General characteristics of the relationship lasso world means Peace (XXI Major Arcana of the Tarot): the meaning of the Tarot card. Divination value

A dizzying card!

In the case of the situation, the World foreshadows the undoubted success of what was conceived (and regardless of the field of activity), the fulfillment of all desires, a happy completion of the course of events.

A person will receive everything he dreamed of. Achievement of the goal (and it can be even higher than that which was supposed), completion of the path, apotheosis, complete success. Liberation, truth, peace. Achievement of a perfect form by life. Confirmation of the correctness of their actions. The card says that a person can trust his judgments in the current circumstances, here he is an expert and hardly anyone can cope with this better than him.

A very interesting experience is experienced around the World, as if the right place for the center of the circle has been found. This is the most important point - the location of the WHOLE circle depends on its location. And so, something like that was found, and everything else mystically falls into place.

Problems are solved, health is restored, people are attracted by themselves, and what they need - disappear themselves.

Money, information - literally everything falls into place, and it seems that minimal efforts are being made, everything happens by itself. This means that a person has achieved in development everything that he had to achieve now - that goal that allows him to effortlessly (!) Achieve success in smaller and simpler matters. Of course, you can try to "anchor" this state (to which, as it seems, almost all NLP is dedicated), but the path is the path, it is impossible to get stuck at one point, no matter how beautiful it may be.

According to the World, a person has this feeling that the puzzle has taken shape, the task has come together with the answer, something very significant in life has "entered the grooves", and he feels harmony with himself and with the world around him.

Throughout the World, something must always come to life, manifest itself, be embodied, and declare itself. This is a very powerful card. It makes sense to cherish the brightest hopes for the future.

This card can also mean international connections. The world gives a wide range of opening opportunities, a variety of perspectives. Long journeys ("going out into the world"), travel, change of place.

The World card determines the value of all other cards in the layout in a positive direction, its influence is very powerful. If there are cards of a negative row nearby, then their meanings are somewhat softened.

At the event level, the World personifies the peace of the soul, which is acquired after long trials. A happy period when we heartily enjoy life, joy, inspiration, euphoria.

Full integration of the personality, acceptance of all its components, release from contradictions, achievement of the heights of self-actualization. Full understanding of one's own inner nature and surrounding external forces. The ability to accept the world as it is and to truly find your place in it.

This is an indicator of a person who has reached the heights of personal perfection, there is something special and incomprehensible in him, and looking at him it occurs to him that “the world is supported by such people”.

This Arcana often opens in a scenario when a person has just taken very significant steps on the path to himself, to truth and integrity. According to this map, everything that has happened up to the present moment has a complete completion. In inner life, this is the completion of the most important stage in the formation of the personality. As Holler wrote, “There is no possibility of crash here because there is no longer a chance to make the wrong choice. Everything you do is right. And you are entitled to whatever you have. You know who you are. You know why you exist. And all the answers serve as confirmation of your mission. "

Fullness, happiness and contentment. Victory ("know, the world is yours from now on"). And, continuing with the words of Kipling's famous poem: “Know, the world is yours from now on. And everything that is closed in it. And more than that - now you are a human! " Constant movement forward makes it possible to enjoy all the gifts of life. This is the integrity and integration of one's own soul, synthesis and balance in all life manifestations, a sense of orderliness and unity, when one action is fully coordinated with another.
The world also describes planetary consciousness, cosmic thinking, respect for all forms of life, mercy and striving for perfection.

A stage in spiritual development, symbolizing a complete understanding of one's own inner nature and surrounding forces, mastering them.

This is global integration, achieving the most perfect state possible at the moment. The state of the soul awarded with the Divine Vision of things. Comprehension, liberation from illusions (and it does not crush, but really liberates).

In a symbolic (and sometimes quite literal) sense - a newly acquired paradise, a return home. Not only the concept of the end of everything is associated with this Arcanum, but also the concept of reward - the identification of a person with the macrocosm. The completed image with which he leaves for death is his full perfection, for which he lived in this world. This Arkan, like no other in the Tarot deck, symbolizes the victory of a person over his weaknesses, pulling him down. In the highest sense, it is the state of the Soul that flew off the ground, flew up into the air, has already passed the crucible of the Last Judgment, and at this (!) Judgment received complete absolution. Completion of an endless series of incarnations, release from karmic addictions, purification, rebirth. At the highest level, Arkan describes a colossal, ineffable Peace in words.

This is probably the same peace that the Master received as an award. This is the peace that is prayed for after the departure of the soul ("funeral service"), which comes when the paid karmic accounts are closed.

If we talk about being on earth, this is harmony and harmony of body, mind, soul and spirit. On the card, as in the Tenth Arcana, Tetramorph and Hermaphrodite are again depicted in addition, talking about the complete integration of all sides of the soul into a single and unique whole. A person came to agreement with himself, that is, he got an idea of \u200b\u200bhis true inner values. Genuine values \u200b\u200bdiffer from counterfeit values \u200b\u200bin that they do not cause any protest or doubt.

A person no longer chases after mirages, he knows how to separate true desires from random ones. Most of the decks depict the World as a dancing woman, which in itself says a lot about the Tarot as the heir to the occult views widespread in medieval Europe that elevate the sacred Feminine. However, as the Jester has no gender, so does the World. The difference is that the Jester is zero, pure potential, he has NO gender, and the World is a hermaphrodite, endowed with signs of both sexes. In some decks it can be seen that the waving ribbon encircling the hips of the dancing World in most of the images hides the masculine nature. The world speaks of the unity of the Anima and the Animus, the Alchemical Wedding, the achievement of true inner integrity ("two are one flesh"). This is Anima Mundi, the Soul of the World, the sum of the Great Work (Magnum Opus).

The wreath can also be interpreted as the crown of the initiate entering the gates of the Truth that opens to him.

The dancer symbolizes the Universe, and her dance is a constant and eternal renewal of life - a cycle that contains the end of everything and returns life to its beginning. This is the alchemical union of alpha and omega. The symbolism of the two wands held by the dancing World in the canonical image in Waite's deck is mysterious. The Wand is found on the Arcana - for example, the Magician - but why two? “And I will take two rods for myself, and I will call one - favor, the other - bonds, and with them I will feed the sheep” (Book of Zechariah, chapter 11, verse 7). Benevolence and Bonds evoke the Tree of Sephiroth - the benevolent gracious Hesed and strict binding Geburah. The twenty-first Arcanum of the Tarot reflects an esoteric view of the nature of God the Creator as androgynous, in addition, it recalls the feminine component of God lost in orthodox Christianity.

This forgotten "Divine Feminine" and eternally bursting back into consciousness - from the earnest cult of the Madonna to nervousness around the "Da Vinci Code" - and draws us the Tarot on the supreme Major Arcana, where everything comes from World to World. Associated with the World, Saturn is the planet of maximum realization. This planet is the patron saint of Saturday (hence the English Saturday). In Judaism, the Sabbath is considered a holy day, it is intended exclusively for spiritual growth. This is the day when the Creator Himself rests, therefore, on Saturday, everyday worries cease, and a person receives an additional Soul, "Saturday", with the help of which one can comprehend that which is impossible to comprehend on weekdays (and at the end of Saturday, this special soul leaves the person, flies ). It is this special state that symbolizes the Twenty-First Arcanum.

The world is also associated with the Wiccan circle, the creation of a sacred ritual space, in which symbolic actions can influence the entire vast world.

In this area, the dual meaning of the World card is fully manifested - it can mean both absolute success achieved thanks to work and investment, and the beginning of something completely new (and a situation where one does not exclude the other).

In the first case, it is like a fateful discovery in science or victory in an important competition due to an undeniable advantage. Full control over the situation, following your vocation, confident performance of your task, great achievements. A person is in his place and does what he should. The competition was mentioned for a reason - this card is used for awards, prizes and all kinds of laurels, which are crowned with laureates and prize-winners ("laurel wreath" of the World). For a participant in the Olympic Games, one cannot wish for a more optimistic card - and in this case, it is extremely accurate to describe the essence of the received! For an athlete, an Olympic triumph is undoubtedly the euphoria of victory, and world recognition, and a moment of calmness, the end of a stage in life, but it is also the beginning of a new path, to new heights.

In the second case, such values \u200b\u200bas a good start, foundation of an enterprise, creative power, new ideas that help to realize previously adopted plans are manifested; inspiration that will lead to solving problems in school or work, enthusiasm, overcoming difficulties. Innovations, discoveries, patents, pioneering inventions, the appearance of something beautiful and valuable to the world. The favor of others, official recognition, glory, praise, confirmation of the correctness of their actions.
The opportunity to find a job by vocation.

Training in this area is complete (at least at this stage). Man is a real connoisseur who has come a long way. And as a rule, this map indicates that in this area and at this level "the ceiling has been reached" and there is neither opportunity nor need for further development. You should think about reaching a new level.
Unhindered implementation of undertakings.

Global business expansion.

Financial issues are being resolved successfully. Prosperity, abundance.

Finding your home. Return to the ancestral nest, to the origins. In some cases - a change of residence and a long journey (old interpretations especially emphasize the importance of travel, resettlement, change of place and even escape, emigration).


Reconciliation, the disappearance of hostility or tension. Unification and coexistence of opposites in complete peace and balance.

Making new and inspiring contacts. For lonely people, the card portends the acquisition of a truly suitable partner (moreover, as a rule, a person intuitively knows that he will find him, and does not really look back at other opportunities). Unity in a couple, spiritual intimacy, the union of lovers. The marriage ceremony (“under the crown,” symbolized by the wreath of Peace). Honeymoon trip. Sexual initiation. Conception of a child, or his birth. Sexual satisfaction. All the fullness of happiness, the all-encompassing experience of love. The world may indicate a relationship that is developing slowly, at its own pace, and there is no point in forcing events.

Describing the nature of the relationship, the World speaks of love of a cosmic level, when both feel free and happy.

Sometimes the card heralds a stage in spiritual development at which liberation from attachments and addictions occurs.

The world, more than any other card, inspires hope for the fulfillment of a person's true heart desire. But as a rule, it is still just a cosmic experience in partnership, when there is freedom from pettiness and conventions, and at the same time both are aware that these relations are unusually significant (“the world rests on them”). They are usually strong, beautiful and sincere.

An interesting feature of these relations, which really manifests itself in practice (although this situation itself is rare) is the supernatural, titanic, Olympic peace that these two people experience in the presence of each other. They can say to each other “you are my home”, and this strange phrase will be true, because they really feel that way. As soon as the hand embraced - that's all, this is a house, you can sweetly fall asleep, even if it was in the cabin of an airplane shaken by the turbulence. It is not just the conditional social confidence and security that is given so much importance. No, this is a truly existential feeling, "one flesh", where there is one, there are two. We are at home because we are together. Alpha and Omega. DNA double helix. What the world stands on. This relationship is not so much like a "safe haven", but rather like a cradle swaying over the stellar abyss, in which newborn worlds sleep. And maybe one day they will wake up and scream. Although another interesting feature of the relationships described by the World is that they are self-sufficient.

This couple may not have children, or the children have long grown up and went their own way. The worlds scattered, but the center of the Universe remained, and in it there is spiritual comfort, everyday balance, sexual harmony, spiritual maturity and mutual development and enrichment.

Vitality, excellent health, high energy. Birth of a child. Convalescence, recuperation, healing. Self-healing processes, self-regulation.

For a seriously ill person, a map can become an indicator of the proximity of death, a lethal outcome, and as an unconditional benefit for the soul. Its highest esoteric and smvolic meaning is triggered - "return to paradise", the departure of the soul to its cosmic home, to the spiritual homeland (just like in a more mundane situation, a map can indicate a "long journey").

Inverted indicates a total disorder of health, its undermined (as other cards will indicate), a sudden deterioration in health, accidents, miscarriage.

If it is the World that becomes the significator of the disease, then it may be problems with the spine, concerning the general mobility of the body, back injuries, disability, osteoporosis, or a general weakening of the immune system (in the worst case, the immunodeficiency virus)

In the interpretation of the Inverted World, three different approaches are possible. Apparently, when choosing the most suitable one, it makes sense to rely on your own observation experience. For one person, the harmless first option may work (see below), for another, the Upside Down World can literally describe the upside down of life, the loss of something dear, fateful events, the ultimate end of the world (alas, not without sacrifices).

In the first approach, it is believed that even in an inverted form, the World retains all its positive meanings, except with a certain delay in time (the inverted Ace of Pentacles is often interpreted in a similar way - whatever one may say, it is still a blessing). The map suggests that the time for big changes for the better has not yet come, the expected results are still over the horizon, but we should not lose hope.

In the second case, it is believed that this position of the card combines success and disappointment (you dream about something, achieve your goal and understand that this is not so great, and sometimes you even regret and regret it).

In the third - the loss of a great blessing, something dear, essential (like the Inverted Ten of Cups). A sacrifice with great purpose or love. Loss of meaning or purpose in life.

Other traditional meanings:

  • Inertia, stagnation, unwillingness to change, loss of energy, apathy. Sometimes the card describes a state of emptiness after a great success, fatigue after the completion of a project, postpartum depression (literally or figuratively).
  • Immutability. Land, plot, place (no movement). This can be the experience of a very inert, limited and protected being that impedes growth and personal development.
  • Sometimes the map indicates the impossibility of travel or the difficulties associated with it (by the way, large-scale problems such as hurricane storms that “turn the world upside down”, cataclysms, an Icelandic volcano was also noted).
  • Bad start. A mistake, a mistake, or the need to redo something that seems to be finished. A major risk that endangers everything. Sometimes - losses due to natural disasters. Loss of harmony, chaos. Unattainable goals, intentions that turn out to be pipe dreams. Activity that brings bad consequences, problems due to wrong steps, criminal activity, scandalous, impulsive behavior ("no king in the head"). Payback for the evil done.
  • The Inverted World is considered a bad indicator for the whole case if it becomes the last card in the layout.
  • With the inverted King of Cups - the journey will lead to unemployment, you will go around the world.

    After Justice - a journey with a judicial purpose

    With the Hermit - isolation, spiritual solitude (not forced)

    With Moderation - synthesis, unification, combination, a very beneficial combination.

    With a Star - an extremely favorable combination of cards.

    With the Moon - a person has completely dealt with his own fears, overcame doubts and learned to trust his own intuition.

    With the Sun - a wonderful combination, completion, achievement

    With the Five of Wands - difficulties with unification, attempts to act contrary to

    With the Nine of Wands - material need

    With the Four of Cups - non-involvement

    With the Nine of Cups - finding a heartfelt ideal

    Before the Ace of Pentacles - travel expenses

    With the Ten of Pentacles - complete happiness, great wealth, absolute well-being


    Finding the Grail

    Harmony of the spheres

    Words by C.G. Jung: “To know yourself means to understand that you can never be anything other than what you are. It is an awareness of one's own individuality, absolute invulnerability and indisputability of one's “I”. And so it will be when you realize that your inner “I” is indestructible, that it has always been, is and will remain the same, that it cannot be killed or replaced with a new one. Your "I" forces you to remain yourself in any life circumstances. "

    The world is a map of fulfillment, satisfaction and completion, but satisfaction must be honestly earned. The map shows the culmination of hard work and overcoming obstacles. The dancer depicted on the card is dancing along with the entire universe. She follows the flow, rather than trying to fight it. She is happy and aware of what is happening around her. The card depicts the heads of four creatures, they symbolize the various elements of the world and the responsibilities that are possible in it. The dancer serves all of them; it shows that in fulfilling your duties you are in control earthly life, subjugate it to yourself and gain spiritual freedom, which is symbolized by the laurel wreath.

    The World Card is in many ways the most mysterious of the entire Tarot deck. It means spiritual awakening and absolute realization as a person, complete "self-fulfillment".

    Questions to ask yourself while stretching the world
    • Do you feel like you are living as if you are dancing?
    • Are you happy about something?
    • Do you agree with your daily responsibilities?
    • Are you feeling free?
    • Are you disciplined enough?
    • Are you happy with your life?
    Key ideas
    Deep awareness comes suddenly, bringing with it a sense of joy and fullness of fulfillment. Treat yourself well - it will encourage other people to treat you the same way. Be true to yourself, and your true needs and dreams will become clear to you. In this life, people who know what they want win. Do you know? You can be a winner. Everything depends on you.
    Direct Card: You accept and value your friends for who they are, and don't feel the need to change them. Your approach - to follow the direction of the flow - has drawn many of your current friends to you.

    Reverse Card: You are reluctant to get close to new people, but new friends now could positively affect your life.

    Direct Card: Work bears fruit. Few have surpassed you in academic performance, right? If you are not yet among the best, then everything to that goes.

    Reversed Card: You feel that your workload is very binding. Try to think about it differently. The knowledge you are gaining now will one day give you the freedom to live the way you want.

    Direct Card: You and your partner will celebrate many anniversaries. If you don't have a partner, you will enjoy your freedom and your sense of independence.

    Reverse Card: At times, you are too petty in your relationship with your loved one. Stop getting annoyed with little things. It's not worth it.

    A family
    Direct Card: You have been making truly superhuman efforts lately to help your family. You will soon see the results - the effort will pay off.

    Reverse Card: Your parents are as imperfect as you are. Stop criticizing them all the time. Look for the good in the people you love, because looking for the bad is pointless.

    Direct Map: Opportunities are popping up everywhere, especially in areas that involve movement: sports or dance. You really love to move!

    Reverse Card: Stop sitting around! You will not sit out anything good. Now we need more movement and movement in space.

    Health / Appearance
    Direct Map: You finally love your own appearance - after years of hating it. Congratulations!

    Reverse Card: If you are uncomfortable in your own body, follow the plan: the main thing is to move more and eat more healthy foods. The details are at your discretion. You will see the result pretty soon, faster than you think.

    Direct Card: The work pays off and you will soon have an unusually large amount of money, that is, more than ever before.

    Reverse Card: Stop complaining about poverty. Find a way to make money.

    Fortune telling in half a minute
    Bella's mother recently died of cancer. Earlier, Bella's father lost his job. The girl had to endure a lot - much more than usually fits in childhood. The World Map told her that bad people often happen and that the world is not always fair. Card also said that Bella handles the situation well and demonstrates a precocious mind. Her inner strength did not go unnoticed, and in due time she will find the happiness she deserves.

    Annie Lionnet. "Tarot. A practical guide. "

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    The figure is inside a vicious circle, which means success and completion of the life cycle.

    The bull, eagle, lion and man are known as "heavenly guards" and represent the four elements and the four seasons.

    Success. Completion of the cycle. Achievement of the goal.

    Like many other tarot cards, Peace signifies the coming changes. This card indicates the successful completion of one cycle or stage of life and the beginning of a new one. She is also associated with the image of the perfect being in the form of a "crowned hermaphrodite", adopted in the seventeenth century, combining both male and female features and symbolizing integrity and completeness. In a deeper sense, Peace proclaims harmony with our true nature and unity with the entire universe. Carl Jung defines this process as the realization of his personality.

    Peace means reaching the highest point at the stage of our development and indicates the successful completion of the cycle. This card indicates the presence of inner and outer harmony in us due to the fact that we have found our place in life and are at peace with ourselves. Awareness of our destiny gives us a sense of peace and well-being. We are able to merge into a single stream with the life around us, because we are aware of ourselves as part of something immeasurably greater than ourselves. The world reflects our desire for integrity and independence and our need to feel like the masters of our lives - an irresistible desire to remain ourselves in any situation, regardless of the circumstances. When we feel that we are whole, we are able to take life into our own hands and be guided by our intuitive knowledge of what is best for us. We realize that everything in our life has its time and place and we perceive the ups and downs, the alternation of light and darkness, as an experience necessary for us in order to turn into a bright individuality. This card indicates the feeling of freedom and inspiration that we experience as we grow in our self-awareness and spiritual comprehension of the world.
    The choice of this card means that you have reached a peak period in your life. Something in your life is close to a happy ending, and you are rejoicing, anticipating success. You can feel a sense of deep spiritual connection with everything and are ready to open your arms to meet everyone and everything. You may even feel that some higher power is leading you along the path to your most cherished goal. It gives you a sense of joy and inner peace and the knowledge that everything is going its own way. Your relationships with people are also a source of support, as they reflect your inner harmony. You have the feeling that you are in the right place at the right time and believe that you will be given everything that is necessary for you. You want to learn more about yourself and expand your knowledge of the world around you.

    Stuart R. Kaplan. “Classic Tarot. Origin, history, fortune telling ”.

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    A nude female figure is surrounded by a flying strip of fabric, the figure is placed in the center of a green oval wreath, which symbolizes the laurel wreath of victory. In each hand, a woman holds a rod, which is a symbol of power over everything around. Although her legs are crossed, one foot is firmly on the ground and she is confident in her position. The two wands represent the forces arising from all the efforts described in the previous cards, and the effectiveness of the efforts through conscious and unconscious concentration. They also mean evolution and its reverse process. The four corners of the map show four angelic animals from the Apocalypse. In the upper left corner is a man or an angel, in the upper right is an eagle, and both of them support the wreath. Below the figure of a woman are a lion and a bull, guardians of truth. Everything that has happened up to the present moment has complete completion. The woman dominates her domain. The four corners of the map also suggest the four constituent parts of the created world: water, fire, earth and air, which are in balance and form the basis of life on earth and the fulfillment of every day.
    Divination value
    Attainment. Completion. Perfection. Final change. The end result of all efforts. Success. Confidence. Synthesis. Execution. Ability. Winning enterprises. Awards for hard work. Freedom Road. Immortal life... The ultimate goal to which all the other cards were leading. Admiration for others. A good outcome, despite the dubious signs. This is a very auspicious card, especially if surrounded by other auspicious cards.
    Inverted value
    Imperfection. Failure to complete the work started. Lack of foresight. Failure. Disappointment.

    P. Scott Holler. "Tarot for beginners."

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    Peace symbolizes full understanding and mastery of your own inner nature and forces around you.

    The World corresponds to the number twenty-one and the Hebrew letter Tav.

    Comment... Waite's deck contains the Jester here (although World is still number twenty-one and the Jester is still zero). From the point of view of correspondence to the Hebrew alphabet, this order is correct; tav is the last letter of the alphabet, and shin is the penultimate. However, in most decks, the Arcana sequence is not broken - the Jester is placed either at the very beginning or at the very end.

    Perfection, comprehension. Your goals have been achieved, your development or training (in this area) is complete.
    In almost all decks, the central figure is a naked young woman, chastely covered by a long, flowing scarf. She is surrounded by a garland of leaves or flowers and leaves. In some decks, she holds wands or staves in both hands. The position of the hands is different; but in few decks her gesture resembles that of the Magician: one hand points up, the other down.

    In the four corners of the card there are four different figures: in the upper left corner is a winged woman or angel, in the upper right is an eagle or hawk, in the lower left is a bull and in the lower right is a lion. In some decks, only the heads of these four figures are shown on the card; in others, all four figures have wings.

    Note that the positions of these four figures are similar to those sometimes depicted on the Wheel of Fortune card (Tenth Arcanum).

    Inner meaning
    This is the final numbered card of the Major Arcana. In this sense, you are the true connoisseur that you have tried to become throughout the journey. Your transformation, shown on the previous card - the Last Judgment, is completed. You have achieved perfect unity of body (matter), thought (intellect), soul (self-knowledge) and spirit (subconsciousness).

    The World Map symbolizes a complete understanding and mastery of your own inner nature and forces around you. You know what is good and right in this world, and you realize the order prescribed for it. You can trust your judgment about acting in the current circumstances. You have attained expert status.

    This card is the opposite of the Falling Tower. In the Sixteenth Arcanum, the downfall is due to the misuse of force and authority; the fallen subject appropriated power that he actually did not have, and rushed to the goal to which he had no right. But here you achieve an even higher goal than the one you aspired to or which you could only dream of at a lower level.

    There is no possibility of crash here because you no longer have the chance to make the wrong choice. Everything you do is right. And you are entitled to whatever you have. You know who and what you are. You know why you exist. You know the reasons for your existence. And all the answers serve as confirmation of your purpose. It is a reward for all your efforts.

    Value in the layout
    Direct or positive: completion, perfection, unification, final change. Honesty and truth, guaranteed success, harmony, accomplishment. End of training, completion of the cycle. Recognition, reward, glory.

    Reversed, or negative: denial, sacrifice by love or purpose. Escape. Stagnation, inertia. Payback for the evil done.

    You have learned the lessons necessary for this incarnation (or situation for worldly affairs). You have become who you should be. You know everything there is to know. You have achieved everything you need to achieve. Now you can do other things, knowing that this task has been performed flawlessly.

    If the card personifies the Questioner, you have achieved the main, final success in your aspirations, the success that, without requiring additional efforts, brings success in simpler matters. Everything that you do, everything that happens, will only serve as a confirmation of your value in this field.

    But there is one caveat. At this level of accomplishment, there is neither the possibility nor the need for further development in this area. But the one who has achieved what you have achieved cannot just sit down and do nothing. If instead of looking for a new area of \u200b\u200bgrowth, you rest on your laurels, the result will be stagnation, stagnation. The work is done, it's time to move on.

    Mary Greer. The Complete Book of Inverted Tarot Cards.

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    how last card Major Arcana The world is associated with triumph and completion, with victory, which ends the struggle. The goals have been achieved, and you, illuminated by the radiance of glory, take a worthy place in the very heart of material abundance in order to receive a well-deserved reward. The world places its gifts at your feet and glorifies the hero's accomplishments. This card represents the awareness of oneself as a multidimensional being and asserts the simultaneous existence in flesh and spirit. As you dance, you trample your old limitations with your feet. You gain personal freedom in the inevitable limitations of space and time and creative inspiration - in the structures of the artistic environment. Or maybe you just ended up in the right place, where you have everything you need. You can manipulate resources and people from all four corners of the world, bringing them together to create a complex and holistic composition. It is also global thinking, long-distance travel and international relationships... Perhaps you are now defining your sphere of influence or setting physical or psychological boundaries. This card can be associated with the ability to say "no" to what is beyond your strength and capabilities, as well as organizing personal safety as needed. You may have some challenging but all-encompassing experience that you can handle with confidence. It is also possible that you are now recreating yourself on a qualitatively new level, integrating male and female characteristics into your personal unique whole.

    On a more concrete level, it could be dancing, bodywork, exercise, or a generally holistic approach to one's own health and well-being. Or, you can get a well-deserved reward or promotion for a job well done. It is also a planetary consciousness, an understanding of the integrity of our ecosystem and respect for all forms of life. The world says that now the main themes of your life are beauty, prosperity and mercy, as well as the pursuit of excellence. At the same time, there is something earthly and practical in all of this, supporting cosmic dance and divine play. The present you are being born from the womb of your old life and balancing on the edge, preparing to take a dizzying leap into the unknowable with its endless possibilities.

    Traditional meanings: completion, success, execution, triumph. Perfection. Achievements of goals. Final results. Reward, promotion. Health. Honors, respect. Travel, emigration, airplane flight. Integrity, integration. Integration, synthesis. Legacy, legacy. Ecstasy.

    Inverted World
    Like the inverted Sun, the inverted World remains approximately the same as in upright position, but to a somewhat lesser extent. A promotion or reward may be delayed in time, or simply less than desirable, and the triumph may not be so grandiose. On the other hand, the card can show a sense of emptiness that accompanies even the most successful completion of a project and is similar to postpartum depression. Travel difficulties are possible. You can deliberately postpone the culmination or completion of a process. In some cases, the card indicates that you will have to redo something that seems to be already finished.

    You may feel unpleasantly limited in actions or difficulty in operating with your own energy. Perhaps you are bound hand and foot by common social attitudes, or too protected from the world. Perhaps this is a lack of foresight or it is difficult for you to perceive the whole picture of what is happening as a whole. Material circumstances can limit spiritual growth and personal development, leading to frustration and a sense of missed opportunities. Inertia and stagnation do not allow you to move forward the way you want it, or you yourself are lazily resting on your laurels and are in no hurry to go anywhere. Taking responsibility and commitments to other people can hang you between earth and sky, like the character of the Hanged Man card, whose legs, by the way, are crossed in exactly the same way. However, the World Sacrifice is more likely to be the result of wisdom and compassion. It is like a soul that has abandoned its own karma and attained enlightenment, but decides to remain in the world of material manifestations until all souls are liberated.

    If other cards of the alignment provide for a more problematic interpretation, an inverted World can report loss of position, failures and even disasters.

    When projecting the World onto other people, you idealize them, you see them beautiful, who have achieved everything in life and are surrounded by admirers. They seem to you to be inviolable, godlike and not belonging to this world.

    On a personal level, it is a sense of inner perfection that enables you to let go of everything that prevents you from taking part in the Divine dance of creation.

    In general, this main map good health with an emphasis on the public aspect. Only with other evidence can it indicate problems with the back, spine, bones, osteoporosis, physical disability, or weakened immunity. You may be concerned about weight loss and appearance. Successful childbirth can be predicted by the World map in both upright and inverted positions, but in the latter case, with some delay.

    On the shamanic and magical plane, this is Gaia, mother nature or the embodiment of the goddess of the earth, as well as the creation of a sacred ritual space reflecting the axiom "both above and below." The card also represents the ecstatic dance of the glorification of life. It emphasizes the integrity, harmony and balance that are the goal of most magical practices, and also promises eternal life.

    Traditional inverted meanings: inertia, stop, stagnation. Obstacles, failure. Retribution by evil. Hostile atmosphere. The primary matter of alchemists. Matter. Earth. Imperfection. Lack of foresight or foresight. Distractions. Disorientation. Despair. Cataclysms. Unfinished work.

    Larissa Moon. "All the secrets of the Tarot."

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    "God is the beginning and end of all degrees of creativity,
    all these stages bear His imprint and His character,
    and their totality cannot be expressed otherwise than through Him. "

    Book "Zohar"

    Description of the card and its inner meaning
    This map depicts the nude figure of a woman in outer space, holding a wand in both hands. She is surrounded by a garland of leaves and flowers. At the four corners of the card are an Angel, an eagle, a Taurus and a lion - figures symbolizing the four astrological elements.

    The World map is identified with a person's full understanding of his own inner nature of the forces surrounding him. At this stage in life, you no longer need to be afraid of disasters and crashes, because there is practically no chance of making a mistake or making a wrong choice. Here you can achieve a higher goal than that which a person usually strives for.

    The basis of the twenty-first Arcana is the foundation of all existence, the basis of all creativity. This card reminds of the Great Power that governs lives in the Universe. She is the most powerful and greatest of all existing forces, embodying her principles in her highest development.

    The twenty-first Arcanum, like the Jester card, can be regarded as the primary source of an integral system of worldviews.

    Connection of the card with other occult sciences
    (tav) - His crown covered the top of the ark, and his glory hovers over the cherubim,
    Letter - all the rest, number - 21,
    Ruled by the planet - Saturn,
    Correspondence according to the Book of Changes - Hexagram 37 ("Family"),
    Runes match - rune Sowilo (Sovilo),
    Time of day is day
    Weather conditions - sunny,
    The corresponding color is indigo,
    The corresponding chakra is Ajna Tapo (third eye),
    According to Kabbalah, it connects the Sefira Yesod with the Sephira Malkut.
    Card value
    Direct position
    The twenty-first Arcanum in this case describes a person who will once and for all resolve those issues that interest the Questioner.

    When describing a situation, this card should be interpreted as follows: the end of a life cycle, the end of training, the unification of something. In addition, Peace can have the following meanings: wisdom, stability, glory, success, goal achievement, fulfillment of desires, the beginning of something good in the life of the Questioner, a profitable move, recognition of merits.

    Inverted position
    The World Map will warn that a person will soon appear in the life of the Questioner, showing unfriendliness, and sometimes aggression.

    The situation that the twenty-first Arcanum will describe in an inverted position can be characterized as follows: a life moment when the end does not justify the means, a long way to success, disappointment in personal life, denial or unwillingness to accept something into your life, sacrifice what something expensive, stagnation in business and apathy.

    "You have achieved the main thing, got what you were striving for. If something happens, it will not change the situation and your victory. Now you can start a new stage in life, set other goals and strive to achieve them."

    Daniela Chris. “The magic book of the Tarot. Fortune telling. "

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    Thought Form: Reward.
    Number: twenty one.
    Hebrew letter: tav.
    Color: purple.
    Stone: turquoise.
    Astrological analogy: Sun, Jupiter in Pisces.
    Other names: "Crown of Magicians", "Crown of Magicians", "Reward".
    That is the end of your long journey, the path of searches and doubts. You tried to get to know yourself and the world in which you live. You have accomplished a lot along the way. You know what is good and right in this world, and you realize the order prescribed for it. You can trust your judgment about acting in the current circumstances. The World card symbolizes a complete understanding of your own nature and the forces around you. Perhaps, agreeing with the Arcanum without number, you will soon be ready for the road again, since the Universe is infinite, and each person is also the whole Universe, and, therefore, the path of knowledge has no end. Now, however, you deserve a rest and a reward. The very name of the last numbered card of the Great Arcana is unusually ambiguous. Peace is a time, a time without war, a time of peace, creativity and joy. The time when the earth bears fruit, arts and love flourish, children are born. The world is space. This word denotes both the small world of our environment and the world of our Earth with all its countries and continents. Finally, when we say the word "world", we mean the entire Universe - visible and invisible, in all its endless manifestations. Thus, this one short word combines two infinite concepts - "space" and "time". In human language there is, perhaps, only one word that can stand on a par with this in the number of feelings and meanings that we put into it. This word is "mother". For a small child, it is the mother who is the personification of the whole world, its infinite wisdom and absolute, unconditional love. Growing up, we gradually lose this feeling under a heap of knowledge and impressions. However, in moments when we are especially hurt or scared, we shout like in childhood: "Mom!" It is to the mother that we come when we need comfort and peace. Could there be more joy than knowing that your mother is proud of you? Therefore, creating a graphic representation of this Arcana, we abandoned traditional symbolism. On the World map you see the embodiment of motherhood - the "mother of mothers" goddess Mut.
    Mythological dossier
    Mut (Rait) in Egyptian mythology is the goddess of the sky, the wife of Amun and the mother of Khonsu. Since Amon was united into one image with Ra, Mut was sometimes called Rait, that is, the wife of Ra. She was portrayed as a woman. The sacred animal Mut is a cow. The name Mut was written with the kite hieroglyph, which read like "mut". The epithet Mut is "mother of mothers". Mut approached various goddesses and mothers - Nehbet, Uto, Nut ... Since Amon was identified with Ptah, the image and functions of Ptah's wife, the lioness goddess Sekhmet, were transferred to Mut. Mut was also identified with other lioness-goddesses - Hator, Tefnut, Mehit, with the cat Bast. She was considered the mistress of Lake Ashera near Thebes, on the banks of which her temple stood.

    We spoke in detail about the purple color corresponding to this Arcanum when we considered the fifth Arcanum. However, the purple color of the World map is much softer, quieter and warmer. It does not have the tension of the Hierophant card. In addition, here it is combined with almost all the colors of the rainbow, which are used to color the gifts of nature and human labor, prepared for you by Mut. The throne on which she sits is equally colorful, but the colors are stacked in strict stripes, symbolizing the orderliness of the world. On Mut, a golden dress, a symbol of eternal matter, and a red and yellow striped shawl decorated with uraeus, is a symbol of action and protection. 1) her breasts are bare, which indicates a readiness to feed her child. In her right hand, Mut holds an Ankh - a symbol of life, with her left hand she gives you the prepared reward.

    Value in the layout
    In a straight position
    The lasso "Peace" symbolizes the fulfillment of desires, achievement of goals, success. Foreshadows reward for hard work or effort, the full realization of your plans. In terms of the psyche, it means a state of harmony between oneself and the outside world, inspiration. It can mean official recognition, respect for others, confirmation of the correctness of their actions. May portend a series of good events that will bear good fruit.

    In cases where the questioner is a seriously ill person, it is this card, according to the experience of practical work, can mean physical death. Perhaps because in this case it is death that is deliverance from torment and liberation.

    Council. During the period of action of this Arcana, you can safely build the most ambitious plans and act. Destiny itself is ready to help you, but do not be irresponsible.

    In an inverted position
    The lasso "Peace" means some delay, but short-term, just the time for big changes for the better has not yet come. There are no expected results yet. This is only a partial victory. It portends failure, stagnation in life, fruitless efforts. However, do not lose hope, everything has its time. A card in an inverted position can mean success, but not bringing joy, or some disappointment in love.

    Council. When you have to “waste” time waiting, don't be upset or nervous. Just instead of “wasting” this time, use it for something useful, such as self-improvement.

    The original card meanings that come with the Ryder White Tarot deck.

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    Direct position:
    guaranteed luck, travel, road, emigration, flight, change of place.

    Reverse position:
    inertia, immobility, stagnation, immutability.

    Hayo Banzhaf. Self-instruction book on the Tarot.

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    Astrological meaning:
    Jupiter in Pisces as a symbol of liberation, or Jupiter in harmonious aspect with Saturn as an image of a happy ending.
    Peace points to a new-found unity, harmony and a happy ending of a certain course of events. The beauty of this card is difficult to convey in words without slipping into a sugary description of another happy ending.
    In the Hero's Journey, this is a happy ending, a new-found paradise, which in everyday life means reaching the goal. Sometimes, in rare cases, it can be the goal of a lifetime, but most often it means the next stage. In the area of outer life this means that we have finally found our place in it, the very one that is intended for us and only for us.
    In inner life, this is the completion of the most important stage of development, the formation of our personality, the integrity of our self-consciousness. At the event level, the World personifies a happy period when we heartily enjoy life. This card can also mean international connections or travel.

    Tarot Ryder White. Theory and practice. Series "Secrets of predictions". Publishers: AST, Astrel, 2002

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    Astrological meaning: Saturn
    The twenty-first card of the Major Arcana is called the World (another name is the Universe) and depicts a dancing female figure with arms spread out to the sides, holding two wands. The woman's left leg is bent and crossed with the right. All this suggests that the figure is an alchemical symbol of sulfur. The woman is surrounded by a wreath. At the corners of the map is the image of the angel Ezekiel. The lasso summarizes the micro and macrocosms involved in the structure of creation, and the female figure symbolizes the Divine Fire. The wreath is nature, and the Cherubim represents the beginning of the worlds. The wreath can also be interpreted as the crown of the initiate entering the gates of the Truth that opens to him.
    On the Tarot card there is a hermaphrodite dancer with a wreath of flowers around her image. The dancer symbolizes the Universe, and her dance is a constant and eternal renewal of life - a cycle that contains the end of everything and returns life to its beginning. At the corners of the card are the zodiac characters - Taurus, Leo. Eagle and Angel - symbolizing evolution and helping the Dancer's action. Astrologically, the cynarot connects the Moon and the Earth (the basis of generation with reality).
    The old Moon, disappearing from the firmament to give birth to a new little sickle, reflects the continuity of life in which the old gives way to the new. Not only the concept of the end of everything is associated with this Arcanum, but also the concept of reward - the identification of a person with the macrocosm. The completed image of a person with whom he goes into death is his perfection, for which he lived in this world. This is the main path of incarnation - through the fate of a person.
    The name of the Twenty-first Arcana is woven into a wreath of meanings. This is "Peace" (in the sense of peace of mind, in the sense of victory over the enemy, in the sense of the Universe), acquired after long trials. It's the end of the adventure and the reward. And in the Russian proverb, "the end is the crown of business." And the crown is not only the crown on the King's head, but also the wreath depicted on the classic World map. Twenty-first Arkan - completion and return home. Crowley interprets this card as a cosmic union (a symbiosis of eros and spiritualism). This new-found paradise, liberation from attachments, completion of an endless series of incarnations, liberation from karma - whatever.
    A traveler at the end of a long journey, standing before the throne of God - this is the image of the Twenty-first Arcana.
    This Arcanum merges with Zero (Jester), completing the circle (crown). The beginning was Nothing, the result was also Nothing, however, this is already another "Nothing", full of meaning. Do not own
    wealth can be done in two ways: you can never have it, but you can part with it voluntarily. But ... "Only the Emperor can renounce the throne."
    In an upright position, the World card is a symbol of success, fulfillment of desires, achievement of goals, projects for the future, a series of good events that will bear fruit.
    The card can also symbolize the end of a stage in life and the beginning of a new one. It can mean the favor of others, and official recognition, and praise, and confirmation of the correctness of their actions. Peace is Hope for the future. In some cases - a change of residence and a long journey.
    Birth. Death. Start. The end. Something must manifest itself, be embodied, declare itself.
    In an inverted position, the card indicates that the time for big changes for the better has not yet come. The expected results are still over the horizon, but ... do not lose hope!
    Sometimes this position of the card combines success and disappointment (you dream of taking the place of your boss, you achieve your goal and ... you understand that this is not so great; for several years you win the heart of a woman and you regret and repent of your deed exactly the same amount). But in a practical sense, the Arcanum "Peace" is considered a favorable card in all respects.
    "You are confident in your vocation and do what you must. Having freed yourself from illusions, you managed to accept the World as it is, and found YOUR only place in it."

    Evgeny Kolesov. "Alphabet of Tarot".

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    The world, sometimes the Universe, in the modern “Egyptian Tarot” is the Crown of the Magicians.
    In the center of this card, a circle is always depicted, symbolizing, in contrast to the Wheel of Fortune (X), not eternal movement and the play of chance, but peace and harmonious perfection of the surrounding world. Even when it bears the name "Chaos", this does not mean disorder, but the original state of the world, perfect in its unformedness. Before the circle was placed the Earth with mountains and seas, forests and cities, crowned with a dome of the sky, then - a beautiful human figure dancing against the background of the sky. It was impossible to understand whether this is a woman or a man: she was often portrayed with signs of both.
    This is an androgyne, the primordial human being created by the Greek gods. It united a man and a woman in itself. But the androgynes became proud, and Zeus cut each of them in half, so that since then they are doomed to search for their half all their lives.
    In his hand magic wand (sometimes two); the circle is often formed by a wreath or garlands of flowers. In the corners of the card, figures of a lion, an angel, a bull and an eagle (compare with the Wheel of Fortune) can be placed, symbolizing the four Vedas, four stages of knowledge in Buddhism, four Gospels, four elements ...
    True, in many of the newest decks, instead of an androgyne, they simply depict a girl naked or in a white dress, but the meaning of the card does not change from this.
    The World Map is a person who has found his half, who has reached the highest level of knowledge and harmony with the Universe. He's free. The journey is over. The soul has fulfilled its purpose.

    The meaning of the map:
    Everything in your life has taken on its final, perfect form. You are confident in your calling and do what you must. Freed from illusion, you accepted the world as it is, and found your only place in it.
    This is again one of the best cards in the deck.
    First, it falls to people who have achieved harmony with their “I” and with the world around them, who have found their purpose and fulfill it with honor. This does not mean that it will always be so, but at this stage they fully correspond to their cosmic role.
    Secondly, it provides a favorable answer to almost any question, be it relationships between people, business, or spiritual growth. You are all right, she says, you are doing the right thing, keep doing this, and the result will exceed your wildest expectations.
    Thirdly, she, like a genie from Arab fairy tales, promises a person the fulfillment of his most important, greatest and most important desire (here you need to not be mistaken).

    (a circle, it is always round) it means the same, except with some time delay.

    For businessmen:
    The prognosis is also favorable in both cases.

    The World Map, the meaning of which we will analyze today, can be described as the most dizzying. There is even an opinion among tarologists that when choosing a deck, you must definitely look at this card. If it inspires delight, then the deck is definitely yours! This is the last Major Arcana, the result of the path followed by the Fool from zero to the number 21. The card is very simple on the one hand, but on the other, it is very multifaceted, since it closes the Tarot circle, connecting with the Fool. She is the crown of everything, the end, but at the same time she is a new beginning - that is why novice interpreters do not always manage to cope with it.

    General description of the World card, plot and meaning in the layout

    The meaning and interpretation of the 21st Arcana of the Tarot is sometimes difficult to understand from the plot. For example, in Waite's classic deck, we see a nude female figure standing in the center of a huge laurel wreath. At the corners of the Arcana are a bull, a lion, an eagle and a man. The laurel wreath symbolizes complete victory, the final outcome. In Crowley, this map is generally called the Universe and, to be honest, I personally like the image of it much more. But since we “follow the classics”, then we will dance from traditional images. Other names for the card are Perfection, Soul of the Universe, Cosmos, Absolute. This is something that is difficult to convey in words - the highest result, the eternal renewal of life, a new beginning after the completion of a difficult and long path.

    Key words and ideas of the map in the layout

    Let's try to imagine what key expressions can describe the meaning of the Arcana World of Tarot, as we did with the rest of the cards.

    • Undoubted success
    • Fulfillment of all desires
    • Happy ending of the course of events
    • Interesting experience
    • Completion of the path
    • The solution to all problems
    • Everything falls into place - "the puzzle is formed"
    • International connections
    • Wide opportunities and diverse perspectives

    The meaning of the 21 Arcanum in an upright position

    In fact, this card can be described with one single sentence - "this is a favorable outcome and the accomplishment of everything that a person has been striving for throughout his life." You don't even need to add or explain anything here - everything is already perfectly clear. Our life is a path that begins with Arkan Fool. During this path, we pass through all the Trump cards of the deck, and this road ends invariably in the World card - it seems to close the circle, become a crown, a result, an end. But this is not just the end, it is the end, which simultaneously becomes the beginning of something new. This is a state when all the details fell into place and we ended up with a complete picture.

    The value of the card is upside down

    The meaning of the inverted World of the Tarot can be different. There are three modern interpretations of the reverse card. The first interpretation is the properties of a direct map, but implemented with a time delay, that is, all perspectives will open, but a little later. The second meaning is the combination of success and disappointment. You know, it happens that a person strives for something all his life, and as soon as he achieves this, he feels some kind of disappointment or even regret. And the third possible option is the loss of something dear, that which was for the questioner "the whole world", or the loss of the meaning of life, which, in general, is almost the same thing. There are also interpretations of this card as unwillingness to change, the inability to go on a trip, mistakes, mistakes, failures, losses due to natural disasters.

    The meaning of the Tarot card World - video

    The meaning of the 21st Arcana in matters of relationships and love

    Let's take a look at the meaning of the World Tarot card in relationships. What could it be? What will he talk about? What does he focus on?

    Direct position

    If we tell fortunes to lonely people, then for them the meaning of the Tarot card Peace in love will be a meeting with our real second half, family happiness. For those who already have a couple, the interpretation may be as follows:

    • Unity of souls and hearts
    • Marriage
    • Honeymoon trip
    • Cosmic level love
    • Fulfilling your most cherished personal wishes
    • Sexual harmony
    • A union in which partners develop together

    Inverted position

    The Inverted World of the Tarot meaning in relationships can take on various, but the most common interpretations are:

    • All situations of a direct map, but delayed in time
    • Loss of a loved one and, as a result, meaning in life
    • Unwillingness to open your heart to change
    • The fulfillment of a cherished dream associated with love, and disappointment after that

    The value of the card in health matters

    Let's talk about such an exciting area as human health.

    Direct position

    The direct map shows such excellent health that it simply cannot be better. To sick people, Arkan often informs about the process of recovery from an illness. But those who are sick with a very serious illness, the World, alas, is threatened with death. In such cases, the Arcanum acquires its esoteric meaning and informs that a person will become better very soon, but not in this world.

    Inverted position

    As a signifier of illness, the card can indicate spinal injuries, disabilities, and other problems that restrict a person's movement. Another inverted meaning of the Tarot card World is a deterioration in health and a rather serious deterioration in well-being, as well as postpartum depression (for women).

    The value of the card in fortune telling on the analysis of personality and the state of mind of the individual

    21 Arkan has very interesting interpretations, falling out as a significator of a person's personality, his character.

    Direct position

    An open, sociable person who lives in harmony with his body and soul. The person described by the card lives a full, happy, free life. Arkan often points to avid travelers. The state of mind is the acquisition of true inner harmony and harmony with oneself.

    Inverted position

    The value of 21 Tarot cards, if it turned out to be inverted in fortune-telling about a person's character, is a complex, inability to find a common language with other people, a narrow circle of friends, inertia, and sometimes criminal activity. Also, avid couch potatoes can pass on this card. In the soul of such a person, "cats scratch", he cannot find the true goal in life, often finds himself in the captivity of illusions, cannot take his existence under control.

    Interpretation of the card in matters of career, finance, work

    It remains for us to consider one more sphere and the manifestation of the 21st Arcana in it - this is professional activity.

    Direct position

    The meaning of the 21st Arcana The world of Tarot is a complete success achieved by one's own labor, following one's true vocation, triumph, victory, the end of an old stage and the beginning of a new one, resting on its laurels, great achievements, business expansion, going international (for companies). In matters of finance - the successful resolution of all problems, buying your own house, receiving an inheritance. Card professions - everything related to innovation, scientific discoveries, inventions, as well as travel around the world, for example, work in a travel agency.

    Inverted position

    Everything that happened under the direct map, but received by a person not right now, but in the distant future, or achievements and successes that do not bring moral satisfaction. Also, Arkan can talk about a canceled business trip and the inability to find a job according to his vocation.

    The meaning of the World card when combined with the Major Arcana

    We just have a little bit to finish our acquaintance with the Major Arcana. It is necessary to consider the meaning of the World card with other Tarot cards. We start, of course, with the most important thing - with the Trumps.

    • Jester: Chasing a Dream
    • Mage: Promote
    • High Priestess: World of Science
    • Empress: Legacy
    • Emperor: Return Home
    • Hierophant: Take Initiation
    • Lovers: The combination of Tarot Peace and Lovers - Finding a faithful life partner
    • Chariot: Complete Victory
    • Strength: Accept your flaws
    • Hermit: Being isolated
    • Wheel of Fortune: Ascent in any area
    • Fairness: Overseas Contracts
    • The Hanged Man: The World Has Turned Upside Down
    • Death: Pursue Unattainable Targets
    • Moderation: Peaceful settlement
    • Devil: Combination of Tarot Devil and Peace - Dictation, pressure, tyranny
    • Tower: Out of the blue
    • Star: Realizing a Dream
    • Moon: Fail
    • Sun: To achieve success or gain worldwide fame
    • Court: Summing Up

    Interpretation of 21 cards in combination with the Minor Arcana

    Now we will analyze the possible interpretations of the Arkan Mir in a situation when curly or number cards of the deck are in the neighborhood.

    With the suit of Staves

    • Ace: Go through hard trials and not lose enthusiasm
    • Two: Thoughts on new perspectives
    • Troika: Reliable, proven business relationships
    • Four: Buy a house, get married
    • Five: Review cases
    • Six: The Long Road to Success
    • Seven: Trying to keep what has been achieved
    • Eight: Izvestiya from afar, signing of an agreement
    • Nine: Monitor the implementation of all conditions and agreements
    • Ten: Pressing Environment
    • Page: Go to the next level
    • Knight: Start the conquest of a new height
    • Queen: Control your life
    • King: A Global View of the Situation

    With suit of Cups

    • Ace: Feeling emotionally fulfilled
    • Two: Consent, peace, positive decision
    • Troika: Grand wedding celebration
    • Four: Incomplete satisfaction
    • Five: The Lost World
    • Six: Former glory
    • Seven: Virtual Reality
    • Eight: Give up your goals or plans
    • Nine: Finding Harmony
    • Ten: World-10 Tarot Cups Combination - Overall Goals Achieved
    • Page: Party Invitation
    • Knight: Sign the contract
    • Queen: Peaceful relationship with a woman
    • King: Peaceful relationship with a man

    With the suit of Swords

    • Ace: Achievements
    • Deuce: Temporary truce
    • Three: The painful outcome of the situation
    • Four: Fictitious World
    • Five: Feud
    • Six: Moving
    • Seven: Truce in which people are not sincere
    • Eight: Narrow horizons, limited views
    • Nine: Bad Rock
    • Ten: Lose your social position
    • Page: Quarrel
    • Knight: War
    • Queen: Quarrel with a woman
    • King: Quarrel with a man

    With the suit of Pentacles

    • Ace: Get a win or a reward
    • Deuce: A Shaky Truce
    • Troika: Official contract (including marriage)
    • Four: Material Security
    • Five: The gap in defense
    • Six: Tarot Combination Mir-6 of Pentacles - Well-deserved reward
    • Seven: Wait, than the case is resolved
    • Eight: Use your experience and talent
    • Nine: Successful investments
    • Ten: Doing Serious Business
    • Page: Finish educational institution or courses
    • Knight: Long Mission
    • Queen: Pregnancy, baby birth
    • King: Head of a large international company

    Open up to new things that come into your life. Feel the taste of what you want. Enjoy the success you deserve.

    What does the World map warn about?

    Be careful about your own goals, as it is possible that they are not really "yours." In this case, achieving them will only bring bitter disappointment. There is only one life, so live it right.

    Questions answered by the card

    • What do you want most in life?
    • What does the expression "the whole world" mean to you?
    • Are you ready to work towards achieving your cherished dream?
    • Do you like to travel?

    So, considering the meaning of the 21st Arcana of the Tarot, we end our acquaintance with the Trumps. The circle closes and everything falls into place. Really dizzying card, isn't it?

    21st senior lasso "Peace", also sometimes called the "Crown of Magicians". Let's look at the map itself. We see a beautiful maiden floating in the air with complete calmness and peace. She has reached her heights and is in complete bliss. She has 2 wands in her hands. In turn, they mean wisdom and love. She is also surrounded by 4 heads: an eagle, a bull, a lion and an angel. They stand for 4 gospels, 4 elements, 4 Vedas and so on. In addition, the virgin herself soars in the air, surrounding herself with a large green wreath, which indicates her ideal state of mind. The wreath denotes a person who enters into his Truth.

  • The meaning of the lasso in an upright position

    What is the general meaning of the "World" card? First of all, this is the last major arcana, which ends the entire cycle of the arcana. In other words, the card denotes the achievement of the desired goal, complete harmony and peace, personal triumph and success, successful completion of the stage, spiritual wealth.

    The map shows that you have reached the level and calmness when you no longer need to rush and worry anywhere. You have successfully completed the stage and are now in complete harmony.

    Also, this lasso shows that you were able to overcome your fears, which previously could pull you down, and now you are completely freed from them. You are no longer a slave to your desires and attachments. You have achieved your goal and now you have a well-deserved opportunity to enjoy life to the fullest.

    "Peace" is a lasso that shows that a person has achieved and fulfilled his destiny. His goal is ready, he can rest and be in complete harmony. He no longer worries about pressing problems, he is attracted and pulled by the heights of the soul, which he subconsciously sees and wants to discover for himself.

    Card interpretation in an upright position (deep level, spiritual)

    The World map is the end of the arcades, representing both the beginning and the end. The end of an old era, the beginning of a new branch. Also, the card can be interpreted as the beginning of a new spiritual level of your soul and state.

    You have come to the level of understanding your own nature and your path, and you begin the path of spiritual knowledge. You are reaching the perfect state of mind and peace for today. Complete release from previous illusions, fears and experiences.

    In other words, this is your new Paradise and a new resting place. After all, you have already passed all your trials and experiences, and now you are fully spiritualized and surrendered to the highest knowledge.

    Also, the card gives you complete harmony of soul, body and thought, which not all people achieve. People who come to such harmony are freed from earthly problems that drag them down. They understand their true purpose and the meaning of their stay on Earth.

    You know what you want and you know the value of your actions. You are not chasing mirages or unattainable goals. You are calm and indifferent. You separate your true desires from those imposed on you from the outside or ordinary ones, which have long since become a routine.

    If we look closely, we will see that the maiden on the map is dancing. What does this mean? She symbolizes her personal Universe, her dance is the cycle of life, each stage of which is replaced by the previous one.

    A wonderful realization comes to you that you have moved to a new level. You have taken place as a person and found your way. Having ceased to perceive minor failures and problems, you understand that you need to strive for complete harmonization of your inner world, and this is the very basis of both the person and the "World" card.

    The map shows us how from the initial state of Chaos, the whole world was transformed and achieved beautiful bliss and harmony. In the same way, you have achieved your harmony, having passed the difficult path of life. But you deserve it. By their intentions, thoughts, actions and life.

    State of consciousness and a lesson for self-development

    If in your personal scenario, this senior lasso fell, you can breathe calmly. You no longer need to run anywhere, you have achieved your goals and now is the time to reap the fruits of your efforts and efforts.

    You were in your place at the right time, as if all the puzzles came together and you have a real ideal life. All problems go away by themselves. If you have had people you do not want to see, they will leave you on their own. You won't remember them anymore.

    If the card is turned upside down, it means that for now your goals are postponed for a short time. Their implementation is also postponed. Everything happens this way because, you are in a passive state and do not want to accept the worldso you are depressed.

    Until you are aware of all the past steps and, possibly, mistakes, your situation and condition will not improve. And you just need to take a few steps in front of you, having ceased to be afraid.

    Your health will be fully restored. If you previously had any illnesses, you can completely heal and forget about the pressing problems of the body. But if a person has a serious illness, then there will be a different interpretation. The map will represent quick death, namely, the deliverance of the soul from earthly torments. You can symbolically say "return to paradise".

    If the card fell upside down, when asked about health, then it shows the weakness of the body and the deterioration of the condition, if we are talking about pregnancy, then a miscarriage is possible.

    In career, work and finance

    You have found exactly the job that you are destined to do. All the actions that were directed earlier led you to this work. The map does not mean that you have this work to the end, there is always room to grow. But at the moment - this is the ideal embodiment of your mind, strength and tranquility, to realize your potential.

    The card means that your work will be appreciated and you will now receive your well-deserved laurels. If earlier life threw you a lot of trials, now you are on your path.

    Unprecedented success at work awaits you. You have not worked so much in vain to achieve your financial goal. Now your reward is just around the corner. Money begins to flow by itself, without much effort, because everything that was needed, you have already done.

    "Peace" brings good news of change. Travel, change of work environment may await you, moreover, as you wished for it earlier. The possibility of the emergence of new international relations.

    If the card falls upside down, then the value is not very positive for you. You will reach your goals in your career, but a little later. Perhaps you have not yet made enough of your efforts or are not yet ready for the upcoming changes.

    It is also possible that by achieving a result, you will lose something. That is, there will be some kind of sacrifice when the goal is achieved. Think maybe this is not the way? You just need to choose another road and then the desired result will instantly come.

    Also, there are difficulties due to doubts or sluggishness. Sometimes this happens because of "remorse." Think about whether you did everything right and whether you really deserve your calling.

    In love and relationships

    The Peace card denotes complete harmony, love and understanding in relationships. This is a wonderful union, where people in love understand each other perfectly and feel the state of their beloved even thousands of kilometers away.

    The card shows and reveals the complete harmony and understanding of loving people. To whom this card fell means that the time will soon come when you cannot even be disconnected for a minute from your loved one.

    If at the moment, you do not have a second half, then it will very soon knock on your life, and you will plunge headlong into joy, harmony, calmness and love.

    When a flipped card is thrown, it is worth thinking about the other half. You may have previously idealized your relationship by constantly shielding your loved one. Take a closer look and soberly, is this really the person you love, and is he really worthy of you?

    Also, the card can mean some kind of "sacrifice" in the name of love. Perhaps you are facing the test of time or distance. What will you do for the sake of a loved one?

    Characteristics of the lasso in an upright position

    1. Harmony and Peace.
    2. Completion of the stage.
    3. Achievement of the goal.
    4. Finding peace and tranquility.
    5. Implementation of ideas.
    6. Spiritual wealth.
    7. Finding a soul mate (satellite).
    8. Reward and success.
    9. Recognition and glory.
    10. Travel.
    11. New Horizons.
    12. Release from fears and worries.
    13. Affirmation in life.

    Inverted interpretation

    The inverted card indicates that at the moment you are kind of ‘stagnant’ and that you don’t see a way out of the situation yet. Perhaps this state will not last long, and maybe much longer, it all depends only on you.

    You are probably afraid of something or worried about something. It so happens that a person does not notice the obvious or simply closes his eyes to something. It's about you. It is necessary to develop an acceptance of the World and oneself.

    Or you have not yet learned and passed the last "lesson of life". You have to understand and rethink all your actions and their results. It also happens that a person is not yet ready to accept new changes, then you just need to gain strength and patience. Sooner or later, this change will burst into your life.

    Perhaps it's time to look around and start up, because happiness is already here, next to you, just stretch out your hand. Take the first step, and you will find out that all your worries and fears were in vain, because there is a beautiful and long road ahead.

    Also, an inverted card indicates that obvious and strong changes have not yet come. But they are not far off at all, you need to wait a little or just take a step towards fate.

    Perhaps in a certain situation you were quite aggressive and angry, for which your result was postponed a little in time, so that you would become aware of your actions and deeds.

    Characteristics of the lasso in an inverted position

    1. Inert state.
    2. Delaying the implementation of plans and goals.
    3. Stagnation, unwillingness to change.
    4. Bad start.
    5. Loss of harmony, fear of the unknown.
    6. Close your eyes.
    7. Don't know how to find your way or are afraid of something new.
    8. Difficulties, you are going on the wrong road.
    9. Success will be in the future.
    10. Routine.
    11. Overwork.
    12. Running in place.
    13. Delayed trip.

    Position in the layout to place

    If the position points to the place, then there is no definite reference, because the "Peace" card spreads its harmony and tranquility to all spheres of life, in all directions. It can be like a love side, a job, or just a life stage.

    Professions and fields of activity

    People who achieve their goals and become winners. Travelers. Actors. Businessmen who have many international meetings.


    If, when adding the numbers in the layout, you get 21, then the Quintessence will be the World. The advice of the cards is as follows: you will come to spiritual perfection and inner harmony when you find your business and place in life.

    In contact with

    The world tarot card symbolizes the completion and transition from one stage to another. It has a positive meaning, indicating results and success in your life.

    Map Image Description

    In the center of the map, a naked, chastely veiled woman attracts attention. A light scarf of delicate purple color is wrapped around a slender waist. This woman is a symbol of splendor, personifies youth and purity, the grace of the whole world. The woman is framed by a wreath of green leaves of some plant. The oval shape of the garland resembles the appearance of zero. Oval and zero are a sign of infinity, absolute, the end of one period and the transition to the next level or the beginning of a new period.

    A woman has a rod in each hand, which shows that both the conscious side and the subconscious are in the power of the woman.

    In each corner of the map you can see clouds and an image of heads from the dream of the prophet Ezekiel:

    • The upper left corner is an angel.
    • The upper right corner is an eagle.
    • Lower left corner - ox.
    • The lower right corner is left.

    These are the heads from the figures on the Wheel of Fortune Arcana.

    Achieving the unity of matter, expressed in the body, with intelligence, that is, thoughts, self-knowledge of the soul, and the subconscious.

    Interpretation of the direct position

    Keys: reward, personal achievement only. The embodiment of the conceived, the achievement of all dreams and the embodiment of all desires. Rise, happiness, accompanying success, freedom. Opening new horizons for yourself. Research. Vocation. Joy, harmony, comfort. Personal development. The concept of its purpose. Achievement, summing up. Meeting the love of all life. Wealth and fertility. Triumph. Liberation from the illusory world. A clear vision of the situation and what is happening. The award is well deserved. Project implementation. Honesty, cleanliness, openness. Calmness. Completion of the started. The beginning of a new stage. Strength of character, sense of proportion and developed willpower. Success is guaranteed. Change.

    A new period of productivity and prosperity is entering your life. On your way there will be success and achievement of your plans, implementation of plans, getting what you want, your life is stable, you have income, progress in all matters. You are heading in the right direction.

    You are open to everything new, harmony and comfort reign in your life. You are open to the world, and the world is open to you. All events are the results of your interaction with the World and the World with you.

    You are sincere, open and trusting, people are drawn to you, this position allows you to open new horizons for yourself and take advantage of favorable opportunities. You have inner freedom, and this is directly reflected in your behavior and lifestyle. There is a lot of communication in your life, you are prone to change in the environment and move.

    Arkan Mir, depending on the question asked, can portend both new acquaintances and trips and travels.

    Other arcana:

    Inverted position interpretation

    Keys: lack of information for a clear vision of the situation. You are only moving towards your triumph. There will be victory, but not now. Resistance to new opportunities. Detachment from research and disclosure of their talents and abilities. Stagnant situation, inhibition, delay. The presence of imperfections. The plans fell through. Fear of change. Close your eyes to what is happening. Inability to find your purpose. Misunderstanding what to do with the information received. Failure. Crash. Slow action. Disappointment. Retribution, providence. Pay for something. Doubt. Apathetic states. Emptiness. Depression. Fatigue.

    On your way, difficulties and obstacles may arise, a delay in the implementation of plans. Until you have new opportunities, new paths are closed from your sight. The time has not yet come for victories and moving forward. There will be success, but not now. Do not be alarmed if you are faced with a delay or postponement of any business. Stop and analyze your actions, maybe you will find a flaw in your plan. If the plan seems successful to you, but there is no result, then most likely the situation is stagnant and the decision will not come soon.

    All problems come from your inability to communicate, wrong attitude to the world around you, wrong perception of the environment, inability to open up to others and to yourself. Closing in front of the World, you close off favorable opportunities for yourself, since the world responds to you with exactly the same attitude as you treat it.

    In order to neutralize the negative impact of the Arcana, you need to learn to trust people and act according to circumstances, to navigate the situation.

    Remember that you can only minimize losses, but you will not be able to completely get rid of misses. What is destined will come true.

    Arkan Peace in health

    Direct position. Excellent health, strong immunity. High vital energy, a good supply of forces and resources. With the manifestation of diseases - recovery, strength returns, and a period of recovery and return to the usual way of life begins.

    Inverted position. Disorders, weakening of the protective functions of the body. The man did not monitor his health. Accidents are possible.

    Problems with the musculoskeletal system, injuries associated with fractures. A viral infection is possible.

    Arkan Peace in a relationship

    Direct position. Liveliness in relationships. In a couple of harmony, sincere feelings and sincerity. Unity with a partner, understanding and consistency. The feeling that you have known a person for a long time, even if you have known each other quite recently. Feeling of family and friends. Sexual satisfaction.

    You are in harmony with yourself, and nothing prevents you from building relationships in the format that is convenient for you, while taking into account the wishes of your partner and not infringing upon him.

    If you are lonely, then you should not be upset, soon you will find yourself a partner. It may not be just a partner for a while. Relationships can develop into more serious ones, and even for life. Arkan Mir does not carry a short-term romance or simple flirting. Peace is always a strong, strong bond based on something greater.

    Inverted position... You should consider your partner from all angles. Assess its positive qualities, advantages and disadvantages. There is a possibility that you lived in illusions and closed your eyes too much. It's time to figure it out. Do not worry if you are disappointed in your partner - this is the best way out of the situation than living your whole life in illusions.

    Also, it's time for you to think about how important your partner is to you and what you are ready for for this love. Are you overly limiting and infringing on yourself?

    Map World at work

    Direct position. You have found your place in life and you enjoy it. You have correctly realized your talents and put your skills and abilities on the right track. You are a purposeful person, have the opportunity to achieve higher victories and receive more rewarding rewards for your actions. Expansion of its activities.

    Advice... Be confident with persistence, as well as kindness and generosity. You do not need to make every effort, calculate your strength and victory is in your pocket.

    Inverted position... You have doubts about everything: whether you did the right thing, whether you chose the right profession, went to work at that place, and so on. In your career, difficulties in every situation and obstacles at every step. You are being careful too much. You may be tormented by remorse and guilt.

    The world about the current situation

    Direct position. Prompt resolution of all complex issues. Luck is on your side. Success and implementation of the plan, getting what you want, fulfilling the most cherished desire, completing the work begun.

    Relief from painful situations and burdensome moments, revealing the truth, the onset of a state of peace and satisfaction. Confirmation of their positions in society and the circle of acquaintances. Trust your intuition, talk about the situation and find ways and solutions.

    You have learned all the lessons that life has taught you and now you have experience behind you that you can apply.

    Inverted position. Something went wrong and not according to your plan. You made a mistake somewhere. Perhaps you simply closed yourself off from others, refused help, or missed an opportunity. Reconsider your attitude towards others, look at the world from a slightly different angle and from a different angle.

    You have the opportunity to do what you want, but it should only be borne in mind that your actions and results may ultimately disappoint you, or not bring the proper satisfaction and result.

    Council. Look for your purpose, pay attention to what you enjoy doing. Be proactive and proactive.

    You should not blame someone for your problems, solve difficulties, remember that the problem will not resolve itself, but will only bring new failures.

    To understand the Arcana World, just one idea is enough - the world in all its manifestations.

    Questions for analysis after the appearance of Arcanum World in the layout:

    • How do you see your paradise? What does it consist of and what should it contain?
    • What will you do when you achieve what you want, when all desires and dreams come true?
    • What can you overlook or be loyal to in order to maintain your comfort zone and your harmony?
    • What is your happiness? When are you truly happy?

    World in combination with the Major Arcana

    With a jester. Chase your dream, go travel.

    With a magician. Promotion of the career ladder.

    With the high priestess. The world of science and discovery.

    With the Empress. Receive an inheritance.

    With the emperor. House. Finding a home or going back to basics.

    With the hierophant. Initiation into something. This can be either the disclosure of a secret or the performance of a sacrament.

    With the lovers. You will meet your soul mate.

    With a chariot. An absolute victory.

    With strength. Reunion.

    With a hermit. Isolate yourself from the outside world. Close from everyone.

    With a wheel of fortune. Elevation.

    With justice. Signing a contract.

    With the hanged man. Thinking outside the box.

    With death. The goal cannot be achieved, but you continue to invest your energy.

    With moderation. Peaceful solution to the situation.

    With the devil. Someone dictates their own rules of the game.

    With a tower of lightning. Destruction, loss. No signs of trouble.

    With a star. The embodiment of the plan.

    With the moon. Not now, failure.

    With the sun. Getting what you want. Confession. Summarizing.

    With the court. Outputting the result.

    Arcanum interpretation Mir in combination with the suit of wands

    With an ace. Go through all the hardships with your head held high and with the desire to go further, gaining life experience, having learned the lessons.

    With a deuce. New opportunities and prospects.

    With a three. Something that has been tested by time.

    With a four. Acquisition of real estate. A festive event.

    With a five. Reconsider your views and deeds.

    With a six. You have come a long way to get what you want.

    With a seven. You come up with ways to hold on to what you have achieved.

    With an eight. Contract, agreement. Receiving news.

    With a nine. It is better to monitor how your instructions or agreements are being followed.

    With a ten. Depressive state.

    With a page. Obtaining new knowledge. Promotion.

    With a knight. Moving forward to new heights.

    With the queen. Your life is in your hands.

    With the king. You see a lot.

    World card combination in combination with the suit of cups

    With an ace. Overwhelmed with emotion.

    With a deuce. Consent, harmony, comfort. Strong union.

    With a three. Celebration. Celebration.

    With a four. The pleasure is received, but still, something is wrong.

    With a five. Loss of the world.

    With a six. Past achievements.

    With a seven. Illusions and virtuality.

    With an eight. Give up your plan or dream.

    With a nine. Victory. Peace and quiet.

    With a ten. Getting what you want.

    With a page. You will be invited to a holiday.

    With a knight. Consistency. Signing a contract.

    With the queen. Truce with a woman.

    With the king. Truce with a man.

    Peace in combination with the suit of swords

    With an ace. A winning position, success is on your side. Victory.

    With a deuce. A truce has been reached, but it is temporary.

    With a three. Pain, regret.

    With a four. The world is only in words or on paper, in reality everything is more complicated.

    With a five. Confrontation.

    With a six. Changing of the living place.

    With a seven. Insincerity of intentions.

    With an eight. Limited and narrow worldviews.

    With a nine. Evil rock.

    With a ten. loss of position. Destruction.

    With a page. Conflict.

    With a knight. Open confrontation.

    With the queen. Violation of agreements. Conflict.

    With the king. Referee. Power.

    Arcanum Mir interpretation in combination with the suit of pentacles

    With an ace. Receiving an award or win.

    With a deuce. The shakiness of the structure. The world is under threat.

    With a three. Giving actions seriousness and formality.

    With a four. Financial stability.

    With a five. Security is at stake.

    With a six. Receiving awards for your work.

    With a seven. The waiting period for the result.

    With an eight. Manifestation of talent, use as directed.

    With a nine. Investments. Material wealth.

    With a ten. Achieve fame.

    With a page. The end of the educational path.

    With a knight. Travel, serious trip.

    With the queen. The birth of a baby, conception.

    With the king. The one who is in charge.