Memorial day for all the saints who shone in the land of Russia. Prayers to all the saints who shone forth in the land of Russia Prayer to all the saints in the land of Russia

Religious reading: a prayer to all the saints in the Russian land to help our readers.

Remembrance: Second Week after Pentecost

Troparion of all Russian saints, voice 8

Like the red fruit of Your saving sowing, the Russian land brings Ti, Lord, all the holy, in that shone. With those prayers in the deep world, keep the Church and our country of the Mother of God, Most Merciful.

Kontakion of all Russian saints, voice 6

Representative of our vigilant country, intercessors for us to the Creator of ceaselessness, do not despise our prayers, but, in advance to help, like our relatives, speed up to prayer and begging for supplication, presenting everlastingly about those who honor you.

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About the all-blessedness and God-wisdom of the saint of God, holy deeds of your Russian land and your body, like the seed of faith, left in it, with your souls coming to the throne of God and constantly praying for it!

Oh, the glory and all-praise of the saint of God, all the saints known and unknown in the Russian land that has shone forth! To you, as to our warm intercessors and intercessors, we resort with love and humbly pray: pray the Lord God, yes, with your auspicious prayers, with your philanthropy grant us (names) a quiet and pious life in this whole life, may save us from temptations and the temptations of the evil devil and from troubles and misfortunes, and from all evil; at His Last Judgment, may the heirs of His Kingdom of Heaven make us worthy of standing and the heirs of His Kingdom of Heaven, as if blessed be the most honorable and magnificent name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, now and forever and forever. Amen.

Prayer to all the saints in the Russian land

To all the saints who shone in the Russian land (troparia, kontakion, prayer and glorification)

I skin is the red fruit of Your saving sowing, / the land of Russia brings Ti, Lord, all holy, in that brightened. / With those prayers in the world deep // Church and country I observe the Mother of God, Many of my Gods.

In troparion, voice 4:

And Jerusalem of the Highest are citizens, / from the earth of our exaltation / and God in every rank and every advance pleased, / come, remember, vernii: / about the all-blessing of the earth of Russia, I give you the praise her contrition, // and will comfort her faithful people.

Bearing the face of the saints, who pleased God in our lands, he stands in the Church / and invisibly prays to God for us. / The angels glorify with him, / and all the sanctuaries of the Church of Christ will praise him, / they pray for us all in a cup // The Blessed God.

A rare sight of the country of our restlessness, / move about us to the Creator of perpetuity, / do not contemplate our prayers, / but, anticipating help, as our companions, / accelerate your anticipation, / despair.

About the all-mercy and God-compassion of God’s condolence, move your land of Russia, sanctifying it and your body, for this is faith that remains in it; Behold, on the day of your general triumph, we sinners, your little brethren, dare to bring you this praiseworthy song. We magnify your great advancement, the spirit of Christ's warrior, with patience and courage to the end of the enemy, who has brought down us from his delight and his wickedness. We delight your holy life, the luminary of Divinity, with the light of faith and virtues shining and our minds and hearts illuminating with God. We glorify your great miracles, the blossoms of rajesty, in our northern land there is excellent prosperity and the aromas of gifts and miracles fragrant everywhere. We praise your God-imitative love, our representation and patronage, and, trusting in your help, we come to you and cry: all the holy days of our wins, from the days of the past and the revelations Reward our dismissions and humiliation and prayers from Christ from Christ of our God, and we, and we, having pretended the life of the Bucchin and is increasingly observed by the treasure of faith, in the refuge of the permanent salvation and in the blessed abdomen of the Mountain of the Fatherland and Holy Holy Let us be placed in the grace and love of our Savior, the Lord Jesus Christ, and He with the Most-Holy Father and the Most Holy Spirit befits continual praise and adoration from all creatures for ever and ever. Amen.

Magnification of the Most Holy Trinity

In the magnificence of Ty, / the Three-hypostatic Lord, / by the faith of the Orthodox land of Russia illuminated / and our holy companions // the host of Velii in it is glorified.

Magnification of the Most Holy Theotokos

Yes, there is a greatness of Thee, / the Mother of God, / of the land of the Russian Queen of Heaven / and of the Orthodox people // the Sovereign Sovereign.

We magnify you, all of you, in the lands of Russia that have shone forth, and we honor your holy memory, you pray for us Christ, our God.

We bless you, / miracle-workers of our glory, / the land of Russia by your virtues illumined / and the image of salvation to us // light-revealed.

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Church of all the saints who shone in the land of Russia in Novokosino

Troparion of All Russian Saints, Tone 8

Like the red fruit of Your saving sowing, / the Russian land brings Ti, Lord, all the holy, in that shone. / With those prayers in the deep world // Observe the Church and our country of the Mother of God, Most Merciful.

In troparion of All Russian saints, voice 4

Citizens of Jerusalem of the Highest, / from our land that has shone forth / and to God in every rank / and every feat pleasing, / come, let us remember, faithful: / about the all-blessedness of the land of the Russian intercessor, / pray to the Lord, / may he have mercy on this from his anger, / healing her contrition, / and his faithful people will comfort him.

Kontakion of All Russian Saints, Tone 3

Today the face of the saints, who have pleased God in our land, is in the Church / and invisibly prays to God for us. / The angels glorify with him, / and all the saints of the Church of Christ will celebrate him, / everyone is praying for us // the Everlasting God.

In kontakion of All Russian saints, voice 6

Representative of our vigilant country, / intercessors for us to the Creator of ceaselessness, / do not despise our prayers, / but, anticipating help, as if our relatives, / hasten to prayer / and begging for supplication, / presenting always about those who honor you.

Prayer to all the saints of the Russian land

About the all-blessedness and God-wisdom of the saint of God, make your exploits consecrated the Russian land and your body, like the seed of faith, left in it, with your souls coming to the Throne of God and constantly praying for it! Behold, now, on the day of your common triumph, we sinners, your little brethren, dare to bring you this singing of praise. We magnify your great deeds, the spirituality of the warrior of Christ, patience and courage to the end of the enemy who deposed us from the delusion and intrigues of delivering him. We delight your holy life, lamps of Divinity, shining with the light of faith and virtues, and shining our minds and hearts with God-wise illumination. We glorify your great miracles, bloom raistia, in our country to the north is beautiful prosperity and the aromas of gifts and miracles are fragrant everywhere. We praise your god-imitating love, our patronage and patronage, and, hoping for your help, we fall to you and cry: all our saints of our relatives, who have shone from the ancient years and have labored in the last days, appearing and not appearing, knowing and not knowing! Remember our weakness and humiliation, and with your prayers ask Christ our God, and we, having comfortably floated through the depths of life and unhurt the treasure of faith, will reach the abode of eternal salvation in the blessed inhabitants of the Mountainous Fatherland, together with you and all the saints who have pleased Him from time immemorial. Let us be settled with the grace and love of mankind of our Savior Jesus Christ, who with the Eternal Father and the Holy Spirit deserves incessant praise and worship from all creatures forever and ever. Amen.

Prayers to all Orthodox saints

An Orthodox person in all his troubles, sorrows and needs has always been helped by heavenly helpers and intercessors before the face of the Lord. There are many saints in Russia who work for us in Heaven, we trust them with our innermost thoughts and aspirations, we address them with our prayers. Our requests are always fulfilled, whether they are petitions for getting rid of an illness or from everyday adversities, prayers for loved ones and relatives. The saints save us from death and guide us on the right path.

May they help you today! This book includes prayers to those heavenly intercessors whom we most love and respect: the holy martyrs Adrian and Natalia, the holy noble Prince Alexander Nevsky, the Monk Alexander of Svir, Saint Alexy, the Metropolitan of Moscow, the Monk Alexy, the man of God, the Monk Ambrose Saint of Optina, to the great martyr Anastasia the Patterner, Saint Andrew of Crete, the Apostle Andrew the First-Called, the holy martyr Antipas, the Bishop of Pergamon, the holy noble princes Boris and Gleb, in baptism to Roman and David, the holy great martyr Barbara, blessed basil For Christ's sake, the holy fool, the holy martyrs Vera, Nadezhda, Lyubov and their mother Sophia, the holy Equal-to-the-Apostles Prince Vladimir, the holy Martyr Boniface, the holy Martyrs Guri, Samon and Aviv, the Great Martyr George the Victorious and others.

In addition, the book includes prayers with which you can address any Orthodox saint. These are prayers to all the saints who shone forth in the Russian land, the heavenly sorrowers of the Russian land, the new martyrs and confessors of Russia, the beloved saint, reverend, saint, as well as the holy myrrh-bearing women.

In front of the images of the saints, kindle the fire of a lamp or a candle and, having overshadowed yourself with the sign of the cross, with the words of sincere prayer, address them with faith in your heart and confidence in your soul that you will be heard, that any of your requests will not go unanswered. The purity of your thoughts, sincerity and unbreakable faith combined with prayer will work wonders!

Prayers to all the saints

Holy God and rest in the saints, with a trisacred voice in heaven from an angel praised, praised on earth from a man in his saints, given by your Holy Spirit any grace according to the bestowal of Christ, and by that he appointed the Church of Your Holy One ovy apostles, oy prophets, oy evangelists , ovs are shepherds and teachers, with their same word of preaching, to You Himself acting all in all, many have been accomplished, holy in every kind and kind, by various benefactors who have pleased You, and to You, we have left the image of our good deeds, in the joy of the past, prepare, in he himself was tempted, and help us who were being attacked. These saints of all and (the name of the saint) remembering and their godly praise of life, I praise You Samago, who have acted in them, and I praise you for the goodness of Your gift of being believing, I diligently pray to You, Holy of Holies, grant me a sinner to follow their teaching, life, love, faith, longsuffering, and their prayerful help, moreover, through your omnipotent grace, to be honored with heavenly glory, praising your holy name, the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit for ever. Amen.

About the blessedness of the saint of God, all the holy, coming to the Throne of the Most Holy Trinity and enjoying inexpressible blessedness! Behold now, on the day of your common triumph, mercifully look upon us, your younger brethren, who bring you this singing of praise and by your intercession asking for mercy and forgiveness of sins from the God of God: we are, truly, we are, as if everything you will delight in, ask Him you can. In the same way, we humbly pray to you: pray to the merciful Vladyka, may he give us the spirit of your zeal for keeping His holy commandments, as if you follow in your footsteps, we can pass the earthly field in a virtuous life without blemish and in repentance reach the glorious villages of paradise, and there it is bought with by you to glorify the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, forever and ever. Amen.

To you, about all the holy and (the name of the saint), as guiding lamps, by their deeds illuminated the path of heavenly sunrise, I humbly bow the knee of my heart, and from the depths of my soul I cry: pray for me the Human Lover of God, may not let me wander through the roads sin, but let my mind and heart be enlightened with the light of His grace, as if we illuminate and reinforce the rest of the earthly life, I can unswervingly pursue the other time of earthly life on the right path, and with your intercession to the All-Good Lord I will be honored, since I haven’t been a partaker of being your spiritual heavenly meals in your meal. Himzha with His Beginning Father and the Most Holy, Good and Life-giving Spirit, awake glory, honor and worship forever and ever. Amen.

Oh, holy saint of God (name), having fought a good fight on earth, you perceived the crown of righteousness in heaven, which the Lord has prepared for all who love Him; Even so, looking at your holy image, we rejoice at the glorious end of your residence and honor your holy memory. But you, standing before the Throne of God, accept our prayers and bring them to the All-merciful God, forgive us every sin and help us to become against the wiles of the devil, but from sorrows, diseases, troubles and misfortunes and all evil, we will live piously and righteously in the present day and we will be honored by your intercession, if you do not deserve to be, see the good on the land of the living, glorifying the One in His saints glorified God, the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, now and forever and ever. Amen.

Prayer to all the saints who shone in the land of Russia

Oh, the all-blessedness and God-wisdom of the saints of God, they subdued the Russian Land by sanctifying and their bodies, like the seed of faith, left in it, with their souls coming to the Throne of God and constantly praying for it!

Behold, now on the day of your common triumph we, your sinful little brethren, dare to bring you singing of praise. We magnify your great deeds, spiritual warriors of Christ, with patience and courage to the end, who have deposed the enemy and us from the delusion and intrigues of delivering him. We delight your holy life, lamps of divinity, shining with the light of faith and virtues and illuminating our minds and hearts with God-wisdom. We glorify your great miracles, bloom raistia, in our country to the north, prosperity is beautiful and the aromas of gifts and miracles are fragrant everywhere. We praise your god-imitating love, our patronage and patronage, and, hoping for your help, we fall to you and cry: our enlightenment equals to the apostles! Help the people of the Russian Land to keep the Orthodox faith you have betrayed, so that the salutary seed, all that you have given, will not be dried up by the heat of unbelief, but by the rain of God's haste, let it be watered, let it bear abundant fruit.

Holy Hierarch of Christ! By your prayers, affirm the Russian Church, heresies, schisms and disorders in it, consume the squandered sheep together, and protect them from all wolves in the clothing of sheep entering the flock of Christ.

Reverend Fathers! Save us from the delights of this deceitful world, but denied ourselves and take up our cross, let us follow Christ, crucifying our flesh with passions and lusts, bearing each other's burdens.

Prince of good faith! Look mercifully at your earthly homeland and all the wickedness and temptations that exist in it now, use your prayers with the weapon of your prayers, yes, as in ancient times, so it is now, and in the coming time will be glorified for Holy Russia the name of the Lord.

Passion-bearers of Russian glory! Strengthen us in prayer standing even to the rooftop for the Orthodox faith and the customs of the fatherland, but neither sorrow, nor crampedness, nor persecution, nor glory, nor nakedness, nor misfortune, nor the sword will be able to separate us from the love of God, even about Christ Jesus.

Beatitudes, Christ for the sake of holy foolishness and righteousness! Shame on the wisdom of this world, ascending to the Mind of God.

Help us, the temptations of the wisdom of the world to an unshakable being, more heavenly, and not earthly thoughts, have been established by the saving riot of the Cross of Christ.

God-wise wives, in a weak nature the feats of greatness have shown! Pray that the spirit of your love for the Lord and zeal for pleasing and for your own and your neighbor's salvation do not diminish in us.

All our saints, our kinsmen, who shone forth from the ancient years and who have struggled in the last days, appearing and not appearing, knowing and not knowing! Remember our weakness and humiliation, and with your prayers, ask Christ our God, and we, having comfortably floated the depths of life and safeguarded the treasure of faith, will reach eternal salvation in the abode of eternal salvation, together with you and with all the saints who have pleased him from time immemorial. Let us settle down, by the grace and love of mankind of our Savior Jesus Christ, He with the Eternal Father and the Holy Spirit deserves unceasing praise and worship from all creatures forever and ever. Amen.

Prayer to the heavenly sorrows of the Russian land

Oh, our great sorrowers and our intercessors before God for the Russian Land! The saints of Christ: Peter, Alexis, Jono and Philip, and the holy martyr Hermogenes, our reverend fathers Anthony and Theodosius, Zosima and Savvaty, Sergius and Nikon, and all the new wonderworkers glorified by God in our days: Theodosius, Seraphim, Joasaph, Pitne and the Holy Patriarchs Job and Tikhon and other saints of God who have shone within the boundaries of Orthodox Russia! Hear the mournful prayer of us sinful Russian people: our, once Holy Russia, your fatherland, is dying from the lawlessness of our sons. The saving Orthodoxy is already wavering, the sword of God is already flashing over the fruitless tree of sinful Russia, the terrible sentence of the Lord is already heard in our conscience: the Kingdom of God will be taken away from you and given to the people who create its fruits. We nevertheless dare to call you our relatives: you are relatives to us by blood, by your earthly fatherland, you are our closest intercessors before God. Behold our great sorrow, behold our fierce misfortune, the common misfortune of your native land ... Come to her aid, beg the Lady of the world - Mother of God, may She, Merciful, have mercy on us sinners; for a thousand years She covered, interceded Russia in all its troubles and misfortunes: may not even now turn away His face from the Russian people for our sins, may it stand between us and His angry Son and God, and, lifting up His pure hands, packs and packs yes will plead with His mercy to turn anger into mercy for the sake of the blood that so much was shed by our soldiers for God's righteousness, for their brothers, for the Orthodox faith and native land, for the sake of the bitter orphans who were left helpless after our murdered brothers, for the poor and the poor, deprived of their daily bread, for the sake of thousands of crippled our soldiers, for all the grieving and burdened, longing for Christ's consolation and Her Mother's intercession. O holy saints of God, our relatives in the flesh! Encourage to prayer for us and the world, so beloved by Russia, the great Wonderworker Nicholas and all the apostles, prophets, martyrs, saints, saints and righteous; stir up the Archangels and Angels and the whole Church, triumphant in heaven: your native Russia is in great danger and at the hour of the terrible Judgment of God over her calls out to you: save her with your prayer intercession! We know, sinners, that as long as we are alive, until the doors of God's mercy have not been closed, until then the Lord is still ready to accept our repentance: ask Him for repentance itself, and punish us, but may not betray our people to death and destruction. Amen.

Complete collection and description: prayer to all the saints in the land of Russia who shone forth for the spiritual life of a believer.

About the all-blessedness and God-wisdom of the saint of God, deeds with your own the Russian Land sanctified and your body, like the seed of faith, is left in it, with your souls coming to the Throne of God and constantly praying for it!

Behold, now on the day of your common triumph we, your sinful little brethren, dare to bring you singing of praise. We magnify your great deeds, spiritual warriors of Christ, with patience and courage to the end, who have deposed the enemy and us from the delusion and intrigues of delivering him. We delight your holy life, luminaries of divinity, shining with the light of faith and virtues, and shining our minds and hearts with God-wise illumination. We glorify your great miracles, bloom raistia, in our country to the north, there is wonderful prosperity and the aromas of gifts and miracles are fragrant everywhere. We praise your god-imitating love, our patronage and patronage, and, hoping for your help, we fall to you and cry: our enlightenment equals to the apostles! Help the people of the Russian Land to keep the Orthodox faith you have betrayed, so that the salutary seed, all that you have given, will not be dried up by the heat of unbelief, but by the rain of God's haste, let it be watered, let it bear abundant fruit.

Passion-bearers of Russian glory! Strengthen us in prayer standing even to the roof for the Orthodox faith and the customs of the fatherland, but neither sorrow, nor crampedness, nor persecution, nor glory, nor nakedness, nor misfortune, nor the sword will be able to separate us from the love of God, even about Christ Jesus.

All our kinsmen saints, who have shone from the ancient years and have labored ascetic in the last days, appearances and non-appearances, knowledge and ignorance! Remember our weakness and humiliation, and with your prayers, ask Christ our God, and we, comfortably sailing the depths of life and unharmedly observing the treasure of faith, will achieve eternal salvation in the abode of eternal salvation, together with you and with all the saints who have pleased Him from time immemorial. Let us settle down, by the grace and love of mankind of our Savior Jesus Christ, He with the Eternal Father and the Holy Spirit deserves unceasing praise and worship from all creatures forever and ever. Amen.

Prayers to the saints

Remembrance: Second Week after Pentecost

Troparion of all Russian saints, voice 8

Like the red fruit of Your saving sowing, the Russian land brings Ti, Lord, all the holy, in that shone. With those prayers in the deep world, keep the Church and our country of the Mother of God, Most Merciful.

Kontakion of all Russian saints, voice 6

Representative of our vigilant country, intercessors for us to the Creator of ceaselessness, do not despise our prayers, but, in advance to help, like our relatives, speed up to prayer and begging for supplication, presenting everlastingly about those who honor you.

About the all-blessedness and God-wisdom of the saint of God, make your exploits consecrated the Russian land and your body, like the seed of faith, left in it, with your souls coming to the Throne of God and constantly praying for it! Behold, now, on the day of your common triumph, we sinners, your little brethren, dare to bring you this singing of praise. We magnify your great deeds, the spirituality of the warrior of Christ, patience and courage to the end of the enemy who deposed us from the delusion and intrigues of delivering him. We delight your holy life, lamps of Divinity, shining with the light of faith and virtues, and shining our minds and hearts with God-wise illumination. We glorify your great miracles, bloom raistia, in our country to the north is beautiful prosperity and the aromas of gifts and miracles are fragrant everywhere. We praise your god-imitating love, our patronage and patronage, and, hoping for your help, we fall to you and cry: all our saints of our relatives, who have shone from the ancient years and have labored in the last days, appearing and not appearing, knowing and not knowing! Remember our weakness and humiliation, and with your prayers ask Christ our God, and we, having comfortably floated through the depths of life and unhurt the treasure of faith, will reach the abode of eternal salvation in the blessed inhabitants of the Mountainous Fatherland, together with you and all the saints who have pleased Him from time immemorial. Let us be settled with the grace and love of mankind of our Savior Jesus Christ, who with the Eternal Father and the Holy Spirit deserves incessant praise and worship from all creatures forever and ever. Amen.

Read other prayers of the section "Orthodox Prayer Book"

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© Missionary-apologetic project "Towards Truth", 2004 - 2017

When using our original materials, please provide the link:

Prayers to Russian Saints.


About the all-blessedness and God-wisdom of the saints of God, they have subdued the Russian Land by sanctifying their bodies, like the seed of faith, left in it, with their souls coming to the Throne of God and constantly praying for it!

Behold, now on the day of your common triumph we, your sinful little brethren, dare to bring you singing of praise. We magnify your great deeds, spiritual warriors of Christ, with patience and courage to the end, who have deposed the enemy and us from the delusion and intrigues of delivering him. We delight your holy life, lamps of divinity, shining with the light of faith and virtues and illuminating our minds and hearts with God-wisdom. We glorify your great miracles, bloom raistia, in our country to the north, prosperity is beautiful and the aromas of gifts and miracles are fragrant everywhere. We praise your god-imitating love, our patronage and patronage, and, hoping for your help, we fall to you and cry: our enlightenment equals to the apostles! Help the people of the Russian Land to keep the Orthodox faith you have betrayed, so that the salutary seed, all that you have given, will not be dried up by the heat of unbelief, but by the rain of God's haste, let it be watered, let it bear abundant fruit.

Holy Hierarch of Christ! By your prayers, affirm the Russian Church, heresies, schisms and disorders in it, consume the squandered sheep together, and protect them from all wolves in the clothing of sheep entering the flock of Christ.

Reverend Fathers! Save us from the delights of this deceitful world, but denied ourselves and take up our cross, let us follow Christ, crucifying our flesh with passions and lusts, bearing each other's burdens.

Prince of good faith! Look mercifully at your earthly fatherland and all the ungodliness and temptations that exist in it now, use your prayers with the weapon, yes, as in ancient times, so it is now, and in the coming time, the name of the Lord is glorified in Holy Russia.

Passion-bearers of Russian glory! Strengthen us in prayer standing even to the rooftop for the Orthodox faith and the customs of the fatherland, but neither sorrow, nor crampedness, nor persecution, nor glory, nor nakedness, nor misfortune, nor the sword will be able to separate us from the love of God, even about Christ Jesus.

Beatitudes, Christ for the sake of holy foolishness and righteousness! Shame on the wisdom of this world, ascending to the Mind of God. Help us, the temptations of the wisdom of the world to an unshakable being, more heavenly, and not earthly thoughts, have been established by the saving riot of the Cross of Christ.

God-wise wives, in a weak nature the feats of greatness have shown! Pray that the spirit of your love for the Lord and zeal for pleasing and for your own and your neighbor's salvation do not diminish in us.

All our saints, our kinsmen, who shone forth from the ancient years and who have struggled in the last days, appearing and not appearing, knowing and not knowing! Remember our weakness and humiliation, and with your prayers, ask Christ our God, and we, having comfortably floated the depths of life and safeguarded the treasure of faith, will reach eternal salvation in the abode of eternal salvation, together with you and with all the saints who have pleased him from time immemorial. Let us settle down, by the grace and love of mankind of our Savior Jesus Christ, He with the Eternal Father and the Holy Spirit deserves unceasing praise and worship from all creatures forever and ever. Amen.


O great saddens and our intercessors before God for the Russian Land! The saints of Christ: Peter, Alexis, Jono and Philip, and the holy martyr Hermogenes, our reverend fathers Anthony and Theodosius, Zosima and Savvaty, Sergius and Nikon, and all the new wonderworkers glorified by God in our days: Theodosius, Seraphim, Joasaph, Pitne and the Holy Patriarchs Job and Tikhon and other saints of God who have shone within the boundaries of Orthodox Russia! Hear the mournful prayer of us sinful Russian people: our, once Holy Russia, your fatherland, is dying from the lawlessness of our sons. The saving Orthodoxy is already wavering, the sword of God is already flashing over the fruitless tree of sinful Russia, the terrible sentence of the Lord is already heard in our conscience: the Kingdom of God will be taken away from you and given to the people who create its fruits. We nevertheless dare to call you our relatives: you are relatives to us by blood, by your earthly fatherland, you are our closest intercessors before God. Behold our great sorrow, behold our fierce misfortune, the common misfortune of your native land. Come to her aid, beg the Lady of the world - the Mother of God, may She, the Merciful, have mercy on us sinners; for a thousand years She covered, interceded Russia in all its troubles and misfortunes: may not even now turn away His face from the Russian people for our sins, may it stand between us and His angry Son and God, and, lifting up His pure hands, packs and packs yes He will plead with His mercy to turn anger into mercy for the sake of the blood of which so much was shed by our soldiers for God's truth, for our brothers, for the Orthodox faith and native land, for the bitter orphans who were left helpless after our murdered brothers, for the poor and poor, deprived of bread vital, for the sake of thousands of our crippled soldiers, for the sake of all those who grieve and are burdened, longing for Christ's consolation and Her Mother's intercession. O holy saints of God, our relatives in the flesh! Encourage to prayer for us and the world, so beloved by Russia, the great Wonderworker Nicholas and all the apostles, prophets, martyrs, saints, saints and righteous; stir up the Archangels and Angels and the whole Church, triumphant in heaven: your native Russia is in great danger and at the hour of the terrible Judgment of God over her calls out to you: save her with your prayer intercession! We know, sinners, that as long as we are alive, until the doors of God's mercy have not been closed, until then the Lord is still ready to accept our repentance: ask Him for repentance itself, and punish us, but may not betray our people to death and destruction. Amen.


Holy New Martyr and Confessor to the Church of Russia, hear our fervent prayer! Wema, as if not from you, are still adolescents, listening to the ancient passion-bearers, thinking in their hearts, coliko kindly and mercifully there are such imitations, neither torment nor death separating them from the love of God. It is good for you, as if you followed the natural faith and patience of those you hear about them and their beloved. And yet, at any time, it is possible that there are influences on us by an accidental test, ask the Lord for the gift of courage to us; All the ends of our fatherland, with their suffering, sanctified, as if we had a prayer book for all of us, pray to God to save His people from the yoke, which is more terrible than any other. And let the sin that gravitates on the Russian people be forgiven: the murder of the tsar, the anointed of God, the saints and shepherds with the flock, and the sufferings of confessors, and the desecration of our holy things. May the schisms in our Church be abolished, may all be one and may the Lord lead His laborers into the harvest, may the Church not become scarce with good shepherds, who may enlighten such a great multitude of people with the light of the true faith, the faith of the unlearned, or those who have turned away from the faith. Do not deserve the mercy of God, even more suffering for your sake, may Christ our God bless and have mercy on all of us who call you to help. But we to Him, our Savior, with the Father and with the Holy Spirit, contrition for sin and always bring thanksgiving for everything, glorifying Him forever and ever. Amen.

HOLY EQUAL Apostolic Grand Duke VLADIMIR

The grandson of the holy princess Olga, Vladimir was at first a pagan, but, feeling inwardly the emptiness and lies of idolatry, he survived conversion. In 988 he received Holy Baptism from the Greeks and baptized his people.

St. Vladimir built churches and schools, took care of the poor and orphans, was an example of mercy and hospitality.

Orthodox Church under St. Vladimir becomes the spiritual leader and enlightener of the Russian people, thus, it was Prince Vladimir Svyaty who laid the indestructible spiritual foundation of a thousand-year Russian history.

O great and glorious servant of God, chosen by God and glorified by God, equal to the apostles to Prince Vladimir, holy and great instrument of the all-good Providence for the salvation of the Russian people! You have rejected you evil and pagan wickedness, you believed in the One True Trinitarian God, and having received holy Baptism, you enlightened the kingdom of Russia with the light of divine faith and piety. Gloriously and thanksgiving to the Most-merciful Creator and Savior of ours, we glorify and thank you, the great shepherd and our Father, as you know the saving faith of Christ, and we are baptized in the name of the Most Holy and Most Divine Trinity: by the same faith we are delivered from the servant of the Diaspora and eternal condemnation hellish torment: by that faith, through the perceptions, the grace of being offered to God and the hope of inheriting heavenly bliss. You are our first leader to the ruler and perfecter of our eternal salvation, the Lord Jesus Christ: you are the closest primate before the throne of the King of reigns and a warm prayer book and intercessor for the kingdom of All Russia, for its ruler of the people and for all people: you are the primary culprit of the blessings and mercies of God resting on it. And what else are we talking about? Our language cannot depict the height of your benefits, poured out on us, unworthy. But, about our foolishness and blindness! I receive a fraction of a good deed, I am not imputed for anything, and I will take the revenge of their saving fruits. Having washed ourselves from sin in the font of baptism and put on the clothes of purity and innocence, desecrating these God-given clothes by our student deeds and our thoughts: renouncing Satan and his aggels, we enslave him, serving the idols of our passions, the world, the flesh and the evil custom of Christ of the age: , I will take out we offend Him with our iniquities, with various ulcers of pride, envy, anger, backbiting, intemperance and contempt for Holy Church: we cling wholly to vain blessings, as if imaginatively stay on earth forever: we do not think about heaven, about the soul, about death, about the Judgment, about endless eternity. For this, we raise up on this righteous anger and condemnation of God, we deeply insult and grieve your fatherly love and care for us: you have enlightened us with Holy Baptism, and you will help us to obtain heavenly bliss and earthly prosperity: we, however, are unreasonable, by evil will we ourselves expose ourselves to hellish torments and temporary disasters! But, oh all-good Father and our enlightener! Be merciful to our weakness, longsuffering to our sins and unrighteousness: beseech the Most Merciful Heavenly King, may he not be angry with us and destroy us with our iniquities, but may he have mercy and save us, in the image of the message of destinies: may a saving fear plant in our hearts His own, may our mind enlighten with His grace, in the hedgehog behold the abyss of destruction for us, we strive to leave the paths of wickedness and error, turn to the path of salvation and truth, unswervingly fulfill the commandments of God and the statutes of the Holy Church. Pray, in mercy, God who loves mankind, may He show us His great mercy: may He save us from the invasion of foreigners, from internal disturbances, rebellions and strife, from hunger, deadly diseases and from all evil: may He give us the goodness of the air and the fruitfulness of the earth: may He preserve and save our Fatherland from all the intrigues and slander of the enemy: may it grant us victory over our enemies, may it fulfill all our good desires: may it protect our state with wise and faithful leaders, may it preserve truth and mercy in judges and rulers? may it give the spiritual shepherd the integrity of life and zeal for the salvation of the flock, for all people zeal in the performance of their duties, mutual love and like-mindedness, striving for the good of the Fatherland and the Holy Church: may it spread the light of saving faith in our kingdom in all its ends: may it turn unbelievers to the faithfulness: may it abolish all heresies and schisms, yes, so we lived in peace on earth, let us be vouchsafed with you eternal bliss, praising and exalting God forever and ever. Amen.


St. Alexander was born in 1220; in 1240, when the Swedes attacked Northern Russia, he was a Novgorod prince; won a brilliant victory over the Swedes on the Neva, for which he received the nickname Nevsky. Two years later, in 1242, he defeated the German knight invaders at Lake Peipsi.

St. Alexander was wise statesman, who made peace between the Russian princes among themselves: he tried to soften for Russia the yoke of the Tatar khans, the leaders of the Golden Horde.

As an example of Christian piety and purity in his personal life, St. Alexander Nevsky was loved and revered by the Russian people as a great sadden and defender of the Russian Land.

A quick helper of all who zealously come running to you and our warm representative before the Lord, holy noble Grand Duke Alexandra! Look mercifully on us unworthy, many iniquities are obscene to themselves, to the race of your relics (or: to your icon) now flowing and crying out to you from the depths of your heart: in your life you were a zealot and defender of the Orthodox faith, and you were warm in us Confirm to God by prayers. Thou great, entrusted to thee, you carefully passed the service, and with your help, abide with someone, in whom you are called to eat, instruct. You, having defeated the regiments of adversaries, drove you away from the Russian borders, and put down all visible and invisible enemies against us. You, having left the perishable crown of the earthly kingdom, have chosen a silent life, and now you are righteously crowned with an incorruptible crown, reign in heaven, intercede with us, we humbly pray to you, a quiet and serene life and your unswerving procession to the eternal Kingdom, your unswerving intercession. Standing with all the saints to the throne of God, pray for all Orthodox Christians, may the Lord God preserve them with His grace in peace, health, long life and all prosperity in the due summer, may we always glorify and bless God, in the Trinity of the Holy God the glorious Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, now and ever and forever and ever. Amen.


Reverend Sergius Radonezh is one of the most famous Russian saints. The founder of the Trinity-Sergius Lavra, teacher and mentor of many dozens of Russian saints canonized by the Church, the Monk became truly the hegumen and intercessor of the entire Russian Land, a model of meekness and humility for monks and laity.

Ailing heart for the Fatherland in the difficult years of the Tatar yoke, the Monk Sergius blessed St. Prince Dimitry Donskoy, prayed for victory, remembered day and night those who gave their lives for the Motherland.

The Monk Sergius of Radonezh is an ardent and faithful minister of the Holy Trinity as an image of Divine Love in the history of the Russian Church.

O sacred head, venerable and God-bearing our Father Sergius, by your prayer, and by faith and love, even to God, and by the purity of heart, even on earth to the monastery of the Most Holy Trinity, having arranged your soul, and angelic fellowship and the Most Holy Theotokos were honored to visit, and the gift of miraculous Received grace, after your departure from the earthly, especially approaching God and joining the heavenly powers, but from us also by the spirit of your love, persistent, and your honest relics, like a vessel of grace full and overflowing, leaving us! Having great boldness towards the all-merciful Ruler, pray to save His servants, who believe in His grace and flow to you with love. Help us, may our Fatherland be well-governed in peace and prosperity, and may all resistance submit to its feet. Ask us from our great God every gift that is useful to everyone and to everyone: keeping faith is blameless, affirming our cities, peace of peace, deliverance from gladness and destruction, preservation from the invasion of aliens, consolation for grieving, not afraid of healing, fallen exaltation, erring on the path of truth and salvation return, for those who strive for strengthening, those who do good in good deeds, prosperity and blessing, upbringing as a baby, instruction for young people, for disbelieving admonition, for orphans and widows intercession, departing from this temporary life to eternal good preparation and parting words, those who have departed your blessed repose, and all Grant me, on the day of the Last Judgment, part of the deliverance, the gums of the country are fellows of being and the blessed voice of the Lord Christ to hear: come, blessings of My Father, inherit the kingdom prepared for you from the folding of the world. Amen.


The Monk Joseph was born in 1440, near Volokolamsk. At the age of twenty he accepted monasticism and asceticised first in the Paphnutiev Borovsky Monastery, and then he founded his own monastery in his homeland, in Volokolamsk.

The Monk Joseph irreconcilably denounced the heresy of the "Judaizers" and wrote a book against them called "The Enlightener"; he was a wise builder of monastic life, guided in everything by the infallible rules of the Holy Church. He died in 1515.

O great mentor, zealot and teacher of the Orthodox faith, holy wisdom Joseph! Accept the prayer, from us, sinners, brought to you, and with a warm intercession, pray in the Trinity to the glorious God, may He send His rich mercy to us, sinners: may he affirm in His Holy Orthodox Church right faith and piety: as her pastor, may he give holy zeal about the salvation of the verbal flock, as if they would keep the faithful, but the unbelievers and those who fell away from the true faith would be taught and converted. For all of us, ask for everything that is useful in our temporary living and useful to our eternal salvation. Remember your flock, you have gathered your hedgehog, do not forget to visit your children and, like a child-loving father, do not despise, below, reject our prayers, but lift up your hand in prayer to the Lord God, may He put off His righteous anger, which is moved on us and deliver us from the visible enemies and invisible, from gladness, flood, sword, deadly ulcers, invasions of aliens and internecine strife. To her, our merciful intercessor, glorious miracle worker, rule us all in peace and repentance, end our belly and repose with hope in the blessed bosom of Abraham, where the all-chanting name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit is ceaselessly glorified. Amen. (From akathist)


Blessed Vasily was born in 1468 in the Moscow region into a peasant family. As a youth, he was sent to study shoemaking, and at the age of 16 he fled from home, called by the Lord to the most difficult feat of foolishness, which he went through for 72 years, living in the crowded haystones of the reigning city of Moscow.

The blessed one exhausted his body with fasting, prayer and all kinds of hardships, he was perspicacious and performed many miracles, denounced the simple and noble, regardless of dignity, but knowing the inner dispensation of a person.

Basil the Blessed died in 1552, his St. The relics were laid in Moscow, in the Intercession Cathedral on Red Square.

O great servitor of Christ, true friend and faithful servant of the All-Creator of the Lord God, blessed Basil! Hear us, many sinners, now singing to you and calling on your holy name, have mercy on us, who fall today to your pure image, accept our little and unworthy prayer, have mercy on our misery and your prayers heal every ailment and illness of our sinful soul and body , and the flow of sowing life is vouchsafed to pass sinlessly from visible and invisible enemies, and the Christian end, not shameful, peaceful, serene, and the Heavenly Kingdom inheritance to receive with all the saints forever and ever. Amen.


Saint Hermogen, a native of the Don Cossacks, during the reign of Ivan the Terrible was a parish priest in the Nikolsky Church of the newly enlightened Kazan. In 1579 he participated in the glorification of the miraculous Kazan Icon of the Mother of God.

In the Time of Troubles, when, with the help of impostors and the Polish invasion, the Jesuits hoped to subjugate Russia, the Lord called St. Hermogenes to the patriarchal throne.

The Patriarch became the inspirer of the national struggle for the liberation of Moscow and all of Russia from foreign invasion, having accepted the martyr's crown in 1612.

O great saint of Christ, our saint Father Hermogenes! We are diligently flowing to you, a warm prayer book and an unashamed representative before God, asking for consolation and help in our needs and sorrows. In the ancient time of temptation, always having run out of wickedness in our country, the Lord reveals His pillar to the Church and is an unshakable shepherd to the people of Russia, who laid down his soul for sheep and drove the fierce wolves far away.

Now, look upon us, unworthy of your children, calling you with a tender soul and contrite heart. Our fortress is scarce in us, and the hostility of catching and the net has gone around us. Help us, our intercessor! Confirm us in the faith of the saints: teach us to always do the commandments of God and all the traditions of the Church, commanded to us from the Father. Be our shepherd archpastor, a spiritual warrior, a sick doctor, a sad comforter, a persecuted intercessor, a young mentor, a merciful father to everyone, and for the whole warm prayer book; as if by your prayers we protect, ceaselessly sing and glorify the all-holy Name of the Life-Giving Trinity, the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit forever and ever. Amen.


Saint Demetrius was born in 1651 in the Kiev province. Originally from the Cossacks. From a young age he chose the path of spiritual achievement: he studied at the Kiev Theological Academy, led a strict monastic life in the monasteries of Kiev and Chernigov, and possessed an outstanding gift of preaching.

In 1701, St. Demetrius was elevated to the rank of Metropolitan, and in 1702 he was appointed to the Rostov See, where he served as hierarch until his death in 1709.

The invaluable merit of St. Demetrius before the Church - the creation of the famous Chety-Miney (Lives of the Saints) for the whole year, the fight against schismatics, the education of proper piety in the priests and their flock.

In the apostate period of Russian history, which was, to a large extent, in the 17th century, Saint Demetrius was a hierarch who revived the culture of the Church as the highest manifestation of Russian national culture.

The relics of the saint rest in the Spaso-Yakovlev Monastery of Rostov the Great.

O brave and glorious miracle worker Demetrius, heal human ailments! You vigilantly pray to the Lord our God for all sinners: I pray to thee, be an intercessor before the Lord and an assistant to overcome the passions of my insatiable flesh and to overcome the arrows of my devil's resistance, my weak heart hurts with the image and, like a smooth and fierce beast, longs to destroy my soul. You, the saint of Christ, are my fence, you are my intercession and weapon! For your cooperation I will crush everything in me that resists the will of the King of kings. You, great wonder-working, in the days of your exploits in this world, jealous of Orthodox Church God, like a true and good shepherd, was not tempted to denounce the sins and ignorance of mankind, and to those who deviated from the path of righteousness in heresy and schisms, you guided you on the path of truth. Help me and me to correct the short-term path of my life, so that I will unswervingly follow the path of the commandments of God and inconceivably work in my Lord Jesus Christ, as my only Master, Redeemer and righteous Judge. Falling to this, I pray to you, God's servitor, when you remove my soul from my body, save me from dark ordeals: the imam is not for good deeds for my justification: do not give Satan pride in victory over my weak soul. Deliver me from the guyenne, where weeping and gnashing of teeth, and with your holy prayers make me a partaker of the Heavenly Kingdom in the Trinity, the glorious God, the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.


The monk came from a pious merchant family in the city of Kursk; from a young age he discovered a craving for piety and monastic exploits, at the age of 17 he left his parental home; first he pursued asceticism in the Kiev-Pechersk Lavra, and then - in the Sarov desert of the Tambov province. I spent a thousand days and nights in prayer, kneeling on a stone; for his holy life he was honored with repeated visits to the Mother of God and the saints.

The Monk Seraphim was perspicacious, healed mental and physical ailments: his prayerful help was repeatedly experienced not only by the Orthodox, but also by people of other faiths.

At the beginning of the 19th century, it was the Monk Seraphim who was truly an All-Russian prayer book and a mourner for the entire Russian Land and for every suffering person.

He died in 1833, 73 years old, kneeling while praying.

His glorification took place in the summer of 1903, with the lively and ardent participation of the Sovereign Emperor Nikolai Alexandrovich and the entire Royal Family.

O wonderful Father Seraphim, the great Sarov miracle worker, a hasty helper to everyone who comes running to you! In the days of your earthly life, no one else is thin and inconsolable from you, but the vision of your face and the benevolent voice of your words came in sweetness to everyone. To this, the gift of healings, the gift of insight, the gift of the weak souls of healing are abundant in you. Whenever God calls you from earthly labors to heavenly rest, your love will cease from us, and it is impossible to count your miracles, multiplied, like the stars of heaven: behold, all over the end of our earth, people of God appear and grant them healings. The same we also cry out to you: oh, the prettiest and meek servant of God, bold to Him a prayer-book, who doesn’t call you to cut off, lift up your benevolent prayer for us to the Lord of forces, may strengthen our state, may grant us all that is useful in this life and all to the soul useful to salvation, may it protect us from the falls of sinfulness and teach us true repentance, to bring us into the eternal Heavenly Kingdom, wherever you are now in the everlasting glory, and there to sing with all the saints Life-giving Trinity until the end of the century. Amen.


Saint Tikhon was born in 1865 into the family of a rural priest in the Pskov province. In 1891 he became a monk, and in 1898 he was elevated to the rank of bishop and sent to a distant American diocese.

Having done a lot for the Orthodox Church of America, Saint Tikhon won universal love and respect for himself.

In 1907 he was appointed to the Yaroslavl See, where he was also surrounded by the worship and gratitude of the pastors and flock.

After the February Revolution of 1917, Archbishop Tikhon was invited to join the newly formed Synod, and in November of the same year, the Local Council of the Russian Orthodox Church elected him Patriarch.

The patriarchal service of the saint, which fell on years truly terrible for Russia, is for us in the 20th century an example of courageous and balanced defense of our native Orthodox Church from the onslaught of the godless world.

O our good shepherd, great holy patriarch Tikhon, as if you were a city of heaven - your good deeds still shine before people. Wema, like you, standing before the throne of the Most Holy Trinity, great and boldness in prayers before the Lord. Look also now at us, sinful and unworthy children of yours, to you, as if you have great boldness before the Creator of all, now we fall and pray earnestly: pray the Lord, that he will give us the determination to acquire the piety of our fathers, whom you have acquired from your youth. You, in your life, were a zealous defender and guardian of the true faith, help us to remain unshakable in the Orthodox faith. Your quiet soul has excelled exceedingly in divine humility, teach us our minds to nourish not the many-manned wisdom of man, but humble knowledge of the will of God. You boldly confessed Thou before the fierce enemies of Christ, Thou boldly confessed Thou, with thy prayer strengthen us, the faint-hearted, and we always and everywhere resist the spirit of godlessness and flattery.

She, the saint of God, do not despise us who pray to you, for we are not only asking for deliverance from troubles and sorrows, but we ask for strength and firmness, magnanimity and love, in order to endure these misfortunes that arise on us. Ask us unremitting patience even until the end of our life, peace with the Lord and absolution of sins.

Holy Father! Tame the winds of unbelief and turmoil in our country, may the Lord establish silence and piety and unfeigned love on the Land of Russia. With your prayers, may he save you from internecine strife, may strengthen our Holy Orthodox Church, may she not become scarce as true shepherds, good workers, right ruling word Gospel truth. Save the error of the sheep of Christ's flock. Most importantly, pray to the Lord of strength, so that the Russian Land will be reborn with holy repentance and with one heart and one lips glorify the Divine in His saints God in the Trinity of the glorious, Father and Son and Holy Spirit for ever and ever. Amen.


St. Righteous John was born in 1829 in the village of Sura, Arkhangelsk province, into the family of a poor rural deacon. From a young age, seeing and experiencing material need, John became sensitive and compassionate to the suffering of others, without hesitation distributing to those in need everything that he had.

In 1855, John became a priest of the Kronstadt St. Andrew's Cathedral, marrying the daughter of the archpriest of this cathedral Elizabeth Nesvitskaya. The husband and wife have lived their whole lives as brother and sister, keeping bodily and mental purity.

The glory of the Kronstadt prayer book was so great during his lifetime that thousands of people gathered for confession in St.Andrew's Cathedral every day. Crowds of people accompanied the good shepherd wherever he appeared.

In the years of general spiritual and moral impoverishment that took place in Russia in the pre-revolutionary time of troubles, John of Kronstadt was an implacable denouncer of the lies of the "liberation movement", became a shining example indestructible faith in God, hope for His mercy to a repentant person, love for your suffering people.

Miracles performed by God through the prayers of St. John of Kronstadt, poured out before and are poured out by the now endless river on the Russian Land.

O great miracle worker and most faithful servant of God, God-bearing Father John! Look upon us and heartily heartily our prayer, as the Lord vouchsafe great gifts, so be an intercessor and a regular prayer-book for us. We are overwhelmed by sinful passions and consumed with malice, God's commandments of neglect, heartfelt repentance and sighing tears did not bring, for this for the sake of many sorrow and sorrow we deserve to appear.

But you, righteous Father, having great boldness towards the Lord and compassion for your neighbors, pray to the All-Blessed Lord of the world, may he add His mercy to us and tolerate our unrighteousness, sin will not destroy us for our sake, but graciously grant us time to repentance.

O holy saint of God, help us keep the Orthodox faith immaculately and piously preserve the commandments of God, may we not possess any iniquity, the Truth of God will be shamed below in our iniquities, but may we be vouchsafed the end of the Christian, painless, shameless, peaceful and the Mysteries of God.

We also pray to thee, righteous Father, for the hedgehog of our Holy Church until the end of the century to be more affirmed, but ask for peace and stay for our Fatherland, save it from all evils, and so our people, by God guarding them, in the unanimity of faith and in all piety and purity, in The sweetness of spiritual brotherhood, sobriety and harmony testify: as if God is with us! In Nemzha we both move and Esma, and we will abide forever. Amen.


The future elder Siluan was born into a peasant family in the Tambov province in 1866. Called for military service in St. Petersburg, he “dwelling with his mind on Mount Athos and at the Last Judgment,” receives from St. righteous John of Kronstadt blessing for monastic exploits and in 1892 he became a novice of the Russian Panteleimon monastery on Mount Athos.

The monastic exploits of the Monk Silouan were secret, but the special grace that emanated from him was felt by everyone, from ordinary workers to church hierarchs.

After the death of the elder, which followed in 1938, numerous letters began to come to the Panteleimonov Monastery, testifying to his heavenly intercession for those who turned to him with prayer.

O wondrous servant of God, Father Siluan! By the grace given to you from Bot, pray tearfully for the whole universe - the dead, the living and the future - do not keep silent for us to the Lord, who are zealously leaning towards you and pleading affectionately for your intercession. Move, about all-blessedness, to prayer the Zealous Intercessor of the Christian clan, the Most Blessed Mother of God and the Ever-Virgin Mary, who miraculously called you to be a faithful worker in Her earthly helipad, where the chosen one of God for our sins, mercy and long-suffering of our being, pray to God in unjust and not , but according to the ineffable goodness of our Lord Jesus Christ, harbor and save us according to His great mercy.

She, the saint of God, with the Most Blessed Lady of the world - the Most Holy Abbess of Athos and the holy ascetics of Her earthly lot, ask the saints for the Most Holy Word of the Holy Mount of Athos and her God-loving desert-dwellers from all the troubles and slander of the enemy in the world. Yes, the Angels are delivered by the saints from evil and strengthened by the Holy Spirit in faith and brotherly love, until the end of the century for the One, Holy, Catholic and Apostolic Church, prayers and show everyone the way of salvation, but the Earthly and Heavenly Church ceaselessly praises the Creator and the Father of Lights, enlightening and illuminating peace in the eternal truth and goodness of God.

For the people of the earth, ask for a prosperous and peaceful life, the spirit of humility and brotherly love, good nature and salvation, the spirit of the fear of God. May it not be malice and lawlessness that harden the hearts of men, capable of destroying the love of God in men and casting them down into godly enmity and fratricide, but in the power of Divine love and righteousness, as in heaven and on earth, may the name of God be holy, may His holy will be done in men and may peace and the Kingdom of God reign on earth.

Likewise, and your earthly Fatherland - the Land of Russia, ask for, God's servitor, the longed-for peace and heavenly blessing, in the all-powerful omophorion of the Mother of God, to get rid of him from gladness, destruction, cowardice, fire, sword, invasion of foreigners and internecine strife and from all visible enemies and invisible, and so the most holy house of the Most Blessed Mother of God until the end of the century, he will remain the Life-giving Cross by power and in the love of God to the inexhaustible will be established.

For all of us, who are immersed in the darkness of sins and repentance of warmth, lower than the fear of God to those who do not have and to those of the immeasurably loving Lord who constantly offend us, ask for all blessedness from our All-Blessed God, so that with His All-Powerful Grace, divinely visit and revive our souls, and all malice and put away the pride of life, despondency and neglect in our hearts.

We also pray for the hedgehog and for us, by the grace of the All-All-Pious Spirit, strengthened and warmed by the love of God, in humanity and brotherly love, humble crucifixion for each other and for all, to be affirmed in the truth of God and in the grace-filled love of God to be strengthened in good faith, to approach and love Him. Yes, tako, doing His all-holy will, in all piety and purity of temporary living, we will not shamefully pass the path and with all the saints of the Heavenly Kingdom and His Lamb marriage we will be honored.

To Him, from all earthly and heavenly, let there be glory, honor and worship, with His Originless Father, His Most Holy and Good and Life-giving His Spirit, now and forever and forever and ever. Amen.

Based on the book by V.Yu. Malyagin and A.N. Strizhev

"Prayers for the salvation of Russia."

Spaso-Preobrazhensky Valaam Stavropegic Monastery.

Feast of All Holy Russia

The celebration of the Council of All Saints Who Shone in the Land of Russia was established in the 50s of the 16th century, but forgotten in the Synodal era, was restored in 1918, and since 1946 it began to be solemnly celebrated on the 2nd Week after Pentecost. In the current 2015 this day - June 14... On this day, the Church reminds us that holiness is not the lot of individuals, but the goal of the life of every Christian.

The Church glorifies the host of the righteous and martyrs,

both glorified and led only to God

As soon as the Christian faith came to Russia, the life of the people was immediately reborn. Faith, the Orthodox Church united the scattered tribes into one people, and the most essential property of the Russian people was faith in the Kingdom of God, the search for it, the search for truth.

And among this Orthodox Russian people many saints of God were brought up and glorified: saints, martyrs, saints, holy wives, Christ for the sake of the holy fools, whose names are known or have not reached us, who pleased God with words, deeds and life itself.

From their names and Russia received the namesake, began to be called "Holy"

These people put aside the vanity of life, overcame the attraction to passionate amusements, took the Cross upon themselves and followed Christ. They did not spare their souls in this world in order to preserve them for eternal life (see John 12:25) . And at the moment of testing their faith from the persecutors, they chose to die in order to dwell where Heavenly Father and His Son Jesus Christ. The Russian land is saturated with their blood, keeps their bodies in itself, but the souls of God's saints now dwell in heaven.

Holiness - this is what comes from God. God is holy(Revelation 4: 8) He abides in holiness. His law and commandments are holy, they are righteous and good, as the Apostle Paul wrote(see Rom. 7:12) ... Holy Jesus Christ, the Son of God(Luke 1:35) and the whole Church from His Body.

In the Church, the Holy Spirit imparts holiness to people and objects who, passing through the earth, sanctify it with their presence. Where holy people lived, even mountains, caves, islands and lakes were called “saints”.

The earliest Russian martyrs Boris and Gleb already at the beginning of the eleventh century they showed an example of Russian holiness: it is better to give one's life into the hands of a brother than to engage in a fratricidal war. Their parents and grandparents, Saint Vladimir and Princess Olga , after knowing the truth of faith, they directed all the strength and wealth of the state to enlighten the people, for the sake of the public good. And the saints Pechersk hermits , beginning with Anthony and Theodosius , the unpretentiousness of their life and the wisdom of reason attracted not only the people of Kiev, but the inhabitants of the surrounding cities and Russian principalities.

The Orthodox faith has brought up such great Russian saints as the monk Sergius of Radonezh, Venerable Seraphim of Sarov ... The names of these saints of God are dear not only for Orthodox Russian people, but they are revered with love far beyond the borders of Russian lands.

Holy Prince Alexander Nevsky during the Tatar yoke, he traveled to the Horde many times and, with his meekness and humility, pacified, softened the Tatar khan and asked for mercy for his people. Thanks to his intercession, the Tatars did not interfere in the affairs of the Orthodox faith, did not force the Russian people to worship idols.

Moscow has its patrons and prayer books in the person of the chief priests - with Peter, Alexy, Jonah, Philip and Hermogenes .

In Orthodox church veneration, the earthly Fatherland seems to be losing its territorial boundaries. Therefore, we add to the host of Russian saints Saint Gregory, Enlightener of Armenia, Nina, Enlightener of Georgia, Apostle Simon Zealot and John Chrysostom who finished their lives in Abkhazia, Hieromartyrs Clement and Martin, Popes ... Not to mention that Cyril and Methodius, Slovenian teachers , and Apostle Andrew the First-Called are honored in the list of saints of the primordially "Russian" saints.

And how many Russian saints have gone beyond the borders of their native land: righteous John Russian , shone in Greece, Reverend Herman worked in the Alaskan Islands, Saint Innocent was the apostle of America, and St Nicholas became the founder of the Japanese Church. We still do not know exactly how many Russian ascetics in the twentieth century ended their holy lives in France, America, and even Australia.

In general, it is impossible to list all the merits of the holy Russian people to their Fatherland and the people who have shown genuine love for their brothers through their prayer, word and deed.


In the words of St. John of Shanghai, "the most precious, the greatest is holiness." "Holiness" is something mysterious, alien to the world, requiring a reverent distance. Anything that is dedicated to God, people or objects, is called “holy” in the Bible (see Lev 27: 9).

Holiness - one of the basic properties of God, communicated by God to a person chosen by Him.

Holiness - not in sinlessness, but in persistent and consistent aversion to sin.

“I am the Lord your God: be sanctified and be holy,

for I (the Lord your God) is holy ... " (Lev 11:44)

Following the example of the Holy One who called you

and be holy in all your deeds (1 Fri 1:15)

In ancient times, all members of the Church were called "saints" (Ps 88:20; Rom 15:26) , because everyone was striving for non-participation in evil and all impurity.

Holiness - this is the key concept of Orthodox spirituality. Holiness is not identical with moral perfection, although it denotes the highest moral state of a person (cf. Lev 19: 2; Mt 5:48; Luke 6:36)... If you follow the Old and New Testaments, that person is called pious, morally pure and perfect, who is sanctified by God and belongs to God.

Holiness of non-human origin. This is God's gift to man for his work, for his rejection of evil, for his choice. If a person chooses God in his life, then the Lord Himself purifies him, and He Himself saves, and fills him with Divine life.

The concept of holiness differs from morality in that it is not autonomous. This is an expression of the relationship of two: God and man.

A person who is called a saint is already, as a rule, moral, but is distinguished by spiritual perfection and closeness to God.

The church calls saints people who have been honored by the church for special services before God, who have become famous for their exploits of Christian love and piety. "The saints are the sons of God, the sons of the Kingdom, joint heirs of God and joint heirs of Christ. Therefore, I honor the saints and glorify ..." - wrote John of Damascus. The veneration of saints dates back to the first centuries of Christianity. It was confirmed and consolidated by the acts of the Seventh Ecumenical Council, held in Nicaea in 787: “We call the saints to mediate between God, so that they pray to Him for us; we invoke them not as any gods, but as His friends who serve Him, praise Him and worship Him.

We demand their help not because they can help us by their own strength; but because of their intercession, they ask us for grace from God. " Having adopted the Orthodox faith from Byzantium in the 10th century, Ancient Russia began to worship its saints, whose host by this time included many ascetics. Among them, in addition to the apostles, disciples and followers of Christ, were the teachers of the church, monks, martyrs and other righteous people who were famous for their virtues and deeds of faith. With the adoption of Christianity by Russia, they spread their protective cover over it.

The Byzantine Saint Nicholas (? –345), bishop of the city of Myra in Lycia, became the most revered saint of the Russian Church. Many legends, tales, spiritual verses are dedicated to him. In them, he acts as an emergency helper in a variety of troubles, a keeper of those who sail and travel. He is “a protector and protector of all sorrowful ones, a refuge for all those who are in trouble, a pillar of piety, a faithful champion.” They pinned hopes for help after death with Saint Nicholas. Saints Basil the Great (329–?) And John Chrysostom (347–?), Who were famous for their tireless labors in organizing the foundations of life and strengthening the church, developing monasteries and ascetic practices, and fighting heresies, were also widely revered.

Their main writings were known in Russia. The saints were especially revered as the creators of the rite of the liturgy - the main divine service of the Christian church. Basil the Great and John Chrysostom almost always represent the face of the holy fathers in the Deesis row of the Russian iconostasis, their images are placed on the Royal Doors. They became a lofty model for the pastors of the Russian Church, their theological writings formed the basis of Russian spiritual life. The Cappadocian warrior-martyr George became almost as loved as Nicola, who underwent cruel torture for the Christian faith and was beheaded under the emperor Diocletian (III century). His veneration in Russia was widespread. In the church calendar, he has two memorable days: spring, April 23 / May 6, and autumn, November 26 / December 9.

Numerous works of spiritual literature are dedicated to Saint George the Victorious, cities and princes were named after him, hopes were pinned on him to protect their native land from enemies. One of the events in the life of the saint associated with his victory over the serpent was especially famous. In the popular mind, the image of St. George the Zmieborets began to be associated with the ideas of military exploit, victory over the forces of evil and, in general, the saving power of the Christian faith. The Abbot of the Sinai Monastery, Saint John Climacus (6th century), enjoyed great veneration in Russia. He received his nickname for the composition “The Ladder of Paradise," which became a guide for many generations of Russian monasticism. In it, Saint John presented the life of a monk in the form of a staircase leading to heaven, the path which requires constant spiritual and physical stress and self-improvement.

The Byzantine holy martyrs brothers Flor and Laurus, Paraskeva and Anastasia, Kozma and Damian and a long line of other heroes of the faith became the beloved saints of the Russian people, their heavenly patrons and helpers in life and work. The deep experience of their exploits became the spiritual basis from which Russian national holiness was born and developed. Less than a century has passed since the Baptism of Rus, and in the depths of Russian religious life, righteous men began to appear. They went to God in different ways: some - staying in the world, others - leaving for monasteries. The beginning of Russian holiness is associated, first of all, with Kiev - the capital city of Rus. The first Russian saints were Boris and Gleb, the sons of the Kiev Grand Duke Vladimir, who baptized Russia. In 1015, they were killed by order of the half-brother of Svyatopolk, who, after the death of his father, saw them as rivals in the struggle for the princely throne.

In 1071 Boris and Gleb were elevated to the rank of saints. The veneration of brothers-martyrs quickly spread throughout the Russian land and beyond. In the period preceding the Tatar-Mongol conquest (until the middle of the XIII century), the day of remembrance of the holy princes Boris and Gleb was reckoned among the great holidays of the year. They entered the consciousness of the Russian people as an example of self-sacrifice, courage, gentleness and brotherly love. They were revered as patrons and defenders of newly baptized Rus, an example of princely sanctity. On icons painted in subsequent centuries depicting holy princes, the brothers always appear first among them (the icon "The Intercession", cat. 292, ill. 130, folding Procopius Chirin, cat. 304, ill. 134 ). In their exploits of spiritual fortitude, humility and devotion to God, Boris and Gleb became an example for new generations of Russian princes. Since the 16th century, their images appear in the Deesis ranks of temple iconostases, where brothers appear before the throne of the Lord in prayer for the human race, following the apostles and saints. ...

Another type of holiness that was born in this era is monastic holiness. Monasteries like the Greek ones began to arise in Kiev immediately after the Baptism of Rus, but they began to be most actively founded after the appearance in 1051 of the Dormition Kiev-Pechersk monastery, which became the standard for followers of later centuries and which showed Russian Orthodoxy high examples of spiritual service and heroism. About fifty bishops came out of the walls of the monastery, carrying his sermon and charter to different ends of Russia. Its founders, Saints Anthony and Theodosius, following the ideals of the great Palestinian ascetics of the first centuries of Christianity, embodied the type of monk succinctly characterized by the famous researcher of Russian holiness G.P. Fedotov, who wrote about Saint Theodosius: “The light of Christ seems to shine from the depths of his spirit, measuring the significance of deeds and virtues by the gospel measure.

That is how St. Theodosius in the history of Russian asceticism, as its founder and image: a teacher of spiritual fullness and wholeness where it flows, like the foolishness of humility, from the gospel image of the humiliated Christ. ”4. Descendants will compare their names with the names of the founders of monasticism - Anthony the Great (251– 356) and Theodosius the Great (424-529). The legendary Alipy, the first icon painter of pre-Mongol Rus' known by his name, also emerged from the Kiev Caves Monastery.5 Life calls him an imitator of the Evangelist Luke, who painted the first icon of the Mother of God. In the Kiev-Pechersk Patericon, the high spiritual virtues of the icon painter are emphasized. The story of the healing of a leper, whom he healed by smearing his wounds with paints of different colors, is characteristic. After his death, Alipy was canonized. In a later version of his Life it is said that his miraculous icons he connected heaven and earth6. The reckoning of the righteous among the saints was not always the same.

Most often, his all-Russian veneration was preceded by local glorification. Thus, St. Alexander Nevsky began to be venerated in the Vladimir land in the 13th century, and his all-Russian canonization took place only in the middle of the 16th century. The church celebration of the memory of the holy youth Artemy Verkolsky, who died in 1545, was established around 16197, but the inhabitants of the Arkhangelsk village of Verkoly began to venerate him about forty years after the boy's death. There are many similar examples. church calendar... A written life was compiled, an iconic image must be created. It could be painted on the basis of verbal portraits transmitted from the memoirs of contemporaries, or reproduced the image of the saint revealed during the opening of his relics.

These spiritual portraits were painted according to the tradition and principles long established in Byzantine iconography and literature, such as the iconic portrait of St. Cyril of Belozersky, painted shortly after his death (cat. 143, ill. 65). The first icon of the saint often became his tombstone. Thus, the basis of one of the iconography versions of the holy brothers Boris and Gleb was the image placed on their tombstones 8. Here, a type of icons of selected saints widespread in Byzantine art was used - standing in a row, frontally, with crosses and their attributes. This tradition is followed by the famous icon of the XIV century - one of the brightest and most significant works of Old Russian icon painting (cat. 7, ill. 1). On it, brothers-martyrs appear standing side by side, facing directly to the one who is praying.

They are dressed in princely clothes, their hands are clasped with crosses (symbols of their faith and martyrdom) and swords (instruments of martyrdom and military attributes). In the similarity of poses, gestures and appearance of the brothers - an expression of the community of their destinies and an inextricable connection in life and death; in beauty and perfection of appearance - evidence of high spiritual virtues. The figures of the holy princes occupy almost the entire surface of the icon, their elbows are slightly apart, as if closing in a protective gesture. They are "the hope and support of the Russian land, double-edged swords." From the most ancient period of Russian history, preceding the Tatar-Mongol conquest, the names of many saints who became famous in different lands of Russia have survived, including Anthony the Roman and Varlaam of Khutynsky, who were venerated in Novgorod, Avraamy of Rostov, the columnist Nikita Pereslavsky, the saints Prince of Kiev and Princess Olga Already in this era, the peculiarities of the local veneration of saints took shape.

They were especially pronounced in Veliky Novgorod. Novgorod, a powerful economic and cultural center, rivaled Kiev in its importance for Orthodox Russia. The veneration of the rulers of the Novgorod church acquired an important place in his spiritual life. Since 1169, when the city turned into a boyar republic, they began to be called archbishops. The archbishop was elected at the veche by lot and enjoyed high prestige among the inhabitants. His personality served as an example of a high ascetic feat. The Novgorod rulers maintained direct contacts with the spiritual hierarchs of Constantinople and Kiev. The disciple of the Monks Anthony and Theodosius of the Caves was the Novgorod bishop Nikita (? –1108), who came from the monks of this monastery. Bishop Niphont (? –1157) also came from the Caves monks. The activities of the rulers were deeply connected with the historical life of Novgorod, with the problems and aspirations of its inhabitants.

The rulers were the main conciliators in political disputes, "prayer books", teachers and guardians of the city. Most of the Novgorod rulers were buried in the Cathedral of St. Sophia - the cathedral church of Novgorod. Twenty bishops who occupied the Novgorod see from the 12th to the beginning of the 16th century were canonized at various times. Among them is Archbishop John (? –1189), whose image is shown on the lid of his shrine from the burial in St. Sophia Cathedral (cat. 72, ill. 26). An event from Novgorod history that happened in 1170 was associated with his name - the miraculous salvation of the city from the invasion of Suzdal troops thanks to the help received from the icon of the Mother of God of the Sign. This episode was embodied in the unique iconography of Novgorod icons (cat. 71, ill. 25). The wave of the Tatar-Mongol invasion of the middle of the 13th century washed away many cities and monasteries in the southern lands of Russia, bringing despair and desolation.

This era gave birth to heroes of the highest courage among the Russian princes. Saint Prince Mikhail Vsevolodovich of Chernigov, who voluntarily accepted a martyr's death for the Christian faith from the Tatar khan Batu in 1246, became the heir of saints Boris and Gleb in spiritual fortitude. Half a century later, Prince Mikhail Yaroslav of Tazar followed him. executed in 1318 in the Horde by order of Uzbek Khan. Now the centers of spiritual activity are mainly moving to the north, to the Rostov-Suzdal land. Many ascetics develop monastic practice here, found new monasteries, turning them into centers of spiritual enlightenment and culture. As early as the 11th century in Rostov, Saints Leonty and Isaiah, who were called the apostles of the Rostov land, became famous: unfaithful people were consecrated by faith (as it is written in the troparion to Saint Leontius from the Menaion of 1646).

Both came from the Kiev-Pechersk Monastery, they were distinguished by tireless labors in the fight against pagans and the establishment of Orthodoxy, meekness and firmness in the faith. In the 13th century, Bishop Ignatius became their heir. These three saints for all subsequent centuries will be recognized as the holy defenders and patrons of Rostov. In the canon to the Rostov saints, written around 1480, they are likened to the great Christian holy fathers Basil the Great, John Chrysostom and Gregory the Theologian. The coming XIV century went down in history as the flourishing century of Russian monasticism. In this era of great asceticism, more than forty monasteries were founded, in which people communed with God and holiness at the cost of great self-denial, physical efforts and deeds of faith. Despite the terrible impoverishment and devastation of the land, according to Father Pavel Florensky, “the deep peace that corrupted Russia”, the preaching of brotherly love, mercy and unity was heard louder and louder.

It is associated primarily with the name of St. Sergius of Radonezh. Let us cite a capacious and vivid description of it given by Father A. Schmemann: “In the image of St. Sergius (1320-1392), Orthodox holiness is resurrected in its entirety, in all its light. From going into the wilderness, through physical asceticism, self-crucifixion, humility to the last illumination of Tabor's Light, to “partaking” of the Kingdom of Heaven, Venerable. Sergius also repeats the path of all the great witnesses of Orthodoxy from its first centuries ... "Sergius founded a monastery near Moscow in the name of the Holy Trinity, which quickly became a center of spiritual attraction. Princes and peasants followed for consolation and advice, here the warring ones humbled, here he received a blessing from the holy before the Battle of Kulikovo Dmitry Donskoy. Many disciples and followers of Saint Sergius carried his sermon of love, non-possession and the experience of "inner work" to the near and distant borders of Russia.

Among them are Nikon Radonezhsky, Savva Storozhevsky, Pafnutiy Borovsky, the saint of the Vologda land Dimitri Prilutsky, Kirill Belozersky - the most famous saint of the Russian North, the creator of the monastery, which grew up, following the Trinity-Sergius, into the largest spiritual school. The 15th century is probably most associated with the names of the Monks Zosima and Savvaty, the founders of the Solovetsky Monastery, who turned it into a powerful center and stronghold of Orthodoxy in Pomorie. The places of exploits and resting places of the reverend fathers became centers of pilgrimage. Over time, their burials turned into true treasuries of art, as was the case, for example, in the monastery of St. Alexander of Svir (1448-1533), founded by him in the Olonets region. By the 18th century, an ensemble of works by the best Moscow masters had formed here.

Remarkable is the gilded silver shrine with the image of the saint donated by Tsar Mikhail Fedorovich and made by the craftsmen of the Moscow Kremlin Armory (cat. 238, ill. 105), as well as the cover on the silver shrine, embroidered in the parlors of Tsarina Evdokia Lukyanovna (cat. 239, ill. 102) ). The custom of covering coffins with the remains of saints is associated with the Orthodox tradition of hiding holy relics until the future resurrection. A portrait image of the saint was placed on the covers. There could be several such covers on the tomb at the same time. The covers with the images of Saints Anthony of Pechersky (cat. 41, fig. 13), Cyril Belozersky (cat. 147), Zosima and Savvaty of Solovetsky (cat. 169, 170, fig. 76, 77) are distinguished by their high skill of execution. The iconography of the monks is presented in a wide and varied manner. Often their images are surrounded by stamps illustrating the events of the lives.

Among the most striking and significant works are two icons of St. Cyril Belozersky, created by the famous master of the second half of the 15th - early 16th century Dionysius and icon painters of his school for the Assumption Cathedral of the Kirillo-Belozersky Monastery (cat. 140, 141, fig. 59, 63). in both icons, his slender figure is like a candle. Saint Joseph of Volotsky said about Cyril: “As if there is a shining light on the top of the shelf in modern times.” The modesty of his appearance reminds of a harsh life devoid of external brilliance, the main goal of which was high service to God, constant and consistent self-improvement: “The life of the righteous is cruel in this in the world, works are fulfilled, but in the highest there is the most beautiful. "The bright face, surrounded by a golden halo, is full of meekness. On the scroll there are inscriptions calling to preserve the purity of the soul and body and unhypocritical love," turn away from evil and bad deeds ... "

One of the hallmarks of the life contains the image of St. Sergius talking with St. Cyril. Their conversation is a source of wisdom, an impulse to spiritual deeds, a reminder of continuity in the work of service. "As for the creation and correction of souls, they create conversation," wrote the Monk Nil of Sorsk, "in different bodies, but they are conjugated and combined with spiritual love." opening of showers towards each other. Sometimes the most important events in the life of a saint become the themes of individual icons. This is how, for example, the icons "The Vision of St. Sergius" appeared, depicting the appearance of the Monk Mother of God (cat. 106-108, ill. 51, 52). Since the end of the 16th century, the custom of depicting monasteries founded by them alongside ascetics has spread. Usually the monastery on the icon is located at the feet of the saint, and the topography and appearance its buildings are shown quite accurately. Especially often such works are found in the 18th and 19th centuries (for example, cat. 188, 193, fig. 84, 88).

These small images, as a rule, were painted in the monasteries themselves or on their orders. Sometimes, as in the icon of the Monks Zosima and Savvaty of Solovetsky, the saints hold their monastery in their hands or humbly offer it to the Lord (cat. 166, ill. 80). Russian ascetics take their place alongside the great leaders of the entire Orthodox world. They are perceived as a real embodiment of the discourses of Saint Simeon the New Theologian about the saints who, following one another from generation to generation, “form a kind of golden chain, where each of them is a link, each is connected with the previous one in faith, labors and love, as if they were the only line to the one God that cannot be broken. " This idea was clearly embodied in icons with selected saints. A typical example of such an icon is “Selected Saints with the Mother of God of the Sign” (cat. 58, ill. 22).

Four saints are depicted standing in a row against a gold background, closely adjoining one another and facing the worshipers in front. They are the same height, their silhouettes almost repeat each other, the poses are similar. Their faces are equally strict and detached. This similarity and unity of rhythms is the embodiment of their spiritual unity in faith and firmness. Presented here are Saint John the Merciful, the local Saint Barlaam of Khutynsky and the holy wives-martyrs Paraskeva and Anastasia. All together they are a reliable and strong defense of Novgorod, its indestructible wall and heavenly shield. Above them is the main shrine of the city, its palladium - the Mother of God of the Sign. The Monk Varlaam is placed here among the beloved Christian saints in Russia, especially in Novgorod; he is equal and equal to them and stands before the Lord for the Novgorodians as the patron of this land and at the same time on behalf of all Orthodox monks.

On the icon dated 1498 (cat. 283, ill. 125), the saints are placed in two rows. In the lower one is Saint Leonty of Rostov between Saint Anthony the Great and the Prophet Elijah, above them are a number of saints, in which the Novgorod Saint Varlaam of Khutynsky and Sergius of Radonezh stand next to Pimen the Great, Theodosius the Great, Euthymius the Great and Onuphrius the Great. and continue it. From the end of the 15th century, the images of Russian monks were placed in the Deesis ranks of church iconostases, following the martyrs. Most often these are Saints Sergius of Radonezh and Cyril Belozersky. In the Deesis of the northern lands there are images of Zosima and Savvaty of Solovetsky and Varlaam of Khutynsky. Saints are often represented as standing before Christ or the Mother of God in humble prayers. Often, their images are placed on the margins of icons dedicated to Christ or the Mother of God, where they act as holy intercessors for those praying. Typically, these icons are small (pyadnichny) size. They were either contributions to a church or monastery, or they were created in the monastery itself for parishioners (cat. 135, ill. 57).

Along with the monastic, hermitic saintliness, the spiritual life of Russia in the XIV-XV centuries provides an example of another sainthood - that of saint. Church shepherds appear - the organizers of the national church. And the first among them is Saint Metropolitan Peter (? –1326). At the age of twelve he became a monk, and in 1308 he was elevated to the rank of metropolitan. His most important merit in this dignity was the transfer of the metropolitan see from Vladimir to Moscow, which strengthened the position of the latter among the Russian lands and initiated its transformation into the spiritual capital of Russia. Saint Peter predicted the liberation of Moscow from the Tatars and its rise among other Russian lands, therefore he was revered as the patron saint of the city and the defender against the attacks of the "filthy." degree is associated with the idea of ​​the reigning city of Moscow: "to the city of Moscow approval and praise." The third of the most revered Moscow saints is Saint Jonah (? –1461), who occupied the metropolitan table in 1448.

His tireless labors were aimed at strengthening the Russian Church and Orthodoxy. He predicted the ruin of the great Horde and the imminent liberation of Russia from the Tatar yoke. All three saints are traditionally depicted in cross-shaped holy robes, omophores and white hoods. Since the end of the 15th century, the images of Metropolitans Peter and Alexy, like the image of St. Leonty of Rostov, have been placed in the Deesis ranks of the iconostases (cat. 201, 202, ill. 93). Later, after the establishment in 1596 of a common celebration for all three Moscow metropolitans, they were often presented together (cat. 219-221, ill. 90, 96.98). Among the Moscow saints, a special place is occupied by Metropolitan Philip, the shepherd-martyr of the era of Ivan the Terrible, who "suffered most fiercely" for the truth of piety and the exposure of the unrighteous actions of the tsar and the oprichnina (cat. 251). One of his best images is embroidered on a veil created in 1590- e years in the workshop of Tsarina Irina Fedorovna Godunova for the saint's tomb in the Solovetsky Monastery (cat. 250, ill. 107).

In the middle of the 16th century, at the initiative of Tsar Ivan the Terrible and the head of the church, Metropolitan Macarius of Moscow, two church councils (1547, 1549) were held on the canonization of the saints of the Russian land. The councils were preceded by a tremendous amount of work to identify the locally venerated righteous who had not yet received the all-Russian veneration. Thirty-nine righteous people were added to the faces of the saints. After the all-Russian canonization, decrees were sent everywhere to celebrate the memory of the "new miracle workers" everywhere. Their images appear on the icons-menaea and calendar tablets, which reproduce their appearance. At the same time, it blooms special kind holiness - foolishness, less widespread in previous centuries. Foolish, servants of Christ, who refused all the blessings of worldly life and accepted norms of behavior in public life, exposed vices and injustice, not fearing anger and persecution from the authorities. They had the gift of consolation and foresight.

The blessed sorrowers for the humiliated and offended have earned deep affection and recognition among the people. The image of a fool in Christ has been known since the first centuries of Christianity and came to Russia from Byzantium. Saint Andrew (X century) gained wide popularity and veneration here, with whose name the miraculous appearance of the Mother of God in the Blachernae Church in Constantinople and the miracle of the Intercession were associated. Most of the holy fools of the 14th and 15th centuries are associated with Novgorod. Among them are Saints Michael Klopsky and Procopius, who later left for Veliky Ustyug (cat. 69, 183, ill. 24, 82). In the 16th century, the Moscow holy fool Vasily the Blessed (cat. 270), who was not afraid to reproach Tsar Ivan the Terrible for his cruelty, became especially famous. Soon after his death, the Church of the Intercession on Red Square was named after him. The 17th century begins with the canonization in 1606 of Tsarevich Dimitri, the youngest son of Ivan the Terrible, who was killed, according to his Life, in Uglich.

His early martyrdom at the hands of villains reminded of the innocent death and spiritual feat of Saints Boris and Gleb. Contemporaries saw Dimitri Tsarevich as the patron saint of Russian princes, the invincible guardian of the Russian state and peacemaker from internecine warfare. The Stroganov family treated him with special reverence. His icon was installed in the family tomb of the Stroganovs in Solvychegodsk, and his image was embroidered on swaddling clothes in Stroganov's rooms. On a beautiful shroud of 1656, executed in the studio of A.I. Stroganova (cat. 277, ill. 121), Tsarevich Dimitri is shown surrounded by the whole church - the saints, led by Christ and the Mother of God, among whom the holy defenders of Russia and her pastors prevail - Metropolitans of Moscow Peter, Alexy, Jonah and Philip, the Monks Sergius of Radonezh, Cyril Belozersky, Zosima and Savvaty of Solovetsky, John of Ustyug. Having approached the threshold of the New Age, Russia with good reason could call itself a "saint", the main guardian of the great Byzantine heritage and the Orthodox faith. A multitude of righteous men of various ranks of holiness preserved Russia, nourished its spiritual life, and raised its importance in the Christian world high.

About the all-blessedness and God-wisdom of the saints of God, they have subdued the Russian Land by sanctifying their bodies, like the seed of faith, left in it, with their souls coming to the Throne of God and constantly praying for it!

Behold, now on the day of your common triumph we, your sinful little brethren, dare to bring you singing of praise. We magnify your great deeds, spiritual warriors of Christ, with patience and courage to the end, who have deposed the enemy and us from the delusion and intrigues of delivering him. We delight your holy life, lamps of divinity, shining with the light of faith and virtues and illuminating our minds and hearts with God-wisdom. We glorify your great miracles, bloom raistia, in our country to the north, prosperity is beautiful and the aromas of gifts and miracles are fragrant everywhere. We praise your god-imitating love, our patronage and patronage, and, hoping for your help, we fall to you and cry: our enlightenment equals to the apostles! Help the people of the Russian Land to keep the Orthodox faith you have betrayed, so that the salutary seed, all that you have given, will not be dried up by the heat of unbelief, but by the rain of God's haste, let it be watered, let it bear abundant fruit.

Holy Hierarch of Christ! By your prayers, affirm the Russian Church, heresies, schisms and disorders in it, consume the squandered sheep together, and protect them from all wolves in the clothing of sheep entering the flock of Christ.

Reverend Fathers! Save us from the delights of this deceitful world, but denied ourselves and take up our cross, let us follow Christ, crucifying our flesh with passions and lusts, bearing each other's burdens.

Prince of good faith! Look mercifully at your earthly fatherland and all the ungodliness and temptations that exist in it now, use your prayers with the weapon, yes, as in ancient times, so it is now, and in the coming time, the name of the Lord is glorified in Holy Russia.

Passion-bearers of Russian glory! Strengthen us in prayer standing even to the rooftop for the Orthodox faith and the customs of the fatherland, but neither sorrow, nor crampedness, nor persecution, nor glory, nor nakedness, nor misfortune, nor the sword will be able to separate us from the love of God, even about Christ Jesus.

Beatitudes, Christ for the sake of holy foolishness and righteousness! Shame on the wisdom of this world, ascending to the Mind of God. Help us, the temptations of the wisdom of the world to an unshakable being, more heavenly, and not earthly thoughts, have been established by the saving riot of the Cross of Christ.

God-wise wives, in a weak nature the feats of greatness have shown! Pray that the spirit of your love for the Lord and zeal for pleasing and for your own and your neighbor's salvation do not diminish in us.

All our saints, our kinsmen, who shone forth from the ancient years and who have struggled in the last days, appearing and not appearing, knowing and not knowing! Remember our weakness and humiliation, and with your prayers, ask Christ our God, and we, having comfortably floated the depths of life and safeguarded the treasure of faith, will reach eternal salvation in the abode of eternal salvation, together with you and with all the saints who have pleased him from time immemorial. Let us settle down, by the grace and love of mankind of our Savior Jesus Christ, He with the Eternal Father and the Holy Spirit deserves unceasing praise and worship from all creatures forever and ever. Amen.


O great saddens and our intercessors before God for the Russian Land! The saints of Christ: Peter, Alexis, Jono and Philip, and the holy martyr Hermogenes, our reverend fathers Anthony and Theodosius, Zosima and Savvaty, Sergius and Nikon, and all the new wonderworkers glorified by God in our days: Theodosius, Seraphim, Joasaph, Pitne and the Holy Patriarchs Job and Tikhon and other saints of God who have shone within the boundaries of Orthodox Russia! Hear the mournful prayer of us sinful Russian people: our, once Holy Russia, your fatherland, is dying from the lawlessness of our sons. The saving Orthodoxy is already wavering, the sword of God is already flashing over the fruitless tree of sinful Russia, the terrible sentence of the Lord is already heard in our conscience: the Kingdom of God will be taken away from you and given to the people who create its fruits. We nevertheless dare to call you our relatives: you are relatives to us by blood, by your earthly fatherland, you are our closest intercessors before God. Behold our great sorrow, behold our fierce misfortune, the common misfortune of your native land ... Come to her aid, beg the Lady of the world - the Mother of God, may She, Merciful, have mercy on us sinners; for a thousand years She covered, interceded Russia in all its troubles and misfortunes: may not even now turn away His face from the Russian people for our sins, may it stand between us and His angry Son and God, and, lifting up His pure hands, packs and packs yes He will plead with His mercy to turn anger into mercy for the sake of the blood of which so much was shed by our soldiers for God's truth, for our brothers, for the Orthodox faith and native land, for the bitter orphans who were left helpless after our murdered brothers, for the poor and poor, deprived of bread vital, for the sake of thousands of our crippled soldiers, for the sake of all those who grieve and are burdened, longing for Christ's consolation and Her Mother's intercession. O holy saints of God, our relatives in the flesh! Encourage to prayer for us and the world, so beloved by Russia, the great Wonderworker Nicholas and all the apostles, prophets, martyrs, saints, saints and righteous; stir up the Archangels and Angels and the whole Church, triumphant in heaven: your native Russia is in great danger and at the hour of the terrible Judgment of God over her calls out to you: save her with your prayer intercession! We know, sinners, that as long as we are alive, until the doors of God's mercy have not been closed, until then the Lord is still ready to accept our repentance: ask Him for repentance itself, and punish us, but may not betray our people to death and destruction. Amen.


Holy New Martyr and Confessor to the Church of Russia, hear our fervent prayer! Wema, as if not from you, are still adolescents, listening to the ancient passion-bearers, thinking in their hearts, coliko kindly and mercifully there are such imitations, neither torment nor death separating them from the love of God. It is good for you, as if you followed the natural faith and patience of those you hear about them and their beloved. And yet, at any time, it is possible that there are influences on us by an accidental test, ask the Lord for the gift of courage to us; All the ends of our fatherland, with their suffering, sanctified, as if we had a prayer book for all of us, pray to God to save His people from the yoke, which is more terrible than any other. And let the sin that gravitates on the Russian people be forgiven: the murder of the tsar, the anointed of God, the saints and shepherds with the flock, and the sufferings of confessors, and the desecration of our holy things. May the schisms in our Church be abolished, may all be one and may the Lord lead His laborers into the harvest, may the Church not become scarce with good shepherds, who may enlighten such a great multitude of people with the light of the true faith, the faith of the unlearned, or those who have turned away from the faith. Do not deserve the mercy of God, even more suffering for your sake, may Christ our God bless and have mercy on all of us who call you to help. But we to Him, our Savior, with the Father and with the Holy Spirit, contrition for sin and always bring thanksgiving for everything, glorifying Him forever and ever. Amen.

HOLY EQUAL Apostolic Grand Duke VLADIMIR

The grandson of the holy princess Olga, Vladimir was at first a pagan, but, feeling inwardly the emptiness and lies of idolatry, he survived conversion. In 988 he received Holy Baptism from the Greeks and baptized his people.

St. Vladimir built churches and schools, took care of the poor and orphans, was an example of mercy and hospitality.

Orthodox Church under St. Vladimir becomes the spiritual leader and enlightener of the Russian people, thus, it was Prince Vladimir Svyaty who laid the indestructible spiritual foundation of the thousand-year Russian history.


O great and glorious servant of God, chosen by God and glorified by God, equal to the apostles to Prince Vladimir, holy and great instrument of the all-good Providence for the salvation of the Russian people! You have rejected you evil and pagan wickedness, you believed in the One True Trinitarian God, and having received holy Baptism, you enlightened the kingdom of Russia with the light of divine faith and piety. Gloriously and thanksgiving to the Most-merciful Creator and Savior of ours, we glorify and thank you, the great shepherd and our Father, as you know the saving faith of Christ, and we are baptized in the name of the Most Holy and Most Divine Trinity: by the same faith we are delivered from the servant of the Diaspora and eternal condemnation hellish torment: by that faith, through the perceptions, the grace of being offered to God and the hope of inheriting heavenly bliss. You are our first leader to the ruler and perfecter of our eternal salvation, the Lord Jesus Christ: you are the closest primate before the throne of the King of reigns and a warm prayer book and intercessor for the kingdom of All Russia, for its ruler of the people and for all people: you are the primary culprit of the blessings and mercies of God resting on it. And what else are we talking about? Our language cannot depict the height of your benefits, poured out on us, unworthy. But, about our foolishness and blindness! I receive a fraction of a good deed, I am not imputed for anything, and I will take the revenge of their saving fruits. Having washed ourselves from sin in the font of baptism and put on the clothes of purity and innocence, desecrating these God-given clothes by our student deeds and our thoughts: renouncing Satan and his aggels, we enslave him, serving the idols of our passions, the world, the flesh and the evil custom of Christ of the age: , I will take out offending Him with our iniquities, with various ulcers of pride, envy, anger, backbiting, intemperance and contempt for the Holy Church: clinging wholly to vain blessings, as if imagining to stay on earth forever: we do not think about heaven, about the soul, about death, oh Judgment, about endless eternity. For this, we raise up on this righteous anger and condemnation of God, we deeply insult and grieve your fatherly love and care for us: you have enlightened us with Holy Baptism, and you will help us to obtain heavenly bliss and earthly prosperity: we, however, are unreasonable, by evil will we ourselves expose ourselves to hellish torments and temporary disasters! But, oh all-good Father and our enlightener! Be merciful to our weakness, longsuffering to our sins and unrighteousness: beseech the Most Merciful Heavenly King, may he not be angry with us and destroy us with our iniquities, but may he have mercy and save us, in the image of the message of destinies: may a saving fear plant in our hearts His own, may our mind enlighten with His grace, in the hedgehog behold the abyss of destruction for us, we strive to leave the paths of wickedness and error, turn to the path of salvation and truth, unswervingly fulfill the commandments of God and the statutes of the Holy Church. Pray, in mercy, God who loves mankind, may He show us His great mercy: may He save us from the invasion of foreigners, from internal disturbances, rebellions and strife, from hunger, deadly diseases and from all evil: may He give us the goodness of the air and the fruitfulness of the earth: may He preserve and save our Fatherland from all the intrigues and slander of the enemy: may it grant us victory over our enemies, may it fulfill all our good desires: may it protect our state with wise and faithful leaders, may it preserve truth and mercy in judges and rulers? may it give the spiritual shepherd the integrity of life and zeal for the salvation of the flock, for all people zeal in the performance of their duties, mutual love and like-mindedness, striving for the good of the Fatherland and the Holy Church: may it spread the light of saving faith in our kingdom in all its ends: may it turn unbelievers to the faithfulness: may it abolish all heresies and schisms, yes, so we lived in peace on earth, let us be vouchsafed with you eternal bliss, praising and exalting God forever and ever. Amen.


St. Alexander was born in 1220; in 1240, when the Swedes attacked Northern Russia, he was a Novgorod prince; won a brilliant victory over the Swedes on the Neva, for which he received the nickname Nevsky. Two years later, in 1242, he defeated the German knight invaders at Lake Peipsi.

St. Alexander was a wise statesman who reconciled the Russian princes among themselves: he tried to soften for Russia the yoke of the Tatar khans, the leaders of the Golden Horde.

As an example of Christian piety and purity in his personal life, St. Alexander Nevsky was loved and revered by the Russian people as a great sadden and defender of the Russian Land.


A quick helper of all who zealously come running to you and our warm representative before the Lord, holy noble Grand Duke Alexandra! Look mercifully on us unworthy, many iniquities are obscene to themselves, to the race of your relics (or: to your icon) now flowing and crying out to you from the depths of your heart: in your life you were a zealot and defender of the Orthodox faith, and you were warm in us Confirm to God by prayers. Thou great, entrusted to thee, you carefully passed the service, and with your help, abide with someone, in whom you are called to eat, instruct. You, having defeated the regiments of adversaries, drove you away from the Russian borders, and put down all visible and invisible enemies against us. You, having left the perishable crown of the earthly kingdom, have chosen a silent life, and now you are righteously crowned with an incorruptible crown, reign in heaven, intercede with us, we humbly pray to you, a quiet and serene life and your unswerving procession to the eternal Kingdom, your unswerving intercession. Standing with all the saints to the throne of God, pray for all Orthodox Christians, may the Lord God preserve them with His grace in peace, health, long life and all prosperity in the due summer, may we always glorify and bless God, in the Trinity of the Holy God the glorious Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, now and ever and forever and ever. Amen.


The Monk Sergius of Radonezh is one of the most famous Russian saints. The founder of the Trinity-Sergius Lavra, teacher and mentor of many dozens of Russian saints canonized by the Church, the Monk became truly the hegumen and intercessor of the entire Russian Land, a model of meekness and humility for monks and laity.

Ailing heart for the Fatherland in the difficult years of the Tatar yoke, the Monk Sergius blessed St. Prince Dimitry Donskoy, prayed for victory, remembered day and night those who gave their lives for the Motherland.

The Monk Sergius of Radonezh is an ardent and faithful minister of the Holy Trinity as an image of Divine Love in the history of the Russian Church.


O sacred head, venerable and God-bearing our Father Sergius, by your prayer, and by faith and love, even to God, and by the purity of heart, even on earth to the monastery of the Most Holy Trinity, having arranged your soul, and angelic fellowship and the Most Holy Theotokos were honored to visit, and the gift of miraculous Received grace, after your departure from the earthly, especially approaching God and joining the heavenly powers, but from us also by the spirit of your love, persistent, and your honest relics, like a vessel of grace full and overflowing, leaving us! Having great boldness towards the all-merciful Ruler, pray to save His servants, who believe in His grace and flow to you with love. Help us, may our Fatherland be well-governed in peace and prosperity, and may all resistance submit to its feet. Ask us from our great God every gift that is useful to everyone and to everyone: keeping faith is blameless, affirming our cities, peace of peace, deliverance from gladness and destruction, preservation from the invasion of aliens, consolation for grieving, not afraid of healing, fallen exaltation, erring on the path of truth and salvation return, for those who strive for strengthening, those who do good in good deeds, prosperity and blessing, upbringing as a baby, instruction for young people, for disbelieving admonition, for orphans and widows intercession, departing from this temporary life to eternal good preparation and parting words, those who have departed your blessed repose, and all Grant me, on the day of the Last Judgment, part of the deliverance, the gums of the country are fellows of being and the blessed voice of the Lord Christ to hear: come, blessings of My Father, inherit the kingdom prepared for you from the folding of the world. Amen.


The Monk Joseph was born in 1440, near Volokolamsk. At the age of twenty he accepted monasticism and asceticised first in the Paphnutiev Borovsky Monastery, and then he founded his own monastery in his homeland, in Volokolamsk.

The Monk Joseph irreconcilably denounced the heresy of the "Jews" and wrote a book against them called "The Enlightener"; he was a wise builder of monastic life, guided in everything by the infallible rules of the Holy Church. He died in 1515.


O great mentor, zealot and teacher of the Orthodox faith, holy wisdom Joseph! Accept the prayer, from us, sinners, brought to you, and with a warm intercession, pray in the Trinity to the glorious God, may He send His rich mercy to us, sinners: may he affirm in His Holy Orthodox Church right faith and piety: as her pastor, may he give holy zeal about the salvation of the verbal flock, as if they would keep the faithful, but the unbelievers and those who fell away from the true faith would be taught and converted. For all of us, ask for everything that is useful in our temporary living and useful to our eternal salvation. Remember your flock, you have gathered your hedgehog, do not forget to visit your children and, like a child-loving father, do not despise, below, reject our prayers, but lift up your hand in prayer to the Lord God, may He put off His righteous anger, which is moved on us and deliver us from the visible enemies and invisible, from gladness, flood, sword, deadly ulcers, invasions of aliens and internecine strife. To her, our merciful intercessor, glorious miracle worker, rule us all in peace and repentance, end our belly and repose with hope in the blessed bosom of Abraham, where the all-chanting name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit is ceaselessly glorified. Amen. (From akathist)


Blessed Vasily was born in 1468 in the Moscow region into a peasant family. As a youth, he was sent to study shoemaking, and at the age of 16 he fled from home, called by the Lord to the most difficult feat of foolishness, which he went through for 72 years, living in the crowded haystones of the reigning city of Moscow.

The blessed one exhausted his body with fasting, prayer and all kinds of hardships, he was perspicacious and performed many miracles, denounced the simple and noble, regardless of dignity, but knowing the inner dispensation of a person.

Basil the Blessed died in 1552, his St. The relics were laid in Moscow, in the Intercession Cathedral on Red Square.


O great servitor of Christ, true friend and faithful servant of the All-Creator of the Lord God, blessed Basil! Hear us, many sinners, now singing to you and calling on your holy name, have mercy on us, who fall today to your pure image, accept our little and unworthy prayer, have mercy on our misery and your prayers heal every ailment and illness of our sinful soul and body , and the flow of sowing life is vouchsafed to pass sinlessly from visible and invisible enemies, and the Christian end, not shameful, peaceful, serene, and the Heavenly Kingdom inheritance to receive with all the saints forever and ever. Amen.


Saint Hermogen, a native of the Don Cossacks, during the reign of Ivan the Terrible was a parish priest in the Nikolsky Church of the newly enlightened Kazan. In 1579 he participated in the glorification of the miraculous Kazan Icon of the Mother of God.

In the Time of Troubles, when, with the help of impostors and the Polish invasion, the Jesuits hoped to subjugate Russia, the Lord called St. Hermogenes to the patriarchal throne.

The Patriarch became the inspirer of the national struggle for the liberation of Moscow and all of Russia from foreign invasion, having accepted the martyr's crown in 1612.


O great saint of Christ, our saint Father Hermogenes! We are diligently flowing to you, a warm prayer book and an unashamed representative before God, asking for consolation and help in our needs and sorrows. In the ancient time of temptation, always having run out of wickedness in our country, the Lord reveals His pillar to the Church and is an unshakable shepherd to the people of Russia, who laid down his soul for sheep and drove the fierce wolves far away.

Now, look upon us, unworthy of your children, calling you with a tender soul and contrite heart. Our fortress is scarce in us, and the hostility of catching and the net has gone around us. Help us, our intercessor! Confirm us in the faith of the saints: teach us to always do the commandments of God and all the traditions of the Church, commanded to us from the Father. Be our shepherd archpastor, a spiritual warrior, a sick doctor, a sad comforter, a persecuted intercessor, a young mentor, a merciful father to everyone, and for the whole warm prayer book; as if by your prayers we protect, ceaselessly sing and glorify the all-holy Name of the Life-Giving Trinity, the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit forever and ever. Amen.


Saint Demetrius was born in 1651 in the Kiev province. Originally from the Cossacks. From a young age he chose the path of spiritual achievement: he studied at the Kiev Theological Academy, led a strict monastic life in the monasteries of Kiev and Chernigov, and possessed an outstanding gift of preaching.

In 1701, St. Demetrius was elevated to the rank of Metropolitan, and in 1702 he was appointed to the Rostov See, where he served as hierarch until his death in 1709.

The invaluable merit of St. Demetrius in front of the Church - the creation of the famous Cheti-Minea (Lives of the Saints) for the whole year, the fight against schismatics, the upbringing of proper piety in the priests and their flock.

In the apostate period of Russian history, which was, to a large extent, in the 17th century, Saint Demetrius was a hierarch who revived the culture of the Church as the highest manifestation of Russian national culture.

The relics of the saint rest in the Spaso-Yakovlev Monastery of Rostov the Great.


O brave and glorious miracle worker Demetrius, heal human ailments! You vigilantly pray to the Lord our God for all sinners: I pray to thee, be an intercessor before the Lord and an assistant to overcome the passions of my insatiable flesh and to overcome the arrows of my devil's resistance, my weak heart hurts with the image and, like a smooth and fierce beast, longs to destroy my soul. You, the saint of Christ, are my fence, you are my intercession and weapon! For your cooperation I will crush everything in me that resists the will of the King of kings. You, great miracle worker, in the days of your exploits in this world, zealous for the Orthodox Church of God, as a true and good shepherd, you were not tempted to denounce the sins and ignorance of mankind, and you guided those who deviated from the path of truth in heresy and schisms on the path of truth. Help me and me to correct the short-term path of my life, so that I will unswervingly follow the path of the commandments of God and inconceivably work in my Lord Jesus Christ, as my only Master, Redeemer and righteous Judge. Falling to this, I pray to you, God's servitor, when you remove my soul from my body, save me from dark ordeals: the imam is not for good deeds for my justification: do not give Satan pride in victory over my weak soul. Deliver me from the guyenne, where weeping and gnashing of teeth, and with your holy prayers make me a partaker of the Heavenly Kingdom in the Trinity, the glorious God, the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.


The monk came from a pious merchant family in the city of Kursk; from a young age he discovered a craving for piety and monastic exploits, at the age of 17 he left his parental home; first he pursued asceticism in the Kiev-Pechersk Lavra, and then - in the Sarov desert of the Tambov province. I spent a thousand days and nights in prayer, kneeling on a stone; for his holy life he was honored with repeated visits to the Mother of God and the saints.

The Monk Seraphim was perspicacious, healed mental and physical ailments: his prayerful help was repeatedly experienced not only by the Orthodox, but also by people of other faiths.

At the beginning of the 19th century, it was the Monk Seraphim who was truly an All-Russian prayer book and a mourner for the entire Russian Land and for every suffering person.

He died in 1833, 73 years old, kneeling while praying.

His glorification took place in the summer of 1903, with the lively and ardent participation of the Sovereign Emperor Nikolai Alexandrovich and the entire Royal Family.


O wonderful Father Seraphim, the great Sarov miracle worker, a hasty helper to everyone who comes running to you! In the days of your earthly life, no one else is thin and inconsolable from you, but the vision of your face and the benevolent voice of your words came in sweetness to everyone. To this, the gift of healings, the gift of insight, the gift of the weak souls of healing are abundant in you. Whenever God calls you from earthly labors to heavenly rest, your love will cease from us, and it is impossible to count your miracles, multiplied, like the stars of heaven: behold, all over the end of our earth, people of God appear and grant them healings. The same we also cry out to you: oh, the prettiest and meek servant of God, bold to Him a prayer-book, who doesn’t call you to cut off, lift up your benevolent prayer for us to the Lord of forces, may strengthen our state, may grant us all that is useful in this life and all to the soul useful to salvation, may he protect us from the falls of sinful ones and teach us true repentance, to bring us into the eternal Heavenly Kingdom without any doubt, where you are now in the everlasting glory, and there you will sing with all the saints the Life-Giving Trinity until the end of the age. Amen.


Saint Tikhon was born in 1865 into the family of a rural priest in the Pskov province. In 1891 he became a monk, and in 1898 he was elevated to the rank of bishop and sent to a distant American diocese.

Having done a lot for the Orthodox Church of America, Saint Tikhon won universal love and respect for himself.

In 1907 he was appointed to the Yaroslavl See, where he was also surrounded by the worship and gratitude of the pastors and flock.

After the February Revolution of 1917, Archbishop Tikhon was invited to join the newly formed Synod, and in November of the same year, the Local Council of the Russian Orthodox Church elected him Patriarch.

The patriarchal service of the saint, which fell on years truly terrible for Russia, is for us in the 20th century an example of courageous and balanced defense of our native Orthodox Church from the onslaught of the godless world.


O our good shepherd, great holy Patriarch Tikhon, as if you were a city of heaven, your good deeds still shine before people. Wema, like you, standing before the throne of the Most Holy Trinity, great and boldness in prayers before the Lord. Look also now at us, sinful and unworthy children of yours, to you, as if you have great boldness before the Creator of all, now we fall and pray earnestly: pray the Lord, that he will give us the determination to acquire the piety of our fathers, whom you have acquired from your youth. You, in your life, were a zealous defender and guardian of the true faith, help us to remain unshakable in the Orthodox faith. Your quiet soul has excelled exceedingly in divine humility, teach us our minds to nourish not the many-manned wisdom of man, but humble knowledge of the will of God. You boldly confessed Thou before the fierce enemies of Christ, Thou boldly confessed Thou, with thy prayer strengthen us, the faint-hearted, and we always and everywhere resist the spirit of godlessness and flattery.

She, the saint of God, do not despise us who pray to you, for we are not only asking for deliverance from troubles and sorrows, but we ask for strength and firmness, magnanimity and love, in order to endure these misfortunes that arise on us. Ask us unremitting patience even until the end of our life, peace with the Lord and absolution of sins.

Holy Father! Tame the winds of unbelief and turmoil in our country, may the Lord establish silence and piety and unfeigned love on the Land of Russia. With your prayers, may he save you from internecine strife, may strengthen our Holy Orthodox Church, may she not become scarce as true shepherds, good workers, rightly ruling the word of the Gospel truth. Save the error of the sheep of Christ's flock. Most importantly, pray to the Lord of strength, so that the Russian Land will be reborn with holy repentance and with one heart and one lips glorify the Divine in His saints God in the Trinity of the glorious, Father and Son and Holy Spirit for ever and ever. Amen.


St. Righteous John was born in 1829 in the village of Sura, Arkhangelsk province, into the family of a poor rural deacon. From a young age, seeing and experiencing material need, John became sensitive and compassionate to the suffering of others, without hesitation distributing to those in need everything that he had.

In 1855, John became a priest of the Kronstadt St. Andrew's Cathedral, marrying the daughter of the archpriest of this cathedral Elizabeth Nesvitskaya. The husband and wife have lived their whole lives as brother and sister, keeping bodily and mental purity.

The glory of the Kronstadt prayer book was so great during his lifetime that thousands of people gathered for confession in St.Andrew's Cathedral every day. Crowds of people accompanied the good shepherd wherever he appeared.

During the years of general spiritual and moral impoverishment that took place in Russia in the pre-revolutionary time of troubles, John of Kronstadt was an implacable denouncer of the lies of the "liberation movement", became a vivid example of unshakable faith in God, hope in His mercy for a repentant person, love for his suffering people.

Miracles performed by God through the prayers of St. John of Kronstadt, poured out before and are poured out by the now endless river on the Russian Land.


O great miracle worker and most faithful servant of God, God-bearing Father John! Look upon us and heartily heartily our prayer, as the Lord vouchsafe great gifts, so be an intercessor and a regular prayer-book for us. We are overwhelmed by sinful passions and consumed with malice, God's commandments of neglect, heartfelt repentance and sighing tears did not bring, for this for the sake of many sorrow and sorrow we deserve to appear.

But you, righteous Father, having great boldness towards the Lord and compassion for your neighbors, pray to the All-Blessed Lord of the world, may he add His mercy to us and tolerate our unrighteousness, sin will not destroy us for our sake, but graciously grant us time to repentance.

O holy saint of God, help us keep the Orthodox faith immaculately and piously preserve the commandments of God, may we not possess any iniquity, the Truth of God will be shamed below in our iniquities, but may we be vouchsafed the end of the Christian, painless, shameless, peaceful and the Mysteries of God.

We also pray to thee, righteous Father, for the hedgehog of our Holy Church until the end of the century to be more affirmed, but ask for peace and stay for our Fatherland, save it from all evils, and so our people, by God guarding them, in the unanimity of faith and in all piety and purity, in The sweetness of spiritual brotherhood, sobriety and harmony testify: as if God is with us! In Nemzha we both move and Esma, and we will abide forever. Amen.


The future elder Siluan was born into a peasant family in the Tambov province in 1866. Called for military service in St. Petersburg, he "dwelling with his mind on Mount Athos and at the Last Judgment", receives from St. righteous John of Kronstadt blessing for monastic exploits and in 1892 he became a novice of the Russian Panteleimon monastery on Mount Athos.

The monastic exploits of the Monk Silouan were secret, but the special grace that emanated from him was felt by everyone, from ordinary workers to church hierarchs.

After the death of the elder, which followed in 1938, numerous letters began to come to the Panteleimonov Monastery, testifying to his heavenly intercession for those who turned to him with prayer.


O wondrous servant of God, Father Siluan! By the grace given to you from Bot, pray tearfully for the whole universe - the dead, the living and the future - do not keep silent for us to the Lord, who are zealously leaning towards you and are affectionately asking for your intercession. Move, about all-blessedness, to prayer the Zealous Intercessor of the Christian clan, the Most Blessed Mother of God and the Ever-Virgin Mary, who miraculously called you to be a faithful worker in Her earthly helipad, where the chosen one of God for our sins, mercy and long-suffering of our being, pray to God in unjust and not , but according to the ineffable goodness of our Lord Jesus Christ, harbor and save us according to His great mercy.

She, the saint of God, with the Most Blessed Lady of the world - the Most Holy Abbess of Athos and the holy ascetics of Her earthly lot, ask the saints for the Most Holy Word of the Holy Mount of Athos and her God-loving desert-dwellers from all the troubles and slander of the enemy in the world. Yes, the Angels are delivered by the saints from evil and strengthened by the Holy Spirit in faith and brotherly love, until the end of the century for the One, Holy, Catholic and Apostolic Church, prayers and show everyone the way of salvation, but the Earthly and Heavenly Church ceaselessly praises the Creator and the Father of Lights, enlightening and illuminating peace in the eternal truth and goodness of God.

For the people of the earth, ask for a prosperous and peaceful life, the spirit of humility and brotherly love, good nature and salvation, the spirit of the fear of God. May it not be malice and lawlessness that harden the hearts of men, capable of destroying the love of God in men and casting them down into godly enmity and fratricide, but in the power of Divine love and righteousness, as in heaven and on earth, may the name of God be holy, may His holy will be done in men and may peace and the Kingdom of God reign on earth.

Likewise, and your earthly Fatherland - the Land of Russia, ask for, God's servitor, the longed-for peace and heavenly blessing, in the all-powerful omophorion of the Mother of God, to get rid of him from gladness, destruction, cowardice, fire, sword, invasion of foreigners and internecine strife and from all visible enemies and invisible, and so the most holy house of the Most Blessed Mother of God until the end of the century, he will remain the Life-giving Cross by power and in the love of God to the inexhaustible will be affirmed.

For all of us, who are immersed in the darkness of sins and repentance of warmth, lower than the fear of God to those who do not have and to those of the immeasurably loving Lord who constantly offend us, ask for all blessedness from our All-Blessed God, so that with His All-Powerful Grace, divinely visit and revive our souls, and all malice and put away the pride of life, despondency and neglect in our hearts.

We also pray for the hedgehog and for us, by the grace of the All-All-Pious Spirit, strengthened and warmed by the love of God, in humanity and brotherly love, humble crucifixion for each other and for all, to be affirmed in the truth of God and in the grace-filled love of God to be strengthened in good faith, to approach and love Him. Yes, tako, doing His all-holy will, in all piety and purity of temporary living, we will not shamefully pass the path and with all the saints of the Heavenly Kingdom and His Lamb marriage we will be honored.

To Him, from all earthly and heavenly, let there be glory, honor and worship, with His Originless Father, His Most Holy and Good and Life-giving His Spirit, now and forever and forever and ever. Amen.

Based on the book by V.Yu. Malyagin and A.N. Strizhev
"Prayers for the salvation of Russia".