on the 9th day of the monthly cycle in reproductive women and once a month for a woman in menopause.

You can make it a rule to conduct a self-examination after each shower. Therefore, every woman / girl should know how it is carried out. If health is expensive, take responsibility for the breast. The results of the examination can be a pretext for contacting a mammologist and conducting additional diagnostics.


Find out how to identify yourself.

Self-examination is carried out in a prone position, standing, tilting, with a raised hand. It is carried out not with the fingers, but with the entire surface of the palm.

Let's take a closer look at how to identify breast cancer, the symptoms of cancer, what they can mean, and how to detect it.


A lump or mass in the breast is the most common symptom of breast cancer. These lumps are often painless, although some can be painful. Not all lumps are cancer. There are a number of benign breast conditions that can cause lumps, such as a cyst. However, it is very important that specialists determine the origin of the tumor. And the sooner he makes a diagnosis, the better.


You can find swelling in or around the breast, collarbone or armpit, breast swelling is a symptom of a more aggressive form of the disease. Swelling or lumps around the collarbone or underarms can be symptoms of a tumor that has spread to the lymph nodes. Swelling can occur even before a woman feels a lump in her breast, so if you have this symptom, rush to your doctor.


Although most cases of breast cancer do not cause chest pain, there are cases with pain. More often than not, women experience discomfort associated with their monthly cycle. This type of pain is present for a week and as soon as menstruation begins, it goes away. Certain other breast masses, such as mastitis, can lead to more sudden pain. In these cases, pain is not associated with a monthly cycle.

If you have chest pain that is severe or persists and is not related to your monthly cycle, you should be checked by a gynecologist, surgeon, or mammologist. Everything must be done to prevent a benign condition or cancer that needs to be treated.

Itching and warmth

Thickening of the skin, breast redness, itching and warmth can be symptoms of breast or breast cancer. If antibiotics don't work, see your doctor again.

Changes in the shape of the nipples

Breast cancer can sometimes cause changes in the appearance of the nipple. If your nipple turns inward, or the skin on it thickens or becomes red or scaly, you need to see a mammologist right away. All factors can be symptoms of breast cancer.


Discharge (other than milk) from the nipple can be alarming, but in most cases it is caused by an infection, trauma, or a benign tumor (not a cancer patient). If the secreted fluid is bloody, then it is better to check with a doctor.


Learn how to recognize breast cancer in a clinic or specialist setting. Cancer is most often diagnosed after symptoms appear, but many women with early cancer have no symptoms. That is why it is recommended to do screening tests. If cancer is found, other tests will be done to determine the stage (degree) of the cancer.

Medical checkup

If you have any signs or symptoms that mimic breast cancer, be sure to see a mammologist as soon as possible. Your doctor will ask you questions about the symptoms, you need to tell all the health problems.

Recognition is carried out for any lumps or suspicious areas and the texture of the pectoral muscle.

Any changes in the nipples or breast skin should be noticed. Swollen or hard lymph nodes may indicate breast cancer has spread to the lymphatic system. The doctor does a complete physical exam to judge your overall health and if there is any evidence of cancer that can spread.

From a mammologist, you can learn about diseases that are treated conservatively.

  • Mastopathy
  • Mastitis
  • Fibroma
  • Cyst
  • Lactostasis

If, as a result of your physical examination, a pathological process is detected in the mammary gland, then additional tests are done to clarify. These may include imaging tests, looking at samples of nipple discharge, or biopsies of suspicious areas.

Early detection of breast cancer gives a better chance of successful treatment. But in addition to self-examination, it is necessary to undergo mammography, and preferably an ultrasound scan that determines breast cancer in the early stages before any symptoms appear.

Benign (non-cancerous) breast neoplasms are much more common than malignant tumors. Imaging tests are used to diagnose breast disease. A visualization test is a way that allows you to see what is going on inside your body.

Images can show normal structures and functions of the body, as well as abnormal ones caused by diseases such as cancer. See mammography and other breast imaging tests for more details. How to recognize early breast cancer?

Some of the more common imaging tests used to screen for breast cancer include:


A mammogram is an x-ray that detects breast cancer. Screening mammography is used to look for breast changes in women who do not have any signs or symptoms of a breast problem.

Screening mammograms usually take 2 scans (x-rays taken from different angles) of each breast. Diagnostic mammography is used to get a more accurate diagnosis.


Ultrasound, also known as echography, uses sound waves to highlight a part of the body. This is done to see changes that are not visible on mammography. It also helps to recognize breast cancer from a cyst filled with fluid and hard masses.


In magnetic resonance therapy, energy from radio waves is absorbed and then released in a pattern based on the type of tissue in the body that is used to determine the disease. The computer translates the template into a very detailed picture. To be able to identify cancer, contrast fluid is injected into the vein to better see the details of the image and determine the extent of the disease.


Ductogram (galactogram) is used to help find the cause of a nipple discharge. In this test, a very thin metal tube is inserted into the airway opening in the nipple. A small amount of contrast agent is placed in the canal mold. It can be shown on the X-ray whether there is mass inside the channel. If fluid comes from the nipple, some fluids may be collected and checked for signs of infection or cancer cells.


A biopsy is done after the results of mammography, and other tests that show changes in the breast or the presence of growths. A biopsy is the only way that can tell for sure if there is cancer. For a biopsy, a specific sample (small piece) is taken from a suspicious area of ​​the breast and examined under laboratory conditions. The analysis is called a biopsy of the sample.

It is possible to determine breast cancer only after a comprehensive examination. A diagnosed patient can live a long time if the tumor is removed on time. The recognized biopsy sample is stored in the laboratory. In recent years, Cuban specialists have achieved impressive results in the treatment of cancer patients. A disease recognized at an early stage will save life.

Informative video

Disease of the mammary glands accounts for most of the identified oncological pathology. Every tenth woman between the ages of 20 and 90 is affected. The question of how to recognize breast cancer at an early stage is relevant all over the world. After all, the earlier therapy is started, the more optimistic the prognosis.

The uncontrolled proliferation of abnormal cells in the breast that can penetrate and affect other organs is called breast cancer (BC). The five-year survival rate for a treated oncological process is 85%. About a million deaths from breast disease are recorded each year. Breast cancer causes:

  • hereditary predisposition;
  • breast injury;
  • violation of hormonal balance in the body;
  • lack of breastfeeding;
  • smoking;
  • the influence of the radiation background of the environment.

It is impossible to find out the exact reason. Scientists at the University of California, Berkeley conducted a number of studies. They proved that the disease occurs much more often in people infected with the leukemia virus.


In most cases, there are no signs of early breast cancer. At this stage, the size of the formation is less than 2 cm in diameter, there is no germination into the glandular tissue, and there are no metastases. A woman is concerned only with general symptoms: swelling, pulling pains in the armpits, increased sensitivity of the diseased organ.

The first symptoms of breast cancer appear when the lump grows. They disguise themselves as a clinic of inflammation. Complaints are associated with changes in the structure of healthy cells to pathological ones, entrapment of nerve endings, as well as metastasis. There are sensations:

  • pain;
  • burning sensation;
  • bursting;
  • swelling;
  • peeling of the nipple.

The process is one-sided. A woman can indicate a specific place that worries her.

When you press on the areola area of ​​the nipple, a white, cloudy or bloody discharge appears. To the touch, the formation is shapeless, dense, inactive. The asymmetry of the nipples is noticeable. Noteworthy is the wrinkling of one breast, retraction of the nipple. This distinguishes benign growth from cancerous growth. Benign formations contain a capsule, do not grow deep into tissues. As they grow, they simply push the tissue apart. In the early stages, metastasis to other organs and lymph nodes is absent. With systematic observation, tumor growth is noted.

In the future, ulceration of the nipple appears. This is a sign of the transition of the cancer process to the second stage. Metastases appear. The axillary lymph nodes are the first to be affected.

Diagnostic methods

Self-examination of the breast is the first link in the examination. If, when palpating before menstruation, a seal is determined that does not disappear after the end of menstruation, you should immediately consult a doctor. Diagnostics should be comprehensive.

A scheduled examination by a mammologist is carried out once a year. You need to visit a doctor from 5 to 9 days of the menstrual cycle. This period is characterized by the absence of hormonal effects on the breast. With a regular visit to a mammologist, changes can be detected in the early stages. Breast cancer diagnostics include:

A pea-sized tumor that cannot be detected with manual control alone. But in a year she can go into an advanced stage of cancer.

What is mammography

Every year, starting from the age of 40, mammography is the "gold standard" of examining a woman. It will not harm the body. This is a screening method for detecting pathology. The information content of the method is more than 90%.

Mammography is an x-ray of the breast. In cancer of the initial stage, a shadow of compaction is revealed. A one-year survey periodicity is sufficient to catch changes at an early stage.

X-ray resolution detects the neoplasm before clinical signs appear. It is not recommended during pregnancy and lactation.

What is ultrasound performed for?

When complaints of discomfort in the mammary gland appear before the age of 40, ultrasound diagnostics is performed. A young age is characterized by a high sensitivity to ultrasound radiation.

If abnormalities are found on the X-ray, an ultrasound examination is performed. A cyst can be mistaken for a tumor. Ultrasound determines the structure of the seal, the presence inside the cavity, the state of the regional lymph nodes. Modern devices allow you to accurately establish the nature of the changes.

Sometimes intravenous administration of contrast agents is used. Contrasting establishes the nature of blood circulation in the affected area.

Ultrasound is performed lying down. Hands are placed behind the head. In the reproductive age, it is best to do it immediately after the end of your period. But if you suspect oncology, the procedure is performed immediately. It is unacceptable to wait a whole month. Lost time can cost the patient's life.

What tumor markers are being investigated

The main marker of pathological activity, which is detected at the initial stage of breast cancer, is the cancer antigen 15-3 (cancer antigen 15-3). In 20% of cases, at the initial stages of the disease, its increase is noted. It is a specific marker for primary malignant neoplasm. The normal value in the blood is up to 27 U / ml.

The sensitivity of the CA 27-29 cancer antigen is not high enough. It also increases with other pathologies (ovarian cysts, endometriosis, lung disease). Its rate is considered to be up to 40 U / ml. Has diagnostic value only with CA 15-3.

Cancer-embryonic antigen (CEA) after birth is practically not detected in the blood. Its norm does not exceed 5 ng / ml. In the presence of oncology, the indicators increase to 10 ng / ml and above.

Tumor markers have no independent diagnostic value and are not used for screening purposes. They are assigned only for a comprehensive examination. Without visual detection, tumors are not an absolute indicator of the presence of oncology.

I would like to note that during the treatment of the oncological process, at first, the indicators of tumor markers increase. This is due to the death of altered cells. This means that the ongoing therapy has a positive result. Oncological activity markers are used to monitor treatment.

What is tomography for?

Computed tomography of the chest is prescribed when changes are detected to confirm or refute the diagnosis - cancer. It shows the formation in a volumetric image, to determine the adhesion with the surrounding tissues and the degree of penetration into other organs. Tomography is only an auxiliary examination method necessary to determine the treatment plan.

Biopsy of the neoplasm

Any neoplasm detected requires a biopsy to determine malignancy. Fine-needle biopsy is performed in a hospital under the control of an ultrasound machine using a sterile fine needle. It is a procedure for collecting cells from a seal for microscopic examination. The most accurate method for recognizing a malignant process. Allows you to identify the type of tumor and determine the scope of treatment.

Immunohistochemical study of cancer cells makes it possible to establish the dependence of the process on the hormonal background, the perceiving ability to drugs. Solves the question of the appointment of hormone therapy during the recovery period.


A malignant process at an early stage is treated with surgery. Most often, the tumor is excised within healthy tissues - sectoral resection. This is an organ-preserving operation.

In some cases, when the process affects the thickness of the breast, it is necessary to remove one breast - a radical mastectomy.

The mammary gland is a hormone-dependent organ. The main effect is the hormone estrogen. It brings the glandular tissue into activity. In order to suppress hormones, a course of anti-estrogen drugs (fareston, tamoxifen) is carried out according to the scheme prescribed by the doctor. The choice of drugs is carried out individually.

At an early stage of malignant neoplasm, there are no metastases. Chemotherapy and radiation therapy are most often not given. But the type of tumor is of great importance. Depending on the histological definition of the structure of cancer cells, the doctor prescribes additional treatment.

Timely started therapy is the key to a favorable prognosis. In 80% of cases, patients recover completely.


Self-examination of the breast plays an important role. It is necessary to feel the thickness of the gland every month in front of the mirror, centimeter by centimeter. There should be no bumps or hardened areas.

In the reproductive age, the procedure is carried out after the end of menstruation, in the period of menopause - you can choose any day. If you find seals, you should immediately consult a doctor. For delay, you can pay with health. A timely recognized malignant growth increases the chances of recovery.

The recovery period after the treatment of the malignant process is long. A woman should realize that cancer is not a death sentence. The first priority is to follow the doctor's recommendations. The chances of recovery are high. Reconstructive surgery will solve the problem of the appearance of the breast.

How to recognize breast cancer? The neoplasm can be found independently, to the touch it may be a small seal, it somewhat resembles a lump or dough.

The tumor can have a round shape with smooth borders or protrusions. There are cases when the tumor is huge. You can find breast cancer yourself.

If a neoplasm is found, do not panic. It is necessary to consult a gynecologist and take a referral for examination.

Regular check-up

Dear women, do you know how to detect cancer at an early stage?

To detect a tumor at an early stage, a woman after 35 years old needs to undergo a special examination every year, and preferably six months. It is necessary to conduct self-examination on the 9th day of the monthly cycle in reproductive women and once a month for a woman in menopause.

You can make it a rule to conduct a self-examination after each shower. Therefore, every woman / girl should know how it is carried out. If health is expensive, take responsibility for the breast. The results of the examination can be a pretext for contacting a mammologist and conducting additional diagnostics.


Self-examination is carried out in a prone position, standing, tilting, with a raised hand. It is carried out not with the fingers, but with the entire surface of the palm.

Let's take a closer look at how to identify breast cancer, the symptoms of cancer, what they can mean, and how to detect it.


A lump or mass in the breast is the most common symptom of breast cancer. These lumps are often painless, although some can be painful. Not all lumps are cancer. There are a number of benign breast conditions that can cause lumps, such as a cyst. However, it is very important that specialists determine the origin of the tumor. And the sooner he makes a diagnosis, the better.

You can find swelling in or around the breast, collarbone or armpit, breast swelling is a symptom of a more aggressive form of the disease. Swelling or lumps around the collarbone or underarms can be symptoms of a tumor that has spread to the lymph nodes. Swelling can occur even before a woman feels a lump in her breast, so if you have this symptom, rush to your doctor.

Although most cases of breast cancer do not cause chest pain, there are cases with pain. More often than not, women experience discomfort associated with their monthly cycle. This type of pain is present for a week and as soon as menstruation begins, it goes away. Certain other breast masses, such as mastitis, can lead to more sudden pain. In these cases, pain is not associated with a monthly cycle.

If you have chest pain that is severe or persists and is not related to your monthly cycle, you should be checked by a gynecologist, surgeon, or mammologist. Everything must be done to prevent a benign condition or cancer that needs to be treated.

Itching and warmth

Thickening of the skin, breast redness, itching and warmth can be symptoms of breast or breast cancer. If antibiotics don't work, see your doctor again.

Changes in the shape of the nipples

Breast cancer can sometimes cause changes in the appearance of the nipple. If your nipple turns inward, or the skin on it thickens or becomes red or scaly, you need to see a mammologist right away. All factors can be symptoms of breast cancer.


Discharge (other than milk) from the nipple can be alarming, but in most cases it is caused by an infection, trauma, or a benign tumor (not a cancer patient). If the secreted fluid is bloody, then it is better to check with a doctor.


Learn how to recognize breast cancer in a clinic or specialist setting. Cancer is most often diagnosed after symptoms appear, but many women with early cancer have no symptoms. That is why it is recommended to do screening tests. If cancer is found, other tests will be done to determine the stage (degree) of the cancer.

Medical checkup

If you have any signs or symptoms that mimic breast cancer, be sure to see a mammologist as soon as possible. Your doctor will ask you questions about the symptoms, you need to tell all the health problems.

Recognition is carried out for any lumps or suspicious areas and the texture of the pectoral muscle.

Any changes in the nipples or breast skin should be noticed. Swollen or hard lymph nodes may indicate breast cancer has spread to the lymphatic system. The doctor does a complete physical exam to judge your overall health and if there is any evidence of cancer that can spread.

From a mammologist, you can learn about diseases that are treated conservatively.

  • Mastopathy
  • Mastitis
  • Fibroma
  • Cyst
  • Lactostasis

If, as a result of your physical examination, a pathological process is detected in the mammary gland, then additional tests are done to clarify. These may include imaging tests, looking at samples of nipple discharge, or biopsies of suspicious areas.

Early detection of breast cancer gives a better chance of successful treatment. But in addition to self-examination, it is necessary to undergo mammography, and preferably an ultrasound scan that determines breast cancer in the early stages before any symptoms appear.

Benign (non-cancerous) breast neoplasms are much more common than malignant tumors. Imaging tests are used to diagnose breast disease. A visualization test is a way that allows you to see what is going on inside your body.

Images can show normal structures and functions of the body, as well as abnormal ones caused by diseases such as cancer. See mammography and other breast imaging tests for more details. How to recognize early breast cancer?

Some of the more common imaging tests used to screen for breast cancer include:


A mammogram is an x-ray that detects breast cancer. Screening mammography is used to look for breast changes in women who do not have any signs or symptoms of a breast problem.

Screening mammograms usually take 2 scans (x-rays taken from different angles) of each breast. Diagnostic mammography is used to get a more accurate diagnosis.


Ultrasound, also known as echography, uses sound waves to highlight a part of the body. This is done to see changes that are not visible on mammography. It also helps to recognize breast cancer from a cyst filled with fluid and hard masses.

In magnetic resonance therapy, energy from radio waves is absorbed and then released in a pattern based on the type of tissue in the body that is used to determine the disease. The computer translates the template into a very detailed picture. To be able to identify cancer, contrast fluid is injected into the vein to better see the details of the image and determine the extent of the disease.


Ductogram (galactogram) is used to help find the cause of a nipple discharge. In this test, a very thin metal tube is inserted into the airway opening in the nipple. A small amount of contrast agent is placed in the canal mold. It can be shown on the X-ray whether there is mass inside the channel. If fluid comes from the nipple, some fluids may be collected and checked for signs of infection or cancer cells.


A biopsy is done after the results of mammography, and other tests that show changes in the breast or the presence of growths. A biopsy is the only way that can tell for sure if there is cancer. For a biopsy, a specific sample (small piece) is taken from a suspicious area of ​​the breast and examined under laboratory conditions. The analysis is called a biopsy of the sample.

It is possible to determine breast cancer only after a comprehensive examination. A diagnosed patient can live a long time if the tumor is removed on time. The recognized biopsy sample is stored in the laboratory. In recent years, Cuban specialists have achieved impressive results in the treatment of cancer patients. A disease recognized at an early stage will save life.

How do you recognize the early signs of breast cancer?

Breast cancer is a tumor of varying degrees of malignancy that grows from breast tissue. Pathology may be accompanied by metastasis, first to nearby lymph nodes, and with the progression of the malignant process - to other organs.

Breast cancer types

A woman's mammary gland consists of glandular, adipose tissue and connective tissue elements. Cancer tumors usually arise in the glandular tissue, since it is very sensitive to the effects of hormones, and, as you know, it is the changes in the hormonal balance that trigger the development of malignant processes in the breast.

Each of these tumors can be infiltrative, that is, growing into the tissue, and non-infiltrative, growing, for example, only in the lumen of the duct. The most common infiltrative (invasive) ductal breast cancer is characterized by high malignancy and can spread deep into the gland and into the surrounding tissues.

There are also other forms of the disease that are less common - medullary cancer (a large tumor with a low degree of invasiveness), papillary cancer (a non-invasive tumor originating from the milk ducts), inflammatory cancer (proceeding with inflammation symptoms similar to mastitis).

Each of the described forms of breast cancer has its own clinical features, however, there are a number of signs by which one can suspect an onset of the disease. All women need to know about these signs and methods of detecting them.

The first signs of breast cancer

At the stages when the neoplasm is still very small, the disease can be completely asymptomatic, that is, without deterioration of well-being, pain, severe deformation of the mammary glands, etc. In such situations, changes can only be detected using mammography (an informative diagnostic X-ray method). Therefore, older ladies are recommended to undergo this examination annually.

In addition, a woman can identify pathological signs on her own by examining and feeling her breasts. Moreover, it is the regularity that makes it possible to compare what was before and what is now, and thus detect changes.

What should be alerted during self-examination:

  • asymmetry of the mammary glands, if it was not there before;
  • retraction of the nipple;
  • changes in the skin on the gland (redness, peeling, the formation of the so-called lemon peel), deformation of the nipples and areolas;
  • lump in the chest.
  • unpleasant painful sensations when feeling;
  • the appearance of any discharge from the nipples (of course, not related to pregnancy or lactation);
  • an increase in axillary lymph nodes.

Symptoms of breast cancer at an early stage can be easily confused with other less dangerous diseases (mastopathy, allergies, infections, etc.), therefore, even with minor changes in the breast, you should first contact a mammologist, and then look for other possible causes of discomfort ...

How to properly examine yourself?

There are several rules for breast self-examination:

  1. It is recommended to conduct an examination monthly on a certain day of the cycle (preferably in the interval of 6-12 days) or on the first day of each month for women in menopause.
  2. It is necessary to visually assess the condition of the chest in front of a mirror with hands placed on the belt, raised up, and with a slight forward bend of the body.
  3. Feeling the glands should be in the standing and lying position. Moreover, it is better to do this not with your fingertips, but with their entire palmar surface.
  4. At the end of the examination, it is recommended to check for nipple discharge and feel the armpits.

If you find any changes during the examination, you should consult with a mammologist, and if this narrow specialist is difficult to find, then you can contact an ordinary gynecologist.


For the early detection of breast cancers and the provision of timely medical care in developed countries, there are special programs for preventive examinations of women (as required by the WHO recommendations). The frequency of these examinations and the list of necessary studies depends on the age of the patients. So, for women under 40, doctors recommend:

  1. Visit a gynecologist and mammologist annually, even if there are no complaints.
  2. Once every 6-12 months, undergo an ultrasound scan of the mammary glands.
  3. If indicated, do mammography.

At the age of 40, every woman needs to undergo mammography for the first time and then repeat this study annually. You should also regularly (once a year) go to the gynecologist, mammologist and do breast ultrasound. It should be noted that ultrasound scanning and mammography are not interchangeable diagnostic methods, therefore, patients after 40 years of age cannot only do one thing.

During the examination of younger women, ultrasound may well be considered and used as the most acceptable alternative to mammography, since the latter has a negative effect on the patient's reproductive organs. If the doctor is alerted by something during the examination, the patient is sent for mammography, regardless of age.

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How to identify breast cancer in women

How to identify breast cancer in women, symptoms and causes

Malignant cells can form in all organs of the human body. The most common neoplasm in women is breast cancer. That is why ultrasound diagnostics and mammography were included in the list of mandatory examinations during a preventive medical examination. If the doctor suspects that the patient has breast cancer, the symptoms of the disease will help establish an accurate diagnosis. A tumor found under the breast is not only a female symptom, such formations in rare cases can be found in the mammary glands of men.

Cancer causes

  • Hormonal changes:
    • early onset of the menstrual cycle,
    • late menopause,
    • late birth of the first child,
    • long-term use of hormonal drugs (hormone replacement therapy or contraceptives).
  • Heredity (malignant tumor of the mammary glands or ovaries in the next of kin).
  • Wrong way of life:
    • alcohol abuse
    • unbalanced diet, leading to excess weight,
    • lack of physical activity.
  • Diseases of the mammary glands:
    • mastitis,
    • fibroadenoma,
    • mastopathy.

Forms of breast cancer

Depending on its location and the way it spreads, breast cancer is divided into:

  • nodular cancer;
  • diffuse form (there are several types: edematous, erysipelas, carapace and mastitis);
  • Paget's cancer.

The most common cancer is nodular. At the same time, a lump or hardening of the gland up to 2 cm in size is palpated under the skin of the breast. This dense formation has no clear boundaries and is not separated from the surrounding tissues. As the seal develops, disintegration can occur with the appearance of an ulcer and opening it to the surface of the skin. The ulcer looks like a common inflammation, but it does not heal for a long time, it does not respond well to local treatment with anti-inflammatory drugs. An infection can join the wound site, while the body temperature rises, signs of intoxication appear. A breast tumor can grow deeper, reaching the ribs and sternum.

With a diffuse tumor, the focus is large, often occupying a segment of the mammary gland or the entire breast. In this case, a large lump is palpated in the chest. The seals have no clear boundaries, they are soldered to the surrounding tissue. Outwardly, changes appear on the chest, similar to erysipelas - the chest becomes edematous, reddens, the body temperature rises. For a malignant tumor with an edematous variant, a change in the skin like a lemon peel is characteristic. With a decrease in breast size and retraction of the nipple, one speaks of an armored type of cancer. Such cancer quickly metastasizes.

The third type of tumor is Paget's cancer. In this type of cancer, a lump appears near the nipple of the breast. This type of tumor grows slowly and is less common than other types of cancer. At the onset of the disease, small scales form near the nipple. Then the nipple is pulled in, inflammation can occur around it. The lump grows deep into the gland with the development of regional or distant metastases.

Symptoms of breast cancer

Symptoms in breast cancer are different, depending on the shape and size of the anomaly, the degree of distribution and the location.

  • The presence of seals;
  • discharge appeared from the nipple;
  • the nipple sunk inward.
  • transient asymmetry of the bust;
  • Solid, stationary knot.


Signs to identify breast cancer in women (photo)

With the development of a disease such as breast cancer in women, signs, photos will help to reveal the entire affected area and identify the causes of the disease.

Diagram of the structure of the breast.

Causes of sternum cancer

Unfortunately, with all a detailed study, doctors cannot yet identify the exact reasons leading to the development of a tumor in the sternum in women.

However, a number of factors have been identified that contribute to the onset of cancer:

  1. Being female is considered to be a factor that increases the risk of developing the disease. This is due to the fact that there are more breast cells in the female body. They, succumbing to female growth hormone, tend to degenerate into cancerous.
  2. Alcohol and smoking abuse significantly increases the likelihood of developing the disease. Especially when bad habits were acquired at an early age, during the formation of the sternum and the development of the body as a whole.
  3. Particular attention should be paid to your health if one of the blood relatives had a similar problem, since genetic predisposition is a significant factor that increases the risk of developing the disease.
  4. The likelihood of developing the disease is much higher in women after 50 years. Statistics have shown that most cases are diagnosed in this age group.
  5. Dangerous effects of radiation waves. It is dangerous for people working with x-rays or in a chemical plant.
  6. It is harmful to stay under the open sun for a long time, as it emits ultraviolet light.
  7. Improper nutrition (excessive consumption of fast food and smoked meats), subsequently - obesity (overweight).
  8. Certain chronic diseases. These include diseases such as diabetes mellitus, hepatitis, hypothyroidism, and immunodeficiency.

But it is worth noting that the presence of one or even several factors does not mean that the disease will necessarily befall you.

Cancers of the sternum include: tumors of the lungs and mammary glands, neoplasms of the skeletal system. Together, these diseases form the concept of sternum cancer. The division into stages depends on the course of the disease and its form of neglect.

The most common cancer is a disease that affects the mammary glands. An example is shown in photo 1.

Oncology stages

There are several stages of breast oncology:

Photo 1. Diagram of breast cancer.

  1. Stage 1 - lesions of the nodes and the adjacent skin area are not observed. The diameter of the lesion does not exceed 2 cm.
  2. Stage 2 is divided into two. First: deep folds begin to form in areas of the skin, a gradual decrease in elasticity occurs. The size of the tumor reaches 3-5 cm. Second: there is the formation of metastatic nodes, which are localized on the damaged side.
  3. Stage 3 - the neoplasm begins to spread to adipose tissue, increasing in diameter, and reaches a size of 5 cm or more. The epidermis in the nipple area begins to retract inward. At this stage, there may be 1-2 tumor foci.
  4. Stage 4 - a noticeable deformation occurs, involving the entire mammary gland. Many metastases appear.

Lung tumor stages in women:

Scheme of the stages of cancer development.

  1. The circulatory and lymphoid systems are not involved in the process. This stage is characterized by an insignificant amount of mutations; this structure of the tumor excludes the likelihood of metastases. The size of the neoplasm is about 3-5 cm.
  2. The tumor of the respiratory tract begins to grow and reaches a size of about 7 cm. At this stage, coughing fits, bloody sputum appear.
  3. The neoplasm exceeds a diameter of 7 cm, the walls and lymph nodes are easily involved in the process, and pain appears.
  4. Terminal phase. This concept means the last stage, it is uncontrollable, there is a large proliferation of tumor cells, which is irreparable.

Bone tumors in the sternum

Diagram of the structure of the sternum.

With this lesion, deformation of hard tissues occurs. The clinical picture and severity of cancer pain directly depend on the stage of the disease.

The first degree is characterized by the superficial location of the pathological focus. The further phase is accompanied by the involvement of the central part of the sternum in the process.

The third stage is the beginning of the spread of mutated cells from the bone region. In the terminal phase, the bone is transformed into nearby structures.

Symptoms of sternum oncology

Sternum cancer is very insidious as the symptoms do not actually make themselves felt. In the early stages, the disease proceeds without any special clinical manifestations and signs, the patients are not even aware of the existence of the problem. This often leads to death, as the symptoms of cancer appear in the last term.

The patient is much more likely to be cured if the disease is identified early. Therefore, if on examination it was found that a woman has many risk factors, she should be examined regularly.

The first symptoms will make themselves felt after the tumor has increased in size.

Common signs of breast cancer:

  • a sharp decrease in body weight for no reason and a deterioration in appetite;
  • increased body temperature, which does not go astray over time;
  • intoxication, manifests itself in the form of increased fatigue, malaise, headaches.

Pain syndrome is associated primarily with the site of localization of the neoplasm. The first noticeable visual manifestations appear in the form of a swelling or "bump". Around the tumor area, the skin becomes bluish in color, possibly with smudges.

This video will show you how you can cure breast cancer.

Cancer symptoms that occur with joint damage to the sternum and lungs:

  • pain localized in the back;
  • shortness of breath;
  • chronic cough that does not respond to treatment;
  • sputum with blood.

The earlier the diagnosis is carried out, the greater the likelihood of a complete cure.

This video is about the signs of breast cancer that can help you recognize the disease at an early stage.

The oncologist will conduct an examination and, if necessary, prescribe the necessary examinations that will help identify a cancerous pathology.

The first signs of breast cancer in women: symptoms and diagnosis

Neoplasms that arise in the mammary gland can be malignant, characterized by aggressive cell proliferation, leading to metastases.

Symptoms of breast cancer

How to identify breast cancer in women, what symptoms should be alarming? There are many signs of breast disease, but little attention is paid to them. This is due to the fact that they do not cause discomfort in the early stages of pathology. Meanwhile, time is the main factor in the treatment of breast cancer.

Important! 80% of women were able to avoid death due to timely diagnosis of breast cancer and timely therapy.

Make an appointment with a mammologist or oncologist as early as possible!

Common symptoms of breast cancer:

  • The presence of seals;
  • discharge appeared from the nipple;
  • the nipple sunk inward.

Unusual signs of breast cancer:

  • Constant back pain;
  • transient asymmetry of the bust;
  • peeling, irritation, redness, itching appeared on the skin of the breast.

Breast cancer and its symptoms for each form of the disease should be considered in more detail:

  • With a nodular form, a neoplasm can be recognized by a hard ball. Its diameter can be from 0.5 - 5 cm or more. With this type of disease, all of the symptoms listed below will also appear.
  • Diffuse breast cancer is divided into three types:
  1. Armored - in this type of pathology, the malignant neoplasm spreads along the gland in the form of a "crust", which tightens and reduces the size of the affected breast.
  2. Erysipelas - the skin on the surface of the bust becomes red, a sensation of pain appears, the body temperature may rise to 40 ° C.
  3. Pseudo-inflammatory - signs, as with erysipelas. Because of this symptomatology, it is difficult to correctly diagnose the pathology, the patient is prescribed therapy for those diseases that are present in the name of this form of oncology.

All three of these species are very aggressive. Cancer cell growth occurs at lightning speed and spreads throughout the bust, without clear boundaries.

There are cases when the neoplasm manifests metastases to the lymph nodes on the affected side. In this case, the tumor is not detected, it is difficult to diagnose cancer. In such cases, this type of pathology is called "latent oncology."

If the formation is insignificant in size, then no obvious manifestations are observed. A woman can only feel such a tumor on her own with a small size.

The malignant node, as a rule, is motionless on palpation, and if displacement occurs, then it is insignificant, does not cause pain, has an uneven surface and stone density.

In oncology, the skin over the neoplasm is significantly different - it becomes wrinkled, folds appear. It is drawn in, becomes edematous. The "lemon peel" sign appears. In rare cases, "cauliflower" is observed - the growth of the tumor outward, through the dermis.

Important! If self-diagnosis revealed such signs, then the condition of the lymph nodes should be checked. You should not be worried about their slight increase, feeling of pain and their mobility when probing. But in the case when the lymph node is large, merged into one whole with others and dense in consistency, then this is the place of localization of metastases.

One of the symptoms of oncology of this part of the body may be swelling of the hand on the side of the neoplasm. If there is such a recognized symptom, then you should know that these are already the last stages of the disease. Metastases penetrated the axillary lymph nodes and sealed the outflow of fluid and blood from the arm.

To summarize, everything that was listed above, it is worth indicating the main symptoms of this disease:

  • Any change in shape - a decrease or increase in the size of one of them, sinking or displacement of the nipple.
  • Changes in the dermis of the mamma - ulcers in the area of ​​the areola, nipple. Discoloration of any place on the skin - blue discoloration, redness or yellowing. Thickening or compression of a limited area - "lemon peel".
  • Solid, stationary knot.
  • In the axillary zone, the lymph nodes are enlarged, giving slight pain when palpating;
  • When you press on the nipples, discharge appears - with ichor or transparent;

Important! It is impossible to identify bust cancer on its own in the early stages. Therefore, it is important to regularly visit a mammologist.

Of course, there are much more signs of oncology of this anomaly, but it is the listed ones that are most often noted by women.

How to identify the pathology of the disease at home is of interest to many women.


Experts recommend that all women at risk of cancer have regular self-examination. Diagnostics should be done at the same time of critical days. This is due to the fact that during the menstrual cycle, the female breast undergoes changes in the structure and size of the mamma.

A more suitable time for examination is on the fifth, sixth day from the beginning of the cycle. In the climacteric period, the procedure should be carried out by choosing one constant day in a month.

The research consists of six stages, which include:

  1. Inspection of underwear - this is due to the fact that with changes occurring in the mammary glands, discharge may appear. They may not be visible on the nipple, but leave a mark on the bra in the form of ichor, caked pus, greenish or brown spots.
  2. The appearance of the bust - for a visual examination, you need to stand in front of a mirror and undress to the waist and carefully examine the mamma separately. First of all, it is necessary to pay attention to the symmetry of both breasts - they should be located at the same level, move evenly with the arms raised or folded behind the head, with the turns and bends of the body. During this check, attention should be paid to whether or not there is a shift or fixation of one of the breasts to the side. Next, raise your arms up above your head and carefully examine the bust for an example of displacement of the latter up, down or sideways.

With such a check, you need to look to see if there will be changes in the form of dents, bulges, retractions of the nipple and will not start, whether fluid is released from it at the time of these movements.

  1. The general condition of the dermis of the bust - it is necessary to pay attention to the elasticity, skin color. Does it have redness, diaper rash, rash, "lemon peel", sores.
  2. Standing palpation can be done in the shower. With a soapy hand, you can easily feel the mamma. The left breast is examined with the right hand and vice versa. Palpation is carried out using the pads of the fingers, not their tips. Connect three or four fingers and make penetrating movements in a spiral. If the chest is large, then it should be supported by the hand during the examination.

The first stage of such a check is called superficial - the pads do not penetrate deeply inside. In this way, formations under the skin can be detected.

After that, you can proceed to the second stage - deeper palpation. In this form, the fingers gradually penetrate inward to the very ribs. This examination is carried out in the direction from the clavicle to the rib and from the middle of the sternum to the armpit inclusive.

  1. Feeling lying down is an important step in the self-diagnosis of breast cancer. This is due to the fact that in this position the gland is well palpated. For the study, you must lie on a hard surface, placing a roller under the chest area. One limb must be extended along the body or placed behind the head. In this position, diagnostics can be carried out by two methods - square and spiral.

Square - mentally divide the entire chest part into squares and feel each area from top to bottom;

Spiral - from the armpits to the nipple, use the fingertips to carry out movements in a circle.

  1. The examination of the nipple is necessary in order to timely determine breast cancer. After all, cancer detected in the early stages is easier to treat.

When examining the nipple, you should pay attention to its shape, color - whether they have changed. Are there cracks and ulceration? The area around the nipple and the nipple itself must be palpated to exclude the appearance of a tumor.

At the end of the self-examination, take the nipple with two fingers and press on it. This is necessary in order to find out if there is discharge from the nipple.

If, after the last diagnosis at home, there has been a certain shift in the negative direction, then you urgently need to contact a specialist who, having carried out a full study, taking into account the clinical symptoms, and the treatment will be able to prescribe the appropriate diagnosis.

Important! Before you panic when you find lumps in your chest, you should consult with a specialist. After all, only he will be able to say this is a carcinoma or adenoma of the mammary gland, the symptoms of which, during self-examination, can resemble a malignant formation.

Cancer is a malignant neoplasm that is constantly growing and, as a result, can metastasize first to nearby tissues, organs and lymph nodes, and then through the blood to any place in the body.

Before considering all the symptoms of cancer, there is one small detail for the readers to understand. You should understand that even a combination of any signs may not necessarily indicate a malignant cancer. Often these are common diseases, infections, inflammations that can manifest themselves in the same way.

Cancer of organs only at the initial stages is attached to a specific tissue, later after development in phase 4, the tumor begins to spread metastases that can cover any organs.

To find out exactly if you have cancer, you must pass, for biochemistry and. And after confirmation, connect additional diagnostic methods: MRI, CT, ultrasound, etc. Consider all the common symptoms of cancer and how to recognize oncology?


If you have a persistent headache for no apparent reason in one place, then it may also indicate brain cancer. At the same time, donating blood for tumor markers is not worth it, since the tumor does not have a specific antigen and it is better to immediately go for an MRI.

Tumor markers

  • Roll S100

Unusual and strange birthmarks

Usually strange moles that are irregular in shape, as well as strange age spots, indicate melanoma or skin cancer. You can go first to donate blood for the S-100 tumor marker.

Elevated temperature

If you constantly have chills, fever without additional reasons - snot and other signs indicating a cold. It is impossible to say which cancer this sign indicates. Therefore, first of all, you need to pass a general and biochemical blood test. The temperature in cancer lasts quite a long time.

Lumps in the chest

Usually indicates breast cancer in women. On palpation, it is necessary to mark exactly the hard clots inside the breast. Collectively, the breasts may discharge any mucous fluids with an unpleasant odor. In this case, you need to immediately go to the mammologist, who, after the examination, will send you to the oncologist for examination.

Tumor markers

  • CA 15-3

Deteriorated condition of nails and hair

When a tumor is actively developing, a large amount of antibodies and waste products are produced in the blood, and severe inflammation is possible. Plus, the neoplasm itself consumes a lot of energy and nutrients for growth. Therefore, nails and hair may not be enough. In this case, the hair can fall out, their color becomes dull, and the nails become brittle and constantly flake off.

Vaginal bleeding

Usually indicates cancer of the body of the uterus, ovaries. In addition, the lower abdomen may hurt. In the intermenstrual time, there may be severe bleeding, and it also happens that blood is present in the urine.

Tumor markers

  • CA 125

NOTE! To quickly diagnose uterine cancer, you just need to visit a gynecologist once a year, who will be able to recognize the disease in time. At the same time, a neoplasm is very clearly visible on the cervix.

Frequent fainting

If fainting occurs for no known reason. This may indicate brain cancer. In this case, a clinical and biochemical blood test is taken, and then the doctor is already looking at the test indicators.

Bones on the bones

If you have hard lumps on your legs, arms, thigh, or shoulder, this could indicate bone cancer. But you must understand that they could arise from bruises or fractures. You need to see a doctor right away and have a bone x-ray taken.

Tumor markers

  • TRAP 5b

Absent-mindedness and memory impairment

Indicates that a cancerous tumor has begun to grow seriously in the head. This is due to the fact that the tumor uses a lot of resources for its growth.

Decreased appetite

In this case, it is accompanied by severe weight loss. May indicate both gastrointestinal cancer and. At later stages, it can refer to almost any oncology.

Profuse sweating

If everything was fine with you before, but here you suddenly began to constantly sweat, even in a cool room, then this may indicate a violation of the nervous system. Usually refers to a number of malignant formations in the neuroendocrine area.


If you feel hot flashes in your face and throughout your body at different intervals, then this may indicate cancer of the endocrine system.

Change of mood

It can indicate both brain cancer and some tumors that affect the hormonal background of a woman.

Loss of sight

Indicates malignant neoplasms of the optic nerve. But it may be due to severe stress, physical shock or external factors. Also, vision decreases due to genetics. Against the background, the general state of health worsens.

Abdominal pain

May indicate cancer of the stomach, pancreas, or intestines. In this case, the type of pain is similar to gastritis or an ulcer. In this case, it is imperative to undergo an examination of fibrogastroduodenoscopy (FGDS) and gastric fluoroscopy. The disadvantage of this group of oncology is that the first signs of cancer appear only at stage 3.

Weight loss weight loss

Here it should be noted that the decline is rapid and despite the fact that the person does not lose weight, does not go on a diet and does not play sports. Usually, it is a cancer in the colon, small intestine, or rectum. In addition, there may be a difficult act of defecation, a constant feeling that the intestines are full.

Changes in skin color

Yellow color usually indicates abnormalities in the liver and pancreas. At the same time, when the color changes, the color of the sclera of the tongue may change and itchy skin may appear. I would also like to add that this can occur at the last stage of almost any cancer, when metastases reach the liver.

Labored breathing

Dry cough, phlegm later appears. At the very beginning, the cough may be without any signs at all. After that, shortness of breath, shortness of breath, shortness of breath may appear. Indicates but may also be present with gastric cancer cough, but in more rare cases.

Hard to swallow

May indicate cancer of the pharynx, throat. In this case, the tumor can grow to such a size that a person then simply cannot swallow, as well as breathe.


When gastric juice enters the esophagus due to a tumor. At the same time, a person constantly feels severe heartburn. May indicate both stomach cancer and duodenal cancer.

Swollen lymph nodes

By itself, the swelling appears mainly on the face. This is due to the fact that the lymph nodes react to the tumor. It can indicate cancer of anything, which is why it is better to immediately consult a doctor and take blood tests.

Swelling of the upper body

Compression of the lymphatic vessels and the circulatory system near the lungs due to the growing tumor leads to the fact that puffiness appears on the face and in the upper part of the body. Occurs against the background of frequent smoking.


The tumor has waste products that are intensively produced into the blood, plus when cancer grows, the tumor can interfere with the normal functioning of the organ, which causes stagnation of substances. There is intoxication, headache, malaise, constant weakness in oncology.

Blood in the stool

Indicates colon cancer. It may also be accompanied by a difficult act of defecation due to the fact that the cancer has already grown strongly. At the same time, the stool becomes darker due to blood. An urgent need to consult a doctor, as later due to the tumor, the patient will not be able to go to the toilet at all. Blood appears as a result of vascular damage by a tumor as a result of violent growth.

Constipation, diarrhea

A general disorder of the digestive process may indicate several oncological zones: from stomach cancer to intestines.

Difficulty urinating

Not always accompanied by pain, usually it can already begin at stages 1, 2 of prostate cancer. It is due to the fact that the prostate gland swells and narrows the urethra. Then a man needs to make every effort and strain his abs in order to go "in a small way."

In the later stages of cancer, urination may not be possible at all, and doctors place a catheter. The cancerous tumor transfuses the nerves responsible for male libido, and the man begins to have sexual problems.

Blood in urine

In men, it can be associated with prostate carcinoma, and in a woman's body, cancer develops in the uterus. Moreover, at stage 3, these diseases begin to affect the nearest organs, kidneys, liver and bladder, from which there may also be blood.

Swelling of the scrotum and penis

Testicular or penile cancer. But in the last stage of a prostate tumor, these symptoms may also appear. Plus there is swelling of the lower extremities.

Back pain

This does not always indicate osteochondrosis or inflammation in the spine. Sometimes it can be cancer of the vertebrae.

Discharge from the nipples

It is accompanied by soreness in the chest. Indicates the defeat of breast cancer cells with metastases. In addition, it is best to check the breasts themselves for lumps and if they are, then see a doctor right away. The discharge itself smells bad.

What could be cancer from?

The exact reasons for the development of cancer have not yet been established, but there are several factors and assumptions.

  1. Improper nutrition
  2. Ecology
  3. Work related to pesticides and chemistry.
  4. Smoking
  5. Alcohol
  6. Genetics
  7. Unprotected sex and sexually transmitted diseases.
  8. Stress

How to identify early oncology?

Not all of the above symptoms of oncology indicate that you have a malignant tumor. But if there are at least 10 signs of cancer, then it is worth worrying. But you must understand that it is impossible to identify the disease only by internal symptoms and it is worth resorting to other research.

How to fully diagnose cancer?

  1. Take a blood test with a leukocyte formula
  2. Donate blood for biochemistry
  3. Tests for tumor markers.
  4. Biopsy of suspicious tissue.

Signs of cancer in women

Oncological diseases in women appear a little brighter in the initial stages than in men. This can lead to miscarriage during pregnancy.