I am 2 named after Prokofiev. Moscow Regional College of Music. S. Prokofiev. Solo and choral folk singing

State autonomous educational institution
secondary vocational education of the Moscow region

The college was founded in 1966. Thousands of talented young people received musical education within its walls, several generations of professional musicians support and multiply the best traditions of Russian musical culture, invariably demonstrate high skill.
The decoration of the college is its creative collectives: Symphony orchestra, chamber orchestra, brass band, folk instrument orchestra, female choir, mixed choir, folk choir, ensembles of various compositions. The activities of these collectives and college soloists are widely known not only in the Moscow region, but throughout the country.
College students and alumni are constantly winning prizes in prestigious competitions. College students teach in general education and music schools, art schools, colleges and universities, in gymnasiums, Sunday schools, groups of aesthetic education of children. Also, college graduates lead choirs and orchestral groups, are artists of the country's leading choral and orchestral groups. Our graduates work in opera houses not only in Russia, but also in the world: for example, Dmitry Khromov and Anna Pegova - soloists of "Helikon-Opera" in Moscow, Alexey Kudrya and Evgenia Shirinyants - soloists of opera houses in Germany and Italy. Olga Petelina is the chief editor of the Kultura TV channel, Nikita Zimin is the winner of the most prestigious saxophonist competitions, Sergei Plekhanov is a member of the Union of Composers of the Russian Federation, Dmitry Nikitin is a soloist of the Svetlanov State Academy of Music of the Russian Federation, Viktor Bakke is a professor of art history, Honored Worker of Culture of the Russian Federation. And this is only a small part of the achievements of college graduates.
The college concerts are held in the most prestigious halls in the country: the P.I. Tchaikovsky, in the halls of the Moscow State Conservatory named after P.I. Tchaikovsky, the Gnessin Russian Academy of Music, the Concert Hall of the House of Composers, the Hall of Church Cathedrals of the Cathedral of Christ the Savior, the Moscow Regional House of Arts and others, in the Glinka All-Russian Museum Association of Musical Culture and others.
College teachers were awarded high titles and awards - honored cultural workers of the Moscow region and Russian Federation, honorary workers of secondary vocational education of the Russian Federation, candidates of pedagogical sciences, people's artists.
The hallmark of the college is the activities of the Club of Young Composers of the Moscow Region named after S.S. Prokofiev, every two years the college hosts the Regional Competition for Composition and Improvisation and Music Journalism named after S.S. Prokofiev, as well as the Competition for Young Pianists named after S.S. Prokofiev ...

The College of Music provides training in the following specialties:
- ORCHESTRAL STRING INSTRUMENTS (violin, viola, cello, double bass)
- ORCHESTRAL WIND AND DRUM INSTRUMENTS (flute, oboe, clarinet, bassoon, saxophone, French horn, trumpet, trombone, tuba, drums)
- INSTRUMENTS OF THE FOLK ORCHESTRA (button accordion, accordion, accordion, domra, balalaika, guitar, bell gusli)

For the duration of their studies, young men who entered on the basis of incomplete secondary education receive a deferment from the army.
Students who did not pass the competition have the opportunity to receive a paid education.


Attention! The official media do not write about this. Please distribute this material wherever you can.

Everyone should know HOW everything really happened and WHO is interested in it.

600 children studied in this building. If you do nothing now, more than 100 teachers will be left without work (in CRISIS) and 240 students will not be able to finish their studies (where will they go?).

This music school is also famous for the fact that autistic children were accepted and adapted to a normal life there. Anyone who has personally encountered this problem knows how difficult it is to find a place where such children can comfortably stay without harm to their health.

Moscow regional college of Music named after S.S. Prokofiev in Pushkinowas just such a unique place. Until there was a fire on the night of February 4, 2016 (or rather, it seems to me, arson).

Apparently, developers and corrupt traitors have no problems with arranging their own children. They are probably supporting the hypocritical trend of "pseudo-patriotism", "punching themselves in the chest," yelling about #krymnash and hanging "St. George ribbons" on their Porsche Caens. And, at the same time, they send their children to study abroad. They also send there the "bloody money" received from infill development. They do not care about the fate of our children (including disabled children). They do not care about the fate of teachers. They do not care about the cultural development of the nation and the future of our country.

Take away - cut - take away!

Take away - cut - take away!

At any cost. At the cost of our children!

Today there is a music college in Pushkino. Any other school in the Moscow region tomorrow. Day after tomorrow kindergarten in Moscow.

They think that no one will stop them, because they have enlisted the support of traitorous officials.

But I'm sure we will defend this college and any other. We will keep parks, kindergartens, schools for children.

And we will do everything for this! This is what we live for.

First, let's spread this news so that it is impossible not to notice it! Exactly this and exactly in this performance.

Because this is true!

"Instruments perished - organ, pianos, strings. Recent times The Ministry of Culture of the Moscow Region helped us so much, we had everything new. I managed to take out only documents and computer equipment", - said the deputy director of the college for academic affairs Maria Pavlova.

Back in May 2014, Alla Grominova (Chairman of the Pushkin branch in the Moscow regional branch of VOOPIIiK) wrote: " Another danger loomed over Pushkino. Plans for the development of one of the surviving green corners of the city - the former VNIILM park between Pisarevskaya and Oranzhereinaya streets - are being hatched again. Since 1934 was here

Research Institute of Forestry (VNIILKh). Now in this building the Moscow Regional College of Music named after S.S. Prokofiev. Nearby in 1935. for the teaching staff of the institute, a two-story residential building with 8 apartments was built (Pisarevskaya street, 12a). In 2009. already tried to close the music school, allegedly due to lack of funding. In fact, for building one of the most beautiful places in the city. Then the "number" did not go through. The outraged Pushkinites, students and teachers of the music school raised a fuss, forcing the Pushkin administration to turn to Governor Gromov for support. And now, after 5 years, a tidbit of land again haunts point builders. Did door-to-door rounds

tenants of house 12a with a proposal to buy out their apartments. Nearby, the territory of houses No. 11 and 13 along Orangery Street is being prepared for demolition and infill development. The former VNIILM park will be finished."

That's what's hypocriticalwrite Ministry of Emergency Situations on its website:

"02/04/2016 at 01.30 in the operational duty shift of the CMC, a message was received about a fire in the building at the address: Moscow region, Pushkinsky municipal district, Pisarevskaya street, house 12.

At 01.58 - the “second call number” for the fire was announced.

At 02.10 - cancellation of the "second call number".

At 02.15 - localization of the fire on an area of \u200b\u200b30 m2.

At 02.24 - liquidation of open combustion.

Manpower and means involved: 59 people, 16 pieces of equipment, including 19 people from the Ministry of Emergency Situations, 5 pieces of equipment. "

But this is a LIE!

Here is what Alexander Maleeva writes: " Yes, of course, the building burned during the day. It's amazing how they do it. Unsubscribed and, really, burn everything with a blue flame ..."

But what they write on the forum pushkino.tv (Ymka):

"Well, I was just waiting for this "wiring fault" to appear. in this place? and again at night ?! my parents and friends who live windows to the windows with the school on Gorky and on Orangery did not sleep all night, because first at one in the morning they set fire to the left wing of the building and the arrived calculations put it out. But in the morning they repeated the call, but from the other side, and then the fire covered the entire perimeter. At the same time, before the outbreak of the fire, several people from different directions heard blows at once. So they beat the glass before throwing something fuel into the room .. And they extinguished in about the same mode - one watering, the crowd sitting next to smoke ... They were in no hurry to save, in short. There would be a desire to defend the building - at night they would not abandon it after the first burning. There really was at first 30 meters, but then it was already 300. If it is still on fire, how was it extinguished at night ?! If only to report - "there are no victims." There are victims! Dozens of people have been morally killed today! Everyone has long known how one construction company is approaching Morozovsky Park, its management burns in hell in a frying pan! This is the one who "socially responsible" and at their previous construction sites set fire to private houses, garages, freeing up the site for building. Now the creatures are wandering around the ashes, licking their lips. And if in the end they are allowed to build houses there - shame on all the heads of the city! In the meantime, teachers and children who have lost their school are standing and crying near the park. And we cry with them, because grew up there. And they walked their children in strollers to classical music. And we enjoyed great concerts. Who will return it all ?!"

On the same forum pushkino.tv "bells" writes:

"yes, quietly, everyone has the same opinion .... You know what.


1. Three wooden houses on the street Turgenev, d, 1 and 2 (here is the building of a shopping center)

2. Building of Raypotrebsoz, Turgenev, 5 SOZHGLI (there are chic skyscrapers)

3. st. Lesnaya, 18 - monument - at the transition. There are ruins here, they set fire to 2 times.

4. The Strukovs' dacha. They set fire to 2 times, evicted the evening school from there, then it was liquidated, SAVED. THERE VOOPIK, museum and theater Bulaeva S.A.

5. st. Pisarevskaya, 12a burned. The ruins.


After 1 time, they liquidated, but defended. The repair was. Now 2 times.



1) Moscow Regional College of Music named after S.S. Prokofiev in Pushkino to restore in the same place and NOT to disband it. "Burned out and the clown with him is still a crisis" - WILL NOT PASS!

Restore everything!

2) Find and punish arsonists and customers.

WHAT TO DO (and ask friends, colleagues, people):

1) R distribute this material wherever possible.

State Autonomous Professional Educational Institution of the Moscow Region “Moscow Regional College of Music named after S.S. Prokofiev ”was founded in 1966. Initially, training was conducted in three specialties: piano, choral conducting, folk instruments (button accordion). Its origins were people who became a living history of pedagogy near Moscow and left a deep mark on the life of our region. Two of them are still working in our college. They are the Honored Worker of Culture of the Moscow Region Vladimir Nikolaevich Veyze and the permanent teacher of music theory Elena Timofeevna Tarasova.

In 1995, the college was named after the outstanding composer S.S. Prokofiev. Within our walls, a large and serious work is underway to study and promote the composer's creative heritage, the Regional Club of Composers named after S.S. Prokofiev, once every two years the Regional Competition of Composition and Improvisation named after S.S. Prokofiev, work on the creation of a museum exhibition dedicated to the composer is coming to an end.

Currently, the Moscow Regional College of Music named after S.S. Prokofiev is one of the leading secondary specialized educational institutions in the Moscow region, which graduates musicians of the widest profile. Today the college employs a teaching staff that has accumulated a wealth of experience in training professional musicians. The main task our teachers are not only training, transfer of experience, initiation into the secrets of mastery, but also, most importantly, the upbringing of a cultured, intelligent person who is in love with his profession.

Forty-five years of college experience has proven the need to preserve the classic traditions of the Russian performing school. The team of teachers, numbering over 100 people, is also looking for new opportunities to expand the areas of activity of graduates.

Per last years new specialties were opened:

  • folk choir leader
  • academic singing
  • solo folk singing
  • harp performer
  • oboe
  • bassoon

Students of all specialties receive practical singing skills in college choirs (female choir and mixed choir of vocalists), symphonic, chamber, brass and folk orchestras are successfully functioning.

At the Moscow Regional College of Music named after S.S. Prokofiev's training is conducted in 5 specialties:

Instrumental performance (by type of instrument)

Special piano

Orchestral string instruments (violin, viola, cello, double bass)

Orchestral wind and percussion instruments (flute, oboe, clarinet, bassoon, saxophone, French horn, trumpet, trombone, tuba, percussion instruments)

Folk orchestra instruments (button accordion, accordion, domra, balalaika, guitar, ringing harp)

Singing academic

Choral conducting

Solo and choral folk singing

Music theory

College students, and today there are more than 200 people, have the opportunity to study the following additional disciplines on a paid basis:

  • improvisation
  • composition
  • playing organ and harpsichord
  • orchestral conducting classes
  • lecturer
  • folkloric practice
  • rhythm, etc.

Over the years of its existence, the college has trained over two thousand qualified specialists. College graduates continue their studies in the best universities in the country and abroad, teach in general education and music schools, art schools, colleges and universities, gymnasiums, in Sunday schools, in groups of aesthetic development of children, lead circles, choral and orchestral groups, are artists of leading choirs and symphony collectives of the country, work in opera and drama theaters, are engaged in music journalism on radio, television, many of them lead the teaching staff of educational institutions.

The college is actively engaged in educational activities in the district and region, the sector of pedagogical practice is actively working. Soloists and creative groups constantly take part in consolidated concerts of secondary specialized educational institutions of the Moscow region, creative reports are carried out in the best concert halls.

In 1999, the college was awarded a commendation from the Minister of Culture of Russia for active participation in the preparation and holding of the anniversary of A.S. Pushkin and the performance of a literary and musical composition based on the opera by P.I. Tchaikovsky "Eugene Onegin".

At present, the college staff is headed by the director Ella Alekseevna Smelova. Students, teachers, all college staff have the most sincere and kind feelings for the cradle of our educational institution - Pushkin land. We take the most active part in all creative actions and projects that are carried out by the administration and department of culture of the Pushkin municipal district.

Today it is safe to say that GAPOU MO “Moscow Regional College of Music named after S.S. Prokofiev "is one of the leading educational institutions of the Moscow region, which has prospects, has a future, and this is a guarantee of its further development and existence within the framework of the modern cultural and educational process.

License for educational activities dated July 24, 2012 No. 435367
Certificate of state accreditation dated June 22, 2009 No. 2247

Moscow Regional College of Music. S. S. Prokofiev is an autonomous state educational institution that provides students with secondary vocational education. Formed in 1966. It is one of the institutions that have preserved the classic traditions of the Russian performing school. Here they teach to play the cello, violin, oboe, double bass, balalaika, domra, various wind and percussion instruments. Students are taught vocal, folk and choral singing, conducting.

College features

The educational institution successfully operates the Club of Young Composers, which includes young talents from all over the Moscow region. A well-known competition of improvisations, music journalism and young pianists is held annually on the basis of the Club. Concerts and performances by college students are held in the best halls and theaters in Moscow.

Another feature of this educational institution is that students of all specialties, without exception, are taught practical skills in mixed vocal choirs; symphony, brass, folk and chamber orchestras work here. Also at the college there are many original creative groups participating in prestigious music festivals and competitions. College students, laureates of prestigious international awards, are known in many countries.

Pupils of the educational institution become successful performers, conductors, teachers of music schools.

Additional specialties

Today, here you can get on a paid basis a number of such musical specialties as:

  • performance of organ music,
  • musical improvisation,
  • composing art,
  • orchestral conducting,
  • folklore practice,
  • rhythm.

The term of study at the Prokofiev Moscow Regional College of Music is 3 years and 10 months.

Form of study: Full-time

Type of training: Paid, Free

Cost of education: 35,700 - 43,200 rubles per year

Training is carried out on the basis of 9 or 11 grades


073101 Instrumental performance 073401 Vocal art 073403 Solo and choral folk singing 073502 Choral conducting 073002 Music theory

Exam subjects:

mathematics, Russian language, creative test