Whether wiggling. Stirring fetus. What determines the physical activity of the baby

Moving in the mother's womb, even before birth, the child begins to show his reactions to noise and movement, expresses emotions, preparing for birth. The first time the child begins to move at 17-18 weeks in the period.

As it grows, the tremors become more noticeable every week, and closer to childbirth, parts of the baby's body can be seen on the surface of the mother's abdomen. During the first, second and subsequent gestation, the sensations in women differ, taking into account the characteristics of their body and other factors.

The activity of the fetus signals its normal growth and gradual development. The baby first makes itself known during the initial trimester, at 7-8 weeks. These are movements that are not yet felt by a woman, because the weight of the child at this time is approximately 3.5 grams. The mother's weight also affects the sensations, if she is thin enough, then the child's movements will be felt a little earlier than the standard terms.

The baby is growing

For your information! At the beginning of development, the baby floats inside the amniotic fluid bubble and does not collide with the walls of the uterus as often. Perceptible tremors should actively begin in the 2nd trimester with an increase in the activity of the baby.

Movements in the womb can be felt after the formation of nerve endings in the baby, starting with. They peak at 18-19 weeks and fully manifest themselves in the second period at 20-22 weeks. You also need to remember that there are no specific terms, in general they are individual and manifest themselves in each pregnant woman in different ways.

The beginning of perturbations during the first pregnancy

Many young mothers are sure that they are already able to feel them, but they often confuse the movement of the baby in the uterus with the movements of their intestines, whose work may begin to change with the onset of pregnancy. If a girl is not used to limiting an active lifestyle, and she has to move a lot, she may not notice how the fetus will manifest itself. Experienced mothers, in comparison with primiparas, quickly catch the changes taking place with the baby.

When you start to feel the baby moving in the second pregnancy

According to some mothers and fathers, the activity of the baby at the 2nd conception should be earlier than the first. In reality, her terms with each bearing of a child come at the same time, regardless of what kind of pregnancy it is. Nevertheless, women who have already given birth are able to feel the tremors of the fetus much earlier, when the baby began to squeeze his fingers and pull the umbilical cord. It manifests itself towards the end. The first movements, recorded during the 16th and 24th weeks, are considered the norm.

At what time does the child begin to move during the third pregnancy

Expert opinion
Borovikova Olga
Experienced women who have already given birth are ready to notice the slightest changes in the child's activity. But even 3 times the waiting time will be no less exciting. With each repeated gestation, the timing is reduced to, so movements can be felt at the end of 4 months. When the fetus begins to move more and more intensively and strongly, the mother should feel it, pressing her stomach with her hand anywhere. She can also stimulate activity by herself, lying on her side or on her back, that is, in a position that will not be very comfortable for the fetus.

Stirring the baby during the fourth pregnancy

During the 4th position, the sensations inside become clearer and are recognized at the earliest stages. The tremors can be felt in the 2nd trimester through the abdominal wall every week they will become more and more stronger. When the child finally adapts to his condition, the mother will begin to feel his every movement. Usually, each subsequent pregnancy is easier in the absence of serious pathologies. If we are talking about the fourth gestation, due to the good tone of the uterus, the child's activity will be little felt and this will happen a little earlier than the previous pregnancy.

When the fetus begins to move with twins

According to the reviews of a number of mothers, the activity of children with multiple pregnancies should be felt earlier than with a singleton. Both babies first make themselves felt after, and the mother will be able to feel them clearly only after 20 weeks. This is a normal period for primary sensations, especially a woman is carrying twins for the first time. With the second gestation, the terms are usually reduced, and movements in the womb can be felt as early as 16 weeks. When one baby starts to move for the first time, he is able to stimulate the second.

How to understand that a child is moving in the stomach

Moms feel the baby's movements differently; someone identifies them with thrusts, light kicks or tickling sensations at 9-13 weeks. For many women, this appears later in the form of short and intense tremors at 14 and. It is necessary to count fetal movements the first time, they are fixed and recorded in order to recognize possible deviations from the norm in time. At 16-17 weeks during the second and subsequent pregnancies, tremors will already be recognized more clearly when the baby starts kicking. If gestation is the first, it is worth expecting the primary movements of the fetus in advance until 20 weeks.

Why does the fetus begin to move after eating

Expectant mothers say that after sweets, the child pushes in the tummy more actively from one side or the other. In the words of one of the pregnant women: "When I eat chocolate, the baby becomes very active." Food provokes additional activity, as it gives the baby energy, and he begins to manifest himself more intensely. But if the fetus does not receive enough calories, for example, when a woman decides to deliberately limit herself in food, he will also kick no less hard. It is necessary to ensure that the diet has enough vitamins and nutrients. Without vital components, the child will not be able to develop fully.

Why did the baby begin to move less

If the fetus rarely manifests itself, and its activity is low at 24, 26 and 28 weeks, this is a reason to go to a specialist. This condition can provoke hypoxia, the result of which is a slowdown in movements or fetal freezing. When within 6 hours no movements in the abdomen are felt at all, you need to see a doctor as soon as possible. The specialist will listen to the rhythm of the movements, in the absence of visible deviations in such cases, they are prescribed with video recording. Such an examination allows you to recognize hypoxia, assess the number of contractions of the child's heart and his general condition.

Important! On the CTG diagram, tremors are indicated by labels; in the presence of a motor-cardiac reflex, the child's condition is considered stable. The reflex can be fixed with 32 and, and this diagnostic method will be the most effective.

In the absence of a heart rhythm after motor reactions, oxygen deficiency is diagnosed. After confirmation of hypoxia, treatment is prescribed, if it is mild, the doctor will prescribe drugs to improve blood flow, which are taken up to 36-37 weeks. Serious pathology can be the reason for the induction of labor by natural means or with the help of a cesarean section. The type depends on the general condition of the woman and the fetus, the period of gestation and the readiness of the birth canals. There are currently no alternative ways to eliminate oxygen deprivation.

Does the baby move during the onset of labor

An intensive contraction of the muscles of the uterus occurs with the opening of its cervix and the subsequent preparation of the birth canal. Since the fetus feels strong pressure, it begins to behave more and more actively, but the woman may not feel it due to painful shock and stress. The baby's movements occur due to a sharp change in the habitat, and at this time he is also trying to take the most comfortable position. Having found an exit to the cervix, he will quickly move to the exit and push off with his feet from the base.


Galina Kulikova, 28 years old.

I was looking forward to the 2nd trimester and tried to overcome the fears associated with it. At 10-11 weeks, I was still worried and wanted the stomach to start growing faster, as I wanted to feel the baby's movements. My baby started moving at 14 weeks, and kicking more actively as early as 18 weeks. I tried to catch his every movement and listen to them. Now I understand that these were unnecessary worries, especially when I read the opinions of other mothers on the forum. Everything takes place individually and depends on the nature of the child, the main thing is to be examined on time and talk to your gynecologist.

Irina Polyakova, 22 years old.

I had my first pregnancy, and the baby began to stir at the 16th week, although I expected to remind of itself on the 12th. It is such a wonderful feeling, albeit a little strange at the beginning. Usually, mothers write on the forums that the child will not be active so early, but I had a pleasant exception.
Even dad could feel light kicks and somersaults when I lay on my back, and he put his hand to my stomach. I did not experience any discomfort, especially since the entire pregnancy was very easy. I recommend it to everyone more often No

: Borovikova Olga

gynecologist, ultrasound doctor, geneticist

One of the most exciting sensations in the life of every woman is the first movements during pregnancy. Many expectant mothers who are carrying their first child worry about how fetal movements are felt, how long this usually happens, how often and how intensively the baby should "kick". Naturally, each course of pregnancy is individual, so we will consider the average rates and indicators regarding the movement of the child.

When the first movements are felt

During pregnancy, the first fetal movement is felt in the second half of the interesting position, between 18 and 22 weeks. This does not mean that until this time the baby is sleeping quietly in his mother's tummy and does not move. It's just that he is still so small that a woman does not feel how he, pushing off the walls of the uterus, floats in the amniotic fluid. By 18-20 weeks, the baby grows so much that the expectant mother can already notice his light movements. Most women experience the sensation of the first stirring at 20-22 weeks of pregnancy. In the second trimester, it is felt like tremors in different parts of the abdomen: the baby still has enough space to move in all directions, twist with arms and legs, “play” with the umbilical cord. The longer the gestation period, the larger the baby becomes, and, accordingly, stronger. His confident kicking from the inside of his mother's belly is very different from the timid, first movements. During pregnancy up to 30-32 weeks, the child still freely turns over, and then he takes a stable position head down (cephalic presentation of the fetus), although in some cases the baby is positioned with the buttocks or legs down (breech presentation of the fetus).

Many women note that the first movements during the second pregnancy are felt much earlier than during the first. This phenomenon can be explained very simply, the expectant mother already knows how the movement of the baby in the tummy is felt. While during the first pregnancy, she could confuse the light movements of the fetus with increased gas production or intestinal peristalsis, or muscle contractions. In addition, in women who are not pregnant for the first time, the anterior abdominal wall is more stretched, and therefore more sensitive. According to statistics, most expectant mothers feel the first movements during the second pregnancy at about 16 weeks.

It is noticed that obese women feel the first movements of the baby in the abdomen somewhat later than thinner expectant mothers.

How often and how much should the baby move

After the feeling of joy from the sensation of the first movements has passed, the expectant mother begins to wonder how often and how hard the baby should push during the normal course of an interesting position. Indeed, by the nature of the child's motor activity, one can judge how well he grows and develops, how comfortable he is in his mother's tummy.

Until about 26 weeks of gestation, while the baby is still relatively small, the expectant mother can only feel his movements a few times a day. This does not mean that he is inactive and does not move much, it is just that the woman does not yet recognize her baby's movements well enough, and may not notice some of his movements. According to the average statistical data, after 26-28 weeks the child should actively move about 10 times in 2-3 hours.

To make it easy and convenient for the expectant mother to determine whether her child moves quite often or not, obstetricians-gynecologists advise from the moment when the first movements began to be clearly felt, conduct the so-called fetal movements calendar... Every day, the expectant mother should count the number of movements of the baby she felt, and every time she feels the tenth "kick", mark the time of this event on the calendar. In cases where a woman thinks that the baby is not actively moving, she should take a comfortable position and relax, before that, you can eat something (there is an unproven hypothesis that after eating the child moves more intensively). If, after two hours, the pregnant woman did not feel 5-10 movements, then she needs to slowly go up and down the stairs, walk, and then lie down quietly again. In most cases, the above activities lead to the activation of the baby's motor activity. If after 2-3 hours the woman did not feel the shocks from the inside, then she should as soon as possible seek advice from a gynecologist so that he can check the condition of the child in her mother's belly.

Many women start to worry if the baby moves very vigorously. But don't worry, there is nothing wrong with that. Too active movements of the child are not a pathology, most often the reason for such vigorous activity is that the expectant mother has taken an unsuccessful pose, which gives the baby discomfort. Usually, increased motor activity is observed in cases where a woman is sitting, leaning back strongly, or lying on her back. As soon as a pregnant woman changes her body position, for example, to lie on her side or sit down, leaning forward, the baby calms down and moves less intensely.

While waiting for a baby, a woman experiences a whole range of new sensations. One of the most magical are the first fetal movements during pregnancy... The day when the baby first makes itself felt, for many expectant mothers, becomes the "red day of the calendar", the beginning of the next stage of pregnancy. When do the first movements of the child begin and is it worth worrying if the child often moves?

The first fetal movements during pregnancy: timing and sensations

When do they start?

The very first movements of the fetus during pregnancy can be seen at a period when physical activity appears. Unfortunately, women don't feel it. The fetus is so small in comparison with the uterus that it practically does not come into contact with its walls, and the amniotic fluid surrounding it drowns out the baby's movements.

The period when movements begin during pregnancy is also important for the doctor. On it, he can determine the duration of pregnancy and the expected date of birth.

By the part of the abdomen in which the woman most often feels the movement, you can find out the position of the baby. If tremors are felt in the upper sections, closer to the diaphragm, liver - it lies with its head down. If in the lower abdomen, groin - most likely the baby has taken a breech presentation. It should be noted that the position of the fetus is unstable and can change up to 36 weeks of pregnancy.

What sensations are there when moving?

Fetal movement during the first pregnancy of a woman, in most cases, begins to be noticed at 20 weeks. Feelings are different. For some women, it looks like a pleasant "bubbling" in the lower abdomen, for others - a slight tickling, others compare it with "fluttering butterflies."

At the very beginning, it may seem to expectant mothers that the movements of their beloved child are very chaotic and do not obey any laws. But over time, carefully "looking and listening" to their baby, they begin to notice a certain pattern.

What factors affect the timing of the appearance of perturbations?

The first movements may appear earlier or later (+/- 1-2 weeks), depending on a number of factors:

1. Place of attachment of the placenta

The baby's movements may be somewhat muffled when the placenta is located along the front wall of the uterus, and the woman may simply not pay attention to the movements.

3. Time of day

Like any person, the baby has its own biorhythm and it may not coincide with the mother's. The peak of fetal motor activity often occurs in the evening and at night. During this period, the pregnant woman is at rest, relaxed (required!). Due to this, blood circulation in the "mother-placenta-fetus" system improves and the woman notices that the child often moves. During the day, he calms down and "sleeps off."

4. Stress, nervous and physical tension

The psychological state of a pregnant woman is reflected in the baby. He can hide or, conversely, develop vigorous activity. The physical activity of the expectant mother, as a rule, leads to a decrease in the baby's motor activity.

5. Eating

The nutrients that the fetus receives from the mother through the blood are the basis for its proper growth and development. When a pregnant woman is hungry, the baby can report this by starting to move actively. The same thing happens when a woman eats something, especially sweet.

6. Music and ambient sounds

No wonder they say that a baby, being in the womb, can hear the sounds of the surrounding world. In this regard, pregnant women are recommended to put classical music as a sound background. For example, kids usually love Mozart. Loud and harsh sounds can cause an increase in fetal motor activity, or, conversely, it can subside.

7. Physical activity

The reason for the baby's active movements can also be the long-term presence of the expectant mother in an uncomfortable position. The blood supply to the fetus changes. There may be a lack of oxygen and nutrients, which the baby immediately reports with intense tremors.

Fetal movement: normal

Starting from 28 weeks, by the nature of fetal movements, one can judge its general condition.
The rate of fetal movements is about 10 pushes per hour during the waking period of the child. If the child often moves, the number of tremors has doubled or more, and the baby is literally dancing in your stomach, you need to inform your doctor about this. This condition may indicate fetal oxygen deficiency (hypoxia).

If physical activity is reduced or the pregnant woman does not feel any movements at all, this is not yet a reason for alarm. Perhaps the baby is just sleeping. Watch him during the day, indulge in a treat. If your baby does not move within 6 hours, see your doctor. Lack of motor activity may also indicate fetal hypoxia.

In both cases, the doctor will prescribe additional research methods. First of all, this is cardiotocography (CTG).

CTG and doppleometry during pregnancy

The use of CTG is possible from 32 weeks of pregnancy. With the help of special sensors for 30 minutes, the heart rate (HR) and the number of fetal movements are recorded. The research results are displayed on paper in the form of a graph.

Normally, the baby's heart rate is 140-160 beats / min, and for each movement there is an increase in heart rate. If this is not visible on the graph, then this may be a sign of fetal oxygen deprivation. In this case, as well as at earlier stages (up to 32 weeks), dopplerometry is additionally performed - measuring the blood flow velocity in the vessels of the umbilical cord and uterus in order to exclude hypoxia.

At later stages of pregnancy, the baby's movements become more and more tangible, and sometimes painful, due to the fact that he grows in the "womb-house" more and more closely. Pat your tummy, talk to your child, because even while in the womb, he needs to feel your care and love.

In order to properly prepare for childbirth, to work out breathing techniques, the choice of poses, to master the techniques of self-pain relief, we recommend that you visit our three-hour course. We also invite you to a two-day course, where a pediatrician will tell you about all the secrets of caring for a baby.

We are waiting for you and see you!

Good afternoon, and someone is already evening or even morning! My special greetings to all pregnant readers, because today's topic is about them again. Well, I love you, what can I do, so I pay so much attention. I know how many worries, worries and questions expectant mothers have at times. I will answer one of them today. Many people ask: "When can you feel the movement of the fetus?" My answer is this: everything is purely individual.

Experienced moms will confirm: the timing when they felt the first treasured push with a tiny hand or leg inside the tummy is different. Differences in a week or two with the rate of appearance of the first movements are considered insignificant. But about the norm itself, and when to start worrying if the baby “sits” too quietly, read on ...

Early perturbations: is it possible

At the first pregnancy, it seems that the small life inside is about to make itself felt. Inexperienced girls already at 12 weeks try to catch some movements within themselves. And they succeed! Only it is not the child who moves, but the internal organs or the accumulated gases are displaced due to the growing uterus. Understand, for such a short time, the baby is still swimming inside the tummy, like a fish, and you simply cannot feel its movements.

But when he becomes already cramped, namely, approximately, from the 18th week of pregnancy - you yourself will understand. Either with an elbow, now with a head, now with a knee, he will "stretch" your belly in one direction or the other. It is generally accepted that the primiparous mother should feel the first movements from 18 to 22 weeks. In the second pregnancy, the baby begins to move earlier - from the 16th week.

Why do multiparous people feel the movements earlier? Well, firstly, their abdominal wall is already quite stretched and more sensitive. And secondly, they already know what the first movements of the baby are like. By the way, many people compare it with the "fluttering of a butterfly", which barely touches the walls of the abdomen with its "wings".

In the third pregnancy, the baby moves at about 15 weeks, possibly a little earlier. It is believed that overweight women feel movements later than thin women. This is due to the fact that the fatty layer on the abdomen makes it difficult to clearly "hear" the signals of the crumbs.

At how many weeks can you feel the already obvious, strong jolts of the baby? In the second trimester, that is, from about 18 weeks of age, the child's movements are still quite chaotic. He has not yet taken a certain position and "walks" in the amniotic fluid, so you will feel small tremors from different sides. Stronger movements, when you can already feel the protruding tiny knee or elbow with your palm, will begin in the 3rd trimester.

Don't hit the ribs baby

At how many weeks does the baby finally settle in the stomach with the head down (cephalic presentation), or up (breech presentation) and no longer change position? After 32 weeks, the baby will become already clumsy, gaining weight, and it will be more difficult for him to move. True, get ready for active kicks in the right hypochondrium (with a head presentation) or ... in the bladder (with a pelvic presentation).

Both are not pleasant, especially closer to childbirth. For me personally, my 4-kilogram son pushed both in the ribs and pressed his head down. I remember waking up at night because the child was bored and playing "football" inside me, kicking my bones. Yes, and I always wanted to go to the toilet, the bladder is disturbed. Almost always the urges were false, in a word, the kid was making fun of me. So get ready, Mom.

Closer to childbirth, inside the abdomen, it is not at all butterflies that flutter, but small elephants-foals push. In addition, babies have a habit of hiccupping often, having swallowed amniotic fluid. As I remember now: you are trying to fall asleep, you just cover your eyes, and your belly begins to shudder, as with the first aftershocks of an earthquake. When I tell my son about this now, he laughs fervently. And then it was not funny to me.

Before the birth itself, for two days a noticeable calm is felt. The kid no longer pushes, but freezes, as at the "start" before the race, or rather the "run" that he is about to complete. Although some lively ones, on the contrary, begin to move even more actively than before, warm up, so to speak.

Are you moving normally

Many mothers wonder how much movement should be normal? This question is correct and very literate. The number of movements of the baby is an indicator of its normal functioning in the womb. Therefore, consider! From the very beginning, from the first jerks, that is, from 20 weeks to 26, the baby will not move often, or rather, you will not always notice his activity. He's still small.

From 26 to 28 weeks, the baby should move about 10 times every 2-3 hours. Doctors-gynecologists advise mothers to keep a calendar of movements, where you need to note how many times the fetus moved in two hours. If the baby “does not fulfill the norm”, but moves, for example, not 10, but 6-7 times in the specified time, you should not worry.

When no movement is felt at all, you should change your body position, walk a little, eat something. It has been proven that after eating, the fetus is noticeably revitalized. You need to be wary if the "lull" continues for more than 6 hours: immediately go to the doctor or call an ambulance.

The gynecologist will listen to the baby's heart, it should beat at a frequency of 120-140 beats per minute (read the topic ""). Even if your heart is beating within normal limits, after listening, you will be given a CTG (cardiotocography) to determine if the baby has

Calm is a sign of hypoxia

If the baby is found to be suffering from a lack of oxygen, the mother will be prescribed special medications to improve blood circulation and nutrient intake. CTG and Doppler will be performed periodically. Unfortunately, it happens that all the measures taken do not help, and hypoxia begins to increase. Then an emergency birth is prescribed so that the baby does not suffocate. Whether it will be a natural childbirth, the gynecologist will decide.

In order not to bring to this and bring the baby to the due date, with the slightest doubt, run to the doctor. Sometimes delay can be too costly. If the baby sits in the stomach too quietly or, on the contrary, "arranges dances" around the clock, you should check if everything is in order!

Enjoy your pregnancy and childbirth! Write in the comments how long it took you to feel the first movements of your children, describe what these sensations were like for you. And now I say goodbye to you for a while, see you in the near future!

Good day! My today's post, I think, will be useful to many, especially to those who now wear toddlers under their hearts. The expectant mother always waits with trepidation for the baby's first movements. Women very often worry: will they be able to feel the first movement of the child, will they be able to recognize him? So, how to recognize twins wiggle during pregnancy?

How long can the expectant mother feel the first movements of the fetus? In the case when the fetus is alone in the womb, she can begin to feel the first shocks of the baby starting from the 16th week. If twins are expected, mommy feels the first movements as early as 15 weeks (in my case, the first signs of paunchy people appeared closer to the 17th week).

It is rather difficult to recognize when kicking starts. It will be much easier for an experienced woman to do this, however, first-born mothers begin to feel the movements earlier (although not everyone can always recognize them).

The greatest likelihood of feeling and identifying these kicking can be immediately after eating, when babies become more active, however, it is rather difficult to accurately formulate the entire spectrum of feelings and sensations, because for each woman they are special, individual: jolts, blows that resemble a heartbeat, gurgling, stroking, tickling , peristalsis of the stomach or intestines, and so on - this is far from the full range of what a woman can feel.

Basically, mommy needs to feel a kind of jolt. They may be subtle, but their strength and intensity should increase with each passing week. Of course, such actions of the fetus can give the mother some discomfort, however, you should not experience sharp pain. If this is not the case, and the pain is pronounced, contact your doctor immediately.

Pregnancy belly

As the little ones grow and develop, your belly will also increase in volume and change shape. What can cause a change in the shape of the abdomen? - you ask. It's simple - the shape depends on the position of the babies in the womb (which, by the way, can change quite often, because babies also move).

The closer the estimated date of birth is, the easier it will be for a mother to "contact" her babies. By their "behavior" (pushing, kicking, etc.), she will be able to distinguish between the period of sleep and wakefulness, how the children feel, whether they are comfortable, whether they are comfortable in the position in which their mother is now, and so on.

By 35-36 weeks, the toddlers turn head down, preparing to be born. A few days before giving birth, activity usually subsides. Do not be alarmed - this is completely normal (although, in some cases, hyperactivity can also signal an impending birth). However, if something worries you, do not be afraid to ask your doctor's advice and / or help.

If suddenly, being in the third trimester, you notice that babies do not show active actions throughout the day (24 hours) - contact the specialists. Possible lack of oxygen. Doctors are required to conduct examinations, on the result of which they will make a conclusion and approve a further action plan.

The location of the babies in the stomach (photo)

Of course, multiple pregnancies have their own characteristics, including the peculiarities of the location of little people in the stomach. The main thing is that the position of the first baby is "correct".

  • The most "common" (especially, closer to 35-36 weeks) is the position of both babies head down.
  • The head-pelvis arrangement. In this case, everything depends on the first baby, the good location of which can significantly facilitate natural childbirth (otherwise, the help of obstetricians may be needed to extract the second baby).
  • Pelvic arrangement of twins.

In the last two cases, planned natural childbirth is possible only if there are narrowly qualified qualified specialists in the clinic. Otherwise, mom will most likely be offered to do a cesarean.

Well, my dears, that's all. I hope you were able to learn something useful. Feel free to ask questions and leave comments. Subscribe yourself and tell your friends about the blog.

Easy delivery to everyone!

Always yours, Anna Tikhomirova

When the baby starts his first movements and it's all about how soon you will feel them

To better understand what is happening inside you during a state such as pregnancy, consider the main milestones in the development of the motor system of the embryo, and later the fetus.

  1. Starting from about the tenth week, the child's nerve endings are formed, the very ones that are responsible for movement. Even with all the desire to feel these movements is impossible, due to the fact that your child simply does not reach the walls of the uterus, and most of it is occupied by amniotic fluid. Read all about the first trimester of pregnancy \u003e\u003e\u003e
  2. In contrast, the period from the eleventh to the fifteenth week of pregnancy is fruitful. Here your child already has the formed cerebral hemispheres and cerebellum, which allow him to coordinate his actions and actively carry out movements.

You can see all these cute baby pirouettes on an ultrasound scan, which is usually appointed from the twelfth week.

During this period of pregnancy, some young ladies can swear by oath that they felt the first movements. But this is extremely unlikely, and for those very long-awaited "butterflies in the stomach" impressionable persons, most likely, take the movements of their own intestines. Yes, you yourself remember how many times before pregnancy you felt certain movements, as if something was happening inside you, especially after eating.

Good news comes with the next trimester of pregnancy. More precisely, its other half. Important information about the second trimester of pregnancy \u003e\u003e\u003e

  1. From the sixteenth to the twenty-fourth week of pregnancy, the vast majority of expectant mothers begin to feel the long-awaited touch and movement of the baby. And here it is worth making a reservation that there is no specific generally accepted term, everything is very individual and depends on a variety of factors.

What affects the timing of the first movements

The main factors include the lifestyle of the expectant mother. An interesting article on nutrition and healthy living experiences during pregnancy \u003e\u003e\u003e

  • That is, if you are an active woman who, despite such a special condition as pregnancy, continues to work a lot, then, most likely, you can simply not notice this movement of the child;

In this case, you just need to get distracted from all matters more often, remember about pregnancy and at least listen a little to yourself and your baby, suddenly he already wants to tell you something.

  • Also, for how long the child begins to move, the weight of the mother is also important, or rather, the fatty layer on the tummy. It acts as a kind of buffer and simply dampens even such weak movements. You will definitely feel everything, just a little later, when the baby gets a little stronger;
  • There is another way to fix the placenta during pregnancy. If it is located on the front wall of the uterus, this can cause long-term insensitivity to when the baby begins to move;
  • And, of course, the number of babies you bear matters. When the baby begins to move at 1 pregnancy is more or less clear. Experienced mothers, knowing exactly what to expect, are likely to feel the movement of their crumbs a little earlier than the first time. Actual: Little Difference Between Children \u003e\u003e\u003e

Although this is not the only point. The uterus that has undergone pregnancy is already a little stretched and, of course, not as elastic as the first time, because it is much easier to notice when the baby starts to move.

So, when does the baby start to move in 2 and subsequent pregnancies? Not everything is so simple here

Remember the employment factor? When pregnancy is not the first, a woman already has a lot of worries. Against the background of all these factors, mommy may be somewhat absent-minded and not notice the baby's movements in the stomach.

Moreover, when the pregnancy is not the first, women are already more relaxed about her and do not constantly monitor their baby, who is just getting ready to join the team of little ugly.

And the question of what time the third child begins to move does not bother mothers so often. Of course this is understandable. But no matter how busy and confident you are in yourself and the health of your unborn child, be sure to go through all possible research and follow the doctor's instructions. Read also how to prepare an older child for the birth of a younger one \u003e\u003e\u003e

Important! Despite all the care and timing you can get, haven't you felt anything yet? No baby movement? Do not worry if your tummy is growing up, and at regular checkups the gynecologist records the fetal heartbeat, there is no reason for panic at this stage of pregnancy.

Everyone's feelings are different, however, as are the epithets used to describe this phenomenon. But the most popular reviews are:

  1. Butterfly flutter;
  2. Gentle stroking of the tummy from the inside;
  3. Fish movement;
  4. Tickling with a small feather;
  5. Finally, a simple and objectively easy nudge.

As you can see, they are all alike in one thing - tenderness. The child is still so tiny that he simply cannot greatly disturb you with his movements, although he is already moving with might and main.

And if you discard poetry and romanticism, then, most likely, you will characterize it as just a slightly more pronounced peristalsis of your own intestines. And they are really similar, but it is worth watching a little, and you will understand that a child is sending you hello - a small inhabitant of the tummy. And only weeks later, you will begin to feel, in addition to movements, arms, legs and you will still wonder what exactly the baby pushed you with this time.

Important! Be sure to remember or write down the day of your pregnancy when you first felt the baby moving.

This will be useful in the consultation for calculating the preliminary due date. If you are a primiparous woman, twenty weeks will be added to this day, and mothers expecting second and third babies will have more before the meeting - about twenty-two weeks.

Read in the article about the harbingers of childbirth \u003e\u003e\u003e

Of course, baby's movements alone are not the determining factor in calculating the PDD. However, in conjunction with an ultrasound scan, they can orient very accurately.

Further activity of the child

Having felt the first shocks and movements, get used to the fact that in this way the baby will constantly communicate with you. And from the twenty-fourth week of pregnancy to the thirty-second, the child will grow up and get stronger so that his movements will be very, very noticeable.

He still has enough space, a lot of energy, and the development of the brain allows him to inform you with the help of movements that, for example, something does not suit him. Perhaps you are lying uncomfortable for the child, or he does not like some loud noises, or maybe someone's voice.

These weeks will be the most active during the entire pregnancy. And starting from the thirty-second, all movements of the child sharply decline. But you shouldn't be concerned about that. The fact is that now he simply does not have enough space and therefore it becomes more and more difficult to move. Important information about this in the article: 32 weeks pregnant: stirring \u003e\u003e\u003e

By this stage of pregnancy, women, getting used to the baby's movements, begin to slowly get tired of them. There is less and less space in the uterus and every movement of the baby is well felt. Many mothers at this stage of pregnancy complain that it even interferes with their sleep. But, most likely, the whole point is that during the day there are a lot of things and activities that distract from these sensations, and when night falls and you want to rest, the child's movements are more noticeable.

In addition, the baby himself can express his dissatisfaction in this way. For example, by movements, he can signal that he did not like the fact that you stopped shaking him, as it happens when walking or lying on your back, pinched large vessels that are responsible for delivering oxygen to the inhabitant of your tummy. Usually, as pregnancy progresses, your rhythms will begin to coincide, and you will no longer bother each other unnecessarily.

Child's routine

Surely you, as an observant expectant mother, have already noticed that your baby does not move constantly. The baby has its own periods of rest and wakefulness during your pregnancy. The former usually last about an hour, while the latter are half as long.

By the way, the periods of sleep and wakefulness of your baby during pregnancy will need to be taken into account when undergoing such an important procedure during pregnancy as CTG. It must fall at the time of perturbations, otherwise the study will be long, and the results are questionable.

  • Therefore, before starting it, be sure to listen to your tummy and if you understand that the baby is sleeping, then it is better to wait a little;
  • Or eat something sweet, the influx of glucose will wake up the crumb and gently spur him to action;

How else to get the baby to move in the stomach?

  • You can talk to him affectionately, call him, this often also works, because the baby already then, during pregnancy, understands more than we think.

Be prepared that the CTG session lasts about thirty to forty minutes, which you will have to spend lying in the same position with the fixed sensors. You can ask your baby to move more actively, giving out a large number of movements, then this "execution" during pregnancy will end a little faster.

And now about the most important

When is it worth seeing a doctor during pregnancy? Be sure to tell your gynecologist or ambulance if you don't feel any movement for about ten to twelve hours. Such silence may indicate certain problems. The most common reason for the lack of movement is hypoxia (in more detail about fetal hypoxia during pregnancy \u003e\u003e\u003e)

There are two types of hypoxia:

  1. Acute, it is very serious for the course of pregnancy and requires urgent intervention;
  2. Chronic, it is less dangerous, but in this case it is also not worth delaying.

Keep in mind that the presence of hypoxia during pregnancy can be evidenced by both a lack of physical activity, and vice versa, too sharp, pounding jerks and movements of the baby.

Read also:

  • Child development in the womb
  • Itchy stomach during pregnancy
  • How to carry a healthy baby

The first movements during the first pregnancy

Every woman during pregnancy is looking forward to the moment when she can feel the first movements of her unborn baby. This feeling becomes especially vivid for those girls who are in an "interesting" position for the first time.

From the moment a woman can constantly feel the movements of the baby, she needs to very carefully monitor the nature of the movements and note any changes in the behavior of the fetus. An unexpected cessation of movements or their changed nature may indicate fetal freezing or severe hypoxia, therefore, all such sensations should be immediately reported to your doctor.

In this article, we will tell you when the fetal movement begins during the first pregnancy, and how to recognize it, as well as what changes you should pay special attention to.

How long can you feel the first fetal movement during the first pregnancy?

Although the baby is already moving from 7-8 weeks of pregnancy, you can feel his movements at about 18-20 weeks. At the same time, all women are individual and have different thresholds of sensitivity, therefore, normally this period is from 16 to 24 weeks.

At the time when the fetal movement is felt during the first pregnancy, many different factors affect. In particular, the complexion of a pregnant woman and her lifestyle play a huge role. So, a slender active girl begins to feel the movements of her unborn baby much earlier than an obese woman with a lot of excess weight.

In addition, girls who are enthusiastically engaged in something and do not concentrate exclusively on the period of waiting for the child may simply not notice that some changes are taking place in their bodies. The sensations of the first fetal movement during the first pregnancy can be so blurred that they can be noticed only when all the attention of the expectant mother is directed in this direction. If a woman does not even think about it until a certain time, she may not even notice that the baby in her tummy is moving with might and main.

What should you pay attention to?

Starting at 20 weeks of pregnancy, or a little later, you will have to count the number of movements of your unborn child. There are various techniques for this. You will need to work with your pregnancy doctor to choose the method that suits you best and to count movements continuously.

At a gestation period of 20 weeks, the baby makes about 200 movements per day, in the period from 26 to 32 weeks - about 600, and after this period his physical activity decreases significantly. Naturally, the expectant mother can notice only a small part of these movements. Normally, during the waking period of the future baby, you can feel about 10-15 tremors per hour. Quiet periods usually last no more than 4 hours. Be sure to see your doctor and get all the necessary examinations if you feel less movement and longer periods of calm.

The first movements of the baby during the first pregnancy should become more active when the mother is calm. If a pregnant woman is under stress, the child may calm down for a while, or, conversely, start moving even more actively.

In addition, the baby usually reacts with active movements to the feeling of hunger that the expectant mother experiences. After eating, the baby usually calms down and calms down.

The first fetal movements during pregnancy

Finally, in most cases, the child becomes more active in the evening and at night, in the daytime and in the morning, the woman feels a minimum amount of movement.

After a while, you will get used to it and will notice the individual character of your baby's movements. Normally, during the entire period of expectation of the child, this character remains, therefore, any changes may indicate a dysfunction in the life of the unborn baby.

Intrauterine infection - consequences

Every expectant mother dreams of having a healthy baby, and at the same time she is not delighted with frequent visits to antenatal clinics and taking all kinds of tests. But all this research is simply necessary to protect the unborn child from the insidiousness of intrauterine infection.

Baby movements during the first pregnancy: when they start and what they look like

And so that we do not have to talk about its terrible consequences, it is better to do everything to prevent it.

Intrauterine infection (IUI) is called infectious processes or diseases of the fetus and newborn, the causative agents of which are bacteria (streptococci, chlamydia, Escherichia coli, etc.), viruses (rubella, herpes, influenza, hepatitis B, cytomegaly, etc.), fungi genus Candida, protozoa (toxoplasma). The most dangerous for the baby are those with whom his mother first met during pregnancy, that is, if she already has immunity to rubella, including after vaccination, then this infection will not affect the fetus.

Intrauterine infection of the fetus can occur before the onset of labor through the placenta (hematogenous, through the blood) or, less often, through the amniotic fluid, which can cause infections of the vagina, fallopian tubes or amniotic membranes. In this case, we are talking about an antenatal infection of the fetus. And if he becomes infected while passing through the infected birth canal - about the intranatal.

Intrauterine fetal infections - symptoms

Symptoms of an infection affecting the fetus depend on the gestational age at which the infection occurred and the route of infection:

  • several weeks after conception - a miscarriage occurs, and a woman may not even know about her pregnancy;
  • 2-10 weeks - the main organs and systems are affected during their formation, this may result in a miscarriage or the birth of a child with defects that are practically incompatible with life;
  • 10-28 weeks - infection causes many incurable or requiring long-term treatment of systemic defects;
  • 28-40 weeks - fetal malformations are compatible with life, but require mandatory medical intervention;
  • childbirth - infection leads to pneumonia in the newborn.

Intrauterine infection of newborns and young children - consequences

Studies show that the consequences of intrauterine infection in newborns, who are often born at 36-38 weeks, are hypoxia, malnutrition, respiratory distress, edema. Moreover, in most newborns, mild signs of the disease are a problem in their diagnosis.

A few months later, children with IUI may develop pneumonia, conjunctivitis, urinary tract infections, encephalitis, meningitis, hepatitis. Diseases of the kidneys, liver and respiratory organs in these children in the first year of life are treatable. But already at the age of 2 they have a delay intellectual, motor and speech development. They suffer from emotional and behavioral disorders, cerebral dysfunction, which is expressed in excessive activity, speech disorders, enuresis, etc. The adaptation of such children to collectives is difficult.

Due to the pathology of vision, hearing, motor and mental disorders, epilepsy, they become disabled, and developmental delay leads to the impossibility of obtaining an education. This problem can be solved only with the timely identification and correction of deviations in the development of children who have undergone intrauterine infection.

The timing of the first stir

The motor activity of the fetus begins from the 8th week of pregnancy, but since the child is still very small, the woman does not feel his jolts. Pregnant women begin to feel their baby from the 16th to the 22nd week after conception. By this time, the fetus grows up and its movements become palpable. There are several factors that affect the timing of the first wiggle:

  • woman's constitution. Thin mothers notice the first tremors a little earlier than full ones;
  • the thickness of the abdominal wall of the pregnant woman;
  • lack of water. In this case, the tremors are felt earlier. This must be reported to the doctor;
  • the location of the fetus in the uterus. If the baby is closer to the spine, then the mother will feel the movement later than if it is located near the abdominal wall;
  • number of pregnancies. A multiparous woman usually feels the tremors of her baby before primiparous.

Features of fetal movement during pregnancy at different periods

A primiparous mother may simply not notice weak movements or confuse them with intestinal peristalsis;

  • the number of fetuses in the uterus. The more children develop in the tummy, the sooner the mother will feel them.
  • Many pregnant women claim that the first movements of the baby are very similar to the fluttering of a butterfly. Quite often, fetal movement is confused with intestinal peristalsis. You should listen to the sensations, if the shocks are repeated in the area between the pubic bone and the navel, then this is exactly the movement of the child.

    You should remember the date of the first stir and inform your doctor to determine the exact date of future birth. If you do not feel the tremors of your baby after 22 weeks of pregnancy, be sure to tell the doctor who is watching you.

    Feeling and understanding your child both in the womb and after birth is the main task of every mother. Listen to how you feel during pregnancy, keep track of your daily routine, get some rest and walk a lot. All this will help to give birth to a healthy baby on time.

    The online store "Daughters-sons" offers a wide range of products for pregnant women that will help to survive this period with comfort.

    What is fetal movement during pregnancy?

    Of particular importance for a woman are the first, still quite timid, thrusts of the little man. It is these movements that delight expectant mothers indescribable, because with them they begin to feel their baby even better. But not every expectant mother knows when the first movement of the fetus should appear. Of course, everything depends on a woman's physique, on her sensuality. But still, every woman should know when to start preparing for the sensations of the baby moving.

    When does the first stir appear?

    For some reason, it is believed that the child begins to move during the first pregnancy from the 20th week, and with repeated births from the 18th. However, these are delusions of the last century. Some women begin to feel the movement of the baby much earlier, even from the 15th week of pregnancy. This only confirms the individuality of each person.

    Multiparous women may experience fetal movement at 17 weeks.

    First fetal movements

    The fetus begins to show motor activity from the eight-week gestation period, when it has arms and legs, but it is so small, and its tremors are so weak that the mother simply does not feel them. When, in the second trimester of pregnancy, the child becomes larger, and the tremors are stronger, then the woman feels the movement of the baby inside the abdomen.

    For each woman, not only the time when the fetus starts to move is different, but also the sensations that arise during this. One woman describes the appearance of pushes as stroking from the inside, another as tickling, and the third as a push at all. It all depends on the individual characteristics of the pregnant woman.

    Very often, the first fetal movement during pregnancy generally remains unidentified by a young mother, since it resembles intestinal peristalsis. The feeling of transfusion, rolling in the abdomen is often confused with the work of the intestines. But if you observe these processes, it becomes clear that after all this is precisely the movement of the fetus. In addition, the mother's constitution plays a large role in shock sensitivity. So, a slender woman feels the tremors much earlier than a woman with a tendency to be overweight.

    Also, many pregnant women cannot differentiate early fetal movements from intestinal motility. All this should not scare pregnant women. After the 20th week, all of them, as a rule, already clearly distinguish these two states from each other. But whatever the baby's jerks in the first two trimesters of pregnancy, they do not play a significant role. Starting from the 30th week of pregnancy, the pregnant woman needs to keep a diary of fetal movements. It is from this period that active movement of the fetus is noted. In such a diary, it is necessary to take into account the physical activity of the baby. In this case, the countdown begins from a certain time and is carried out until the tremors are reached ten times. one push is counted in the case when the first wave-like movements have died down and after a certain period of time they have come again.

    Why is wiggling felt?

    Any woman expecting a child is interested in the question of what sensations are physiological when the fetus moves. However, there is no definite answer to this question, since this process is purely individual and depends on the personal characteristics of each woman.

    Stirring of the fetus during pregnancy occurs as a result of the fact that the fetus, which makes floating movements in the amniotic fluid, begins to move the limbs, which the pregnant woman feels. Since fetal movement during pregnancy is an important sign that the baby is growing and developing, for young parents, these tremors are very good evidence of this. Naturally, the couple is worried about how correctly the fetus is moving: whether it is too lazy or too active. It is for this that there are methods for determining the activity of the fetus.

    Determination methods

    One method of determination, which is a quantitative determination of the tremors, of the baby has already been mentioned above. In order to use it and calculate the movement of the fetus, no special devices are needed. All you need is a fetal movement diary, a pen, and a watch. At the same time, from the 30th week of pregnancy, a woman listens to her feelings. When the child begins to move, he looks at the clock and notes this time in the diary. Then the whole process starts over. This is necessary in order to understand how the baby is feeling. With a normal pregnancy, fetal activity is 10 times in 12 hours. This means that if a woman begins to count the movement of the fetus at 9 am, then the fetus must complete 10 movements by 9 pm. However, a slight deviation from this figure is not terrible if it does not exceed the norm by 1.5 or more times.

    It has been noticed that if the mother feels calm or is taking sedatives, the child may move either weakly or not at all. If the mother is active, then the child will behave much more actively. In addition, fetal movement during pregnancy increases in stuffiness or in a room where people smoke. In these situations, the activity of the fetus increases dramatically. It can be noted that the baby reacts to music. In doing so, she should be calm, pacifying. The classics fit perfectly. This is manifested by increased fetal activity.

    If the activity of the fetus is constantly reduced, this indicates that an urgent need to consult a doctor. If the child is not active all day long, it is necessary to sound the alarm.

    Another research method is cardiotocography, or CTG. This research method allows you to more accurately determine the condition of the baby. The baby's heartbeat is recorded on tape and then deciphered. The normal fetal heart rate is 110 to 170 beats per minute.

    According to studies, at the 20th week of pregnancy, the fetus makes up to 200 movements per day. The highest activity is from the 28th to the 32nd week of pregnancy and is up to 600 movements per day. At this time, the baby is still small enough to move freely in the uterine cavity. Later, its activity decreases, as the baby increases in size, and the uterus increases slightly.

    Not all movements can be felt by the expectant mother. So, a child can move even in a calm state. For example, sucking your thumb while sleeping or moving your lips. These movements can be seen on an ultrasound examination. The more active movements that a woman can feel appear when the child is awake.

    When does the child start to move?

    A woman who has already given birth knows that when the fetus begins to move, the most pleasant and unforgettable sensations are experienced. What should be the normal movements, in what month should the baby first move and how often do these movements occur?

    How to understand that the child is moving?

    A woman carrying her first child may not immediately understand when the fetus begins to move. Usually, the first movements are perceived as "fluttering of butterflies" or increased intestinal peristalsis. At first, the sensations are very weak and are rarely repeated.

    Try to remember how many weeks the baby began to move. This date is important for further determining the due date. To the date when the first child began to move, 20 weeks are added.

    Stirring fetus during pregnancy: learning to understand your baby

    And by the time the second child began to move - 22 weeks. Of course, the calculation of the term of the approaching birth by the timing of perturbation is very approximate.

    As the fetus develops, the movements can cause some discomfort. The baby just gets cramped in the stomach. Closer to childbirth, pay attention to which area of \u200b\u200bthe abdomen the movement is felt the most. If the movements are mainly observed in the upper part, closer to the diaphragm, the baby takes the correct, head position.

    How long does the child start to move?

    The first irregular uncoordinated movements begin as early as the 8th week after conception. True, the fetus is so small that the woman cannot notice the movements. The time when the second baby starts to move is 18 weeks. In the first pregnancy, the period when the baby begins to move is 20 weeks.

    I must say that the timing is also not accurate. It all depends on the sensitivity of the subcutaneous fat of the expectant mother herself. Sometimes, a woman is able to discern the movement of the fetus in the period of 16 - 17 weeks. With a well-developed subcutaneous fat layer, the first movements can be felt a week later than the generally accepted standard.

    How often should the fetus move?

    For the first time feeling how the child is moving in the womb, a woman should monitor her condition regularly. With movements, the baby communicates with the mother, informing her about his mood, condition or the need to change the position of the body, turn off loud music.

    Often, a woman experiences anxiety when the fetus hiccups. So they began to call special rhythmic movements, similar to twitching. It is believed that "hiccupping" is caused by the swallowing of amniotic fluid by the infant and does not pose any threat to its development.

    The greatest activity of fetal movements is observed in the period from the 24th to the 32nd week. At this time, the baby grows rapidly, and, accordingly, the intensity of perturbations increases. Closer to childbirth, the activity of perturbations decreases. On the other hand, the frequency of movements increases in the evening. From the 32nd week, the formation of a state of rest begins. Heavy traffic lasts about 50-60 minutes. Then, for half an hour, the child does not move.

    Each child is individual, including in the manifestation of activity. It is generally accepted that the fetus normally makes about three movements in 10 minutes. In 30 minutes, five movements should be performed, and in one hour - from 10 to 15 movements.

    The baby can be at rest for up to three hours. This is not a developmental pathology. It's just that the baby is sleeping. Active stirring at night causes anxiety for the mother and interferes with her proper sleep. Most likely, this is due to the woman's excessive activity throughout the day. The kid loves the rocking of the abdomen, and he wants them to continue.

    At what time does the child begin to move - how to recognize the baby's tremors in the womb, what the expectant mother feels

    One of the most anticipated moments of expectant mothers is the beginning of fetal movement. Pregnant women feel the first activity of the baby in the second trimester. It is important to fix the first shock so that the gynecologist can determine the most accurate date of the baby's birth.

    The movement of the fetus begins earlier than the expectant mother can recognize it.

    At what stage of pregnancy does the baby begin to move? In the mother's womb, the baby shows the first activity on average at 8 weeks - at this time, the muscle tissue of the crumbs is formed, which are responsible for motor functions.

    Since at 2 months the baby is still too small, and his movements are chaotic and convulsive, the woman has no associated sensations. This is also due to the fact that the amniotic fluid serves as a buffer for tremors.

    Over time, the crumb grows, reaching a size at which the tremors begin to be felt by the woman. The future mom will be able to recognize the first shocks at 18-22 weeks. Nevertheless, this indicator is individual for each and depends on many aspects:

    • how many births did she go through (primiparous longer do not feel that the baby has begun to kick);
    • is there a significant fatty layer on the peritoneum (thin girls early begin to feel how the baby is pushing);
    • how the pregnancy proceeds;
    • what position is the baby in;
    • features of the location of the placenta (lower or upper abdomen);
    • what is the psycho-emotional state of the expectant mother, etc.

    This is individual for each woman, but there is a certain framework for how long the movement of the child is felt. As a rule, with the first pregnancy, this becomes noticeable closer to 20 weeks.

    At this time, the baby makes about two hundred movements per day, and up to 32 weeks this number increases to 600. Experts attribute this to the growth of the baby.

    The future mom does not even feel most of the pushing.

    If the child pushes, this is considered normal, but too active behavior that causes pain, or, conversely, excessive passivity can indicate fetal hypoxia (acute or chronic). In addition, changes in how the baby moves sometimes indicate a violation of the volume of amniotic fluid:

    • with low water, an aggravation of pain occurs when the baby moves;
    • with polyhydramnios, the expectant mother ceases to feel how the child is pushing.

    The question of at what stage of pregnancy the fetus begins to move does not imply the presence of an unambiguous answer: girls feel it at different times.

    As a rule, the first sensations during the second and further pregnancies occur at 18-20 weeks. For a period of 24 weeks, the baby can kick so hard and actively that even close people feel the shocks, putting their hand to the belly of the expectant mother.

    Other babies behave very quietly in the womb, so they may not bother the woman at all.

    It is believed that multiparous girls begin to feel internal movements earlier than those who first become pregnant.

    This is due to the fact that during the second or third pregnancy, a woman already has some experience and can recognize even slight tremors.

    Unlike multiparous, first-time pregnant women often do not attach much importance to weak movements in the abdomen, interpreting them as ordinary intestinal motility.

    Moms-to-be describe these feelings in different ways. Some people compare them to the fluttering of butterflies, others say that wiggling is more like tickling or stroking the inside of the belly.

    Many women find the tremors to be like gurgling in the intestines, which is sometimes painful due to the baby's over-activity.

    How long the child moves can affect the nature of sensations: the larger the fetus, the more the woman feels the movements and kicks.

    : how and when the baby should move during pregnancy

    Alina, 25 years old

    I first felt the tremors in the third trimester, before that the baby was not heard at all. Since my tummy was low and close to the bladder, I constantly ran to the toilet while moving. Later, her mother advised her to calm the baby by changing her position: rolling from one side to the other. It helped a lot.

    Tatiana, 31 years old

    Each girl has everything individually, so there is no norm for how long the child begins to move. In my case, the baby did not show signs of life for a long time: up to 5 months. On the advice of a specialist, I started to eat sweets a little bit to cheer him up, but it didn't help. My son started kicking only at the age of 6 months, but then I had enough time.

    Ekaterina, 28 years old

    I could not only feel pushing, but also hear, because my stomach was gurgling loudly. The movements began early, at about 14 weeks, and continued until delivery. There was no soreness or serious discomfort from this, however. As we expected, a son was born that was still fidgety, but before the age of 6, his character changed to a calmer one.