Connecting the mouse to android. Do-it-yourself wireless touch mouse from the phone

Many people, having bought a tablet, often ask questions, what can be connected to the tablet, does the mouse work with the tablet, and so on. Now I will try to tell you what can be connected to the tablet and how.

How to connect a mouse to a tablet.

First, let's decide what connectors are available on your tablet, if you have a full USB connector - this is very good and convenient, just connect the mouse to the tablet and in a couple of seconds the mouse will be ready to work. Naturally, the mouse must be with a USB interface.

It is also possible that you do not have a full-fledged USB on your tablet, but only MicroUSB or MiniUSB, then you should look into the box with the tablet and see there about such a wire or perhaps an adapter:

The usual wiring data with adapters comes with the tablet, but if you have not found this or have lost it, do not worry, just go to the nearest computer store with a tablet and ask for this adapter, they are usually not expensive.

Then just connect the mouse to the tablet through this adapter, wait a few seconds and that's it, the mouse is ready to work.

How to connect a keyboard to a tablet.

The scheme with connecting the keyboard is similar to the scheme for connecting the mouse, which I described above. The only thing I would like to note, unfortunately, the language change that we are used to in Windows on the standard Android keyboard does not work, for this you will have to install another keyboard from Play Market... If you do not know how to do this, see the article “I bought a tablet. What's next? Part 2 ”there it is described in detail the installation of applications from the market.

How to connectUSBmodem to the tablet.

Connect to USB tablet a Beeline, MTS or Megafon modem is no more complicated than a mouse or keyboard. Just plug the modem into a USB slot or through an adapter, a few seconds will pass and the modem will automatically configure itself and blink its indicators. There are times when the tablet does not have preinstalled drivers for your modem model. In this regard, before buying a tablet or modem, make sure that the list contains the required USB modem model.

How to connect a joystick to a tablet.

Probably, this item will be of interest to those who like to play on a tablet. We connect our joystick to the tablet and check if it works, I tried the same joystick. It worked on some, but not on others, apparently there is the same story as with a USB modem, the lack of drivers. So, if you decide to buy a joystick, then do not be lazy to take your tablet with you to the store and check it before buying. For a more comfortable use of the joystick, I recommend installing and configuring the USB / BT Joystick Center 6 program, with it you can customize the controls and assign actions in the game to the buttons you need. Descriptions and ready-made settings for games can be easily found on the Internet.

How to connectGpsto the tablet.

Unfortunately, there are few tablets with a built-in GPS module on the market now, and many want everything in one device. To do this, I recommend taking a tablet with Bluetooth, there will be much less problems, buy a GPS Bluetooth Receiver, install the GPS Receiver program, pair them and launch the navigation program. A lot of problems can arise with USB GPS Receiver, mainly due to the lack of a built-in driver for this device in the tablet, then you have to "dance with a tambourine" in front of the tablet in search of solutions to this problem.

How to connectUSBBluetoothDongleto the tablet.

As a rule, all USB Bluetooth whistles work with tablets without any problems, but there is another situation when the tablet lacks the necessary drivers for Bluetooth operation, then you have to search the network for the necessary scripts to install them a little.

How to connectUSBHDD or a USB flash drive to the tablet.

It's easy to connect a USB flash drive to the tablet, probably 99.9% of flash drives are hooked up to the tablet and work as expected without any problems. With hard drives, the situation is usually the same, but it happens that the tablet does not have enough power, and for example, when downloading from a USB hard drive, it can simply turn off and work after reconnecting it or rebooting the tablet. There are several ways to get out of this situation. One of them is to transfer files from a hard drive with a charger connected, sometimes this method helps. You can also connect the hard drive to the tablet through a hub with additional power, then there should be no problems.

How to connect a tablet to a TV.

In order to connect a tablet to a TV, you need an HDMI input, both on the TV and on the tablet. The tablet usually has a MiniHDMI input. In this case, you will need HDMI cable MiniHDMI to HDMI, then just connect your tablet and TV. Then include in HDMI TV and that's it, the image from the tablet is duplicated on your screen. Videos and games will only be displayed on the TV to save resources.

How to immediately connect a mouse, keyboard and other devices to the tablet.

To connect multiple USB devices to your tablet at the same time, you need a USB hub. It can be purchased at any computer store. Usually, a hub without external power is enough for the simultaneous operation of a mouse and keyboard, but not always, and to connect a mouse, keyboard and, for example, a modem, you will definitely need a USB hub with additional power. Please bear this in mind when purchasing.

Views: 64762 | Date: Wednesday, 20 February 2013

Today tablets have won the lion's share of the market mobile devices... Every year these devices become more functional and technologically advanced. Along with the growing popularity of tablets and other portable devices, interest in all kinds of peripherals that can work in tandem with mobile devices has grown significantly. One of the most popular types of external devices is the usual "mouse" -type manipulator.

Connecting a mouse to a tablet does not require any serious manipulations and additional technical knowledge. In theory, it may not seem so simple, but in fact, the process is intuitive and straightforward.

Ways to connect peripherals

Synchronization methods:

  • connecting a mouse to a tablet via a USB interface;
  • connection via wireless Wi-Fi protocol;
  • synchronization via or "Bluetooth".

Each of the above methods has both advantages and disadvantages, therefore, which type of connection to use depends only on you and the capabilities of your gadget. Please keep this in mind before connecting your mouse to your tablet.

Cable connection

As a rule, the synchronization of the tablet with the peripherals occurs through a direct connection to the gadget or using a cable connection. This method works great if you have a tablet with a USB port. In order for everything to work as it should, it is necessary to fulfill a number of specific requirements.

Connection conditions via cable:

  • the device must support a plug-in mouse, and vice versa;
  • the tablet must have USB-Host or OTG technology on board to interact with peripherals at the hardware support level (note at this point Special attention, before connecting the mouse to the tablet);
  • the presence of drivers on the gadget for the mouse is mandatory (it is best to look at the official website of the manufacturer of the peripherals);
  • the manipulator must meet the requirements of the tablet hardware platform for subsequent adaptation at the software level.

One of the main advantages this method synchronization is that you are always up to date and clearly know what exactly is connected and how correct. In addition, the speed of the manipulator and interaction with the gadget are limited only by the capabilities of the slowest equipment. That is, in our case, everything depends on the technical component of the mouse. Also keep this in mind before connecting your mouse to your tablet.

Infrared and Bluetooth connection

The method is quite popular, because not everyone wants to mess with cables and loops. Before connecting to the tablet, it is necessary to pre-sync the devices with each other, if this was not done automatically.

To connect, you need to perform the following simple steps:

  • enable "Bluetooth" or infrared port in the settings on the tablet;
  • enable a similar technique on the manipulator;
  • after the window with mobile assistant, follow the sync instructions.

The infrared port is already a thing of the past, since the connection technology itself is unreliable, although it can still be found on some tablet models.

Advantages of "Bluetooth"

If we talk about Bluetooth wireless protocols, then almost any modern gadget supports this function, and the versions are being improved from year to year, as well as the quality of data transmission. Also pay attention to this point before connecting the mouse to the tablet.

The most mobile, compact and convenient solution is considered to be synchronization with peripherals via Bluetooth, because, having a minimum set of characteristics, you get maximum opportunities.

Wi-Fi connection

In order for the tablet mouse to work correctly on Wi-Fi protocols, a rather large number of prerequisites must be fulfilled. If at least one point is not clearly observed, then the normal operation of the manipulator cannot be guaranteed, and in most cases it is simply impossible.

Synchronization conditions:

  • a mouse for a tablet must have a special Wi-Fi radio module, and it is highly desirable of the same standard as the gadget;
  • the manipulator should not depend on third-party network protocols (router), otherwise the tablet should have this function (distribution of IP addresses);
  • the data of masks and IP addresses must be the same (partial overlap is allowed), that is, both devices work in the same network;
  • both the tablet and the mouse are required to independently process and be able to send data to each other.

The algorithm for connecting via Wi-Fi cannot be called simple, in comparison with the previous two methods, so it is rather difficult to find a mouse that works through this protocol. The only peripheral devices for which this method is most acceptable are MFPs and printers, but if you have, as they say, no options, then you can go this way.

One of the benefits tablet computer the fact that it does not require additional equipment, it is always ready to work, because the control is carried out by means of a touch screen. However, sometimes there may be a need for additional devices - for example, a mouse. In this case, it will be useful for the owner of the gadget to learn how to connect the mouse to the tablet in order to further expand the functionality of the device. In fact, no special problems should not arise with this procedure.

Features of mice

A mouse (information input device) is a special input device, with the help of it you can control the cursor and give various tasks to the computer. Everyone is probably familiar with the principle of operation of the mouse - control is carried out while moving the device along a horizontal surface. Each element (buttons, wheel, etc.) performs its own function.

As for the varieties of computer mice, according to the type of connection, two main types can be distinguished - wireless and wired. With wired manipulators, everything is relatively simple - they connect to any tablet using a special wire (via USB or OTG adapter).

The classification of wireless devices is already more difficult, although the connection process only seems difficult - in fact, nothing is complicated. You can connect them to the tablet using Bluetooth or Wi-Fi, without an adapter and other equipment. In this case, no cables are required, it is enough to take care of correct connection... We can highlight the strengths and weaknesses of using an information input device:


  • Low cost;
  • Easy control;
  • The ability to perform a large number of manipulations;
  • Long-term work does not cause discomfort and fatigue.


  • A smooth and level surface of sufficient size is required to operate the mouse;
  • Lack of vibration resistance is noted.

Wired connection

A wired USB mouse, as mentioned earlier, connects to an Android tablet using a cable. In this case, the difficulty lies in the fact that most tablets are not equipped with a full-fledged USB input. As a rule, manufacturers equip them with microUSB. To begin with, it is recommended to carefully examine your device for the required input, and if it turns out that USB is still present, then you just need to connect the mouse (and keyboard) and use it for your own pleasure.

If, nevertheless, there is a standard microUSB-input, then in order to connect a mouse, you will have to get a special adapter - OTG. It often comes with a tablet device, but even in the absence of one, you won't have to spend a lot of money on the purchase of an adapter. You can buy it at any specialty store. This cable has a USB input on one side, and microUSB on the other. It remains to connect the mouse and you can work with it. It is worth noting that the situation is exactly the same with Windows tablets.

Wireless connection

Connecting a Bluetooth wireless mouse to your tablet is quick and easy. It works like any other Bluetooth device wirelessly. All that is required is the input device itself and the gadget:

  1. The first step is to turn on the Bluetooth function on the tablet and launch the mouse. Very often the mouse does not work initially (factory defect, etc.), therefore, if it does not light up (manipulators are equipped with special sensors), it is worth checking the device on a computer.
  2. You should open the device settings, the wireless connections section and activate the visibility option so that the tablet recognizes only connected devices.
  3. After that, the system will start searching for devices. If a mouse appears in the visibility zone, then you should select its name from the list. In this case, a window will appear for entering a special connection code (in most cases, this is the standard combination - 0000).
  4. It remains only to enter the code correctly, and after a couple of seconds a small arrow will appear on the screen of the device. This means that everything is done correctly, and the mouse can be used.

Another way to connect a wireless mouse is based on Wi-Fi technology. It is considered more difficult and time consuming, but still possible. How to connect the mouse correctly? To apply this method, certain conditions must be met, otherwise the mouse will not work at all, or it will not work correctly:

  1. If the Wi-Fi function is considered standard in the tablet, then it is not so easy to find an input device with a built-in Wi-Fi radio module. Nevertheless, this is one of the main conditions.
  2. For normal operation of the mouse, no additional network equipment should be required.
  3. When combining a tablet and a mouse into one network, it is important that the parameters of their network masks coincide completely, and the IP addresses only partially.
  4. A computer mouse connected to the device must process commands on its own, and also send them to the tablet in the appropriate form.

Thus, is it possible to connect a mouse to a tablet using Wi-Fi technology? Definitely yes, but this method is complicated by numerous factors and, therefore, is rarely used. This kind of connection is often used to connect other peripheral devices (printers, scanners).


Working with a tablet with a computer mouse can be much more convenient and faster. In particular, this applies to cases when the sensor does not work, and there is no alternative control method. It all depends on the purpose for which the user needs the gadget. The options for connecting a mouse to a gadget described above should not cause difficulties - everything is extremely simple and understandable. Each instruction contains a sequential description of all actions.

Probably no need to explain. But often many users of modern smartphones equipped with their own operating systems on board are faced with the problem of how to connect a mouse to the phone. It would seem that almost all models have a special mini-USB connector. However, doing this is sometimes very problematic. Let's try to figure out what's what.

How to connect a mouse to the phone

First of all, in order to solve the problem of how to connect the mouse to the phone, you should pay attention to the presence of a USB-connector, as well as whether this phone model supports peripherals generally. The fact is that many mice have higher power consumption compared to the phone itself. It is because of this that some models may issue a warning message like "High-power USB device connected" when connected. The phone itself can go into a mode of such power consumption that it will simply turn off.

Nevertheless, there is a solution to the problem of how to connect the mouse to the phone. To do this, you need to use the usual additional charging module, which in most cases is called a USB hub with additional factory charging. Some phone models may not realize that an external USB device is connected to them. For a correct connection, you will have to create your own USB host. It's not even about the software, but about manual intervention.

So, in order to know how to connect the mouse to the phone, first we buy a USB host (it is better not to take the Chinese one), after which we disassemble the mini-USB plug and simply solder the contacts with numbers 4 and 5 together with a 10 Ohm resistor (0.125 W ). You can simply close the contacts together, and then wire them to contacts 1, 2, 3 and 4. It is this position that will allow the phone to "figure out" that there is a host in front of it. Further in the question of how to connect the mouse to the phone, it is still easier. All this economy is soldered to a normal (large) USB socket and that's it. The mouse can be connected here.

The question is, how justified are such actions? After all, if you figure out how to connect a mouse to a phone, then ordinary phones, and not smartphones or tablets, roughly speaking, do not deserve such close attention. And why do we need a mouse on the phone without the corresponding software that allows you to control the device from your computer? And on the computer terminal there is a mouse in any case.

A mouse from a phone is a very interesting and entertaining thing. It is very easy to implement this idea, and now I will tell you how to do it. You only need a couple of small programs for this.

So why is it convenient. Many people like to watch a movie on a computer, away from the monitor. And such a mouse from the phone can be used to switch something remotely. This is especially convenient if you are stationed on a soft sofa or armchair, where there are no hard surfaces for a regular wireless mouse. In addition, this device can be very conveniently used in a small space - after all, with a regular mouse you need to move around a certain area on the table, and a mouse from the phone will allow you to control the computer cursor using only the screen space of the phone itself.

The mouse from the phone, which will be discussed, connects to the computer via wi-fi and controls the cursor using its touch screen... It can fully perform all the functions of a conventional mouse, and even more so - a keyboard. This idea requires an Android phone or IOs, as well as a computer with wi-fi device and the operating system Windows, Mac, Ubuntu or Fedora of any bit.

How to make a mouse out of a phone

So, start by installing the app on your smartphone or tablet. Download the one you need for your platform from. Installation takes place in the usual way.

Download the mouse server for your operating system... It is a miniature computer program that does not even require installation. You just need to download it to your computer and run it. After that, its icon will appear near the clock. If necessary, by right-clicking on it, you can add the mouse server to autorun.

And on this the mouse from the phone is almost ready. Now launch the application on your phone, and click on the desired computer with wi-fi found nearby.

And that's it, the mouse is already working. An area will appear on the phone screen, just like on touch-sensitive mice of laptops: the left and right buttons, a button for scrolling and an area for moving the cursor will be marked on it.