Spelling of uppercase and lowercase letters. Use of capital letters

General information

Introductory remarks. An uppercase (capital, capital) letter is used in two different functions.

First, it serves to highlight the beginning of certain sections of text. For this purpose, the first word of the text is written with a capital letter, as well as the first word after the period, ellipsis, question and exclamation marks, ending a sentence. In traditional Russian verse, the beginning of each poetic line is highlighted with a capital letter.

Secondly, the capital letter serves to highlight individual words, regardless of the structure of the text. Next, we consider the rules governing the use of a capital letter in its second function.

Among the words distinguished by a capital letter, there are: 1) proper names in the narrow sense of the word and 2) names.

Proper names in the narrow sense include the names and nicknames of people and the nicknames of animals, geographical and astronomical names. The names include the names of institutions, organizations, associations, historical eras and events, holidays, public events, orders, architectural monuments, as well as the names of newspapers, magazines, awards, works of art, societies, enterprises, industrial products, and so on, highlighted in quotation marks.

§ 157. Allocation of words in a text using a capital letter is used to contrast proper and common names: common names are written with a lowercase letter, proper - with an uppercase. Wed, for example: lion - Leo, Neva banks - Alexander Nevsky, little red riding hood - Little Red Riding Hood (fairy-tale character), health - the magazine "Health".

All words in proper names (in the narrow sense), except for official words and words denoting a generic concept, are written with a capital letter, for example: Nikolai Vasilyevich Gogol, Vladimir Krasnoe Solnyshko, Kashtanka, Nizhny Novgorod, Rostov-on-Don, Kaluzhskaya region, East European Plain, Palace Square, Polar Star.

In proper names - names consisting of several words, only the first word is written with a capital letter (except for cases when the name includes other proper names), for example: World Federation of Trade Unions, Museum of the History of Moscow, A. S. Pushkin, Peter's era, the Battle of Kulikovo, "Moscow News" (newspaper), "War and Peace" (novel), "Veteran of Labor" (medal).

§ 158. Proper names can be used for generalized designation of similar objects, becoming common nouns; in this case, the uppercase letter is replaced by a lowercase letter in many cases.

They are common nouns and are written with a lowercase letter of the names of units of measurement, data on the names of scientists (amperes, volts, pascal, X-rays, etc.), as well as the names of objects, products (types of clothing, weapons, fabrics, drinks, etc.) , data on personal names, company names, geographical names, for example: mac, colt, winchester, boston, bordeaux, khokhloma, adidas; but: Faberge (as the name of the products of this company).

The proper names of historical persons, literary or mythological characters, used in general (figuratively) as the names of people with certain character traits and behavior, are not written uniformly - some with a lowercase letter, others with a capital letter. Their spelling, determined by the tradition of use, is established in dictionary order. So, the words Don Quixote, Don Juan, Robinson, Derzhimorda, Judas, Philanthropist, Hercules, used in a common sense, are written with a lowercase letter, and Hamlet, Oblomov, Manilov, Plyushkin, Khlestakov, Mitrofanushka, Apollo, Cicero, Napoleon and many others keep this is an uppercase letter. The same applies to the generalized (figurative) use of geographical names: for example, Olympus is written with a lowercase letter ‘the chosen circle, the top of a n. society ', sodom' complete disorder, chaos', walker 'mass crush of people in the crowd', Kamchatka 'back rows in the hall, in the classroom', but keep the capital letter in figurative meanings Mecca, Vendee, Klondike, Cheryomushki, Hiroshima, Chernobyl and dr.

The use of such names in the common noun in the plural form does not require the replacement of a capital letter with a lowercase letter, for example: Ivans who do not remember kinship; Gallop across Europe; We all look at Napoleons (P.); Soviet Sharikovs; Nuclear explosion with a capacity of tens of Hiroshima.

Note. Writing personal names with a lowercase letter (usually in the plural form) is allowed as an expressive-stylistic device, most often in order to enhance a negative or ironic assessment of a person: modern Chichikovs, Azefs, Robespierres, newly-minted Goebbels, etc.

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Section 3 USE OF CAPITAL LETTERS IN PROPER NAMES I. Specific names are written with a capital letter, names with a lowercase letter: Professor Ivanov, Tsar Peter, Bagira the panther, Entuziastov highway, planet Jupiter. A common noun is written with a capital letter: 1) if it is the first word in a compound proper name: Moscow Operetta Theater ", 2) if the conditions of the context give this word a solemn, sublime sound: All the people rose to defend their Fatherland. tradition, capital letters are used in some names of the most important organizations, high positions, Russian and international titles and distinctions: the United Nations Organization, the Federal Assembly, the President of Russia, the Gold Star medal. II. The main cases of the use of upper and lower case letters in various titles: 1. Names, patronymics, surnames of people are written with a capital letter; designations of characters in works of literature; pseudonyms, nicknames, nicknames of animals: Alexey Maksimovich Peshkov, Maxim Gorky, Peter the First, Vsevolod the Big Nest; Red Hat (character), Sharik (dog) Some words can be used both as proper names and as common nouns; R .: a boy named Mishka - furry bears in the circus arena. 2. All words (except for the generic name) in geographical and administrative-territorial names are written with a capital letter: Asia, Mongolia, Pskov region, Novaya Zemlya island, Bolshoi Kamenny bridge, Kuznetsky Most street. But cf .: Western countries - the train goes west. In the official names of states (as well as autonomies within the Russian Federation), all words are written with a capital letter, including generic concepts: Russian Federation, Republic of Tatarstan, United Arab Emirates, French Republic. Wed: Central Asian republics (unofficial name). 3. All words (except for the generic name) in astronomical names are written with a capital letter: constellation Big Dog, alpha Ursa Minor. Wed: the origin of the Earth - a handful of earth; the orbit of the moon is a pale pune. 4. The first word (and all proper names) is written with a capital letter in the names of historical events, significant events in public life, holidays: the Renaissance, the Second world War, Bastille Day, Christmas. Wed: Eighth March - 8 March (holiday); Ancient Rome (historical era) - ancient Rome (town). 5. The first word (and all proper names) in the names of institutions, parties, etc. is written with a capital letter: Ministry of Defense, Indian National Congress party, Lomonosov Moscow State University, State Tretyakov Gallery. 6. Conventional names are enclosed in quotation marks: cinema "Arktika", magazine "Ogonyok". 7. The first word is written with a capital letter (except for the generic designation) in the names of orders, insignia: Order of the Patriotic War of the 1st degree, St. George's Cross, medal "In memory of the 800th anniversary of Moscow." As an exception, some names are written with a capital letter (see item I). 8. The names of positions, titles, titles are written with a lowercase letter: King of Sweden, Minister of Health, Director of the Company, Corresponding Member of the Academy of Sciences, Nobel Prize Laureate, Air Marshal. Some job titles and titles (common nouns) are written with a capital letter as an exception (see item I). 9. The first word (and proper names) is written with a capital letter in the titles of works of art, periodicals, ancient monuments, documents: the Bronze Horseman poem, the Life of Klim Samgin novel, the Twelfth Night comedy, or Whatever you like ”(The second part of the double name is also written with a capital letter), the Moscow News newspaper, Beethoven's Ninth Symphony, Laurentian Chronicle, Assumption Cathedral. III. The use of an uppercase or lowercase letter in adjectives formed from nouns - proper names, depends on the suffix and the meaning of the word: 1. Possessive adjectives with suffixes -ov - / - ev-, -iv- are written with a capital letter: Zeus anger, Odysseevs wanderings, Mishkina porridge. Used figuratively, such adjectives are written with a lowercase letter: pansies (flowers). 2. Adjectives with the suffix -sk- are written from a lowercase letter: Pushkin's poetry, Bulgarian resorts. Wed: Moscow governor - Moscow state (geographical name). Used in the meaning of “memory, such-and-such name”, such adjectives are written with a capital letter: Nobel Prize, Pushkin Days (festive events). 40. Explain the use of italicized capital letters and lowercase letters... 1.Anton.Pavlovich Chekhov - .Antosha Chekhonte; Kozma Prutkov - Alexey Konstantinovich Tolstoy and the Zhemchuzhnikov brothers; Georges Sand - Aurora Dupin, AGark Gwen - Samuel Lenghorn Clemens. 2. Vladimir Red Sun, Richard the Lionheart, Alexander the Great, Ivan the Terrible. 3. Serpent Gorynych, Koschey the Immortal, Snow Maiden, Blue Voroda, Kolobok, Cinderella. 4. cat Vaska, dog Rex, cow Burenka, chicken Lestrushka. 5.the city of Belaya Derekv, the village of Svetlye Klyuchi, Gospitalny Val street, Golden Horn Bay, the Far North, the Far East, Lriuralie, Lodmoskovye, Smolensk region, Altai region, Saint Helena island. 6. South Africa, Republic of Komi, Czech Republic, Scandinavian kingdoms. 7. Polaris, beta Libra, Andromeda nebula, Halley's comet. 8. Copper revolt, Time of Troubles,. Kulikovo battle, Great Patriotic War, Geneva Conference, Resistance Movement, Olympic Games 1896, Ancient Greece, International Women's Day, May 9, May 1. 9. Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Labor Party of Great Britain, National Assembly of France, Central Puppet Theater, Tchaikovsky Concert Hall, Tolstoy House Museum, Bolshoi Theater, Russian Academy of Kauk, Lervoy Moscow Watch Factory, State Universal Lagazin, publishing house “Science”, factory “Gryokhgornaya daanufaktura”, hotel “Cosmos”, swimming pool “Chaika”. 10.Candidate of Historical Kauk, President of France, Japanese Emperor, Secretary General of the United Nations, national artist Russia, rector of the Moscow Conservatory. 11. Order of Glory I degree, Order of St. Andrew the Lervo-Called, Order of the Legion of Honor, Iron Cross, Order of the Badge of Honor, medal For the Defense of Moscow. 12. YGpatyevskaya Chronicle, Federal Treaty, Chopin's Left Ballad, St. Basil's Cathedral, St. Isaac's Cathedral, the buildings of the Senate and Synod, Goncharov's novel "The Break", Gogol's geo-news "May Night, or the Drowned Woman", Tchaikovsky's ballet " Swan Lake", The magazine" Seven days ". 13. Rafaeva leadonna, Koscheeva's death, Tanya's doll, Sasha's ball, X-rays, Maryin's root. 14. Chekhov's drama, Turgenev's estate, Tolstoy's views, Bulgakov's conference, Lomonosov's readings. 41. Find and write down your examples of the use of upper and lower case letters in different names. (Use the books, magazines, and newspapers that make up your reading circle.) Dictation The reign of Peter the Great became one of the most important stages in the history of our country. Russia from the Moscow state, whose contacts with the outside world were rather limited, turned into the Russian Empire - one of the most powerful countries in Europe. At the very beginning of his reign, Peter strove to break through to the Black and Caspian Seas, to expand the possibilities of sea trade with the East. And even then, during the Azov campaigns, Alexander Danilovich Menshikov became the most prominent figure in the circle of the sovereign. He, a commoner by birth, was destined in time to become the most influential noble. Together with the tsar, as part of the “Great Embassy,” Menshikov went abroad. As you know, Peter and his associates went to Europe not only to establish diplomatic contacts with the West, but also to learn everything that could benefit the growing Russia. The king did not even hesitate to work as an apprentice for experienced artisans. Not wishing to lag behind his sovereign, Menshikov worked in Dutch shipyards and received a certificate attesting to mastering the specialty of a ship carpenter. Immediately upon his return to Russia, Menshikov took an active part in suppressing the Strelets rebellion. And in the future, the tsar put on Menshikov the most responsible tasks: the establishment of the Peter and Paul Fortress at the mouth of the Neva, the construction of a new capital - St. Petersburg - and its defense from the Swedes. Ranks and insignia rained down on Menshikov. The Polish king Augustus awarded him the Order of the White Eagle, the Austrian emperor granted him the diploma of the prince of the Holy Roman Empire. In the absence of Peter, His Serene Highness was actually the head of the army, which, after the outbreak of the Northern War, took shape as a regular one. In Pushkin's poem "Poltava" Menshikov is called a "semi-sovereign ruler". His power and political influence became unlimited during the short period of the reign of Catherine the First. At the beginning of his reign, young Peter II was completely dependent on the power-hungry and energetic associate of his great grandfather, but soon the intrigues of the members of the Supreme Privy Council - Baron Osterman and the Dolgoruky princes - led to Menshikov being removed from the state affairs and exiled to distant Birch, where his life ended. Section 4 USE OF SEPARATOR B AND B 1. Dividing b is written before the letters e, e, yu, i in the following cases: 1) after a prefix ending in a consonant: entry, volume, pre-jubilee, announcement; 2) in words of foreign origin after the prefix to a consonant (ab-, ad-, diz-, in-, inter-, ko "-, counter-, ob-, sub-, trans-) or particles pan-: adjutant, injection, conjuncture, object, subject, pan-European; 3) in compound words, the first part of which is a two-, three- or four-numeral: two-tier, three-capacity. f This rule does not apply to abbreviated words such as children. 2. The dividing b is written in the following cases: 1) inside a word (not after the prefix) before the letters e, e, u, y, i: curtain, raw material, passerine, blizzard, peasant; 2) in some foreign words before o: postman, champignon, etc. 42. Rewrite, inserting the missing letters. 1. At that moment, the guests screamed. (P.) 2. Chichikov himself decided to compose fortresses, write and rewrite, so as not to pay anything under..yachim. (G.) 3. She sat down at the piano ... and played some of his favorite songs. (Hound.) 4. A footman monkey their manners, habits. (D.) 5. Tall green bur..yan grew in the place where the yard was once. (L. T.) 6. The upholstery on the front row chairs and on the barter boxes has long faded. (M.-S.) 7. The enraged river froth and crashed the granite parapets of the embankment with waves. (Garsh.) 8. Sometimes a group came out of ... the students who were being examined. (Cor,) 9. The cook gave the sailors boiled bul. .one meat. (M. G,) 10. Among a large clean area on a high pedestal stood a cast of the mighty figure of David. (Ver.) 11. Here is another picnic companion for us. (Kupr.) 12. Not far away, behind the trees, an immense azure expanse opened up. (Ch.) 13. At the slightest of..yana in a suit, with the buttons torn off, this suit must surrender ... (Mac.) 14. My father and I have already had dinner. (AT) 15. We retreated to the north, covering ourselves all the time with strong rearguards. (Versh.) 16. Andrey's letters have become an integral part of my life. (Kae.) 17. Aksinya narrowed her eyes. (Sh.) 18. The soldiers themselves began to sew into ... yuki from tarpaulin. (Close) 19. The day of the premiere has come. 43. Rewrite by inserting the missing letters. 1. In the town was concentrated several battalions of infantry. 2. During the renovation of the theater, the inter..tier floors were replaced. 3. The newspaper published an interview with the head of a foreign delegation. 4. New methods of work have made it possible to ... save a lot of time and money. 5. An active counter-attack of the opponent put the young chess player in a difficult position. 6. Recently made the translator's work easier from- given three .. language dictionary. 7. On such a ... southern night it was easy to go astray in unfamiliar places. 8. At night there were frequent frosts, and the leaves on the trees ... shriveled from the cold. 9. For the forwarding of urgent and important documents, a feld..eger communication was used. 10. Taking on any job, you need to objectively assess your capabilities. 11. Old-style banknotes were out ... out of circulation. 12. Once upon a time, any phenomenon of nature seemed to people supernatural and inexplicable. 13. The chemist made experiments with some four..element compounds. 14. Theories such as pan .. Japaneseism are based not so much on religious as on political goals. 15. The jet plane completed the trans-European flight in a few hours. 16. The peasants sought to get rid of the severity of life under .. jail in conditions of serfdom. 17. First, full-scale filming was made, then the work was transferred to the pavilion, ony of the film factory. Dictation Glass doors silently slide apart, and you find yourself in a spacious trading floor. The variety of goods at first seems supernatural. Computers are displayed on four-tier shelves in front of you, and a little to the left, on a small counter, there are books that will teach you how to use purchased equipment. Among these books stands out a trilingual dictionary on electronics and computer science. At the opposite end of the hall, televisions are sold. As you can see, some buyers came here with their whole families and now consult among themselves before making a purchase. As you walk past the televisions, you'll notice the many lenses aimed at you. Cameras and video cameras are exhibited here. All these products are offered to you by a well-known company that has just opened its new store. The company's management was seriously preparing for such an event. In particular, a competitive recruitment of sales consultants was announced. Well trained staff is ready to explain the specifics of each model to you. If you are a regular customer of this company, then you have the opportunity to save money: by presenting a discount card, you can get a discount. Electronic equipment racks occupy almost the entire area of \u200b\u200bthe two-storey pavilion. In addition, there was a place for a jewelry salon with a rich selection of rings, pendants, medallions and necklaces. A small space on the second floor is occupied by a travel agency offering its clients a trans-European tour.

Proper names are written with a capital letter:

1. Names, patronymics, surnames, pseudonyms, nicknames, including double names and surnames with hyphens (Ivan Sergeevich Turgenev, Peter the First, Antosha Chekhonte, Vsevolod Bolshoye Gnezdo, Mamin-Sibiryak).

Notes: 1. Proper names, used in the sense of common nouns, are written with a capital letter, if they retain the sign of individuality (... Maybe their own Platons and quick-witted Nevtons Russian land give birth (Scrap.)). If the sign of individuality is lost, then the names that have become common nouns are written with a lowercase letter (Napoleon - "cake", Don Juan, Cicero); the former proper names are also written, used with contempt, disdain (Judas, Fritzes).

2. The names of flowers are written with a lowercase letter, formed from proper names (ivan-da-marya, ivan-chai, magaritki).

3. Particles, prepositions, conjunctions (von, der, van, le, la, el, ed, of, de, di, etc.) that are part of surnames (Van der Waals, Baudouin de Courtenay ). If these elements are merged with surnames, then they are written with a capital letter (Van Gogh, Don Quixote).

4. The words bey, zade, oglu, pasha, etc. are written with a lowercase letter in oriental names and surnames (Izmail-bey, Ker-oglu, Osman-pasha).

2. Nicknames of animals (Kholstomer, Murka); Wed burenushka.

3. Names of characters in works of art (Soul of Light, Wolf, Falcon).

4. Designations of gods, prophets and mythological creatures (Jesus, Allah, Jupiter, Venus, Perun).

5. The names of the highest government organizations and institutions, as well as the names of some international organizations (the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation, the United Nations Organization).

6. The titles of the highest government positions and honorary titles (President of Russia, Hero of the Russian Federation).

Note. The titles of positions, academic degrees, honorary titles, etc. are written with a lowercase letter (Minister of Health, Marshal, Doctor of Historical Sciences, People's Artist of Russia, Honorary Member Russian Academy sciences).

7. Official and unofficial names of states, other territorial units (Russia, France, Moldova, Smolensk region, Trans-Urals).

8. Geographic names, including those written with a hyphen (Asia, Carpathians, Ob, White Sea, Baikal, Vologda, Neglinnaya street, Orekhovo-Zuevo).

Notes: Service words in the middle of the name (Rostov-on-Don) are written with a lowercase letter; at the beginning of the name, they are written with a capital letter (Los Angeles, De-Por).

2. Common nouns included in geographic names can be written with a capital letter ( Mineral water, Yasnaya Polyana), or maybe with a lowercase (for example, in the names of streets: Kuznetsky Most, Chugunnye Vorota, Suschevsky Val).

9. Astronomical names (Venus, Ursa Major).

Note. The words planet, constellation, comet, etc. are written in astronomical names with a lowercase letter (Halley's comet).

10. Words in high, pathetic use (Fatherland, Universe).

11. In complex names of ministries, cultural and scientific institutions, educational institutions, industrial and trade organizations that do not have a single character, only the first word is written with a capital letter (Ministry of General and vocational education, Variety Theater, Ural Machine-Building Plant).

Notes: Common abbreviated names are written with a capital letter (Historical Museum - cf. State Historical Museum).

2. If the names of institutions, enterprises, etc., have in their structure the words of someone's name (except for those cases when the name begins with the words State, Central, First or words indicating territorial affiliation - Moscow, Smolensk, etc.) ), then its first word is written with a lowercase letter (the Likhachev plant).

3. The names of departments of institutions, divisions of enterprises (labor department and wages, Department of the Russian Language).

12. Composite words and abbreviations that are the names of institutions and organizations (Roskompechat, Inkombank, TsKB).

Notes: The words strikekom, state farm, etc. are written with a lowercase letter, as they are common nouns.

2. Letter abbreviations (TSB, VVS) and sound abbreviations formed from proper names (Moscow Art Theater, UNESCO) are written in capital letters; but: university, NEP.

13. In complex names of international and foreign organizations, political parties and institutions, only the first word is capitalized (Democratic Choice of Russia, American Federation of Labor).

Note. The names of elected institutions (parliament, senate, seim, congress, etc.) are written with a lowercase letter.

14. Names of territories, districts, oblasts, prefectures, districts (Primorsky Krai. Ryazan Oblast. Taldomsky District).

15. Names of holidays, significant dates (New Year, Christmas, Teacher's Day).

16. Names of historical epochs and events (Peter's era, Patriotic War of 1812, World War II; cf.: The Great Patriotic War).

Note. The names of periods, events, which have become common nouns, are written with a lowercase letter (feudalism, the Middle Ages).

17. Possessive adjectives with the suffixes -ov / -ev, -in (Ivanova childhood, Gegeleva's "Logic", Natasha's portfolio), as well as adjectives with the suffix -sk-, if they are included in names with the meaning of "the name of such and such" , "in memory of such and such" (Lermontov readings. Nobel Prize), but:

pushkin style, Gogol traditions.

Historical commentary. In monuments of Old Russian writing, capital letters are found only at the beginning of a book, a chapter, and rarely a paragraph.

In the XVI century. new sentences began with a capital letter and sometimes their own names were written.

Some rules of use uppercase letters first installed at the beginning of the 17th century. M. Smotritsky in his "Grammar". He recommends writing a capital letter in proper names, the names of sciences. However, throughout the XVIII and partly XIX centuries. there was inconsistency in the use of the capital letter. So, NM Karamzin writes with a capital letter, in addition to proper names, all borrowed words and many Russian "honor" words.

In 1873 acad. J. K. Grot "Controversial issues of Russian spelling from Peter the Great to this day", and in 1885 - "Russian spelling". The recommendations given in them became mandatory and contributed to the establishment of spelling norms in the future.

An exercise. Read it. Write down proper names and arrange them into groups: 1) geographical names;

2) names, patronymics, surnames of people and designations of literary heroes; 3) animal names; 4) designations associated with religion and mythology; 5) sublime rhetorical, poetic names, symbols.

An exercise. Rewrite using parentheses. Explain the use of an uppercase or lowercase letter. (For reference, use the "Rules of Russian Spelling and Punctuation" and various dictionaries of the difficulties of the Russian language.)

1. Flies (Z, h) the earth from sunrise to sunrise ... (Is.) 2. Mischief- (M, m) artyshka, (0, o) villages, (K, k) green and clubfoot (M, m ) Ishka started to play a quartet (Cr.). 3. He rented a house from (T, t) avric (C, s) hell and enrolled in (A, a) English (K, k) bast, but suddenly died of a stroke (T.). 4. I was recently in the walls (B, c) of the Atikan, I wandered along (K, k) oliseum for two nights, I saw in (B, e) ese (S.s) yat: fromo (S.s) t; efaay , what ... did the people create all this? (N.) 5. (I.i) van (I, i) vanych had a rather strange, double surname - (Ch.ch) ut1toa .- (G, g) Imalai (Ch.). 6. “And now you, (K, k) otik, play something,” said (I, i) van (P, p) etrovich to (Ch. )'S daughter.

Task 14. Erentraut Katya.

3. ALTERNATING VOICES a / o, e / u, a (z) / in im IN THE ROOTS

1. The spelling of a vowel depends on the suffix following the root.

A. In roots with alternating sounds [e / i] is written and -and-, in other cases - e (bl andbecome - bl ego down).

Exceptions: op ethief, op emelting.

B. Letter combinations in, im are written if the root is followed by a suffix -and-, in other cases, letters are written in place of these combinations and I (early andnat - start andbe).

B. In the roots cas- / cos-, lag- / log- written andif the root is followed by the suffix -and-, in other cases - about (to andgo to aboutdream, offer andgat - offer aboutlive).

Exceptions: floor aboutg.

2. The spelling of the vowel depends on the stress.

A. In the roots gar- / hot- under stress is written and, without stress - about(zag andp - zag abouthost).

Exceptions: benefit andrki, exile andpb, prig andpb.

B. In the roots zar- / zor- and, under stress - and or about s andrya, z aboutri, s androaring).

Exceptions: s aboutbellow.

B. In the roots clan- / clone-, creature- creator- in an unstressed position is written about, under stress - and or about according to pronunciation ( bow aboutthread, cl andscream, worship aboutn; tv aboutrit, tv andpb, shutter aboutr).

Exceptions: approved andpb.

3. The spelling of a vowel depends on the sound following the vowel in the root.

A. In the roots rast- / dew- written and front st, u, in other cases - about (r andsti, vyr andschenny, p aboutweak).

Exceptions: r aboutrunoff, p aboutstockist, p aboutst, vyr aboutstkovy, R aboutstov, R aboutstislav, neg andsl.

B. In the roots jump- / skoch- before k is written and, before h - about(sc andkat - sun aboutread).

Exceptions: jump aboutk, sc andchu.

4. The spelling of a vowel depends on the meaning of the word.

A. In the roots poppy-, mok- written and in words meaning "immerse in liquid" is written about - with the value "let the liquid pass, get wet" ( m andpour bread into milk, m aboutwhip in the rain).

Remember: prom aboutwoven paper, prom aboutgruel.

B. In the roots equal-, equal- written and in words with the meaning "equal, the same" is written about in words with the meaning "even, straight, smooth" ( wed andintrusion, Wed andheed; Wed aboutheed).

Remember: r andvninabut: r aboutvesnik, then aboutvnu, ur aboutven.

5. The spelling of a vowel in one root or another should be remembered.

Fundamentally float- written and (pl andvuchy, popl andwok); about written in words pl aboutvets, pl aboutvchiha; s spelled in a word pl swoon.

Historical commentary. Alternation "a / them, "a / in arose in the Proto-Slavic language during the era of the open syllable law, according to which all syllables had to end in syllabic sounds, therefore, if the combinations im, in appeared before a vowel, they persisted ( squeeze, crumple); before the consonant and at the end of the word, they changed into a sound [e "nasal"], which was transmitted in the Old Slavonic language by the letter A (small yus), which in the Old Russian language turned into ["a] (Art. MATH, Rus. crush).